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               INSTRUCTION          MANUAL

                       MODEL I65

               DIGITAL      MULTIMETER

PRINTED   JANUARY,     1977,   CLEVELAND,     OHIO   U.     S.   A.
CONTENTS                                                                                                                           MODEL


  Tit12 Page                                      .                   4.   Accessories
  CO"td"LS                  .         .       .                            4-1. General. .                                             15
  LiSC Of IllusCrac.ions.   .                 .                            4-2.   operating Instructions .                             15
  Specifications      .   . .         .           .                        4-3.   Model 1651 50-Ampere S~UOL                           15
                                                                           4-4.   Model 1653 Rack Mounting K~L                         15
  1.   General DeSCriprion
       1-l.  Introduction  .    .                                     5.   Maintenance
       l-2.  warranty Information                                          5-1. General. .      .          .                           16
       1-3. Change sotice.        .               .                        5-2.   Recommended Tesr Equipment                           16
       1-4.      Features   .     .       .                                5-3.   Performance YerificaLia"         .                   16
                                                                           5-4.   Calibration.            .                            20
                                                                           5-5.   companenr an* Calibration
                                                           4                          Layouts       .  .      .                        27
                                                           5               5-b.   some Semiconductor case ouc1ines
                                                           5                          and Pin Identificarions      .                   29
                                                           5               5-7.   Tra"           .                        31
                                                           6          6.   Replaceable   P,,CS
                                                           7               b-l.   General. . . .       .                               34
                                                      .    8               b-2.   Electrical Schematics and
                                                      .    9                         Diagrams. . . .     .  . .                        34
                                                           9               b-3.   How to "se the Parts         list.       .           34
                                                                           b-4.   How LO Order Parts                   .       .       34
  3.   circuit      Descripeion                                            6-5.   Chassis Pares List                   .               35
       3-1.      General.       . . .   . . .             10               b-6.   Electrical Parts List.           .               .   35
       3-2.      *c-"o1cs Preamplifier.     .         .   10               6-7.   Mechanical Parts IAt.                                49
       3-3.      DC-vo1rs PraamplFfLer.     .         .   10               b-8.   Code-to-Name List,       .           .           .   50
       3-4.      OhrnPcircuitry     . . . . .         .   11
       3-5.      1-d currene source.        .             11          7.   scbmatic Diagrams
       3-b.      DC-r\mpsPreamplifier .               .   11               7-l.  253950 Block DFagram. .                   . . .       52
       3-7.      *c-Amps Preamplifier . .             .   11               7-2.   2539ZE AC & DC Preampltiier
       3-8.      hipolar  Amplifier . .               .   11                         SwiCchtig . .      .     .    .               .   53
       3-9.      AD ConverCer       . . .   .         .   12               7-3.   253930 "*ipolar  Amplifier    61
       3-m.      Clock. .     .   . . . .   .         .   13                         A-D canverrer . .                             .   54
       3-11.     Logic. . . .     .   . . . .         .   13               7-4.   255080 Clack & Switching Logic.                      55
       3-12.     Display.  . .    . . . . . .         .   13               7-5.   25511D Re y b Drivers.      .                    .   56
       1-13.     Power supply     . . . . . .         .   13               7-6.   25394E Readout and logic.                            57
                                                                           7-7.   25391c Power supply .       .                    .   58


                t         .

                        SECTION   1.   GENERAL    DESCRIPTION

I4    h,.:,   ,`,I,.,.:\'                        165   AUTORANGING   MULTIMETER
  s-301    3403     `0      HI     SOURCE   S40lA   S4OlB
                   5402    3401     5402
                                 P304   5303     s302
                                                                                                                               MODEL 165

                                               SECTION           2.   OPERATION

                                                                             b).   AC Ke,ecrim.      The Model 165 provides
                                                                          artenuation   of line frequency noise superimpose*
                                                                          on a dc input signal.        The ac re,ection Of the
                                                                          165 is specified     as follows:

                                                                                NOWL MODE kE.lECTION RATIO (NMI(Io: Greater
                                                                             than 60 dB above one digit  for a voltage of
                                                                             line frequency o= twice line frequency with
                                                                             at leas= 10% of full-range  dc applied.

                                                                                COMmN MODEREJECTION RATlO (cxea):      120 dB
                                                                             on the 10 mv, 100 mv. and 1" ranges; 80 da 0"
                                                                             the 10" range; 70 da on the 100" range; and
                                                                             60 dB an the 1000" range; far a dc, 50 HZ, o=
                                                                             60 Hz voltage with at least 10% of full-range
                                                                             dc applkd.

                                                                           3. Magnetic-fFeld        Noise.      The presence of strong
                                                                        magnetic fields       can be a possible         so"=ce of obJec-
                                                                        eionable ac noise.         The Model 165 has been suffi-
                                                                        ciently    sbialded from typical          magnetic incerfarence;
       1. Tbermoelecrric      Naise.     Potentials    generate*        however, additional        shielding      may be required at the
    by rhermal differences       Bf rtle junction     a= ,unctions      eo"rce or in the cabling to the 165. Magnetic flux
    of Ed0 dissimilar     metals are thermoelectric         noises,     lines which cue a conductor --- like an input cable
    more commn1y called thermal mm.                These potencia1s     --- can produce large ac noise, especially                  at power
    may be significant      when making millivolt        or mic=o-      line frequencies.        me voltage induced due to nag-
    volt mea*uremencs.       TO minimize ehermal nOiS* ---              neric flux is proportional           to the area enclosed by
    which may appear as a drift        --- caused by thermal            the Circuit     *s well as the rate of change of mag-
    FXYO, use PUT* capper circuirry          emi tswinaricms            netic flux.       POC example, the motion of a ,-inch
    thrau*iw*t     the source an* in a11 connectians         to         *iemeeer loop in the earth'.            magnetic field will
    ehe 165. The KeicNey accessory Model 1483 Low                       induce a signal of several tenths of a microvolt.
    Thermal Connection Kit contains all necessa=y ma-                   The ac rejecrion       characteristics         of ebe Model 165
    cerias     for making very law-thermal         copper connec-       vi.11 help minimize specific           effects    of magnetio
    tions for minimir*n*      tharmal mm..                              fields.     Magnetic pickup may be furthe= minimized,
                                                                        by arranging      all so"=ce and input-cable           wiring so
       2. AC Power Line Noise.        The presence of electric          L&E the loop area enclosed 18 BB small as possible
    fields generated by power lines o= other power                       (such as by rwisring       input leads).         "sing conetic
    .9O"TceB can haYe an effect 0" inaaur,ent      operarim.             (magnetic) shielding       in cables and around cirwia-j
    Also ac vok?.ges presenr in Ehe BOUrCe which are                    may further     help in seve=e cases.
    very large vith reapact. to the full-scale       range
    sensitivity       of the Model 165 could drive the analog            b. Effective  Shielding.  Here are general shielding
    amplifier      into sa~uracio".  producing an e==OneO"a           rules fo consider far measurements in the three func-
    digiral     display.                                              tion categories  of the 165. Be sure that shielding
                                                                      is even needed before proceeding.
          a).    Shielding.     Proper shielding    of the sowxe
      or cabling can minimize noise pickup when the                        1. Yolemeeer maaurements.      Consider shielding
      instrument      is in tile presence of large ac fields            input leads when sou=ce resistances     a=e g=eaCe= than
      or when very seneirive         me*e"rements are being             100 kilc,hm o= when long input cables are used. Avoid
      rude.     `ornoiae     shielded cable, such as Keith+,            even slight movements of input cabling a= Ct\e oource
      SC-9 cable, should do a sufficient          job of shield-        when making high resistance   measurements.
      ing rhe inpur signal.          Metal shields may be re-
      quired LO be installed         arD""d the BOUIICB. me                2. C"rrenC Mea8"reme"C*,     on the mA and ii.4 current
      shields of the inpur cable and source should be                   ranges, generally   no ape&a1 shielding    precautions
      connected together co ground at ooe point only,                   need ba taken.    However, consider shielded input
      typically     at the input of the Model 165. This                 leads for me~~"=ements an the lowese ranges.
      one-point-ground      method ia a frtree'f configuracio",
      which minimi=es ground L,ape in the measured cir-                    3. Reeiscance *easuremenc*.   Shielding Of the
      cuiery.      Ground loops are a secondary source of               input cabling and sou=`ce may be necessary far meas-
      interfering      noise Which may also be considered in            "remente on the 10 megohm and 100 megohm ranges.
      larle"el      meee"reme"ts.

4                                                                                                                                     1073

                                                                                                                                 P         .
  C.   If 400 HZ line "OlrageS are LO be used, COnSUlt
the factory applications       deparcmenr or your local
Keithley   rrpresenrarive     for instructions.

  d.   Turn ox power Switch       5301.

2-3.   CONNECTIONS. (refer        ta Figures    2 and 3).

    a. Innut.     Three binding posts are provided an
the frO"C piln.21 LOT input connections.           The cermina1s
are color-coded      a* follows:      red = input high (HI)
5401, black = input low (LO) ,402, and green = power-
line ground (Clm) ,403.          These terminals    mace Wifh
individual    "ban*"*"     plugs similar    LO Keichley Parr
NO. c-5,      The from pane1 terminals          are spaced with
,/Ii-inch  bewee" centers to mate wit,, a standard
dual "banana" plug such as Keitbley           Part No. Lx-,.
Banana-plug-co-alligator-clip          cables (available
through my local electronics           supply house), such as
two Keithley     Part No. 181620 cables, are ideal for
fast connections to the 165 input.            The shorting    link
provided at the input should be connected between LO
and cm for grounded operacian.             IC is preferable,
to minimize rhe pas5ible effects           of ground loops
 (small mrrents      flowing in the ground system), that
there be only one ground point in the measuring
syseem. If possible,          connect all grounds together
at one poinr, ideally         ac the CND input terminal      of
the 165. 'Tire input ShorrFng link should be removed
for floaLi"g     OpcrdLiO".
   b. AC VOLTS OwraCion.     The Model 165 provide5
five and one-half decades   (six ranees, of ac vo1caee

                                            T       .
     2. I"WL Resistance.    me input reSiSCa"ce of
  the 165 on all ac voltage ranges is I megohm 110%
  shunted by less rhan 75 picafarads of capacirance.

     3. Accuracy.       The Model 165 detects the average
  value Of a" applied input ac waveform.          The display
  of the 165 is calibcnted         LO indicate the n,,s value
  of an applied sinewave.         The accuracy (error Limit)
  calculations     given in Paragraph Z-ha, ah.0 apply
  far ac measurements, except cilai 20 HE and ZOlcHZ,
  the specified     accuracy is asymmetica1.      Reference
  the specified     ac-volts    accuracy ranges a~ 20 Hz,
  lkkiz, an* 20w*.       Typical aCCUraCy bands at non-
  specified    frequencies    ace shown in Figure 6.

    5. rlaximum Allowable     Input.   Ihe maximum contin-
 uous or i"termifLe"t     input voltage which calI be
 safely applied 0" manually selected l-volt       and lower
 ranges is 250 "0lt.S rms. when aperacing manually
 on the 10 volt to 500 volt mls ranges or in the
 auroranging   mode on a11 ranges, the maximum con-
 cinuous or inrermiCce*t      inpur voltage which can
 be safely applied is 1200 volts peak ac + dc. on
 the 5O&volc rms range (1000 volt range pasitio")
 in either ranging mode, the 165 display will flash
 when the inpui exceeds 499 volts rms, although a
 reading beyond this level is displayed.

2-7.  OPERATION AS AN AXXETER. The Xodel 165 can be
used to measure C"rre"L from 21 nanoamp to t2 amps                 3. Accuracy.   The dc-current accuracy Of the
dc and 100 nanoamps to 2 amps C"S ac.                           165 is t(o.3% of reading + 0.3% Of range).     The
                                                                error limit  of a given measurement can b< Cal-
                                                                culated using this specifiearia"   (see Paragraph
                                                                Z-6=3) and the voltage burden (see Paragraph Z;i,l,
OPERXION                                                                                                                    NODEt 165

    diodes Will prorect the sensing resistors           from cur-      wise.    As the RANGEswitch is rotated counterclock-
    renfs UP to levels which cause excessive           heating or      wise. the 165 resistance   sensitivity is increased.
    vaporization  of pc-board tapes.                                   Automatic selection   of range is accomplished by
                                                                       rotating   the RANGEswitch to rhe extreme clockwise
                                                                       position   marked AUTO.
                                                                          a. Measurement Procedure.            Select the OHMSfunc-
                                                                       tion "siw, the FUNCTION switch. set the RANGEswitch.
                                                                       and make input c""necrio"s          t" ;he front-pa"el      ter-
                                                                       minals.      The digital     d$splay indicates     decimal 1
                                                                       location     and engineering      units of a reading.       ':
                                                                       POlEdry sign "ill         not light when ohms is selec:~
                                                                       If the display exceeds 1999 "n any range, the three
                                                                       right-band      digits   will blank and the overrange "1"
                                                                       *igir    Will remain Iit.       1" the AUTO mode or manually
                                                                       on the oueside IOO-megobm position,            a" open-circuit
                                                                       input ca"~es a flashing         01.7 W display.        With an
                                                                       open in~ue, the inside IN,-megohm range, the third
                                                                       p"si~ion     from full clockwise,       may flash or blank de-
                                                                       pending a" whether it was entered from the outside
                                                                       lOO-megobm renge or the lo-megohm range.               Also, if
                                                                       the RANGE switch is rotated rapidly            while in the AUTO
                                                                       made, the display may blank.            Neither candician just
                                                                       discussed represents         a problem or malfunction.

                                                                       aa shown in Table 2-4. The HI input t&inal         5401 is.
       1. Measuremenr Procedure.            Selecr ehe AC AMPS         negative with respect to the LO input terminal 3402.
    function using the FUNCTION switch, set the RANGE                  The rermina1 voltage is 100 mulLvolts      at full ranz>.
    switch. and make input connections              to the front-      (200 millivolta    at maximum overrange reading).
    pane1 cermina1s.        The digital     display indicates          maximum open-circuit    voltage is less than 1 volt.
    the decimal point locaeion and engineering               units
    Of a reading.        The polarity     Lag" "ill    not light                                TABLE 2-4.
    when AC amps is eeleceed.           If the display exceeds                               Ohm Test C"rrenr
    1999 on the 100 milliamp or lower raoges, the three
    right-hand    digits    will blank and ehe overrange "1"                      Full           Pull-Range            Teat
    digit will remain lit.           See Paragraph 2-?a5 far                      Range       Terminal VAtaga         Current
    details    af the maximum allowable         Fnpur.
                                                                                 100 n              100   In"           lm.4      ,.
      2.   Input    Resistance.      See Paragraph   2-7a2.                        1 k0             100   02"         100 "A
                                                                                  1~0k"             I"0   rn"          10 p.4
       3. Accuracy.     The aC-C"rre"f   accuracy apecifi-                       100 kn             100   I""           1 UA
    cation of the 165 is used co calculate       the error                         1 I%             100   r&Y         100 "A
    limit of a Specific    mea*ureme"t (see Paragraph                             10 MO             100   mv           10 "A
    2-6a3). except at 20 Hz and 2OkHz where specified                            100 ML-z           100   mv            1"A
    accuracy is asymmtri~al.       Reference the specified
    ac-amps accuracy ranges a~ 20 "z, lkI+z, and 2O&.                     C. *muracY.        The accuracy far all abms ranges is
    Typical accuracy bands af non-specified       frequencies          as specified.      This apecificario"     applies far envi-
    are shown in Figure 6, alrhough rhe 10-1000 mA                     ronmental conditions      of 35'C at up to 10% relative
    ran8e has somewhar flatter     responsa at 2Ok"z than              humidify.     Accuracy on the l-megohm and higher ranges
    char shawn. Voltage burden (see Paragraph 2-7b2)                   is typically    two-times better than specifications.
    can also produce error, depending on the level of                  The error limit of a given mea*urement can be cal-
    rhe source "alcage.                                                culatcd using the specified        accuracies    as described
                                                                       in Paragraph 2-6~~3.
      4.   Half-dIgit     I"terpo1ari.o".     see Paragraph    2-74.
                                                                          d. Half-digit    Interwlation.    When the m"st right-
      5.   Marimum Allowable        Input.   See Paragraph    2-7a5.   hand digit of the 165 display is flashing      berwee" two
                                                                       adjacen; numbers, the percentage of time spent on each
2-8. OPERATION AS AN OHMMETER. The Model 165 can be                    is a half-digit   intarpalario"   of zhe incoming signal
used CO measure resistance          from 0.1 ohm co 200 meg-           level.    POT example, 1.000 kilOhmS flashing    in near-
ohms. The Model 165 ~ravides se"en full-range              decades     equal intervals   LO 1.001 kilobms would indicate     a
of resisrance     fram 100 ahms LO 100 megohms. Range                  reading of 1.0005 kilobma.
seleccio"     can be accomplished either manually x
autamarically.       w        selection   is accomplished by              e. Maximum Allowable    Input.    The maximum Yolrage
setting    the RANGEswitch S401B LO any ""e of seven                   which can be applied to the input Fn the OHMSfunc-
positions,     g    including    the secand position    from           tion ia 250 va1ts rms on any range.          This voltage
full clockwise.        i"his wsicion    may be used but it             may be applied continuously     or ineermictenely       with-
just duplicates       the operarion of the 100 megohm                  out damage or degradation     af ~pecificati""s.
runs,     which is the third position       from full clock-

*                                                                                                                                 1073

MODEL 165                                                                                                                       OPERATION

2-9. OPERATION THE l-m.4 SOURCE. The ImA front-pane1
pushbutton aCti"*fes * cLIrre*t source of +1 mA *10x.
The current 18 internally  injected into the HI input                       DO NOT DEFRESS THE 1mA POS"B"TTON WHENMTWJAL
terminal 5401.       voltage    compliance    is cypica11y      *rearer     VOLTAGE IS APPLIED TO THE INPUT TERMINALS.
than 4 vo1r.s.
                                                                          Z-10.     OPERATIONS SUMMARY. Condensed operating   in-
    a. Reeiarance Measurements.        If the DC VOLTS func-              structions   are found on rhe botton cover of the Model
tion is selected while usinp. the 1 mA current BOUXCB,                    165. They are repeated here with a little      more detail.
the Model 165 becomes a dir&-reading           autora"ginS      z         For complete details   of operation. see 2-l Lbrou$h
manual ranging ohmmeter having 100% overran&g               on ranges     2-9.
 from 10.00 ohs co 1.000 kilohms full-scale            (corresponding
respectively     co 10.00 millivolr    through 1.000 volt dc                 e. Power.   Set Lhe rear-psoel  line witches    5302
***ges).     Useful measurements are available        to 4.00             and S303 to the proper line voltage ~etti"Ss.      Check
kilohms (corresponding      LO 4.00 volts on the 10.00 volt               the fuse F301 for proper rating.     Connecr the line
dc range).     I" any c**e. the Yoltage compliance limif                  cord CD-7 to 50 or 60 Hz power.    Set the power switch
is also the 1iraiL of resistance       measurements using                 S301 to ON.
the 1mA C"rre"t     source.    Note that rhe engineerI."*
uni~a on the display will scFll indicate         volts,     which             b. Co*"aCfio".9.    connacr to the fro"=-pane1  "I
is the voltage compliance at which maaauremenrs are                        tied) 5401 and LO (black) J402 binding poet Fnput
being made. Af the 8-a time, the displayed              numbers           Cemlinals . Connect the ground link between CND
in the reading indicate      the value of the resistance                   (sreen) 5403 and LO (black) for grounded operation.
being measured.      For example, * reading of 100.0 milli-               discon"ecting    rbe link for floating   operation.
volts dc indicates      the meaeured resistance     is 100.0              Haximum allowed voltage becvaen CND and "I or LO is
ohms and a reading of 1.999 volts dc indicates             1.999          l200" peak.
                                                                             C. Function Selection.      Set the outer dial to the
     1. Measuremanr Procedure.       The ImA current source               desired function:      DC VOLTS, AC VOLTS, DC ANPS, AC
  feature of rhe Model 165 may be used to measure low                     Ams, or OHMS. The digital       LED display automatically
  resistances    or to check continuity.    A" open cir-                  indicates   decimal point, polarity,    and-e"$ineering
  C"it or resisrsnce     grearer aaLl the range limit    is               U"5LS. Lack of polericy      on the display   on YOLTS or
  indicated   by a display of the full compliance volt-                   AMPS functions    Fndicatas ac readLngs.
  age. This voltage ia eaefly determined by open-
  cFccuiting   in the input terminals    of the 165 and                     d.   Range Selection.
  depressing   the lmA pushburro" "bile    operating  in
  the DC YOLTS~funcfio" eithsr manvally on the IO-
  volt range or in the AUTO range mode.
     2. Compensaring for Lead Resistance.           A precise
  value of the ImA current source (I) can be obtained                          2. Automatic.    Set the inner dial to the fully-
  by open-circuiting      the input terminals,    eelecting                 clockwise  position   (AUTO). In this position.   the
  the DC AMPS function,      and depressing    rbe ImA push-                165 automatically   "prangea at 2000 digits   and               _
  button;    The resistance     of the test leads and in-                   dawnranges at 179 digirs.
  ternal connections      (P& CB" be directly     measured
  by shorting     the teat leads'while    in the DC VOLTS                    e. lmA current source.       If the front-panel      In.4
  function   and depressing     the 1mA pushbucto".      The"             wabbutto"     is depressed.  arwroximatelv      +ImA is in-
  the measured resistance        (R) cm be more arrnrately                jected into the i,I input t&minal        at ;p to appror-
  defermined as follows:                                                  imarely 4 volts compliance.       Set the RANGE switch
                                                                          co DC VOLTS. For semiconductor        tests.    forward
                                                                          voltage at ImA is read direcrly.         For continuity      or
                                                                          resisLance measurements, resistance          is read in ohms
                                                                          using millivolt    dc ranges in kilohmn using volts dc
  where " is the observed         voltage    during   the actual          ranges (limited    to compliance voltage level).         With
  measurement of R.                                                       an open-circuited     input actual compliance and current
                                                                          can be meaaurad on DC VOLTS and DC AMPS respectively.
   b. Semiconductor Testi"~.            In the DC YOLTS function
and AUTO range mode, the ImA current source may be                                                     NOTE
used to determine polarity           of a semiconductor      junc-
tion.     The forward voltage drop of this juncria"              at         DO NOT DEPRESS THE 1mA P"SHB"TTON WHENMTERNAl
lti is displayed       a" the Model 165 if Lhe junction            is       VOLTAGE IS APPLLm TO THE INPUT TERMINALS.
connecred between the input terminals              in the foward
polarity.     Note thaf the lmA c"rre"f          *.a"rce is inter-           f. Zero.   The DC ZERO potentiometer    R431 on the
nally injected     into the HI input terminal           5401. I"          rear panel may be adjusted for a +O display with the
the m          palartty     position,     Lhe display will ,."-           Fnput shorted on the 10 millivolt    dc range or with
dicafe the compliance voltage limit             of the current            B" open input on cbe 1 microamp dc range.
source> which can be measured as described in Para-
graph Z-gal.

1073                                                                                                                                        9

                                                                                                                                  T             \
 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIdN                                                                                                               MODEL

                                       SECTION            3.             CIRCUIT      DESCRIPTION

 3-1.    GENERAL. The block diagram of the Model 165 is                          d. 0" the 10 Volt Se"*e.      On rhe 10 vole **"Se,
 shown in Scbemaric 25395D. The eiS"*l              applied to the            K401 *"d K403.are off, K402 is on. Thus, RN403
 input rerminals       first   goes rhrough en input switchinS                attenuates    the siSn*l by a factor of 100. The eigr
 network and then ie applied to'* dc or ac preamplifier.                      ie then applied to the emplifier       chain QA403 and
 A ""ipolar     amplifier     co""er`c8 the signal to a positive              QA404, "ith Q407 on, selectinS      the xlO,S*i"    for cb,
 dc signal which ie the" applied to *" a-d converter.                         chain.     Thus, the signal ia attenuered     by 100 and
 The s-d control       and display      logic ie contained in the             amplified    by 10 for e "et atreauatio"    of a factor
 LSI cirx"iZ.     snd on the display printed         circuit   boards.        of 10 bafore going to the unipolar       smplifier.
 The numerical information           corresponding   to the input
 signal is displayed         a" LED digits.      The logic properly              e. 0" the 100 Volt Range. 0" the 100 volt **age
 positions    the decimal point and indicates           engineering           K403 is on, K402 and K401 *re off, end the input
 ""its.     The inpur swircbitq        network is cootrolled      from        signal is attetuated  by a factor of 1000 before
 the logic in the AUTO range mode or from the front                           being applied to the x10 amplifier  chain.   Q407
 panel manual range switch.                                                   remains on and the *et *cte"u*cio"  ie a factor of
 3-2.    AC-VOLTS PWLIFIKR..         (see Schprmaric 2539%).
 The signal applied *c ebe Fnput tenninela        is coupled                     f.  0" the 500 Volt P.ewSe. On the 500 Volt range:
 through cepaci~or C401 CO a" *c-compensated        ae~enuator                K403 remains on, and 9406 is on selectinn        the xl
 consisting   of RN403 and C402 through C405. TN* ie                          gain for the amplifier    chain.    Thus, the-net ecte"-
 shunted by en input resietence       consisting  of R401 and                 uafio" LB a factor    of 1000. C402 and C403 *re ad-
 R437, and switchi"*     is accomollshed bv meene of PUNC-                    justed to *c-compensate    the *ttenu*tor    KN403.
 TION awitch S4Ol.A Deck No. 2: Table i-1 show* the
 attenuation   end gain factors   ee well *a relay aate*                      3-3.   DC-"OLTS PREAMPLLFISR. (see SCbemaLiC 25392E)
 for each *c-volt*    range.                                                  The inpur signal is applied to the sttenuetor    RN403
                                                                              e8ein t,,rooSh ewiccb S4Ol.A Deck No. 2. The outp"t c
                          TABLE 3-1.                                          the attenustor,  e.8 selected by K401 through K403, ie
            AC Volts:     Gains and Relay      St*ce*                         applied tbroqh   S4OlA Deck No. 4 and limiting   resie-
                                                                              tars R420 and R421 to the input of * dc amplifier      *L
           RN403                   AMP.                                       S401A Deck No. 5, "`DC INPUT".
;F.ANGE ATTENUATION K401 K402 K403 GAIN Q406 9407 Q40R
                                                                                 a. DC Amolifier.     The dc amplifier     consists   of a
  lO@lV   I:1           ON    OFF   OFF xl00 OFF        OFF    ON             FET modulator Q4OLA end QLIOlB, protected       by D410
 1Oh"     1:1           ON    OFF   OFF x 10 OFF        ON     OFF            through 0413, e" ac empltiier       QA403 through QA405
    1"    1:1           ON    OFF   OFF x 1 ON          OFF    OFF            whose bW.n is controlled     as in Paregraphs 3-2, e
  10 V  100 : 1         OFF   ON    OFF x 10 OFF        ON     OFF            demodulator 9409, and a final dc ampIFfier         coosis-
 100 " 1000 : 1         OFF   OFF   ON x 10 OFF         ow     OFF            ring of QA406. The output of this mep1if1er "DC
 500 " 1000 : 1         OFF   OFF   ON x 1ON            OFF    OFF            PREAMPOUTPUT" is fed back to the input by resistanct
                                                                              elements in RN403, selected by K404 and K405. These
    a. On the 1 Volt Range. On the 1 volt range, K401                         relays select Paine of 1, 10, or 100. Table 3-2
 16 closed, K402 and K403 *re open, end the siSn*l is                         shows the attenuario"    gain fsctors    ** well a* relay
 applied through resistors     R405 end K406 to the input                     states for each dc-volts     **"Se.
 of s Xl amplifier     QA403. The input to this amplifier
 is limited   to the power supply level*     by D419 end                                             TABLE 3-2
 D420. Overload voltages      applied *c the input are                                  DC volts:    Gains and Relay      Stetee
 dissipated   in R40S and R406. SwitchinS ie accomplished
 throuSh S4OLA Deck No. 6. On the 1 volt range Q406                                      RN403                              AMP.
 is on, 9407 and Q4OS *re off.       The output is coupled                    UNGE    ATTENIIATION K401     K402   K403     GAIN K404    K40
 fo the unipolar   amplifier   through c422 end swirching
 ie accomplished    through S401.4 Deck Nos. 7 and 8.                           1hnV    1:1          ON     OFF    OFF      x100   OFF   OFF
                                                                               1oomv    1:1          ON     OFP    OFF      Y 10   ON    OFF
    b. On the 100 Millivolt  R*n*e.    On the 100 milli-                         1"     1:l          ON     OFF    OFF      x 1    OFF   ON
 "olL ran8e. the ouLp"t of QA403 is applied co a *LO                            10 v  100 : 1        OFF    ON     OFF      1 10   ON    OFP
 amplifier  Q.4404. Q407 as on, Q406 and 9408 are off.                         100 " 1000 : 1        OFF    OFF    ON       xl0    ON    OFF
 therefore  the input siS"a1 ie amplified    by * facror of                   1000 v 1000 : 1        OFF    OFF    ON       x 1    OFF   ON
 10 before being applied to the unipolar     amplifier   aSsin
 through C422.                                                                   b. Modulator and Demodulator.      The modulator and
                                                                              demodulator are operated at e frequency of 220 Kz.
    C. 0" the 10 Millivolt    Range. 0" the 10 mini-                          This is developed at the "t44" output of the LSI
 volt ran@, a second x 10 amplifier     9.4405 further                        chip *"d appears in the middle of Schematic 25392E
 amplifies  the signal and it 16 applied tbrouSh 4408                         "ear the bottom.     S4OU Deck No. 1 disable8    the sig-
 co the unipolar   amplifier.                                                 nal on ec functions.    On dc functions,   fwo phase8

MODEL 165                                                                                                         CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION

are developed by QA601, 9402, and Q4lO. They sre                      The reference     resistance    consists of F.409. and R414
coupled to the modulator gates by c417 and C418, and                  rbrouSh R419. .The specific        value of the resistance
to the demodulator by c409. 0421 an* 0422 clamp the                   is determined by the state of relays K409 through
gate *rives   co a reference level equal to the feed-                 K415. The rota1 resisfsnce         is equal to the full-
back "olrsge.   developed by QA409, a Xl amplifier                    ran8e resistance.        Note that this circuit   applies
whose input is connected to the feedback point.                       a ne$sti"e   reference     currant through the unknown
   c. Input Zeroing.     Input seroing is accomplished
by R431 which determines rhe current throunh R428 and                 3-5.    le. CURRENTSO"RCE. bee Schemetic 25392E).
R429. The voltage ,vzneraced by this c"rr&t      across               The lmA current is developed by 9404, R411 through
R428 is added to the feedback "olLaSe developed                       R413 and D405. It is applied LO the HI renninal     by
across the lo-kilohm   element ,,f RN403 between pins                 mean8 of rile fronr pane1 BWitCh S402. R410 ad D406
6 and 7. "se a pure copper wire end a dual banana                     protect    9404 if S402 is eccidantally depressed while
plug for a shorting   plug.                                           the voltage is applied to the HI terminal.
  d. Input Offset Current.    Input offset current is                 3-6.    DC-AMPS PREAMPLIFIER. (see Schematic 25392E).
comwnsated for b" ad,usrinp. R424 "hich develow    a                  The Fnput c"rre"t       passes rbro"Sh S4OlA Deck No. 2
"o&e    referenceh to-the f;edback point at the o"t-                  to a reference     resistance    selected   by K406 throush
put of QA409. This voltage generates a compensafing                   K411. The voltage across chin reference             resistance
current through R423 which is applied to the common                   is sensed by the dc amplifier          in B 4-terminal     method
node of the FET modulators,  Q4OU and Q4OlB.                          between terminal      1 of RN401 (at circuit       LO) and junc-
                                                                      Cio" of K411 end R415, which is applied to the inpur
   e. Offset "olra*es.   Offset "oltaSes within the dc                of the amplifier      through S401A Deck No. 4, R420, and
amplifier  loop are compensated for by R434 which ap-                 R421. 0" the I-microamp through 1OO-milliamp ranges.
plies a volrage to the positi"e   input terminal  of                  the dc preamplifier       is set to a gain of 100, COP
QA406, the final dc amplifier.    The controlling  time               respondinS co a full-range        voltage of 10 millivolts.
constant within the loop is determined by C413 and                    On these radges, K406 through K411 select the refer-
R427 in the negative feedback loop of Q.4406.                         ence resistance     which covers s span from 0.1 ohm
                                                                       (in RN401) through 9 kilohms u(415).           On rha IOOO-
3-4.    OHMSCIRC"ITRY.       (sea Schematic 25392E).      on a11      mflliamp range, K406 selects the 0.1 ohm resistance
ahms ranges, K404 and 9407 are on, firing         the dc "alt-        in RN401, and the gain of the dc preamplifier              is
age preamplifier      at 100 millivolts   full range.     D416        changed to 10. correspondinS         LO 100 millivolts       full
near QA406 limits       the output of this amplifier     such         ran$a, as indicated       in ParaSraphs 3-3.      D401 rhrouSh
that no more than 1 volt appears at the ioput under                   D404 protects     rhe relays and the sensing resistances
open-circuit     conditions.     The ohms circuit   in the            from overcurrent.
lower left corner of Schematic 25392E generates a
reference    current at the input terminals.       This ref-          3-7.     AC-Am3 PRWLHPLIFIRR. (see Schematic 25392E).
erence c"rre"f      is generated by a "oleage at "0 OUT"              As in the case of dc amps. the BC input current is
G4OU Deck No. 3) divided by a reference           resistance          passed tbraugh S4OU Deck No. 2 to a sensing resis-
selected by K409 through K415.                                        tance selected by relays.           In this, only re1#ys
                                                                      K406 thrc."Sh K409 are used.           The output voltage         is ,
   8. Reference Voltage.        The reference      voltage is         sensed at S4Ol.A Deck No. 3 and coupled through C401,
the sunnnacion of 0.1 times the "DC PRW               OUTPUT",        S4OU Deck No. 2, and R455 to the AC Preamplifier,
and a fixed lOO-millivolt       reference.       QA402 performs       chain.     The ac preamplifier        is set to a gain of 100
this summafion.     R462 and R463 provide an output of                corresponding     to IO millivolts        full range on the 100
0.08 times "DC PW         OUTPUT" BL their iunction.                  microamp rhrouSh 100 milliamp           ranges. a Sain of 10
This voltage is applied to rhe positive-input             terminal    corresponding     to 100 milli"olLs         full range on rhe 1000
of QA402 which has a non-in"errinS           gain of 1.25 de-         rsilliamp   ac amps range, selected as in Paragraphs 3-2.
termined by R407 and R461. 9405 is on in normal                       As in the case of dc amps, D401 throuSh D404 protect
OperaLion.    The lOO-milli"alt       reference    is developed        the relays and sensing resista"ce              from a"erc"rreoL.
from an aftenuaeor    scros~ the g-volt reference diode               Note that since the capacitor-couplin8               through C401
D408 consisrin~    of R458. R402, and R465. The "olt-                  OCC"rs I." the circuit     folloving       the sensing resis-
age at R465 is about -1.6 volts.            This is amplified          tances, dc or ac ~"ercurrents          .3 A may hsve danaSing
by -0.25 using QA401, and by another -0.25 with QA402.                affects    on either DC AEIPS or AC AMPS functions.

   b. Overload Conditions.           Under negati"e   overloads,      3-8.    "NIPOLAR AMPLIFIER.        bee Schematic 25393D).
D418 blocks current flow to 9405 or QA402 output, and                 This circuit,       consistinS   of QUO2 and QA203. is shown
0415 limits      the input "oILage at the naSafi"e         terminal   in the left-half       of Schematic 253930. The preampli-
of QA402 to the supply "olfaSe.           Under positive      o"er-   fier output is applied to 3201. an analog outp"t
loads, D414 limits        the neSari"a input of QA402 to the          at the rear panel, and fo X213. R213 and R404 (on
positive    voltage.      This drives the output of QA402             Sehemstie 25392E. near S401A Deck No. 8) attenuate
negative until       it is limited    by D426. AC that level,         dc signals to the 0.91-volt          level corresponding     Co
the c"rrenf      flow in the emitter of Q405 is determined            1 "Ok full range.           Note chat the positive    terminals
by voltage across D426, rhe base-emitter            drop in 4405,     of QA202 and QA203 are essentially          at LO. thus the
R454. and R408. These elements limit             the collector        feedback loops around each op-amp rend LO constrain
current in 9405 LO abo"f 1.2 milliamps.             This current      the neSsri"e     inputs also to the LO level.         Since
is essentially       independent of the voltage appaariwj             terminals     3 and 16 of RN.01 are connected to these
at the collector        of Q405, which ie determined by the           ne&ati"e    inputs,    we may consider the IO-kilobm ele-
po~itive    voltage at the HI terminal        and the voltage         ments connected co terminal          2 88 a siwle    5-kilOInn
drop of the 1.2 milllamps          in the reference    resistance.    element to LO. The 5 kilohm element from Le"r.i~Ul

1073                                                                                                                                  11

                                                                                                                                 l         .

1 to 2 of RN201 and this 5 kilohm equivalent      element
farm a divider   such that rhe volta*e  at terminal    2 of
RN201 is half the voltage af. ceminal    1. For positive
si&nals,  the o"fpu~ of QA202 will *o negative.       DZOl
will be on, Q201 will be off.     So if we define

     "2.~2   Z   the    outpur of QA202.
     "2      E   rhe    "olcage SC terminal   2 Of RmOl,
     "203    E   the    ourpur of QAZO,,
     "1      z   rhe    volra*e af terminal   1 of RN201 and
                 also    the preamplifier   ourput;

               v203 = -2 W202) -2v2
         where V202 = -2V2, therefore
               "203 - +4v2 -2Y2 - +2v2 - "1

For negative    si&nals, the outwt  of 98202 will             *o
positive.    1,201 will be off. Q201 will be on.              In
this case, the voltage at the o"tp"t     of QA203           is
-2 times the volCa&e at terminal    2 of RN201.             Thus,

From this.    the ""ipolar      OUtpUt at J202 pravides a
positive   signal equal in m*nitude        to the value of
the preamplifier     output 5201. regardless        of sign.
For SC si&nals,     Q&.202 acts as a full-wave        rectifier,
and QA203 as a filter        "sin* C203. The avera*e value
of the ac waveform appears at 5202 as 8 positi"e                  dc
signal.    Nate that Q201 is off for eosirive            signals,
on for negative     signals.      Thus the "polarity"        line
is HI for negative      sipnals,    LO for positive      signals.
This information      is passed throu*h ewe tramisfms
of QA201 and R207, and presenred to the logic on the
Fl line on the right side of Schemaric 25393D.

3-9.    A-D CONVERTER. (see Schematic 25393D).                The
unipo1ar output J202 creates a non-negative               current                                                            ,
in the 1-kilohm resistors          between terminals      1 and 8
of RN202. This current is always applied to the ne*-
aLive input terminal        of i"Le*raLor      Q.4204. If the
diode between terminals          1 and 3 of QUO1 is off. this
si*nal    currenf. is Lhe only current applied to the
integrator.       If this diode is an, there is also a
reference current at the Lnput node of the integrator.
This reference      c"rrent    is determined from the -9 volt
reference,     the emitter-follower        between terminals      6
and 7 of QA201, the 9-kilohm resistance             between fer-
minds 5 and 3 of RN202. and the setting               of R205.                v, - inregrstor     output voltage.
The stare of the diode between terminals              1 to 3 of
QA201 1s de~emined by the state of rhe CS-line                                VA - threshold    level of threshold   detecror.
corni"& from the LSI logic.           If CS is high, terminal
3 of QA201 will be high, and the diode from terminals                      FIGURE 8.   Integrator  Characteristics    for   Small
1 to 3 will be off.         Figure 7 shows ehe pertinent                               Input Signals.
logic Fnternal to the LSI chip along with the cir-
cufrry shown on Schemaric 253930 for the a-d converter.
Note that LS will change state an rhe next clock pulse
after TH has changed state.             The state of TH is deter-        If the input si*nal   is very small. TH will *o HI im-
mined by a zero-crossin*          detector   QA205 which follows         mediaLely after the reference      current is turned on,
the intekrator      Q&204. For small inputs,          the signal         and at the next clock pluse, the reference        current
current makes rhe InLegraCor slowly ramp negative,                 un-   will he turned off.     For large signals approaching
til the integrator       oucpuc CIOSS~S zero (see Figure 8).             end scale (2000 counts), when the reference        current
During this time, the reference current is off (CS 1s                    is off, the si*nal   current will cause the inte*raror
HI) .3"d 'TH is 81. When the integrator            OUrpUt cr0**e*        to ramp SC a faster rate in the negative direction
zero, 'IH Bees LO, and on the next clock p1use CS Will                   bee Figure 10).     when the reference     c"IrenZ t"r"S
alSo go LO. This vi11 turn on the negative reference                     on after sero crossing and a clock pluse, the dif-
current Which Will cause the integrator             LO ramp posi-        ference between the positive     signal current and neg-
tin? SC a much `aster        rate (see Figure 9).                        arive reference  current will be very emall since the


                                                                3-12.   DISPLAY. (see Schematic 25394E).         Q&501
                                                                &e"erates   four m"lCiplexin*   lines,    T-O CO T-3, and
                                                                each is hi&h for an 800 microsecond CLme interval.
                                                                Durink T-O the,    the funcrion is indicsred       by DSlOl
                                                                Chrou*h.OS107, and the polarity        and most si*nificanC
                                                                1 are displayed   by LED DN103. During T-l, T-2, and
                                                                T-3, DN104, DN105, and DN106 =especCively        display
                                                                the numericaL digifs     with decimal p"inCs.

                                                                3-13.      POWERSUPPLY. (sea Schemaric 2539X).         5302
                                                                end 5303 select the appropriate       primary combinations
                                                                for the line volCa*es indicated.         The outpur of ~301
                                                                and C301 is a + 10 volt unre&uleced su,qaly used fo=
                                                                the display md for the +6 volt supply QA410 (see
       v, - i"cegracor     0"Cp"C voltage.                      Schematic 25392E).      Q&301 &e."erac~s a regulated    +5
       v, - threshold    level of threshold     detector.       volt supply.      This powers TTL. LSI, end some analog
                                                                circuitry.     9.002 re&ulatos   Che ""Cp,,C of D301 and
       PICURE 9.     lncesrecor   Characteristics      for      D302 CO -12 volts.      5301 provides a mes"8 of dis-
                     Full-Ran&a   lnpuc s*gna1*.                connecCin& Che power supplies       so ChaC Chey may be
                                                                tested independently     from the logic and analog ci=-

         P 2.000CO"NTS
       "0 - ince*racor     c."CP"C "olca*e.
       "d - Chreshold    level of threshold     detector.
  FIGURE 10.       lnCe&raCor Characrerisrics        for End-
                   Scale (2000 Co"ncs) Input        Signals.

reference cu==enC is set to be ,ust greater Ghan 2000
co""Cs.   Thus. the inCe*=aCo= will slowly r`amp in the
posiCive direction.    In Chin case, the reference   CUT-
rent is on most of Che Cime; TH and CS are LO most of
the Cime. Near full range, Che reference     current is
on for 1 clock pluse and off for 1 clock pluse.

3-10.    CLOCK. (see SchemaCic 255080).   The clack con-
sists of QA503, QA602, RSOZ Cbmugh X,505, and C503, at
Che left edge of Schematic 255080. This *ene=aCes a
low-duty-cycle  9.680 Hz clock for Che tSI lo*ic QA501.

3-11.   LOGIC. (see Schemaric 25508D).     QA501 contains
all logic for the a-d conve=Ce= and auCoran*in*       ci=-
cuitry.    Ran&e lines Rl, RZ, and R4 a=e conrralled
eiChe= by the a"Ca=an*in*    circuitry on QA5Ol o= by
the range swirch S401B Deck No. 10. On manual ran&es,
the MR line is connected CO LO which inhibifs      the out-
puts to Rl, R2, and R4 in the LSI cup,      The *uncricm
is selected by S4OI.A Deck No. 1. Table 3-3 indicaes
the complete Crurh table for all functions    and ran&es
of the Model 165. Q&502 decodes Chis logic into con-
trol lines far various relays and analog switches
shown on Schmsti~     255110. Also see SchemaCic 25392E.

                                                                                TABLE 3-3.
                                                            F"ncLi""lRan.elRela"      Decoder Truth   Table

                                                                                    Co"tr"l Li"es/Co"crolled Devices
           Function Lines               Range Lines    %'I/     SW21 SW/ FCC/ SW41 SW5/ SW61 SW71 SW81 SW9/ SWlOl                   SWlll   SW13/ SW14/ SW151
'unctian   F4     F2    Fl   U"W        R4 K2 Kl       K401     K402 K403 Q408 K404 K405 K406 K407 K408 K409 K410                   K411    K413  K414 K415
 +ocv       0     0      0     lots"     0  0      0        1      0      0      1      0      0      __      _-    --   --    --    --     --    -_    --
 -DC"       0     0      1     107s"     0  0      1        1      0      0      1      0      0      __      _-    --   -_    _-    __     --    __    -_
  AC"       0     1      0     lam"      0  1      0        1      0      0      1      0      0      __      -_    _-   -_    --    -_     --    __    --
                             loom"       0 1       I        1      0      8-J    0      1      0      __      __    _-   __    __    -_     __    __    -_
                                 1"      10        0        1      0      0      0      0      1      __      __    _-   --    -     --     --    __    -_
                               10"       1  0      1        0      1      0      0      1      0      --      _-    _-   --    -     _-     --    -     --
                             100 Y       1 1       0        0      0      1      0      1      0      __      __    __   -_    __    -_     _-    __    _-
                                lKv111                      0      0      1      0      0      1      -_      -_    __   _-    __    --     _-    -_    __

  ACA       0     1      1 1OOUA         0    0    0   -           0      0      10            0       0       0     0    1     0     0      0     0     0
                           lOO"A         0    0    1   --          0      0      1      0      0       o,o           0    1     0     0      0     0     0
                           100"A         0    1    0   --          0      0      10            0       0      0      0    1     0     0      0     0     0
                           1OOllA        0    1    1   --          0      0      1      0      0       0      0      0    1     0     0      0     0     0
                              ImA        1    0    0   --          0      0      10            0       0      0      1    0     0     0      0     0     0
                             lOmA        1    0    1   --          0      0      10            0       0      1      0    0     0     0      0     0     0
                           look4         1    1    0   --          0      0      10            0       1      0      0    0     0     0      0     0     0
                              1.4        1    1    1   --          0      0      0      1      0       1      0      0    0     0     0      0     0     0

 +DCA      1      0      0      1LlA     0    0    0   --          0      0      10            0       0      0      0    0     0     1      0     0     0
 -DCA      1      0      1      lll.4    0    0    1   --          0      0      10            0       0      0      0    0     0     1      0     0     0
                               lOUA      0    10       --          0      0      1      0      0       0      0      0    0     1     0      0     0     0
                             1OO"A       0    1    1   --          0      0      1      0      0       0      0      0    1     0     0      0     0     0
                                1mA      10        0   -           0      0      10            0       0      0      1    0     0     0      0     0     0
                               1omA      1    0    1   --          0      0      10            0       0      1      0    0     0     0      0     0     0
                             lOOm.4      1    1    0   --          0      01            0      0       1      0      0    0     0     0      0     0     0
                                1A       11        1   -           0      0      0      10             1      0      0    0     0     0      0     0     0

  omfs     1      1      0100n000                      -          0       0      0      10            0       o-o         10          0      0     0     0
                               1m        0    0    1   --         0       0      0      1      0      0       0     0     0    1      0      0     0     0
                              1oK.n      0    1    0   --         0       0      0      1      0      0       0     0     0    0      1      0     0     0
                            1OOKn        0    1    1   -          0       0      0      1      0      0       0     0     0    0      0      1     0     0
                               M         1    0    0   --         0       0      0      1      0      0       0     0     0    0      0      0     1     0
                             1Om         I.   0    1   --         0       0      0      10            0       0     0     0    0      0      0     0     1
                            lOoK         1    1    0   --         0       0      0      1      0      0       0     0     0    0      0      0     0     0
                            1oOm         1    1    1   --         0       0      0      10            0       0     0     0    0      0      0     0     0
                                                          SECTION     4.       ACCESSORIES

4-l.   GENERAL. The following Keithley   accessories
can be used with the Model 165 co provide additional
convenience and Versatility.

4-3. MODEL 1651 SO-AMPERESHUNT. The Model 1651 pic-
tured in *igure 11 is an opLiona1 acceesory chat ex-
pands the ac and dc current measuring capability            of
the 165 from 2 amps to 50 amps. The 1651 is a 4-ter-
minal 0.001 ohm flX shunt that is connected externally
to the 165 input terminals.          The 165 is operated in
the ac or dc volts mode manually on the 10 m,.Ui"olc
and 100 millivolt      ranges or in the AUTO mode for the
convenience of automaric ranging.           The voltage drop
y:"'"     the 165 inpuf, "sing the 1651 shunt is very
      -    only 10 mLllivolce      at 10 amps. The Model
1651 18 approximately       6 inches long, l-114 inches
deep, and l-3/8 inches high. and may be m&nred t.,
a hard surface using the 15/64-inch          diameter mounting
hole an,either    end of rhe shunt.        A cable is provided
to ~omect the input terminals          of the Model 165 to
the inner voltage-sensing        terminals   of the shunt.
TNa cable is ap,mximaCely           58 inches long.    The outer
current-sensing     terminals    of the shunt should be used
to connect to the c"rrenf        source.                                               FIGURE 11.   Model 1651 SO-Ampere Shunt.

4-4. MODEL 1653 RACK NOUNTINS KIT.    The Model 1653                            inside edges of the Rack Mounting Panels fit around
picfured in Figure 12 is a single rack mounting kit                             the front-panel ednea of the 165. Now mo"llL the
which converts the Model 165 from bench to                            entire sss&bly  of-the 1653 and 165 in a 19-inch.
standard 3-112 inch x 19 inch reck mounting, with 15                            tidth  rack.
inches (300 mm) depzh behind the front panel.

       a.       Parts   List.   see Table    4-1.
                                TABLE 4-1.
                          Model 1653 Parts     Li

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