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>> Download RCA_BD20TF10_F19426_F19436_F20TF10_TVD809_model_major_[SM] documenatation <<

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TX_TVD809                                                                                     TX_TVD809

MODEL-TO-MAJOR ASSEMBLY CROSS REFERENCE                                                       Circuit Protection
KEY TO MAJOR ASSEMBLIES                                                                       Fusible Device                                Circuit Protected                   Physical Location
                                                                                              FP01 (2.5A, 250V)                             AC Input                            Power Supply PCB, Right Front Chassis
C1  Cinch Block Dummy (21120230)                            I1  IR Interface (2112023A)

D1 DVD Player                                               K1  KeyBoard ( 21120210)          COMPONENT NUMBERING SYSTEM
                                                                                              Serviceability of this chassis is enhanced by road mapping on the top and bottom of the circuit boards. In addition
E1  E/W Correction (21120230)                               S1  Sound Compressor (21120230)
                                                                                              components are generally marked as to their circuit. The operation and features of the "TX" chassis is similar to the "CTC"
                                                                                              series chassis. However the component numbering system is slightly different than in the past. The component numbering for
G1  Gemstar (21146070)                                                                        the "TX" chassis reflects the component's type and use as to the general circuit areas it is used. The component labeling
                                                                                              system is described below:
                                                                                                       COMPONENT DESIGNATION:                 X X xxx
 MODEL/                                 MAJOR
 BD20TF10                  TVD809       D1, E1, G1, I1, K1, S1
 F19426                    TX809        C1, G1
                                                                                               COMPONENT TYPE                                 CIRCUIT                     COMPONENT NUMBER
 F19436                    TX809        C1, G1                                                 B - Connector                          A-    Audio                         01 - 099 Main PCB (top)
 F20TF10                   TX809        C1, E1, G1, S1                                         C - Capacitor                          C-    Chroma                        500 - 599 Main PCB (bottom)
                                                                                               D - Diode                              D-    DC-DC Convertor
                                                                                               F - Fuse                               F-    Vertical                      101 - 199    E/W PCB
SPECIFICATIONS (Subject to change without notice)                                              I - Integrated Circuit                 G-    Gemstar
                                                                                               J - Jumper                             H-    Tuner                         001 - 099    Sound Compressor
Power Input:             120 Volts AC 60Hz                                                     L - Transformer/Inductor               I -   IF
                                                                                               P - Variable Resistor                  J -   Sync Separator                401 - 599    Gemstar PCB
Power Consumption:       Maximum @ 120VAC                                                      Q - Filter/Crystal                     K-    Customer Control
                         24 watts                                                              R - Resistor                           L-    Horizontal
                                                                                               S - Switch                             P-    Power Supplies
                                                                                               T - Transistor                         R-    System Control
                                                                                               V - Delay Line                         U-    Kine Drivers                  01 - 99      Kine PCB (top)
                                                                                                                                      V-    Video                         500 - 599    Kine PCB (bottom)
                                                                                                                                      Z-    XRP

                                                                                                        TP20 -        Transistor, Power, 20 (number, top side of Main PCB)
                                                                                                        RA543 -       Resistor, Audio, 543 (number, bottom side of Main PCB)
                                                                                                        CF07 -        Capacitor, Vertical, 07 (number, top side of Main PCB)
                                                                                                        IR501 _       Integrated Circuit, System Control, 501 (number, bottom side of Main PCB)

                                                                                              SCHEMATIC NOTES
                                                                                                1.    Resistor values are in ohms (R = 1, K = X1,000; Meg = X1,000,000). Tolerance is 5%, unless otherwise specified.
                                                                                                         Example:       1R5 = 1.5 ohm, 270R = 270 ohm, 2K7 = 2700 ohm, 1M5 = 1500000 ohm
                                                                                                2.    Capacitor values 1.0 and above are in picofarads; values less than 1.0 are in 

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