Service Manuals, User Guides, Schematic Diagrams or docs for : AIWA Video HV-FX5850 HV-FX5850

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                                        SECTION1 SUMMARY
                                        KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS
A   AC           :Alternating Current                          LPF         :Low Pass Filter
    ACC          :Automatic Color Control                  M   MAX         :Maximum
    ACSS         :Automatic Channel Setting System             MD          :Modulator
    ADJ          :Adjust                                       MECHA.CTL   :Mechanism Control
    A/E          :Audio Erase                                  MIC         :Microphone
    AFC          :Automatic Frequency Control                  MIN         :Minimum
    AFT          :Automatic Fine Tuning                        MIX         :Mixer, Mixing
    AGC          :Automatic Gain Control                       M.M.        :Monostable, Multivibrator
    A.H.SW       :Audio Head Switch                            MMV         :Mono Multi Vibrator
    ALC          :Automatic Level Control                      MOD         :Modulation, Modulator
    AM           :Amplitude Modulation                         MODEM       :Modulator-Demodulator
    AMP          :Amplifier                                    MPX         :Multiplex
    ANT          :Antenna
    APC          :Automatic Phase Control                  N   NR          :Noise Reduction
    ASS'Y        :Assembly                                 O   OSC         :Oscillator
    AUX          :Auxiliary                                    OSD         :On Screen Display
B   B            :Base                                     P   PB          :Playback
    BGP          :Burst Gate Pulse                             PCB         :Printed Circuit Board
    BPF          :Bandpass Filter                              P.CTL       :Power Control
    BS           :Brodcasting Satellite                        PRE-AMP     :Preamplifier
    BW or B/W    :Black and White                              P.F         :Power Failure
C   C            :Capacitor, Chroma, Collector                 PG          :Pulse Generator
    CAN          :Cancel                                       PLL         :Phase Locked Loop
    CAP          :Capstan                                      PREM.DET    :Premire Detect
    CAP.BRK      :Capstan Brake                                P.P         :Peak-to-Peak
    CAP.RVS      :Capstan Reverse                              PS          :Phase Shift
    CATV         :Cable Television                             PWM         :Pulse Width Modulation
    CBA          :Circuit Board Assembly                       PWR CTL     :Power Control
    CCD          :Charge Coupled Device                    Q   Q           :Transistor
    C.CTL        :Chro Control, Capstan Control                QH          :Quasi Horizontal
    CFG          :Capstan Frequency Generator                  QSR         :Quick Setting Record
    CHROMA       :Chrominance                                  QTR         :Quick Timer Record
    CNR          :Chroma Noise Redution                        QV          :Quasi Vertical
    COMB         :Combination                              R   R           :Resistor, Right
                  Comb Filter                                  RE(or RC)   :Remocon, Receiver
    COMP         :Comparator                                   REC         :Recording
                  Composite                                    REC S `H'   :Record Start `Hight'
                  Compensation                                 REF         :Reference
    CONV         :Converter                                    REG         :Regulated, Regulator
    C.ROT SW     :Color Rotary Switch                          REMOCON     :Remote Control(unit)
    CS           :Chip Selcet                                  RF          :Radio Frequency
    C.SYNC       :Composite Synchronization                    R/P         :Record/Playback
    CTL DIV      :Control Divide                               RTC         :Reel Time Counter
    CUR          :Current
    CYL          :Cylinder                                 S   S           :Serial
                                                               S.ACCEL     :Slow Accel
D   D            :Drum, Digital, Diode, Drain                  SAOP        :Second Audio Program
    D.ADJ        :Drum Adjust                                  SC          :Scart, Simulcast
    DC           :Direct Current
                                                               S.DET       :Secam Detect
    D.CTL        :Drum Control
                                                               SH          :Shift
    DEMOD        :Demodulator
                                                               SHARP       :Sharpness
    DET          :Detector
                                                               SIF         :Sound Intermediate Frequency
    DEV          :Deviation
                                                               SLD         :Side Locking
    DHP          :Double High Pass
                                                               S/N         :Signal to Noise Ratio
    DIGITRON     :Digital Display Tube
                                                               SP          :Standard Play
    DL           :Delay line
                                                               ST          :Stereo
    DOC          :Drop Out Compensator
                                                               SUB         :Subtract, Subcarrier
    DUB          :Dubbing
                                                               SW or S/W   :Switch
    D.V SYNC     :Dummy Vertical Synchronization
                                                               SYNC        :Synchronization
E   E            :Emitter                                      SYSCON      :System Control
    EE           :Electric to Eletric
                                                           T   T           :Coil
    EMPH         :Emphasis
                                                               TP          :Test Point
    ENA          :Enable
                                                               TR          :Transistor
    ENV          :Envelope
                                                               TRK         :Tracking
    EP           :Extended Play
                                                               TRANS       :Transformer
    EQ           :Equalizer
                                                               TU          :Tuner, Take-up
    EXP          :Expander
F   F            :Fuse                                     U   UHF         :Ultra High Frequency
    FB           :Feed Back                                    UNREG       :Unregulated
    FBC          :Feed Back Clamp                          V   V           :Volt, Vertical
    FE           :Full Erase                                   VA          :Always Voltage
    FG           :Frequency Generator                          VCO         :Voltage Controlled Oscillator
    FL           :Filter                                       VGC         :Voltage Gain Control
    FM           :Frequency Modulation                         VHF         :Very High Frequency
    F/R          :Front/Rear                                   V.H.SW      :Video Head Switch
    FS           :Frequency Synthesizer                        VISS        :VHS Index Search
    FSC          :Subcarrier Frequency                         VPS         :Video Program System
    F/V          :Frequency Voltage                            VR          :Variable Resistor or Volume
G   GEN          :Generator                                    V-SYNC      :Vertical Synchronization
                                                               VTG         :Voltage
H   H            :High, Horizontal
                                                               VV          :Voltage to Voltage
I   IC           :Integrated Circuit                           VXO         :Voltage X-tal Oscillator
    IF           :Intermediate Frequency
                                                           W   W           :Watt
    INS          :Insert
                                                               WHT         :White
L   L            :Low, Left, Coil                              W/O         :With out
    LD           :LED
                                                           X   X-TAL       :Crystal
    LD VTG CTL   :Loading Voltage Control
    LECHA        :Letter Character                         Y   Y/C         :Luminance/Chrominance
    L.M          :Level Meter                                  YNR         :Luminance Noise Reduction
    LP           :Long Play                                Z   ZD          :Zener Diode

Prior to shipment from the factory, the products are strictly inspected to confrom with the recognized product
safety and electrical codes of the countries in which they are to be sold. However, in order to maintain such com-
pliance, it is equally important to implement the following precautions when a set is being serviced.

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