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    Models No.              6796D/FD, 6797D/FD, 6798D/FD                                         L
                                                                                                               P 1 / 12

    Description             9.6 V Cordless screwdriver

    The series of the above cordless screwdrivers have been developed
    for automobile assembling line where the precise fastening torque
    is required.                                                                                               H
    The precise fastening torque thanks to
      * Battery power warning lamp
      * Auto stop when continuous operation disregarding the
        above warning.
    The easy and comfortable working thanks to                                                   W
      * Palm fitting soft grip
      * Lighting up front lamps for easy approach to                                  Dimensions : mm ( " )
        the screwing point in dark. (only FD models)                             Length ( L )   174 (6-27/32)
                                                                                 Height ( H )  240 (9-7/16)
                                                                                 Width ( W )     58 (2-9/32)

     Model No.                                 6796D/DF                  6797D/DF                     6798D/DF
                 Cell                            Ni-Cd                       Ni-Cd                       Ni-Cd
     Battery     Voltage                           9.6                         9.6                        9.6
                  Capacity                         2.0                         2.0                        2.0
    No load speed : (min -1= rpm)                 320                        320                         320
     Driving shank : mm ( " )                6.35 (1/4) Hex             6.35 (1/4) Hex               6.35 (1/4) Hex
                         N.m                     1-5                         2-8                           6 - 12
    Fastening torque                10 - 51                    20 - 82                       61 - 122
                          in.lbs               8.9 - 44                    18 - 71                       53 - 106
     Electric brake                                Yes                        Yes                           Yes
    Reverse switch                                 Yes                        Yes                           Yes
    * Net weight : Kg (lbs)                      1.4 (3.1)                  1.4 (3.1)                     1.4 (3.1)
    * Net weight : including battery

 Optional      accessories
   * Various philips bits         * Battery 9100              * Charger DC1411
   * Various socket bits          * Battery 9102              * Charger DC1801
   * Bit piece                    * Battery 9102A             * Automotive charger DC1422
   * Protector                    * Fast charger DC1439       * Adjust grip for pre-setting of torque
Features    and benefits                                                                                         P 2 / 12

                       6796D, 6796FD 6797D, 6797FD 6798D, 6798FD
  It is very convenient to operate them in trio in your assembling lines where the various fastening torque
  is precisely required. Their fastening torque ranges are listed below, and can be distinguished with aluminum plates on
  their rear head of motor housing.

           Model No.         Fastening torque range       Lighting up front lamps    Color of aluminum plate
           6796D                    1 - 5 N.m                        No
                                  10 - 51                                              Yellow
           6796FD                 8.9 - 44 in.lbs                    Yes
           6797D                    2 - 8 N.m                        No
                                   20 - 82                                              Blue
           6797FD                 18 - 71 in.lbs                     Yes
           6798D                    6 - 12 N.m                       No
                                   61 - 122                                             Red
           6798FD                  53 - 106 in.lbs                   Yes

   The precise fastening torque                 More compact body in length and weight
   Conforming to "FIAT" B-standard.             compared with competitors
                                                MAKITA, 6796D series :174mm / 1.4 Kg
                                                Competitor A, Mod.A series : 225mm / 1.8 kg
 Special structure for pre-selection
                                                Competitor B, Mod.B series : 203mm / 1.6 kg
 of fastening torque
 Impossible to pre-select the fastening           Torque gauge showing desired          Auto stop synchronizing
 torque without adjust grip, in order to          torque by one of the numbers          with clutch
 prevent spontaneous pre-selection                from 1 to 12.
 during the work, which can be cause
 of dispersion of torque.                                                               Externally accessible brush
 "Adjust Grip" is optional accessory.                    174mm

                                                                                             Colored aluminum plate
                                                                                             for distinction of the torque
   Adjust Grip                                                                               range and model number.

  Sleeve coated with rubber
  to protect the work piece                                                            Battery power warning lamp
  from scratch, etc.                                                                   Auto stop by sensing battery's
                                                                                       power drop
  Lighting up front lamps                                                              when continuous operation
  (only for FD models)                                                                 disregarding the warning by lamp
  The lamps are on with pulling
  switch trigger, and off 10 - 20 sec.                                              Palm-fitly soft grip
  after releasing switch trigger.

                                                  Push button type
                   ON-OFF switch with big         reverse switch
                   trigger for easy operation                                  9.6V set plate type battery
                                                                               conveinent to work in narrow
        Body is assembled with machine                                         place because of no side-bulge.
        screws for convenience of repairing
        or maintenance.                               Rubber protector for protection
                                                      of the work piece from scratch, etc.
                                                      (Optional accessory)
Comparison                  of products                                                                                                    P 3 / 12
                    Model No.                                MAKITA                            Competitor A           Competitor B
                                 6796D 6797D 6798D
                                 6796FD 6797FD 6798FD 6795D 6794D 6793D                       A-1          A-2   B-3       B-6       B-9
                Voltage ( V )                   9.6                           9.6                     12                    9.6

                                        * (1.3 / 2.0)                    * (1.3 / 2.0)         * (1.25 / 2.0)         1.4 / *(2.0)

                Capacity( Ah )

                Energy ( Wh)         * (12.5 / 19.2)                    * (12.5 / 19.2)      * (15.0 / 24.0)          13.4 /* (19.2)
     Set plate
     Push button
 Fastening                                                       0.5 - 1.9 - 1.9 - 1.0 -   4.0-    0.9 -
                                  1-5         2-8       6 - 12                                            1.9 -7 3 -10
 torque : N.m                                                       3.4   7.8 11.8     4.5     8.0    4.5
 No load speed
                                              320                1,700      650     400        850         600   800        520      360
  :(min -1= rpm)
 Driving shank
                                     6.35 (1/4") Hex                   6.35 (1/4") Hex       6.35 (1/4") Hex     6.35 (1/4") Hex
    : mm ( " )
 Battery warning
                                           Yes                             No                         No                Yes
 Auto stop by

                                              Yes                          Yes                     Yes                   Yes
                                                                                             informing with          informing with
                with clutch
                                                                                             lamp                    click and lamp
                                           Yes                              No                        No                   Yes
                drop sensor
 Lighting up                         D model : No
                                                                            No                        No                   No
 front lamps                         FD model : Yes
                                              Yes                           No                        No                   No
 carbon brush
 Adjusting                                                         by Pre-selection                                  Screwdriver with
                                   by Adjust grip                                             by Adjust grip
 torque                                                            dial                                              particular bit
 Reverse switch                          A type                         B type                       A type                A type
 Center                                                                                               28                    29
                                         28                                  28.5
 height : mm
 All over length
  : mm                                   174                     178       183      183              225                    203
 Net weight (Kg)                          1.4                    1.5        1.4      1.4             1.8                  1.6

                                                                       Reverse switch

                                                    A-type                                       B-type

                                    Push button type on the                                Slide lever type on the
                                    side of body                                           upper side of machine

                < Note > * Batteries in ( ) are optional accessories, in stead of standard equipments.
  Repair                                                                                                          P 4 / 12
< 1 > Disassembling sleeve section
      Disassemble ring spring 10 with retaining ring plier from the groove of spindle. Then flat washer 11,
      compression spring 13 and sleeve can be removed from spindle as illustrated in Fig. 1.

                 Ring spring 10    Flat washer 11    Sleeve          Spindle

                                  Compression spring 13
                                                                Fig. 1
< 2 > Separating DC motor from gear section
      Hold gear section and turn DC motor anti-clockwise as illustrated in Fig.2. So, DC motor can be removed
      from gear assembly.
               Gear section

     Gear case                                             Gear case
                                  DC motor                 complete      Gear case A                   DC motor
     complete       Gear case A
                                                      Fig. 2
< 3 > Disassembling gear section
    (1) Turn the lock washer anti-clockwise with screwdriver hitched into any of its two punched holes.
       Then, the lock washer can be separated from gear case A by pulling out with the screwdriver
       as illustrated in Fig. 3.
                                       Lock washer                                   Lock washer

                                                      Fig. 3
    (2) Remove the following parts from gear case A as illustrated in Fig. 3A.
       * Spur gear 17 x 3 pcs.
       * Spur gear 15 complete (with 3 shafts)
       * Spur gear 10 x 5 pcs.
       * Spur gear 15 complete (with 5 shafts)             Spur gear 10 x 5 pcs.     Spur gear 17 x 3 pcs.

                    Gear case A
                                             Spur gear 15 complete             Spur gear 15 complete
                                             (with 4 shafts)                   (with 3 shafts)

                                                      Fig. 3A
  Repair                                                                                                           P 5 / 12
     (3) Take off 4 pcs. of tapping screws M3 x 12. And separate gear case A from gear case complete
         as illustrated in Fig. 3B.

                                                              Tapping screws
                                                              M3 x 12

                                                                      Fig. 3B
            Gear case complete          Gear case A

     (4) Remove the following parts from gear case A as illustrated in Fig. 3C.
        * Flat washer 18
        * Steel ball 3 x 38 pcs.                          Steel ball 3     Flat washer 18
        * Internal gear 35
        * Spur gear 10 x 5 pcs.
        * Carrier ( with 5 shafts)

                                                       Spur gear 10
                                                                           Internal gear 35    Gear case A

                                                                      Fig. 3C

             < Note > 38 pcs. of steel balls 3 are assembled. Check the quantity of them, when assembling.

< 4 > Disassembling switch
    (1) Unscrew the screw fastening micro switch, and turn the micro switch with pulling it up as illustrated in Fig. 4.
        Then, micro switch can be separated from switch.

                    Micro switch

                                                                           Fig. 4

                       Screw, fastening                       Turn the micro switch in
                       micro switch with                      the direction of the colored
                       fastening torque                       arrow with pulling it up.
                       0.29 - 0.34 N.m
 Repair                                                                                                              P 6 / 12
< 4 > Assembling spring holder section
       Assemble spring holder by turning it clockwise at least 4 turns as illustrated in Fig. 4.

                                        Spindle          Turn clockwise at least 4 turns.

                                                                  Compression spring 30 for 6796D / 6796FD ..... Gold
                                                                                        for 6797D / 6797FD ..... Silver
                                                                        Gear case       for 6798D / 6798FD ..... Gun metal

                                   Torqueup                            Fig. 4
       Spring holder for 6796D / 6796FD marked with "1 - 5 Nm "
                     for 6797D / 6797FD marked with "2 - 8 Nm "
                     for 6798D / 6798FD marked with "6 - 12 Nm "

       Spring holder and compression spring 30 to be assembled to spring holder section are distinguished
       as mentioned above.
       Be careful not to assemble them to the wrong model.
< 5 > Assembling and adjusting switch unit
      Adjust the switch unit's position against torqueup plate by sliding holder plate, so that the gap between
      torqueup plate and switch unit comes to 1.4 + - 0.2mm as illustrated in Fig. 5A.
      No.1R289 Adjusting jig is required for this work. After the adjusting, fix holder plate to which switch unit is
      assembled, on gear case complete.

                                                                     Loosen this screw, so the holder plate
                                                                     can be adjusted within its elliptic hole.

                                      Elliptic hole
                                      for adjusting                             Fastening torque : 0.2 - 0.3N.m

                                                                                                     Boss of gear case complete
                                   Holder plate                                                      for fixing holder plate

                                        Torqueup plate                                                     1.4+ - 0.2mm

                                    Switch unit                                                      "ON" point with a click
                                  No.1R289 Adjusting jig
                                                               View from switch unit side

               Fig. 5                                                             Fig. 5A
  Repair                                                                                                               P 7 / 12
< 6 > Assembling cam section
    (1) Assemble the following parts to gear case A as illustrated in Fig. 6A.
       * Flat washer 18                                                       Flat washer 18
                                                             Steel ball 3
       * Steel ball 3 x 38 pcs.
       * Internal gear 35               Carrier
       * Spur gear 10 x 5 pcs.
       * Carrier ( with 5 shafts)

                                                         Spur gear 10
                                                                             Internal gear 35        Gear case A
             < Note > 38 pcs. of steel balls 3 are assembled. Check the quantity of them, when assembling.
                                                                                      Fig. 6A

    (2) Assemble the gear case A to which the above 5 parts have been assembled, to gear case complete
       by fastening with 4 taping screws as illustrated in Fig. 6B.

                                                                            Tapping screws
                                                                            M3 x 12

                                                                                      Fig. 6 B
                Gear case complete              Gear case A

    (3) Assemble the gears to gear case A as illustrated in Fig. 6C, and assemble lock washer as illustrated in Fig. 6D.
                                    Spur gear 10 x 5 pcs. Spur gear 17 x 3 pcs.

     Gear case A       Spur gear 15 complete       Spur gear 15 complete                                       Lock washer
                       (with 5 shafts)             (with 3 shafts)
                                           Fig. 6 C                                                Fig. 6 D

    4) Insert 3 pcs. of steel balls 5 into the 3 holes of gear case complete, and then insert 3 pcs. of pin 5.0 into
       the same holes as illustrated in Fig. 6E.


                        Steel ball 5 x 3 pcs.                                   Pin 5.0 x 3 pcs.
                                                                                 Gear case complete

                                                                                    Gear case A

                                                                                   Fig. 6E
  Repair                                                                                                       P 8 / 12
< 7 > Lubrication
    Apply MAKITA grease N No.2 to the parts marked with black triangle illustrated in Fig. 7.

                                                  Approx. 0.5g

                          Steel ball 3

                                   Approx. 0.5g


            Shaft of
      Spur gear 10
                                                                            Approx. 0.5g

                                                                                                Approx. 0.5g

                            Spur gear 15 complete
                                           Spur gear 10

                                                  Spur gear 15 complete
                                                                 Spur gear 17
                                                                                 Fig. 7
Circuit    diagram                                                                                      P 9 / 12

          Color index
 Black                                     Model 6796D / 6797D / 6798D
                                           (without lighting up feature)
 Yellow                            Shrink these tubes by heat.      Switch
 Blue                                                                NO

  Battery holder                                                 Micro switch

             T                                                     S1      M1
                                   Controller                      S2
                                                                                           DC. motor
                                                                     M2 M2
                                                                 Reverse switch
             Receptacle sleeve
                                                                                         Switch unit

                                   Shrink these tubes by heat.       Switch
  Model 6796FD / 6797FD / 6798FD                                      NO
  (with lighting up feature)

 Battery holder                                                   Micro switch

              T                                                      S1     M1
                                   Controller                        S2
                                                                                            DC. motor
                                                                        M2 M2
                                                                   Reverse switch
               Receptacle sleeve
                                                                                          Switch unit
                                                Connector                                      COM

                                                                    LED circuit complete
                                                                    (Circuit for lighting up feature)
Wiring    diagram                                                                                                 P 10 / 12
 For model 6796D, 6797D, 6798D
           6796FD, 6797FD, 6798FD

 (1 ) Connecting to switch
      Connect lead wires and receptacles to switch as illustrated in Fig. 8, and fix them with lead holder.

                            Motor lead
                                              Red                                 Blue
                            wire                                Controller
                                                                lead wire

                                                    Purple                Black
                                                              Motor lead wire
                                              Controller                      White
                                              lead wire       Controller lead wire

                                                  Orange                  Lead holder.
  Controller                                               lead wire
  lead wire                                 Red
                                        White                                            View from another side
          View from micro switch side

                                                                Fig. 8

 (2 ) Connecting to battery holder
      Connect the flag type receptacle equipped with receptacle sleeve, as illustrated in Fig. 9.

                   lead wire

                                 Red                            Battery holder

                 Receptacle sleeve

                                                                 Fig. 9
Wiring    diagram                                                                                       P 11 / 12
                                                                          Fix motor lead wire
         Wiring in motor housing                                          with lead holder.
         Model 6796D/ 6797D/ 6798D

             Switch unit

                                                                   DC motor



      Put the slack portion of
      lead wires as illustrated
      above, after connecting
      switch unit's connector
      to controller.

                                                                                      Pass motor lead wire on both
     Attach receptacles so that the pin for                                           side of the LED portion of
     prevention of short circuit comes to                                             controller.
     between the receptacle sleeves.
     Pass lead wires between receptacle sleeve.

 Pin for prevention of
 short circuit                     Receptacles
   Receptacle                      to switch                                  Ribs of switch
   sleeves                                                                   Rib of motor housing

                                     Lead wires
                                                          Pass lead wires which come through
                  Battery holder                          the rear side of switch, between
                                                          the ribs of switch and motor housing.
Wiring   diagram                                                                                          P 12 / 12

                                                                           Fix motor lead wire
       Wiring in motor housing                                             with lead holder.
       Model 6796FD/ 6797FD/ 6798FD

                  Switch unit

   LED circuit

                                                                    DC motor



           Put the slack portion of
           lead wires as illustrated
           above, after connecting
           switch unit's connector
           and LED circuit's connector
           to controller.

                                                                                      Pass motor lead wire on both
      Attach receptacles so that the pin for                                          side of the LED portion of
      prevention of short circuit comes to                                            controller.
      between the receptacle sleeves.
      Pass lead wires between receptacle sleeve.

   Pin for prevention of
   short circuit                      Receptacles
                                      to switch                                       Ribs of switch
     sleeves                                                                       Rib of motor housing

                                       Lead wires
                                                                Pass lead wires which come through
                                                                the rear side of switch, between
                     Battery holder
                                                                the ribs of switch and motor housing.

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