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             INSTRUCTION       MANUAL

                     MODEL     147

PRINTED,     APRIL    1977,     CLEVELAND,     OHIO,   U.   S.   A.
CONTENTS                                                                            MODEL 147


       Section                                                                    Page

       1.    GENERAL DESCRIPTZON----------------------------------------------      1

       2.    OPERATION--------------------------------------------------------      5

       3.    APPLICATIONS-----------------------------------------------------     21

       4.    C1Ianel,.

0572                                                                                                                 I
GENERAL DESCRIPTION                                                                                   MODEL 147

l-2.     FEATURFS,

   a. Battery     operation     permits    complete isolation     from ac power lines,  eliminating      many
grounding   problems.       Battery    operation    also allows flexibility   and convenience      in use.
The Model 147 automatically          recharges     the battery  if needed when the powercord         is connected.

  b. As an electronic        null detector,     the Model 147 is immune to mechanical          vibrations.
It will  also recover     from a Z-volt     overload  on its inost sensitive range in         less than      20

   c.  Besides performing        as a null   detector,   the Model   147 can also    be used as a 2% direct-
reading nanovoltmeter.

  d.     The Null Detector   has an output       of ;tl volt at up to 1 milliampere       for full-scale
meter    deflections  to drive a recorder        or oscilloscope.    Output accuracy      is ;tl% of full

  e. A zero suppression    circuit,     furnishing       up to 100 microvolts,      permits   measuring      small
changes in a larger  dc signal      or compensating       for thermal  emf's.

l-3.     APPLICATIONS.   (Also    see Section    3.)

    a. The Model 147 is designed specifically      as a null detector.        It has sufficient     sensi-
tivity  to be used in most applications     with all commercially      available    potentiometers,    in-
cluding   6-dial models, ratio  sets and resistance    bridges,   including      Wenner, Wheatstone and
Kelvin  Double Bridges.    It can be used to make 4-terminal      measurements.

   b.   Keithley's     Model 147 is more sensitive      than the finest    galvanometer      systems.    It is
also immune to mechanical       vibrations,   thus eliminating      the need for shock-free        mountings.
Additional      advantages  over galvanometer    systems'include      the ability  to recover      from 2-volt
overloads     in 20 seconds, much less off-null       loading,   plus considerably      faster    speed of


GENERAL DESCRIPTION                                           MODEL 147

                      FIGURE 2.   Front   Panel   Controls.


                                       SECTION         2.         OPERATION

2-l.    FRONT PANEL CONTROLS. (See Figure             2.)

   a. AC CONNECTI?DLamp. l:hc Lamp is lit whcncvcr the unit is connected                                 t0 i.lll     xi. pwur
line and the POWERSUPPLY Switch is in tile AC or OFF position,


  b.    BATTERY CHARGING Lamp.        When lit,      this        Lanq indicates  the ibattery           ins clrnr:ini:.     p1,:
charge current   determines its       brightness.           If    the lamp is noi l~it, tllc"           LllC lbilCLtdl.\ ii

   c.   POGJIZR
              SUPPLY Switch.        Ihe Switch      controls        tlrc mode of opcratiori       for      tile     powel- suppI!:.

      1. AC position:     The Null Detector will opcratc from the nc power Lint.         'TIIC
   battery will   be charged if needed; then, the BATTEQY CIIARGINC Lamp will    lil:ht.

     2. OFF position:          The Model 147 is not operating.               Howcvcr , tlic      battery          wil~l   lbc
   charged, if nccdcd        and if the power cord is connected.

      3. BATI'ERY position:    The Null Detector      is operating  from its battery.  'I`liC ni'
   power line is internally    disconnected,     whether or nut tile power cord is coluieclcd;
   the AC CONNECTiXD   Lamp is off;  the battery    cannot be charged.

     4. BATT. TEST position:      When the POWERSUPPLY Switch is held in this posil:ioii,
  the Model I.47 shows the state of the battery    charge directly   on its mctcr.  Al I
  circuits  within the instrument    are the same as for battery   operation exccpl at Lllc
  meter terminals.

   POWERSUPPLY                   Power Cord                 AC CONNKTED               BATTERY CIIARGINC La"{'
   Switch Setting        I       Connected                      Lamp            I     (If battery  is charging)

         AC                         Yes                             0"                                on
                                    YCS                             On                                Oil
                                    NO                              Off               Battery      CllnnOt          bc cli;lr::c!d
                                    Yes                             Off               Battfry      cannot           IbC char;:ed
                                    NO                              Off               Battery      cannot           hc chnr~cd
                                    Yes                             Off               Battery      can,,ot          bc cllar~:cd
         BATT TEST                  NO                              Off               LIattcry     cannot           be charged

   TABLE 1. Indicating         Lamps and POWERSUPPLY Switch Settings.   The Table SllOWS tile
   relationship    between     the front panel lamps, the power cord and the I'Oli'ER SUl'1~'I.Y
   Switch setting.

                                                                                                     MODEL 147 NULL DETECTOR

  d. RANGE Switch.        The RANGE Switch selects  the full-scale                        meter sensitivity                 (either
microvolts or millivolts)      for one of eight ranges, from 0.03                         to 100.

  e. FUNCTION Switch.  The FUNCTION Switch                       selects     the function        -     MICROVOLTS or HILLI-
VOLTS - which is to be measured.

    f.        ZERO SUPPRESSControls.           Two controls      determine     the    amount of zero                suppression.

       1. The COARSE Control  disconnects     the suppression  circuit                      (in       OFF position)            or
    selects one of four suppression    voltages   in decade steps.                        Refer       to Table 3.

       2. The FINE Control  is a continuously                   variable    adjustment  for           the suppression
    voltage  set by the COARSE Control.     It                adjusts    the range between            the positive    and
    negative  values of the maximum voltage                   set by the COARSE Control.

   g. INPUT Receptacle.   The INPUT Receptacle                      is of a special    low-thermal                   design.        Use
only the Models 14.81, 1482, 1486 and 1488 for                      mating connectors.

    FIGURE 3. Model 147 Rear Panel Controls                     and Connections.          Circuit           designations           refer
    to Replaceable Parts List and schematic                    diagrams.


  a. Line Voltage   Switch.    The screwdriver-operated                       slide     switch       sets     the Model        147 for
117 or 234-volt  ac power lines.

    b.        Fuse.

         2.     For 117-volt      operation,    use a 3 AG or MDL Slow-Blow              l/@ampere            fuse.

         2.     For 234-volt      operation,    use only      a MDL Slow-Blow         l/16-ampere           fuse.

   c. Power Cord.                The 3-wire power cord with the NEMA approved 3-prong plug                               provides        a
ground connection              for the cabinet.   An adapter for operation  from Z-terminal                              outlets       is

6                                                                                                                                     0365


            A note    above the power cord shows the ac power line i:rcqucncy                for
            which    the rejection     filter    is ad.justcd.  'The instrument   will      work
            at any     line frequency       from 50 t" 1000 cps, but ac rejection         is bcsc
            at the     indicated   frequency.      Paragraph 2-18 dcscribcs     adjustirl~;      lilf
            filter     circuit.

   d. DEMODULATORTEST Jack.             A phone jack         provides          access      to LllE denl"dLll~ator            ior   ti.5:

  f.    OUTPUT.      'The OUTPUT Rcceptaclc       provides       iL     volt     at     one!   mill.iampcrc       f:or   a    iilll.-scale
meter   deflection      on any range.

    f. GND and LO Tcrmiasls.   'The ground terminal.                    (GND) i.s conncctcd     to tllc chassis ;~II)~!! 1)~.
third  wire of the power cord.    The low terminal                    is connected    t" circui.t    ground and cl!&:
low side of the input connection.

2-3.     MODE 01: OPERATION. The Model 147 operates              cithfr    irom an                   ac power line or irom iis
battery.      b-or illost "SfS, it functions       well from ac.        Use battary                    operation,     llo~ifver,     i~1~
the ac power line will         create ground loop or isolation            problems.                     1solnfi"n     irun low to
ground is complete for battery           operation     when tllc power cord is                       disconnccl:cd;        i,t is
greater    than lOlo ohms wit11 the power cord connected.        use                  battery     operntiiln      it>
reduce the 8-cps ripple         which may appear at the output with i-11"                            input shorted         in i&c
operation.       See paragraph     Z-16.


            Before using the battery     operation, tll"r"ugllly  read paragraph   2-4.
            Improper battery   "pcration   can damage the battery     pack and lead to
            inaccurate  measurements.


         The Model 1.47 is supplied    with a rcchargcablc    h-volt,  4 ampere-ilour    Iliclr~l-~~l(llnilIr!l
ba:tery    pack (Model 1489).     Recommended: Do n"t usf the battery       more tlliln cigirt COII-
secutive    hours without  recharging.      At this discharge    rate, the battery    sl10u1d last abOUt
1000 recharge     cycles.


            Permanent damage to the battery    pack occurs if it is used for more
            than 16 consecutive  hours without   recharging.       At this discharge
            rate,  the recharge cycles are greatly    reduced.       Bflorf usi~ng tile
            Model 147, check the state of the battery        charge.

    b.  Cheek the battery     charge before making a measurement.   Hold the POWERSUPl'LY Switch
in the BATT. TEST position.         The minimum acceptable charge is a meter indi.cntion    oi ,8;
full. charge is shown by the BATTERY CHARGING Lamp not being lit.        Recharge il needed.
Otherwise,   battery   operation    is the same as for the ac power line operating     mode; rcI:cr
to paragraph    2-5.

OPERATION                                                                                   MODEL 147 NULL DETECTOR

             When the battery   is used beyond its capacity,       two effects    aye seen.
             There is a shift   in zero offset     from ac to battery   operation.     Also,
             the power supplies    do not regulate     and high ripple  voltages    appear
             at the supply outputs.      (See paragraph    5-8.)

  c.   To recharge the battery, connect the power cord to an ac power line.   Turn the
POWERSUPPLY Switch to AC or OFF. The BATTERY CHARGING Lamp will    light.   The battery will
be charged only if needed, and the circuit  automatically prevents it from being overcharged.

   d. It is suggested that the battery          be used during  the day and be recharged   at night.
Leave the instrument       always connected to the ac power line;       then turn the POWEKSUPPLY
Switch to OFF at night.         After a fully   charged battery   is used for eight consecutive
hours ) it will    recharge within    16 hours.     Leaving the power cord connected has little
effect  on the isolation:        1010 ohms with the POWERSUPPLY Switch in BATTERY position        and
the shorting    link between GND and LO Te?.minals disconnected.


    a.   Set the front      panel    controls     as follows:

                               POWERSUPPLY Switch                                    OFF
                               FUNCTION Switch                                       MILLIVOLTS
                               RANGE Switch                                          100
                               ZERO SUPPRESS COARSE Control                          OFF


             Make sure the ZERO SUPPRESS COARSE Control                  if OFF.    If it is not, a
             suppression  voltage is introduced, causing                 an error   in measurements.

  b.     Connect     the voltage     swrce      or null   circuit     to the INPUT Receptacle.       Refer    tO para-
graph    2-6 for     suggestions.

   c.  Check the voltage  shown on the rear panel Line Voltage    Switch;     connect the                      Model 147
to the ac pcwer line.    Make sure the frequency   shown above the power cord is the                           frequency
of the ac power line.    At this point,   the AC CONNECTEDLamp will    light,     asp will                   the
BATTERY CHARGING Lamp if the battery    is being charged.   If the circuit      low is to                     be at
ground, put the shorting   link between the LO and GND posts on the rear panel.

    d.   Turn   the POWERSUPPLY Switch            to the desired       mode of operation,     AC or BATTERY.

   e.     Increase   the Model      147 sensitivity       until     the meter   shows the greatest     on-scale    de-

        1. Check the source resistance   to make sure it is within  the maximum value specified
    for the range being used.     (See Table 2.)  If the maximum resistance    for the more sen-
    sitive  ranges is exceeded, the Model 147 may not measure within      its specifications.

       2. Zero offsets     seen when the Zero Suppress Controls  are off will                    vary with the
    quality  of the circuit's    thermal construction,  See paragraph   Z-14.                    When a Model 1488
    Shorting  Plug is connected to the Model 147 INPUT Receptacle,      offset                   should be less
    than 0.3 microvolt.

8                                                                                                                 046613
OP1:llATION                                                                                          MODEL I,47 NULL I1lYl'ECTOR

     1,, Make sure         the   signal      is greater      than Johnson          noise    in the source        resistance     (par-
  agraph 2-12 ).

        2.     Use materials     which    generate        a low thermal       emL (paragraph          2-14).

        3.    Mini.mize   temperature        changes     and thermal      gradients         (paragraph     Z-14).

        4       Reduce magnetically       induced      signals       by proper      shielding      and minimizing        experimen-
  tal        layout area (paragraph         2-15).

     5. Eliminate          ground    loops     through      proper     grounding         and connection        to the signal      cir-
  cuit (paragraph          2-16).


   a    Tlie easiest connection     to the Model
14~7 input is with the Model 1481 Low-Ther-
mal Input Cable, supplied       with the instru-
mcnt     Use tile Cable for temporary      setups,
for measurements at several        points,  and
when fast connections     are needed.      The Mo-
del 148~1 connects directly      to the INPUT

    b. Where more permanent setups are pos-
sible or where very Sow thermal connections                             FIGUKC 4. Model 1481 Low-Thermal      Input
arc needed, use the Model 1482 Low-Thermal                              Cable.   'The Model 11+82 Low-Thermal   Input
Input Cable.      It is similar     to the Model                        Cable is similar    except it has bare copper
1481 , except it leas bare copper leads in-                             leads instead    of alligator  clips.
stead of nl,ligator    clips.      Clean the bare
wire! width a non-metallic      abrasive,   such as
Scotch Isrite,   before making the connection.                       Making      crimp     connections,        as possible     with
illc> Model 1483 Kit,     is best.

   ('. Si cadmium solder (Model                1503) is used for a connection,       make sure the soldering
iron used is clean and that it                 has not been used with regular       solder before.      USC only
                                                                rosin solder flux.        If possible,     heat sink
                                                                all cadmium-soldered        joints  together    to re-
                                                                duce generated      thermal emf's.      Careful
                                                                techniques     will   keep thermal emf's below
                                                                0.1 microvolt.

                                                                           d. Use crimp connections          with copper
                                                                        wire and lugs for the best low-thermal
                                                                        joints.    Thermal emf's can be reduced to
                                                                        10 nanovolts    or less using the copper wire,
                                                                        sleeves and Lugs found in the Model 1483
                                                                        Low-Thermal Connection         Kit.   The Kit con-
                                                                        tains a crimp tool,        shielded   cable,  an as-
                                                                        sortment   of copper lugs, copper wire,          cad-
                                                                        mium solder and nylon bolts and nuts.              It
                                                                        is a complete kit for making very low ther-
I'LCUIW 5 . Model 1483 Low-Thermal Connecti                             mal measuring    circuits.        The Kit enables
K int . lieTcr to Section 6 for contents.                               the user 011 the Model 147 to maintain           the

OPERATION                                                                                                         MODEL 14,7 NULL DETECTOR

2-8.           FMATING            OPERATION.

   a. The Model 147 can be connected between two potentials,                                            neither       of which     is at power
line ground.   It can be floated up to ?4,00 volts off ground.


                The front   panel controls  are electrically      connected to the case.  If the
                power cord is unplugged,    the case may be at a voltage      equal to the off-
                ground voltage.    use necessary
                                   -               e         precautions.

     b.        For best           results    with   floating        operation,    follow      the steps         below:

          1.      Remove the            shorting    link    from the LO or GND Post on the                     rear   panel.

        2.        Connect the input circuit    to the Null Detector.    Operate as described   in paragraph
     2-5.         The zero suppress controls    may also be used.    Do not ground any recorders    used
     wfth        this operation,   since the low of the Model 14,7 output    is no longer grounded.

          3.      If      power line        frequency      pickup      is a problem,       battery      operation        usually       provides
     better            results.

2-9.    KECORDEROUTPUT. The Null Detector            output for a full-scale     meter deflection     on any
range is $1 volt at 1 milliampere.           Accuracy is ?I% of full      scale.    Output resistance    is
less than 5 ohms within        the amplifier   pass band.. Output may be used during both ac and
battery   operation.      If the Model 147 is used for differential          measurements,   do not ground
the recorder     connected   to the output.

               Model        147                     Model      147                     Model      147                          Model    147

                        P                                   V                                 v            b             4         P              4

FlGURF 6. Synchronized    Buss System for Model 14,7. When two or m"re Null Detectors                                                           are
used in one system, an oscillator    beat may occur;   see paragraph 2-10. Synchronize                                                        the
instruments by connecting   them as shown.   See Figure 29 for point II.

12                                                                                                                                             04,67R


    a. The Model 1.47 oscillator   is adjusted  for a nominal                             freqnency   ol 94 cps.  ,,Oi.!i~VC~1~
slight  variations  in frcqucncy   do occur between models.                               Wl,en using two or ,morc Xill I ill
tectors  in one system, an oscillator     beat may occur.

    b.    Synchronizing     oscillators          prevents    an objectionable              beat.    Connect tllc! cwc in:,t iii-
"ents together        at the collector           of transistor    (219 (Figure             29, Ipoint II), using iii: O.'i-
"icro.farad capacitor.

   c. At times the system               is suc11 that the Null Detector      lows may not bc conncctc~! di~-~~~t-
ly together.    Then, use a             1:l transformer     havi~ng a fairly   higil impedance between tllc Cvil
instruments.    A IlO-volt,             low power isolation      transformer   works wit.     USC n 0..5-:nicr

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