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                       INSTRUCTION          MANUAL

                                Model      IV0
                      Digital       Multimeter

     @COPYRIGHT      1975,      KEITHLEY         INSTRUMENTS,      INC.

FOURTH   PRINTING,   DECEMBER       1977,    CLEVELAND,         OHIO,     U.S.A.


SPECIFICATIONS                                                                                                                                                     MODEL 190


     AS A DC VOLTMETER                                                                AS AN OHMMETER
     RANGE:       -`lo     m~crovolts     per d,git (1 volt full range) lo            RANGE:      10 milliohms      per digit (1 lcllohm full range) 1"
        IlOO       volts full range in four decade              ranges. 100%            10 megohms         full range in 11% decade ranges            1,OO"o
        ""erranglng          to 199999 on ai1 ranges except on the                      overranging       lo 199999 on ail ranges~
        1000.""II       range,                                                        ACCURACY         (90 days):     ?tO 02% of readlng         + 0 O,"a
     ACCURACY'              (24 hours):        5(0.005%        of reading        +      Of ranqe + O,2 ohm, exceDt _tio~08"o               0, lead,""     f
        0,005"0 01 range). (90 days);                +(0.015%        of reading         O.OlYo-"I    range) on the lO:meg;hm            range           -
          i 0,00500 "I range,,             *      k?ss than 0~00001%             Of   TEMPERATURE            COEFFICIENT:       ?10~002"~      "1 read,""
        reading      per ""I, from full range                                              1, 0,001% "1 range,/ c except i(0 01"" "`i
     TEMPERATURE                  COEFFICIENT:                iO,OOZ%           "1      "1 readlng'+      0.001"~      "1 range)    `"c "n the
        readinglc                                                                       10.megohm      range,
     INPUT RESISTANCE:                Greater      than 1000 megohms            on    SETTLING      TIME: Less than 3 seconds         plus 1 second
        the l-V",, range, 10 megohms                 on the 10 to 1000.""If             ppr megohm      lo wIthin OOlOb of final readlng~
        ranges,                                                                       CONFIGURATION:          Two-termina,.   constant    currents HI
     SETTLING           TIME':     Less than 5 seconds                 to wfh,n
        0 01% Of fInal reading.                                                       VOLTAGE    ACROSS     UNKNOWN:      5 volts for                      fu,, ranqe~
     NORMAL          MODE REJECTION                RATIO: Greater        than 60      MAXIMUM      ALLOWASLE      INPUT:    20 v"Its                       "n the-1~
        dB ""er one d,g,l on the 1 and IO-"",!                      ranges. de-         kllohm  range. 60 "011s "n the IO-k,iohm                          range, 250
        creasing       I" 60 cl8 on the 1000~volt range. 50 Hz l"                       volts on ail other ranges, c"nf~n~"us     rms                       ac + dc
        180 HZ
     COMMON            MODE REJECTION                RATIO:      Greater     than     GENERAL
         100 dB over one dIgIt on the 1 and IO-"",,                      ranges,      POLARITY:         Automal~c
        decreasing         to 80 dB "n the 1000-v",,              range. dc lo        ZERO STABILITY:              0.7 digif,`C
        180 HZ with 1 kll"hrr           ""balance.                                    WARMUP:          30 minutes          1" within       twice     spec~hed         act
     MAXIMUM             ALLOWABLE            INPUT:       ,400 volts       peak         curacy.     two hours for complete                stabilhzatlon,
        mome"tary,          1000 ""It*    c"ntl""""S        dc + rms ac.              DISPLAY:        5 d,g,ts       plus 1 overrange               dC range.         Lead              resistance       will
                                                                                             also add to the resiscancr              "ffset    and              should     be co,,-
                                                                                             sidered       as well.

       `-    Connections.           ELake connections          to the input          HI
    and LO terminals.              When measuring         semiconductors          and
    other    polariiy       sensitive      devices      it is important            to
    consider      the polarity         of the voltage          developed       across
    the input       terminals.         `The HI terminal          Fs negative         with       a.     General.         The M"del      190     provides          BCD TX',.-type
    respect     co the 1.0 terminal.             For grounded         applications.         lines      which    represmt        each of        five      digits,      an over-
    make certain         chat the shorting          link     is connected         be-       range      digit      i""),     overload,           polarity,         decimal     posi-
    tween LO and CASE.              For Elmring         applications,          rhe          tion,      and function.          The lines           are 8421 configuration
    shorting      Link must be removed.                                                     where      0 = 0000;         I" addition         LO data outputs              the 19"
                                                                                            provides         a Prinr     ~omand     and      ilold Control.            Refer     to
    b.  Voltage     *cross   the U"k"0w".        Full    range "alrage                      Table      3-6 for digital          output       pin identification.
is 5 volts.        At 100% overrange,         the voltage      across
the unknow"      is 10 volts.       see Theory      of operation         for                    b.   Data outputs.           All outputs      except     runcti""        1
a mmplete       explanation      of open-circuit       voltage      con-                    and 2 and Hold are Series                7400 TTL circuits           (see
dition.      Test current      for each range       is give*      io                        manufacturers        literature        for specilications).              Polarit
Table   3-4.                                                                                 bin    10) and overload           (pin 1) outputs        are "ot buf-
                                                                                            fered.      Function       1 and 2 outputs        consist      of 4.7 kii
                                   TABLE 3-4.                                               pull   up resistors          connected     to the internal          +5 V
                 `Test   Current     for Resistance          Modes                          S"PPlY,       Refer     to Table 3-5 for function              ltie     coding.

I         Full      Range            `rest   current       Full    Range    Voltage            C.   erinr:    Command.       Logic  "1" appears    for LOO milli-
                                                                                            seconds     after   each display       update.   Refer    to Figure
                                                                                            4 for a graphic         description      of the A/D converter

                                                                                               d.      Hold Control.        Logic "0" retains      last                  data in
                                                                                            display       and digital    oufput.     To enable     the                 Hold co"-
                                                                                            tro1,     an equiva1enr      of 4 TTL gates      current                   sinking
   C. Control  settings.       Five                    ranges are available      on         capabiliry        is necessary.
the Model 190.    `TWO functions                       can be selected,     kC# and
1" m.                                                                                          e.    COMnO".        Pin    18 should     be used          for     al.1 cmn,,~"
                                                                                            connections     to      the    digital   ""tput.
           1.  Kilohm   Functian.             For measurements     over the
       range from 0.01 ohms to                2000 kilohms,    depress    the                  f.    Connectians.            Use of Model 1902 Digital     outp,,t
       kD function     pushbueco".             The" depress    the appro-                   connecfor     (optional)          is recommended  for connections
       priate    range pushbucto",             1, 10, 100, or 1000.                         to the M/36        card       edge con"ectar.

          2.    Ten mgohm Function.  For meaSureme"tS      from
       100 ohms eo 20 megohms depress    the 10 MS? function                                                                TABLE 3 -5.
       pushbutton.                                                                                                        Function  Coding

                                                                                                           F""C?ZiO"                 Functia"         Line
           Both the kQ and 10 Mn pushbuttons            should   be                                        Selected            1                 2                 3
           depressed     to operate     in the 10 Mn mode.       The
           Range pushbutton       switches    are released     when                                             "DC            1                 1                0
           the 10 Mn pushbutfm          is depressed    to prevent                                              "AC            0                 1                1
           an ambiguous     mode of operation.         To select                                                  KG           1                 1                1
           either    "DC, "AC, or kn modes while          in 10 MQ                                            lam              1                 0                1
           mode, simply     depress     any one of the Range
           pushbuttons     and then select       the desired                                                   mere        Logic    0 = 10" state
           F""Cti0".                                                                                                       Logic    1 = high state

          INPUT     +lV


                          I                    I            I
        CROSSING                         I              I

          PRINT           I
          COMMAND         I

                              MAXIMUM CONVERSION RATE
                              2 READINGS PER SECOND



OPERATING      INSTR"CTlONS                                                                                                                            MODEL L90

 3-7.     MEAS"REMENT CONSI"EFATIONS                                                        3.     AC Voleage.         The ac voltage       accuracy     is
                                                                                         specified     in terms        of a percent     of reading       and a
     a.    connections.         "se of shielded            input    leads     is         percent     Of range.         In addition,     the effects        of
 recommended        when source        resistances         are greater       than        power dissipated         in     the input   resistors       stm~ld   be
 1 kihhm         or when using       the 10M.Z mode.            care should              considered      whenever        more cllan 400 volts        is applied.
 be exercised        so as nof to degrade              the insularian
 characterisrics         Of the binding           posts.        In the resis-              4.    Resistance.         hccuracy     on IeSiStanCC        ranges
 tance modes, accuracy             may be degraded            if the eerminals           is specified       in terms of a percent          of reading        and
 and/or      leads   become contaminated.                care should       also be       a percent     of range.        An addieional      uncertainty        due
 take"     fO minimize      effects       of thermoelectric            porcntia1.3       to residual      resistance       should   also   be considered.
 which may be generared              as a result         of temperature
 differences        between     junctions       of dissimilar          metals.                                             NOTE

                                                                                              when making          resistance      measurenlents,       ic is
                                                                                              important-        co make certain        that     t'he 190 is
                                                                                              properly        zeroed      in "DC function.          Fur example
                                                                                              an additional           error    of .OOOl% of reading          can
                                                                                              occur     per digit         of voltage     offset     on the Ik:;
                                                                                              - loom        ranges;       .OOl% and .Ol% of reading
                                                                                              per digit        offset       on lOOOkG and 10MI: ranges
        1.    DC Voltage.          me dc voltage             accuracy      is                 respectively.
    specified        in terms of a percent               of reading        and a
    percent      of range.         An additional           factor      of .OOOOl%
    of reading,          per volt    from full         range reflects            an
    uncertainty         due CO voltage         coefficients            for meas-
    urements       made at "ther        than fuU           range.        Short    term
    accuracy       is valid      for a period          of 24 hours afrer
    complete       calibration.         Long term accuracy                (90 days)
    includes       an additional         .Ol% of reading            uncertainty
    due to aging          of precision       components.             In addition,
    the effects         of power dissipated              in the input          resis-
    t"rs     should     be considered        whenever         more than 500
    volts     is continuously          applied       (for     1 minute       or
    longer).         Heating     may cause a* additional                  uncertain-
    ty due to the temperature                coefficients           of individual
    circuit      elements.

       2.    DC Current.       When tire Model 1901                 Currenf
    Adapter       is used an additional        iO.3% of             reading
    uncertainty       must be considered.          As in            any current
    measurement        the input     drop should     also           be consider-
    ed.     For example,      a full     range drop of              200,""
    across      the shunt results        in an error      of          1% if the
    source      is 20 volts.


MODEL 190                                                                                                                                                                  THEORY OF OPERATION

                                                    SECTION                      4.              THEORY               OF        OPERATION

 4-L.       GENERAL DESCRIPTION.                   The Model 190 Digital                                          4-2.     ANALM: ASSEMBLY.         The following       paragraphs         des-
 nulrinieter         utilizes          a modified       integrating            technqiue                          cribe    individual     Analog    circuits      in detail.         These
 ior A/O CO""erSio".                    The latest        linear        and digital                               circuits      are divided     according     t" their       primary
 integrated          circuits          are utilized          for greater           relia-                         function      in rhe system.         (Refer   to Schematic         25864E).
 bility       and servicing.               The circuitry            is broken          down
  into     two major         areas and assemblies;                  fbe Analog                                       a.  DC Atfenuafor.         A 10 megohm divider    using    RIII-
 Assembly         and Digital           and Power Supply Assembly.                                                P.118, and parts      of 5102 and 5101, pravides       artenuario"
'me halog            section         provides      input       signal       condition-                            for input   signals     above 2 VDC (100% overrange         on the
 i"g,atte"uatio",               filtering,         buffering          comparixg,          and                     1 " range).      5102-30    is used to shart     "ut the higb
 initiates         the main control              signal        for the entire                                     impedance   for better      input  matching   a" the lowest
 system.          The Digital           section      provides         logic      control,                         dc range.
counting,          decading          and display.           Usa       located       on tke
Digital        assembly         are the power supplies                   far the entire                               b.     Input Filter.           This section    provides    attenua-
 system.          The Analog           assembly      is connected            t" the                               tion     of ac components           and noise   present     on dc input
Digital        assembly         thraugh       5301 and 5302.                                                      signals.

TO follow             through         a block        diagram           description            it will                C.    InpuL Amplifier.                 Cmprised       of rhree        acti"e       com-
be necessary                to make several                 assumptions;               assume the                 ponents,       this     circuit       provides      input     isolation         and
display           is reading            0.0000,        the counters                have bee" re-                  signal     conditioning.              4119 ii; a low leakage                matched
set LO zero,                 the a"alag          switch,           Sl (Q117) has jut                     turned   Fl?r providing          high input         impedance       and matched          volt-
on allowing               ihe integrator               to sample the voltage                         at           age and temperature                tracking.        A bipolar         device,       "UC-
Lhe input              terminals.             A voltage            of +lO MC is applied                           puts from this            FET are applied           directly       at Q*101, a"
  .o the input               terminals.             me 10 volt               signal       is routed               operarional         amplfier.           R146, (Coarse         Zero)       a 100 :!
to the DC attenuator                        and divided              t" 1 VDC which                               variable       resistor,         is used for initial              balancing         of
gpasses through                  the filter          section           LO bypass          any AC                  inpw     PET pair         while      Q106 provides          a canstant        curre"~
compooenc              t" common.             The output             of the filter               sec-             source.        0119 and QAlOl,             a" IC Operational             Amplifier,
tion        is applied             co the input              amplifier           section           whick          provide      the gain required               by the Input         DC Amplifier
provides             signal        isolation         and a fixed               gain of 5.              The        The maximum output               swing at the Input             timplifier,         TP1,
mplifier               signal,         now at 5 "DC, is applied                          CO the                   is 210 MC.            This output          is fed directly            to 9117, the
 hregrarar               section        via Sl (Q117),                 Analog        Switch.           The        Analog      Switch.         P"te"tiometer          R155, front          panel     zero,
analog          Switch         has been turned                 o" by a control                 level              is used for fine              zer"     adjustment.
provided             by circuitry,              (the primary               control        flip-flop),
in the Digirvl                   Hssembly.           Application               of the +5V                            d.    Signal   Switches       (See Figure     5).        Comprised    of
signal          causes         the integrating                 capacitor,            C141,,to                     q110, Ql16,      and Q117, these        solid    state    switches
charge          for a fixed              period      of time,             (approximately                          provide     high speed,      low leakage      paths    for signals
 500 milliseconds),                      or 200,000            counta.           The final                        applied     to the Integrating        Amplifier.         These switches
count pulse                clears        the COunrerS              to 0.0000.             AT the                  are drive"      by logic     levels   fram the Digital          Assembly
 end of this               period        of time,         a combinaeia"                 of a lo&                  with    Q109 and Qlll      through    Q115 supplying         buffering.
 level        at the zero detector                      amplifier,             and the resef-
 ting       of the primary                 control        flip-flop,             causes        S1                     e.    Integrating         Amplifier.         Also a bipolar         circuit
  (Q117) Analog                Switch,        to turn           off and 53 CQ116),                                this    Amplifier        integrates        dc levels      fram signals          ap-
minus Reference                     switch,       to turn on.                The counter                          plied     through      S1 (41171,        52 (QllO),       and S3 (9116).             A
 starts         counting            towards       200,000           again.         With a minus                   unity     dc Cain Amplifier,             rhe precision        ramps created
  input       from the reference                    now applied              to the Integrat-                     by the time c""stants                of RI01 and Cl41 are directly
 ing hplifier,                    C141, begins            t" discharge               towards         zem.         proportional          co the clock         speed in the Digital              Section.
 Upon reaching                 zero ""its,            the zero detect"=                    Amplifier              Using a modified             dual slope       principal,      the charge
 creates           a logic          pulse     that      stops         the counter            which                time of Cl41 is fixed                at appmximately          500 ms, while
 due t" the relationship                          of the Integrator                     and clock                 the discharge          time is a function              of the input        voltage.
 has counted               t" 100,000.              This pulse              becomes a primary                     The maximum swing at the output                      of this    amplifier,
 control           far the lagic,               it is gated to farm a strobe                                      TP4, is approximately                t12 v peak.         The output        is fed
  far the storage                   section.          Information               prek?ent        in                dir-ect1y      to the comparator.
  storage          is now made available                        t" the decoder               section
 which        furnishes             levels      that       light        the display             with                  f.   Zero Defecfor    - Comparator.           This circuit
  the counted              "umber 100,000.                   A delayed            strobe        pulse              creates    the main control       pulse    and logic       level nec-
  fallows          within         1.0 microsecond                 which       resets       the                     essary   for proper   digital      and analog       functions.      QA106,
  counters           to zero,          and resets             the primary             central                      an IC Operational     Amplifier,        provides      a dc gain ior
  flip-flop.               This3 causes            s3, (9116) minus Reference                                      signals    less  than +I00 uV.        The level       at the output
  Swirch,          to turn off,              and S1 (Q117) Analog                       Switch,         t"         of QA107, is determined          by the polarity         of the unknown
  turn 0".

1075                                                                                                                                                                                                       9


                          DCV DIVIDER                                      FILTER                                      INPUT AMPL[FIER
                                                                                    -   --
               r-------                                  1----                                            T--~-----I
                      1 VDC

                                                                                                                                          TO A/O
                                                     T'VVG                     I
                             10        100                  1000
                            "DC        WC


                            FIGURE     6.        SimpLifFed      "iagram      Of DC Voltage                 Mode.

                      -------                                        AC,DC
                                                                      ---_                                               FILTER
            r----                                   r----                                    ----r----i


   I   I   lkn

                 FIGURE   9.   Simplifiad   Diagram   of   A/D   converter

                                                SECTION                 5.         ACCESSORIES

5-s.     GENERAL.    The following Keithley            *cces~ories        can              5-2.      OPERATING INSTK"CTIONS.                 A separate      1nsrruction
be used with     the Model 190 eo provide             additional       con-                Manual     is supplied     witi, eacn          accessory     giving     complete
venience    and versatility.                                                               operaring     information.

                                                           Modes190s current Adapter
Description:                                                                               Application:

Five Switched      decade shunts     of 0.1 ohm to 1 kilohm                                me Modes 1901 muy be used on ac an*                          dc voscagr   rnnges
50.3%.      Maximum continuous      voltage   drop is 7.00 rn".                            of the 190 to measure    currents up to                      200 rd.    Adapter
Shunt resistors       are connected      so as to eliminate    con-                        plugs into input  terminals.
tact   resistance     errors.

                                                           Modes      1902    Output        connector

Description:                                                                               Application:

Mating     card-edge    ~"nnector      for digital     output      (18136                  Provides        access     to ass 36 pins        at    digital     ""tpuits.
pins).      connector    plugs    into    card edge    at rear      panes                  Enables        CUStom wiring      to digital          printers     or other
of the     190.                                                                            digital        acquisition     equipment.

                                                         Model       1903    Calibration           cover


                                                                                           Used whenever   calibration            adjustments      are necessary.
                                                                                           Confrols  are identified             by circuit    designation     as
                                                                                           shown OrI schematics.


                    --       Chassis   Assembly            --              --
                      1      Side Panel,    Left                1   25859A
                      2      Side Panel,    Right               1   25832C
                      3      Rear Panel                         1   25840B
                      4      Front   Panel                      I   2583OC
                      5      O"erlay                            1   258608
                    _-       Will&J"                            L   25843A
                         6   Top Cover                          1   25836C

                      7      Bottom    ccmer Assembly       1       25846B
                    ^-       Bottom cover                   1       25835C
                    --       Tilt   Bail                    1       24879B
                    --       Feet,    Molded                4       243228
                    _-       Rubber Ball                    4       FE-6
                     8       screw,    Flat    Phil. Hd.    4       116-32 x 5/W
                     9       Knob Assembly                  t       25151A
                    10       Buttons,     white             8              -_



                                                                                       Mfr.             Keithley
                                                                                       oesig.           Pare No.

.8-U   DF. "AR        .                                .       . .             73899   5C154Y           c253-.8-12P
33 pF, 500",   Mica                                        .     .     .       14655   CDlOED330J03     C236-33P
.8-l*  pF, "AR                                                   .     .       73899   5C154Y           c253-.8-12P
390 pF, soov,   Mica.                                      .   . .     .       14655   CD19ED391J03     C236-39OP
.8-12 pF, "AR . .                                          .                   73899   5C154Y           C253-.R-12P

4700 pF, 500",     Mica                                    .   .               14655   CD19ED471JO3     C236-47OOP
.Ol uF. 6OOv, PolyP                                        .                   97419   M2WFO.l~F        c**o-0.   lM
2 pF, 500",  pica.      .                                  .               .   14655   CD10CD020D03     c231-2P
2 PF, 500",  Mica.                                             .               14655   CD10CD020D03     C231-ZP
.a-18  pF, 750",    via                                    .       .           72982   567-013          c225-.8-18P

4.7 "F. 20". WT.                                                           .   17554   TSDl-20          c179-4.7x
4.7 pF, zov; ETT.                                                .             17554   TSDl-20          C179-4.7M
56 UF, ZO", ETT     .                                    .     . .         .   17554   TS"l-20          C179-56M
100 pF, 500". Nica.                                      .       .             14655   CDLOED101J03     C236-1OOP
20 p,   500", Mica .                                   . .       .     .       14655   CD10ED200J03     C236-2OP

100    p,      15",     Epoxy.                           .     . .       .     17554   TD5-015-107-10   C228-1OOM
2.0    UF,     50",     Mx.    .                       . .       .     . .     14752   625BlA           CZOl-2.OM
0.1    gF,     250",     MtF .                                   .             73445   C280AE           C178-.LN
1.0    uF,     5O",     MtF. .                         .                       14752   625BU.105        c215-1.011
0.22    PF,     250",     MtF.                         . .     . .     .       73445   C28OAE           Cl,&.22M

0.1 UF, 250". MfF                                          .   . .         .   73445   C280AE           C178-.LM
,047 UF, ZOO", MFCb                                        .                   14752   62581C473        C221-.047M
.047 pF, ZOO", MPCb                                                      .     14752   625BlC473        C221-.047M
0.01 pF, 500", CerD                                    . .     .       . .     72982   871-25"0103M     c**-.olM
0.1 "F, 250", MtF .                                    . .     . .       .     73445   C280AE           C178-.LM

.Ol    UF, 500",    cero.                                              .       72982   871-25"0103M     c**-. OlM
.047     IIF, ZOO", MPCb                               . .     . .     . .     14752   625BlC473        C221-.047M
.Ol    IJF, 500",   CerD.                                .     .       . .     72982   871-Z5"0103M     c**-. OlM
0.1    uF, 250",    MfP .                                .       .     .       73445   C280.G           CL78-0.0,
Not    "sed.           .                                 .                     ... .   .. ....            . .     ..

0.1 IrF,       250", MCF                                                 .     73445   c**oAE           CL78-O.LM
4.7 UF,        ZO", ETT.                               . .               .     17554   TSOl-20          C179-4.7M
33 DF.       1000".  CerD.                             . .     . .     . .     71590   m-330            C64-33P
O.l'~i,        25OV; MtF .                                       .             73445   C28OAE           C178-O.lM
33 pF,       lOOO", cem.                                   .   . .     . .     71590   m-330            C64-33P

.oo** pF. 1000",  CerD ................                                        56289   LOSS-022         C64-.OO**M
.0022 UF, lOOOV, cero        ................                                  56289   loss-D**         C64-.OO**M
20 PF, soov,  Mica ..................                                          14655   CD10E0200J03     C236-2OP
20 PF, 5oov, Mica ..................                                           14655   CD10E!x00J03     C236-2OP
20 pF, 500",  Mica ..................                                          14655   CD10ED200J03     C236-2OP

1.0 VF, loo",             Poly.    .................                           97419   PYW-R (1.0)      C142-l.OM
0.1 uF. 250",             MtF ..................                               73445   C280AE           C178-o.lM
33 pF, lOOO",             cero.    .................                           71590   "O-330           C64-33P
0.1 LIF, 250",            MfF ..................                               73445   C280AE           C178-0.m
0.1 uF, 25OV,             MtF ..................                               73445   C280AE           C178-O.LM

Not Used.  ......................                                               ...    .. .. .
NOf Used.  ......................                                                 .    ........             .. .
0.1 !S, 25OV, MtF ..................                                           73445   C280AE           C178-0.1M
5 pF, lOOO", cero              ..................                              71590   m-050            C64-5P
0.1 UF, 25OV, MfF ..................                                           13445   C28OAE           C178-o.lM
                                                                             `\Nb.LOC SECTION (Coni'd)
                                                                                 (Schematic  25864E)

                                                                                 CAPACITORS        (`zont'd)

  CiITtliC                                                                                                     Mfr.        >,tEr.
  IkSiR.                                       Description                                                     Code    -   oesig.

 Cl51        0.1 iiF. 250",    XCF                                                                             73445       C?ROAE
 Cl52        .oo**    JF, IOOO", Cer"                                                                          56289       loss-LIZ?
 Cl53          0068 PF, 500",    Cer".   .                                                                     72982       d51-25U"-682~
 Cl54        150 pF, IOOO", CerD                                         .           .   ~                     71590       DO-151
 Cl55        150 pF, lOOO", certl                      .      .                  .           . .           .   71590       W-151
 Cl56        5     PI?, 1000",  cem    .                                                                       71590       La-050

 Ill01       Transistor,     NPN, Case 'R-106.                    ............                                 07263       2N3565
 "102        Transistor,     NPN, Case TO-106.                                   .                             07263       2X3565
 "103        75" PI",    75 Ill`, ....................                                                         01295
 0104        75VPIV.75~           ....................                                                         01295
 D105        75YPI",     75~      ....................                                                         01295

 0106        Zener,    6.3V,   1/4W ..................                                                          N-C        IN827AX
 0107        75V PIV, 75 n*.          ...................                                                      01295       IN914
 D108        15" PI",     75 nut. ...................                                                          01295       IN914
 DlO9        75"PI".75mA         ....................                                                          01295       lN914
 DllO        75v PI",     75 !A. ...................                                                           01295       lN914

 Dlll                                                                                                          01295       IN914
 0112                                                                                                          01295       I%914
 0113                                                                                                          01295       1N914
 0114                                                                                                          01295
 D115                                                                                                          01295       lN914

 0116                                                                                                          12954       lN706
 "117                                                                                                          . ...
 D118                                                                                                          06751       IN703A
 0119                                                                                                          06751       1N70JA
 0120                                                                                                          01295       lN914
 0121                                                                                                          01295       13914

                                                                                                               Mfr.        Mfr.

 .JlOl       Binding      Post     (Red)     HI .....................                                                      820-65
 .I102       Binding      Posf     (Blk)     LO .....................                                                      RZO-45
 5103        Binding      Post     (cm)      CASE ....................                                                     820-95


                                                                             ANALOG SECTION (Cont'd)
                                                                              (Schematic  25864E)



              N-Ckm      FET, case             TO-72.                                                          04713   2N4220          TC-42                i
              NPN,    case TO-92                   .                                                           04713   2N5089          W-62                 2
              NPN,    case TO-92                                                                               04713   2N5089          TC-62
              NPN,    case TO-92                                                                               04713   2N3903          TG-49                7
              NPN,    case TO-92                                                                               04713   2N3903          'X-49

              NPX, case TO-92                                                                                  04713   2N3903          n-49
              I's*,  case 'CO-92                                                                               04713   2N3905          K-53                 5
              NPN, case 'TO-92                                                .                                04713   ZN3903          'U-49
              NPN, Case TO-92                                                                                  04713   2N3903          'R-49
              ?I-Cha*,   J-FET,  case              TO-18                           .                           32293   ITS3538         V-88

              PNP,    case     TO-92                                                                           04713   au905           `R-53
              NPN,    case     TO-92                                          .    .                           04713   2N3903          x-49
              FNP,    case     TO-92                                                                           04713   *I?3905         x-53
              NPK,    case     TO-92       .       .          .                                                04713   2N3903          TG-49
              PXP,    case     IO-92                                          I                                04713   2N3905          'U-53

              N-Ghan J-FET,     Case TO-18.      .                            . .                              32293   ITS3538         X-88
              N-ma"   J-FET,    case TO-18.      ,                                                             32293   1153538         P-88
              PNP, case TO-92        . .                                      . .                              04713   2N3905          K-53
              Dual wchan     J-FET,   case TO-71                                                               32293   ITS30092        TC-9R                1

                                                                                  INTEGRATED        CLRCUITS


 QAlOl        Operational          Amplifier,           8-pin,   Case        TO-99.                            24355   m741*           IC-97                1
 QUO2         Not Used.                                      . .                                        .
 Qb.103       Operaeional          Amplifier,           8-pin,   Case        TO-99.         . . . .   . .      12040   LK308"          K-67                 1

 Quo4         Operational     i\mplLfier*       8-pin             DIP.   .         .      . . . .              32293   ITS6214         n-74                 2
 QR.105       Operational     Amplifier,        8-pin             DIP.                      .         . .      32293   ITS6214         K-74
 QUO6         Amplifier,     8-pin,      DIP . . .            .        . .                .                    12040   LM30L4N         ic-24                2
 Q.&l07       Amplifier,     8-pin.      DLP      .                    . .                  .                  12040   LM301AN         K-24
 *Selected,     order     by Keifhley       Part NO.              IC-97.

 SlOl         Switch,       Function.        ........                         .........                        80164              SW-370       Ilront   Panel
 s102         SWitCh,       Range ..........                                  .........                        80164              SW-369       Front    Panel

20                                                                                                                                                       1075

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