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Subject                          Change of Switch
                                                                                                                              (Page 1 of 3)

For Models                       JN3200, JR3000, JS3200, M101, M102, M361, M511, M515, M516, M801, M903, M992,
                                 N1900B, SR1600, SR1800, 1000SB, 1125, 1911B, 1923H, 2106, 3608B, 4100R, 4103KB,
                                 4300SB, 4302C, 5600BR, 5600NB, 5800NB, 6013B, 63004, 6301, 6510B2, 8419B, 8419B2,
                                 9030, 9900B, 9901, 9924B, 9924DB
Country                          See page 2.
Description                      Switch has been changed as shown below.
                                 The new Switches don't come with four M3.5 Pan Head Screws.
                                 Except for model N1900B, their wiring have been changed.

 Change of Switch for Model N1900B
                                              Current                                                        New
Manufacturer                                  OMRON                                                    FUJISOKU
Cat. No.                                     C2M-A1T                                                   SGEL206C
Terminal Screw                         (assembled with Switch)                                   Pan Head Screw M3.5 x 8
Part No.                                      651235-2                                                     651232-8

 Change of Switch for Models except N1900B
                                              Current                                                        New
Manufacturer                                  OMRON                                                    FUJISOKU
Cat. No.                                     C2M-A1T                                                   SGEL215C
Terminal Screw                         (assembled with Switch)                                   Pan Head Screw M3.5 x 7
Part No.                                      651235-2                                                  652008-6

  Change of Wiring for Models except N1900B
                                           Current                                                              New
             Power Supply Cord

                                                                             Power Supply Cord

                                 Switch                                                           Switch
                                  2   1                        To Field                            3   2                         To Field
 Wiring                                             Noise Suppressor                                                  Noise Suppressor
                                  4   3                        To Field                            5   4                         To Field

  Noise Suppressor is not used in some countries and areas.

For N1900B
  Item No.        Current part                            Q'ty I/C           New part                              Q'ty        Note
     See    Switch C2M-A1T                                           Switch SGEL206C
                                                           1                                                          1
 next page. 651235-2                                                 651232-8                                             Interchangeable
   See                                                               Pan Head Screw M3.5x8                                     as a set
next page.                                                                                                            4
For Models except N1900B
  Item No.        Current part                            Q'ty I/C           New part                              Q'ty        Note
     See    Switch C2M-A1T                                           Switch SGEL215C
                                                           1                                                          1
 next page. 651235-2                                                 651225-5                                             Interchangeable
   See                                                               Pan Head Screw M3.5x7                                     as a set
next page.                                                                                                            4
Interchangeability mark ;
 The arrow      means that the current is substituted for the new part.
                                                                                                        (Page 2 of 3)

Item No. of Switch
 Model JN3200 JR3000 JS3200 M101           M102 M361 M511 M515              M516 M801       M903    M992 N1900B
Item No. 037   050    038    014           015   028 007   040               041  041        007     006   014

 Model SR1600 SR1800 1000SB 1125 1911B 1923H 2106 3608B 4100R 4103KB 4300SB 4302C 5600BR
Item No. 040    041    009  011   005   013   090  028   054   004     007   001    011

 Model 5600NB 5800NB 6013B 63004           6301 6510B2 8419B 8419B2 9030 9900B 9901 9924B 9924DB
Item No. 007   013    031   047            032    039    042   041  056   026   006  016    009

Item No. of Pan Head Screw
 Model JN3200 JR3000 JS3200 M101           M102 M361 M511 M515              M516 M801       M903    M992 N1900B
Item No. 700   709    700   700            700  700   700  700               700 700        700     700   711

 Model SR1600 SR1800 1000SB 1125 1911B 1923H 2106                     3608B 4100R 4103KB 4300SB 4302C 5600BR
Item No. 700   700     705  706   700   700  708                       700   700   700     700   700    700

 Model 5600NB 5800NB 6013B 63004           6301 6510B2 8419B 8419B2 9030 9900B 9901 9924B 9924DB
Item No. 700   700    706   700            700    700   700   700    700  700  700   708   700

Applicable countries
                          Model                                              Countries
Continued    JN3200                             France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, U.K., Algeria,
Models                                          Reunion, South Africa, New Zealand, Tahiti
             JS3200                             France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Russia, Spain, Sweden, U.K.,
                                                Algeria, Cyprus, Kuwait, Reunion, Turkey, South Africa,
                                                New Caledonia, New Zealand, Tahiti
             N1900B                             New Caledonia, Tahiti
             1911B                              Tahiti
             1923H                              Argentina, Tahiti
             2106                               Austria, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, New Zealand
             5600NB                             New Caledonia, Tahiti
             5800NB                             New Caledonia, Tahiti
             6013B                              Tahiti
             63004                              Tahiti
             6301                               Mexico
             8419B                              U.K.
             8419B2                             Italy, U.K., Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti
             9901                               Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Russia, Spain, Sweden,
                                                U.K., Algeria, Reunion, Australia, New Caledonia, New Zealand
             9924DB                             Austria, France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, U.K., Algeria,
                                                Reunion, South Africa, Australia, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Tahiti
Discontinued JR3000, M101, M102, M361, M511,
             M515, M516, M801, M903, M992,
Models       SR1600, SR1800, 1000SB, 1125,      Countries where Switch (651235-2) has been used as replacement part.
            3608B, 4100R, 4103KB, 4300SB,
            4302C, 5600BR, 6510B, 9030, 9924B
             9900B                              Switzerland, Tahiti
                                            (Page 3 of 3)

JN3200: From October 2002 production
JR3000: Discontinued since April, 1997
JS3200: From October 2002 production
M101: Discontinued since April, 1992
M102: Discontinued since April, 1993
M361: Discontinued since April, 1993
M511: Discontinued since July, 1992
M515: Discontinued since August, 1991
M516: Discontinued since August, 1991
M801: Discontinued since April, 1992
M903: Discontinued since September, 1992
M992: Discontinued since April, 1993
N1900B: From October 2002 production
SR1600: Discontinued since April, 1995
SR1800: Discontinued since April, 1995
1000SB: Discontinued since April, 1989
1125: Discontinued since April, 1994
1911B: From October 2002 production
1923H: From October 2002 production
2106: From October 2002 production
3608B: Discontinued since April, 1993
4100R: Discontinued since April, 1993
4103KB: Discontinued since October, 1992
4300SB: Discontinued since October, 1991
4302C: Discontinued since September, 1995
5600BR: Discontinued since April, 1995
5600NB: From October 2002 production
5800NB: From October 2002 production
6013B: From October 2002 production
63004: From October 2002 production
6301: From October 2002 production
6510B2: Discontinued since April, 1993
8419B: From October 2002 production
8419B2: From October 2002 production
9030: Discontinued since April, 1996
9900B: Discontinued since May, 2001
9901: From October 2002 production
9924B: Discontinued since April, 1993
9924DB: From October 2002 production

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