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                                                                                                       Ref. No. 4433

                                                            AV RECEIVER
                                      MODEL TX-NR727(B)/(S)
North American and Taiwanese models ---> "BLUETOOTH"        "MUSIC OPTIMIZER"   "DIMMER"
European, Australian and Asian models ---> "PURE AUDIO"     "BLUETOOTH"         "RT/PTY/TP"


                                                          Black and Silver models
                              B MDC, B MDF                                      120V AC, 60Hz
                              B MMQ, B MMR                                      220-240V AC, 50/60Hz
                              B MMP, B MMA, S MMP                               220-240V AC, 50/60Hz


1. Replacing the fuses
                 This symbol located near the fuse indicates that the
  fuse used is slow operating type, For continued protection against
  fire hazard, replace with same type fuse, For fuse rating, refer to              : 120V,Canadian model
  the marking adjacent to the symbol.                                              : 220-240V,CE(European) country model
                                                                                   : 220/230-240V,Hong kong model
                Ce symbole indique que le fusible utilise est e lent.              : 220-240V,Australian model
  Pour une protection permanente, n'utiliser que des fusibles de meme              : 220/230-240V,Chinese model
  type. Ce demier est indique la qu le present symbol est apposre.                 : 120V,Taiwanese model
       REF NO.              PART NAME       DESCRIPTION             PART NO. REMARKS
       F6401, F6402         FUSE            15A-TUL-250V            252303GR !
       F6401, F6402 or      FUSE            15A-UL/T-314            252197GR !
       F9002                FUSE            10A-UL/T-233            252330GR !
       F9002 or             FUSE            10A-T/UL-ST2            252333GR !
       F9002                FUSE            5A-SE-EAK               252078GR ! 
       F9002 or             FUSE            5A-SE-TL250V            252278GR ! 
       F9001                FUSE            1A-SEUL-TL250V          252397T   ! 
       F201                 FUSE            4A-SEUL-TL250V          252392T   ! 

2. Safety check out
  (U.S.A. model only)
  After correcting the original service problem, perform the following safety check before releasing the unit to the customer.
  Leakage current Check
  Measure the leakage current to a known earth ground (water pipe or conduct etc.) by connecting a leakage current
  tester between the earth ground and exposed metal parts of the unit (input/output ground terminals,
  screw heads or metal overlays etc.).
  Plug the power supply cord directly into a 120Vac 60Hz wall socket and turn ON/STANDBY button on.
  Any current measured must not exceed 0.5mA.

3. To initialize the unit
  Press ON/STANDBY button while pressing down CBL/SAT button
  when the unit is POWER ON, then the FL displays "CLEAR", and turn to STAND-BY. Remove power cord from power line.

4. To check version of each Firmware
  a. Push ON/STANDBY key while pushing down DISPLAY key to display MMPU(Main Microprocessor) version.
                 M1.04/13515AE                    Version of MMPU displayed only for 3 seconds.

  b. In display version, - (TONE) key and + (TONE) key are pushed to display another F/W version.
                    M1.04/13515AE                            MMPU
                                                             (Main Microprocessor)
             e.g. D1.07/13514AEA                             DSP
             e.g. V1.02/13325AE                              HDMI/VIDEO Microprocessor          Version displayed
                                                                                                only for 3 seconds.
             e.g. K1.01/13322AEO                             VSP
                                                             (Video Signal Processor)
                    O1.00/12Z18AE                            VSP2
                                                             (Video Signal Processor)


5. Notes on repairs (Power supply board)
 Some parts on BAPS-1333 may remain high voltages even after the power cord is disconnected from AC power source.
 Before starting repair and any other work , please discharge C9002 by connecting resistors between its terminals.
 See the figure below(recommended resistor spec: 5 k ohms/ 10W)
 It is dangerous to touch the "HIGH VOLTAGE PRIMARY" area surrounded by white lines without discharging.

                   POWER SUPPLY(PRI) PC BOARD ASS'Y

                                           HIGH VOLTAGE PRIMARY

                                                TX-NR525/ 626/ 727/ HT-RC550/ 560/ DTR-30.5/ 40.5

 The operations of DSP and DIR etc are able to checked by the information displayed on FL in this debug mode.
 This information will help to analysing digital audio no sound trouble.

 To set in Debug mode
 1. Press twice the ON/ STANDBY key while pressing the DISPLAY key.

                 e.g.                                       The version number of Microprocessor is displayed
                          M1.01/13204A L N                  only for 3 seconds.

 2. Press + (TONE) button while the version number of microprocessor is displayed.
                  e.g.                                      The version number of DSP is displayed
                          D1.02/13202A E A                  only for 3 seconds.

 3. Press DISPLAY button while the version number of DSP is displayed.
                           0A0002: __:00 _ _            Step-1

 4. Proceed to the next step by pressing the DISPLAY key.

                           ANA:o:NON:C : _ _            Step-2

                          1:ANA _048k04 8 k             Step-3

                                                                         AUDIO dubug mode
                           2/0.0:_2.0:3/ 4              Step-4           The status of DSP and DIR etc
                                                                         will be displayed.

                          2:o:PCM _:PC M_ _             Step-5

                           _00:x:F:OFF_ _ _             Step-6

                         SP00F _00F00 4 0 9             Step-7

                         _48_48256STB _ _               Step-8

                           L :0000        000 0

                           SW :0000          0000

                                                     TX-NR525/ 626/ 727/ HT-RC550/ 560/ DTR-30.5/ 40.5

                                                    FL Display
                1      1       2    2   3       3          :      4      4        :   5   5

    1. st_srd.lmd                                                                                 3. st_srd.extdecmd
          01        C_LM_LAST                          F4      C_LM_ASC                              00       C_EXTDECMD_OFF
          02        C_LM_PURE                          F5      C_LM_FLASH                            01       C_EXTDECMD_10
          03        C_LM_DIRECT                        F6      C_LM_DEBUGMODE                        02       C_EXTDECMD_20
          04        C_LM_STEREO                        F7      C_LM_FLASH2                           03       C_EXTDECMD_MOVIE
          05        C_LM_MONO                          F8      C_LM_FLASH3                           04       C_EXTDECMD_MUSIC
          20        C_LM_SURR                          F9      C_LM_FLASH4                           05       C_EXTDECMD_GAME
          50        C_LM_THX_MUSIC                     FA      C_LM_FLASH_CHECK                      06       C_EXTDECMD_HEIGHT
          70        C_LM_THX_GAME                      0D      C_LM_RPG                              07       C_EXTDECMD_WIDE
          90        C_LM_THX_CINEMA                    0E      C_LM_ACTION
          A0        C_LM_THX_U2GAME                    0F      C_LM_ROCKBAND
                                                                                                  4. Muting port
          A8        C_LM_THX_U2MUSIC                   10      C_LM_SPORTS
          B0        C_LM_THX_U2CINEMA
                                                                                                       D       DIGMUTE port
          D0        C_LM_AUDYSSEY                   2. st_srd.extdec                                   A       AMUTE port
          48        C_LM_DTSSS                        00       C_EXTDEC_OFF
          06        C_LM_ORCHESTRA                    01       C_EXTDEC_20_PLII                   5. Factor of muting
          07        C_LM_UNPLUGGED                    02       C_EXTDEC_20_PLIIX
                                                                                                    bit_1     SELMUTE
          08        C_LM_STUDIOMIX                    03       C_EXTDEC_20_PLIIZ
                                                                                                    bit_2     POWMUTE
          09        C_LM_TVLOGIC                      04       C_EXTDEC_20_NEO6
                                                                                                    bit_3     PROTECTMUTE
          0A        C_LM_ALLCHST                      05       C_EXTDEC_51_MTR
                                                                                                    bit_4     AUDIOOUTMUTE
          0B        C_LM_FULLMONO                     06       C_EXTDEC_51_DSC
                                                                                                    bit_5     AUDIOMUTE
          0C        C_LM_TD                           07       C_EXTDEC_51_NEO6
                                                      08       C_EXTDEC_51_EX                       bit_6     DIRMUTE
          F1        C_LM_TESTTONE
                                                      09       C_EXTDEC_51_PLIIX                    bit_7     DACMUTE
          F2        C_LM_TESTTHR
          F3        C_LM_TESTAUTO                     0A       C_EXTDEC_51_PLIIZ                    bit_8     HDMIMUTE
                                                      0B       C_EXTDEC_9624
                                                      0C       C_EXTDEC_9624_MTR
                                                      0E       C_EXTDEC_71MULTI
                                                      0F       C_EXTDEC_20_NEURAL
                                                      10       C_EXTDEC_51_NEURAL

                6      6       6    :   7       :          8      8      8        :   9   :        10

     6. Audio input channel             8. HDMI audio lock                                10. RX mute
          ANA           Analog            STB               SOUND STATE FIX                   V             HDMI MUTE
          COX           Coaxial           TRS               SOUND STATE UNFIX
          OPT           Optical           NON               SOUND STATE NONE
          HDM           HDMI
          ARC           ARC
                                        9. Display inhibit frag
                                            S               display_inhibit SET
     7. DSP decode
                                            C               display_inhibit CLR
          o     DSP Detect OK
          x     DSP No Detect
                                                 TX-NR525/ 626/ 727/ HT-RC550/ 560/ DTR-30.5/ 40.5

              1    :    11 11 11 11 12 12 12                              k      13 13 13              k

    11. Source_format                                                          12. st_srd.fs               13. st_hd_display.fs
       UNLK        DDR_UNLOCK             DTSC          DDR_DTSCD                    ???     unknown         ???        unknown
       ANA         DDR_ANALOG             AAC           DDR_AAC                      008     8kHz            008        8kHz
       PCM         DDR_PCM                MPCM          DDR_MCHPCM                   011     11kHz           011        11kHz
       AC3         DDR_AC3                MCH           DDR_MCH                      012     12kHz           012        12kHz
       DTS         DDR_DTS                TRUE          DDR_TRUE                     016     16kHz           016        16kHz
       MPEG        DDR_MPEG               MSTR          DDR_MSTR                     022     22kHz           022        22kHz
       DATA        DDR_DATA               DSD           DDR_DSD                      024     24kHz           024        24kHz
       UNKW        DDR_UNKNOWN            PLUS          DDR_DDPLUS                   032     32kHz           032        32kHz
       NORD        DDR_NOT_READY          EXPR          DDR_DTSEXP                   044     44.1kHz         044        44.1kHz
       NPCM        DDR_NOT_PCM            DTSH          DDR_DTSHD                    048     48kHz           048        48kHz
       FS96        DDR_FS96                                                          064     64Hz            064        64Hz
       NODT        DDR_NOT_DETECT                                                    088     88.2kHz         088        88.2kHz
                                                                                     096     96kHz           096        96kHz
                                                                                     176     176.4kHz        176        176.4kHz
                                                                                     192     192kHz          192        192kHz

  Step-4                      .             :                                    :
              14 14 14              15                 16 16 16 16                         17 17 17

  14. Information of the input channels
     for listening mode transition
     ???          C_FMT_UNKNOWN                  4H3       C_FMT_43H                            31           C_FMT_31
     10           C_FMT_10                       5H4       C_FMT_54H                            22           C_FMT_22
     20           C_FMT_20                       5H3       C_FMT_53H                            32           C_FMT_32
     30           C_FMT_30                       4W4       C_FMT_44W                            23           C_FMT_23
     21           C_FMT_21                       4W3       C_FMT_43W                            33           C_FMT_33
     31           C_FMT_31                       5W4       C_FMT_54W                            24           C_FMT_24
     22           C_FMT_22                       5W3       C_FMT_53W                            34           C_FMT_34
     32           C_FMT_32                       11        C_FMT_11                             4H2          C_FMT_42H
     23           C_FMT_23                                                                      5H2          C_FMT_52H
                                           15. Information of the LFE channel input             4W2          C_FMT_42W
     33           C_FMT_33
     24           C_FMT_24                       0            SW 0ch                            5W2          C_FMT_52W
     34           C_FMT_34                       1            SW 1ch                            4H4          C_FMT_44H
     4H2          C_FMT_42H                      2            SW 2ch                            4H3          C_FMT_43H
     5H2          C_FMT_52H                                                                     5H4          C_FMT_54H
     4W2          C_FMT_42W                16. Channel information for the FL display           5H3          C_FMT_53H
     5W2          C_FMT_52W                      four-digit string "10.2" "5.1" "1 +1"          4W4          C_FMT_44W
     4H4          C_FMT_44H                                                                     4W3          C_FMT_43W
                                           17. Number of channels                               5W4          C_FMT_54W
                                              after decoding                                    5W3          C_FMT_53W
                                                 ???       C_FMT_UNKNOWN                        11           C_FMT_11
                                                 10        C_FMT_10
                                                 20        C_FMT_20
                                                 30        C_FMT_30
                                                 21        C_FMT_21
                                                       TX-NR525/ 626/ 727/ HT-RC550/ 560/ DTR-30.5/ 40.5

              2      :      18       :   19 19 19 19                    :      20 20 20 20

    18. Audio output OK/NG               19. Details of input format                  20. Details of the format for the FL display
          o              decode OK          ANA          C_SRC_ANA
                                                                                         ANA        C_SRC_ANA
          x              decode NG          PCM          C_SRC_PCM
                                                                                         PCM        C_SRC_PCM
                                            DLB          C_SRC_DD
                                                                                         DLB        C_SRC_DD
                                            DEX          C_SRC_DD_EX
                                                                                         DEX        C_SRC_DD_EX
                                            DTS          C_SRC_DTS
                                                                                         DTS        C_SRC_DTS
                                            MTR          C_SRC_DTS_MTR
                                                                                         MTR        C_SRC_DTS_MTR
                                            DSC          C_SRC_DTS_DSC
                                                                                         DSC        C_SRC_DTS_DSC
                                            D96          C_SRC_DTS_96
                                                                                         D96        C_SRC_DTS_96
                                            96M          C_SRC_DTS_96M
                                                                                         96M        C_SRC_DTS_96M
                                            AAC          C_SRC_AAC
                                                                                         AAC        C_SRC_AAC
                                            MCH          C_SRC_MCH
                                                                                         MCH        C_SRC_MCH
                                            DSP          C_SRC_DSP
                                                                                         DSP        C_SRC_DSP
                                            MPCM         C_SRC_MCHPCM
                                                                                         MPCM       C_SRC_MCHPCM
                                            DSD          C_SRC_DSD
                                                                                         DSD        C_SRC_DSD
                                            TRUE         C_SRC_TRUE
                                                                                         TRUE       C_SRC_TRUE
                                            TREX         C_SRC_TRUE_EX
                                                                                         TREX       C_SRC_TRUE_EX
                                            MSTR         C_SRC_MSTR
                                                                                         MSTR       C_SRC_MSTR
                                            PLUS         C_SRC_DDPLUS
                                                                                         PLUS       C_SRC_DDPLUS
                                            PLEX         C_SRC_DDPLUS_EX
                                                                                         PLEX       C_SRC_DDPLUS_EX
                                            EXP          C_SRC_DTSEXP
                                                                                         EXP        C_SRC_DTSEXP
                                            DTSH         C_SRC_DTSHD
                                                                                         DTSH       C_SRC_DTSHD
                                            DSUR         C_SRC_DD_SUR
                                                                                         DSUR       C_SRC_DD_SUR
                                            DPSR         C_SRC_DDPLUS_SUR
                                                                                         DPSR       C_SRC_DDPLUS_SUR
                                            TRSR         C_SRC_TRUE_SUR
                                                                                         TRSR       C_SRC_TRUE_SUR

                    21 21            :   22        :    23        :    24 24 24                 25 25

    21. Dialog norm                                      23. Return value of DIR busy or free
          Dialog Norm value from 0 to 31                   Request_dir (DDC_BUSY)
                                                              F       Free
    22. Return value of DIRINT Request_dir
                                                              B       Busy
          o       LOCK                                   24. emphasis of information
          x       UNLOCK                                     ON              ON
                                                             OFF             OFF

                                                         25. HDDVD/BLUE(only DDPLUS)
                                                             BD              Bluray
                                                             HD              HDDVD
                                                  TX-NR525/ 626/ 727/ HT-RC550/ 560/ DTR-30.5/ 40.5

              26   26      27    27   28      *      29     *       30   30    31    31     32     32

    26. AudioIF DA830 input                                                               31. DIR switch sequence number
       IH           AUD_IF_I2S_H                    0B    CLOCK_FREQ_88K                     00    SEQ_SWITCH_POWEROFF
       DS           AUD_IF_DSD                      0C    CLOCK_FREQ_96K                     01    SEQ_SWITCH_RESET
       IS           AUD_IF_I2S                      0D    CLOCK_FREQ_128K                    02    SEQ_SWITCH_POWERON_WAIT
       NT           AUD_IF_NET                      0E    CLOCK_FREQ_176K                    03    SEQ_SWITCH_CHANGE
       SP           AUD_IF_SPDIF                    0F    CLOCK_FREQ_192K                    04    SEQ_SWITCH_FREE
       AD           AUD_IF_ADC
                                              30. DIR sequence number                     32. DAC sequence number
       HR           AUD_IF_DDDTSHR
                                                    00    SEQ_DIG_POWEROFF                    00   SEQ_DAC_POWEROFF
    27. Information of DIR Burst Preamble           10    SEQ_DIG_RESET                       01   SEQ_DAC_RESET
       DS           DTSHD HR                        11    SEQ_DIG_POWERON_WAIT                02   SEQ_DAC_POWERON_WAIT
       DP           DD PLUS                         12    SEQ_DIG_RESTART                     03   SEQ_DAC_INITIALIZE
       Preamble Val 0x??                            13    SEQ_DIG_WAIT_HDMI_FREE              04   SEQ_DAC_RESTART
                                                    20    SEQ_DIG_INPSEL_SET                  05   SEQ_DAC_CMND_SET
    28. DIR Free or Busy
                                                    30    SEQ_DIG_ANALOG_SET                  06   SEQ_DAC_FREE_WAIT
       F            Free
                                                    31    SEQ_DIG_DIGITAL_SET
       B            Busy                                                                      07   SEQ_DAC_FREE
                                                    32    SEQ_DIG_MCHPCM_SET
    29. DIR Detect Fs                               33    SEQ_DIG_MCHANA_SET
        00    CLOCK_FREQ_UNKNOWN                    34    SEQ_DIG_DDPDTSHD_SET
        01    CLOCK_FREQ_8K                         35    SEQ_DIG_NET_SET
        02    CLOCK_FREQ_11K                        40    SEQ_DIG_INIT_ERROR
                                                    41    SEQ_DIG_CHK_ERROR1
        03    CLOCK_FREQ_12K
                                                    42    SEQ_DIG_CHK_ERROR2
        04    CLOCK_FREQ_16K
                                                    43    SEQ_DIG_CHK_FREE
        05    CLOCK_FREQ_22K
                                                    50    SEQ_DIG_CHK_ANALOG
        06    CLOCK_FREQ_24K
                                                    60    SEQ_DIG_LOCK_PLL
        07    CLOCK_FREQ_32K
                                                    61    SEQ_DIG_LOCK_ANA
        08    CLOCK_FREQ_44K
                                                    f0    SEQ_DIG_FREE
        09    CLOCK_FREQ_48K
                                                    f1    SEQ_DIG_FREE_ANA
        0A    CLOCK_FREQ_64K

              33   33      33    34   34     34      35     35      35   36    36    36
     33. Information of the                 34. Information of the              35. Information of the input MCLK of DA830
        input FS of DA830                      output FS of DA830
                                                                                    64     AUD_MCLK_64Fs
        UNK    C_FS_UNKNOWN                   UNK         C_FS_UNKNOWN
                                                                                    128    AUD_MCLK_128Fs
        8      C_FS_08                        8           C_FS_08
                                                                                    256    AUD_MCLK_256Fs
        11     C_FS_11                        11          C_FS_11
                                                                                    384    AUD_MCLK_384Fs
        12     C_FS_12                        12          C_FS_12
                                                                                    512    AUD_MCLK_512Fs
        16     C_FS_16                        16          C_FS_16
                                                                                    640    AUD_MCLK_640Fs
        22     C_FS_22                        22          C_FS_22
                                                                                    768    AUD_MCLK_768Fs
        24     C_FS_24                        24          C_FS_24
        32     C_FS_32                        32          C_FS_32               36. State of the audio input of DA830
        44     C_FS_44                        44          C_FS_44
                                                                                    NO     AUD_STS_SOUND_NO
        48     C_FS_48                        48          C_FS_48
                                                                                    TRS    AUD_STS_SOUND_TRANS
        64     C_FS_64                        64          C_FS_64
                                                                                    STB    AUD_STS_SOUND_STAB
        88     C_FS_88                        88          C_FS_88
        96     C_FS_96                        96          C_FS_96
        176    C_FS_176                       176         C_FS_176
        192    C_FS_192                       192         C_FS_192
                                                  TX-NR525/ 626/ 727/ HT-RC550/ 560/ DTR-30.5/ 40.5


 HDMI-related operations can be checked to some extent by displaying HDMI debug mode.

 To enter this mode
 Hold down DISPLAY button for 3 seconds. Information display will last for about 8 seconds.

Resolution display method
     Input resolution

         1 0 8 0              i /       6 0 
     Output resolution

                                  1 0 8 0             i /         6 0
    List of standard resolution

            4     8   0   i   /     6   0    #    5       7   6   i    /      5   0        5      7   6   p   2   0   0
            4     8   0   p   /     6   0    #    5       7   6   p    /      5   0        5      7   6   i   2   0   0
        1   0     8   0   i   /     6   0    #    2       8   8   p    /      5   0        4      8   0   p   /   6   0
            7     2   0   p   /     6   0    1    0       8   0   p    /      2   4        4      8   0   p   2   4   0
        1   0     8   0   p   /     6   0    1    0       8   0   p    /      2   5        4      8   0   i   2   4   0
            2     4   0   p   /     6   0    1    0       8   0   p    /      3   0      * 4      8   0   p   /   6   0
        #   4     8   0   i   /     6   0                 V   G   A                      * 5      7   6   p   /   5   0
        #   4     8   0   p   /     6   0    1 0          8   0   i    1      0   0        7      2   0   p   /   2   4
        #   2     4   0   p   /     6   0      7          2   0   p    1      0   0        7      2   0   p   /   2   5
            5     7   6   i   /     5   0      5          7   6   p    1      0   0        7      2   0   p   /   3   0
            5     7   6   p   /     5   0      5          7   6   i    1      0   0
        1   0     8   0   i   /     5   0    1 0          8   0   i    1      2   0
            7     2   0   p   /     5   0      7          2   0   p    1      2   0
        1   0     8   0   p   /     5   0      4          8   0   p    1      2   0
            2     8   8   p   /     5   0      4          8   0   i    1      2   0

Display of Input Resolution
       DVI input signal
                                                      4 8 0 I /                   6 0 
                                                      4 8 0 P /                   6 0 
                                                              "I" and "P" will be capitalized.

       VGA input signal
                                                      *           V G A                    
                                                              Display the "       " in column 1

       No input
                                               U n k n o w n                               
                                                                TX-NR525/ 626/ 727/ HT-RC550/ 560/ DTR-30.5/ 40.5

Dislay of Output Resolution
      For a video processor          Via VSP
                                         Display the "      "                     1 0 8 0                            i /     6 0
                                         in column 4

                                     VSP skip
                                                                                        1 0 8 0                      i /     6 0
      DVI input signal                    i / p will be
                                          capitalized.                                          4 8 0 I /                    6 0
                                                                                                4 8 0 P /                    6 0
      VGA input signal                  Display the "       "
                                        in column 5                                     *               4 8 0 p /                 6 0

                                        Display the "       "
      RSEN is OFF                       in column 14                                            4 8 0 p /                    6 0 *

      EDID_READ is NG                   Display the " # "
                                        in column 14                                            4 8 0 p /                    6 0 #

      Resolution Error                  Display the " x "
                                                                                                4 8 0 p /                    6 0 x
                                        in column 14

      No output
      (Signal output destination                                                        -       -       -       -    -
      can not be found.)
      Hot-plug of Sink equipment
      can not be detected.                                                                              O F F

4K Upscaling
      Display of Input resolution
                                           1 0 8 0              i /     6 0 
      Display of Output resolution         * * * *              x * * * *           p /             * *

                                                                                                                    If the three-digit numbers
                                                                                            * * *                   are refrate
                List of resolution
                                           3      8   4     0   x   2   1   6   0   p       /       3       0
                                           3      8   4     0   x   2   1   6   0   p       /       2       5
                                           3      8   4     0   x   2   1   6   0   p       /       2       4
                                           4      0   9     6   x   2   1   6   0   p       /       2       4
                 Resolution Error          3 8 4 0 x 2 1 6 0 p /                                    3 0 x
                 EDID_READ_NG              3 8 4 0 x 2 1 6 0 p /                                    3 0 #

3D Display
        Resolution display
                                   1 0 8 0 p /                  2 4         (   3 D )

        Status Display          H D M I                   4 4 4             3 6 b i                 t

        3D format                  F r a m e                    P a c k         i n g

        INPUT/OUTPUT               I N :                            O U T :
         RSEN OFF             Display the "       "
                              in column 14                1 0 8 0 p /               2 4                 (       3 D )         *
         EDID READ NG         Display the " # "
                              in column 9                 H D M I               4 4 4 # 3 6 b i                               t
         Resolution Error     Display the " x "
                              in column 13                1 0 8 0 p /               2 4                 (       3 D )         x
                                                  TX-NR525/ 626/ 727/ HT-RC550/ 560/ DTR-30.5/ 40.5

     Input Mode          HDMI input
                                      H D M I                       4 4 4   3 6 b        i   t
                         DVI input
                                      D V I                         4 4 4   3 6 b        i   t
                         No input         -   -       -             4 4 4   3 6 b        i   t
     Input Color                      H D M I                       R G B   3 6 b        i   t
                                      H D M I                       4 2 2   3 6 b        i   t
                                      H D M I                       4 4 4   3 6 b        i   t
                                      H D M I                       R G B   2 6 b        i   t
                                      H D M I                       R G B   3 0 b        i   t
     Deep Color
                                      H D M I                       R G B   3 6 b        i   t

      3D format
     Frame Packing
                                      F r a m e                      P a c k   i n g
     Field alternative
                                      F           a       l   t e r n a t      i   v e
     Line alternative
                                      L           a       l   t e r n a t      i   v e
                                      S i d e b y S i d e ( F )
                                      L + d e p t h
     L+depth + graphics
                                      L + d e p t h g r a p h                        i c
     Side by Side(Harf)
                                      S i d e b y S i d e ( H )
     Top and Bottom
                                      T o p - a n d - B o t                        t o m
                                      U N K N O W N
                                      I N :                   * *      O U T :      * *
                                             TX-NR525/ 626/ 727/ HT-RC550/ 560/ DTR-30.5/ 40.5


PC Resolution
        Input Resolution     1 0 2 4 x              7 6 8 p /      6 0 

        Output Resolution    1 0 2 4 x              7 6 8 p /      6 0

    Display of Input resolution              * * * * x * * * * p /                   * * 

                                  Horizontal resolution   Vertical resolution       Referat

    DVI input               Display uppercase P/I
                                                      1 0 2 4 x            7 6 8 P / 6 0 

    HDMI input              Display lowercase p/i     1 0 2 4 x            7 6 8 p / 6 0 

    Three-digit numbers
    are Referat                                       1 0 2 4 x            7 6 8 P 1 2 0 

    No input
                                                      U N K N O W N

    Display of Output resolution

                                             * * * * x * * * * p /                   * *

                                  Horizontal resolution   Vertical resolution       Referat

    DVI output
                            Display uppercase P/I     1 0 2 4 x            7 6 8 P / 6 0

    HDMI output             Display lowercase p/i
                                                      1 0 2 4 x            7 6 8 p / 6 0

    Display"-----"                                                  -      -    -     -    -

    Three-digit numbers
    are Referat                                       1 0 2 4 x            7 6 8 P 1 2 0

    EDID READ NG            Display the " # " in
                            column 13                 1 0 2 4 x            7 6 8 P / 6 0 #

    Resolution through      Display the " x " in
                            column 13                 1 0 2 4 x            7 6 8 P / 6 0 x

                                                      I N :            *        O U T :        *
                                                   TX-NR525/ 626/ 727/ HT-RC550/ 560/ DTR-30.5/ 40.5

 Displaying Service information
 This service information display system is helpful in analyze the status when the unit goes into Protect mode and is powered off.
 Pay attention that the status will change if a button is pushed.

  1. Press twice the ON/ STANDBY key while pressing the DISPLAY key.
                  e.g.                                  The version of main microprocessor is
                         M1.01/13204A L N
                                                        displayed only for 3 seconds.

  2. Press HOME button within 3 seconds above.
                           - 80 F         27    DD              Information Displayed (Record this Information)

     Power off Cause        Temperature    Volume Level         Listenning Mode
     T : Thermal Protect    : xx F or xx C                      ---> Refer to the code list below.
     V : Voltage Protect
     I : Current Protect
     - : Other
      Listening Mode Code List
         01    C_LM_LAST                          D0     C_LM_AUDYSSEY                     F4    C_LM_ASC
         02    C_LM_PURE                          48     C_LM_DTSSS                        F5    C_LM_FLASH
         03    C_LM_DIRECT                        06     C_LM_ORCHESTRA                    F6    C_LM_DEBUGMODE
         04    C_LM_STEREO                        07     C_LM_UNPLUGGED                    F7    C_LM_FLASH2
         05    C_LM_MONO                          08     C_LM_STUDIOMIX                    F8    C_LM_FLASH3
         20    C_LM_SURR                          09     C_LM_TVLOGIC                      F9    C_LM_FLASH4
         50    C_LM_THX_MUSIC                     0A     C_LM_ALLCHST                      FA    C_LM_FLASH_CHECK
         70    C_LM_THX_GAME                      0B     C_LM_FULLMONO                     0D    C_LM_RPG
         90    C_LM_THX_CINEMA                    0C     C_LM_TD                           0E    C_LM_ACTION
         A0    C_LM_THX_U2GAME                    F1     C_LM_TESTTONE                     0F    C_LM_ROCKBAND
         A8    C_LM_THX_U2MUSIC                   F2     C_LM_TESTTHR                      10    C_LM_SPORTS
         B0    C_LM_THX_U2CINEMA                  F3     C_LM_TESTAUTO

  3. Press HOME button again. The following information are displayed.
                        01:23            10 h             Information Displayed (Record this Information)

                    Time after Power on        Time after Initialize
                    xx : xx                    xx hour

  4. Press ON/STANDBY button to exit the display of service information.
     (Ref.: Press RETURN button to initialize the data in the service information.)

                             ProtectData C L R

                             Normal displ a y
                                                    TX-NR626/727/828/ HT-RC560/ DTR-30.5/40.5/50.5

    See "OPERATION CHECK-4,-6" for TEST MODE operation.
    NOTE: Don't connect load nor short speaker terminals.
 a. Change the state to "TEST-4-21".
 b. It tests by being automatic in order of TEST 4-21(FL+)  22(FR-)  23(C+)  24(SL-)  25(SR+)  ( 26(SBL-)
     27(SBR+) ). If TEST 4-27 is OK, it becomes the display of "TEST-4-35".
 c. It will complete, if displayed on FL TUBE as "TEST 4-35".

    See "OPERATION CHECK-4,-6" for TEST MODE operation.
 a. Change the state to "TEST-4-35".
 b. Even if you connect 3-ohm load for every channel of L, R, C, SL, SR, SBL and SBRch, a relay should not cut off.
 c. If 1-ohm load is connected for every channel of L, R, C, SL, SR,SBL and SBRch, a relay should hold the state of ON.

 a. Input 98MHz,30dB signal modurated with RDS data.
 b. When a PS information is received, the name of the station "RDS TEST" shall be displayed within 2 seconds instead
    of the frequency.

    Confirm the Listening Mode is automatically switched to "STEREO" mode when headphones plug is inserted into
    the PHONES jack.

    See "OPERATION CHECK-4,-5" for TEST MODE operation.
 a. Connect ipod to AVR USB port.
 b. When set to TEST 3-09, confirm that the display of AVR change device name after few seconds.

    See "OPERATION CHECK-4,-5" for TEST MODE operation.
 a. Connect the receiver to the router.
 b. When set to TEST 3-18 confirm that the display of AVR change IP adress.
 *Please wait for about 1 minute after turning on the power supply of the set when you use TEST 3-18.

    See "OPERATION CHECK-4,-6" for TEST MODE operation.
 a. Set the TEST MODE to "TEST 4-36".
    After light "FM STEREO" on FL display,
    the relays RL641/642 is OFF and "FM STEREO"is off .
 b. Push ON/Standby button 2 times while pushing down DISPLAY button to display CPU Debug PROGRAM version.
    Push TONE button while displaying CPU PROGRAM version to display value of temparature sensor.
    Confirm outside temperature 

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