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                         INSTKUCTIW      MANUAL

                              IlUUEL   1YZU

                             TKWS UPTIUII

        Copyright      1981 Keithley   Instruments,     Inc.
First    Printing,      July,  1981, Cleveland,     Ohio,    U.S.A.
                     Document  No. 32000,    Kev. A
                                                                      Table            of      Contents

Section                                                                                                      Page

1.   ClENEKAL INFORMATION                     .............................                                   l-l
     l-l.      Introduction.        .............................                                             l-l
     l-3.      Warranty      Information.               .........................                             l-l
      1-5.     Manual Addendums.              ...........................                                     l-l
      l-7.     Safety      Symbols    and Terms.                  .......................                     l-l
      l-9.     Specifications.                     ............................                               l-l

2.   OPERATING          INSTRUCTIONS.                   ...........................                           2-1
      2-l.     Operation             in    Model          191.         ........................               2-l
      2-4.     Operation             in    Model          192.         ........................               2-1

3.   MAINTENANCE .................................                                                            3-l
     3-2.   Installation          in Model                        191          .......................        3-l
      3-3.     Installation                in Model 192 .......................                               3-2
      3-4.     Performance                Verification.     .......................                           3-3
      3-6.     Kecommended                Test Equipment.        ......................                       3-3
      3-7.     Environmental                 Conditions.    .......................                           3-3
      3-9.     Performance                Verification    Procedure.                 ..................       3-3
      3-11.    Initial     Conditions.               ..........................                               3-4
      3-13.    Calibration       ..............................                                               3-6
      3-15.    Kecommended Test Equipment.                               ......................               3-6
      3-17.    Environmental                 Conditions.                .......................               3-G
      X-19.    Calibration                Procedure           .........................                       3-6
      3-22.    Troubleshooting                 ............................                                   3-9
      3-24.    Troubleshootiny                     Procedure                   .......................        3-9

4.    TtiEURY OF UPEKATIUN                     .............................                                  4-l

5.    REPLACEABLE           PAKTS ..............................                                              5-l
      5-l.     General   ................................                                                     5-l
      5-3.     Ordering     Information.                    .........................                         5-l
      5-5.     Factory   Service             ............................                                     5-i
      5-7.     Schematic      and Component                      Layout.              ....................     5-l
Model      1920                                                                                                                                     General              Information

                                                         SECTION         1.     GENERAL INFORMATION


l-2.       The Keithley  Model 1920 is a True Root Mean Square   (TKMS) AC plug-in       option                                                                                for the
Models      192 and 191.   The 1920 enables   the 191 or 192 to measure the TKMS value          of                                                                             an AC
siynal.       When the 1920 is installed    in the Model 192 an ACtUC function      is available.                                                                                       The
Model      1920 has four ranges on which an AC siynal    can be measured.      It is field

1-3.       Warranty           Information

l-4.       The warranty               is      yiven       on the inside    front                  cover    of this                manual.            If there is a need
to     exercise       the      Warranty,               contact  the Keithley                     Representative                   in your          area to determine
the      proper      action         to      be taken.              Keithley        maintains       complete                  repair     and calibration
facilities    in the United    States,     West                               tiermany,     tireat   Britain,                   France,    the Netherlands,
Switzerland     and Austria.    Information     concerning                                          the       application,              operation                   or   service         of
your instrument     may be directed      to the applications                                               engineer           at      any    of          the    above
locations.            Check         the       inside       front       cover      of      this      manual         for     addresses.

l-5.       Manual         Addendums

1-G.       Improvements              or changes  to                 the instrument     that    occur                      after   printing     of the                         [manual
will      be explained              on an addendum                  which  will    be attached     to                     the inside       back cover.

1-7.       Safety         Symbols           and Terms

l-8.      The       symbol      A           on the       instrument            denotes           that      the     user       should         refer             to    the      operating

The      symbol t             on the          instrument            denotes        that      up to         5UllV may be present                           on the           terminals.

The WARNING used                 in        this   manual           explains        dangers          that         could       result         in      personal               injury
or death.

The CAUTION used                 in        this   manual           explains        hazards          that         could       damage         the          instrument.

l-9.         Specifications

 l-10.         Uetailed        specifications                 for       the    Model        1920        are      given       in    Table          l-l.

General       Information                                                                                                                Model     1920

                                                                  TABLE 1-l
                                                           1920   Specifications

                                5-l/2   Digit      Accuracy,        +(% Rdg + Counts),                     1 yr   18-28'C

                  5-l/2 Digit                   20-50Hz"          DC, 50Hz-lOkHz*                     lOK-20kHz"                  20kHz-lOOkHz**
  Range           RESOLUTION

        2v                  1OPV                1% t 100               0.25%       t 100              0.35%       + 300             1% t 500
       2ov              lOOld                   1% t 100               0.25%       t   100            0.35%       + 300             1% t 500
      2oov                   1mV                1% t 100               0.25%       + 100              0.35% + 300                   1% t 500
      7oov                  1OmV                1% t 100               0.354:      t 100                0.5% + 300                  1% t 500

  RESPONSE:                        TRUE RFlS
  AC + DC MODE:                    Add 60 counts           to specified         accuracy            (not      wailable       in    We1     191)
  riAxIriuri INPUT:                1OOOV Peak AC + DC, 2 x lo7 V* Hz
  SETTLING TIME:                   0.5 set to within 0.1% of change in                              reading
  INPUT      IMPEDANCE:            211 ohm shunted      by less than 5OpF.
  TEMP.      COEFFICIENT:          (O"-18OC      and 28"-5O'C):  Less than                    0.1 x applicable                accuracy
                                   specification      per "C below 50kHz;                     0.2     x for       50kHz     to 1OOkHz
  3dB BANTMIDTH:                   500kHz       Typical
  CFIRR:                           Greater        than 60dB       at 50 and 60Hz             (lk     ohm unbalanced)

    * Above      2000 counts
  ** Above       20000 counts;          3% + 500       typical      below    20000

Model       1920                                                                                                                            Operating              Instructions

                                                        SECTION 2.          OPERATING               INSTRUCTIONS

 Z-l.         Operating                Instructions         for     the     rlcdel        1920       installed          in    the     ilodel         191        are        as

 2-2.         Ilith           the ilodel   1920 option,               the ilcdel            191 reads            AC voltages               froln     10 r;licrovolts/digit
 to     1000v.                The instrument    displays                the True            Koot llean           Square       (TKilS)         value         of     an AC
 voltage.                It     has      a frequency        response          of        20Hz     to 100ktlz.

 2-3.     The rnaximm       reading   is 199YYY.     Werrange    is irdicatcd       by (-) l-----,          except     on
 the 1000 volt        range.      The 700 volt   range is selected       idith  the 1000 volt      button.   On the
 700 volt    range,      the display    can read beyond      the rnaxiinuln allobiable    input    voltage.    ilaximun
 allobcable    input:       1OOOV Peak AC + DC; 2 x lo7 V'Hz.              Use the ilodel    191 to lneasure AC
 voltage              as follobis:


                        Do not           exceed       maximum      allohcable            input       voltage.           Instrument                 damage         may

 A.      Turn          the      pokier      on IJith      the     UN/OFF      pushbutton,                ati     depress       the         ACV pushbutton.

 8.      Select               the     desired     range     from      the     4 ranges              available.            The decimal                 point           is    positioned
         by      the          range      pushbutton.

 C.      Ensure    that                 the I0JLL pushbutton       is           out        (light       off)        unless     measurements                      are       to be made
         as deviations                     from a preset    value.


                         Do not          use    NULL to zero          the     range.             A small         residual           zero       readirq            is
                         normal.     If NULL is                 used to zero this    offset,     readings     in                               specified
                         accuracy    range will                 be low by the offset      amount.      This is                                 because            rms
                         measurement     signals                add in a root mean square        fashion    arrl                               not
                         linearly.     The NULL function                           is    a linear          offset       axl    not         usable          in     TKllS

 0.      Connect               the signal    to be measured      between    the INPUT HI ati LO binjiny        posts.                                                           The
         birding               posts  accept   wires,     spade lugs or banana plugs     for ease of connectiq                                                                  the
         circuit               to be measured.        Observe   the displayed    digits ard decimal     point.

Operating        Instructions                                                                                                                                      Model      1920

E.     For specified   accuracy       (pulse     widths                                 ,lOns,        peak voltage    (1.5                 x full      scale)         Figure 2-1
       shows the allowable      input     signal      vs.                                crest      factor.     The figure                  illustrates              that for a
       crest factor   of            three  the displayed reading                                    must be less   than 100,000  counts                                  (1V on
       the 2V range).               So long as the maximum input                                     is not exceeded    no damage will                                  result  in
       crest factors            exceeding    that  shown in Figure2-I,                                        but   accuracy              will   slowly   degrade               (For
       CF >3 but<10             typical   accuracy    is degraded  by                                     (CF-3)    x 0.36%              arti peak signal     must             be
       less     than     5 x full         scale          for        that        range).

                                             I                                                                              I
                                             0                                     100000                                   200000
                                                                    Displayed             Counts
                                    Figure            2-l.           Crest        Factor         VS. Displayed                  Counts

2-4.        Operating       Instructions                 for        the      Model        lY20      installed          in        the     Model    192 are          as

2-5.  With         the     Model     1920        option,              the       Model       192 reads           AC voltages               from   1 microvolt/digit
to 1ooov.          The     instrument            displays                 the    True       Koot        Mean Square              (TKMS)     value         of     an AC voltage

2-G.        The maximum         reading          is
                                              Overrange  199999.                                     is    indicated by OFLO.   Maximum allowable
 input   is     1OOOV Peak AC f DC; 2 x 107V.Hz.     Use                                           the     Model 192 to measure AC or AC + DC
voltages        as follows:

                Do not      exceed        maximum                 allowable             input      voltage.          Instrument              darnage may

A.     TURN POWER UN with               UN/OFF               pushbutton.

B.     Press    the      ACV button         once             to    select         the      ACV (TKMS)           function.                Press      the        ACV button
       ayain   and the 192 will measure                               the     T'KMS value    of an AC + UC signal    (AC signal
       superimposed   with a DC level).                                     The ACV and DCV LEDs will     light   simultaneously                                            when
       the AC + UC function                is enabled.                       Pressing    the ACV button  again will     return   the                                        192 to
       the ACV function.                Pressiny    the                   DC button             while      in   AC t        DC returns           the      192 the        DCV

UPEKATINti            INSTKUCTIUNS                                                                                                                                     IWDEL 1YZU


                      The 14odel 192 will                   display             "NO AC" if            ACV is         selected           without         the         1920
                      or 1910 ACV option.                      The AC + UC function is                              available            only        with      C-4
                      and dbove          software           and Kev U and above Analoy                                Board.

 C.         SELECT KANtiE from             the      four       ranyes               available.           The decimal              point         is     positioned             by the
            ranye      pushbutton.            The      1UOUV ranye  is selected    with                                 the     2000 button.                   If     the     ZUIQ
            button     is inadvertently                pressed  when in ACV function,                                    the      192 will             set     the      ranye     to

      Il.     ZEKU OFF unless             [measurements                 are         to    be made as deviations                        frown a preset                value.


                      Uo not     use      ZEKU to          zero         the         ranye.          A small        residual        zero         readiny         is
                      normal.       If     LEKU is           used,            the        residual       voltaye         readiny          in     specified
                      accuracy      ranye        will  be low by the amplitude                                   of the zeroed  residual
                      voltaye.        This       is because  rms measurement                                  signals   add in a root mean
                      square fashion             and NUT linearly.      THe LEKU function                                         is     a linear            offset
                      and not usable             in TKMS measurelnents.

E.          CONNECT IllPUT        to      be measured              between                the    HI HCV and           LO bindiny              posts.

 F.         TAKE KEAUING.

ti.         For specified   accuracy    (pulse      widths    LlUus,                                  peak voltage   (1.5   x full      scale)                             Figure    Z-l
            shows the allowable      input     siynal      vs. crest                                  factor.    The figure   illustrates                                  that   for d
            crest factor   of          three  the displayed readiny                                   (must be less than lUU,UUU counts     (1V on
            the ZV ranye).             So long as the maximum input                                    is not exceeded    no damage will   result  in
            crest     factors  exceediny   that    shown                             in Fiyure         2-1,  but accuracy   will slowly  degrade
            (For     CF >3 but 510 typical      accuracy                               is degraded            by    (CF-3)        x U.3GX and peak                     signal        must
            be less     than     5 x full           scale         for     that            range).
Model      1920                                                                                                                                                                        Maintenance

                                                                    SECTION               3.         MAINTENANCE

3-l.       The Model             1920   is            a plug-in             option     that   can be installed                                             in    your     Model        191 or         192
Instdllation      of             the 1920             into  your            instrument      is as follows.


                    All  service              information                 is        intended                 for         qualified                electronic             maintenance
                     personnel               only.

3-2.       INSTALLATION:                     (For      use with            Model                191)

A.      Disconnect             the        line      power         cord      of           the     Model             191 and remove                     all        test     leads        from     its
        input       terminals               for     safety.

B.      Turn      the    DMM bottom                  side      up and loosen                          the         four         screws        in      the        bottom     cover.

C.      Hold      the    top         and     bottom          cover        together                    to     prevent              their           separation             and    turn     the        DMM
        over      to    the         normal         position.              Remove                the         top      cover.

D.      Remove the             RF shield              by grasping                   it         and FIRMLY                 lifting            it      away        from     the     motherboard.

E.      Carefully             insert         the      connector                of        the     1920 into                  its       mating           receptacle              on the         191
        motherboard.                   Take        note of          the orientation                        of            the 1920 into the 191 motherboard                                       as
        shown in the                 figure         below.            Connect    the                   brown             wire of the 1920 to Pin 7 of the                                       DCV
        switch,         and         connect          the     blue        wire            to     Pin         9 of         the      ACV switch.

F.      Replace         the      RF shield              being        careful                   not     to         pinch         any       wires.

G.      Calibrate             the      1920 per             the     procedure                   located              on Table              3-5.

H.      Replace         the         top     cover.

Maintenance                                                                                                                                                               Model            1920


              Pin    locations              for        the      switches           are     shown         on the             decal        on top         of    the        RF


                          All    service               information            is     intended                for     qualified                electronic
                          maintenance                  personnel           only.

3-3.      INSTALLATION:              (For         use with            Model         192)

A.     Uisconnect      the       line        power            cord    of    the      Model            192 and             remove        all      test        leads       from        its
       input   terminals            for      safety.

B.     Remove two         screws          that         hold     the    top         cover         to    the         rear      panel        and      remove        the      cover.

C.     Remove the top shield                      from the Analog     Board by grasping                                           it    and FIRMLY             lifting          it         off,
       with  a prying motion                     of the four  retaining     clips.

u.     Carefully     insert   the                connector            of    the      1920         into        its         mating        receptacle             on the         Analog
       Uoard.     Take note of                   the     orientation                of     the        1920         onto     the        192 Analog             Hoard       as shown                in
       the figure      below.

Model     1920

E.      Connect       the brown wire   of the                1920 to P1014 on the Analog   Board as shown in                        the figure
        below.        Connect  the blue wire                 to PlOlG which is located   on the ACV HI input                        terminal.
        This     is   also     shown   in    the    figure      below.

 F.     Replace       the shield       to the Analoy     Board             beiny    careful    not     to   pinch   any   wires     when
        engaying        the shield       into the retaining                clips.

 ti.    Calibrate        the    lY20   per    the    procedure           located    on Table    3-4.

Maintenance                                                                                                                                             Model       1920


 3-5.      Performance verification                      may be performed      upon receipt                         of   the      instrument            to    ensure
 that     no damaye or misadjustment                      has occurred    duriny   transit.


                  For     instruments           that     are      still         under       warranty      (less      than       12 months
                  since     date        of    shipment),   if              the instrument's              performance      falls              outside
                  specifications               at any point,                 contact  your          Keithley     representative                   or
                  the     factory        immediately.


 3-7.      Kecommended          test         equipment
                                                 performancefor  verification   is listed      in Table 3-l.
 Alternate        test  equipment may be used.      However,   if the accuracy     of the alternate        test
 equipment        is not at least  4 times  better     than the instrument     specifications,      additional
 allowance        must be made in the readinys      obtained.

                                                                           TABLE 3-l
                            Recommended           Test     Equipment                For    Performance       Verification

        ITEM            UESCKIPTIUN                                                  SPECIFICATION                              MFK,
                        AC Calibrator                                         O.lV,  lV,         lOV,    1oov                   H-P
                        High Voltage   Amplifier                              1OOOV                                             H-P              746A
                        (Used with   Model 745A)                              +0.04%

                        UC Calibrator                                         1v +0.002x                                       Flukl             343A

 3-7.      ENVIRONMENTAL            CONDITIONS

 3-8.      All measurements    should    be made at an ambient                                      temperature          within        the      range        of   18"   to
 28'C     (GS" to 82'F),    and a relative    humidity of less                                      than 8o'k.

 3-9.      PERFORMANCE VERIFICATION                      PROCEDURE

 3-10.         Use the      following          procedure          to       verify         the   basic    accuracy        for      AC voltage            in    the
 Model     191 or        the Model           192.

Model        1920                                                                                                                                        Maintenance


                     Performance           verification               should        be performed            by qualified           personnel
                     using     accurate          and      reliable          test     equipment.

3-11.         INITIAL         CONDITIONS

3-12.         Before         beginning        the      verification                procedure,        the        instrument        must     meet        the    following

A.      If    the     instrument           has      been     subject         to     extremes        of     temperature,           allow        sufficient            time
        for     internal          temperatures             to   reach        environmental               conditions          specified           (1X0-28'C).
        Typically,             it takes       one hour          to     stabilize           a unit        that      is   10

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