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SPECIFICATIONS                                                                 MODEL


                            CONNECTORS:      Input:   Teflon4nrulared   UHF Type.   Out-
                              puo: &wrier srrip.

                            BATTERIES:  Four 2N6 (or 246. VS305. NEDA 1602,; one
                               RM.IW. 700waur lxmerv life
                            DIMENSIONS.      WEIGHT:     10~1/4" high x S-112" wide    x
                               6-l/2" deep: net weight. 7.114 poundo.
                            ACCESSORIES SUPPLIED: Mating input connector.

MODEL 6008 ELECTROMETER                                                                            GENERAL DESCRIPTION

                                      SECTION   1.   GENERAL   DESCRIPTION

                                                           uremenfs with a minimum of        adjustment.    Zero drift     with
                                                           rime is less than 2 m" per        day.   zero offset   due to
                                                           temperature     change is less    than 200 microwits        per %.
                                                           after    a ,O-minute  warm-up.      This offset,   however. can
                                                           easily    be compensated for     with the front-panel       zero

                                                              b. fast wnrm UD is an inherent     characteristic      ok
                                                           this Electrometer.     It can be used well wiehin 30
                                                           minutes of a cold scare on the mose sensitive         range
                                                           and nlmosc immediately    on less sensitive     ranges.

                                                              d. `the ,"O-hour    life  ai rhe batteries      enables us-
                                                           age in long-term    experiments    xiehauc interruptions
                                                           lulti=lier    Switch setting    possible
  to obeain the best accuracy.           The input resistor                              3.        !$ich    the fast      method,       the input              drop    is    re-
  varies  with the Range Switch setting.          from 10 ohms                      duced and              the response    speed   is increased                       at    ieasc
  at 10-l .u!PERES CO iUi! ohms for lo-11 AHPERES.                                  100 times.                iiowever, follow   rhese cautions:
  The input voltage     drop is the Meyer reading        times
  the Multiplier    Switch serFin!.                                                           a\      The    internal       impedance          ai      the     unknown       cur-
                                                                                         rent       should      not     be less         the value oi
                                                                                                                                      than      .I     ai
                                     ::mT.                                               ihe Lardmck       resistor    wing   "sea.     Otherwise,    ~iir
                                                                                         full    feedbacK voltage      cannot be developed       at the
         On the iaw current       ranges, baiance out ihe                                input,     and zero instability      results.      The feedback
         oifset   current   vitb    the Zero Controls    or                              resistor     value is the reciprocal         of the AMPERES
         suberacr    ehe value from the reading.         To                              range of the Range Switch.
         find the amount of offset        current,    cap the
         INPUT Receptacle       and read the meter.                                         b) The OHMS GUARD Terminal    of the Barrier     Strip
                                                                                         Cmnector   is "a longer connected    to case ground.
  d.      Fast   Eleehod   (ranges       below   10-j   ampere).                         Therefore.   do "at use a grounded recorder.      .is an
                                                                                         alternate.   use the unity-gain  output  (paragraph
     1. Fallow the inseructions                  of paragraph      Z-1.                  2-8).
  see the conerois as follows:
                                                                                             C) Use,`with      caution,     the fast mechod to meas-
         ZERO CHECK Sutton                       LOCK                                    ure capacitor      leakages.       A very stable      voltage
         Range Switch                            lo-" AXPERES                            supply must be used.           Connecting    a capacitor       fo
         ,Hultiplier  Switch                     1                                       the inpue    changes the circuit          to a differenciacor,
         FEEDBACK Switch                         FAST                                    resulting    in extreme sensitivity          to very small
         METER Switch                            CENTER ZERO.                            voltage   transients      and a" increase      in meter noise.

  Connect the unknown source to the INPUT Receptacle                                e.        Galvanometric             Method.
  and ""lock    the ZE:.' ?LF.Y p:,?+--      =.- tL* `!--`"
  Switch to t or -, as necessary.         increase   the se"-                          1. Operate the Model 6008 as a picaammeter      in
  sitivity   with chc I;ar,ge Sw,,ci~ a"- ~lir kurLIpiier                           the tast method.    use an accurare   reference current
  Switch.    DO not set the Range Switch to 1O-5 AHP-                               source s,,ch as the Keithley   Model 261 to buck out
  ERRS or higher.     Check zero with the ZERO CHECK                                the unknown current    source.  connect as shown Fn
  Button.    Da nor short the input because this will                               Figure  5.
  remove the feedback     from the circuit.

"LlhSR                                                                                                                                                                            5
OPERATION                                                                                                                 MODEL 6008 ELECTROMETER

      2. Set the METER Switch to CENTER ZERO and "se                                                              NOTE
   the higher current     rangas.  Adjust  the buckout cur-
   rent to indicate    null on the Model 6006.     Increase                            Discharge   any capacitor  completely     befare
   the Electrometer    sensitivity  as needed.   When the                              removing  it from the circuit.      Depressing
   Node1 6008 is as close to null aa possible,        the un-                          the ZERO CHECK Sutton shorts     the input
   known current    is equal to the algebraic   sum of the                             through a IO-megohm resistor,      providing     a
   H.adel 261 setting   and the Model 6008 current      read-                          discharge   path.
                                                                                 b. Xormal constant   Current Method                   (recommended         f,ar
                                                                              "se from 1 kilahm   to 1011 ohms).

                                                                                      1.     Set the controls       as follows:

                                                                                       ZERO CHECK Butfo"                      LOCK
                                                                                       Range Switch                           1011 OHMS
                                                                                       Multiplier   Switch                    1
                                                                                       FEEDBACK Switch                        NORMAL
                                                                                       XZTER Switch

                                                                              Unlock the ZERO CHECK Button.                  Check zero      only   wit!:
                                                                              the ZERO CHECK Button.

Method.    Cse an Llccur3te reference          currene    source CO
buck 0"~ ehe unknown c"rrenf           s~"rce.     The Eladel 6008,                    Do not open circuit     the Electrameter              0" the
on its current     ranges.      ierves  as a null detector.                            OHMS ranges;    the input will    develao           "o f~
"se a UHF-tee      ittlng     at the Xodel 6008 input,          con-                   10 volts  due to its consrant      current            charac-
nect the Elecz:Jmeter         to the two s~"rces       with CO.%-                      teristic.    Keep the input shorted or                the
ial cable.     Select     cable carefully      for very low cur-                       ZERO CHECK Sutfon     Locked.
rents (see parngrapil       `-1).
                                                                                   2. The full-scale    ohms range is the Hultiplier
                                                                                Switch setting    times the Range Switch setting.      II s c
2-5.     KLSISTANCE XEASUFGXZNTS.                                               the smallest    Range Switch se:cing  possible   to ob-
                                                                                tain the best accuracy.
  II.  The Xodel     6000 can meas"re       resistance         by tw
merhads.                                                                           3. Before making a final      :eading,    manipulate    ti:e
                                                                                X~ltiplier   and Range Switches.     so the sample is
      1. In the constant     current        methad, the Electrom-               tested at a number of test potentials.           The applier.
  eter measures the voltage          drop across the unknown                    test voltage   is the percentage     ai full   scale that
  sample as a knno;.r., _"...,-.....    i..Zi'i;lCi L:u",r &`"ugiL              the meter reads times the-X"iti?lier         Switch seccin;.
  it.    The voltage drop is proportional              to the resis-
  tance Of the snmple.       In this method the Model 6008                         4. When the test current      is applied,    the high
  can be used in one af ~0 different                modes: normal               terminal  of the INPUT Receptacle     is positive.       The
   or fast.                                                                     test current   is the reciprocal    of the OHMS Range
         a) The normal wj:r is trcommended               for   "se     from
       1 kilohm to 1011 ohms.                                                                                     NOTE

          b) Above lOi      ohms the fast method is prefer-                            Shield  the inpue if        the    resistance     sample
       red.   It results    in faster  respanse speed and                              exceeds lOa ohms.
       also nullifies    leakage across the Electrometer
       input,   since the pacential    acr`oss the input ter-                   c.  Fast        Canstant C"rrent(C"ardedi  Method               (recom-
       minal is small.                                                        mended for        "se from 1011 to 1013 ohms).

      2. In the preceding         merhod, the voltage          across                 1.      Follow the   instructions       of paragraph      2-2
  the sample cannot be arbritrarily              see.    I" some                set        the controls    as fallows:
  cases.     as in measuring      capacieor    leakage,      this re-
  sults    in excessively      long testing      time.     In the                      ZERO CHECK Button                     LOCK
  voltmeter-anrmerer       method the Moiri COGa is "sad as                            Range Switch                          1012 OHMS
  a picoammeter.        The unknown resistance          sample is                      Multiplier   Switch                   1
  connected      to an external      known voltaee      80"rce and                     FEEDBACK Switch                       ?AST
  ehe current      through   the sample is measured.             Eith-                 METER Switch                          c
  er the normal or fast method may be used.                   The re-
  sistance     is calculated      from the readings.                            Connect the high impedance side of the resistance
                                                                                sample to the INPUT Receptacle   and the low impedance
                                                                                side t" the OHMS GUARD Terminal.    Unlock the ZERO
                                                                                CHECK Button.
MODEL 6008 ELF.CTRO"ETER                                                                                                        OPERATION

       2.        Read the resistance      as in subparagraph        b2         7. If the current     is read by the face method,
   above.                                                                   the input drop Is so slight      that it need not be in-
                                                                            cluded in the calculation.       If the capacity   shunted
  d.        voltmeter-amecer         Method (to   1016 ohms).               acreee the sample is large,      such as encountered    in
                                                                            capacitor  leakage measurements.      the faster methad
       1. Turn the ZERO CHECK Switch to                LOCK. Connect        increases  response speed and thFs cannectian        is rec-
   sample between INPUT receptacle    and              pawer supply.        annended.   Xate. however.     Lhat power supply transi-
   (see Figure 6).    Put a switch in the               high voltage        ente will  be magnified.
   line to ground low impedance end af                 the sample when
   it is disconnected   from the potential.                              2-6.    CHARGE KSASUREMENTS

      2. Set the FEEDBACK Switch to NORHAL. lJeilallp                       a. Follaw     ehe instructiww       of paragraph     2-2.    see
   this method is best, since inStabilities  can arise                   the controls     as follows:
   for resistance  samples less than 0.1 the value of
   the feedback resistor.                                                       ZERO CHECK Button                  LOCK
                                                                                Range Switch                       10-7 CO"LOPBS
     3. TO make e meaetiremenc. scare with switch S                             >lultFolier  Switch                .Ol
  3s shown in Figure 6 and make sure the ZERO CHECK                             FEEDBACK sviech                    FAST
  Sutton is set to LOCK. set switch S to apply e pa-                            XETER Switch                       CENTER ZERO
  tential   t~cross the samoie far a known period of
  rime.   ~!:en uniock rhe ZERO CHECK Gutcon and take
  the reading.      $9~ eke !:::;;      rrc:: : I::.:::: "I:`--?    ",      ~>7n     \`- preempiifier        is needed.     :;0 special wiring
 is applied  to the unknown resistance          sample, I<,. The         is required.         when using the Node1 370 make sure the
Xodel 6008 measures     the current       through R,. from               Recorder's       sensitivity       conrrol  is set t0 maximum
wi,ich the resistance     is calculated.        Switch S connects        (completely       clackwise).
the low end of R, ea ground when na potential                 is

oR72R                                                                                                                                     7
 OPERATION                                                                                                         MODEL 6008 ELECTROMETER

                             WARNING                                            d.   l-Milliampere       Output:     Connect l-milliampere
                                                                             instruments      to the OHMS GUARD Terminal          and Terminal
        The Model 6008 may be used with the FEEDBACK                         B on the Barrier       Strip Connector and remove the shart-
        Switch in FAST position      with other instru-                      ing link.       The output is approximately          1 milliampere
        merits.   However, make sure that the OHMS GUARD                     for full-scale       meter deflection        on any range.     Fo=
       terminal    (output   lo") is floating  with respect                  exact output,      adjust    the meter on the .Ol volt range
       to chassis    ground.                                                 with the ZERO Control          for full-scale     deflection.      The"
                                                                             adjust    the 1V - 1MA CAL Control          until  the recorder
     c.   I-Volt  output.       Place the shorting       link between        reads full scale.         Check the recorder       and meter zero
 the OHMS GUARD Terminal           and Terminal     A. connect os-           and repeat adjustment          if necessary.
 cilloecopes     and pen recorder        amplifiers    to the OHMS
 GUARD Terminal      and Terminal       S on the barrier      strip
 EO"*W.TtOC. Adjust the lv - LMA CAL Control                 for full-
 scale recorder      deflection      to correspond     with full-               e.  For servo rebalance         recorders,    use a divider    of
 scale meter deflection.            Output is *l volt.        Inter-        approximately     1000 ohms total        es show" in Figure     7.
 nal resistance      is 1000 ohms.                                          I" this application      the shorting        link between OHMS
                                                                            G'JARD and terminal    `A" should be disconnected.           The
                                                                            value of the divider       resistor      should be one ohm for
                                                                            every 1 m" OUtput.

                                                                                f.  When the FEEDBACK Switch is in the NORMAL pasi-
 The METER Switch does not reverse            the output    polarity         elan, the GUARD terminal              of the Rarrier     Strip Con-
 Output polarity  is opposite input           polarity.                      nector  is connected     to the instrument        case.     mere-
                                                                             fore. no difficulty      will    be experienced     using oscil-
                                                                             loscopes and recorders        with the Node1 6008 set for
                                                                             normal operation.      In FAST position.        however,      Che
                                                                            OHMS GUARD terminal      is floating       with respect     to
                                                                            chassis   ground.    Therefore      the recordine     instrumenr
                                                                            must be capable of floating           such es witi    rhe Keithley
                                                                            Model 370 Recorder,

                                                                            2-S.   UNITY GAIN OUTPUT. The unity-gain   amplifier
                                                                            can be used as a" impedance matching device to mini-
                                                                            mize circuit  loading errors

                                                                               a. The unity-gain      output is equal to the input
                                                                            wi,thin 7.5 ppm when the load reeietance         is 100 kilohms
                                                                            or greater.    By placing     the Model 6008 between a IOn
FIGURE 7. Divider     Clrc"its    Acrosr Modri hnna "wv""'                  ohm source,   For example,      and J. 0.01% voltmeter   with 1
for Driving   50 and LUU-millivolt      Recorders.  use 5%                  i-megohm input resisrance,        overall   accuracy better
resisrors   in rhe dividers.     The value of resistor     R                the" 0.025% ce" be achieved.
is one ohm far every 1mV of output.

FIGURE 8.      bleanuring    Pore"l~?l    -6 !J?$ !.:---:I:.:.. c----L   "I.;.   ;.c;;i. Accuracy.  The Model 6008 is used between
a high-resistance        source. V,,     and e 0.01% voltmeter     to obtain     high accuracy without  causing circuit loading.
MODEL 6008 ELECTROMETER                                                                                         OPS~TION,       CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION

      1. Connece the voltmeter          co ehe xl and OHMS                        far     a precise   zero    adjustment.
   GUARD Terminals   as shown in        Figure 8. The OHMS
   GUARD Terminal  is at ground         with the FEEDBACK Switch                   b. When the FEEDBACK Switch is in FAST position,
   in NORMAL. laxnwm output            amplitude  is 10 volts                   the unity-gain      terminals     permit more convenient     con-
   peak-to-peak?                                                                nections    to oscilloscopes       with a load resistance      of
                                                                                greeter   than 100 kilohms without         special  precautions.
     2.   Adjust the Model 6008 zero Controls      co obtain                    In this mode, the Xl Terminal           is grounded and ehe
   a zero-voltage   reading on rhe exrernal   voltmeter.                        OHMS GUARD Terminal       delivers     en output equal co the
   Make cure the latter's   sensitivity   is high enough                        input signel.

                                                 SECTION       3.     CIRCUIT     DESCRIPTION

3-l.     CESEUL.                                                                     2.     The voleage      drop    across   the amplifier          is

   a. The Keirhley       Yodel bOOR is basically          an eutreme-
ly stable and iinear        dc ~volcmeter with a fuil-scale
sensitivity     oi 10 millivoits       and an input impedance of                  where & is the amplifier             loop gain,    greater         t!lan
10L4 ohms shunted by 20 ?icoiarads.               By using the frone              5 I 10' on all ranges.
p.nel controls,      shunt m~istors        and capacitors        are se-
lected to make meesuremencs over a total ot 61 YOLC-                           c. `ihe complementary       oufpot sK.ege, 4109 and 4110,
age, currene,     fes~scance:      .2nA *nl*lnmh -1"Z-E          r?~~~,mt   drives   the amplifier     ground at the same potential     as
and resiseance     dre measured using precision             resistance      ehe input signal.      `Thus the input impedance is main-
stanaards,    irom 10 ohm wirewound resistors             to 1011 ohm       tained for any value input voltage         and the need for
glass sealed,     deposited     carbon resistors.         coulombs          input dividers     is eliminated.     `The amplifier *round
are measured using close tolerance             polystyrene       film       is not chassis ground, hue it is connected directly
capacitor   standards.                                                      to the unity gain output.

   b.    Batteries   furnish     the neceesarv     amolifier    oower.                                              NOTE

3-2.     "OLTHETER OPERATI(IN.                                                          Refer to Schematic          Diagram   22BOSE for      cir-
                                                                                        cuit designations.
   a. The Model 6008 empioys matched insulated-gare,
field-effect    transistors     fallowed    by a eransisror   dif-          3-3.          "OLTELETER CIRCUIT.
ferential    amplifier     with a high-voltage    comvlementary
oueput stage.        Figure 9 shows the block diagram for                       a. The amplifier        input staSe is a pair of insulated
the voltmeter     made of operation.                                        gate, field-effect        transiecars,    Qlll and Qll5,   in a
                                                                            differential     configuration.        The gate of Qlll  is re-
   b. Voltmeter      operation     of the Model 6008 is as                  turned to amplifier         common, the unity gain output.
                                                                               b. Depressing the ZERO CHECK Sutton, S102, places
      1. The amplifier        is always in a unity-gain,           input    the gate of the active insulated gate devices at zero
  voltage     co output current       converter    contigurarxm.            p"LSLLLldl.
  The internal      circuitry     is arranged such that a full
  scale input voltage         (ei) results      in exactly    a 1 mil-         c. The         input stage is fallowed    by a transistor      dif-
  liampere     outout curreoc        through the divider       string       ferential         amplifier.  composed of QlOlA-QlOS.        Q106 and
  composed of Rm. R177, end the meter.               Voltage gain           Q107 make         up the output gain stage, which is utilized
  of the circuit        is determined     by the ratio     of R177 to       in e gain         multiplier  configureciao.    This stage pro-
  h.      Output is taken across R177.                                      vides the         remainder  of the high gain required       by the

r%"L"D                                                                                                                                                       9
 CIRCUIT DESCRIZ'TION                                                                                       MODEL 6008 ELECTROMETER

           UHF INPUT >i

amplifier.  ALSO, this stage prevents       fold-over     and     fed back to the amlll,                                 GUARD and A Terminals        on the Barrier    Strip Connector.
are specislly       selected  nod matched; order only as a
plug-in   unit,     part number 23735 , from Keithley    In-
strnmenes,      1

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