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                                            File No. S360-36
                                            Order No. GC28-6732-1   OS

Systems Reference Library

IBM System/360 Operating System:
Time Sharing Option
Command Language Reference

This reference publication describes the TSO
command language that a terminal user may use to
request the services of TSO.

   The "Introduction" describes what the command
language is. The section entitled "What You
Must Know to Use the Commands" contains general
information necessary for the use of every

   The section entitled "The Commands" contains
a description of each corrroand, its operands and
its subcommands. Examples are included.

    "Command Procedure statements" describes the
statements designed for use in command
procedures. The "Glossary" contains definitions
of terms contained in the text of the
   Information in this publication for TSO, the
IBM 2260 and 2265 Display Stations is for planning
purposes until those items are available.

This reference publication describes the                  The commands are presented in
commands, subcommands and operands of the              alphabetical order. Subcommands are
TSO Command Language. This publication is              presented in alphabetical order following
designed -f'or use at a terminal by all                the command to which they apply. A
terminal users. The level of knowledge                 boldface heading on each page identifies
required for this publication varies.                  the information contained on the page. The
Commands that are used by most terminal                boldface headings and alphabetical
users require little prerequisite knowledge            organization allow you to locate particular
of the system. Commands that are used only           , commands as you would locate a subject in a
by knowledgable users assume a greater               , dictionary or encyclopedia. Thelarger
knowledge of the system.                               boldface headings identify the first pages
                                                       of the descriptions of commands.,
The major divisions in this book are:
                                                         "Command Procedure Statements" describes

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