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MODEL 240 VOLTAGE SUPPLY                                                                    CONTENTS

                                                      TABLE OF CONTENTS


Section   I.      - Introduction.       . . . . , . . . . .         . . .   . . .   . . .       l-l

Section   II.      - Specifications           . . . . . . . . .     . . .   . . .   . . .       2-1

Section   III.      - Operation       . . . . . , . . . . .         . . .   . . .   . . .       3-L

Section   IV. - Circuit         Description           . . . . . .   . . .   . . .   . . .       4-l

Section   V. - Maintenance                  . . . . . . . . . .     . . .   . . .   . . .       5-l

Section     6. - Replaceable          Parts    List     . . . . .   . . .   . . .   . . .       6-1

Voltage   and Resistance            Chart     . . . . . . . . .     . . .   . . .   . . .

Schematic        Diagram    . , . . . . . . . . . . . .             . * .   . * .   . . .

                          SECTION I - INTRODUCTION

The Keithley    Model 240 Regulated       High Voltage Supply is a line oper-
ated source    of dc potential,       It provides      constant,   accurate    output
for safe and convenient       testing    of insulation,      diode and capacitor
leakage resistance,      and it thus complements the Keithley             line of
electrometer    equipment,      The output can be set from zero to 1000
volts   in increments   of one volt,
The Model 240 may also be used as a general purpose laboratory                       volt-
age supply,    furnishing    excitation     potentials       to ion chambers and
photocells,    and supplying      a buck-out     potential      for precise    voltage
measurements by the null method,             It may be used as a stable           dc
potential    in checking    dc amplifier       gains!   calibrating     meters,     and
in production     testing,     Used in conjunction         with a Keithley      electro-
meter, resistance       over the range of 0.1 ohm to 1016 ohms can be

            FIGURE 1.      Keithley    Model 240 Regulated        High Volt-
            age Supply     equipped    with end frames for        bench use.

0762R                                                                                 l-l
MODEL 240 VOLTAGE SUPPLY                                                                                             SPECIFICATIONS

                                            SECTION II         - SPECIFICATIONS

 Voltage:        0 to 1000 volts dc in L-volt steps.
  current:       10 milliamperes   dc maximum.
  Polarity:       Positive   or negative with respect to chassis.

ACCURACY: kl% of dial             setting         or 2100 millivolts,            whichever     is greater.

RESOLUTION: A "Trim" Potentiometer                         permits     interpolation       between steps with            a resolution
better than 15 millivolts.

RESETABILITY AND STABILITY:  kO.O5% or 0.05 volt                              the first      hour or in subsequent            8-hour
periods, after a 20-minute warm-up.

LINE REGULATION:        f0.05%       or    0.05     volt     for     10% change in line        voltage.

LOAD REGULATION: f0.05% from no load to full                             load.

RIPPLE:       Less than 3 millivolts               rms above 5 cps.

OUTPUT IMPEDANCE: Less than 15 ohms.

RECOVERYTIME:         50 milliseconds              from no load to full            load.

OVERLOADPROTECTION:              Output     is disconnected             within    50 milliseconds         if   current     exceeds
about 12 milliamperes.

CONNECTORS: output:          Teflon-insulated                 UHF type.

POWER: 105-125 or 210-250 volts,                     50-60 cps, 70 watts.

DIMENSIONS, WEIGHT: 5-l/4                 inches     high x 19 inches            wide x 10 inches         deep; net weight,            22

ACCESSORIES SUPPLIED:             Mating      connectors.

11b5R                                                                                                                                   2-1
MODEL 240 VOI.TAGE SUPPLY                                                  OPERATION

                             SECTION III     - OPERATION

General - The Model 240 Regulated               High-Voltage    Supply is shipPed
me           with tubes and fuse, and is accurately              calibrated     at the
factory,      Plug the power cord into a source of proper voltage                   and
frequency,       Unless otherwise       specified,      the unit is wired for llOv,
50-60 cps.       For 220~volt     operation,       change the jumpers on the trans-
former primary       as indicated     in the schematic       diagram,       Turn the POltiEII
switch to ON. Allow two minutes               for the circuit      to stabilize     after
turning    it on,

Connections   - UHF type output connectors      are on the front     and rear
of the instrument,     Due to the high potential     available   from    the
output,   use a mating connector   and polyethelene    or teflon     insulated
cable for maximum user protection,      When making connections         with
the power on, it is recommended that the OUTPUT switch be set to OFF,
ycJ;;t':     - The output polarity      may be chosen         by setting     the OUTPUT
           to the appropriate   position.
Output Voltage    - The output voltage        is set with the three main dials
on the panel,     For small adjustments         in the output voltage        to facil-
itate  making a critical       measurement,     the INCREMENTAL VOLTS knob can
be employed,     For more accurate      voltage      setting   than possible    with
the panel dials.     connect an accurate        voltmeter    to the output connector
and set the desired      voltage   with the main dials~and         the INCREMENTAL
VOLTS potentiometer.
For the accuracy         specification     to hold,    the   INCREMENTAL VOLTS must
be set to zero,
Overload      Protection     - Overload protection           is provided     at a current
of about      12 milliamperes.          If the current       exceeds that amount, the
output   is     disconnected     within     50 milliseconds;       the circuit     can then
by reset      with the OUTPUT switch on the front                panel,    In this way,
not only      is the instrument         protected,     but in most cases       the  compon-
ent being       tested   as well.

 !ulODEL 240 VOLTAGE SUPPLY                                  CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION


Figure 2 shows the simplified          circuit        diagram,      while      12282n
enclosed at the back , gives        the circuit          details,

                    T                                                             OUTPUT

                                              `WOLTAGE        REFERENCE TUBE
                                           -I- -150

                                    FIGURE 2
Refer to Figure 2. Two cascaded electronic               series-regulators       furnish
a high degree of load and line regulation,               The first     regulator    reduces
the effect    of input voltage       change, while the second regulator            provides
the means for varying       the output voltage        and provides     a low output im-
pedance and very close regulation,             Resistors    Rl and R2 determine        the
output voltage     by referencing       it to a selected,      aged premium VR tube,
The current    supply to the reference        tube is doubly regulated,            Relays
Kl and K2 are overload        protectors,    disconnecting      the output within        50
Refer to       12282n,    The high-voltage     output of transformer        Tl is recti-
fied and supplied      to the plate of V2, the series tube in the pre-regu-
later,   V4 compares a fraction        of the pre-regulated     voltage     from div-
ider network RllO to R113 to the 150 volts           of V6. This standard        reg-
ulator  supplies   approximately     1300 volts    to the final    regulator,

0762R                                                                                   4-1
 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIOR                                              MODEL 240 VOLTAGE SUPPLY

The final  regulator          consists      of series      tube   V3 and difference          ampli-
fier  V5 and Vll,
Vll compares the potential              between the minus side of the supply and
the mid-point        of the divider        formed by resistors               R129 to R158, chosen
by the voltage        controls      on the panel,           and resistors         R145 and R127,
going to the minus 85~ reference                  potential         supplied      by VlO.      Since
the action       of the negative-feedback               circuit       is to maintain        pin 7 of
Vll at ground, the output voltage                  must assume whatever value neces-
sary to satisfy         this condition,           For example) since the resistance
from the grid to the minus 85 volt reference                            (R148, R127) is set so
that 100 microamperes            must flow to have pin 7, Vll at ground poten-
tial,    the side of the divider             going from pin 7, Vll to the plus out-
put, must also be of a value which will                        allow 100 microamperes              to
flow from B-plus to the negative                  reference         since the tube grid draws
negligible       current,       Therefore,      if the current            is fixed,      the output
voltage     is a linear       function     of the resistance              from B-plus to pin
7, Vll.       With the values used here, the output voltage                          changes by
exactly     100 volts      per megohm of resistance                 added by switches          S3, S4,
S5, and the INCREMENTAL VOLTS control,                        When the main dials             are set
at zero, there is no resistance                 between the cathode of V3 and the
divider     return    to the input grid of Vll,                   Thus, the output and feed-
back points       are tied together          and this is the condition                 for zero volts
output,       ZERO control       R116 adjusts         the common cathode current                 in Vll
so that both grids may be set at zero volts,                             The CALIBRATE control,
1~127, is adjusted         so that exactly          .l milliampere           flowing     through R148
and R127 produces a voltage              drop equal to the negative                  return      voltage
from VlO.
Overload protection       is provided     by relays  Kl and K2. The current
sensing relay,    K2, energizes      re,lay Kl when the output current       rises
to about 12 milliamperes,          Kl disconnects    the output terminal     from
the voltage    supply,    holds itself     closed through the first    section
of S2, and lights      the red overload       light,   Switching the OUTPUT
switch,   S2, to OFF opens the self-locking          loop of Kl.

4-2                                                                                           0762R

                       SECTION V - MAINTENANCE

BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL that the Regulated      Voltage   Supply is discon-
nected from the power line when unscrewing       the tap or bottom covers,
Many circuit  components are 1000 volts     above ground, and if the out-
put polarity  is negative,     the negative side of the circuit    is 1000
volts  below ground,    Therefore,   do not assume that it is safe to
touch any part of the circuit      when the power is on,
Tube Replacement
With the exception     of VlO (OG3) and Vll (lZAX7),          all tubes   can be re-
placed with jobber stock tubes,           A replacement    for VlO (OG3) should
be aged for 300 hours,        A replacement     for Vll should be selected      for
low drift,    hum and noise,      Ampe,rex ECC 83-12AX7 is recommended,         Both
tubes,    aged and selected,are     available     from Keithley   Instruments
with stock numbers EV OG3-240 (VlO) and EV 12AX7-240 (Vll).
The zero setting     can be readjusted with potentiometer      R116, mounted
on the channel just behind the front      panel,     Set the OUTPUT VOLTS
switches    and the INCREh!ENTAL VOLTS potentiometer     to zero,     Connect
a voltmeter    to the output terminals  and adjust     R116 until   the out-
put reads zero,
The voltage   calibration       can be set with potentiometer      R127.   Con-
nect an accurate      voltmeter    to the output terminal,      Set the OUTPUT
VOLTS switches     to the highest       voltage  which may be read by the volt-
meter and adjust      R127 until     the voltmeter    reads the dial setting.
The settings     will be no more accurate     than the standardizing    meter;
and it is well to let the instrument         warm up for about an hour be-
fore recalibrating,      Recalibration   will    be necessary  only after   re-
placement    of VlO or Vll,

                                                                           5 -1
MODEL 240 VOLTAGE SUPPLY                                                                         REPLACEABLEPARTS

                                      SECTION 6.      REPLACEABLEPARTS

6-1.    REPLACEABLEPARTS LIST. The Replaceable Parts List describes the components of the
Model 240. The List gives the circuit        designation,  the part description,  a suggested
manufacturer,   the manufacturer's    part number and the Keithley   Part Number. The last column,
"Lot.",   lists the part's  location.     The name and address of the manufacturers   listed  in
the "Mfg. Code" column are contained in Table 2.


   a. For parts orders, include the instrument's        model and serial number, the Keithley
Part Number, the circuit   designation    and a description    of the part.  All structural  parts
and those parts coded for Keithley manufacture (80164) must be ordered from Keithley
Instruments,  Inc.  In ordering a part not listed        in the Replaceable Parts List, completely
describe the part, its function     and its location,

  b. Order parts through your nearest              Keithley    distributor   or the Sales Service        Depart-
ment, Keithley Instruments, Inc.

 smp             ampere                                         n            ohm

 :              Chassis                                         OS           OUTPUT Switch
 :bVar          Carbon Variable
 ZerD           Ceramic, Disc                                   P            pica (10-l*)
 hllp           Composition                                     PC           Printed Circuit        PC24A

 DCb             Deposited       Carbon                         Ref.         Reference
                                                                RP           Rear Panel
 ETB             Electrolytic,       tubular
                                                                P            micro      (10m6)
 E              farad
 'P             Front Panel                                     v            volt
 rig.           Figure                                          Var          Variable
 <              kilo    (103)                                  w             watt
                                                               ww            Wirewound
 q or meg       mega (106) or megohms                          WWVar         Wirewound Variable
 n              milli    (10-3)
 !ffg.          Manufacturer                                    XlS          Xl Output Volts Switch
 *il. No.       Military     Type Number                        XLOS         X10 output Volts Switch
 S              Mylar                                           XlOOS        Xl00 Output Volts Switch

                                 TABLE 1.      Abbreviations     and Symbols.

REPLACEABLEPARTS                                                                MODEL 240 VOLTAGE SUPPLY

                               MODEL 240 REPLACEABLEPARTS LIST
             (Refer     to Schematic Diagram 12282D for circui,t designations.)


Circuit                                                 iwz.       Mfg.                 Keithley
Desig.    Value                Rating       TYPO        Code       Part No.             Part No.     LOC.

Cl01       20 &If              600 v        ETB         00656      PRS                  C35-20M      PC
Cl02       2 Pf                3000 v       MY          99120      LK30-205             C53-2M       C
Cl03       20 vf               450 v        ETB         56289      TVA1709              C8-20M       PC
Cl04       .02 kf              1000 "       CerD        72982      841Z5V203P           C22-.02M     PC
Cl05       .02 pf              1000 "       CerD        72982      841Z5V203P           C22-.02M     PC

Cl06       .02   pf            1000     v   CerD        72982       841Z5V203P          c22-.02M     PC
Cl07       .Ol   IJ.f          1000     "   CerD        72982       811Z5VlO3P          C22-.OlM     PC
Cl08       .02   pf            1000     "   CerD        72982       841Z5V203P          C22-.02M     PC
Cl09       .Ol   pf            1000     v   CerD        79282       811Z5V103P          C22-.OlM     PC
Cl10       .22   I.rf          1000     "   MY          99120       LT15-47             C54-.22M     PC

Cl11       .02 iJf             1000 v       CerD        72982      841Z5V203P           C22-.02M     PC
Cl12       .033 ilf            1600 v       MP          14655      MGT-S33              C43-.033M    PC
Cl13       Not Used
Cl14       Not Used
Cl15       .033 Ilf            1600 v       MP          14655      MGT-S33              C43-0.033M   PC

Cl16       470 pf              1000 v        CerD       72982          831Z5V471P       C22-470P     PC

Cl66       470 pf              1000 v        CerD       72982          831Z5V471P       C22-470P     PC


Circuit                                                         Mfg.                Keithley
Desig.             TYPO                     Number              Code                Part No.         LOC.

DlOl               Selenium                 PT065               81483               RF-18            PC
D102               Selenium                 PT065               81483               RF-18            PC
D103               Selenium                 PT065               81483               RF-18            PC
D104               Selenium                 PT065               81483               RF-18            PC
D105               Selenium                 PT065               81483               RF-18            PC

D106               Selenium                 PT065               81483               RF-18            PC
D107               Selenium                 PT065               81483               RF-18            PC
D108               Selenium                 PT065               81483               RF-18            PC
D109               Selenium                 PT065               81483               RF-18            PC
DllO               Selenium                 PT065               81483               RF-18            PC

Dlll               Selenium                 PT065               81483               RF-18            PC
D112               Selenium                 PT065               81483               RF-18            PC
Dl13               Selenium                 PT065               81483               RF-18            PC
D114               Seleriium                PT065               81483               RF-18            PC
D115               Silicon                  lN3256              02735               RF-22            PC
D116               Not Used
D117               Silicon                  lN3256              02735               RF-22            PC

6-2                                                                                                    1264R
MODEL 240 VOLTAGE SUPPLY                                                    REPLACEABLEPARTS


Circuit                                                            Mfg.    Keithley
Desig.                        Description                          Code    Part No.    LOC.
DSl               Bulb,                 ON
                            Lamp, POWER (Mfg. No. 47)              08804   PL-4        FP
--_               Pilot     Light Assembly (Mfg. No. 81410-233)    72619   PL-5
---               Pilot     Light Lens (Mfg. No. 233)              72619   PL-5G
DS2               Bulb,     Lamp, OVERLOAD(Mfg. No. 47)            08804   PL-4        FP
---               Pilot     Light Assembly (Mfg. No. 81410-231)    72619   PL-5
---               Pilot     Light Lens (Mfg. No. 231)              72619   PL-5R
FL (110~)         Fuse,     slow blow, 1 amp (Mfg. Type MDL)       71400   FU-10
Fl (220~)         Fuse,     slow blow, 0.5 amp (Mfg. Type MDL)     71400   FU-4
---               Fuse     Holder (Mfg. No. 342012)                75915   FH-3        RP
31                Receptacle,  uhf, OUTPUT, Mil. No. SO-239A
                   (Mfg. No. 6804)                                 91737   CS-64       FP
---               Dust Cap for Jl,Mil.  No. Mx-913/U (Mfg.
                   No. 7901)                                       91737   CAP-4       FP
---         (F)   Plug, uhf, Mate of Jl, Mil, No. 49190 (Mfg.
                   No. 83-822)                                     02660   cs-49
---         (F)   Reducing Adapter, uhf, Mil. No. UG-175/U
                   (Mfg. No. 83-185)                               02660   CS-36

Kl                Relay                                            80164   RL-6        PC
K2                Relay                                            80164   RL-5        PC
Pl                Cord Set, 6 feat (Mfg. No. 4638-13)              93656   co-5        RP
---               Cable Clamp (Mf!g. 'No. SR-5P-1)                 28520   cc-4
Sl                Toggle Switch,       SPST, POWER (Mfg. No.
                   20994LH)                                        04009   SW-4        FP
s2                Rotary Switch less components,     OUTPUT        80164   SW-27       FP
---               Knob, Output Switch                              80164   14838A      FP
s3                Rotary Switch less components,     OUTPUTVOLTS
                   x100                                            80164   SW-28       FP
-__               Rotary Switch with components,     OUTPUTVOLTS
                   Xl00                                            80164   12565A
---               Knob, x100 Volts                                 80164   16338A      FP

54                Rotary Switch less components,     OUTPUTVOLTS
                   x10                                             80164   SW-28       FP
-__               Rotary Switch with components,     OUTPUTVOLTS
                   x10                                             80164   12564A
---               Knob, X10 Volts                                  80164   16338A      FP
s5                Rotary Switch less components, OUTPUTVOLTS
                   Xl                                              80164   SW-28       FP
-_-               Rotary Switch with components, OUTPUTVOLTS
                   Xl                                              80164   12563A
---               Knob, xl volts                                   80164   16338A      FP
 ---              Knob, INCREMENTALVOLTS Control                   80164   14838A      FP
  Tl              Transformer                                      80164   TR-29       c
$;;5Frnished       Accessory
REPLACEABLEPARTS                                                    MODEL 240 VOLTAGE SUPPLY


Circuit                                          Mfg.    Mfg.          Keithley
Desig.    Value       Rating          TYPO       Code    Part No.      Part No.        LOC.
RlOl      1 kn        lO%, 1 w        Comp       01121   GB            R2-1K           PC
R102      5 kn        3%, 25 w        ww         91637   RH-25         R45-5K          PC
R103      470 kn      lO%, 1 w        camp       01121   GB            R2-4JOK         PC
R104      8.2 ka      lO%, 2 w        Comp       01121   HB            R3-8.2K         PC
R105      5 kc1       l%, 5 w         ww         91637   RS-5          R4A-5K          PC

R106      80 kn       l%, 10 w        ww         91637   RS-10         R30A-80K        PC
R107      80 kn       l%, 10 w        ww         91637   RS-10         R30A-80K        PC
R108      8.2 ks2     lO%, 2 w        Comp       01121   HB            R3-8.2K         PC
R109      10 ksl        e
                      l/,, 5 w        ww         44655   4654          R4A-1OK         PC
RllO      333 kn      l%, 1 w         DCb        91637   DC-1          R13-333K        PC
Rlll      333   ul    l%,   1 w       DCb        91637   DC-l          R13-333K        PC
RlL2      333   kn    L%,   1 w       DCb        91637   DC-L          R13-333K        PC
R113      120   kn    l%,   l/2 w     DCb        79727   CFE-15        R12-120K        PC
R114      312   ki2   l%,   lJ2 w     DCb        79727   CFE-15        RlZ-312K        PC
R115      100   ks2   l%,   l/2 w     DCb        79727   CFE-15        RlZ-1001~       PC

R116      100 kn      lO%, 3 w        CbVar      97979   RA104llS      RP15-1OOK       RP
X117      180 kcl     L%, L/2 w       DCb        19721   CFE-15        R12-180K        PC
R118      5 kn        l%, l/2 w       DCb        79727   CFE-15        RL2-SK          PC
R119      Not Used
R120      Not Used

R121      5m          l%, l/2 w       DCb        79727   CFE-15        R12-5M          PC
R122      1.667 LQ    l%, l/2 w       DCb        79727   CFE-15        ~R12-1.667M     PC
R123      700 kn      I.%, l/2 w      DCb        79727   CFE-15        R12- JOOK       PC
R124      Not Used
R125      33.3 ki2    l%, l/2     w   DCb        79727   CFE-15        R12-120K        PC

Rl26      Not Used
R127      70 kn       lO%, 4    w     wwvar      37942   M70MPK        RPl-70K         PC
R128      220 kn      lO%, 1    w                01121   GB            R2- 2.20K       OS
R129      1m          l%, l/2    w    DCb'       79727   CFE-15        RL2-1M          XlOOS
RL30      1X?         l%, l/2    w    DCb        79727   CFE-15        RlZ-1M          XlOOS

R131                  l%,   l/Z   w   DCb        79721   CFE-1.5       R12-LM          XlOOS
R132                  l%,   l/2   w   DCb        79727   CFE-15        Rl2-1M          XLOOS
R133                  l%,   112   w   DCb        79727   CFE-15        R12-1M          XLOOS
R134                  l%,   l/2   w   DCb        79727   CFE-15        R12-1M          XlOOS
R135                  l%,   112   w   DCb        79727   CFE-15        RlZ-1M          XlOOS

R136       1Kl        l%, l/2 w       DCb        79727   CFE-15        R12-1M          x100,5
R137       1m         l%, 112 w       DCb        79727   CFE-15        RlZ-1M          XlOOIj
R138       600 kn     l%,   112 w     DCb        79727   CFE-15        R12-600K        PC
R139       100 kn     l%, L/2 w       DCb        79727   CFE-15        R12-100K        XlOS
R14C       100 kn     l%, l/2 w       DCb        79727   CFE-15        RL2-100K        XlOS

6-4                                                                                   1264R
MODEL 240 VOLTAGE SUPPLY                                                                       REPLACEABLEPARTS

                                                    RESISTORS (Cont'd)

Circuit                                                         Mfg.     Mfg.            Keithley
Desig.        Value                 Rating           TYPO       Code     Part No.        Part No.         LOC.

Rl41          100    kn             l%,   l/2   w    DCb        79727    CFE-15          RlZ-100K         XlOS
R142          100    kn             l%,   l/2   w    DCb        79727    CFE-15          R12-100K         XlOS
R143          100    kn             l%,   l/2   w    DCb        79727    CFE-15          RlZ-100K         XlOS
R144          100    kn             l%,   l/2   w    DCb        79727    CFE-15          R12-100K         XlOS
R145          100    ki2            l%,   L/2   w    DCb        79727    CFE-15          R12-100K         XlOS
R146         100 kQ                 l%,   l/2   w    DCb        79727    CFE-15          R12-100K         XlOS
RL47         100 kn                 l%,   l/2   w    DCb        79727    CFE-15          RL2-LOOK         XlOS
R148        9~800 kn                l%,   l/2   w    DCb        79727    CFE-15          RlZ-800K         PC
R149         10 kfl                 l%,   l/2   w    DCb        79727    CFE-15          Rl2-800K         XlS
R150         10 kn                  l%,   l/2   w    DCb        79727    CFE-15          R12-800K         XlS
R151          10    kn              l%,   l/2 w      DCb        79727    CFE-15          R12-800K         XlS
R152          10    kn              l%,   l/2 w      DCb        79727    CFE-15          RlZ-800K         XlS
R153          10    kn              1%,   l/2 w      DCb        79727    WE-15           R12-800K         XlS
R154          10    kn              l%,   l/2 w      DCb        79727    CFE-15          R12-800K         XlS
R155          10    kfi             l%,   l/2 w      DCb        79727    CFE-15          RlZ-800K         XlS

R156          10 kn                 l%, l/2 w        DCb        79727    CFE-15          RlZ-800K         XlS
R157         LO kn                  l%, l/2 w        DCb        79727    CFE-15          RlZ-800K         XlS
Rl58         15 kn                  5%, 2 w          wwvar      12697    43C2-15K        RP19-15K         FP
R159         1 ka                   lO%, L/2 w       camp       01121    EB              Rl-1K            PC
R160        *3 n                    l%, 5 w          ww         91637    RS-5            R4A-3            C

RL61          100 kn                l%, 5 w         ww          91637    RS-5            R4A-LOO          PC
R162         .500 kn                l%, 5 w         ww          91637    RS-5            R4A-500          PC


Circuit                                                      mfg.                 Keithley
Desig.                         Number                        Code                 Part No.                 LOC.

Vl                             OB2                           02735                EV-OB2                   PC
v2                             6~~6                          00011                EV-6~~6                  PC
v3                             6BG6                          85599                EV-6BG6GA                C
v4                             6BG6                          85599                EV-6BG6GA                C
v5                             6BG6                          85599                EV-6BG6GA                C

V6                             OA2                           02735                EV-OA2                   PC
v7                             OA2                           02735                EV-OA2                   PC
V8                             OB2                           02735                EV-OB2                   PC
v9                             OA2                           02735                EV-OA2                   PC
VlO                            OG3                           80164                EV-OG3-240               PC

Vll                            12AX7                         80164                EV-12AX7-240             PC

f< Nominal value,         factory     set.

1264R                                                                                                      6-5
REPLACEABLEPARTS                                                          MODEL 240 VOLTAGE SUPPLY

 10011   Sylvania Electric    Products, Inc.          71400   Bussmann Mfg. Div.        oi
         Buffalo Operations of Sylvania                       McGraw-Edison Co.
         Electronic   Systems                                 St. Louis, MO.
         Buffalo,   N. Y.
                                                      72619   Dialight    Corp.
 30656   Aerovox Corp.                                        Brooklyn,    N. Y.
         New Bedford, Mass.
                                                      72982   Erie Technological        Products,           Inc.
 31121   Allen-Bradley Corp.                                  Erie, Pa.
         Milwaukee, Wis.
                                                      75915   Littelfuse,    Inc.
 32660   Amphenol-Borg Electronics    Corp.                   Des Plaines,     Ill.
         Broadview, Chicago, Illinois
                                                      79727   Continental-Wirt     Electronics              Corp
 02735   Radio Corp. of America                               Philadelphia,    Pa.
         Commercial Receiving Tube and
         Semiconductor Division                       80164   Keithley   Instruments,          Inc.
         Somerville,  N. J.                                   Cleveland,    Ohio

 04009   Arrow-Hart    and Hegeman Electric     Co.   81483   International Rectifier               Corp.
         Hartford,    Corm.                                   El Segundo, Calif.

 08804   Lamp Metals and Components                   85599   Tube Department G. E. Co.
         Department G. E. Co.                                 Schenectady, N. Y.
         Cleveland, Ohio
                                                      91637   Dale Electronics,       Inc.
 12697   Clarostat Mfg. Co., Inc.                             Columbus, Nebr.
         Dover, N. H.
                                                      91737   Gremar Mfg. Co., Inc.
 14655   Cornell-Dubilier    Electric   Corp.                 Wakefield, Mass.
         Newark, N. J.
                                                      93656   Electric    Cord Co.
 28520   Keyman Mfg. Co.                                      Caldwell,    N. J.
         Kenilworth, N. J.
                                                      97979   Reon Resistor Corp.
 37942   Mallory,    P. R., and Co., Inc.                     Yonkers, N. Y.
         Indianapolis,     Ind.
                                                      99120   Plastic  Capacitors,           Inc.
 44655   Ohmite Mfg. Co.                                      Chicago, Ill.
         Skokie, Ill.

 56289   Sprague Electric Co.
         North Adams, Mass.

 TABLE 2. Code List of Suggested Manufacturers.         (Based on Federal      Supply Code for
 Manufacturers, Cataloging Handbook H&l.)

 6-6                                                                                                        1264R


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part No"     Loco
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