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             INSTRUCTION      MANUAL

                MODEL         153

                @COPYRIGHT 1974

                                                                                                          MODEL 153


SECTION                                                                                          PAGE

SPfTCIFICATIONS __-_-_____---__________________--                                                iv

1.       GENERAL             DESCRIPTION                              _____--______-______----

2.       (-,pE~TION                 _______-__---______---------------                                3

3.       APPLICATIONS                        __-______-__-_______-----------                     12

4.       CIRCUIT              DESCRIPTION                             ___-_______________-----   13

5.       SERVICING                  __-_____-___________-------------                            17

6.       C&IBuTION                        _--_________--________--__-_---                        23

7.       ACCESSORIES                      -_--___________--_______________

8.       REpuCpygjLE                      PARTS               -------------------------          37
SCHpJ.fATIC             _____-_______-__-------------------

MODEL 153                                                                                                    ILLLlSTRATIO!&


'i   . Vo .
       .                                                    Title                                                      Pap*
       1      Model 153 Front Panel. ______________-_-_-_-------------------                                             7
       2      Front pane1 Controls.      -______----_---___--_----------------------                                     4
       3      Rear panel Terminals.      --___----_________--_____---------------_-                                      5
       4      Thermal Sink Construction.        _--___-_______-_____------------------                                  10
       5      Using Model 153 with 4-Terminal            Connections.          ----_--------__-----                     11
       6      Null Circuit   and Leeds and Northrup           K3 Potentiometer.                 -----------             1:
       7      Diagram Showing Currents       in Solid State Circuits.                   ---------------                 12
       8      Circuit   for Semiconductor      Resistivity        Measurements.             -----       --------        12
       9      Model 153 Block Diagram. ____-___-___________________________                                             13
     10       Wave Form at Junction      of Diodes D301 and 0302. -----------------                                     16
     11       Wave Form at Junction      of Resistor       R302 and Capacitor                 C302B. ------             18
     12       Wave Form at -13 Volt Supply. __--____________---_----------------                                        18
     13       Divider  Connection   for Multivibrator           Frequency Adjustment.                     -------       20
     14       Wave Form of Multivibrator         Output.    --------------------------                                  20
     15       Wave Form for Tuned Multivibrator            Output Across Resistor                     R121. ---         20
     lb       Wave Form for Input Modulator          ElOl. ----------------------------                                 20
     17       Demodulator   Wave Form for Full-Scale            Input on l-Volt               Range. -----              21
     18       Typical  Model 153 Drift      Chart. _____-_-_____-___-__-----------                                      25
     19       Model    153   Interior.      ----__--------_-_--------------------------                                 26
     20       Model    153   Inter&,=.      __-_______--______-___-----------------------                               27
     21       Capacitor,    Tube, Battery,    and Modulator      Locations     on PC-lob.            -----              28
     22       Resistor   Locations   on Printed     Circuit    Board PC-lob.        ----      - ----- --                29
     23       Component Locations     for Printed      Circuit   Board PC-107. _--_____-                                30
     24       Component Locations     on Model 153 Rear Chassis Panel. ----                     ----- --                30
     25       Component Locations     on Range Switch Sl. -_------__-------------                                       31
     26       component Locations     on Range Switch Sl. _____-______-_-___-_---                                       31
     27       Component Locations     for Model 153 Power Supply and Multivibrator.                                     32
     28       Keithley   Instruments   Model 1531 Gripping        Probe. -_--_---_-e-s--                                33
     29       Keithley   Instruments   Model 1532 Test Leads. ----___------------                                       33
     30       Keithley   Instruments    Model 1533 Mating Connector.            --------------                          33
     31       Model 1483 Low-Thermal       Connection     Kit. _____-______________----                                 34
     32       Keithley   Instruments    Model 6012 Triaxial-to-Coaxial              Adapter.         _----              34
     33       Exploded View of Model 4005 Rack Mounting Kit.               ___-_____-____----                           35

1174                                                                                                                     iii
                 MODEL 153

KEITHLEY                              INSTRUMENTS.                                        I LN c.

                                    INSTRUCTION MANUAL
                                      CHANGE NOTICE
                               MODEL 153 MICROVOLT-AMMETER

 INTRODUCTION: Since Keithley            Instruments       is continually       improving     pro-
duct performance        and reliability,       it is often necessary          to make changes
to Instruction      Manuals to reflect         these improvements.           Also,   errors     in
Instruction      Manuals occasionally         occur that require         changes.      Sometimes,
due to printing       lead time and shipping          requirements,       we can't    get these
changes immediately        into printed       Manuals.       The following      new change in-
formation      is supplied    as a supplement        to this Manual in order to provide
the user with the latest           improvements      and corrections       in the shortest
possible     time.   Many users will        transfer     this change information           directly
to a Manual to minimize          user error.       All changes or additions           are indi-
cated in italics.

Page 41,    Replaceable      Parts,     Resistors      should   read    as follows:
R172     9.9kn      O.l%,    1/3w      w       15909      1250-9.9KR       R-110-9.9??         22
R173     100 n      O-l%,    1/3w      w       15909      1250-100R        R-110-100           22
Pages 38 s 39, Replaceable            Parts,    Diodes,     should     read as follows:
D303       Rectifier,       l.OA,     8OOV       lN4006         MOT         RF-38         27
D304       Rectifier,       l.OA,     6OOV       IN4006         MOT         RF-38         27
    MODEL 153                                                                              GENERAL DESCRIPTIO1i

                     SECTION            1.       GENERAL              DESCRIPTION

 l-l.    GENIZAL.

    a. The Keithley  Model 153 Microvolt-Ammeter   is a versatile   dc instrument    with high inp,:t
 impedance and low noise for measuring a wide range of voltages      and currents.      Its voltage
 ranyes are from 5 microvolts   full scale to 1000 volts,   and its current    ranges are from
 lo- ?l ampere full scale to 0.1 ampere.    The Model 153 has zero-center     and zero-left    meter

    b.   Accuracy for the voltage    ranges varies  from 21% of full scale on the 3-millivolt       a-.?
 higher   ranges to ?3% of full    scale on the 10 and 30-microvolt  ranges.  Accuracy     for tjle
 current    ranges varies   from +2% of full  scale on the 3 x 10v9 ampere and higher    ranges to
 24% of full     scale on the 3 x lo-11 ampere and lower ranges.

    c.   Input resistance     is 200 megohms for the l-millivolt  and higher  ranges.    Input resis-
 tance   for the lo-microvolt     range is 20 megohms. If a lower resistance     is wanted, a front
 panel   switch control   allows shunting   a 2-megohm resistor  across the input.

   d.  Input noise on the most sensitive voltage  range              with the input      shorted is less thar.
0.06 microvolt   rms. In ut noise on the most sensitive               current range      with the input  open
is less than 0.1 x lo- 13 ampere rms.

 1-2.    FEATURES.

   a. The Model 153 has excellent          resolution       for potentiometric      null detector    applications.
Line frequency      rejection    is good; a power line or twice power line frequency                which is 40 db
(p-:~"c)    greater    than full   scale affects      readings       less than 0.5%.    Isolation   greater     than
10') -..,~s from ground permits      use in floating        circuits.

   h    The Model 153 uses the voltage drop method to measure currents.      Input resistance
a:: .in ammeter varies from 1 megohm on the lo-L1 ampere range to 1 ohm on the O.l-ampere
range.    Voltage drop varies from 10 microvolts  to 100 millivolts,   depending upon the
range used.

   =.    Recorder output is fl volt dc at up to 1 milliampere         for full-scale      meter deflection
on any    range.     The l-milliampere capability    permits  use with recording      galvanometers.
Output    resistance    is less than 10 ohms with the output potentiometer           set for maximum out-
put.     Drift   is less than +2 microvolts     per 24 hours.


   a. As a voltmeter,          the Model 153 is ideal for measuring       a wide variety     of voltages     such
as contact     potentials,       vacuum tube electrode   potentials,   biologically     generated     emf's,
electro-chemical        potentials,     and power supply voltages.     Other applications       include    use
with various     voltage     generating    transducers  such as piezo-electric      generators,      Hall effect
generators     and strain      gauges.

    b. The Model 153 is also ideal    for most null detector   applications.     On the three most
 sensitive  ranges, power sensitivity    is better than 5 x lo-21 wtt.       High ac rejection     and
~iloating  capability make the Model 153 an ideal null detector       for any bridge   or potentio-

 1174                                                                                                            1
I   GENERAL DESCRIPTION                                          MODEL 153

                          FIGURE 1,   Model 153 Front   Panel.

    2                                                                 1174
MODEL 153                                                                                               OPERATION

                             SECTION          2.          OPERATION


   a. METER Switch.     The METER Switch has four positions.       POWEROFF shuts off the in-
strument;    this also short circuits   the meter, allowing   accurate mechanical zero adjust-
ment.     METER + and METER - determine    meter polarity.   CENTER ZERO sets the instrument
for center zero operation    (lower meter scales).

   b.   FUNCTION Switch.      The FUNCTION Switch has three         positions,     two for voltage   inputs
and one for current     inputs.    In the VOLTS INPUT R-2M         position,    input  resistance  is ap-
proximately   2 megohms. In the VOLTS R-OPEN position,              input resistance      is at the maxi-
mum for the range being used.        (See Table 1.)  In the         AMPS position,     the Model 153 func-
tions as an ammeter.

  c.    RANGE Switch.      The RANGE Switch selects   the full-scale  instrument           sensitivity   for
one of 17 voltage     and 21 current   ranges.    The 10 or 3 of the top meter            scale corresponds
to full-scale   deflection     for the range selected    with the RANGE Switch.

   d.  ZERO Control.    The ZERO Control    allows precise    meter zeroing.      Its range is about
20 microvolts,   so it is most effective     on the microvolt    ranges.     Since the II-volt  and
higher  ranges use a 1OOO:l divider,     the Control   is also somewhat effective        on the 3-volt
range.    It has much less effect    on other ranges.

   e.   INPUT Receptacle.    The INPUT Receptacle     is a Teflon-insulated            Triaxial      type con-
nector.    Its center terminal   is the circuit    high;  the inner shield           is circuit        low (cir-
cuit ground);   the outer shield   is chassis   ground.


   a. DC OUTPUT ADJ Control.      This Control     sets the amplitude   of the output    voltage.
Both the output voltage    and reszstance   vary wxtn the control      setting.   Voltage     span is
from 0 to 1.05 volts;   output resistance     varies    to 7.5 kilohme maximum.

   b.    Output Binding Posts.    Three posts are used for the l-volt     recorder    output.                 G is
f;r case ground; LO is circuit       ground; HI is the output connection.       The furnished                 short-
!-:: link is for connecting    the LO Post to the G Post.

  C. 117-234 Switch.    The screwdriver-operated           slide    switch   sets   the Model       153 for       117
or 234-volt ac power lines.

  d.   FUSE.    For 105-125 volt operation,   use a l/2 ampere, 3 AG Slow Blow fuse.                        For
210-250 volt    operation,  use a l/4 ampere, 3 AG Slow Blow fuse.

   e.   Power Cord.     The 3-wire power cord with the NEMA approved 3-prong plug                    provides        a
ground connection     for the cabinet.   An adapter for operation  from 2-terminal                   outputs       is


        The Model 153 INPUT Receptacle    is a Triaxial  connector.           Any attempt         to con-
        nect bnc-type connectors  to it   may damage both.

1174                                                                                                                     3
OPERATION                                                                            MODEL 153


             FUNCTION                                                    METER
              SWITCH -                                                 -SWITCH
               (S1)                                                       .(S3)

               INPUT                                                      ZERO
            RECEPTACLE-                                                -CONTROL
               (Jl)                                                      (R155)

                                       RANGE SWITCH

                          FIGURE 2.   Front    Panel   Controls.
I   MODEL 153                                                     OPERATION

                                                      - ..-. ,.

                FIGURE 3.   Rear Panel   Terminals.
      OPERATION                                                                                                       MODEL 153


           a.    Check the 117-234        Switch      and the Fuse for    the proper    ac line     voltage.

           b.    Set the controls       as follows:

                METER Switch                        POWEROFF
                RANGE Switch                        1 VOLT
                FUNCTION Switch                     VOLTS INPUT R-2M

     Check meter        zero.     If   necessary,      adjust   with   the meter   mechanical     zero.

        C. Connect the power cord and set the METER Switch to +. Within one minute,          the meter
     needle should be at zero with the input shorted.      If the meter is not exactly    at zero
     with the input shorted after  approximately   20 minutes,   adjust the internal   BIAS ADJ Po-
     tentiometer,  R125 for exact meter zero.    (See paragraph   5-5.)   For maximum accuracy,   al-
     low the Model 153 to warm up approximately    30 minutes.

           d.    To cancel any zero offset,  short the input               high    to low and reduce       meter   sensitivi-
     ty.        Adjust  the front panel ZERO Control.

     2-4.        VOLTAGE MEASUREMENTS.

        a.  Voltage measurements             can be made with either of two input resistances:    2 megohms
     for all ranges, or a higher              resistance, from 20 megohms to 200 megohms depending upon
     the range.

              1. Generally,     it is better  to use the higher input resistance    (obtained  by setting
           the FUNCTION Switch to VOLTS OPEN). To maintain        the accuracy of measurements,     the in-
           put resistance     should be 100 times the source resistance.      (See Table l-l  for input
           resistance    by ranges.

              2. With the higher     input     resistance,     soma meter deflection    may occur with the input
           open due to extraneous      sisal      pickup.     To reduce this pickup and also to speed recovery
           from input overloads   when measuring           low impedance sources,    use the 2:megohm input resis-
           tance (obtained   by setting      the FIJNCTION Switch to VOLTS (R-2M).

       b.   Connect the voltage source to the INPDT Receptacle.                        Use properly        shielded   and
    grounded leads.    Refer to paragraphs  2-8 and following   for                    suggestions        and cautions.

       c.   Set      the RANGE Switch to the highest          voltage     range.      Turn the METER Switch to CENTER
    ZERO for       the correct    polarity    for the input signal.           Increase      the Model 153 sensitivity
    until   the     meter shows the greatest         on-scale    deflection.        On the 3-volt     and higher    ranges,
    the Model        153 will  withstand     overloads    to 1000 volts       without      damage.   On the lower ranges,
    momentary        overloads  to 1000 volts       will  cause only temporary           instability   and zero offset.
    Prolonged        overloads  will     damage components and cause increased                noise and slower response

I    6                                                                                                                          1174
MODEL 153                                                                                                      OPERATION

TABLE 1. Model 153 Voltage      Input Resistances    and Current                    Input Resistance,   Voltage   Drop
and Maximum Current    Overload by Ranges.     Maximum Current                     Overload is tllc p,r~'atcst curr~p.t
for the ralli;e xliich will  not damage tliti range resistor.

            vo1tag     e      Inpur Rcsistancc                  current           Input        Voltage        Maximum
            Range               :~tll FLTC'rION                 Renfie          Resistance       Drop         GUI-rent
                                ..:itcll sft to                                                               Overload
                                OPEN          R-211                                                        (milliampcr:

    10      microvolts          -20    Mu     -1.8 M.      10    picoamps            1   M.     10   ,I"        0.5
    30      micro\~i,lts        -50    M     -1.9 x        30    picoamps            1   ?1     30   ,.v        0.i
   100      microi~olts       -200     hl~   -2 El        100    picoamps            1   T.1   100   ,:v        0.5
   300      microvolts        -200     )I.   -2 Mu        300    picoamps            1   bl,   300   ;i"        0.5

        1 millivolt           -200 M         -2 M           1 nanoamp                1 hl        1 m\           0.5
        3 millivolts          -200 K         -2 M.          3 nanoamps               1 x         3 rn"          0.5
       10 millivolts          -200 M.        -2 M.         10 nanoamps               1 Mu       10 mv           0.5

    30 millivolts             -200 Mu        -2 MY         30 nanoamps            100 k:~        3 mv           1.6
   100 millivolts             -200 Mu        -2 M.        100 nanoamps            100 k~.       10 mv           1.6
   300 millivolts              -700 Mu       -2 M'        300 nanoamps             10 k::        3 mv           5

        1   volt             i -200    M:    -2   M?        1   microamp           10    k:.    10   mv        5
        3   volts                200   MT    -2   MC        3   microamps           1    kl.     3   rn"      16
       10   volts               200    M:    -2   MS       10   microamps           1    k::    10   mv       16
       30   volts               200    Mu:   -2   I-Ii:    30   microamps         100    1.      3   mv       50

   100 volts                    200 M:       -2 w         100 microamps           100 :.        10 mv         50
   300 volts                    200 M1       -2 Ml?       300 microamps            10 1.         3 mv        160
  1000 volts                    200 M?       -2 I%          1 milliamp             10 7.        10 mv        160

                                                            3   milliamps          -1    n       3   mv      500
                                                           10   milliamps          -1    R      10   mv      500
                                                           X    rnil.~icatupS      21    R      30   mv      500
                                                          100   milliamps          -1    r!    100   mv      500

 2-5.   CURRENT MEASUREMENTS. Set the FUNCTION Switch to AMPS. Select the range using the
RANGE Switch.     Make sure low resistance       leads are used to connect the source to the Model
153 input  to minimize    input voltage    drop.     Refer to Table 1 for the voltage     drop by ranges
and for the maximum allowable      current    overload    which will  not damage the instrument.       On
all ranges momentary overloads       will  only cause temporary      zero offset end instability.
Prolonged  overloads   exceeding   the values in Table 1 may damage the current-sensing           resis-

2-6.        FMATING        OPERATION

    a.     The Model        153 can be connected Qetween two potentials,      neither     of which is at powr
line ground,       It       can be floated  up to -500 volts  off ground.     Triaxial       connectors   are
especially     useful        when operating  the low terminal  at a different      potential      from the ground

1174                                                                                                                      7
 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS                                                                                             MODEL 153

       b.        For best   results   with    floating     operation,      follow   the steps    below:

            1.     Remove the shorting        link    from the    LO or GND Post on the rear          panel.

          2. Connect the unknown source                  to the Model 153, connecting     the lowest impedance
       paint to the input  low. Operate                  as described  inparagraph   2-4.    Do not ground any re-
       corders used with this operation,                  since the low of the Model 153 output      is no longer

          3. Use triaxial   cable            and connectors       for   floating    operation.     A complete      outer   shield
       protects the operator.

          4. Make sure the chassis               is   grounded.     Use the G Post on the rear            panel   or the ground
       pin of the power cord.

2-7.         RECORDEROUTPUT.

    a. Model 153 output    for full-scale   meter deflection      on any range is adjustable      from 0
to *1.05 volts   at up to 1 milliampere.     Output polarity      is positive.   Output resistance
is less than 10 ohms with the DC OUTPUT ADJ Control           set for maximum output;   resistance    varies
with the Control   setting   to 7.5 kilohms maximum.      If the Model 153 is used for floating
measurements,  do not ground the recorder     connected     to the output.

     b. When recording      with the Model 153 "se the Keithley     Model 370 Recorder.      The output
of the Model 153 is sufficient       to drive    the Model 370 without   the "se of any recorder
preamplifiers.      The Model 370 allows maximum capability       of the Model 153.      It has 1% line-
arity,    10 chart speeds and can float     up to ?500 volts   off ground.     Using the Model 370
with the Model 153 avoids interface        problems which may be encountered       between a measuring
instrument     and a recorder.

    c. To "se the Model 370 with the Model 153 connect the high and low binding            posts                            on
the Model 153 rear panel to the sama posts on the Model 370.         Do not ground the Model                                370
if differential    measurements are being made. Adjust    the easily   accessible  Calibration
Control    on the Model 370 for full-scale recorder deflection.


    a. The Model 153 INPUT Receptacle     is a triaxial type; its mating connector          is the
Keithley Model 1533.   For input   leads to the Model 153, Keithley   Instruments,        Inc.,   has
the Model 1534 Special  Low-Thermal Triax Cable which can be connected       directly       to the
Model 1533 Connector.   The Connector   is made to acconrmodate the 0.145-inch        outer diameter
of the Cable.

     b.   For best connections     to the input, use the accessory    probes and leads described    in
Section 7. This will        enable the Model 153 to be used under the best conditions.        Other
considerations       for making sure the Model 153 is properly    connected  are listed in the
following     paragraphs.

     c.    Carefully    shield   the input connection  and the source being measured.    Unless the
shielding      is thorough,     any alteration  in the electrostatic  field near the input circuitry
will    cause definite      meter disturbances.

8                                                                                                                          1174
 MODEL 153                                                                              OPERATING INSTRUCTIOXS

    d.   Use high resistance,     low-noise      materials   - such as Teflon (recommended),               polyethy-
lene or polystyrene       - for insulation.          The insulation     leakage resistance        of leads shx*Jld
be greater     than 500 megohms to maintain        the Model 153 input resistance.             Excessive       lea;:-
age reduces the accuracy of readings           from high impedance sources.           Voltage     breai:d3jm of
the cable must also be high:         1000 volts      center conductor      to inner shield;       500 volts be-
tween shields.      The Model 1534 Cable meets these requirements.                Triasial    cables used
should be a low-noise      type which employ a graphite           or other conductive       coating     brt!ieen
the dielectric     and the surrounding      shield    braid.

     e. Any change in the capacitance        of the measuring circuit        to ground will   cause extran-
eous disturbances.      For instance,   cable flexture     changes the cable capacitance          and thus
affects   meter readings.    Make the measuring      setup as rigid     as possible    and tie down connec-
ting cables to prevent     their   movement.    If a continuous    vibration     is present,    it may ap-
pear at the output as a sinusoidal       signal    and other precautions       may be necessary     to iso-
late the instrument     and the connecting     cable from the vibration.

    f.   For low impedance measurements,    unshielded leads and the Model 6012 Adapter                     ma)
be used.     Since the circuit  low and ground are connected with the Adapter,  do not                     use    it
for off-ground    measurements.


        Keithley Instruments,      Inc.,    has several   booklets available     on low voltage        measure-
        ments and low current        high   resistance  measurements.     A list   is available        from
        Keithley Instruments,      Inc.,    or its representative.

2-V.   ACCURACY CONSIDERATIONS. For sensitive               measurements - 100 millivolts              and below -
other considerations        besides the instrument       affect    accuracy.     Effects      not noticeable    when
working with higher voltages          are very important       with microvolt      signals.        The Model 153
only reads the signal        received    at its input;    therefore,     it is important         that this signal
be properly    transmitted      from the source.       The following     paragraphs      indicate     factors  which
affect  accuracy:       thermal emf's, shielding        and circuit     connections.

2-10.      THERMAL EMF'S.

    a.  Thermal emf's (thermo-electric  potentials)    are generated    by thermal  gradients  be-
tween any two junctions   of dissimilar metals.     These can be significatn     compared to the
signals  which the Model 153 can measure.

   b.      Thermal   emf's   can cause the    following   problems:

      1.    Metal instability  or zero offset    much higher          than   normal.    Note,    though,   the
   Model    153 may have some offset  (paragraph    2-3).

      2. Meter is very sensitive       to ambient temperature     VariStiOnS.        This is seen by touch-
   ing the circuit,      by putting  a heat source near the circuit,           or by a regular  pattern of
   instability,     corresponding   to heating  and air conditioning          systems or changes in sun-

1174                                                                                                                   9
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS                                                                                 MODEL 153

     c.  To minimize       the drift   caused by thermal emf's, use the same metal or metals having
low thermo-electric          powers in the input circuit.       Gold, silver    and low-thermal      solder
have thermo-electric           owers within    about *0.25 wv/'C of copper.       This means even a tempera'-
ture difference       of 10 1 C between one of these metals and copper will           generate   a thermal
emf of 2.5 microvolts.           At the other extreme,      germanium has a thermo-electric        power of
about 320 uv/

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