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    xkoHN-HlrE                  c<:RPoRATlc>N

                 1 OH z t o 1 OM H z
         TEST C)5CILLAT()R
             Model 42OO

    t     Frequcncytangct lOHzto lOMI{z
    r     Powor ovlpvl, Vz watt
    o l{axlmvm output: l0 volts rms                                               F-'t         1t'o
                                                                                  f..T[l      -.-
    t     Frtqvency rcfponrf,
    s Hormonlc dlstortlont O.lVo
                                  0.025 db
                                                                                  rrcl g'
    t     Amplitvdc stabllltyr 4.027o                                            xultrtrtli   ?

    t     Frcquancy accarccy2 2Vo
    t     lnlsrnsl lmpcdoacc: 50 ohms
    c     Avxlllory outpul
    e Exlcrnal synchronixallon

    The Model 4200 Oscillatoris a low pricedsolid statelabora-       T'he 50 ohm impedanceminimizes gjgnallossesdue to re'
    tory or productionsignalsourcewith performanceavailable          sistiveand capacitiveloading nnd the half watt of power is
    onty in units sellingat twice the price' It providesa sinewave   essential driving loadswithout overloading.
    over the rangefrom | 0 Hz to l0 MHZ with ,t w^tl of power        Unavoidablecapacitiveloading limits the usefulness any
    at lessthan 0. I 7o distortion"An infinite resolutiondial and    oscillatorwithout low internal impedanceand high power
    push-buttonmultiplier provides rapid and continuous fre-         outputcapabilities.
    quencytuning.                                                    A fixed I volt output independent the main output can be
        The half watt of power over the enlire rangeis outstanding   rused synchronizing scopeor as an auxiliaryotltput. For
                                                                           for               a
                    purposetestoscillator,and this coupledwith an
        for a general                                                increasedfrequency accuracy, a synchronizing input is
        excellentfrequencyresponse 0.025db, makesthe Model
                                    of                               available to lock the Model 4200 to a preciseexternalfre-
        4200 ideal for meter calibration, responsemeasurements       quencysource,
        and amplifiertesting.                                        Careful attention to packagingdesign,rtrggedconslruction
        Amplitude calibrationof 0.2db accuracyis obtainedby an       and useof all silicontransistorsmakesthis unit insensitive
        8 position push-buttonatienuatorcalibratedin l0db steps.     vibration and shock. The Model 4200 with its broad fre-
        A continuousoutput control combinedwith the attenuator       quency range, flat response,  clean signal and low price' is
        provides 90db of attenuation.                                ideallysuited for laboratoryend productionapplications.


           ol                                                        6                                             trurtt
           F                                                         I .oe                                        I

                                 I                                   U
           6.2               gpEctFrctTroil
                                         r|lrrT3                     ts
           t.'         \\        I                                   d .or
           t.l                                                       I
           E .ot
                 .ol                                                                                  tor        rd       tor    lor   rd
                                 tor       tO.      toi   to.
                                    FifOUENCY  lHrl                                               TVFTCAL TiEOUEf,CY iESPOIISE
                                  tYPrcl|- ol3TonTloll

mOdgl 4U00 os'LLAroR

|rr,qucncy ranget                                                AMPLTUDE    StrntI.rrY:
                           varlsblc.                             vl. TtuE: ln any periodof one hour or less,within *0.02%' I
l0 He to l0 MHe continuously
                                                                 any  period 20 hours less,
                                                                            of         or    within lA'lfo,
         MUL-npLIER               FRreuENcY
                                                                 vr. Lttr: For a l07o change line voltage, than +0.019
                                                                                             in              less                  1.r
                I                      t0-100
                                      100-1000                   from t0Hzto lOMHz.
               100                   1000-10,000                 w. TEMpEnrTUnT:    Withina0.l% perdegrec   C.
              1,000                 10,000-100,000
             10,000                100.000-1,000,000             HuM ^NDNotsr: Lessthan 0.0J% of attenuatorretting.                tiOn
             1oCI,000                     10,000,000
                                                                 CycLE To CycLE AMpr.truDESt,rntLtl'Y Lcssthan 0.17a.
lrsqocncy Goritrot,                                                                 Within{'0.025db
                                                                 Fneeurr'lcv                      fromlOHz 500kH:
A cinglcturn dirl calibrutcdfrom 9.6 to 104to rcad directly in   rising f0.2dbat l0MHz.
                                                                      to                                 ,        l{hen
llerte and a sir position pushbuttonmultipllcr. A frequcncy      AMpLrruDECoxrnol: Eight position pushbutton attenuator ca
                                                           of                                                                      ! -
vcrnicr drive couplcdto thc dial faeilitatesclosc adjustment     ibrated in voltagc and l0db stepsfrom +20 to -50db and a                     v
frCquency.                                                       inffnite resoluiion vernier calibratcd in RMS volts from 0 to ,
                                                                 and 0 to 10. Attenuator accuracy: +0.2db of pushbutton settin'     ing       t
Frsqucncy colfbrollqr cccvtacy,                                                                                                t
                                                                 from l0Hz to l0MHz.
*29o lrom l00Ht !o I MH4 riringto =!% at l0Hz nnd l0MHz.                                                                       i    anc6
                                                                  Auxlllary   ovlpat,                                          I
Froqvancy *|abllllyt
                                                                 Vortlca: FixedI volt RMS.
vs.TlMe:Shortterm.within =0.002To.|nanypcriodof onc hour
            *0.OlTo.                                             lursorxce: 600ohms.
                                                                 DC CouroNext: Zero.                                                rgcc
w. Tsutamtune; Wiibin +0,05fo per dogrccC from l0Hz to
lOMHz.                                                            Amblcnl ttmpctolura      rongat                                   ,eveI
                                                                 0'C to 50'C.
3xl * n al sy n chcanlrollont
A 1.5volt pcakto pcakexternal signal                    overa
                                     will lock Oscillator                                                                          '' ,
                        '+O.S%with a rlight change distorlion
                                                   in             lcrrnfnalsl
range approximatcly
andamplitude a sincwt e rynchronizing
               for                         rignal,                Mtlx rno Auxtll^nY Ourput: Front only on Bench Model             , PrO'
                                                                  f,car only on Rack Mod-el.
lllala oulputt                                                    Extenxrt Svxcgnoutzenox: Rear onty on Bench and Racl                  1r
Powm: 9t watt(l0Htto l0MHz).                                       Modcls.                                            t
                                                                                                                                        C aI
Vottrce: l0 voltr rmr opcnclrcuit,! volr ecromJ0 ohmr.
                                                                  Powcr tcquiromlnltt
Cunrnxt: 100mlllhmfi*r$ rmr.                                      l0J-l2J or 210-2J0voltr, tingle phasc,50-400H2, 30 wltts.
                                                                                                                                        tf    O

        : Conitrnt 56 66s1; lVo.
                                                                  Dlnicndnnr ond Wcfghtr:                                                I.2
Ourprn Crnctnfiv: Dirdt Coupled.
                                                                  BenchModel 42AO, t" wide,SVt" high, l3%" deep' I I lbs'
DC CoMpoNEtrt:Nominel zero volts. At maximumoutput'                                            Rack-mounting
                                                                  5kgr net, lE lbslSkgsehipping.            Model 4200R
drift ir tersthan 2 millivoltsper degree lessthan I millivnlt
                                                                  19"wide, J14'high,ltVz" decp,l5lbr/6,8kgs 2l lbslg,Jkgl
for e lt?o linc voliagechangc.   Drift reduced proportlonto
                                             in                                                                                          PUt
purhbutton            reltinS.
DrstonnoN: [,essthan 0.17ofrom l00Hz to l00kHz, risingto          Prlcc: $350.00.                                                        au:
OSVo f OHe
     al     and27oat lQMHt.

     Specifcations prlccarc subiect changc
                 and                      e,irhoutnotice.                 SBSHIHtS,gS
                                                                        580                            U'S.4.
                                                                           MassachusettsCambridge, 02139
                                                                                    Ave.,      Mass.
                                                                                          - TWx
                                                                                 617/491-3211 710'320-5583
                                                                          Telephone                                                          trm

 Prlnlod In 1,.3,A                                                                                                                           ou


                                                             MODEL 42OO

0.02%.              i

I -r-o.01   1.1         I n t r o d ucti o n
                                           manual provides          operation    and maintenance instruc-
            t io n E w i t h    de ta i l e d   e p e ci fi ca tipns   r sqhematic diagr am and par ts

            lig t       for   t h e Mo d e l {2 0 0 T e st oecillator ,          lllustr ated    ln Flgur e I.
0 J00k
            when the suffix              *3rr iE added to the model
                                                                    number the ossillator
lb and
            *f.nrovided           with     a front      panel suitable          for   standard   rack mount-
0n          ing'        and l.e identical          to the bench model in operation                apd perform-
            ance I                                                               t
                               Reference to operating rnstructione,                      sectiotr 2, is
                      before this Oscillator                            ls put into operation.         fn the
            event the Oscillator                 ie not functioning             or faiLs to meet perform-
            ance epoclflcationsr                 reference should be made to the Maintenance
            procedurep Section 4,. Hatutever,
                                            before doing any troubleshooting,
            it      should be deterrnined tf               the normaL adjrretments mentioned in thA
            callbrat,lon'and AdJuatmentprocedure, section s, wirl                                correct the
            L,2         Deecrlption
rt tt
 42A0                          The Model 4zaa is an al"l. ellicon,
                                                                                      sorid etate, genera1
            purpose Test ogcillator                   that provides a main sLne wave and an
            auxiJ.iary sLne wave from r0Hz to l0MHz.                            rt operates fro:n an ac
            souree qf ll5 or 230V, 50-400H2.
                               The main sLne wav output is variabLe from 0 to 10 vol.ts
            rms open-circuit              or 5 volts rms across 50 ohms. Maximumpovrer
            output ie L/2 watt wtth leeE than 0.Lt harnonic distortion.                                    The
            AusiJ.iary output tg a sine xrave fixed at I voLt rms open'circuit.

          fechnical             SummarY
           FrequencY Range
                      I0Hz to I0!4Hz continuously
        i"10                                                                      100-1,000
                                      I00                                    1,000-I0 '000
                                    10 0 0                                  L 0 , 0 0 0 - 1 0 0r 0 0 o -
                       .                                                   100;000-r '000 '000
                                 1 0 0' 0 0 0                           t r o o or o o o - r or 0 0 o 0 0 0

            FrequencY Control"

                                                                                                  adjust'ment, of
                      provides a vernier drive for fine
 concentric control

 f re q u e n c Y .
              FrequencY Callbration                      AccuracY

                                                                              to t3B at L0Hz and I0MH z '
                           *.2 * fro m 1 0 0 H 2 to LMHz r ising

              FrequencY StabiLitY
                                                                           t0' 002t'         In any period           of
                           V $ ,. ti ,me :    $ h o rt   ter m within

  one hour or less within
                                                          W it' hin t0' 05*        per degr ee C fr om I0Hz
                           V S . ,l e mfl e ra tq re :                                                               \

  to lOMHzr
                                                                                          voltagel     t0.002t.
                           VS. lilq:            F o r a 10* change in line

                                                :r' N o l oacl to full      Load ' t 0 ' 005t '
                           V s. l o 3 q i .                                                   I

                Ex t e rn a l      S Y n ch ro n i za ti on
                                                                                    signa) ' w' iIl     lock
                            A 1 '5 vo l t       p e a k to peak exter nal
                                                                                   t.5t    with    no change in
      o s c i l L a t , i on    o v r a ra n g e o f appr oximately
      distortion               and amplit'ude            fot a sine wave synchronizing

      See $ection 2.-
                Sine Wave OutPut
                       Pq w e r.! 1 /2 w a tt         (10H2 to t0MHz)
      I               '. vqltage:          I0 volts     rms open clrcuit

                                           1 0 0 mi l l i amPer es     rms
                       9u {re n t:
                        rmP.edlnge.r Constint               50 ohms tI*

                       ggtput.glrcuitv,:               Direct        coupl'ed

                        D9 .Compongnt,i Nqminal                 zelo volts.           At maximum output

dr t f t         ls   l eE a th a n 2 mi l L i vo Lte        per degr ee Cr less than l m i} liv ol t

for         a lot       line     voltage        ch.ange.     Drift      reduced in proportion          to

pushbutton                attenuator          eeLting.
                                                                              I 00Hz
                                                Less than          fromffi     to 100kHz rising
                      . Distor-!,lon:                                                        :;:
to re                                .51 at lgHzandl% at l6l'tHz,                 '          :
Nnptttude stabilitY
                        V$ Time:             In a n y per iod of one hour or lees within                t0'02t'

 In any perlod of 20 h o u r s p r l e e s , w i t h i n                        t0.It.

                        Vg Liner             For a 10t changein Llne voltage $stt6.olt
 f rom l0lla to 10MHz.

                        VS TemPerature:               Within *0.1t           Per degree C.
                         Hum and Noige:              Less than 0.05* of Pushbutton Attenua tor


 r i s i n g t o * 0 . 0 5 d b a t 2 M t l za n d t 0 . 2 d b a t l O M H z '
 A m p l i t u d e C o n tro l !

                         Eiqht       poeition       pushbutton         attenuator        calibrated   in open
                                                                      - 50db pIUs an infinite
  circuit             v o l ta g e   a n d 1 0 d b steps fr om +20 to

  resoLution               potentiometer            calibrated         in RMSvolts         from 0 to 3.1"6 and

  0 to 10.                A tte n u a to r    a ccu racy:       t0.2db of pushbUtton setting                fr om

  IO H z t o l oMH z.
uxlliarY     out'Put

             I mP e d a n ce :   6 0 0 o h ms

             DC CcmPPlent:           Zero

Power .Requirementg
              105-125 or 210*250 volts               single phase, 50-400H2, 30 watts'

Arnbient TemPerature Range
              oo0 to 50oC

              MaJ.nand AuxiJ,J.iary output:               BNC connectors          on front     only

for   Be n c h !{o d e l 4 2 0 0 a n d re a r of chassis for      Rack Model .4200R'

         ,    Exte rn a L syn ch ro n i zation:         BNc connector on r ear chas s i s '
                                                                          ,       ,'
only t

Dimenaiong and Weighte
                                            8'I/2"   wide,    5 L/4"   high,'13         L/2"   deep,
              Bench Model 4200,

                   net,   18 l.bsl8kgs      shipping.        Rack-mounting        Model 4200R,
II    lbs/Skge

                                   13 L/2"      deep,   15 Lba/6.8k9s'iret,            2L ],be/9'5kgs
19" wlder        5 L/2u high,



                tocArroN OF                  CONTROI,SAND INDICATORS

                          r#*-rE-r-   'ar'|:t:!l1;id3

               r*         trrQutxct                                         TAMIUTUDI
           -rsil                         "'l'":7"1'"''
           -r{f                   '*tOlu\u'I'
           ,ll[J                      """h
           :'il             $ /,.-t--','=
                                ' '';
           ;3-l            -2." ',,),
                           i- ti ,''ti
            t{utll?rlcl                       " 1,
                           ,. ;i,,1,,,1i,,,,\,.1"

                                                           Selects one of six        fr equency r a nges '
( 1 ) Fre q u e n cy Mu l ti p l i e r:
      fro m IOH z to IOMHz'
( 2 ) F re q u e n cy D i a l :    Var ies output fr equency wit' hin
                                    piif  reading multiplied  by Frequency
      frequenc' ii"g".                                 '
      rrl"i'irprrlt    is the output frequency
                                                         the amplitude of s i gnal
( 3 ) V a ri a b l e A mp l i tu d e contr ol: Adjusts (sJF'@'
       applied rJ""*f,i"6;;P;;"il;;;";6;                              ;
                                  Attenuates the outputr 6f                               the Teet
( 4 ) Ou tp u t A tte n u a to r:
      Oe ci l l .a to r i n 7 steps of L0db
 ( 5 ) M a i n o u t p u t C o n n e c t o r : P r o v i d e s t h e m a i(onu ;;;; t s i ;;iya ] " for fr'ack unit) '
                                                                          no tpu          qn
        ar an impedance                Levet or- io or,*r ,
                                                                                               output s i gnal
 ( 6 ) Auxil-iarY outPut,: Provides IV RMS auxiliar y
       ;t'-il-irn;"a.n."                   leveL of                 ohms,
                                                                             adjustment     of fr equenc Y.
 ( 7 ) rre q u e n e Y V e rn i e r:                     Pr ovides a fine

 ( 8 ) Povrer on and Pilot Light:                               Switch applies PoweT to the
                                                               to indicatL application of pow er .
       OEcitlator             giot"
                                                  SECTION 2

                                      OPERATING INSTRUCTION$

2. I Ceneral,
      i           On re ce i p t     o f th e Test Oscill"ator ,      car efully         exam ine i t

for       any damage that           may have occured in traneit.              If   signs of

damage are observedr                 file   a claim with       the transporting           agency

immadiately          and notify         your Krohn-llite       Representative        or Krohn-Hite

Corporation          directly.          Do not attempt        to use the Oscillator            if

extengive         danage hae occured and. do not ship the unit                       back untiL

the cafrlr           has inapected          it,      The instrument    may be opened for
lnepection         witlrout        nulllfyinE       the Waruanty.             i-
                                                                                         nRr after
                   Rack-Mounting models (designated                 by a suffix

the model number) mount with                       four   machine screws in the staridard

lgtt rack gp6c6.             No epecial           brackets   or attachrnents are needed.

2.2 Operatlon

                   Figure            identlfieg       and dee.cribee the function             of alL

the front          paneJ. controls,         connectors       and indicators        for    the Mode1

d200,        !

                   fo operate the ModeL 4200 proceed as foLlows:
           a) Make aBpnopriate power connection as described in Sect,ion 2.4.'
           b) Turn Power Switch to ON position.  Pilot Lfght will glow

                 indicatlng        appl.ication of primary power.

           c) SeIEct the deslred frequency with the pushbutton Frequency
                 Mutttptler        and Frequeniy Dial.          I'or precise frequency setting,

                 connect a frequency counter to the Auxil.iany Output and use
                 the Frequency Vernier for fine adjustment,'
           d) Bet the puehbutton Output Attenuator switch to the minimum
                 volt6go ranga that would include tho desired output voLtage.
        e) Connect load to output                        eonnector'

               Adjust       Amplitude          controL     for   desired        outPut voltage'

2. 3 B x t e r n a l     S Y n ch ro n l za ti o n

                  An External            Sync connector          on the rear            of the chassis

                        to synchronize               the frequency      of the Oscillator               tQ an
is provlded
                                  connect the external                signal        to the External         $ync'
external         eignal.

              eonnector and set the oscLlLator                        dtial to the frequency desired'
                  With an external                   sine or 6quare wave synchronizlng                     signal'

                         peak-to-peak,               the OsciLl.ator     output         wiLL be Locked in
of 1.5 voltE
                                                 sigrtal    over a locking             range of approxi-
frequency to the external
                                                       distor tion     will         not incr ease with          an
matel.y tr5t.               T h e 0 sci L l a to r
                                                                       Vvt     wtll   lr'cr.e13c-h

                 elne waye synchronizing                    signal     e#o            .5t    forl-a square wave
                 eignal.           When the Oeclll'ator              frequency         is the same as the
                 algiral        frequency,           the Oscillator          output     will     be 180'l out
                            th e e xte rn a l        s ynchr onizlng     eignal..           A t' 5t   var iatio n
 of p h a s e w tth
                                     frequency wlII         vary thelr          relative         phase by approx-
 in the ogclllator

 ima t e l Y t 9 0 d e g re e s,
                   With a ld volt               peak-to-peak         sine wave external               synchron-

                            the rnaxinum recommendedr the locking                            range will         increase
 izing        signal,

 to 2t and the dietortion                       wt}}     remain the same'              With a square wave

                                the same l"ocking range of 2t will                          be                  but
 external         signal                                                                         Tbtained
  the d i g t o r ti o n      will     ri se    to appr oxim ately            Lt'

  2 , 4 Line Voltage              and Fuses

                       The oscillator           ls nornally          wired     for     operation      from an

  A - C p o w e r so u rce o f 1 0 5 -1 2 5 voltg,               50 to 400H2 and usee a 0' 5 am per e

  slow-blow fuee that                   is mounted on the rear                 of the ehassis'             It    may

  be modified              to operate from an A-C source of 2I0 to 250 volts
  removing the two jurnpers between terminals                                   I and 3t and terminals

   2 and { of the power tranaformer                           and connecting            a Jumper aeross

terminals                   2 and 3.           A 0 .2 5 a m per e slow- blow fuse should be used

for            2 L O - 2 5 0 vo l t      o p e ra ti o n .       An identifying     tag attached to the

I in e          cord. will            i n d i ca te        w h e n the OscilLator   is wir ed for   230 vol t

lin e           o P e r a tl 'o n '
           |        .'      Acce sa to th e i n te rior                of the OsciLl- ator is accomplished

easily                   by loosening           (not removing)           tne two black   thumb screws

c e n t e r e d o' n e a ch si d e a t th e r ear of the chassis and then pulling
 rl             :           :                    ,.   ..

out the two eide covers.                                     Remove the two eheet metal" Fcrews

holdinE                   the top and bottorn Covers and remove the covers.

          ' "ii ,.i'...ii-.l,;
                    I l:t
                      .{.                                                                                                                                            {foc                   C?ri
                                                                                                                                                                    i[o n"tvl
                                                    !ri.tlst I
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               i*t{            a                                         . dt"a                 {pl
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                                                                                                I t ! l ||                                                                                                     : Qrob
                                                                                                                                                                                                               . ant_lc-l
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