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          F i l eN o . 5 3 7 0 - 3 4

          System to Disk Operating
Systems   ConversionGuide

          This guideis intendedto assist System/3
                                          the          userwho is
          converting a DOS/VSEsystern, be usedasthe prinrary
                     to                      to
          reference docunrent the conversion. presents
                               for                 It         a
          cor.nparison Systern/3and DOS/VSE featuresand gives
          procedures convcrting DOS/VSE,
                      for            to           eithern.ranually or
          witir prograrrturing
                             tools. Throughnunterous    examples, the
          usercan seehow to change currentprograms,
                                      his                  files,and
          operation control language con'rparable
                                      to              DOS/VSE
          prograns,filesandjob control language.    Wherecourparable
          functionsdo not exist,an alternate   approach suggestcd.
          The guidealsopresents suggested
                                   a          migrationplan ar.rda
          checklist thingsto consider,
                   of                     and directsthe userto
          availablenrigration tools.

          The guidewill be of interestprimarilyto peoplewithin
          the dataprocessing departrnent.   The DP Inanager find
          introductoryinforrnation, migrationguidelines, systent
          conrparisons. systemprogranrnter find irtftrrntatiot.t
                        The                       wiil
          on the systemcontrol prograln,   system  generati<,rn,
          library considerations. application
                                 The               prograntnrerwill
                      infbrmationon prograu'l
          find specific                                     control
          cardconversion,  sortsand utilities. In addition,rttanagement
          outsidethe dataprocessing  departurent   rnaybe interested in
          the overview, advantages DOS/VSE,
                        the            of              and migration
SecondEdition (November1979)
Iteferences in this publication to lBlll products, programs, or servicres not imply                              do
1 . h a t B M i n t e n d s t o m a k e t h c s e a v a i l a b l eo u t s i d c t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s .

r \ t b r r n l o r r e a d e r ' sc o m n r e n t sh a s b e e n p r o v i d e d a t t h e b a c k o t t h i s p u b l i c a t i o n . I f
t h i s t b r r n h a s b e e n r e r n o v e d ,a d d r e s sc o r n m e n t st o : I t s M C o r p o r a t i o n , T e c h n i c a l
P u b l i c a t i o n s ,D e p t . 8 2 4 , 1 1 3 3 W e s t c h e s t e r v e n u e , W h i t e P l a i n s ,N e n , Y o r k 1 0 6 0 4 .
I B M m a 1 'u s e o r d i s t r i b u t e a n y o f t h e i n f b r m a t i o n y o u s u p p l l , i n a n y r v a y i t b e l i e v e s
a p p r o p r i a t er v i t h o u t i n c u r r i n g a n y o b l i g a t i o n w h a t e v e r . Y o u r n a y , o f c o u r s e ,c o n t i n u e
house the inlbrmation you supply.

()   C o p y r i g h t l n t e r n a t i o n a l B u s i n e s s a c h i n e s( ' o r p o r a t i o n 1 9 7 9
                                                                                                  TABLE    OF Cl)NTENTS


Part     I:    Batch      Systems.          .                                                                         . 1

Chapter 1. Overview.                                                                                                      2
L/O Devices.                                                                                                              2
Software   . .                                                                                                            )
Conversion                                                                                                                2

C h a p t e r 2 . D O S , / V S Ea n d S y s t e m , / 3 c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s    and Differrences.           .   5
Disk operating           System,/Virtual               Storage Lxtended                  (DOS,/VSL)                       5
DCS,/VSE System Functions                                                                                                 5
   Control       Programs                                                                                                 q

        Supervisor        .                                                                                               E

        Virtual    Storage.          .                                                                             . 7
        Multiprogranuning            and }lrultitasking.                  .                                        . B
        Variable     Partition         priority.           .                                                       . 8
        Relocati-ng Loader.            .                                                                           .10
        Job to Job Communications area .                                                                           .10
        Automated System Initialization.                                                                           .i 0
        Asynchronous Operator                Communications                                                        .i_0
        Job control.                                                                                               .i_0
   Data Management-                                                                                              . .1i-
        Data Access lvlethods.                                                                                     .1i-
   Data Base Management                                                                                          . -1-2
   Processing Programs.                                                                                          . .1_2
        Service programs                                                                                           .1.2
        Spooling . .                                                                                               .I2
        Library    Service Programs                                                                                .13
        Utilities.        .                                                                                        . i-3
        LinkageEditor..                                                                                          ..ltf
        ErrorTracking..                                                                                          ..1q
        Language Compilers             and Assembler                                                               .1_4
        RPG II Compiler.                                                                                           .14
        DOS,/VSCOBOL compiler.                  .                                                                  .14
        FORTRANCompiIer. .                                                                                         .15
        Assembler. .                                                                                               .15
        PL./I Compiler-                                                                                          . .15
        Sort./MergeProgram..                                                                                     ..1-5
   Additional        DOS,/VSE acilities.
                                     F                                                                             .L5
        Rush Jobs. .                                                                                               .15
        Checkpoint./Restart                                                                                      . .l-6
        System Generation.                                                                                       . .16
        Data Communications.                                                                                       .16
        Assigning I./O Devices.                                                                                    .16
        Job Duration Printout.                                                                                   - .L7
        Job Accounting                                                                                            ' 'r7
Chapter 3. Transition       Planning .                                                                                .:18
Objectives    .                                                                                                       .18
Considerations     . -                                                                                            .   .1-9
  Programconversion.                                                                                              .   .19
     Automated Conversion       .                                                                                     . : 19
     Manual Translation                                                                                           .   .19
     ReprograrnmingandRedesign..                                                                                  .   .20
  File Conversion.                                                                                                .   .20
     Converting Card Files.        .                                                                                  .:20
     converting    Tape Files.     .                                                                                  .'.ZL
     Converting    Disk Fil-es.    .                                                                                  .'2L
     Converting    Diskette    Fi1es.
  Job Control     Statements
  Utilities     and Sorts.   .                                                                                        .'22

                                                                                              Table   of   Contents
Preparing the Transj_tion.     .                                   .22
  Personnel Requirements                                           .22
  Education. .                                                   . .22
     Operator Training.   .                                        .23
     User Departnents                                              .23
  St.andards and Control.                                          .23
     System Standards                                              .23
     Prograrnming Standards.                                     . .2q
    (fperating Standards.    .                                   . .2t)
    control.   .                                                 - .2q
  Classifying    Programs and Files                                .25
Scheduling the Transition.                                       . .26
Implementing the Transition.                                       .21
  PreinstallationTasks..                                         ..27
  System Generation.                                               .2i
  Conversion of Files.                                             .28
  Postinstallation    Tasks                                        .29
Checkl-ist. .                                                      .28
Expanding the System .                                             .32

Chapter 4. Data File Conver:;ion.                                    .33
Converting CarC Files.   .                                           .33
  96-Column Cards. .                                                 .33
  96- to B0-Column Card Conversion                               .   .34
  96-Col-umn Card to Diskette   Conversion.                          .35
Convertinq  Tape Files.                                              -I 5
Converting Diskette Files.    .                                      .36

Chapter 5. DASD FiLe Conversion.                                   .37
Converting Disk Files.                .                            .3j
  Virtual         Storage Access Method.                           .3i
  SequentialAccessMethod..                                       ..38
  I S A . N Ia n d D A M a c c e s s m e t h o d s . -             .38
  ot.her Access Method Considerations                              .38
  Summary. .                                                       .39
  Physical- Disk File Factors . .                                  .39
  Data Differences                                               . .39
  Conversion Procedures for Disk lites                           . .q0
      VSE,/IBMSystem,/3-3340 Data Import proqram 5746-AM3..        .41_
      Intermediate           devices                               . ql-
      3348 Data l4odule Consi-derations.                   .     - .42
      Unload and Reload Pro<;rams .                                .42
                      I                      Steps. .              .43
      Testi-ng.                                                    .43
      conversion         ScheduLe.                                 .43
  Additionaf          Data Considerations              . .         .43

Chapter 6. Program Conversion.                                   .   .44
Conversion Procedures.     .                                         .44
Gene.ral Program Conversion Guidelines.                              .45
  Compiler workfiles                                                 .45
  Overlay Programs . .                                           .   .tl 6
  Printer   Forms Control.   .                                   .   .46
RPG II Programs.                                                     .46
  Major RPG II Differences     .                                     .41
  Other RPG II Differences                                           .50
  Sanple Jobs.                                                       .51
COBOLPrograms . .                                                    .5L
  General Comments -                                                 .52
  Environment Division                                               .52
  lata division.                                                     .53
  Procedure Division    . .                                          .54
  Sample Jobs.                                                   .   .54
FoRT'RAN rograms
          P                                                          .55
  FORTRANStatements     .                                            .56
  ceneral- Differences.                                          .   .57
  Sample Jobs.                                                   .   .5'l
Assermbler Programs . .                                              .58
  Language Difference;                                           .   .59

rL   System,/3 to   D O S . / V S EC o n v e r s i o n   Guide
   ceneral Rufes.                                                                                                              .59
   Sample Jobs.                                                                                                           .    .59

Chapter 7. OCL to JCL Conversion                    .   .                                                                      .61
Job concepts .                                                                                                                 .61
Assigning Devices.                                                                                                        .    .62
Cataloged Procedures .                                                                                                    .    .63
Label Information  Area                                                                                                   .    .6q
Conversion Procedures for OCL. .                                                                                               .64
OCL and JCL Comparison                                                                                                         .65

Chapter 8. Utilities                                                                                                           .72
Conversion Procedures.                                                                                                   .     .i2
   Evaluate Utility                   Functions             . .                                                                .j2
   l4anuall-y Recode Control                          Cards. .                                                            -    .'t2
   Test                                                                                                                   ..   12
   Update Documentation                       .                                                                                .73
D O S . / V S EU t i l i t y    Programs                                                                                       .j3
   System UtiLities                                                                                                      .     .23
   V S E , / V S A I V Ic c e s s M e t h o d S e r v i c e s .
                       A                                        .                                                              .i3
   VSE,/Data Interfile                    Transf er,Testing       and operations              Utility       .       .          .i4
Comparison of Utility                       Functi-ons.                                                                        .1tt
Utility           Program Exanples                                                                                             .16
   Disk Initialization.                                                                                                  .     .16
   Tape Initializatj_on.                                                                                                 .     . ' 16
   Hard-copy File print                       .                                                                                .77
   \ , I I ' O Ca n d F j - l e L a b e J _ D i s p l a y .                                                                    .?B
   Single FiIe Display.                                                                                                  .     .79
   Alternate              Block Assiqn anC Rebuild                                                                                BO
   Dumping and Restoring                         a Disk Volune to Tape.                                                  .     .80
   FiLe Delete.                                                                                                          .     .82
   Copy a Disk Volume to Another Disk Volume.                                                                                  .84
   File-to-Fil-e               Utilities                                                                                          86

Chapter 9. Library      considerations.                                                                                  '     ' 87
.Library Contents . .                                                                                                    .     .87
rCrganizati-on of Libraries     on Disk.                                                                                 .     .87
.tibrary    Management .                                                                                                         ao
    Library   Maintenance Programs                                                                                       . .89
    LibraryProgramExamples..                                                                                             ..91
Library     Conversion Considerations.                  .                                                                  .95

r3hapter 10. Sorts.   .                                                                                                        .9 6
Differences.                                                                                                                   .96
Ccnverting   Sequence Specifications                                                                                     .     .96
Converting   OCL Statements.                                                                                             .     .97
Conversion Procedure                                                                                                           .98
Sort   ExamDl-e                                                                                                           .    .99

Chapter 1-1. Spooling . .                                                                                                   100
VSE,/POWER ith optional
          w               remote job entry                          feature       .       .                                 100
Advantages of Spoolinq                                                                                                    . 101
General Comparison -                                                                                                        101-
  Job Options.                                                                                                            . 103
  Operator ControL of Spooling                                                                                              105
Generation of Spooling Support .                                                                                            106
Summary of Spooling Differences.    .                                                                                       107

Chapter 1-2. Operator Control of                  the       System    .   .                                               . 108
The operator's   Duties.  .                                                                                                 108
System-Operator Communication.                                                                                            . 108
  O   p   e    r  a   t  o  r  c                   o        n   s     o       l       e       .   .     .       l       0   9
    DISPLAYUNIT.                                                                                                          .109
    Operator Keyboard. .                                                                                                    110
    Control Panel. .                                                                                                        110
    Using the Display Unit                                                                                                . 11-0
  DOS/VSE l"lessages                                                                                                      . 111
  Progr am llessages                                                                                                        1-12
  wait States.                                                                                                            . t1,2

                                                                                      Table       of    Contents               iii
  OperatorCommands..                                                         .L!2
L/o Devices.                                                                   1L2
Summary of Operation Considerations.                           .               113

Chapter 1-3. System Generation.                                                115
Supervisor Generation.                                                       . i -j _5
   Tailoring          the Libraries.                                         . 115
   Planning for System ceneration                        .                   . 115
   Scheduling System ceneration                      .                         116
U p d a t i n g Y o u r D O S , / V S ES y s t e m .                         . 116
t4aintain System History                   program.      .                     1l-6

Chapber 14. System,/3 Application      packages. .                             i - 1B
Types of Program Packages.                                                   . i-18
Program Package Profile.       .                                               118
ConversionAlternatives..                                                     .119
  Source Code Conversj,on of the System./3 program package           .   .     j-j_9
  Selection    of an Equivalent    4300 program package.                     . 119
  Design and Code Functionally       Equivalent prograns                       119
  Selected    System,/3 Program packages                                       1j_9
    tsi-Il- of Materi-al processor   (BOMP).                                   120
    DATA/3                                                                   . LzO
    Job Analysis     System,/3.                                              . I2O
                Query facility   for System,/3 (TeF,/3) .                    - I2O
    System,z3DITTO..                                                         . j,20

Part    II:    Data Communications                                              r20

Chapter 15. Introduction   to Data Communications.                              t2L
CCP-CICS,/VS System Overview.  .                                                1_22

Chapter 1-6. CCP-CICS./VS Description                        and Summary.   13i_
CICS,/VS Software Components.                                               13i-
System Management.                                                        . 131
  Task Management.                                                        . 131
      Task Managernent Summary. .                                         . !32
  Storage lvlanagement .                                                    133
      Storage Management Sununary                                         . 133
  Program Management                                                        133
      P r o g r a m l ' l a n a g e m e n t S u m m a r y . . . 1 3 4
  Time Management.                                                        . 13q
      Time Mranagement Summary.                                             i-35
  Terminal Management.                                                    . 135
      Terminal Management Summary. .                                      . 136
  l'i le Management.                                                      . 13 6
  T'r'ansient Data l"lanagement.                                            136
  Temporary Storage Management .                                            t37
      Fil-e,/Data Storage Management Summary                                t3i
  SystemService..                                                           138
      Sign-on,/Si9n-off                                                     j-39
      Sign-on,/Sign-off Summary..                                           138
  I"iaster Terminal.        .                                               i-3 8
  Supervisor      Terminal-                                               . 138
  operator     Terminal.                                                    139
      Operator Terminal Summary.                                          . 139
      System Statistics.                                                  . 139
      Terminal Test.                                                      . 139
Appl.ication     Service.                                                   140
  Basic Mapping Support.             .                                    . 140
  BMS l"iap Generation         .                                          . 140
      BMS Macro Instructions             .                                  L42
  BMS summary.                                                            . 145
System Monitoring.                                                          i-45
  Trace Management .                                                        145
  Dump Management.                                                        . 145
  System Monitoring           Summary. .                                  . 146
Systemsupport..                                                           .L46
  Preparation      o f t h e D O S , / V S EE y l v i r o n r n e n t       146
  Generation      of the CICS,/VS proqrams                                  L4i

lv     System,/3 to        DOS/VSE Conversion                cuide
      Entry Level system (ELS)                                                                                    ].tt7
      S    t  a   r  t   e   r   s  y                             s   t   e    m         .   -     .   1    4      8
    Generation of CICS./VS Tables .                                                                               148
    Prepanation of Startup Parameters.                                                                            148
    System Support Summary . .                                                                                    149

Chapter 17. CCP-CICS/VS Conversion Considerations.                                   .                            1-50
Systern Conversion Considerations                           . .                                                   150
   Task Management.                                                                                             . 150
       C C P - I " I R TP r o g r a m .                                                                           150
       CCP-SRT Program.                                                                                           150
   StorageManagernent.                                                                                          .150
   Program Management .                                                                                           151
   Terminal Management.                                                                                         . 151
   FiIe Management.                                                                                             . 151
       Sequentj-al Files                                                                                          151
       Transient            Data .                                                                                151-
       Temporary Storage.                     .                                                                   151
   Systemservice..                                                                                                1-52
       ./MSG terminal                  operator      command.                                                     1-52
       MSG           system operator              command.                                                      . I52
       ,/NAME terminal                   operator     command                                                     152
       /FILE          terminal           operator     command                                                     L53
       /Q      terrninal           operator       command.                                                      . 153
   Application              Service.                                                                            . 153
application             Program Conversion Considerations.        .                                               158
   Proqram Interface                     to CICS,/VS .                                                            158
       Command Translator                     .                                                                   160
       EXEC Interface                  Block                                                                      160
       Handling Exceptional                     Condit                                                            160
       Program Interface                     Summary.                                                             160
   Termina-l- Processi_ng.                                                                                        161
   'I ermi-nal Processing                    Examples .                                                           1_61_
       Terminal Input                                                                                             161
       Termi-nal Output - Format Screen.                        .                                                 1-62
       Terminal Output - Modify Screen.                                                                           L63
       Terminal Output - Display Data                                                                             L65
       3270 Erase All Unprotected                         .                                                       r6'l
       32?0 Print .                        :                                                                      r67
       HANDLE AID cOmmand                                                                                         rb6
       RETURN comrnand . .                                                                                        168
   i ermina-L Process ing Summary. .                                                                              t69
   Fj -I e P r o c e s s i n g .                                                                                  170
       Fi-le Processing Summary. .                                                                                I'12
   Datd Areas .                                                                                                   t't2
       Data Area Summary.                                                                                         t73
   lrogram Design                                                                                                 L73
       Terminal Acquisitio                                                                                        r't3
       Disk Sort Program.                                                                                         r74
       Recovery/Restart                                                                                           L74
       Program Oesign Summary . .                                                                                 174
C C P - C I C S . / V Sc o n v e r s i o n    Activities.     .                                                   174

Cirapter 18. System,/3 to                     4300 Conversion         Alternatives                                776
Conversion Al-ternatives                      Summary. .                                                          1-76 am Descriptions                                                                                          l. /O

       VJE./POL.]ER RJE.                                                                                          1_76
       Basi,c Tel-ecommunications                       Access Method Extended           Support
'ro,rr:it:X;::li"o.zn"'"iop*."i                             oio". : : : : . : : : . : : : : : : :                 4 1 1

Testing Aids .                                                                                                    177
A na l y s i s r r i d s .                                                                                        178

Appendix         A       Sample Configurations                                                                    179

Appendix         B       D O S , / V S ER e f e r e n c e   Manuals                                               180

                                                                                         Table   of    Contents

 1-     operati.onal- functi-ons                       and components of Dt4s and Dos,/vsE.                           6
 2.     rnfluence               of Dos,/vsE automatic storage management in a
        data communications                        system.                                                              9
  3.    C o m p a r l s o n o f t h e S y s t e m , / 3 a n d D O S , / V S El i - b r a r j _ e s . .                j-3
 q.     System input,/output                       f iles.                                                            L7
  5.    Examples of a progress record sheet                                                                           25
 6.     Example of a program j-nventorT form                                                                          26
 7.     Exampl,: of a file                      inventory        form.                                   ... -. . 26
  B.    Compiler workfiles                                                                               ..... . 46
  9.    Header options.                                                                                               qg
10.     Extension specifications                                                                                      qg
11.     Line counter specifications                                                                                   qg
1,2.    pile description                      specifications                                                          49
13 .    Calcul,rtion               specif icatj-ons                                                                   49
14.     Output speci_fications                                                                                        50
1-5.    DOS/VS RPG II -jobs.                                                                                          5I
16.     D O S , / V S O B O Lj o b s .
                        C                                                                                ..... . 55
        F O R T R A I 'p r o g r a m s t a t e m e n t s . - . .
                            I                                                                                         56
18.     D O S . / V S F O R T R A Nj o b s .                                                                          58
19.     D o S . / V S l iA S S E M B L E R j o b s .
                                                                                                         ..... . 60
20.     D O S , / V . i l lj o b s t r e a m . - - .                                                                  62
21-.    System logical                   devices                                                                      63
22.     OCL and JCL comparison (part a of 2 )....                                                                     66
22.     OCL anrovi-des
                                         to the progran products                    arong with enlancements
to the basic functions                  of the system control                 program (Dos,/vsE). The
'VSE,/Advanced f Dos,/vsE in this
                       o                               manuar assumes the installation                  of

The 4300 Processor provides     for the use of a wide range of sys;tem and
;lpprication   programs. The following  is a partiar tist  of the'Srrograms
,evai.Iable for use with the q300 processor.
                                               These programs will. be
referenced   i.n the manual.

      System,/3 to     D O S , / V S EC o n v e r s i o n   cuide
Li censed       Proqrams

V S E , / A d v a n c e dF u n c t i o n s .                                                         ....5746-XE8
V S E , / P O W Ew i t h o p t i o n a l - R e m o t e J o b E n t r y F e a t u r e .
                   R                                                                                   ...57 46-XE3
VSE/Virtual              Storage Access Method.                                                        .. .5746-AM2
VsE./Interactj-ve Computing and Control Facil-ity. . .                                                 .. .5746-T51
V S E . / I B MS Y S T E M , / 3 3 3 q 0 D a t a I m p o r t . . .                                   ....5746-A143
VSE/Data Interfile                    Transfer,     Testing and Operations                   Utility...5746-UT3
DOS./VS PG II rel-ease 3....
              R                                                                                              5746-RG1
System./3 DoS,/vS RPG II Conversion Preprocessor.                                                            5735-cV1
D O S . / V SC O B O L a n d L i b r a r y . .   .                                                           5746-CB1-
DoS FORTRAN V Library    I                   option I.. . .                                              . .5746-LI43
D O S . / V SS o r t , / M e r g e    Versi-on 2. .                                                      . . 5746- SM2
C L C S / D O S / V S ...                                                                              .. .57rt6-XX3
BTAl"r-E:i                                                                                                   5746-RC5

Not Li-censed

DOS FORTRAIT IV           Compiler                                                                      . 3 6 0 N - F O -q 7 9
DOS FORTRAN IV            Lj-brary.                                                                     .360N-LM-480
As s emlrler


You may be planning a transition   fronr the                               System/3 to          a 4300 Processor
for a ;rumber of reasons, such as:

.    Program compatibility   with the SYSTEI4/3'|0
.    Greater growth capabili-ty  of the 4300 Processor                                     l-ine
.    Api:lication growth
.    Corporate standardization

As your company gro\^rs, you make greater                               use of your comFuter system for
the steadily               increasing        volunre of data. More information           must be
processed on customers, stock parts,                                 general Iedger acccunts, etc. This
may mean that you are outgrowing your System,/3 in several areas, such as
m o r , t o r } /s i z e , t h e n u m b e r o f p a r t i t i o n s  available for processing programs,
tlisk capacity,                 print speed, online capability,etc.                The 4300 Processors .
with its wide range of processor models and Lzo devices,                                 mdy provide the
answer to your data processing needs.

If you are runnirlg more and increasingly                                     complex applications,             you nay
have a need for improving the integration                                      of all of ycur applicati-ons.
The 4300 processor has a wide ranqe of software to assist you.                                                   Data
base management systens such as DL/I can help you organize and integrate
y o u r c o m p a n y ' s d a t a ; d a t a c o m m u n i c a t i o r ) s s y s t e m s s u c h a s C I C S / D O S , / V Sc a n
help you provide timely                      information                 to your company's executives;               query
p r o q r a r r s s u c h a s G I , S , / V Sc a n f a c i l i - t a t e    processing one-tilne requests f cr
in formation.

You may be plannirg                  a t-ransitiorr             f r o m y o u r S y s t e m , / 3 t c e L4 3 0 0 F r o c e s s o r
because of corporate standardization.                                   If you currently              have a mixed
S y s t e m , / 3 a n d S Y S T E I 4 / 3 1 0e n v i r o n m e n t ,   your data processir,g department Inai/
be more prcductive                anrf less costly to operate wi-th only one type of
coiirputer system. You can thus realize                                 benefits        from central           progran
development and maintenance, as wel-I as full                                      data compatibj-lity.

Whatever the reasons you are planning to upgrade,                                        the 4300 Processor may
provide additional   capabilities that benefit you,                                      depending upon which
model and confiquration   of System/3 you have.

a    Growth potentj-al    within  the 4300 Processor                              family
a    Higtrer DASD capacity
a    More partitions
a    Data base offering
a    More f lexible   data comnrunicati-ons
a    Universal-  progran, Iibrary

                                                                                         Cnapt,r 1-. Overview
This rnanual provides               the information              you will need to plan and i.mplement
conversion-            You may_currently              have a System,z3 running     Latcn appfii:tions,
or a system/3 with data communications.                             Each of thes6 areas i3-addressed
separately            to clarlfy
                                       he compatibilities
t h e S y s t e m . / 3 a n d t h e 4 l3 0 0 p r o c e s s o r .
                                                                      and incompatibilities   between

   System,/3    to   DOS./VSE Conversion       Guide
                CiiAPTER 2.         DOS,/VSE AND SYSTEM,/3 CHARACTERISTICS                           AND DIFFERENCES

Tlei.s chapter presents the major differences        between the q300 Processor
using DOS,/VSE ith ACvanced Functions
                  w                           and the System/3 using Disk System
lvlitnagerrent (DSf4). ft is meant to provide     an overview   of DOS/VSE and
g:Lve technical    direction that wilI    help your data processing personnel
to understand the conversion      activity.    It does not include the detailed
information     needed to convert  frorn DSM to DCS./VSE. This is supplied     in
l;rter chapters.

D : t S K O P E R A T I N G SYSTE}{,/VIRTUAL         STORAGE E X T L N D E ] ]      ( DOS/VSE )

DOS/VSE is a group of orograms designed to make ful-l use cf t.he
resources of a data processing                     systern usinq the 43C0 Procrssor hardware.
The basic functions                  of DOS/VSE, how they work, are conparaLble to the
S'ystern,/3Disk Systen Management (LSM). Sometimes the nanres of the
programs are the same. The major differences                      a r e t h a t D O S . / V S Eh d s m o r e
fronctions and that there is a different                     method used in conrmunicating
with the 4300 Processor:                     DSM uses operation  control       language (OCL);
D { I S , / V S Eu s e s j o b c o n t r o l language (JcL). oCL and JCL perf orm basically
the sarne functions.

Figure l- shows the operational     functions  and components of DSM, their
fr,rnctional  equivaJ-ents in DOS./VSE, and a summary of the ailditional
functions    and components availabl-e   with DOS/VSE. The Syst:m,/3 DSM
fr:nctions   presented are based on the facilities    avaiLable with the Model
15. (The t"todel L0 does not provide sone of these functicns.)

You can st:e from Figure l that all System./3 DSI{ functj-ons                             are available
in DOS./VSE. This does not imply that all                components f\lnction                   in exactly
t.he same way in DOS,/VSE and DSIvi. In general , DOS,/VSE systerm control-
p:roqrams have more capabilities          t h a n L r S Ms y s t e m c o n t r o l - p r o g r a n s ,   and
they rnay be used in different        ways. This is alsc true of IBM-suppli-ed
p.rogram products.  You should not expect to find the same rLumber of
programs or identical   p r o g r a m n a m e s i n t h e D O S , / V S Ep r c a r a n l l i b r a r y .

I ] C S , / V S E S Y S T E MF U N C T I O N S

The fol-lowing is a brief  discussion    of the specifj.c DOS/VSE furrctions
ttlat are of interest  when moving fronr a System./3 disk syst:em to a 4300
Processor with DOS,/VSE,and their     relationship  to the corr:esponding DSM
f uncti-ons.


Control        programs are designed to sche<1ule and supervj-se the performance
of data        processing work by a corrputing system. DOS,/VSEprc>vides several
controL        programs.


A s o n t h e S y s t e r n , / 3 , D O S , / V S Ep r o b l e m p r o g r a n r s a r e e x e c u t e d u n d e r c o n t r c l
of a srrpervisor,              the major control                program of the system. The basic
functions     and operational                   characteristics               of the two super:visors are the
same, but the DOS,/VSE ff ers addi-tiorral f uncticns,
                                       o                                                     especi;tlly         j-n the
a.rea of resource manaqement.

               Chapter        2.   DoS,/vSl. anC System/3               CharacterisLics             atld Dif f erences
Some of       the    enhancements             that      DOS,/VSE with         Advanced       Functions       provicles

r    Virtual,       storage

.    MuIti-tasking

.    \y'ariable partition               priority

.    llelocating         loader

.    ilob to    job      communications               area
.    Automateci Systems Initial_ization

.    Asynchronous           Operator          Communication

r---------                     -----T---                        ----------T
I Fr.rNcTIoN        or   col"lpoNENTl                     sysTEM./3              i            4300

    Servjce     Programs
                                                Supervisor                            Supervisor

                                               Operator Control                       Job ControL
                                               Language (OCL)                         Language   (JCL)

                                                Data Management                       Data     Managernent

                                                Spool ino                             VSE./POWER

                                               Librarian                              L ibr arian

                                               Systern Util        ities              System     Utj"li-ties

                                               Overlay          Li-nkage              Linkage       Editor

                                               Sort                                   DOS./VS Sort./'Merge

                                               File to F'ile                          VSE./VSAIVI AC(:ESS
                                               Uti-lities                             Ivlethcd Servi.ces


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