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>> Download Panel_CHIMEI_INNOLUX_V400HJ2-LE1_0_[DS] documenatation <<

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    d                           ,/D/ /          >
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1. GEN ERAL D ESCRIPTION                  ......................................................................................................................................5
      1.1 OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................................................................5
      1.2 F EATU RES .....................................................................................................................................................5
      1.3 APPLICATION ...............................................................................................................................................5
      1.4 GEN ERAL SPECIF ICATION S.........................................................................................................................5
      1.5 M ECHAN ICAL SPECIF ICATION S.................................................................................................................6

2. ABSOLU TE M AX IM U M               RATIN GS .........................................................................................................................7
      2.1 ABSOLU TE RATIN GS OF EN VIRON M EN T...................................................................................................7
      2.2 PACK AGE STORAGE ....................................................................................................................................8
      2.3 ELECTRICAL ABSOLU TE RATIN GS..............................................................................................................8
            2.3.1 TF T LCD M OD U LE...............................................................................................................................8
            2.3.2 BACK LIGHT U N IT...............................................................................................................................8

3. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ........................................................................................................................9
      3.1 TF T LCD       M OD U LE ........................................................................................................................................9
      3.2 BACK LIGHT CON N ECTOR PIN                        CON F IGU RATION               ..................................................................................12
            3.2.1 LED      LIGHT BAR CHARACTERISTICS ...............................................................................................12

4. BLOCK D IAGRAM               OF IN TERF ACE .....................................................................................................................13
      4.1 TF T LCD       M OD U LE ......................................................................................................................................13

5. IN PU T TERM IN AL PIN              ASSIGN M EN T................................................................................................................14
      5.1 TF T LCD       M OD U LE IN PU T ..........................................................................................................................14
      5.2 BLOCK D IAGRAM                OF IN TERF ACE.............................................................................................................17
      5.3 LVD S IN TERF ACE .......................................................................................................................................19
      5.4 COLOR D ATA IN PU T ASSIGN M EN T .........................................................................................................20

6. IN TERF ACE TIM IN G............................................................................................................................................21
      6.1 IN PU T SIGN AL TIM IN G SPECIF ICATION S ................................................................................................21
      6.2 POWER ON / OF F SEQ U EN CE .....................................................................................................................24

7 . OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS.............................................................................................................................25
      7 .1 TEST CON D ITION S .....................................................................................................................................25
      7 .2 OPTICAL SPECIF ICATION S ........................................................................................................................26

s                                                                                                                                                                  D
                                d                                  ,/D/ /           >
                                                                                               WZKhd ^W/&/ d/KE
8. PRECAU TION S.....................................................................................................................................................30
      8.1 ASSEM BLY AN D             HAN D LIN G PRECAU TION S...........................................................................................30
      8.2 SAF ETY PRECAU TION S ..............................................................................................................................30

9. D EF IN ITION       OF LABELS .....................................................................................................................................31
      9.1 CM I M OD U LE LABEL..................................................................................................................................31

10. PACK AGIN G ......................................................................................................................................................32
      10.1 PACK AGIN G SPECIF ICATION S................................................................................................................32
      10.2 PACK AGIN G M ETHOD .............................................................................................................................32

11. M ECHAN ICAL CHARACTERISTICS..................................................................................................................34

s                                                                                                                                                          D
                                d                                ,/D/ /          >
                                                                                WZKhd ^W/&/ d/KE
                                                          REVISION HISTORY
    Ve rsi on   D ate               Pag e (N e w ) Se c ti on    D e sc ri p ti on
    Ve r. 2.0     J an . 20, 2011   Al l           Al l           Th e Ap p rov al sp e c i f i c ati on w as f i rst i ssu e d.
    Ve r. 2.1    M ar. 07 , 2011    24             6.2            Corre c t T5 f rom 1500 m s to 500 m s
                                    32             10.2           M odu l e q u an ti ty p e r box c h an g e d f rom 5 p c s to 6 p c s

s                                                                                                                                          D
                          d                             ,/D/ /     >
                                                                                                             WZKhd ^W/&/ d/KE
      V400HJ 2-LE1 i s a 40" TF T Li q u i d Cry stal D i sp l ay m odu l e w i th LED                                Bac k l i g h t u n i t an d 2c h -LVD S i n te rf ac e . Th i s
      m odu l e su p p orts 1920 x 1080 F u l l HD TV f orm at an d c an di sp l ay 16.7 M                                  c ol ors (8-bi t).

1.2 F EA T U RES
          Hi g h bri g h tn e ss (400 n i ts)
          Hi g h c on trast rati o (5000:1)
          F ast re sp on se ti m e (Gray to g ray av e rag e 9.5 m s)
          Hi g h c ol or satu rati on (N TSC 7 2% )
          F u l l HD TV (1920 x 1080 p i x e l s) re sol u ti on , tru e HD TV f orm at
          D E (D ata En abl e ) on l y m ode
          LVD S (Low           Vol tag e D i f f e re n ti al Si g n al i n g ) i n te rf ac e
          Op ti m i z e d re sp on se ti m e f or 60 Hz f ram e rate
          U l tra w i de v i e w i n g an g l e : Su p e r M VA te c h n ol og y
          RoHS c om p l i an c e
1.3 A P P L IC A T ION
          Stan dard Li v i n g Room              TVs
          Pu bl i c D i sp l ay Ap p l i c ati on
          Hom e Th e ate r Ap p l i c ati on
          M F M     Ap p l i c ati on
                             Ite m                                                           Sp e c i f i c ati on                                       U n it              N ote

       Ac ti v e Are a                                               885.6 (H) x 498.15 (V) (40" di ag on al )                                            m m
       Be z e l Op e n i n g Are a                                   891.7 (H) x 504.8 (V)                                                                m m

       D ri v e r El e m e n t                                       a-Si TF T ac ti v e m atri x                                                           -                    -

       Pi x e l N u m be r                                           1920 x R.G.B. x 1080                                                                p ix e l                -

       Pi x e l Pi tc h (Su b Pi x e l )                             0.1537 5 (H) x 0.46125 (V)                                                           m m                    -

       Pi x e l Arran g e m e n t                                    RGB Ve rti c al Stri p e                                                               -                    -

       D i sp l ay Col ors                                           16.7 M                                                                              c ol or                 -

       D i sp l ay Op e rati on M ode                                Tran sm i ssi v e m ode / N orm al l y Bl ac k                                         -                    -

       Su rf ac e Tre atm e n t                                      An ti -Gl are Coati n g (Haz e 11% )                                                   -                  (2)

      Note (1 ) P l ea s e r ef er to th e a tta c h ed d r a w i n g s i n c h a p ter 9 f or m or e i n f or m a ti on a b ou t th e f r on t a n d b a c k ou tl i n es .
      Note (2 ) T h e s p ec . of th e s u r f a c e tr ea tm en t i s tem p or a r i l y f or th i s p h a s e. C M I r es er v es th e r i g h ts to c h a n g e th i s f ea tu r e.

s                                                                                                                                                                                    D
                                     d                                   ,/D/ /             >
                                                                                          WZKhd ^W/&/ d/KE
                            Ite m                                M in .                   Ty p .             M ax .              U n it       N ote

                             Hori z on tal (H)                   920.7                    921.7              922.7               m m               (1)

                             Ve rti c al (V)                     536.8                    537 .8             538.8               m m               (1)
      M odu l e Si z e
                             D e p th (D )                         10                     10.8                11.8               m m               (2)

                             D e p th (D )                        26.5                    27 .5               28.5               m m               (3)

      We i g h t                                                                          7 200                                                     -

      N ote (1) Pl e ase re f e r to th e attac h e d draw i n g s f or m ore i n f orm ati on of f ron t an d bac k ou tl i n e di m e n si on s.
      N ote (2) M odu l e D e p th i s be tw e e n be z e l to T-CON       c ov e r.
      N ote (3) M odu l e D e p th i s be tw e e n be z e l to c on v e rte r c ov e r.

s                                                                                                                                              D
                             d                              ,/D/ /          >
                                                                                            WZKhd ^W/&/ d/KE
2 . AB SOLU TE M AX IM U M             RATINGS
2.1 A B S OL U T E RA T IN G S OF EN VIRON M                   EN T
                                                                                                 Val u e
                            Ite m                              Sy m bol                                                         U n it         N ote
                                                                                    M in .                    M ax .

      Storag e Te m p e ratu re                                  TST                 -20                       + 60              

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