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Model 7057A
Thermocouple Scanner Card
Instruction Manual

Contains Operating and Servicing Information

Publication Date: January 1992
Document Number: 7057A-901-01    Rev. D

                                        Safety Precautions
The following      safety precautioos           should be obsewed before using this product and any asno-
ciated instrumcntatioo.             Although    some inrtromeots      and accessories woold nonnally             bo used
with nowhazardous            voltages, there arc situations wberc hazardous conditions may be present.

This product is intended for use by qualified                personnel who rccogoiu:           shock hazards and are
familiar    with tbc safety pnxaotions            rcqoircd   to avoid possible injuly. Read lbe operating             it]-
formation     carefully     before using the product.
`The types of product users arc:

Kesponsiblc       body       is tbe iodividunl      or group responsible         for the USCsod owinleoaoce            of
equipment,      for ensuring tlnt the equipment              ia operated within      its spccilications     and operat-
ing limits, and for ensuring that operators are adequately                     trained.

Operators     use the product for its intended function.               Tbey most be trained in electrical safety
procedures and proper use of the iostrument. `lhey most be protected from electric shock and
~onmt      with hazardous live circuits.

Maintenance        personnel          perform mutioe procedures oo the product to keep it operadog, for
example, setting the hoc voltage or replacing consumable materials. Maintenance                             proccdurcs
am dcacribed in the manual. The procedures explicitly                   state if the operator ~nay perform them.
Othcrwisc,     they should be performed             only by senice pcnonoel.

Service personnel          are trained to work on live circuits, sod perfoonn safe installations                 sod re-
pairs of products. Ooly properly               trained setvice personocl may perform              installation   and scr-
vice procedures.

Exercise extreme caution whco a shock hazard is present. Lethal voltage may be present on
cable coonector jacks or test fixtures.                111~ American      National    Standards lostitute        (ANSI)
stam that a shock hazard exists wheo voltage levels greater than 30V RMS, 42.4V peak, or
60VDC       are present. A good safety practice              is to expect that hazardous           voltage is present
in any unknown            circuit    before measuring.
Users of this product must be protected fmm electric shock at all timer. The responsible body
must eosum thtat wets aw pwented                 a.cce~saod/orinsulatcd      from every connection point. lo some
cases, conoectiuns most be exposed to potential buman cootact. Product usa                             io these circuo-
stances must be trained to protect themselves from the risk of electric shock. If the circuit is ca-
pable of operating at or abovc 1wO volts, no conductive                   part of the circuit may be exposed.
AY described in the Ioteroational              Electratechnical     Commission       (IEC) Standard IEC 664, dig-
ital multimcter     measuring circuits (e.g., Keifhley              Models    175A, 199, 2OOQ,2COl, 2002, and
2010) are Installation         Category II. All other instruments            signal tennioals     are Installation   Cat-
egory I and must oat be conoected to mains.

Do not conoect switching              cards directly   to unlimited     power circuits. They are inlendcd to bc
used with impedance limited sources. NEVER                     connect switching          cards directly   to AC mains.
Wheo conoccting           sources to switching         cards. iostall protective     devices to limit fault current
sod voltage to tbc card.

Before operating ao instrument,                make sure the line cord is connected to a properly grounded
power receptacle. Inspect the connecting                 cables, test leads, and jumpers            for possible wear,
cracks, or breaks bcforc each oso.
For maximum       safety, do not touch the product, test cables, or any other instrumcots while pow-
er is applied to the circuit under test. ALWAYS                   remove power from the entire test system sod
dischuge     soy capxitors           before: coooccting or disconnecting         cables or jumpers, installing 01
removing switching cards. or making iotemtil chaogcs, socb as installing or nzmoviog jumpers.
Vu not touch soy object that could provide a con-cot path to tbc common side of the circuit
under test or power line (eatth) ground. Always                  make measurements witb dry hands while
standing oo a dly, insulated surface capable of withstanding                 tbc voltage bciog measured.

The instrument       and accessories most be used in accordance with its specifications                    and op-
eratiog iostructioos        or tbe safety of the equipment         may be impaired.

Do not exceed the maximum                signal levels of the instruments         and accessories. as defined in
tbe speciticationr     sod operatiog        information,     and es show     on the instrument      or test fixture
panels, or switcbiog        cant.
When fores are used in a product, replace with same type sod rntiog forcootioued                        pmtectioo
against fire hazard.

Cbassir connections         must only be used as shield coooectioos            for me~suriog circoits, NOT as
safety eaflh ground connections.

If you are using II test fixture, keep the lid closed while power is applied to the device under
test. Safe operation requires tbe we of a lid interlock.

1ra@         screw is present, connect it to safety earth ground uaiog the wire recommended                       in
the user documentation.

The     !  symbol on an iostroment               indicates that the user should refer to the operating           ill-
stmctions located io tbc manual.

The h         symbol on al iostmment shows that it CNI source or IIICRIIUII: loo0 volts or more, ill-
eluding the combined etTect of normal ad common mode voltages. Use stiuldarrl safety precau-
lions to avoid pcrsooal cootect with these voltages.

TIE WARNING      beading in A manual enplaios dangers that might result in personal injury or
death. Always read the associated information wy carefully hcfore ptxformiog the indicated

The CAUTION           beading in a manual explains              hazards that could damage the instrument.
Such damage may invalidate the warrmty.
lostrumcntatioo      and accessories shall not be connected to humans.

Before performing       any maintenance,          disconnect the line cord and all test cables.
To maintain      pmtcctioo     from electric shock and ftre, replacement               components    in mains cir-
coils, including     the power transfouner,            test leads, and ioput jacks, must he purchased from
Keithley     Instruments.    Standard fuses, with applicable national safety appmvals, may be used
if the ratiog sod type are the same. Other components                  that are not safety r&ted      may hc por-
chased from other suppliers as long as they are equivalent                  to tbe original   component.     (Note
that selected parts should be purchased only through Keithley                   Iostmmcnts     to maiotain acco-
racy sod fonctiooality        of the product.)     If you we unsure about the applicability          of a replacc-
ment component,        call a Keithlcy       Instruments     office for information.
To clean an instrument.             use a damp cloth or mild, water based cleaner. Clean the exterior
of the instrument      only. Do not apply cleaner directly             tb the instrument      or allow liquids to
enter or spill on the instrument.          Products that consist of a circuit hoard with no case or cbas-
sis (e.g., data acquisition         board for installation     into a computer)     should neverrequire     clean-
ing if handled according            to instructiuns.    If the board becomes contaminated           sod operation
is affected. the hoard should he returned to the factory                 for proper cleaninglserviciog.

                                                                                                           tie". 2rB

CHANNELS PER CARD: 9 plus temperature reference.
CONTACT CONFIGURATION:    2 Pole Form A with common guard.
CONNECTOR TYPE: Screw terminals in isothermal block, No. 18 AWG wire
RELAY DRIVE CURRENT: 12mA lper relay).
TEMPERATURE          OFFSET: i0.05

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