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MODELS 108,     109 AMPLIFIERS                                                                                     CONTEXTS

                                                  TABLE         OF   CONTENTS

Section                                                       Page    Section                                         Page

1.   GENERAL DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . .                        1          5-3.   Models 108, 109 Lo\<-Frequency
                                                                                   Calibration      .    . .           14
     l-l.    General . . . . . . .           . 1                           5-4.   Model 108 High-Frcqurnc)
     1-2.    Models 108, 109 Differences     . 1                                   Calibration      .       . .        14
     l-3.    Specifications.     . . . . . . . 2                           5-5.   Model 109 High-Frequency
     1-4.    Applications.     . . ,   . .   .3                                    Calibration      . .     .          15
     l-5.    Accessories     . . .   .   . . .3                            5-6.   Low-Frequency       Response
     l-6.    Equipment Shipped       . . . . .3                                    Check...........                    16

2.   OPERATION . . .                   . . . . . .5                   6.   ACCESSORIES. .                    . .       19

     2-1.    Terminals    . . . . . .       .         . .       5          6-l.   Model   1081 Power Supply             19
     2-2.    Operating    Procedures.     . .         . .       5          6-2.   Model   1042 Accessory Kit . .        19
     2-3.    Cascading . . . . . . . .                . .       5          6-3.   Model   1082 Mounting Plate  .        20
     2-4.    Gains Other Than 10, 100
              1000 and 10,000.       . . . .          .   .     6     7.   REPLACEABLE PARTS. . . . . . . . .           21
     2-5.    Open Circuit     Operation.    .         .   .     6
     2-6.    Amplifier    Noise . . . . .             .   .     6          7-l.   Replaceable   Parts List . . .        23
     2-7.    Rise Time . . . . . . . .                .   .     6          7-2.   How to Order Parts . . . . .          23
     2-8.    Delay Time. . . . . . . .                .   .     6                 Models 108, 109 Replaceable
     2-9.    Ground Loops. . .          , . .         .   .     7                  Parts List.   . . . . . . . .        24
     Z-10.   Stray Fields.     . . . . . .            .         7                 Model 1081 Replaceable   Parts
                                                                                   List.   . . . . . . . . . . .        26
3.   CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION .......                          .     9                 Models 108, 109 Schematic
                                                                                   Diagram 17971D. . . . . . .          29
     3-1.    General     ..........                       .     9                 Model 1081 Schematic Diagram
     3-2.    Amplifier       Design.   .....              .     9                  17966C. . . . . . . . . .            30

4.   SERVICING ............                               . 11        + Change Notice                         Last   Page
     4-1.    General ..........                           .    11
     4-2.    Servicing     Schedule.     ....             .    11
     4-3.    Parts Replacement .....                      .    11
     4-4.    Troubleshooting      ......                  .    11
                                                                      3~ Yellow Change Notice sheet is
5.   CALIBRATION ...........                              . 13           included     only for instrument
                                                                         modifications      affecting  the
     5-l.     General ..........                          . 13           Instruction      Manual.
     5-2.     Calibration      Schedule.        ...       . 14

MODELS 108,      109 AMPLIFIERS                                                    GENERAL DESCRIP'IIOS

                                  SECTION   1.   GENERAL      DESCRIPTION

l-l.   GENERAL. The Keithley     Models 108 and 109 are small,       12-ounce Xl0 gain amplifiers.
The Model 108 is tuned for a wideband frequency        response;   the Model 109 is tuned ior pulse
response.   (See Figures  9 and 10 for illustrations        of the two responses.)    Both ?lodels re-
quire an external   power supply,   preferably    the Keithley   Model 1081 Power Supply, which
can drive up to three of these units at one time.

   a. The Model 108 bandwidth     is from 1 kc to 180 MC (-3db).   Response Erom 2.5 kc to
150 MC is flat  20.5 db.   Voltage gain is 10 (20 db) when terminated     into a 50-ohm load.
Up to four Model 108 Amplifiers     may be cascaded for gains to 10,000, or one may be used
with other amplifiers   to increase    total gain by 10. The input impedance is 50 ohms.
Noise is less than 30 microvolts     rms referred  to the input.

   b. The Model 109 Pulse Amplifier         has a rise time of less than 3 nanoseconds (10:: to
90%).      Overshoot    is less than 2%, pulse width for a 10% droop is 30 microseconds.       Other
specifications       are the same as for the Model 108.    Four Pulse Amplifiers   may be cascaded
for gains to 10,000, or one may be used with other amplifiers          to increase  total gain by 10.

l-2.     MODELS 108,   109 DIFFERENCES.

   a. The Models 108 and 109 differ      only in their     tuning.    The circuits   and the parts are
identical.  Most of the Instruction      Manual applies      to both units.     Where there are differ-
ences - such as application     suggestions    and calibration      - the models are identified.

   b.    Specifications and operations  in this Manual assume using the Keithley  Model 1081
PO`Wer   Supply to power the Amplifier.   It is recommended that this Power Supblv be used to
ob tai .n the maximum benefit from the Amp fier.

                                                                   10s      AMPLIi=,ER

       I:IGLlRE 1. Keithley Instruments                    i"`Lb"KL L. nelr"Ley ~"strumenrs
       tlode1 108 Wideband Amplifier.                      Model 109 Pulse Amplifier.

0465R                                                                                                     1
GENERAL DESCRIPTION                                                                              MODELS 108,       109 AMPLIFIERS

                                               Model 108 (when powered by                        Model 109 (when powered by
                                               the Model 1081 Power Supply)                      the Model 1081 Power Supply)

Frequencyl:            -3db                    1 kc and 180 MC
                    ?0.5db                     2.5 kc to 150 MC

Rise    Time*     (10% to 90%)                 Less than           3 nanoseconds                 Less than       3 nanoseconds

Overshoot3                                                     -                                 Less than       2%

Pulse    Width     for    10% Droop:                           -                                 30 microseconds

Input    Impedance:                            50 ohms                                           50 ohms

Voltage Gain (into    50-ohm                   10 (20 db)                                        10 (20 db)
characteristic   impedance)                    ?2% at 10 kc                                      i-2% at 10 kc

Maximum rms Noise4:                            30 microvolts            (7 db)                   30 microvolts         (7 db)

Maximum Output           (into  50-ohm         1.4 volts           peak-to-peak                  1.4 volts       peak-to-peak
characteristic           impedance)

Maximum Overload:                              ac, 20 volts           peak5                      ac, 20 volts         peak5
                                               dc,    2.5 volts                                  dc , 2.5 volts

Overload        Recovery6                      Less than           50 nanoseconds                Less than       50 nanoseconds

Delay    Time'                                 Less than           5 nanoseconds                 Less than       5 nanoseconds

Change in Output Amplitude
for a 10% Line Voltage Change
(when powered by Model 1081):                  Less than           20.1%                         Less than     *O.l%

           1)     db variations       add when amplifiers        are cascaded.
           2)     Maximum rise time for 3 amplifiers              in cascade is less than 4 nanoseconds.
           3)     Overshoot     for amplifiers      in cascade is 3% or less.
           4)     Noise referred       to input measured from 10 cps to 100 MC. Noise of cascaded am-
                  plifiers    is equal to noise of first            amplifier     only.
           5)     Continuous      input power should not exceed l/8 watt.
           6)     Using a 100X overload         test pulse 100 nanoseconds wide with 5-nanosecond           fall
                  time to within       1% of base line.        A shorter      pulse duration, a slower fall   time
                  or less overload       shortens     recovery    time.
           7)     Delay times add when amplifiers             are cascaded.

CONNECTORS: Input             and Output:     n type.          Power:         Amphenol      126-214

POWER: +16 volts.dc           and -12 volts   dc; or 28 volts       dc floating;    ?5% accuracy;  50 milliam-
peres current        (1.4 watts);    +O.l% stability;   Z-millivolt       peak-to-peak   maximum ripple;    lOO-
microfarad    filter      from each power terminal    to ground.

DIMENSIONS, WEIGHT:             3 inches    high     x 2-l/4        inches    wide x 3-3/4       inches   deep;       net weight,       12 oi

ACCESSORIES SIIPPLIED:            Mating    power connector;               mating   input    and output      connectors.

2                                                                                                                               0565R
MODELS 108,    109 AMPLIFIERS                                                                 GmERAL DESCRIP~l'IO!;


   a. The Model 108 Wideband Amplifier     is used as a general Laboratory  pre-amplifier                         in
audio,  radar, IF, TV and VHF work.    It can be used with all types of oscilloscopes.                            11s
low noise permits  amplification  of signals   in the microvolt region at low and high                         Irequev
ties.   Because of its small size, it can be designed into other equipment.

   b. The Model 109 Pulse Amplifier    is designed co amplify      non-sinusoidal    wave corms :.:ith
a fast rise time, minimum overshoot    and minimum ringing.      Common applications      include use
with oscilloscopes, high-speed   counters,  pulse-height    analyzers     and phoro multipliers.

L-5.     ACCESSORIES.    Refer   to Section         6 for   complete   descriptions    of the following       Ampli-
fier    accessories.

   a. Model 1081 Power Supply can power one, two or three Model 108 or 109 Amplifiers.
The POWer Supply operates   from 105-125 or 210-250 Volt,  50-400 cps line sources;  pocrr
rating  is 12 watts.  Its dimensions   are the same as the hmplifi.ers; net weight is l-l,'?

   b. Model 1042 Accessory Kit provides     useful              adapters,  terminations      and tee for      use with
the Amplifier.  The Kit accessories,    contained               in a convenient     case,   art` described     in Scc-
tion 6.

  c. Model 1082 Mounting         Plate     adapts     the Amplifiers     and the Hodel      LO81 for   mounting    LO
another surface.

  d. Model 1083 Cable       allows       using   the filodels   108 and 109 with      the Keicbley     l$z,dcA1s lO(, ilnd
107 Amplifiers.

FIGURE 3. >lodrl 1081 Power Supply Used twiti> 'Three Elodel 109 I'ulsc Amplifiers.                        Tltc suppl)
will power 1, ? or 3 Amplifiers.   See Scdtior   6 ior the Power Supply description.

02h6R                                                                                                                  3
GENERAL DESCRIPTION                                                   MODELS 108,    109 AMPLIFIERS

1-6.     EQUIPMENT SHIPPED. The Models 108 and 109 are factory-calibrated         and are shipped
with all components in place.       All units   are shipped for bench use.    The shipping   carton
contains    the Instruction Manual,    a mating power connector  and mating   input and output

MODELS 108,       109 AMPLIFIERS                                                                        OPERATIOX

                                         SECTION       2.   OPERATION

 2-1.     TERMINALS.

   a. INPUT and OUTPUT Receptacles.      INPUT (front  panel) and OUTPlJ'~ (rear panel) Recepr;i-
cles are n-type.     Input impedance is 50 ohms. N-type connectros    are used for their   bccter
impedance characteristics    and less leakage at higher   frequencies than other popular con-

   b.  POWERSocket.          The POWERSocket is a 4-pin connector.    It is compatible with the
power cable supplied         with the Model 1081 Power Supply.   Schematic Diagram 1797LD shows
the pin connections         and voltages (refer to 5103).


   a.     No control settings or preliminary     adjustments are needed to operate either   Ampli-
fier.      Both can be used immediately    after  they are connected  to the ~lodel 1081 Power Suppl)


         The Amplifiers   have n-type receptacles    (Mil. No. 680/U).  The Model 1042
         Accessory Kit contains    adapters  to connect other type plugs to the Amplifier.
         Section 6 describes    the Kit.

   b. Connect the Power Supply and associated     equipment,    such as an oscilloscope,                    on the
same power line to avoid ac ground Loops.     Otherwise,     the output signal    from the               Amplifi~cr
may tend to be modulated by the ground Loops.      To further    minimize  ground loops,                  it may be
necessary  to use isolation  plugs on power line plugs of the Power Supply and the                       associa-
ted equipment.    If a power supply other than the Model LO81 is used, put 100-,lf                     filter
capacitors   from + and - to ground.

   c. Use coaxial      cables for connections,
especially    if working above 1 MC. Up to six                                  Keithley
feet of coaxial      cable may be used on the                        Input: -    AMI'LI-   -Output:
Amplifier   input and up to 12 feet on the out-                      6 feet      FIER             12 feet
put, if the output cable is terminated         with                     max.                     max.
50 ohms.    Longer cables may be used, but the
Amplifier  may not meet the flatness       or over-
shoot specifications.        All cables used must
have a 50-ohm characteristic       impedance.
                                                                                                -           50-r:
                          NOTE                                   source   A
         The Model LO9 has no phase reversal
         on pulse.     If the pulse is positive
         at the input,    it is positive   at the
         output,    If it is negative    at the                FIGURE 4. Amplifier      Cable Connections.
         input,   it is negative   at the output.              Maximum recommended cable length to input
                                                               is six feet;   from output,    12 feet.    If
^ _
2-3.      CASCfi"ING.                                          longer cables arc used, the specified         flnt-
                                                               ness  or overshoot    may not be achieved.        USC
  a.      Up to four    AmpliTiers   may be cascaded           only coaxial   cables.

0'6611                                                                                                              3
OPERATION                                                                                MODELS 108,      109 AMPLIFIERS

together   for gains of 100, 1000, or 10,000.               The final  Amplifier     output should not exceed
1.4 volts    peak-to-peak  into a 50-ohm load.             Higher outputs     exceed the limits   of the am-
plifier   stages and distortions   will result.             A bandpass filter      is recommended for lO,OOO-
gain hookups to reduce the noise level.


       When using the 108 or 109 with the             106 or 107, "se          the    1083 cable    for   connection
       into the 106 and 107 power outlet.

   b.    Use the n-type male-to-male   adapter from the Model 1042 Kit to cascade Amplifiers
directly    to each other.   The Model 108 may also be used in cascade with the Keithley
Models 104 and 106 Amplifiers.       The Model 109 may also be used in cascade with the Models
105 and 107 Amplifiers.

2-4.       GAINS OTHER THAN 10, 100, 1000 AND 10,000.                For gains in between the cascaded values,
"se attenuator         pads in series with the Amplifier.             When two Amplifiers          are cascaded, use
the attenuator         pad on the last Amplifier         OUTPUT Receptacle        for input signals        below 15
millivolts      peak-to-peak      for the best signal-to-noise           ratio.      For example, a l-millivolt
rms input signal         is amplified      20 times (26 db) using a 14-db attenuator                pad on the last
Amplifier      output.     Maximum input noise of each amplifier                is 30 microvolts       rms.    Noise at
the last output is 3 millivolts              rms.  When the noise is attenuated               five times through the
14-db pad, its level is 0.6 millivolt               rms.    Signal-to-noise        ratio    is approximately       28:l.
If the 14-db attenuator           pad were used at the first          Amplifier      input,     the output noise would
be 3 millivolts         rms.   Signal-to-noise      ratio   would be approximately            6:1, or four times
worse than previously.

2-5.    OPEN CIRCUIT OPERATION. The specified               Amplifier     gain is into a 50-ohm load.           The
gain changes for an open circuit.            Output impedance is approximately              five ohms below 10
megacycles,      increasing    as the frequency      increases.       Below 10 megacycles,       therefore,     the
gain into an open circuit         is approximately        10.5 to 11. Above 10 megacycles,             the gain
increases     to approximately      18 (25 db) at 150 megacycles.             The Amplifier     will   not oscillate
into an open circuit        at any frequency,      although     standing     waves become apparent        at the
higher    frequencies.      The magnitude    of the waves depends directly           on cable length and

2-6.      AMPLIFIER NOISE. The main sources of noise               are the       transistors       and any power supply
ripple.       Since all noise is referred   to the
input,     the output noise will    be the ampli-                      IO%             LIWEI~II" GAIN   IHL
                                                                                     GAlY _YlllMUY mo*OK!
                                                                                            DlwM 01 LYPllllER
                                                                                                 RAW IM
fier    input noise times the amplifier     gain (10).
The noise is measured at the output and re-
ferred     back to the input.     When two Ampli-
fiers     are cascaded,   the noise of the second                    G;                        /
amplifier      is not significant   because noise adds               28%
as the square root of the sum of the squares.                        9 : ~-1

2-7.    RISE TIME.

   a. The rise time is defined           as the time                   lli        I1 I 1     1 I
                                                                                  I                   I
                                                                             1ow 1oow.I"/I        I
                                                                                  101110011I", ,ou ,ool ,6,
needed for a signal      to rise from 10% to 90%
of its final    value.     Specifically,      for                                    I"IPUtK"
amplifiers,   rise time is the time needed                     FIGURE 5. Models 108 and 109 Gain Linearity
for the amplifier      to go from 10% to 90%                   The gain linearity  falls   within   the limits
of the final    value of the input signal                      shown above from 2.5 kc to 150 Mc.

6                                                                                                                      0266R
MODELS 108.    109 AMF'LIFIERS                                                                        OPCRATION

times the amplifier   gain.   Rise time is measured only with a pulse whose rise time is
faster  than the amplifier's,     When amplifiers are cascaded, the rise times add in qundra-
ture (square root of the sum of the squares).

  b.   The slight      overshoot   of a very high frequency      pulse can be eliminated   in Lhf >lodcl
108 by detuning      the high-frequency       response slightly.     The Model 108 is tuned for msximum
gain flatness     for a continuous      signal.     The Model 109 is already   tuned lor minimum  ovcr-

2-8.      DELAY 'TIME. Delay time is the transit   time taken by a signal              to go from the ampli-
fier    input to output.    Because delay times are a physical  constant,              they add for cascaded

2-9.      GROUNDLOOPS. A common source of errors              when amplifying     Low-lcvcl    signals   is ground
loops.      This is a current     - line or other frequency          - flowing     in a ground lead impedance
which results      in a voltage    in addition     to the desired     signal  voltage     appearing    ac tllc
input terminals       of the amplifier.      Although     the origin    and mechanism of ground loops nrc
difficult      to explain   and trace,  their     effects    can be reduced in several       ways.

  a.    Make all   ground   lead    impedances   as low as possible.

  b.    Employ only    coaxial     hookups   wherever   possible.

Z-10.    STRAY FIELDS.    Stray fields   can induce unwanted           emf's in the test system.   'The in-
accuracies    due to these fields    become more significant           as measurements become more scan-
sitivc.    Induced emf's may be reduced by using coaxial               cable having minimum  loop area and
by using cables of minimum length.

0266R                                                                                                          7
MODELS 108,     109 AMPLIFIERS                                                                  CIKCUIT DESCRIPTION

                                  SECTION       3.        CIRCUIT     DESCRIPTION

3-1.     GENERAL.

   a. Both Amplifiers       are of conventional      RC-coupled cascade            design,  using negative  fccd-
back.     There is no inductive     peaking.    The wide bandwidth    is           achieved by using selected
epitaxial    mesa transistors    with a. l-gigacycle      ft.

   b. Careful     circuit  design allows for maximum performance.           Point-to-point     wiring      mini-
mizes lead inductance.       Silver     plating   on the chassis eliminates      ground loops and reduces
resistance     due to skin effect      at high frequencies.     Using solid-state       components,      hermet-
ically    sealed tantalum   capacitors       and metal film resistors   insures     excellent   stabilit)
and long. trouble-free      operation.


        Refer to Schematic      Diagram   1797LD at the back of the Manual               for   circuit

3-2.    AMPLIFIER DESIGN. Each Amplifier         us-
es three high-frequency      transistors,    two in
cormnon emitter   cascade configuration      and
the third   being an emitter      follower for the
output.    A high negative     feedback loop is
used for gain stability.

          The input is shunted by a 50-ohm me-
tay'film      resistor      (RlOZ), compensated for
a nominal 50-ohm input impedance across the
band.       The input signal       is applied   to tran-
sistor      QlOl.     Transistors    QlOl and 4102 am-
plify     the signal       and apply it to the emitter
f"ll"Wer,       transistor      Q103, which provides
low output impedance and higher              power capa-
bilities      than the amplifier       stages.

   b.    The feedback loop for the two ampli-                    gram shows the stage design used in the 2-
fier   stages is through resistor           Rll6 and             stage amplifier.         Resistors    Rl and R2 and
capacitor      CllO.      The output of transistor               the collector     bias voltage      drop provide     a
9102 is divided         by resistor    Rll6 and the              bias voltage     divider,     which stabilizes      the
network,     resistors      R109, RllO and Rlll.                 base voltage.       Resistor     Rl supplies     dc feed-
Potentiometer        Rlll   adjusts   the gain at the            back.    To eliminate      degeneration      caused by
lower frequencies.           Trirmners C103, C112,               the ac feedback,       Rl is divided      into two
Cl15 and Cl18 adjust           the feedback at higher            parts,   Rla and Rl . Capacitor           Cbp bypas-
frequencies,       since the divider       becomes pri-          ses the ac from tie midpoint
                                                                                        P               to ground.
marily    capacitive.

   c.  Each stage uses dc feedback from collector       to base.      The feedback loop for the first
stage, transistor     QlOl, consists  of two resistors,    R105 and R106.       Capacitor     Cl05 is at
the midpoint    between the two 2,2-kilobm    resistors   to eliminate    ac feedback.        Resistors
R114 and R115 and capacitor      Cl08 provide   the same function     for transistor      Ql02.

0465R                                                                                                                  9
MODELS 108,        109 AMPLIFIERS

                                         SECTION       4.     SERVICING

4-l.     GENERAL. Section 4 contains         the maintenance    and troubleshooting              procedures    for   the
Models LO8 and 109.      Follow these       as closely   as possible   to maintain            the instrument's

4-2.    SERVICING SCHEDULE. The Models 108 and 109 require          no periodic   maincennncc  beyond
the normal care required    of high-quality     electronic   equipment.    Occasional   C~CCKS 3s the
frequency   or pulse response of the Amplifier        should show the need for any ;ld~justocnL.     SO
part should need frequent    replacement    under ordinary    use.


   a. The Replaceable         Parts List in Section    7 describes   the electrical              components of the
Amplifiers.   Replace        components only as necessary.       Use only reliable             replacements   which
meet the specifications.           Check the frequency   or pulse response after               any transiscar    is

  b.     The transistors  are selected  for parameters            which     allow wide frequency         response.
Order    these parts only from Keithley    Instruments,           Inc.,     or its representatives.


        Physical    location of components greatly          affects  high frequency          response.     Put
        replaced    parts and their leads in their          exact previous   position.


   a. The procedures    which follow    give instructions     for repairing    troubles    which might
occur in the ModeLs 108 and 109.        Use the procedures      outlined   and use only speciiied       re-
placement parts.     Make sure the external     circuits   are checked.      Table 1 lists     equipment
recommended for troubleshooting.        If the trouble    cannot be located or repaired,         contact
the nearest Keithley    representative.

                     Instrument                                                       Use

 Keithley     Instruments     Model   121 True RMS                Measures     ac voltages

 Keithley  Model 153 DC Microvolt-Ammeter,                        Measure     dc voltages
 3% accuracy,   20 megohm input resistance

 Simpson Models       260 and 650 Transistor                      Check transistors
 Beta Testers

 Tektronix Type 504 Oscilloscope,           passband              Observe     wave forms
 dc to 450 kc

 TABLE 1. Equipment         Recommended for    Troubleshooting.           Use these     instruments      or their

0266R                                                                                                                 11
 SERVICING                                                                                                  MODELS 108.             109 AMPLIFIERS

                     Trouble                                    Probable     Cause                                       Remedy

 Amplifier         will   not    operate               Faulty      transistor                      Check QlOl,           Ql02,      Ql03;    replace
                                                                                                   if faultv

 Noise with Amplifier                                  Faulty      transistor                      Check QlOl,           QlO2,      Q103; replace
 exceeds 30 microvolts                  rms                                                        if faulty

                                                       Excessive  ripple               from        Check power supply.  Check
                                                       power supply                                filters ClOl, C106, Cl16, C122,
                                                                                                   Cl23 and C124.

 Gain is more or less               than      10       Potentiometer            Rlll     out       Adjust      Rlll      per paragraph          5-3
                                                       of adjustment

 Model 108 frequency                                   Amplifier       out      of cali-           Calibrate           per paragraph         5-4
 response not flat within                              bration

 Model 109 exceeds              over-                  Amplifier       out      of cali-           Calibrate           per paragraph         5-5
 shoot specification                                   bration

 Rise time         of Amplifier                      Amplifier         out of cali-                Adjust Model 108 per paragraph
 not within         swcification                   I bration                                     I 5-4. Model 109 oer oaraaarah   5-:

 Input impedance           not                         Faulty      R102 or Cl02                    Check R102 and ClO2;                 replace
 50 ohms                                           I                                             I if fault-v

 TABLE 2. Models 108 and 109 Troubleshooting.                                      Refer       to paragraph       4-4,        b, before      trouble-
 shooting the Amplifier.

   b.   Before troubleshooting      the Amplifier,        check the external      circuits,      especially  the
power supply.       Make sure the Amplifier       output is terminated       into a good 50-ohm load.           Check
the coaxial     cables and connections.         Check the performance      of the signal         generator  and
other instruments.       (The Amplifier     will   faithfully     amplify  any signal         fed to it; a poor in-
put results     in a poor output.)       Make sure     the output   signal   does     not exceed 1.4 volts      peak-
to-peak.     If the external    circuits    are good, check the Amplifier             itself.

   c.     Table 2 contains    troubles     which might occurs with the instrument.           If the repairs
indicated      in the table do not clear up the trouble,             continue   to search through a circuit-
by-circuit       check.  Refer to the circuit          description   in Section   3 to find the more crucial
components and to determine          their    function     in the circuit.     The complete circuit   schematic
diagram,      17971D, is in Section 7.

  d.     If     the instrument   will   not             operate,       check       the power source.              If     it    is   satisfactory,
continue        to isolate   the trouble.

      e.      'The Schematic Diagram indicates                     the transistor   terminal    voltages referenced   to chas-
sis        ground.    Measure the dc voltages                    to zlO% of indicated      value with a dc voltmeter.

12                                                                                                                                            0665R
MODELS 108,     109 AMPLIFIERS                                                                                             CALIBRATIOII`

                                         SECTION              5.     CALIBRATION

5-l.     GENERAL.

   a. The following         procedures   are recommended for calibrating                          and adjusting      the >lodels
108 and 109. Use the equipment recommended in Table 3. If                                    propcr facilities         arc not
available      or if difficulty      is encountered,      contact Keithley                   Instruments,      inc.,    or its
representative       to arrange for factory       calibration.

   b. Three calibrations   are in the procedures:                        low-frequency          calibration,      higlr-frequen-
cy wideband calibration   and pulse calibration.                       In addition,           paragraph      5-6 outlines     test
procedures  to check response.

   c.   If the instrument      is not within          specifications       after            the calibration,            follow    the
troubleshooting     procedures    or contact          Keithley     Instruments,               Inc.,  or its         representative.

                Instrument                                                                           Use

 General Radio GR-874 type attenuators,                               High      frequency       calibration
 3 db, 6 db, 10 db and 20 db

 General Radio CR-874-WM50 50-ohm termin-                             Amplifier       termination
 ation  (also found in Keithley Instruments
 Model 1042 Accessory Kit)

 Hewlett-Packard Model         202A Audio       Oscillator,           Signal      generator        for    low-frequency         cali-
 20 cps to 40 kc, 22%                                                 bration

 Jarrold   Electronics      Model 900-B Sweep Sig-                    Signal generator             for    Model      108 band
 nal Generator      (includes   Model D50 Detec-                      response
 to=),   500 kc to 1200 MC

 Keithley    Instruments     Model   121 True RMS                     Measure      ac voltages

 Tee and adapters (found in          Keithley       Instru-           Hook up calibration                circuits
 ments Model 1042 Accessory          Kit)

 Tektronix  Type 111 Pulse Generator,   0.5-nsec                      Check Model           109 pulse       response
 rise time, 2 to 20-nsec pulse duration

 Tektronix Type 504 Oscilloscope,               passband              Check wave form during                  tuning     and view
 from dc to 450 kc                                                    sweep display  of Model                 108

 Tektronix   Type 561A Oscilloscope,      with           dual         View Model        109 pulse         response
 trace plug-in   sampling units,     0.4-nsec            rise

 TABLE 3. Equipment          Recommended for        Models         108 and 109 Calibration.                   Use these       instruments
 or their equivalents.

 0565R                                                                                                                                  13
CALIBRATION                                                                                 MODELS 108,         109 AMPLIFIERS

5-2.     CALIBRATION SCHEDULE. Check the Am-
plifier    response yearly      or when transistors
are changed.       Refer to paragraph     5-4 (Model
108) or S-5 (Model 109) for procedures;             re-
calibrate     completely   if the response is not                                                                    5-4 (108)    I
correct.      Always recalibrate     the high-fre-
quency gain if the low-frequency          gain is

5-3.  MODELS 108,            109 LOW-FREQUENCYCALI-
                                                                I Low Frequency        I Rlll            1     14 1 5-3           1

BRATION                                                           TABLE 4. Models 108, 109 Internal               Controls.
                                                                  The Table lists        all internal    controls,     the
   a. Remove the Amplifier   cower by remov-                      figure   picturing       the location,   and the
ing the four screws.    Connect the Amplifier                     paragraph     describing     the adjustment.
to the Model 1081 Power Supply.

   b. Connect the Model 202A Oscillator       to the Amplifier     INPUT. Adjust    the oscillator      sig-
nal for 50 millivolts      rms at 10 kc.   Connect the Model 121 Voltmeter,       Type SO4 Oscillo-
scope and 50-ohm termination      to the Amplifier   OUTPUT. The output signal        should be 500
millivolts   rms *lo millivolts.     Adjust potentiometer     Rlll   (Figure 14), if necessary,     for
this output.

     c.   Monitor     the output      signal   on the oscilloscope        and check        for   distortion.

          The low-frequency  calibration  establishes    the base for the high-frequency       re-
          SpO*Se. Therefore,    tune the Amplifier    at the high frequencies   after   tuning
          it at the low frequencies.


    a. Remove the Amplifier by removing the four screws.    Connect the Amplifier                                   to the Model
1081 Power Supply.   Connect the Model 900-B Sweep Generator   to the Amplifier                                   INPUT direct-
ly.    See Figure 7. Connect the Amplifier  OUTPUT to the Model D50 Detector.

  b. Adjust          the generator   signal  to 50 millivolts            rms and center the frequency                 at 100
megacycles.          Adjust the oscilloscope    for a vertical            display of 5%/cm.

                                                          Model 900-B

                 I     ?

FIGURE 7.       Block       Diagram   for   Model   108 High-Frequency      Calibration.           Refer       to Table   3 for

14                                                                                                                        0565R
MODELS 108,     109 AMPLIFIERS                                                                       CALIBRATION


       Use only an insulated    alignment    tool in adjusting          the trimmers.     DC biases
       are present across trimmer C118, and a screwdriver                would short    out the bia-
       ses and possibly    damage transistor     Q102.

    c. The low-frequency      gain should be previously     set (paragraph  5-3).    Set trimmers C103,
Cl12 and Cl15 (Figure      14) to their    minimum values.     Set trimmer Cl18 (Figure    12) to mini-
mum by noting when the lowest high-frequency          response curve appears on the oscilloscope.
Set trimmer Cl15 to approximately        l/3 of maximum to keep the Amplifier      from oscillatin>:
into an open circuit     at higll frequencies.     Set trimmer Cl03 near its maxiorunr.      Set trimmer
Cl12 to approximately      l/2 maximum. The response should rise at about 50 to 100 NC.

   d. Increase      trimmer C118, watching    the response curve on the oscilloscope.                 wl'hcn tile
response looks      like a straight   line - either     rising      or descending       - stop adjusting       C118.
Adjust trimmer      Cl12 to bring the high end up or down to the proper gain level.                    If till?
mid-range  gain     (between 50 and 100 MC) is not flat,          alternate     ad.justing    trimmers CL03 and
Cl18 until   the    response is flat.     If necessary,     i-e-adjust     trimmer Cl12 to bring the high
end in perfectly.        Response should be flat    to at least 150 MC (refer              to Figure 9).

   e. Insert   a 3-db pad and re-adjust    the oscilloscope        for a vertical         of X/cm.     Check for
a response of 5%. Using the oscilloscope        vertical    position    control,         put the display   trace
on a reference   line.     Remove the 3-db pad.    The 180-megacycle      point         should bc above the
previously   set reference    l.ine.


  a. Remove the Amplifier          cover   by removing    the four     screws.   Connect    the Amplifier     to the
Model 1081 Power Supply.

   b.   Connect the Type 111 Pulse Generator            to the Sampling Oscilloscope.       use attenuators
(approximately    26 db) to adjust       for a 0.7-volt      peak pulse on the oscilloscope,        Use the
delay cable on the pulse generator            to adjust   the pulse width to approximately        20 nanosec-
onds.    Set the oscilloscope      horizontal     sweep to 5 nanoseconds/cm      and the vertical     sensitiv-
ity to 200 millivolcslcm.        If necessary,       use the pretriggcr   output of chc pulse generator
to synchronize    the oscilloscope.         Note the amount of: overshoot     and the shape on the pul-
se's leading    edge.

       The Amplifier    is being calibrated       at maximum output.         Do not put in larger
       pulses than specified.         This will   cause overshooting        and result  in an impro-
       perly calibrated    amplifier.

  c. Add a tee (included           in the Model 1042 Kit) and 20.db attenuator;     connect the pulse
generator      to the Amplifier      INPUT.    Set Figure 8. Connect the Amplifier    OUTPUT Co the
oscilloscope's       other vertical     input.    Note the oscilloscope has 50-011111
                                                                                    input impedance,
which terminates        the Amplifier     output.


       Use only an insulated    alignment    tool to adjust          tile trimmers. DC biases are
       present across trimmer Cll8,       nnd a screwdriver          would short out tile hiascs anti
       possibly damage transistor     Q102.

06651~                                                                                                            15
CALIBRATION                                                                       MODELS 108,    109 AMPLIFIERS

                     Dual Channel
                       Sampling                      Type 111
                     Oscilloscope                       Pulse
                                                     Generator                     AMPLIFIER

FIGURE 8.    Block    Diagram   for   Model   109 High-Frequency   Calibration.        Refer    to Table   3 for

   d. The low-frequency       gain should be previously          set (paragraph    5-3).   Set trimmers ClO3,
Cl12 and Cl15 (Figure      14) and Cl18 (Figure        12) to their    minimum values.      Set trimmer Cl15
to approximately     l/3 of its maximum value.           Adjust trinuners    Cl03 and Cl12 so that the
output pulse looks exactly          like the input pulse (Figure        11).    If the input pulse has less
than 1% overshoot      and ringing,      adjust  trimmers    Cl03 and Cl12 for less than 1% overshoot
and ringing    on the output pulse.          Keep trimmer Cl18 at its minimun value.

   e.  Increase    the oscilloscope   sensitivity to 5 millivolts/cm    and view the pulse tops.
Slight   adjustments    of trimmer Cl15 may be necessary     to make the output pulse exactly  like
the input pulse,      except for the rise time.

5-6.    LOW-FREQUENCY  RESPONSECHECK. Connect the Model 202A Oscillator             to the Amplifier
INPUT. Adjust the oscillator       signal    to 50 millivolts    rms at 10 kc.    Use the Model 121
Voltmeter   to monitor  the Amplifier     output.   Terminate    the output into 50 ohms. The out-
put voltage   at 10 kc should be 500 millivolts          rms ?2%. Gradually   decrease the signal
frequency.    The output amplitude     should not vary more than 5% until       2.5 kc.

16                                                                                                         0565R
MODELS 108,    109 AMPLIFIERS                                                                CALIBRATION

FIGURE 9. Models 108 and 109 Bandwidth                 FIGURE 10. Models 108 and 109 Overshoot
Characteristics.     The Model 108 is widk-            Characteristics.         The Model 108 is wide-
band tuned; the Model 109, pulse tuned.                band tuned; the Model 109, pulsf tuned.
The response is from 0 cps (extreme         left)      The oscilloscope       is set far 5 nscc/cm
to 240 MC; each pip represents       10 MC.            horizontal,      0.2 v/cm vertical.     The pulse
Display    signal of 50 mv rms is from a               amplifier     has minimum pulse distortion      at
sweep generator.     The excellent    flatness         the expense of flatness        (see Figure 9).
of the wideband amplifier      is gained at the
expense of overshoot    and ringing     on pulses.

                                FIGURE 11.   Pulse Fidelity    of Model
                                109 Pulse Amplifier.      Note bow the
                                output pulse follows   the input pulse.

0665R                                                                                                  17
CALIBRATION                                                          MODELS 108,   109 AMPLIFIERS

FIGURE 12. capacitor      Locations.  The INPUT   FIGURE 13. Resistor     Locations.   The INPUT
Receptacle   is at the top of the illustra-       Receptacle   is at the top of the illustra-
tion.    Both the Models 108 and 109 have the     tion.    Both the Models 108 and 109 have the
same component locations.                         same component locations.

                                                  FIGURE 14 (left).     Component Locations,
                                                  Reverse Side.     The INPUT Receptacle    is at
                                                  the top of the illustration.      Both the
                                                  Models 108 and 109 have the same component

18                                                                                          0665R
MODELS 108,     109 AMPLIFIERS                                                                          ACCESSORIES

                                        SECTION        6.   ACCESSORIES


  a. GfZ"C2Xll. The Keithley  Model 1081 Power Supply furnishes    the power required  for one,
two or three Models 108 and 109 Amplifiers.    No adjustment   is necessary.   Refer to Section
7 for the Power Supply Replaceable  Parts List and Schematic Diagram.

  b.    Specifications.

  Output:   As required      for 1, 2 or 3 Models
   108 and 109 Amplifiers.        28 volts   dc float-
  ing; ?5% accuracy;     150 milliamperes      current;
  fO.l% stability;    3-millivolt     peak-to-peak
  maximum ripple.

  Power Required:  105-125         or 210-250     volts,
  50-400 cps, 12 watts.

  Dimensions,    Weight:      3 inches high x 2-l/4
  inches wide x 3-3/4       inches deep; net weight,
  l-1/2  pounds.

  Accessories Supplied:    Three Power Cables
  3 feet long for connecting    the Model 1081
  to the Model 108 or 109 Amplifier.

   c.  Operation.     Use the Power Cable to con-
nect the Power Supply to the Amplifier.              One,
two or three Amplifiers        can be connected at
one time.    Connect the Model 1081 to the po-
wer line.     Snap the front      panel slide    switch
on to turn the instrument         on.   No warm-up              GIJW 15. Keithley        Instruments     Model   101
time or adjustment     is necessary.        For 234-            wer Supply.
volt power sources,      refer    to Schematic Dia-
gram 17966C for rewiring        the transformer.

   d . Circuit.      (Refer to Schematic Diagram 17966C.)                 The Model 1081 is relatively          simple
for its specifications.          Unregulated     voltage     from the transformer,        Tl, is rectified       by
diodes DI.01 to D104 and filtered          by capacitor        ClOl.    The voltage   is applied     to transistor
Ql , connected as a series regulator.             The output is sampled by resistors             R106 and R108
and compared to the voltage          across zener reference          diode D106. Any voltage         difference      is
amplified     by transistors     Q2 and Q3, operating          as a differential     voltage    amplifier,      and
applied     to the series regulator.         The fuse is in series with the output.               If the Power sup-
ply is overloaded,        the fuse will    blow.      Ordinarily,      the fuse will    not blow, even if Ampli-
fiers    arc connected or disconnected         while the Power Supply is on.

6-2.   ?lODEL 1042 ACCESSORYKIT.    The Model 1042 Accessory   Kit provides useful    adapters,  n
50-ohm termination    and a tee for USC with the Amplifiers.    The Kit cast is 2 inches high
x 12 inches wide x 8 inches deep with polyethylene-foam      compartments.  It ireiglis npprosi-
matcly tlircc pounds.

0665R                                                                                                              19
ACCESSORIES                                                                             MODELS 108,   109 AMPLIFIERS

6-3.    MODEL 1082 MOUNTING PLATE. (Refer              to Figure    16 for   dimensions).

   a. The Model 1082 enables a Model 108, 109 or 1081 to be installed                           in a system.     It
provides a,mounting surface  for 0. E. M. applications.

   b. To mount an instrument   on the Plate,  remove the four feet from the Amplifier     or
Power Supply.  Attach the Plate to the instrument      with the No. 4 flathead   screws.  Make
sure the screw heads are flush with the Plate to avoid interference.         The Plate and instru-
ment may be mounted to another   surface  in any desired    position.

        Item                                                                                          Keithley
       ?ig. 15                                   Description                                          Part No.

         1            50-ohm Termination,  General Radio Type 874                                     cs-159
         2            Adapter, male n to female uhf                                                   cs-114
         3            Adapter, male n to female bnc                                                   CS-116
         4            Adapter, male n to male n                                                       cs-158
         5            Adapter, male n to General Radio Type 874                                       cs-109

         6            Adapter,     n-type       tee                                                   cs-157
         7            Adapter,     male     n   to    General Radio Type 874                          cs- 109
         8            Adapter,     male     n   to    male n                                          CS-158
         9            Adapter,     male     n   to    female bnc                                      CS-116
        10            Adapter,     male     n   to    female uhf                                      cs-114

                          TABLE 5.      Contents         of Model    1042 Accessory      Kit.

             FIGURE 15.   plodcl   1042 Accessory          Kit.     See Table   5 for    contents.

20                                                                                                                0665R
MODELS 108,   109 AMPLIFIERS                                             ACCESSORIES

       FIGURE 16.   Dimensions   of the Model   1082 Mounting   Plate.

0266                                                                             21
MODELS 108,    109 AMPLIFIERS                                                                         REPLACWBLE PARTS

                                   SECTION         7.       REPLACEABLE          PARTS

7-1.   REPLACEABLE PARTS LIST.         The Replaceable   Parts List describes    the components of the
Models 108 and 109 Amplifiers        and the Model 1081 Power Supply.       Both Amplifiers      "se the
same components.     The List gives the circuit        designation, the part description,        a suggested
manufacturer,   the manufacturer's       part number and the Keithley     Part Number.     'Tllf last col-
umn indicates   the figure   picturing      the part.   The name and address of the manufacturers
listed   in the "Mfg. Code" column are in Table 7.


   a. For parts orders,     include     the instrument's     model            and serial   number, the Kcithlc!
Part Number, the circuit      designation     and a description               of the part.     All structural   parts
and those parts coded for Keithley         manufacture     (80164)            must be ordered from Kcithley
Instruments,  Inc.,   or its representive.         In ordering     a          part not listed     in the Replaceable
Parts List,  completely    describe     the part,    its function             and its location.

  b. Order parts through your            nearest        Keithley   representative      or Sales      Service     Department,
Keithley Instruments,  1~.

                                                                       M or meg              mfga (106) or megohms
                                                                       m                     milli    (10`3)
 CerT                  Ceramic, 'Tubular                               Mfg.                  Maanufacturcr
 CerTr                 Ceramic Trimmer                                 Mil. No.              Nilitary     Type Number
 Comp                  Composition                                     MtF                   Metal Film
 compv                 Composition  Variable                           MY                    Mylar

 DCb                   Deposited       Carbon

 ETB                   Electrolytic,       Tubular                     P                     pica     (10"')
 ETT                   Electrolytic,       'Tantalum
                                                                       Ref.                  Refcrcnce
 f                     farad
 Fig.                  Figure                                         I!                     micro      (10-6)
 FT                    Feed 'Through
                                                                      "                      volt
 k                     kilo    (103)                                  Var                    Variable

                                                                      w                      watt

                                TABLE 6.        Abbreviations       and Symbols.

REPLACEABLE PARTS                                                                     MODELS 108,       109 AMPLIFIERS

                                MODELS 108, 109 REPLACEABLE PARTS LIST
             (Refer         to Schematic Diagram 17971D for circuit  designations.)


Circuit                                                       Mfg.            Mfg.              Keithley          Fig.
Desig.     Value                  Rating         TYPO         Code            Part   No.        Part No.          Ref.

Cl01       500 pf                 500 "          FT           71590           MFTSOO            c15-5OOP          12
Cl02       1.2 Qf                 20 "           ETT          05397           KlR2J20K          C80-1.2M          12
Cl03       4.5-25 pf              500 v          CerTr        71590           822AZ             C76-4.5/25P       14
Cl04       1.2 pf                 20 v           ETT          05397           KlR2J2OK          C80-1.2M          12
Cl05       1.2 vf                 20 "           ETT          05397           KlRZJ20K          CBO-1.2M          12

Cl06       500   pf               500 v          FT           71590           MFTSOO            c15-SOOP          12
Cl07       1.2   I.lf             20 v           ETT          05397           KlR2J20K          C80-1.2M          12
Cl08       1.2   pf               20 v           ETT          05397           KlR2J2OK          CBO-1.2M          12
Cl09       0.1   pf               50 v           MY           84411           601PE             C41-O.lM          12
Cl10       1.2   uf               20 v           ETT          05397           KlR2J2OK          C80-1.2M          12

Cl11       1.2 pf                 20 v           ETT          05397           KlR2J20K          C80-1.2M          12
Cl12       4.5-25 pf              500 v          CerTr        71590           822AZ             C76-4.5/25P       14
Cl13       0.1 ,if                50 v           MY           84411           6OlPE             C41-O.lM          12
Cl14       0.1 Llf                50 "           MY           84411           6OlPE             C41-O.lM          12
Cl15       4.5-25 pf              500 v          CerTr        71590           822AZ             C76-4.5/25P       14

Cl16       500 pf                 500 "          FT           71590           MFTSOO            c15-SOOP          12
Cl17       4.7 ,lf                20 "           ETT          05397           K4R732OK          C80-4.7M          12
Cl18       1.5-3 pf               500 "          CerTr        71590           822DZ             C76-1.5/3P        12
Cl19       10 pf                  600 v          CerT         71590           TCZ               c77-1OP           12
Cl20       10 pf                  600 v          CerT         71590           TCZ               c77-1OP

Cl21       10 pf                  600      v     CerT         71590           TCZ               c77-1OP           12
Cl22       500 pf                 500      v     FT           71590           MFT500            c15-SOOP          12
Cl23       500 pf                 500      v     FT           71590           MFT500            c15-SOOP          12
Cl24       500 pf                 500      v     FT           71590           MFTSOO            c15-SOOP          12


Circuit                                                              Mfg.                   Keithley              Fig.
Desig.                  TYPO                   Number                Code                   Part No.              Ref.

DlOl                    Silicon                lN3253                02735                  RF-20                 14
D102                    Silicon                lN3253                02735                  RF-20                 14


Circuit                                                                              Mfg.           Keithley      Fig.
Des&.                        Description                                             Code           Part No.      Ref.

JlOl      Receptacle,  n, INPUT, Mil.             No.    W-680/U     (Mfg.
           No. 82-811)                                                               02660          cs-95

5102      Receptacle,  n, OUTPUT, Mil.             No.    UG-680/U    (Mfg.
           No. 82-811)                                                               02660          cs-95

 24                                                                                                              0165
 MODELS 108,        109 AMPLIFIERS                                                                   RCPLACEABLI: PARTS


 Circuit                                                                                     Mfg.    Keithlc)     Fig.
 Desig.                           Description                                                Code    Part No.     Ref.
 -              (F)Plug,  n, Mate of .I101 and 5102,                   Mil.    No.
                      UG-536/U (Mfg. No. 309-34000)                                          02660   E-96

 JlO3               Receptacle,  POWER
                    . Locking Ring (Mfg. No. 126-1430)                                       02660   ~~-165
                    . Receptacle  (Mfg. No. 126-1429)                                        02660   (X-163
                      Body (Mfg. No. 126-1425)                                               02660   CS-163
 -              (F)&ug,    Mate of J103 (Mfg. No. 126-1427)                                  02660   CS-162


Circuit                                                                       Mfg.    Mfg.           Kcithle)     l:ig.
Desig.              Value           Rating                    TYPO            Code    Part    No.    Part No.     Ref.

RlOl                47 kn           lO%, l/4 w                Comp            44655   RC07           R76-47K      13
R102                50 i:           l%, l/8 w                 MtF             07716   CL%            1~88-49.9    13
R103                47 n            lO%, l/4 w                Comp            44655   RC07           R76-47       13
R104                470 (1          lO%, l/4 w                Comp            01121   CB             R76-470      13
R105                2.2 kr?         lO%, l/4 w                camp            44655   RC07           R76-2.2K     13

R106                2.2 ki?         lO%, l/4 w                Comp            44655   RC07           R76-2.2K     13
R107                47 i            lO%, l/4 w                camp            44655   RC07           R76-47       13
R108                47 k!l          lO%, l/4 w                Comp            44655   RC07           R76-47K      1,
R109                60.4 G          l%, l/8 w                 MtF             07716   CL4            R88-60.4     13
RllO                100 ?           l%, l/8 w                 MtF             07716   CrA            R88-100      13

Rlll                1 k?      

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