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    Model No.                    BFL080F / BFL120F
                                                                                                                                       P 1 / 23

    Description                  Cordless Angle Screwdrivers 9.6V

CONCEPT AND MAIN APPLICATIONS                                                                                          L
   These Cordless Angle Screwdrivers have been developed                                                                                           H
   as upgraded sister tools to models of Makita 6706D.
   Having the same features and benefits as tools of
   Model 6706D series, these new drivers for automobile factories                                                                                  W
   feature higher torque, torque accuracy and built in job light.
                                                                                                             Dimensions : mm ( " )
   The variations of these models are as listed below.                                                       BFL080F and BFL120F
                                                                                               Length w/ BH 9020, BH9020A 430 (17)
                Fastening                          Type of the equipped                        (L)       w/ BH 9033, BH9033A 454 (17-7/8)
    Model No.   torque                             bit or socket                               Height ( H )                     74 (2-15/16)
    BFL080FZ                                   Socket, Square 9.5mm (3/8")                     Width ( W )                      65 (2-9/16)
    BFL080F1Z                                  E-form Bit, Hex 6.35mm (1/4")
    BFL080F2Z      2 - 8N.m                    C-form Bit, Hex 6.35mm (1/4")
              (17.7-70.9 in.lbs)
    BFL080F3Z                                  E-form Bit, Hex 8mm (5/16")
    BFL080F4Z                                  C-form Bit, Hex 8mm (5/16")
    BFL120F5Z                                  Socket, Square 6.35mm (1/4")
    BFL120FZ                                   Socket, Square 9.5mm (3/8")
    BFL120F1Z                                  E-form Bit, Hex 6.35mm (1/4")
    BFL120F2Z     5 - 12N.m                    C-form Bit, Hex 6.35mm (1/4")
    BFL120F3Z (44.3-106 in.lbs)                E-form Bit, Hex 8mm (5/16")
    BFL120F4Z                                  C-form Bit, Hex 8mm (5/16")
    BFL120F5Z                                  Socket, Square 6.35mm (1/4")

    Model No.                                            BFL080F                              BFL120F
                   Type of cell                                       Ni - MH
    Battery        Voltage : V                                           9.6
                                                               2.0 w/ BH9020, BH9020A
                   Capacity : Ah
                                                              3.3 w/ BH9033, BH9033A
    No load speed : min-1 = rpm                           450                          250
    Fastening torque : N.m (in.lbs)               2 - 8 (17.7 - 70.9)           5 - 12 (44.3 - 106)
    Electric brake                                                       Yes
    Torque adjustment                                      Yes (Adjust grip is required.)
    Soft starter                                                         Yes
    Reverse switch                                                       Yes

 Standard equipment
    * Protector .................................................................... 1 pc. (only for some countries)
    * Adjust grip for torque adjusting ................................ 1 pc. (only for some countries)

    < Note > The standard equipment for the tool shown may differ from country to country.

 Optional       accessories
     * Battery BH9020                    * Charger DC14SA                                                     * Angle head set
     * Battery BH9020A                   * Charger DC24SA                                                     * Adjust grip for torque adjusting
     * Battery BH9033                    * Auto refresh adapter ADP03
     * Battery BH9033A                   * Protectors ( red, blue, yellow and see-through )
Features   and benefits                                                                                         P 2 / 23
                                        BFL080F and BFL120F
                                                      Indication Lamp and Beeper
                                                  inform user of;
                                                  * Sufficient fastening = Green on
                                                  * Insufficient fastening = Red on
    *Higher Torque Accuracy                                                and Beeping
                                                  * Warning that remaining battery
 Torque accuracy:
                                                         power is little = Red on
 Plus or minus 10%, Plus or minus 3 sigma,
                                                                            and Beeping
 Cm is more than or equal to 1.67
                                                  * Too little power to rotate
                                                           the machine = Motor stops with Red on
                                                                           and Beeping
                                                  * Refer to page 3 in detail about this matter.

 Torque adjusting system                                                                       D28 Type Motor
 just for the manufacturing line                                                            Externally accessible brushes
 Impossible to change fastening torque                                                      Two-piece motor with replace-
 previously set by factory, without                                                         able armature
 adjust grip                                                                                Uses compact and light, yet
                                                                                            powerful rare earth magnet

 Extra-rigid, Aluminum-alloy
          Angle Head

 Head height:
 28.5mm (1- 1/8")

                                                                                  Anti-Slip Dimpled Grip

                                                                   Easily operatable ON-OFF Switch
                                                                   equipped with a Delayed re-starter
        Center height:
        13.5mm (1/2")                                          Conveniently Located
                                                            Forward/Reverse Push Button

                                                          Built in Electronic System featuring

                                          Soft start to suppress       Delayed re-starter
                                          return torque                The restarting delayer controls the motor
                                          at start-ups                 so that it does not start till one second passes
                                                                       after a screw has been driven ; the motor does not
                                                                       start even if switch trigger is pulled.
              Job Light                                                Consequently, reduced considerably deviation
                                                                       from pre-set fastening torque , which is caused
      Lighting up automatically                                        by unintentional over-tightening.
      with start of motor, and
      lighting on till 10 sec. passes
      after switching off.

   Uses Machine Screws for
   Assembling Motor Housing

   Auto Stop System                        2.0Ah Batteries BH9020, and BH9020A with power display
                                           3.3Ah Batteries BH9033, and BH9033A with power display
   By sensing battery's
   power drop.

   Protector (option)
  Protects workpiece from scratches.
Features     and benefits                                                                                         P 3 / 23

 Indication lamp, buzzer and auto stop system
 In case of no trouble on the result of work and on the machine, the lamp and beeper inform of the following matters.

   Lamp              Beeper         Auto stop         What the lamp, beeper and auto stop system inform of.
  Lights up in the A series of                          Under testing the function of indication
  order of green, short beeps                           lamp and beeper, when installing battery.
  red and white.
                                                       Finish of single fastening process with reaching
                                                       the pre-set fastening torque.
  Lights up                                            At this time, clutch works and delayed restarter
                    No beep            ON
  in green.                                            keeps the motor still for one second after finishing
                                                       sufficient fastening process, to avoid the unintentional
                                                       over-tightening which will occur by mis-operation
                                                       of switch trigger.

 In case of trouble on the result of work, or on the machine, the lamp and buzzer inform of the following matters.

                                                   What the lamp, beeper and
   Lamp            Beeper        Auto stop         auto stop system inform of.               Action to be taken
                                                    Insufficiently finished single     Try again to fasten the screw
                                                    fastening process, without         or bolt.
  Lights up        A long
                                                    reaching the pre-set fastening     It is important to pull the switch
  in red.          beep
                                                    torque.                            trigger on, until clutch works.

                                                    Remaining battery                Motor rotates on, however, it is
                  A series                          power is little.                 recommended to replace with
  Flickers in red of long                                                            the fully charged battery in the
  slowly.         beeps                                                              appropriate time.

                                                    Impossible to fasten screws        Immediately replace the
                   A long                           or bolts with the pre-set          old battery with the fully
  Lights up        beep             ON
                                                    fastening torque any more.         charged battery.
  in red.

  Lights up in     A series                         Warning of abnormal drop of        Motor does not rotate in spite of
  red and green    of long                          battery voltage for some           pulling switch trigger.
  alternately.     beeps                            reason.                            The warning by lamp and beeper
                                                                                       stops with removing battery.

                   A series                         Warning of over heat on            Remove the battery immediately
  Flickers                                          controller.                        and cool the machine down.
                   of short         ON
  in red

  Flickers in                                       Trouble on clutch system.          Ask MAKITA authorized or
                   A series
  red and green                                                                        factory service center for repair
                   of long          ON
  alternately.                                                                         or adjustment.

                                                    The battery has been installed      Release the switch trigger.
  Lights up in     A series                         with keeping switch trigger
  red and green    of long          ON              pulled.
  alternately.     beeps
Features     and benefits                                                                                         P 4 / 23

                        Identification Plate for BFL080F Series Models
 BFL080F Series Models (BFL080F, BFL120F, BFL121F and BFL200F) are equipped with
 Identification Plates for easy control in your factory.
 Even if the name plates would fall off the machines, or even if it is too difficult to read the indications from the worn
 name plates, BFL080F Series Models can be easily identified from the identification plates.

                                                                   *****               Identification number with 5 digits;
 Identification plate
                                                                                       With this 5 digits, it can be
                                                                  8 - 20N.m            identified, (for example) to which
                                                                                       manufacturing section the relative
                                                                                       machine is employed.
                                                                                       The identification number is put
                                                                                       by MAKITA, independent of the
                                                Torque range;                          serial numbers.
                                                Model No. can be identified with
                                                this indication as mentioned below.

            *****                                    *****                                      *****
            2 - 8N.m                                 5 - 12N.m                                 8 - 20N.m

            BFL080F                                 BFL120F                                     BFL200F
                         Yellow plate               BFL121F      Blue plate                                 Red plate

                  How to control the BFL080F series models with the identification plate

 BFL080F series models are employed in some factory, for example , as listed below.
                        Employed                Indications on the identification plate                       Employed
 Manufacturing          model           Torque range                  Identification No.                      quantity
 section A              BFL080F          2 - 8N.m         00001 - 00250                                        250
                        BFL120F          5 - 12N.m        00123 - 00275                                        153

                        Employed                Indications on the identification plate                       Employed
 Manufacturing          model           Torque range                  Identification No.                      quantity
 section B              BFL080F          2 - 8N.m         00251 - 00300                                           50
                        BFL120F          5 - 12N.m        10300 - 10449, 00899, 15689,                           152

                        Employed                Indications on the identification plate                       Employed
 Manufacturing          model           Torque range                  Identification No.                      quantity
 section C              BFL121F          5 - 12N.m        00030 - 00119, 00830 - 00836,                           97
                        BFL200F          8 - 20N.m        50025 - 50099, 00830 - 00836,        15689,             83

       You can identify the model No. and to which manufacturing section the relative machine belongs, from the
       indications on the plates.

            00237                                    00899                                      00117
            2 - 8N.m                                 5 - 12N.m                                 5 - 12N.m

        BFL080F employed in                    BFL120F employed in                     BFL121F employed in
        manufacturing section A                manufacturing section B                 manufacturing section C

            00129                                    00296                                      50057
            5 - 12N.m                                2 - 8N.m                                  8 - 20N.m

        BFL120F employed in                    BFL080F employed in                     BFL200F employed in
        manufacturing section A                manufacturing section B                 manufacturing section C
Features    and benefits                                                                                                P 5 / 23
                        Combination of bits or sockets with BFL080 series models
   Model No.          BFL080FZ BFL120FZ                    BFL080F1Z BFL120F1Z                      BFL080F2Z BFL120F2Z
 (Ref. to page 1.)    BFL121FZ BFL200FZ                    BFL121F1Z BFL200F1Z                      BFL121F2Z BFL200F2Z
                     Socket,                            E-form Bit, Hex 6.35mm (1/4")            C-form Bit, Hex 6.35mm (1/4")
                     Square 9.5mm (3/8")                                            6.35mm
 Available bits                                                              Apperox. 9mm
      or                                                                              (11/32")
                                                       In case of No.2 bit
   sockets                                                                                                     Apperox. 8mm
                                                       Apperox. 9mm (11/32")         6.35mm                             (5/16")
                        9.5mm                                                        (1/4")

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