Service Manuals, User Guides, Schematic Diagrams or docs for : MAKITA DC1803-TE

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  Models No.               DC1803

  Description              Charger
  Both of Ni.Cd and Ni.MH MAKITA batteries                                                                          H
  from 7.2V to 18V can be charged with this DC1803.
  Its features and benefits are
  (1) Approx. 10 - 20 minutes shorter charging time in comparing
      with DC1801.
  (2) Maintenance (trickle) charging system keeps the full charged
       condition for 24 hours, even if the battery is left in this charger
       after finishing of charging process.                                   W

                                                                                                   Dimensions : mm ( " )
                                                                                              Length ( L ) 201 (7-15/16)
                                                                                              Height ( H )  78 (3-1/16)
                                                                                              Width ( W ) 105 (4-1/8)

     Voltage (V)          Current (A)          Cycle (Hz)             Input
         110                                     50 / 60               75W
         120                                     50 / 60               75W
         220                                     50 / 60               75W
         230                                     50 / 60               75W
         240                                     50 / 60               75W

   Output voltage ; V (DC)                                   7.2      9.6         12   14.4      18
   Output current : A                                                 2.6
                    for 1.3 Ah Ni-Cd battery                       Approx. 30
                  for 2.0 Ah Ni-Cd battery                         Approx. 45
                  for 2.2 Ah Ni-MH battery                         Approx. 50
       time: min.
                  for 2.6 Ah Ni-MH battery                         Approx. 60
                  for 3.0 Ah Ni-MH battery                         Approx. 70

   < Note > The above figures about charging time may differ from condition to condition on batteries' temperature
            or room temperature.
Features      and benefits                                                                                      P2/4

               Both of Ni.Cd and Ni-MH MAKITA batteries
               from 7.2V to 18V can be charged. See the list below.

               Approx. 10 - 20 minutes shorter
               charging time in comparing
               with DC1801.
               See "Comparison of Product" at P.3

                                          Chargeable batteries
  Type and      Charging        7.2V            9.6V             12V           14.4V        18V
  capacity      time: min.      battery         battery          battery       battery      battery

         1.3Ah Approx. 30      7000          9000 9100      1200 1200A         1420
                                             9120           1210 1220
         2.0Ah Approx. 45      7002          9002 9102      1202 1202A         1422          1822
                                             9122           1222

         2.2Ah Approx. 50      7033          9033 9133            1233         1433          1833

         2.6Ah Approx. 60                    9134                 1234         1434          1834

         2.2Ah Approx. 70                    9135 9135A 1235 1235A             1435          1835

  Ideal charging system in this class with the following installations
1 Controlling by micro computer : The installed micro computer perceives the full charged condition, and
                                  control the optimum way to stop the charging process, from the followings.
        A) Minus delta V system : Stop the charging process with perceiving the battery's voltage drop.
        B) Delta T system        : Stop the charging process with perceiving the change of battery's temperature.
                                    ( This system is applied to only the charger of 4 terminal-type.)
        C) T system (Timer)      : Stop the charging process with perceiving the battery's temperature which is
                                    input in the micro computer in advance. For instance the charging process is to
                                    be stopped at 45

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