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MITSUBISHI CT 29BV1 BD                                                                                                                            1
          Load Dressing                                            Adjustments                                                                                   CODE:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Check the VERTICAL BREATHING CORREC-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        TION as follows:
 1.4.2 Lead dressing                                     2.1 introduction                                                                                        MNP             70                                  18      H-PHASE-60                      14   HP6
 Leads must be dressed as shown in table 1 .4B           Most service adjustments to these models are                                                            FFT             1                                   19      H-PHASE-TEXT                    15   HPT   1. Select the VCJ adjustment display.
 and the diagram (fig. 1.4C) below. The leads are        made using the remote control (figure 2.1A) with                                                        VOL             74                                  1A      H-PHASE-SECAM                   16   HPS   2. Set the adjustment code to 01 (1 VBC) with
 routed or clamped so that they do not come              the TV in service mode. The adjustment data is                                                          HYP             1                                   1B      H-PHASE-RGB                     17   HPX      buttons "2" or "8" on the remote control.
 close to any heat generating or high-tension            stored in an EEPROM.                                                                                    SCP             20                                  1C      P-AMP-16: 9                     18   PA9   3. If necessary, adjust the data value to "-31"
 parts. The anode lead wire is routed such that                                                                                                                  FMP             23                                  1D      358 NTSC-LUMA-DELAY             -             using buttons "4' or "6' on the remote control.
 no tension is applied to the anode cap. If the                                                                                                                                                                      1E      443 NTSC-LUMA-DELAY             -
 mounting angle of the anode cap and the route                                                                                                                   EE3W software:                                      -       NTSC (358 & 443) CHROMA DELAY   10   NTD   2.4.2 Horizontal centre
 of the anode lead wires are changed, return                                                                                                                                                                         -       BG CHROMA DELAY OFFSET          9    BGD
 them to the initial angle and route.                                                                                                                            CODE:           SETTING:                            -       P-AMP-60                        9    PA6   Code: 09 (13 HP5) [H-PHASE-50]
                                                                                                                                                                 TUN             1                                   -       P-TILT-60                       10   PT6
 CLAMP No    WIRES CLAMPED                                                                                                                                       SAT             0                                   -       C-CORRECTION-60                 11   CC6   1. Connect a VCR and play a PAL-Monoscope
 1           KB, KK                                                                                                                                              AUD             0                                   -       TOP-BLANKING-50                 14   TB5      alignment tape.
 2           DA, DM                                                                                                                                              ATS             -                                   -       BOTTOM-BLANKING-50              15   BB5   2. Select the VCJ adjustment display.
 3           DM                                                                                                                                                  STD             1                                   -       H-BLANKING-WIDTH-50             16   BW5   3. Set the adjustment code to 09 (13 HP5) with
 4           DA, DD, DE, DF (3+4)                                                                                                                                SYS             2                                   -       H-BLANKING-PHASE-50             17   BP5      buttons "2" or "8" on the remote control.
 5           DD                                                                                                                                                  AVI             2                                   -       TOP-BLANKING-60                 18   TB6   4. Adjust the horizontal position with buttons "4'
 6           DA (looped), KD                                                                                                                                     AUD             -                                   -       BOTTOM-BLANKING-60              19   BB6      or "6" on the remote control.
 7           DY (Loop the lead twice)                                                                                                                            SPK             1                                   -       H-BLANKING-WIDTH-60             20   BW6
 8           LB, BA (Loop the lead twice)                                                                                                                        MNP             70                                  -       H-BLANKING-PHASE-60             21   BP6   2.4.3 Horizontal width
 9           KD, SC, GA (Loop the lead)                  NOTE: The software in the microcontroller                                                               FFT             -
 10          LB (Loop the lead twice), SB, Focus         IC701 may be either of 2 versions -EE3 or                                                               VOL             74                                  OPTIONS                                            Code: 06 (6 HW5) [H-AMP]
 11          Anode lead                                  EE3W. EE3 software is used in IC701 part no.                                                            HYP             1                                   CODE    FUNCTION                        CODE
 12          BA, DF(1+2)                                 274P755010, EE3W software is used in IC701                                                              SCP             20                                  (EE3)                                   (EE3W)     1. Connect a VCR and play a PAL-Monoscope
                                                         part no. 274P755040.                                                                                    FMP             23                                  TUN     TUNER TYPE                      TUN           alignment tape.
 table 1.4B Lead-dressing table.                         The actual software in use is shown on the                                                              DBY             1                                   SAT     SATELLITE ENABLE                SAT        2. Select the VCJ adjustment display.
                                                         Options adjustment display - see the next                                                               WID             0                                   AUD     AUDIO SYSTEM                    AUD        3. Set the adjustment code to 06 (6 HW5) with
                                                         section.                                            3. Press buttons "2" or "8" to increase or                                                              ATS     AUTOTUNING SORT                 ATS           buttons "2" or "8" on the remote control.
                                                                                                                decrease the adjustment code number.             table 2.2A Data values for the OPTIONS              STD     RECEPTION STANDARD              STD        4. Adjust horizontal width with the buttons "4" or
                                                         2.1.1 Basic adjustment procedure                    4. Press buttons "6" or "4" to increase or          adjustments.                                        SYS     COLOUR SYSTEM                   SYS           "6" on the remote control.
                                                                                                                decrease the data value.                                                                             AVI     NO. OF AV INPUTS                AVI

                                                         1.Turn the power on and enter service mode -        5. After making adjustments, press button "0', to   9. Press the 0 button to write the changes to the   AVD     AV DUBBING                      AVD        2.4.4 East-West PCC
                                                            either (EE3) press the Service switch (S701,        write the adjustment data to the EEPROM. To         EEPROM.                                          EEX     CHASSIS TYPE                    -

                                                            next to the aerial socket) and then button "9"      cancel a change, press button "1', and all       10.Press the * button to select the VCJ adjust-     SPK     SPEAKER SW ENABLED              SPK        Code: 05 (5 CC5) [CORNER CORRECTION-50]
                                                            within 5 seconds (EE3W) press the MENU              data adjusted since the last EEPROM write           ment display.                                    EEP     EEPROM SIZE                     -          Code: 03 (3 PT5) [PARABOLA TILT]
                                                            button to display the MAIN MENU then                will be reset.                                   11.Press buttons 2 or 8 to select the adjustment    ABG     AGC GAIN 

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