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                                                File Number S360-36 (DOS>
                                                Order No. GY24-5151-2

                                                      Program Logic

DOS Supervisor and Related Transients

Program Number 3S0N-CL-453

This reference publication describes the internal
logic of the IBM Disk Operating System. supervisor
and Physical and Recovery Transient Programs. It
is for persons involved in program maintenance and
for system programmers altering the program
design. Program logic information is not needed
for normal operation of these programs. This
publication is a supplement to the program

   Effective use of this manual requires an
understanding of IBM system/360 or System/370
operation and of IBM .Disk Operating System control
and service programs, macro instructions, and
operating procedures. Reference publications for
this information are listed in the Preface of this
manual.        .

DOS Release 25
    Third Edition (June 1971)

    This publication was formerly titled IBM System/360 Disk
    Operating System, Supervisor and Physical Transients Program
    Logic Manual. Although titles of some DOS publications
    (including this one) have been simplified, the change does
    not affect the contents of the publication.

    This edition applies to Release 25 of IBM Disk Operating
    System and to all subsequent releases until otherwise
    indicated in new editions or Technical Newsletters. Changes
    are continually made to the specifications herein; before
    using this publication in connection with the operation of
    IBM systems, consult the latest System/360 and System/370 SRL
    Newsletter, GN20-0360, for the editions that are applicable
    and current.

    This edition, GY24-5151-2, is a major revision of, and
    obsoletes, GY24-5151-1.

    Summary of Amendments

    This edition documents addition of, and changes to, the
    following information: PCIL (Private Core Image Library),
    JAI (Job Accounting Interface), System/370 RMs (Recovery
    Management Support), IDRA (Independent Directory Read-in
    Area), OLTEP (On-Line Test Executive Program), EREP
    (Environmental, Recording Editing, and Printing)
    enhancements, IBM 3211 Printer, System/360 Model 22, and
    certain maintenance enhancements.

    Changes or additions to the text and illustrations are
    indicated by a vertical line to the left of the change.

    Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to
    your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving
    your locality.

    A form for reader's comments is provided at the back of this
    publication.   If the form has been removed, comments may be
    addressed to IBM Laboratory, Publications Department,
    P.O. Box 24, Uithoorn, Netherlands. Comments become the
    property of IBM.

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