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             MODEL 168


`rifle page ............................                                                 i
content3 .............................                                                ii
List Of illuarrarions.              ......................                         iii
Dimensional "ata .........................                                            iv
Specificarions       ..........................                                          y
1. General Informutio,, ......................
      I-I.   T,"tr"duction           ......................                             I
      1-2. Warranty Inf"rmation                      ..................                 1
      1-3. Change Notice. .....................
 2. Initial    Prepururian.              .....................                          :
      2-1. General. ........................                                            2
      L-2. Inspfciion            .......................
      1-3. Preparation for "xe. ..................                                     5
 3. operating InSrruCLionS ....................                                      12
      3-1. General. ...                                                              ;;
      1-2. HOW Select Power.
                   to                    .......................................
      3-3. HOW Make Input Cannccrions. .............
                   f"                                                                 1~3
      3-4. ii"W to Select Funcri~o" .................                                 ;;
      1-5. HOW Measure "olttlge .................
      3-6. HUWLOMeaSureCurrent .................                                      19
      3-7. How 1" Measure Resistance. ...............                                 26
 4. n,eol;y Of operation.                .....................                        :;
      4-1. General. ........................
      4-2. halOg circuitry                   ....................                     31
      4-1. DC Voltage Operario" ..................                                    34
      4-4. nc "oltvge operation ..................                                    16
      4-5. "HMS OperaLion .....................                                       38
       4-6. current Operation.                                                        ;;
       4-7. Power supply .........................................
       4-8. Digital circuitry.                   ...................                  4,
 5. MainLenance. .........................                                            50
       5-1. General. ........................                                         50
       5-2. Required Test Equipment. ................                                 50
       5-3. Performance "eliflcarlon                         ................
       5-4. AdjusrmentiCalibrarion                       Procedure ............       ::
       5-5. 'rrouhleshooting...........................................               ;;
 6. Replacevble Partr.
       6-1. General. ........................                                         71
       6-2. Ordering IniormziLion ..................                                  72
       6-3. cross Reference. ....................                                     73
       6-4. PariS List                                                                74
 7. Schematic Diagrams ......................                                         85
I   MODEL 168                               ILLUSTRATIONS


                LOClfi""   Of current Fan
I   SPBCIFIcATIONS                                                MODEL 168




                               DIMENSIONS IN INCHES (MM)

                           FIGURE 1.   Dimensional   m.ta.

    iv                                                                 0374

I   SPECIFICATl"NS                               MODEL

                     FIGURE 2.   n-ant   Panel

I       MODEL 168                                                          GENERAL INFORMATION

                 SECTION            1.      GENERAL             INFORMATION

        l-1.    INTRODUCTION. The Model 168 is a versatile            autoranging     digital    mul-
        timeter   useful for meaeurement of ac and dc voltage,             ac and dc curre"t.
        and resistance.      Voltage meaS"remenfs can be made from f.OOO1 volt to t1000
        volts   dc or .OOOlvolr      to 500 volts   ac.   current    meaSureme"es can be made
        from .OOOl milliampere       to 1 ampere BC and dc in two spans.          RCS3fSta"CEY
        measurements can be made from 0.1 ohm to 20 me&m                 in two overlapping
        spans.    Range and polarity     is automatically     selected.      In addition      to the
        display   of digits,    the 168 indicates    decimal point,      function   (AC or DC),
        and measurement unit (IDA, A, kn, MR).

        1-2.   WARRANTYINFORMATION. The Warranty is give" on the inside                  front
        cover of this Instruction    Manual.     If there is a need to exercise            the
        Warranty,  contacf  the Keiehley   Representative      I" your area to de~emine
        the proper action   co be r&en.      Keirhley   maintains   service   facilities       in
        England, west Germany, as we11 as in the United states.             Check the inside
        front cover of this Instruction      Manual far addresses.

        1-3.  CHANGE NOTICBS. 1mprovemenrs or changes to the instrument                  which
        occur after  printing of the Instruction    Manual will  be explained            on a
        Change Notice sheet attached   to the inside   back cover.

    I   0374                                                                                            1

          (N&M, 11'7)
    105 TO 125 VAC OPERATION

4                              0374
           SECTION            2.       INITIAL          PREPARATION

2-l.     GENERAL. This section       provides    information    needed for    incoming   in-
spection    and preparation  for     use.

2-3.     PREPARATION FOR "SE.   The Model 168 is shipped ready-to-use.         The in-
strument may be powered from line voltage     or from rechargeable     nickel-cad-
mium batteries    (when the optional  Model 1688 Rechargeable   Battery    Set is

   a. HOW to operate From Line Power.        The Model 168 provides  a three-
wire line cord which mates with third-wire     grounded receptacles.   The per-
manently  installed  line cord is stored by wrapping the cord around the
base of the instrument    aa shown in Figure 4.

       1. liow to Set Line Switches.           The Model 168 has two rear panel line
   switches which are used to select            line voltage     ranges of 90-llOV,      105-
   125", 195-235",       or 210-ZSOV.     The line swirches are idenrified           as 117f
  ,234V (5102) and LOW/NORM (5101).             Once rhe line voltage      to be used has
   been defermined,       then the line voltage       range should be selected        from
   the four ranges available         on the Model 168.        For example, when the line
   voltage    to be used is within      the range from 105 fo 125 volts,           then ihe
   line switches       should be set to "117V" and "NORM" ,msitia"s.             If the line
  voltage     to be used is within      either     of two overlapping    ranges,     such as
   107 volte,      then either   range may be selected         (117V, LOW or 117V, NORM,
   for this pareicu1ar        example).    Line voltages      which are not covered by
   anyone of the four ranges are not useable.                After the line voltsw
   switches     are set, connecf rhe line cord and depress the LINE pushbutton
   to operate.

    2. Line Fuse Requirements.       The Model 168 requires     f"o line fuses
  co protect the line-operated     power supply.     The fuse types are l/8
  ampere, 3AG slo-blo.     Replacement  instructions    are given in section   5.

0374                                                                                            5
I   INITIAL   PREPAiUTION                                                 MODEL 168

                  FIGURE 6.   Model 1688 Rechargeable   Battery   Pack.

I   MODEL 168                                                                INITIAL     PREPARATION

       b. HOW to operate From Battery .A           Power      (Model 1688 Rechargeable
    Battery    set).     The Model 168 may be operated          from rechargeable       nickel-
    cadmium batteries          when ehe optional     Model 1688 Rechargeable        Battery     Set
    is installed.        The Model 1688 may be field         installed      at any time or may
    be ordered factory          installed.    The Rechargeable       Battery   Set includes      a
    battery    pack which mounts within          rhe Modal 168. Wiring is accomplished
    by a single      plug-i"      connector.   Battery   operation     from fully-charged
    NI-CAD hareeries         is eypically    6 hours.

         1. How to Install           Model 1688 Rechargeable           Bateery Set.        The bae-
      teriea    furaiahed       with the Model 1688 come already              fnstal~led     in the
      battery     pack.      The battery       pack includes     7 rechargeable        "C" cells
       (LZV,    2 AMP HR) and 2 rechargeable              "button"     cella    (8.4V, .225 AMP
      HR). If batteries            need ea be replaced        or re-installed,         be certain
      to observe the proper polarity               of individual       cells    as shown in
      Figure 6. TO insrall             the Model 1688 Battery          Pack, turn the instru-
      ment over 80 that the bottom co"er faces up.                       Remove four slotted
      BCT~WB on the bottom cover as shown in Figure 4.                         (A chisel-blade
      screwdriver       is required       to loosen the sloteed          screws.)      Turn o"er
      the instrument        with COP co"er facing up, taking,care                  to hold the top
      and bottom covers together.                Remove the top co"er to gain access to
      the printed       circuit     board.      Check to see ebat the four insulating
      standoffs     are in position          on the printed      circuit     board.     Place the
      Model 1688 Battery           Pack in position       an the standoffs        with the cable
      oriented     88 shown in Figure 8. Plug the 4-wire connector                        (5103) in-
      to the mating receptacle              0'103) taking     care to oriene the connector
      as shown in Figure 8. After the Battery                    Pack is inscalled,         replace
      the top cover.          Turn o"er the instrument           with bottom cover facing up
      and inscall       the four slatted-head          screws.

                                           TABLE 2-l.
                            Summary of Batteries  Used in Model 1688.

                                                        Quanticv          Keithley      Part    No.
                                                    I                 I
             Rechargeable "C" cell,                          7                       BA-30
               1.2". 4 Am-km

             Rechargeable    "Button"     type               2                       BA-29
               battery,   8.4V, .225 AMP-
               HR (4 individual       1.2V

    0374                                                                                               7
I   INITIAL   PREPAR4TION                                                         MODEL 168



                FICUKE 7.       Exploded   View of Model 168 with   Model 1688.

 MODEL 168                             INITIAL   PREPARATION

             MODEL 1688 BATTERY PACK

             MODEL 168 -".--_-

0374                                                       9
                                                                 MODEL 168

                        FIGURE 9.   Bath-~   `feet   ~ocatian.

I   MODEL 168                                                                  INITIAL   PREPARATION

         2. How to Check Batteries.               (Valid only in BAT mode).       The Model 168
      provides      two fest points      (A and 8) located        on the bottom of the instru-
      ment as shown in Figure 9. These test points                   permit a convenient    check
      of the condition        of the internal        Battery   Pack without   need to remove
      the Model 168 cover.           The voltage      at test points A or B may be meas-
      ured using the Model 168 or any other comparable voltage                   measuring
      instrument.         To check the voltages         at test points A or B, select      the
      BAT mode, connect rhe HI terminal               of the Model 168 (for a self check)
      or oeher voltmeter         to fest points A or B and observe the measured volt-
      age.     (If a separate      voltmeter     is used, it is necessary       to make a con-
      nection     to the LO terminal       of the Model 168 since both points A and B
      are to be referenced         to circuit      low.)     Table 2-2 gives the battery
      voltages      required   at each teat point.

           The instrument    mutt be operated    in the BAT made in order to obtain
           a valid   battery  condition  at test points A and B. This will        ensure
           that the batteries     are supplying    power to the instrument.     If the
           voltages   are measured when the Model 168 is operated        in the LINE
           made a different    reading may be observed since the batteries        are
           not connected and therefore       do not supply power to the instrument.

                                             TABLE 2-2.
                      Summary of Battery       Voltage Levels       (BAT mode)

       Test   Point       Acceprable    Battery   Levels            Recharge         Batteries
                                 &+*g,e         Normal              if below          Tested     _

              A              2.9   - 9"           4.8V                2.w                B&29
              B              7v    - 10.5"        8.4V                   7v              RA-30

         3. HOW fo Charge Batteries.         The Model 168 provides       built-i"     re-
      charging  circuitry   for recharging     the Model 1688 Battery        Pack.     To re-
      charge the internal     batteries,   connect the Model 168 to line power and
      depress the CHG pushbutton.        Recharging   time is dependent on the condi-
      tion of the batteries      at the time of recharge.      Typically,         the recharge
      time is l-112 hours per bow of discharge           (or 9 hours of charging           time
      for every 6 hours of operating       time in the battery     mode).

           The Model 168 may be operated   while in the CHG mode. However,
           if the Battery  Pack is not installed,  the Model 168 will    not be
           operable when the CHG mode is selected    since the batteries   are
           connected in series with the line power supply.

    0374                                                                                             11

OPERATING INSTR"CTIONS                                                          'MODEL 168

        SECTION           3.     OPERATING              INSTRUCTIONS

3-l.  GENERAL. This section   provides       infarmation    needed to operate     the
Model 168 for measurmene   of voltage,       current,    and resistance.

3-2.   HOW TO SELECT POWER. The Model 168 may be powered from line voltage
or rechargeable  nickel-cadmium       bafteries     (when the Model 1688 is installed).
The Model 168 has a built-in       line-voltage       power supply and line cord.      If
the accessory Model 1688 rechargeable           Battery    Set is ordered and installed,
then Lhe user has the option of selecting             line or battery   operation via the
front panel pusbbuteons     labeled     LINE and BAT.


       The accessory Model 1688 Rechargeable        Battery   Set my be ordered at
       the fime of purchase of the Model 168 or may be purchased and field
       installed    at a later  time if so desired.       The Model 1688 features
       plug-in   wiring.    As a result, no modifications      need to be made to
       the Model 168 chassis.

   a. HO" to operate From Line Power.     The Model 168 is operable   over four
ranges of line voltage  from a minimum of 90 volts     to a maximum of 250 volts,
ms, 50-60 Hz. me line voltage      ranges are 90-llov,    105-125V, 195-235V, and

                                      TABLE 3-l.
                       summary of Line Voltage Switch    settinga

            sear Panel             Line Voltage Ranges - Volts,      nns, 50-60Hz
         Line S"fGxhf?S               90-110   105-125  195-235        210-250

     117/234V Switch    (5102)         117        117         234         234
     LOW/NORMSwitch     (SlOl)         LOW        NORM        LO"         NORM

   b. HO" to operate From Battery     Power.    The Model 168 my be used with
the optional    accessory  Model 1688 Rechargeable    Battery   Set to provide
portable   operation   in addition to line operation.       To operate from battery
power, depress the BAT pushbutton.       Check the battery     vaJtage at test
points A and B co ensure that barreries      are charged sufficiently.

12                                                                                      0374
MODEL 168                                                                OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS

Refer to Section 2-3b for instructions       concerning installation     of the Bat-
eery Pack, battery   voltage   checks, and recharging.     Battery   operation  from
fully charged NI-CAD batteries      is 6 hours minimum.    No fuses are required
for operaeion   in battery   mode.

                                              TABLE 3-2.
                        Summary of flattery     Voltage Levels     (BAT mode)

       Test   Point         Acceptable    Battery   Levels         Recharge          Bdtteries
                                    RtS",P$       Normal           if below           Tested

              A                2.5V - 9V            4.m              2.5V              M-29
              8                7v   - 10.5v         8.4"                7V             b-30

                                              TABLE 3-3.
                      Summary of Operation      in LINE,     CHG, and BAT Modes.

                                            Condition   of Inserument:
  PUShbUttOn             Line connected         Line connected     Line not-connected
  Depressed            1688 not installed        1688 installed        1680 installed

         OFF                    OFF                     OFF                    OFF
         LINE                   ON                      ON                     OFF
         CHG                    OFF                     ON                     OFF
         BAT                    OFF                     ON                     ON


          The insfrument   will  be turned off if all power pushbuttons                   are
          released   (all non-depressed).   A lock-out    feature prohibits
          selection   of two or more puehbuttons    at the same time.

3-3.    HOWTO MAKE INPUT CONNECTIONS. The Model 168 has two front panel
terminals     identified       aa "HI" (red) and "LO" (black).                These terminals
accomodate banana plugs, alligator                clips,     spade lugs, bare wires,         and
other similar       input connections.           Leads may be fabricated           using a good
quality    copper wire terminated            by single     banana plugs such as Keithley
Part No. 80-S or dual banana plug such as Keitbley                        Part No. W-7.
Rraay-made tese lead8 are also available                   from Keifhley.         accessory   Model
1681 Clip-on      Test Lead Set includes            two 40 inch long leads terminated            by
a banana plug and spring-loaded               clip which easily          attaches    to wires and
terminals     on pc boards,       etc.      Model 1683 Universal          Test Lead Kit features
interchangeable        probe tips for various            applications.         The Kit includes
regular    probes,     alligator     clipe,    banana plugs.         spade lugs, and phone tips.

0374                                                                                                  13

14                              0374
3-4.   HOW TO SELECT FUNCTION. The front panel            pushbuttons    are arranged
to permit selection    of five functions    including      DC voltage,    AC voltage,
DC curcent,  AC current,    and resistance.

  a. DC Voltage.     To select      DC voltage    operation, depress the "DC"
pushbutton.  Voltage   function      is implied    by the "DC" function indicator.

  b. AC Voltage.         To aelect AC voltage   operation,  depress the "AC" push-
button. Voltage       function    is implied by the "AC" function   indicator.

   C. DC current.    To select  DC current   operation,   depress the "DC" push-
button.   Then select either   the "ti"   or "A" pushbutton    depending on the de-
sired range.    The %A" and "A" pushbuttons      are "push-push"    type with lock-out,
such that one pushbutton    muet he released   before the other can be selected.

   d. AC Current.      To select AC current    operation,   depress the "AC" push-
button.   Then select     either   the "mA" or `A" pushbutton     depending on the
desired  currenf   range.      The "mA" and `A" pushbuetons are "push-push"
type with lock-out,     such that one pushbutton      must be releaeed    before the
other can be selected.
   e. Re8iStance.     To select resistance    operation,  depress either    the
"LO OHMS" or "HI OHMS" pushbutton      depending an the desired   resistance
range.  Either    "kR" or "Mn" are displayed    depending on range.
      If all function    pushbuttons    are released,     the inpue to the Model
      168 will   be disconnected.      A lock-out   feature   prohibits selection
      of inconsistent     funcrlon   pushburtons   at the same time.

                                    TABLE 3-4.
                          Summary of Function   Settings
       Function                        Pushbuttons    Depressed
       Des lred             Voltage & Current      CUrrent         Resistance
                               DC        AC        d     A      LO OHMS "I          OHM

 DC Voltage                     x
 DC Milliamperes                x                     x
 DC Amperes                     x                          x

 AC "oltage                                 x
 AC Milliamperes                            x         x
 AC Amperes                                 x              x

 Resistance    (LO)                                                  x
 Resistance    (HI)                                                             x
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS                                                           MODEL 168

3-5.     HOW TO MEASURE VOLTAGE. The Model 168 measures ac and dc voltage
in five ranges:     O.lV, lv, IO", IOOV, and IOOOV dc orlOOOVac    (both ac
and dc volts have a maximum inpur of 1200 volts     peak ac + dc).   The
displayed   voltage  is direct-reading with decimal point located auto-

   a. DC Voltage.     The Model 168 automatically    displays      voltage   from
f.OOO1 valts   dc to $999 voles dc.     Above 999 volts,     the display     reads
properly  and flashes   to indicate   an overrange condition.          If the polarity
at the HI eerminal    is negative,  the Model 168 display       indicates    a (-)
minus sign.    If the minus sign is off, a positive      voltage      is implied.      A
lighted  "DC" and decimal point are also displayed        for all dc measurements.

        1. How to Measure DC Voltage.      Select     the dc function     by depressing
     the "DC" pushbutton.     Connect the signal      to be measured between I+1 and
     I.0 terminals.  Observe the displayed     digits,     polarity   sign, and decimal
     point lacacion.    The lighted   "DC" indicates     that the dc voltage      func-
     tion has been selected.

       2. How to Select Range.    The Model 168 autamaeically          selects     the
     appropriare range for all valtage  measurements.

         3. How to Determin+ Accuracy.       The Model 168 accuracy     is ~0.1% of
     reading ~1 digit.       For example, a display   reading of 1.000 volts dc
     will    have an uncertainry   of ~0.1% 51 digit    or +.002 volts.     The input
     resistance    in rhe dc mode is 10 megohms. Measurements from relatively
     high source resistances      could cause an additional     reading error.     The
     amount of error due to loading can be determined          by ehe following

                          % error = 100 x Ks i (Es i 107)
                          where R, = source resistance in ohms.

     For example, a scurce resistance    of 10,000 ohms will       result   in a
     loading error of approximaeely   0.1% of reading.

      4. How fca Determine Maximum Allowable       Input.     The maximum allowable
  voltage    input is 1200 volts   dc + peak ac.       The Model 168 displays     dc
  voltages     to i999 volts.   Beyond 999 volts     fhe display   reads properly
  and blinks     to indicafe  an overrange  condition.
        The Model 168 provides  ac rejection    of greater  than 75 dB (NMRx).
        However, a large ac signal   superimposed   on a dc level  could case
        damage if the inpue exceeds 1200 volts     dc + peak ac.

16                                                                                       0374

    MODEL 168                                                                          "PERATINC TNSTRUCTTONS

              5. HOW to ZerO the Display.         The Model 168 has a front panel zero ad-
           juscment which may he used to zero the display           to compensate for zero
           offset.    Apply a &xc      connection   bctwee" the input terminals         or select
           "A" function    and adjust   the zero control    (screwdriver      required)   to ob-
           tain a .OOOO display     with the minus (-) polarity        flashing     on and off.

        b. AC Voltage.           The Model 168       automatically                displays     voltage      fror .OOO1
    volts  `co 499 volts ac rms. Above 499 volts,                              the display       reads properly
    and flashes         to indicate      an overrange              condition.        In the ac function,           the
    Model 168    operates        as   an  average-reading               voltmeter,       calibrated       in terms of
    the root-mean-square            (rms) of a sine wave.                    `The ac-to-dc       converter      is a full-
    wa"e rectifier         type, and as such the calibration                         is exact for sinusoidal
    waveforms.          The input signal       is ac coupled (capacitive)                      to the input amp-
    lifier   so that dc is blocked.               me 1np"t bLocking capacitor                        effectively
    reduces the Model 168 low-frequency                        response to approximately                 20 HZ.

              1. HOW to Measure AC Voltage.       Select the ac function      by depressing
           the "AC" pushbutton.      Connect the signal      to be measured between HI and
           LO terminals.    Observe the displayed     digits,    and decimal point location.
           The lighted   "AC" indicates   chat the ac voltage      function  has been selected.

             2. mw to se1ecr Range.      `The Model 168 auramarically                          selects      tire
           appropriate range for a volksge Ineas"reme"t.

               3. How to Determine Accuracy.             The Model 168 accuracy     is 1(0.5X of
           reading ?0.3% of range).           For example, a display      reading of 1.000 volts
           ac "ill     have an uncertainty       L.008 volts over a frequency       range from
           20 HZ to 10kHz.         An additional     reading error may result     if the source
           resistance      is relatively     high.     The input impedance of the Model 168
           is frequency      dependent.      For example, with an input resistance         of 9
           megohms and shunt capacitange            of less than 90 picofarads,       the effoc-
           tive input impedance at 60 HZ is approximately              8.23 megohms. The im-
           pedance at other frequencies            may be determined   by the following      re-
                                          Zin =           Rin
                                                    1 + (2nf R&)Z

                               where 2.1~ = effective   input impedance
                                     Rin = 9 x lob ohms
                                     sin  < 90  x lo-6 farads
                                          = frequency   in HZ

I   0374                                                                                                              17
                                                                                     MODEL 168

      Source   loading   can be determined      by the following    relationship:

                                 % error     = 100 x     z,
                                                       % + Zi"

         4. How to Determine Maximum Allowable       Injxt.     The maximum allowable
      voltage   input is 1200 volts   dc + ac peak.     The Model 168 displays     ac
      voltages    to 499 volts  rms.  Beyond 499 "olfs      the display  reads properly
      and blinks    to indicare  an overrange condifion.


         The Model 168 blocks dc signals  at the input as a result of the
         capacitive  coupled input.  Howe"er, a large dc si@,al superimposed
         on an ac level could cause damage if the inpuf exceeds 1200 "olcs
         dc + peak ac.

       C. "oltaae     Measurements using Model 1682.        The  Model 168 may be  used
    with the accessory     Model 1682 RF Probe to permit ac voltage        measurements
    from 100 kHz to 100 EMz. The transfer           accuracy of the 1682 is t5%, cal-
    ibrated   in rms of a sine wave.        Input impedance is 4 megohms shunted by
    2pF. Maximum allowable        input is 30" rms AC, 200" DC. To use the 1682
    with rhe Model 168, connect the probe to HI and LO. Select DC voltage
    function.     Voltage is direct     reading in "olts    ac rrxs.

          The Model 1682 is designed for use with           a voltmeter    having   an
          input resistance of 10 megohms ilO%.

I   18                                                                                    0374
MODEL 168                                                             OPERATING INSTR"CTIONS

3-6.    HO" TO MEASURE CURRENT. The Model 168 me=="ree ac and dc current
in four ranges;    O.lmA, ImA, O.lA, and 1A. The displayed     current  is direct
reading   in terms of milliamperes   ("!A) or amperes (A) (depending   on mode
selected)   with decimal point located    ="tam=tic=lly.

    a. DC current.         The Model 168 me=="ree dc current           from .OOOl mA to 2 mA
 end frbm .OOOlA to 1A. If the Polarity              at the "I terminal       is negative,
 the Model 168 display        indicate=    a (-) minus sign.      If the minus sign is
 off, a positive      current    is implied.     A lighted   "DC" is displayed         when the
 dc function    is selected.        Current may be selected     for direct      reading in
 terme of milliamperes        (mA) or amperes (A) depending on the magnitude of
 current    measured.      When the ampere= (A) mode is selected,            ehe Model 168
measures current       from 0.0001 ampere to 1 ampere.           (The display      will    Per-
mit a reading      up to 1.999 amperes or until          the 2A fuse blows.)        When the
milliampere     (mA) mode is selected,        the Model 168 measures current            from
0.001 milli=mpere        to 2 mi11*=nlperes.      (The display    will    permit a reed-
ing up to 9.99 IDA or until          the lOmA fuse blows.)

      1. How to Measure DC Current.       Select the dc function        by depressing
  the "DC Pushbutton.      First  select  "A" mode. The "mA" and "A" pushbuteona
  are "push-push"    type, such that one pushbutton       m"se be released       before
  the other can be selected.       Connect the input signal       between HI and LO
  terminals.    Observe the displayed     reading,   the polarity      sign (for nega-
  tive inputs),   and decimal point position.        The lighted      "DC" indicates
  that the dc function     ha= bee" selected.      The lighted    ",,!A" or "A" indi-
  cates that the current      mode has been selected.

      2. HO" to Select Ranges.             The Model 168 automatically          defermine=   the
  sensitivity      for either      %A" or "A" modes.          If the current      to be measured
  is between 0.0001 mA and 2 mA, select                the %A" mode.         If the current    to
  be measured is between 0.0001 A and lA, select                    the "A" mode. For either
  %A" or "A" modes, the Model 168 has two sensitivities,                       0.1000 and 1.000
  full    range.     On the most sensitive         range, the minimum reading         is .OOOO
  while the maximum reading             ie .1999.     When the input exceeds .1999, the
  Model 168 a"tom=tically           "p-ranges     to the higher range and decimal Point
  location     is changed appropriately.            Down-ranging       occurs when the input
  level     is reduced,     causing a dieplayed        reading    to be less than 1-9-O on
  any range.       For example,       if =n input signal        is reduced from 0.190 to
  0.189, the display         will   change from .190 to .1890.             However, if the sig-
  nal is increased        from .1899 to .1900, the Model 168 will               not "prange,
  but remain on the 0.1000 range.

0374                                                                                            19
OPmATING     1NSTR"CTIONS                                                         MODEL 168

           FRONT PANEL

                                              CURRENT RANGE FUSES

                            FIGURE 11.   Locafion   of Current   Range   Fuses.

20                                                                                      0374
    3. HOW to Determine     Accuracy.      The accuracy of the Model lb8 is t(O.3%
of reading + 0.1% of range).         For example, a display       of 1.000 ampere will
have an uncertainty      of +.004 ampere.        I" rhe ?,,A" mode, the Model 168
uses a 1000 ohm shunt resistor.           In the "A" mode, the Model 168 uses a
1 ohm shunt resistor.       An additional      reading error shauid be considered
if the so"rce resistance       is not greater      then 1000 times the shunt re-
sistor.   For example, in the "mA" mode, a source resistance              of 100 kil-
ohm would result     in a loading    error of approximately       0.1% of reading.
Loading error for other eource resistances             can be determined   by the
following  relationship:

                         % error    - 100 X R, (mA mode)
                                      R, + 1000

                         where R, = eource        resistance

                         or % error     =loo X %(      A mode)

   4. Ho" to Determine Maximum Allowable   Input.    The Model 168 uses
separate   fuses for each current mode. The ?,,A" mode ie protected    by
a 10 milliampere    fuse. The "A" function ie protected   by a 2 ampere

     a) HOW to Check the Current Range Fusee.                 To determine       the con-
 dition   of fuses for "IDA" and "A" modes, select               the "Lo OHMS" resis-
 tance mode. Since the shunt resistors               are connected between HI end
 LO terminals,    the resistance      including      fuse can be meaeured directly
 an the Model 168.        For rhe "mA" mode, select           the ?,,A" pushbutton        end
 observe the display.        The display      should reed approximately             1.180
 kn to indicate     a "good fuse".       A flashing      display      indicates     a "blown"
 fuse.    For the "A" mode, select         the "A" pushbutton           and observe the
 display.     The display    should read approximaeely             .0012 kn to indicate
 a "good" fuse.      A flashing    display     indicates     a "blown"       fuse.

    b) How to Replace the Current Range Fuaee.              The current   range fuses
 F103 and F104 are located       on the printed   circuit     board.    The fuses are
 accessible   by removing the fop cover and internal           shield.    TO replace
 the fuses, turn the instrument        over 80 that the bottom cover faces up.
 Use a screwdriver      to remove the four slotted       screwe on the bottom
 cover as shown in Figure 4. After the ecre"s ere removed taking cere
 CO hold the top and bottom covers together,           turn o"er the inetrumen~
 so that the top cover faces up.         Remove the top cover to gain access
 to rhe printed    circuit   board.    If the Model 1688 Rechargeable         Battery
OPeRATING      INSTRUCTIONS                                                              MODEL   168

       Pack is installed,       lift     off the battery       pack from the stand-offs        cod
       set to the left       of the instrument.            The fuses for current      ranges are
       located    on the prineed        circuit      board near ehe front right       side under
       the shield.        The amplifier        shield must be removed to gain access to
       rhe fuses.       The shield.&?        fastened     to rhe circuit     board by means of
       a single    Phillips    head screw.           Before the ecrew can be removed, the
       front panel most be lifted              out of, the way. Gently lift        the front
       panel and pull forward until               panel is clear of puehbuttoos.          Locate
       and remove the Phillips            head screw which holds the shield.             The metal
       shield   is held by clips          to fhe printed      circuit    board and must be pried
       UP. Replace fuses as necessary.                   Fuse types are as follows:

               FlO3:          O.OlA,   25OV,      type 8AC, fast acting     (%A" mode)
               ~104:          2.4, 250",   type      8AG, fast acting   ("A" mode)

       After fuses are replaced,    re-assemble  shield,   spring, washer, ana
       Phillips    Screw as shown in Figure 11. Replace front panel.       Replace
       Model 1688 battery    peck on stand-offs.    Replace top cover.    Take care
       fo hold top and bortom covers together     and turn over instrument     so
       that bottom cover faces up.      Replace Screw to complete re-assembly
       of chassis.

   b. AC Current.       The Model 168 measures ac c"rrent         from .OOOlmA to 2mA
and from .OOOlA to 1A. A lighted          "AC" is displayed     when the ac function
is selected.     Current may be selected       for direct   reading     in cerme of
milliamperes    (nut) or amperes (A) depending oo the magnitude of current
?a be measured.      When the amperes (A) made is selected,           the Model 168
measures currenf     from .OOOl ampere to 1 ampere.          (The display    will     permit
a reading up to 1.999 amperes or until           the 2 ampere fuse blows.)          When
the milliampere     (mA) mode is selected,       the Model 168 neasures       current
from .OOOl milliampere      to 2 milliamperes.       (The display     will  permit a
reading up to 9.99 mA or until         the 10 m.4 fuse bl.ows.)

      1. How to Measure AC Current.           Select the ac function      by depressing
   the "AC" pushbutton.       First    select  "A" mode. The "mA" and "A" push-
   buttons   are "push-push"      type, such that one pushbutton       must be released
   before the other can be selected.           Connect the input signal       between HI
   and LO terminals.       Observe the display4        reading,   and decimal point
   position.    The lighted     "AC" indicates     that the ac fuoctioo      has been
   selected.    The li.ghrcd    "ti"   or "A" indicates      that the currant    mode has
   been selected.

22                                                                                               0374
MODEL 168                                                                OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS

       2. ROW to Select Ranges.        The Model 168 automatically        determines   the
  sensitivity     for either  "IDA" or "A" modes.         If the current    to be measured
  is between O.OOOlmA and 2mA, select            the "m," mode.     If the current   to
  be measured is between O.OOOlA and lA, select              the "A" mode. For either
  ""A" or "A" modes, the Model 168 has two sensitiviries,                0.1000 and 1.000
  full    range.    on the most SenSitiVe      range, the minimum reading is .OOOO
  while the maximum reading        is .1999.       When the input exceeds .1999, rhe
  Model 168 automatically       up-ranges    to the higher range and decimal point
  location     is changed appropriately.

      3. How to Determine Accuracy.            The accui-acy of the Model 168 is k(l%
  of reading + 0.3% of range).            For example, a display      of 1.000 ampere
  will    have an uncertainty       of t.013 amperes (over a frequency           range from
  30 RZ to 5lcHz).       In the YnA" mode, the Model 168 uses a 1000 ohm shunr re-
  sister.      An additional     reading error should be considered           if the source
  resistance      is not greater     than 1000 times the shunt resistor.             For example,
  in the "ti." mode, a source resistance           of 100 kiloh     would result       in a
  loading     error of approximately       0.1% of reading.      Loading error for other
  source resistances         can be determined    by the followinS     relationship:

                             % error    = 100 X R,  (",A mode)
                                          R, + 1000

     4. Uaw to Determine Maximum Allowable    Input.    The Model 168 uses
   separate   fuses for each current mode. The "mA" mode is protected     by
   a 10 milliampere    fuse. The "A" function is protected   by a 2 ampere fuse.

           a) HOW to Check the Current Range Fuses.                 TO determine         the con-
       dition   of fuses for %A" and "A" modes, select                  the "LO OHMS" resis-
       tance mode. Since the shunt resistors                are connected between HI and
       LO terminals,     the resistance      including      fuse can be measured directly
       on the Model 168.         For the "mA" mode, select           the ","A" pushbutton         and
       observe the display.         The display      should read approximately              1.180
       kQ to indicate      a "good. fuse".      A flashing      display      indicates      a "blown"
       fuse.    For the "A" mode, select          the "A" pushbutton           and observe the
       display.      The display    should read approximately             .0012 kn to indicate
       a "good" iuse.       A flashing    display     indicates     a "blown"        fuse.

0374                                                                                                    23
                                                 TABLE 3-5.
                              s,,mary    of Shunt Resistors       in Current Modes
                                                                 Voleage Drop zlCTO88
                       Range            Shunt Resistor              Shunt Resistor

                       O.hA                    Ikn                       0.1"
                          1mA                  lki?                         1"
                       0.1 A                   In                        0.1"
                          1.4                  10                           1"
*I"        series      with     fuses   F103 ("A)     or F104 (A).

      C.     current      Measurements        to   50 Amperes.  Current measurement capability
of the Model 168 may be extended                      to 50 amperes through the "se of acces-
sory Model 1651 50-Ampere Shunt.                       The Model 1651 permits   4-terminal  co"-
nections  co minimize measurement                     error due to lead resistance.

        1. DC Measurements.      Select DC voltage   function.     Connecf the volt-
     age sensing leads of the Model 1651 to the Model 168 input terminals.
     connect separate   current   leads (not furnished)     between the source and
     the large hex-head bolts on the Model 1651.         The current     leads should
     be rated for c"rre"ts     up to 50 amperes (as well as connections          to the
     1651).   The shunt resistance     is 0.001 ohm which results      in a voltage
     drop of 0.050 volts maximum at 50 amperes.         Power dissipated      in the
     shunt is 2.5 watts,at    50 amperes.

         2. AC Measurements.      select   *c voltage function.     connect the volt-
      age sensing leads of the Model 1651 to the Model 168 input terminals.
      Connect separate   current   leads (not furnished)     between the source and
      the large hex-head bolts on the Model 1651.         The current     leads should
      be rated for currents     up eo 50 amperes (as well as connections          to the
      1651).   The shunt resistance      is 0.001 ohm which results     in a voltage
      drop of 0.050 volts maximum at 50 amperes.         Power dissipated      in the
      Shunt is 2.5 watts at 50 amperes.

24                                                                                             0374
                                  I      \


                                LEADS NOT SUPPLIED

       FIGURE 12.   current    Measurements   using   Model 1651.

     The largest    resistance      displayed       in the 1.0 OHMS mode is 1.999 meg-
     ohms. Beyond 1.999 megohms, the display                  flashes    co indicate     an over-
     range condition      although     the reading will         be displayed     up to 2.017
     megohms. Above 2.017 megohms, the display                   will  not change.       In the
     ii1 ONbE mode, the maximum reading               is 19.99 megohms. Beyond 19.99
     me&ms,      the display     flashes       to indicate    an overrange     condition    ai,-
     though the reading will         be dLsplayed        up to 20.17 megohms. above
     20.17 megohms, rhe display           will    not change.

26                                                                                           0374
        Care should be taken when making resistance        measurements in circuits
        which may have voltages    on capacitors   etc. or where line voltage       is
        present.    Although  the Model 168 is fully    protected   against  accident-
        al voltages    up to 25OV rms in OHMS. if higher voltages       are applied
        damage may occur.

   d. HOW t" Determine Accuracy.       The accuracy of the Mr,del 168 is f(O.2%
of reading + 0.1% of range) in HI OHMS. For example, a display        reading of
1.000 kilohms will   have a" uncertainty    of f0.003 kilohma.

   e. How to Determine        the C"rrene For Each Range.            The voltage   developed
acro88 the resistance       is directly     proportional       to the current    applied.
For instance,    a reading of 1.000 kilobms corresponds               to a voltage     develap-
ed of 0.900 volts     in HI OHMS. The ~"rrent            applied   by the Model 168 is de-
termined by dividing      the voltage      by the resistance       being measured.        In the
previous   example, the current         is equal t" 0.9OOV i 103n - 0.9 mA. The teec
current   for each range is given in Tables 3-6 and 3-7.

                    TABLE 3-6.                                   TABLE 3-7.
     Test      Current in LO OHMSMode                 Test   current  in HI OHMS Mode
     Range               Test   Current

     O.lk0                    0.9*
        lkfl                0.09m.4
      lOkR                 0.009m.4
     0.lMn                    0.9"A
        1m                  0.09"A

    f. How to Test Semiconducfor         Diodes and Transistors.         The Model 168 can
be used to test diodes and transistors           t" determine       the condition   of the
device.     For semiconductor     diodes,    the voltage    applied    must be sufficient
to cause conduction      in the forward direction.          The "HI OHMS" mode of the
Model 168 provides      a voltage    up t" 2 volts     at a current     of 1 milliampere,
which is sufficient      to cauee conduction.         Since the "LO" terminal       is poai-
rive With respect     to the "HI" terminal       far all resistance       measurements,
connections    should be made aa eh"wn in Figure 13 t" cause forward conduc-
eion of diodes.

0374                                                                                         27

     me silicon     diode test should be performed using the 1o"esC resistance
     range of HI OHMS, (2 kilohms maximum reading)                since the current       used
     an the higher ranges becomes small.            when rhe input terminals            Of the
     Model 168 are open, the instrument           automatically       ranges to the high-
     est range.     TO perform the diode test,          a short m"Se first       be applied
     to the input terminal*,       causing the Model 168 to downrange to the
     lowest range.      An easy way to accamplish          this measurement is to de-
     press the "A" pushbutton        (which "ill     callse the Model 168 to down-
     range to the loweet resistance).            men connect the diode and release
     the "A" pushbutton.       Observe the displayed          reading on the Model 168.
     A reading less rtmn 1000 ohms (for silicon               semiconductors)      indicates
     that the diode is conducting.           If the diode is faulty          or connected
     in TeYerse, the display       will   flash O.lnm which indicates            that cLie
     resistance   is greater    than 20.17MR.       The I.0 terminal       is positive      so
     that anode must be connected to LO.

TO determine      the semiconductor     type (NPN or PNP) of a transiscar,           a meas-
urement between base (B) and emirter(E)          is required.       First,   identify     the
leads of the transistor        by comparing the device to the appropriate             tran-
sisror   configuration      as shown in manufacturer's       data sheets.
Nexf, measure the resistance         between hasa (9) and emltfer(E).           If the tran-
sistor   is a,, Nl'N type, the "LO" terminal       of the Model 168 should be connected
to the base (B) to cause the base-emitter           junction     to conduct.      A properly
conducting     junction  "ill   be leas than 1000 ohms for all NPN transistor.

If the transistor         is PNP type, the "LO" terminals          of the Model 168 should
be connected to the emitter           (E) to cause the base-emitter           junction    to cm-
duct.      A properly    conducting    junction     will  be less than 1000 ohms for a
PNP eransistor.         TO determine     the condition      of a transistor,      a measurement
of base-emitter       and base-collector        junctions    is required.       Table 3-8 des-
cribs      the conditions     which will     determine    if an NPN type transisror         is
faulty.       Table 3-9 describes      the conditions       which will    determine    if a PNP
transistor      is faulty.

28                                                                                         0374
I   MODEL 168                                              OPERATING TNSTRUCTTONS

                   CONDUCTION              CONDUCTION
          HI i-)                LO (+I
            t                    t
                                           HI-   B
       CATHODE                   ANODE

    0374                                                                     29
:onnection   Connection                     (HI OHMS)
   CO LO        TO HI               Condirions   Which Indicate
 Terminal     Terminal            A Normal 01 Faulty Transistor.

Base          Emitter      A reading  of approx.   700 ohms indicates     a
                           normal junction.    A reading greater     than
                           1000 ohms indicates   a faulty  junction.

Emitrer       Base         A reading  greater     thatI 20.17MR indicates
                           a normal junction.        A reading less than
                           20.17Mn indicates      a faulty    junction.

 Collector    Base         A reading greater      than 20.170 indicates
                           a normal junction.        A reading    less than
                           20.17MR indicates      a faulty    junction.

 Base         Collector    A reading of approx.    700 ohms indicates     a
                           normal junction.    A reading greater     than
                           1000 ohms indicates   a faulfy  juncrion.

                             TABLE 3-9.

              Connection                        (HI OHMS)
                 to "I               Conditions    Which Indicate
               Terminal            A Normal or Faulfy Transistor.

              Base          A reading of approx.    700 ohms indicates     a
                            normal junction.    A reading  greater    than
                            1000 ohms indicates   a faulty  junction.

              Emitter       A reading   greater    than 20.17MCI indicates
                            a liornml junction.       A reading    less than
                            20.17MR indicates      a faulty    ,unction.

 Base         ea11ecror     A readhg   greater     than 20.17.W lndica~es
                            * normal junction.        A reading    less than
                            20.17MO indicates      a faulty    junction.

 Collector     BaSe         A reading  of approx. 700 Dhms indicates      a
                            normal junction.    A reading greater    than
                            1000 ohms indicates   a faulty junction.

30                                                                             0374
MODEL 168                                                                            THEOKY OF OPEKATION

           SECTION               4.            THEORY           OF           OPERATION

4-1.    GENERAL. This       section          coniains   information          to describr       the Elodci      I68
circuit   operatim.
   a. Class-epoxy      printed     circuit    boards are used for all circuitry.                           'The
analog and digital       circuitry      is located   on mother board, PC-346.                        'rile clip,-
ital  display  circuitry        is located    on display  board, ~~-347.

   b. Compactness and high reliability              are provided                rhrough     ~hc ust: of A
digital   LSI, a completely     solid-state        LED displ~ay,              thick-film      resisror
networks,   and linear   integrated      circuits.

       All circuit designations               refer to components shown on schematics
       26088E and 26089E located               on pages 85 and 86.


    *.  First   stage Amplifier.   This amplifier       is * FET input i"Legratcd
circuit     (QA103) connected as an inverting       amplifier.     Gain for the ml,-
lifter   is set by automatically     switching    resistors    with JFCT'S into the
feedback of the amplifier.       Potentiometer      R135 is an input zero adjust-
ment on the front panel.
   b.     Second Sfage Amplifier.       This amplifier       provides   additional   gain f"r
rhe most sensitive        ranges.   Integrated     circuit    4.4104 is connected as an
inverting     amplifier    with a gain of X1 or X10.          Potentiometer     R139 (-IV AD.J.)
is a gain adjustment         for x10 gain.     Potentiometer       R115 is a zero adjusfment
for Xl gain.       Porentiometer    R137 is a zero adluetment          for Xl0 gain.
                                        TABLE 4-l.
                             DC Cain Switching     (UP-Ranging)

   Iboge        First    stage        Gain         Second Stage       Gain           Overall     Gain

                            0.9                            10                                  9.0
                           0.09                            10                                  0.9
                         0.009                             10                                 0.09
                         0.009                              1                               0.009
                        0.0009                              1                              0.0009

0374                                                                                                           31
I    MODEL 168                                           THEORY OF OPERnTTON

                 rlG"Re   15.   Full   wave Rectifier.

100"    0.009    0.009
 10"     0.09     ".09
   I"    0.09       0.9
0.1"       0.9         9

    I   THEORY OF OPERATION                                                             MODEL 168

                                                   TABLE 4-3.

                               RangeRI                          RF Gain
                             1 ox- IOV
                             10 o* 1oov             10M          90K     0.009
                             1000"                  10M           9K     0.0009

                              0.1"                  ZK           20K       10
                                 1"                 2K           20K       10
                               1ov              20K or 2K        20K     1 c!r 10
                              1oov                 20K           20K        1
                             1000"                 20K           20K        1

        4-4.   AC "OLTAG~ OPERATION.

           a. Gain.   In the ac mode, the input amplifier  has a unity gain on the
        0.1 volt range decreasing  to 0.001 on the 1000 volt range.    The gain far
        each range is determined  by the feedback components as shown in Table 4-5.

                0.1"                  55   pF      9M       9M         55 pF        I
                1 or 10"              55   pF      9M       900K       550 pF       0.1
                10 or 100"            55   pF      9M       90K        0.0055 !lF   0.01
                1000"                 55   pF      9M       9K         0.055 UF      .OOl
           6. Frequency Response.       me frequency   response is from 20HZ to 1OkHZ on
        1, 10, and 100" ranges,      20Hz to 5kHz on .lV and SOOV ranges.    The ac ranges
        are calibrvted  eirraugtl tile use of three trinmling   capacitors C108, c110, and

I       36                                                                                   0374
I   THEORY OF OPERATION                                                                   MODEL 168

    4-5.    OHMS OPERATIQN. n, the OHMS mode, the input terminals                     ("HI" and
    "LO") are connected in the feedback of ~~103 so as to reduce the slowing
    effects     at cable capacitances.        When the OHMS mode is selected,              constant
    current     in decade steps is applied        between the input terminals             with the
    LO terminal     posifive.      The OHMS reference       is composed of integrated
    circuit     &WI6 and range resistors         RNLOl-1, -4, -5, and -6 which are also
    used on voltage       modes.    An addieianal     resistor     RIO5 is used on the Ikn
    range.      The test current      is generated    by the-.81"     reference     volta'@     and
    the range resistor.         The voltage    developed      across the terminals         is pro-
    portional     to the measured resistance.           For example, when a 15 megohm re-
    sister    is connected,     the voltage     developed     is .81" t 9M x 15M = 1.35V.
    PaCentiomeCer El22 is the adfustmenc for the 1OOkR range.                     This control
    sets the output of QUO6 to approximately                -.81 volts.      Potentiomefer
    R109 is the adjustment         for the lkn range.         Adjustments    made in high ohms
    mode only.      Maximum open circuit       voltage     across the terminals         ia 6 volts
     in series with 9Mfl in eirher        HI or LO OHMS.

                                       TABLE 4-6.
                         Test     Currenr in HI OHMSMod

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