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           MODELS 164,164TT


164. 164l-T


       Figure       Ii".                           Title                             Page NO.

                1          Front   Panel                                                 1
                2          Front Panel Controls b Terminals,             Model 164       3
               3           Rear Panel Controls         b Terminals,    Model 164         3
               4           Four-Terminal      Resistance     Measurements                8
               5           Timing Diagram for AID COnVerfer                             12
               6           Typical     Open-Collector     outpue                        13
               7           Pill Designations       For Printer    output                13
               8           Front & Rear Panels, Model 164TT                             14
               9           Multimeter     Block Diagram                                 15
              10           Analog Amplifier        Block Diagram                        16
              11           A/D Converter      Block Diagram                             18
              12           Integrator     Simplified     Diagram                        19
              13           RANGE Knob Assembly                                          25
              14           Chassis Assembly                                             25
              15           servicing     Of Chassis                                     26
              16           PC Board I.ocacions                                          27
              17           Side View of Chagsis                                         28
              18           Chassis, Bottom View                                         31
              19           Calibration     Controls                                     32
              20           Calibration     of Milliohm      Current Source              34
              21           Top Cover Assembly                                           37
              22           Botfom cover Assembly                                        37
              23           Component Layout, PC-254                                     50
              24           Component Layout. PC-251                                     51
              25           Component Layout, PC-248                                     51
              26           cmlponent Layout, PC-255                                     52
              27           Camponene Laywf,         PC-250                              52
              28           Component Layout, PC-287                                     53
              29           componenr Layout, PC-348                                     54
 SPECIFICATIONS                    MODELS 164, 164TT


iv                                              0474
                                                                                         Sheet     I of I

        KEITHLEY                           INSTRUMENTS.                                      INC

   To ensure  the integrity       of the chassis     to earth  ground connection     only a Keithley
   part number CO-7 line       cord should     be used for replacement.       If a different   line    cord
   is used ensure   that    the wiring    polarity     is the same as shown in the following        dia-


                              WHiTE                                       WHiTE

Keithley  Models   to which     this   warning   applies:   160,   163,   164,    165,   171,    180,   190,   227,
616, 6162, 702,    780
    MODELS 164,    164TT                                                                                            GENERAL 1NFORMATION

                                     SECTION            1.       GENERAL          INFORMATION

    l-l.   GENERAL.                                                          e.   AC/DC Probe Accessory.   The Model 1601 AC/DC
                                                                           Probe permits  ac voltage meas"reme"ts  to 250 volts
       a. mm Mode. The Model 164 serves as a line aper-                    rms over a spa" of 45 Hz Co 45kHr.    A probe mounted
    ated 3-l/2 digit    multimeter    having wide ranges for               switch enables selection   of ac or dc operation  vich-
    measllrement of voltage,     currerlt,    and resiseance.      I"      out disconnecting  the probe.
    the D"M mode. the 164 offers         seven dc volrage     ranges
    (from 1 microvolt    per digit    to 1000 volts).      eight dc
    current   ranges (from 0.1 nanoampere per digif           to 2
    amperes), and eight resistance         ranges (from 0.1 ohm
    per digit    LO 2000 megohms).                                         1-2.   APPLICATIONS. The Model 164 is a general pur-
                                                                           pose instrument    - used Fn Basic Research, Electronics
       b. Milliobmmerer-Obmeter          Mode. The Model 164               Development.    and Process Control.
    also Provides five additional         resistance   ra"ze8 for
    mas";eme"fa      requiring  resolution      to 10 microbm     per        a. I" the Research Lab - When used vith a suitable
    digit.    Four-terminal    measurement technique        minimizes       probe, transducer,   or electronic     circuit,     Model 164
    the effects    of lead and contact resistance         in 1orre-         can be used for digital    indication     of volts.    amps.
    sistance    measurements.                                               or ohms. or through conversion,       any physical     para-
                                                                            meter such aa temperature,     pressure,     and rpm.
        C. Electronic    High/Low Limit Trip option.         The
    Model 164TT provides      independent   electronic   trip                 b. I" Electronics    oevelopmene    Acriviry   - "seable
    CirCUitS for high and low limits.          me trips    are             for basic electrical    m?as"reme"ta    of voltage.    cur-
    "on-latching.      I" addftio"   to front pane1 indiG-                 rent. or resistance.
    to= lamps, the Model 164TT offers rear panel r-e-
    lay contacts.
        d. Di.sital   Oue~ut Accessory.     The Model 1602 is a
    field-installable     BCD output which my be used to inter-
    face the Model 164 wit31 a digital       printer   or computer.


    0474                                                                                                                                 1
        GENERAL INFOFwAT1ON                                                                                                                                 MODELS 164. 164~~
                                                                                TABLE l-1.
                                                            l+O"f         Panel Controls   and Terminals
                    Control                                                                                                                                       Paragraph

        RANGE SWITCH                  Sets the full range seneiei"ity and parameter to be measured (volts,                                                          2-2b
                                      amperes, or ohms in the D"N made, or milliohms/obms in the Milliobm-
                                      meter made).

            In", "                    Providea S.z"t?" voltage                ranges      from 1 mflli"olL               full      range   to 1000 "OltS
                                      full   range.

            "A,     IIA. mA           Provides eight current    ranges                    from 100 nanoampere                   full    range    to 1000
                                      milliamperes  full range.

            n, krl, MO                Provides eight resistance                      ranges     from 100 ohms full                 range   to 1000 meg-
                                      ohms full range.

            Power                     Controls         ac line      power to insfrument

            DMM                       Sets instrument              for    DMMmode of operation

            mn,n                      sets    instrumenf  for any one of five                        resistance      ranges            from 10 miniohm
                                      full    range to 100 ohms full range.                           (Milliobm     current            source terminals
                                      m"st    be connected to ""know".)

        SOURCE SWITCH                                                                                                                                                2-k
            operate                   sets instrument              for    normal millioblmneter            operation              (non-voltage      limit

            Volt     Limit            Sefs instrument      for "elf-limit      operation    such that maximum open-circuit                                           2-9e
                                      voltage   is limited     to 20 millivolts.         In this mode, measurement accuracy
                                      is degraded depending on the resistance              to be measured.   see X-9.2.
                                      Sets instrument      for compensating      thermal emfs in the milliobmmeter
                                      mode. (Used in conjunction          with the Zer" control.)



                                      Permits     adjustment             of display       zero.                                                                      2-2d


            Black                     currene     source         low (negative           polarity)

    I!                                                                                                                                                               Z-la

            Red                       Input     high

            Black                     Input     law

                                      Case ground

                                                                                   TABLE l-2.
                                                             Rear Panel            Controls   and Terminals
                    Control                                                          Functional       Description                                                  Paragraph
    Line Switch                        Sets instrument              for     either      117 or 234 volt           lina      power.                                   2-3a

    AC Power Receptacle                Mates with         3-"tie         ac line      cord.                                                                          2-4b
1   zero Control                       screwdriver          adjusrmenr          for     zeroing      o* 1 mv                                                         2-3b

    output          Recepracle         Analog     Output.          (r 1 volt         dc at full       range   at up to 1 milliampere).                               2-12

    BCD output           Receptacle    Optional         BCD output          available         with   Model 1602 Digital                 Output   Kit.                2-14      I

        2                                                                                                                                                                   0774
    MODELS 164, 164TT                                                                             GENERAL mFOF.MATlON

              MILL1                                                                                     RANGE
                 SOU                                                                                    SWITCH

                        HI         LO        CASE SOURCE                   ZERO    MODE/POWER
                        JlOl       J102      5104 SWITCH                   CONTROL SWITCH 51201
                                                  s1202                    R1215
                         OMM INPUT

                               FIGURE 2.   FronL Panel   Controls    h Terminals,    Model 164.

           ZERO                                                                                        SWITCH
           CONTROL                                                                                     s202
                                                                                                       AC POWER

I                              FIGURE 3.   Rear Panel Controls      b Terminals.    Model 164.

    0414                                                                                                            3
                                  SECTION            2.         OPERATING              INSTRUCTIONS

1-l.      1NPUT CONNECTIONS.                                                                                     NOTE

    a.    "inding   Pose Terminals.                                                The inscrumen~ provides     attenuation    of line
                                                                                   frequency  noise superimposed on an input
        L. DMMMode. Uinding post terminals        are pro-                         signal.   The a-c rejection     is specified    as
    vided o" the front panel for connections       EO input                        f0110!.W:
    HI (Red), input LO (Black),       and chassis ground
    (ccee").    For voltmeter,     ameter,  and ohmmeter                           WXR: Greater rha" 80 dB above one digit
    measurements,   the source should be conneceed be-                             for a voltage    of line frequency    or rwice
    tween the lower set of red and black termi"als.                                line frequency    an the nw5t sensitive     range?.
    Tile green rennin=1 may be connected to input LO                               decreasing    to 60 dB on the 100-millivolt
    by use of a shorting      link when grounded operation                         and higher ranges.      1000 volts peak-to-peak
    is desired.    see paragraph 2-11 for a discussion                             mCXXim"m.
    Of fl"aZi"g   operation.                                                       CMRR: Greater than 120 dB above one digit
                                                                                   at dc and 40 to 100 Hz ac.        500 volts dc,
       `.   Xilliobmecer       Mode. A separate pair of red                        100 volts peak-to-peak     ac maximum
    and black terminals        is provided     for use when making
    four-rermina1      reSiSLa"ce     nleaeurements.       The rnilli-       Proper shielding    as described  in        paragraph 2-1,~
    ohm ct~rrent source provides          a positive      dc current         can minimize noise pick-up when            rhe insrrumenc is
    at ihe iHI (Red) terminal         and is used in conjuncrio"             in the presence of excessive     a-c         Eiclds or when very
    wietl ci,e DMM terminals.         See paragraph       2-9 for a          sensitive   measurements are being          made.
    discussion      of milliohmeeer       operation.       The Model
    1641 Kelvin Test Lead Set (furnished               with the Model            3. Magnetic Fields.         `The presence Of strong mag-
    L64) simplifies       connections     co the resistance        to be     "etic    fields   can be a potential      source of a--c noise.
    measured.       The Test Lead provides        clip-o"    connec-         Magnetic flux lines which cut a conductor can pro-
    tions for both voltage         and current      leads without            duce large a-c noise especially           at power line fre-
    the need for separate cables.                                            quencies.       The voltage   induced due t" magnetic flux
                                                                             is proportional       to the area enclosed by the circuit
   b. Noise Considerations.              The limit      of resolution        as well as the race of change of maflnetic flux.             2%"
in voltage       and current measurements is derermined                      effective      wag co minimize magnetic pickup is LO           ,'
largely      hy rhe noise generated         in the source.          Stray    =rra"ge all wiring        SO Chaf fhe loop area enclosed
low-level       noise is present in some form in nearly al1                  is as small as possible         (such as twisting    input leads).
electrical       circuits.      The instrument       does not distin-        h Second way t" minimize mnR"etic pickup is to use
guish between stray and signal voltages                  since it mea-       shielding      as described   in paragraph 2-1,~.
sures the net voltage.             When using the 1 mV and 10 mV
ranges, consider           the presence of low-level          elecrrical
phenomena such a~ thermocouples               (thermoelectric         ef-
fect,,     flexing     of coaxial    cables (triboelectric            ef-
fect),     apparent residual        charges on capacitors            (die-   C.        Shielding.
lectric      absorption,,      and battery     actFan of two dFf-
ferenr contact materials            (galvanic     action).                      1. Electric   Fields.      Shielding    is usually    "eces-
                                                                             say, when the instrument       is in the presence of very
       1. Thermal Ems.         Thermal `auf.9 (thermoelectric                large a-c fields    or when very sensitive         measureme"ts
    porentiale)     are generated by thermal differences                     are being made. The shields          of the measurement cir-
    between two junctions        of dissimilar    metals.     To             cuit and leads should be connected together            t" ground
    minimize     ehe drift   caused by thermal emfs, use cop-                at only one point.       This provides     a "tree"   config-
    per leads to connect ehe circuit           to the i"s~rume"t.            uration,  which minimizes      ground loops.
    The front or rear panel ZERO control            cm, be used
    to buck out thermal offsets         if aecessary.                            2. Magnetic Fields.      Magnetic shielding    is use-
    The KeiChley accessory Model 1483 Low Thermal Con-                       ful where very large magnetic fields        are present.
    nection     Kit confains a11 necessary materials          for            Shielding.    which is available     in the form of plates,
    making very low thermal cop,xr crimp connections                         foil or cables,    ca" be used to shield the measuring
    for minimizing      thermal effecrs.                                     circuit,   the lead wires,    or the instrument    itself.

        2. A-C Electric         Fields.    The presence of elec-                  3.     other      Considerations.
    tric    fields    generaced     by power lines or other
    s""rceB can have an effect            on instrument    operation.                a) Voltmeter Measurements.     "se shielded   in-
    A-C voltages       which are very large with respect           to             put leads when so"rcr resistances    are greater
    the full-scale         range sensieivicy      could drive the                 than lmegohm or when long input cables are used.
    a-c amplifier        into saturafian,      thus producing     a"
    err""e""s      d-c oq.tpue.

4                                                                                                                                        0414
MODELS 164, 164TT

         b) current Measurements.     on the InA CUrrent                    3. Zero Posltia".    This position   disconnects the
       ranges, no special   shielding precautions  need be               current source from the ""k"0w"     for zeroing the
       taken.   "rawever, on the UA and nA ranges, shield-               Model 164 in the milliohmeter      mode only.
       ed input leads are recormended.
                                                                         d. Zero Conerol.      This conrro1 is uSed in co"-
                                                                      ,unction   with the Source Switch (Zero Position)       to
       put leads and =o"rce are recommended for m==="r=-              zero the reading in the milliohmeter         mode. The co"-
       menes an the 10 megohm through 1000 megoh ranges               rral may also br used in the DMMmode for adJustme"ts
                                                                      on the 1 mV and 10 m" ranges.        (A rear panel zero
                                                                      adjusrmenr    ie also provided   for making co==== zero
                                                                      =d,ustme"fs.)     Place a short =cro== "oltm=t=r     t=r-
                                                                      minals before ad,usfi"g      zero in Voltmeter   mode.


   a. Power/Mode Switch.      This switch permits selec-
tion of onerafine   mode. The DMM oosirio"        allows the
Model 164 co be used as a voltme&,          ameter,    and
ohmmeter.   The mn and n positions      allow the Model 164
to be used as a four-terminal     resistance     measuring
instrument.    The Power OFF pcxition      disconnects    line
power to the instrument.

  b. Range Switch.       This switch permits selection
Of function and full     range in the mm mode.

     2. "oltage    Funcrio".    The voltage     sectors of the
  Range Switch are designated      in millivolts       (mV) and
  Volts (") for full ranges from 1 millivolt            to 1000
  Volts.    A full stop at the 1000 Volt range prevents
  inad"erranL    Switching   to the nanaampere ranges with
  clockwise   switch rOCatlo*.

      3. Resistance  Function.  The resisrance    (ohms)
  sectors of the Range Switch are designated      in ohms
   (n), kilohms (K!?), and Megohms       for full ranges
  from 10" ohms to 1000 megohms.

     4. Current Function.     The current (amperes) s=c-
  fors of the Range Switch are designated       in "a""-
  amperes (*),   microamperes   (NY), and milliamperes
  (ma), for full  ranges from 100 nanoamperes fO 1000

   C. Source Switch.    This switch permits         selection
of operate, Volt Limit,   or zero operation         when using
rhe mR, n modes.
                                                                       For maximum operaeor safety,  connect the ground wire
     1. operate Position.       This position permits *or-             of the line cord LO earth ground.     This will ensure
  ma1 operation    of the Model 164 as a four-terminal                 that the CASE is at graund potential.
  resistance    measuring instrument.

     2. Volt Limit Position.           This position  limits    the
  ope"-circ"it      voltage   of the mi11*otlm current     source
  to 20 millivolts.         ln this mode, measurement =CCU-
  racy is degraded depending 0" the resi=t="C=             to be
  measured.      POT example, if a full      range resistance             d. Funcfion,Ra"~e     Selection. sehxr    the PU"Cti0"
  is connected (such as 10 0" the 1Q Range) the I"===-                 and Sensitivity    using the RANGE switch.     I" MILLI-
  urement accuracy is degraded by 5% since a 2On re-                   OHMMETER   mode, the RANGE switch is used in co"ju"c-
  sistance     is shunting     the input.                              tion with the MODE Svirch as described     in paragraph

0774                                                                                                                                5

I           "PERKrING
                 INSTRUCTIONS                                                                                                 HODELS 164, 164~

         2-5.   MODESOF OPERATION. The Model 164 permits meas-                          d. Innut resistance.        The input haa a reeist="Ce
         urements in either  of two modes of operation, 1, Multf-                    "f 10 m=whms 0" the 10 millivolt         and higher =a"~*,
         meter ?lode (DMM) or 2) Ohmmeter-Milliobmmeter Mode (n,                     1 megohm on the l-millivolt       range.   FO= lomv and
         mn).                                                                        higher =a"Ses, a 1000 ohm source eestatance          will
                                                                                     introduce  only 0.01% e==o=. 'ro maintain        rated acw-i
          a. Elulrimeter   Mode (DMM . I" the DMMmode, rbe
                                    1                                                racy o" the 1mV =a"~.       the source reaiseance     should
        Model lb4 permifs measurement of uolrage,     current,                       not exceed 100 ohms.
        and resiseance   (LO 0.U per digit)   for conventional
        cAeas*relne*ts.  To select the DMN mode, set the Mode                         e. Off-Ground Measurements.       The instrument low
        Switch to the DMMposition.       men set rhe Range                         terminal   can be floated  *500 volts above CASE ground
        Switch to the appropriate    function and range.                           for voltage ,~~~%S"re?me"t~. Refer to paragraph 2-11
                                                                                   for complete instructions.
           b. Ohmmeter-Milliohmmeter        Mode (0, mi2). I" either
        thz1 or mil modes, the Model 164 permits mea~"=ement                          f.   AC Voltage Adapter Probe.        The Model 1601 AC/DC
        Of resistance     using a four-terminal     voltage-current                Probe permits convenient       a-c voltage meaguremenfs from
        method.     To select the n or mii modes, set the Mode                     0.1 volt to 250 volts rms o"e= a span of 4s HZ to 45
        Smirch to the desired "ohms" position.            Separate                 kkh.    A probe-mounted    switch provides     convenient   se-
        rerminals    ace provided   for cu==ent and voltage          se"-          lection   of,a-c   o= d-c operation     without disconnecring
        sing.     rhe Model 1641 Kelvin Test Lead Set ifurnish-                    the probe.      Therefore,  the probe may be pe=manently
        ed with the Model 164) simplifies        connections       to the          attached.
        resiSta"ce     to be measured.    The terminals     identified
        as "m;2 SOURCE" provide a c"==ent in five decades                          2-7.    aMMETER OPERATION (DMM Mode).   This mode of
        from 10 microamperes to 100 milliamperes,           co==eg-                operation  enables current meaS"=eme*ts from 0.1 "ano-
        pending to positions      on the Made Switch identi-                       ampere per digit   (100 nanoamperes full range) to 2
        fied as IOK?, IOn, I!,, 100m0, o= 10mrt. The ter-                          amperes with 100% overranging    on all ranges.
        minals normally used for "MB measurements are for
        voltage sensing when making four terminal           resis-                    a. Range Selection.      To select ammeter operarion,
        tance meusurements.       The Range Switch Of the Model                    set the Mode Switch to DMM, the" set the RanSe Switch
        164 nl"Sf he set to rile lrn" function     when using the                  to the appropriate    full range cu==e"t.   As an ammeter,
        oirmmeter-milliohmmeter     modes.                                         the Model 164 provides     eight ranges as given in Table

        2-6.    VOLTMETEROPERATION @MM Node).      This mode of                      b. Co""ecfio*s.     Connect the input twminals    so as
        operation   enables voltage meaS"=eme"eS from il micro-                    to place the Multimeter   in series with the current   to
        volt per digit    (1 millivolt full range) to tlOO0 volts.                 be measured.

                Range Selection.     To select "oltmeLe= operation                    C. Measurement Accuracy.     The current   accuracy is (?
        se:'the   !Iode Switch t" DMM, then set the Range Switch                   specified  as '0.2% of reading,   fl digit   on all ranges:
        to the appropriate      full range voltage.    as a "olr-                  Since the accuracy is specified     ac the input terminals,
        meter, the Model 164 provides       seven ranges as given                  the loading effects  should also be considered.       See
        in Table 2-l.                                                              Table 2-2 for values of shu"t resisfors.
                                     TABLE z-1.                                       d. Off-Ground Measurements.        The Model 164 low
                                "olmeter   operation                               terminal   can be floated   t500 volts above CASE ground
                                                                                   for current   measu=eme"ts.     Refer to paragraph 2-11
        Range setcin           Full   P.a"Se Display        Overrange   Display    for complete instructions.
    I                     El                            I
                1   In"               1.000 In"                 1.999 In"          2-S.    OWMMETER  OPERATION @MM Mode).   TXhis mode of
               10   In"               10.00 rn"                 19.99 rn"          operaeion  enables resistance   meaS"=eme"eS from 0.1
              100   II"               100.0 mv                  199.9 in"          ohm per digit    (100 ohms full range) to 2000 megohms.
                1     "               1.000   "                 1.999 "
               10     v               10.00 v                   19.99 "              2,. Range Selection.   TO select ollmmeter operation
              100     "               100.0 v                   199.9   "          @MM mode), set the Mode Switch to DMM, then set the
             1000     "               1000. "                   1000. v*           Range Switch to the appropriate   full range resistance.
                                                                                   As an ohmmeter, the Model 164 provides    eighr ranges
        *Maximum allowable   input is 1000 volts continuous   in-                  as given in Table 2-3.
        p"t on 1-"OlC to 1000~volt ranges.      1000 volts momen-
        tary, 300 volts co"rin"ous   on lower ranges.                                b. Voltage Across the Unknown. "olfage           drop is
                                                                                   100 millivolts     at full  range with 1.5 V max. into
           b. Measurement Accuracy.               The voltage  a~curac,.      is   a" open circuit.      Thus the current   through the "n-
        t(O.l% of reading + 1 digit)              on all ranges.                   known is determined      by dividing  the 100 millivolts
                                                                                   by the full    range resistance.

           C. Overload Recovery.      The instrument   will recover                   c. Maximum Overload.   Maximum voltage ac=oss the
        from 300-volt   overloads within    five seconds on the                    input tennina1s is 20 voles momentary and 1 Volt
        lm" range.    "p CO 1000 volts peak may be applied                         co"ti""o"s.
        momentarily   on any range without damaging the i"st=u-
        ment .                                                                       d.   Accuracy.   As shown in Table     2-4.

        6                                                                                                                                       0474
                          1 UA                      1.000    LlA
                         10 II.4                    10.00    pA
                        100 "A                      100.0    DA
                          ImA                       1.000    mA
                         10 m.4                     10.00    mA                   19.99 mA                   1    0
                        100 m.4                     100.0    mA                   199.9 InA               0.1     a
                       1000 mA                      1000.    m.4                  1999. m.4               0.1     1

                                                              TABLE 2-3.
                                                          ohmmeter operation

            Range setting           Full    Range Display             overrange   Display          Impressed     current

                100     n                   100.0    n                    199.9     n                       ImA
                  1   !4                    1.000   !4                    1.999   kl2                    0.1 mA
                 10   !4                    10.00   kn                    19.99   I&                    0.01 mA
                100   kn                    100.0   kn                    199.9   kli                       1 "A
                  1   MST                   1.000   MCI                   1.999   MO                     0.1 )A
                 10   Mn                    10.00   MO                    19.99   km                    0.01 U.4
                100   MO                    100.0   Mn                    199.9   Mn                        1 "A
               1000   Mn                    1000.   Mrl                   1999.   Mn                     0.1 n.4

                    Full    Scale   RanRe                                               Accuracy   of Reading*

                            100 n                                                           to.32 k 0.1 :i
                              1 km                                                          20.3%


    OPEP`4TING 1NSTR"CTIONS                                                                                                             MODELS 164, 164'~

     z-9.    OHMMETER-MILLIOIIMMETCROPERATION ($2, "!i Mode).                            the displayed     reading tlust be interpreted         by calcula-
     I" the :r,mr moties, the Model 164 permits meaS"reme"t                              ting Ohm's law where R = V/r.             we,, using the 1 m"
     Of resisrance  from lOUS per digit   to 2oon "Sing a                                RP"c- setting,     no calculation       is necessary since the
     four-cermina1  voltage-current  method.                                             Model 164 provides       direct-reading       ranges as marked
                                                                                         on the Mode SWiTCh. If any other "Oltage range is
       d        summary of operation.                                                    used (other than 1 rn") the resistance             must be deter-
                                                                                         mined by calculation        since all decimal points will            r),
          1. cannect OMMand ml2 source               terminals       to resis-           be lighted    (therefore     the decimal p~int location         will
       tance LO be measured.                                                             be ambiguous).       The direct-reading        ranges available
                                                                                         on the Model 164 are shovn in gable 2-s.
           2.     set RANGE ta h"
                                                                                          d. Current Source.         The current  source in the
         3. set ?foLte Switch to desired              range:       l"lDil,             Node1 164 provides     a constant current which may be
       lOOmA, I::, 102, or 1000.                                                       selected   in five decade steps from 10 microamperes
                                                                                       to 100 milliamperes.        The source can provide a corn-
           4.     set source   Switch     to ZERO.                                     plia*ce  "oltage    up to 2 volts     (in OPERATE mode only)
                                                                                       on au mnin mode settings.          For example, the Model
           5.     Adjust   Zero Control     for zero display.                          164 may be used co furnish        a currenf of 100 milli-
                                                                                       amperes to a load resisrance        of.20 ohms (giving    a 2
          6. Set Source Switch tc, OPERATE (except for "OLT-                           volt drop).      I" the "OPERATE" mode, the Model 164
       LIMIT operation).  Refer to section  2s9e for "OlC                              has an open-circuit      voltage of approximately      15 volts
       Limit Operation.                                                                In the "VOLT LIMIT" mode, the Model 164 has an onen
                                                                                       circuit  voltage of 20 millivolts.
       b. cannectians.       separate pairs of rermina1s are
    provided   for rile current     source and voltmeter   to fa-
    CiliCaLe   four-terminal     resistance  measurements.    me                                                       NOTE
    rermina1s identified      as "n& SOURCE" provide a current
    which may be selected      in five decade steps from 10                                      If the resistance       LO be measured is polarity
    microamperes     to 100 milliamperes.     me terminals    nor-                               sensitive,     the" care should be take" to con-
    mally used for mm meaSureme"tS (lower pair) are the                                          nect the red (positive)         terminal   to the un-
    "oltmeter    terminals.                                                                      known so chat the desired polarity           is obtain-
                                                                                                 ed.     (Conventional    current    flow is out Of the
                                                                                                 red terminal      and into the black terminal.)
       c. Range Selection.        I" the mn,n mode, the current
    supplied  at the "Inn SOURCE" terminals          (upper pair)
    may be selected    in five decade steps from 10 micro-
    amperes co 100 milliamperes.          when the Range switch
    is ser to 1 In" sensitivity,       the" the five positions
    on ciie Mode svitch    correspond     to full    ranges of 1cmn,
    lOOna, 1.2, 1052, or 10057. since the full           range resis-
    tance is determined     by the current       impressed at the
    "l"G SO"RCE" terminals     and the voltage       sensitivity,


                                                                             MODEL 164

                                                                                                                 VOLTAGE LEADS Vl,VZ

                                                                                                                 CURRENTLEADS Cl, C2

                                                                               RESISTANCE UNDER TEST

                                            FIGURE 4.          Four-Terminal     Resistance       Measurements

             MODELS 164, 164TT                                                                                                                           OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS

                                                                                                  TABLE 2-5.
                                                                                    Full      Ranges in mn and il Modes

                                                                                                               Max. Reading
                                      Mode setting                    hange Setting*                   (wirh   100% overranping)              mu source
                                            10 roil                             1   m"*                          19.99 mn                       100      mA
                                           100 mil                              1   Ill"*                        199.9 mn                         10     ULA
                                             1 n                                1   In"*                         1.999  !!                         lti
                                            10 !I                               1   mv*                          19.99  .i                      0.1      mA
                                           100 11                               1   In"*                         199.9  '2                     0.01      ti
                                      *decimal        location         is valid             only   when lm" range    is selected.

                e. Voltage Limit Operation.             The VOLT LIMIT mode                                       f.   Power Dissipation      in Unknown. The power dis-
             limits    rhe own-circuit       volraae    across the m.GSOURCE                                   sipated    in the unknown    is a function   of the current
             terminals     to-20 millivolts.        This feature     is useful                                 impressed by the Model       164 current   source.  Power
             when testing      relays and switches        to determine if a                                    developed.    Worst-case,    is dependent on the range sel-
             "dry circuit"       contact is present.        (For a discussion                                  ected and the compliance         limit.
             of "dry circuit"       measurements,      refer to ASTM Specifi-
             cation       8539-70.)                                                                                 1. Volt Limit Mode. I" this mode, the compliance
                                                   NOTE                                                          voltage limit   is set at 20 millivolts.     The w"rst
                      MeaS"reme"LS     performed          in   VOLT     LIMIT        InOde                       case power dissipation   would be a function    of " x I
                      should be used for           approx. readi",qs &                                           as shown in Table 2-6.
                      since a portion  of          the mn Source current
                      is shunted through           the limit  resisror                                                                  TABLE 2-6.
                      (R1210, 1211, 1212,            1213, or 1214) as
                      shown on schematic           262420.

             For "dry circuit:'      testing,    set SOURCEswitch to VOLT
             LILlIT.  If an on-scale        reading is indicated.        the"                                         10 mn                20 In"                2 InilliwattS
             switch to OPERATE mode and record resistance               of the                                       100 mn                20 m"               200 microwatts
             display.    If an over-range         condition   is indicated    then                                     1   0               20 In"               20 microwatts
             a "dry circuit"       open condition      is present.     since the                                      10   n               20 m"                  2 miCrowattS
             valcage is limited        to 20 mV, the 164 canmt breakdown                                             100   n               20 m"               0.2 microwatt
             the contact     resistance     unless switched CO OPERATE
                                                                                                                    2. OPERATE "ode.        I" OPERATE mode, the power
                                                                                                                 dissipation  is a funcrion   of range selected es
                       care should be taken t" amid a transient                                                  shown in Table 2-7.
                       current  pulse which may result    from an over-
                       shoot of the SOURCESwitch when switching                                                   g.  Milliohmmeter     Zero Adjpsc.   set the source
                       from ZERO to VOLT LIMIT positions.       When                                           Switch to ZERO. the Mode Switch to 10011 (or Lhe de-
                       making dry circuit  measurements,     the re-                                           sired range),    and the Range Switch t" 1 mV. Connecr
                       commended procedure is to check the read-                                               the unknown to the four terminals       as described     in
                       ing in VOLT LIMIT mode, Lhen switch to ZERO                                             paragraph 2-9a.      Adjust the Milliohmeter      Zero con-
                       to adjust for zero offsets   before taking a                                            trol to give a zero reading with a flashing          r display.
                       reading in OPERATE.
                                                                      The transient    voltage which can be generated
    I                                                                 by avershoor of the SOURCE Switch could be as
                                                                      large as 15 volts.       This voltage transient may
                                                                      be sufficient    to explode devices such as det-
                                                                      "namrs     and squibs if measured in the milli-
    I                                                                 obmneter mode.



OPmATING niSTR"CTIONS                                                                                                  MODELS 164, 16433

                                                                                 The maximum conc~nuous input        voltage   is
                                                                                 :lOOO volts an the 1000 volf        xange.
"erS"S Currenf lneasurements are required.      since the
mR currenf    source in rhe Model 164 has a compliance
voltage   range up to 2 volts,    the Model 164 can be
used for material    resting   or semiconductor diode                           1. when the Range Switch is placed in Ampere t),;                 4
checkout using the ranges given in Table 2-8.                                positions   100 "A through 1000 mA, the MultimeLer
                                                                             digit.31 display      indicates     the voltage     across a
                                                                             calibrated,    self-contained         resistor.     The Range
                            TABLE 2-8.                                       Switch au~amatically         selects     the calibrated
               V-I   Characteristic    Measurements                          ran e resistor      for current measurements from 1 x
                                                                             lo- 7 to 1 ampere full range.
 ode setting          current         Range setting        Full    Range.
                                                                                2. The Range Switch is designared         in conven-
     10 mn             100      mA             1   rn"           10 mn       ient engineering   units,   "A (nanoamperes),      PA
    100 mn               10     "IA            1   "I"          100 mn        (microamperes)  and al.4 (milliamperes)     with the
      1 0                 lti                  1   In"            1 0.       decimal point automatically       positioned    in the           3
     10 n              0.1      n!A            1   El"           10 n        display.
    100 ii            0.01      mA             1   In"          100 0
                                                                                3. me full-scale          current   is determined by the      ,
     10 mn             100 DA                 10   mv*          100 mn*      Range Switch.    Refer       to Table 2-9 for the full-
    100 ms2              10 *                 10   Ill"*          1 n*       range current   ranges       available   on the Model 164.
      1 n                 ImA                 10   mv*           10 n*
     10 0              0.1 mA                 10   mv*          100 **
    100 n             0.01 In4                10   nlv*        1000 n*
     10 Inn            100 mA             100      a"*            1 **              Ampere        Range
    100 nIlI             10 mA            100      "Iv*          10 n*
      1 n                 1mA             100      In"*         100 n*
     10 n              0.1 mA             100      In"*        1000 n*                  1 x   10-7
    100 ;!            0.01 mA             100      "Iv*          10 kn*                 1.x   10-6
                                                                                        1 x   101;
     10 In<,           100 mA                  1     v*          10 **                  1 x   1om3
    100 mn               10 mA                 1     v*         100 n*                  1 x   10-2
      1 2                 1mA                  1     v*        1000 cl*                 1 x   10
     10 !I             0.1 nA                  1     v*          10 k&l*                1 x   10-l
    100 P             0.01 m.4                 1     v*         100 ki2"                      I

*NOTE: Decimal point 1ocacion is not indicated       when                   C.   ohmmeter Display.
the Range Swirch is set fo any posirion     other than ~mv,
since all decimal points will   be lighted.     However,                       1. When rhe Range Switch is placed in Ohms posi-
decimal paint can be determined   by a sample calculation                   tions 100 n through 1000 MO, the Multimeter   digital
uf V : I for a given range.                                                 display  designates  the valrage across the unknown
                                                                            resistor  with a fixed current applied.
                                                                              2. The Range Switch is designated      in convenient
                                                                            engineering   units, 0 (ohms), KO (kilohms)   and M,i
                                                                            (megohm) with the decimal point automatically
     1. When the Range Switch is placed in voltage                          positioned  in the readout.
  positions 1 mv through 1000". the digital display                                                                                           /
  ind*caCes the actual voltage  measured.                                      3. The full-scale      resistance  is determined by
                                                                            the Lange Switch.       Refer to Table 2-10 for the full-
     2. me Flange SWifCh is designated   in convenienr                      range resistance     ranges available   on the Model 164.         ,
  engineering  units, rn" (millivolt*) and " ~"OlCS)
  with the decimal point automacica11y   positioned    in                                           TABLE Z-10.
  the display.                                                                                 Resistance  Display

    3. me full          voltage       range    is determined      by the
  Range Switch.

                                                                                          1   x   lo2
      4. A" overrange display          up to a maximum of 1999                            1   x   103
  is provided by an overrange           "I" Lndicator.                                    1   x   104
  For an input greater          than 1999, all digits       will be                       1   x   105
  blanked except the overrange            "1" indicator.        The                       1   x   106
  polarity    indicator      will remain lighted       indicating                         1   x   10'                                         i
  the correct      polarity.       TO remo"e an overload        con-                      1   x   lo8
            change the Range Switch to a lees sensitive
              or decrease the input signal magnitude.
                                                                                          1   Y   109
                                                                                                                                       01         4

                                                                                                                                     OPERATING INSTR"CTIONS

                                                                                   h. Set the Range Switch to Amperes positions                                    1000
                                                                                 mA to 100 "ii while checking the readout so that                                  *era
           a. me low terminal       can be floated     above CASE                is indicated  0" all ranges.
        ground by removing the shorting        link between the I.0
        and CASE. 1salatian      from circuit     ground to chassis                i.         RemoVe the Short          circuit       at the input          terminals
    0   ground is greater    than 100 megohms shunted by less
        than 0.02 microfarad.       Circuit   ground may be floated                   1. Volts Ranges.   me in?.trument                        will normally
        up to k500 volts with respect LO chassis ground in                         read off zero a small nmount o" the                         1 m" through
        the voltage  and current modes.                                            100 In" ranges because Of sensitivity                        co random
                                                                                   noise.   The readout should remain at                        zero on the
           b. When the inserument         is used far off-ground                   ranges 1" through 1000".
        voltage    or current     measurements,   rhe low terminal    is
        at floating    potential.      The instrument     case ground                 2. Ohms Ranges.       All Ohms ranges                    should        indicate
        should be connected to earth ground through the line                       a readout overload where all digits                         except        a "1" in
        and ground terminal.         The shorting    link between LO               the overrange   position     are blanked.
        and CASE must be disconnected.
                                                                                      3. Amperes Ranges.    All current  ranges                             should
                                                                                   indicate a zero readout,    except for noise                             fluctuations.

4                                                                                   j.   After the preceding   checkout is made, the in-
                                                                                 strument should be useable for a11 measurements WiCh
        2-12.     ANALOG OUTPUT. me instrumenr           has an analog           no further    adjustments  necessary.
        output of 21 volt (non-inverting)         at up to 1 milli-
        ampere for recording      purposes.     For off-ground    oper-
        ation,    the analag 21 volt OUTPUT should not be con-
        nected unless a" external       recorder    is capable of
        floating     at !500 volts with greater       than 100 megohms

        2-13.     ZERO AD.J"STmNTS.                                              2-14.         DIGITAl. OUTPUTS AND EXTERNAL CONTROLS.

          a. Short Lhe input       terminals    with a 10" terminal                a.         General.
        connection - preferably       a short   copper wire or clip
                                                                                     1. The Model 1602 Oigiral   Output                        Kit     provides
                                                                                   opriona1 BCO OUtputS and controls.

        range.                                                                        2. Included    is a 50-pin PRINTEK/CONTROL Connector
                                                                                   (receptacle)   for mounting an the instrument  rear
           C. set the front pane1 zero control               (P.1215) to           panel.
        the full clockwise  position.
                                                                                      3. An output buffer card plugs into a prewired
           d. If the digital  display does not indicate +11                        connector     on the chassis for either   factory or user
        to +13 mv, use the rear panel ZERO Control to adjust                       installation.        Buffer card replaces PC-255 inter-
        the instrumenr.                                                            connecting     card.

          e. Readjust front       panel zero.         zero     is indicated        b.         OUtpUt Codes and Levels.
        by flashing t polarity      lights.
                                                                                     1.         The PRINTER/CONTROL 0"fp"tS                  are Binary Coded
          f.  Check for     zero reading     on all   ranges     fro"   10 In"     oechl          (~0)  ~lgnals with I-2-4-8                  standard code.
        to 1000 ".
                                                                                         2.     me standard         signal        levels   are as follows:
                                                                                              output     l.Qgic   "1"      see Table       2-11 (pg.         12)
                If there is an off zero reading on the 1 volr
                range, it "ill  be necessary to adjust CT`? cm-                               output     Logic    "0"      see Table       2-11      (pg.    12)
                RENT OFFSET ADJ. 0" the underside of the chassis.
                Refer to Figure 18.
                                                                                      3. me Buffer                stages     uti1i7.e      "Open Collector"
           g. set the Range Switch to ohms positions               1000 m           O"Lp"t transistors.
        to 100 n while checking the readout so that               zero is
        indicated 0" all ranges.

                                      NOTE                                          c.        OUtpUt Information.

                If clip leads are used on the input terminals,
                the lead resistance may be indicated     on the
                100 n range since the last digit   sensitivity
                is 0.1 n per digit.
        0474                                                                                                                                                            11
OPERATING INSTRUCTlONS                                                                                                     MODELS 164, 164TT

                                                                TABLE 2-l'.

                                                         Model 1602 Outputs

                                                                                                                                                i i
  rJICITAL OUTPUT: Em (1, 2, 4, 8) open collector                           OUTPUT LOGIC LEVELS:
     logic   (Motorola MC 858P) represents      each of 3                     output Logic "1":        open transistor      coll

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