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        Portege M200 Part3

Chapter 3
Tests and Diagnostics
3 Tests and Diagnostics


3-ii                      Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)
                                                                                                     3 Tests and Diagnostics

Chapter 3                   Contents

3.1    The Diagnostic Test ................................................................................................... 3-1
            3.1.1          Diagnostics menu ................................................................................. 3-1
            3.1.2          H/W (Hardware) initial information setting tool.................................. 3-2
3.2    Executing the Diagnostic Test ................................................................................... 3-3
            3.2.1          Diagnostics menu (T&D) ..................................................................... 3-3
            3.2.2          H/W initial information setting tool ..................................................... 3-6
3.3    Setting of the hardware configuration........................................................................ 3-7
3.4    Subtest........................................................................................................................ 3-9
3.5    System Test.............................................................................................................. 3-11
3.6    Memory Test............................................................................................................ 3-15
3.7    Keyboard Test.......................................................................................................... 3-17
3.8    Display Test ............................................................................................................. 3-20
3.9    USB Floppy Disk Test ............................................................................................. 3-23
3.10   ASYNC Test ............................................................................................................ 3-25
3.11   Hard Disk Test ......................................................................................................... 3-26
3.12   Real Timer Test........................................................................................................ 3-29
3.13   NDP Test.................................................................................................................. 3-31
3.14   Expansion Test......................................................................................................... 3-32
3.15   Wireless LAN Test .................................................................................................. 3-34
3.16   Bluetooth Test ......................................................................................................... 3-37
3.17   Sound/LAN/Modem Test ........................................................................................ 3-46
3.18   Thermal Radiation Control Test .............................................................................. 3-49
3.19   Error Status Code..................................................................................................... 3-50
3.20   HDC Status .............................................................................................................. 3-52
3.21   FDD Cleaning .......................................................................................................... 3-54
            3.21.1         Function Description .......................................................................... 3-54
            3.21.2         Operations .......................................................................................... 3-54
3.22   Log Utilities ............................................................................................................. 3-55
            3.22.1         Function Description .......................................................................... 3-55
            3.22.2         Operations .......................................................................................... 3-56

Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)                                                                                           3-iii
3 Tests and Diagnostics

3.23      Running Test............................................................................................................ 3-57
                3.23.1        Function Description .......................................................................... 3-57
                3.23.2        Operations .......................................................................................... 3-57
3.24      Floppy Disk Drive Utilities...................................................................................... 3-59
                3.24.1        Function Description .......................................................................... 3-59
                3.24.2        Operations .......................................................................................... 3-60
3.25      System Configuration .............................................................................................. 3-65
                3.25.1        Function Description .......................................................................... 3-65
                3.25.2        Operations .......................................................................................... 3-66
3.26      SETUP ..................................................................................................................... 3-67
                3.26.1        Function Description .......................................................................... 3-67
                3.26.2        Accessing the SETUP Program.......................................................... 3-69


Figure 3-1 Initializing for NICSPC73.EXE........................................................................ 3-37
Figure 3-2 Test pass ............................................................................................................ 3-38
Figure 3-3 Test fail.............................................................................................................. 3-38
Figure 3-4 Initializing for NICSPC53.EXE........................................................................ 3-41
Figure 3-5 BD_ADDR of the DUT is displayed ................................................................ 3-42
Figure 3-6 Test completed .................................................................................................. 3-42
Figure 3-7 Test incomplete (fialure) ................................................................................... 3-43


Table 3-1 Subtest names ...................................................................................................... 3-9
Table 3-2 Error code for NICSPC73.EXE ......................................................................... 3-39
Table 3-3 Error code for NICSPC53.EXE ......................................................................... 3-44
Table 3-4 Error status codes names.................................................................................... 3-50
Table 3-5 Hard disk controller status register contents...................................................... 3-52
Table 3-6 Error register contents........................................................................................ 3-53

3-iv                                                                           Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)
3 Tests and Diagnostics                                      3.15 Wireless LAN Test (Atheros)

3     Tests and Diagnostics

3.15 Wireless LAN Test (Atheros)

This section describes how to perform the wireless LAN transmitting-receiving test with the
test program. (Atheros 11b/g)

    NOTE: Use another computer (with Atheros 11b/g) that can communicate by the
    wireless LAN as a responder machine to perform this test.
    When conducting this test, make sure that any wireless network device using 2.4GHz band
    other than IEEE 802.11b, such as Bluetooth, is not used nearby.

In this test, the following items are tested:

      * Test PC side
         (1) SKU (destination code) check
         (2) Mac Address check
         (3) Communication test (11a mode) (only for 11a/b/g card)
         (4) Communication test (11g mode)
         (5) Communication test (11b mode)

This program conducts the above test items continuously and displays results for each item
during the test. However, only the last result for the whole test shall be checked. (The
message "OK" or "NG" is displayed.)

When an "NG" item is detected during the test, the message "NG" is displayed on the screen
and the test stops.

To start the Wireless LAN test program, follow the steps below:

    NOTE: Before starting the wireless LAN test, make sure the Wireless
    Communication Switch on the left side of the computer is turned on. (The Wireless
    Communication LED lights orange.)

3-34                                                    Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)
3.15 Wireless LAN Test (Atheros)                                       3 Tests and Diagnostics

Setting the responder machine

 NOTE: Release the write-protection of the floppy disk for the test.
Insert a floppy disk containing the test program into the floppy disk drive of the responder
machine and turn on the responder machine. The Wireless LAN test menu will appear.
            ####      Atheros WLAN sub system repair test VX.XX        ####
            *                                                             *
            *     1 .....Test PC [Initiator]                              *
            *                                                             *
            *     0 .....[Responder]                                      *
            *                                                             *
            ....Press test number [1,0] ?

Press 0 and Enter in the responder machine. After a while, the following messages will
appear. The latter message is updated every 3 seconds.

            Waiting for transmitter to ring the bell in 11a mode.
            Input or output error (EIO) : rxDatBegin : nothing receive within

The responder machine is ready for the test.

Setting the tester machine

 NOTE: Release the write-protection of the floppy disk for the test.
Insert a floppy disk containing the test program into the floppy disk drive of the tester
machine and turn on the tester machine. The Wireless LAN test menu will appear.
            ####      Atheros WLAN sub system repair test VX.XX        ####
            *                                                             *
            *     1 .....Test PC [Initiator]                              *
            *                                                             *
            *     0 .....[Responder]                                      *
            *                                                             *
            ....Press test number [1,0] ?

Press 1 and Enter in the tester machine. After a while, the following message will appear:
            -                                          -
            -     mac address check OK !!              -
            -                                          -
            -     ...Press any key !!                  -
            -                                          -

To proceed the test, press any key.

Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)                                                   3-35
3 Tests and Diagnostics                                      3.15 Wireless LAN Test (Atheros)

When the tester machine has passed the test, "OK" message will appear in the tester machine.

Press Enter to return to the main menu.

When the tester machine has not passed the test, "NG" message will appear in the tester
machine. Pressing Enter on the screen shows the following message.
*                                                           *
*            11g Throughput test : NG !!                    *
*                                                           *

Then the test returns to the main menu automatically.

3-36                                                    Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)
3.16 Bluetooth Test                                                   3 Tests and Diagnostics

3.16 Bluetooth Test

To execute the Bluetooth Test, use the Test Diagnostics disk (Bluetooth). Finish the tests of
the Diagnostics disk (T&D) by selecting 99 - EXIT TO DIAGNOSTICS MENU in the

Insert the Test program disk (Bluetooth) in the floppy disk drive and turn on the power.


Follow the steps below to perform the test program, NICSPC73.EXE. This Program checks
the BD_ADDR function. Refer to Section 2.16, Bluetooth Troubleshooting, for a detailed
description of the troubleshooting procedures for the Bluetooth.

   1. Preparing the target machine for NICSPC73.EXE

          (a) Insert a floppy disk containing the test program into the target machine and
              turn on the target machine.

          (b) Prompts are displayed as shown in figure 3-1, if it is the first time the program
              has run.

     Bluetooth Subsystem T&D for PCSE(BD_ADDR) VerX.XX Copyright (C) by TOSHIBA Co.

       Initializing ...

                          Figure 3-1 Initializing for NICSPC73.EXE

Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)                                                  3-37
3 Tests and Diagnostics                                                                                  3.16 Bluetooth Test

            (c) When the machine has passed the test, it displays BD_ADDR. If BD_ADDR
                is normal, the following message is shown.
       Bluetooth Subsystem T&D for PCSE(BD_ADDR) VerX.XX Copyright (C) by TOSHIBA Co.

                               My BD_ADDR = 00037A003196 [h]

                               PPPPPP                A                SSSSS               SSSSS
                               P        P           A A           S           S       S           S
                               P        P       A         A       S                   S
                               PPPPPP       A                 A       SSSSS               SSSSS
                               P            AAAAAAA                           S                   S
                               P            A                 A S             S       S           S
                               P            A                 A       SSSSS               SSSSS

                                        Figure 3-2 Test pass

            (d) If the target machine has any problem, it displays Error code. And the
                following message is shown.
       Bluetooth Subsystem T&D for PCSE(BD_ADDR) VerX.XX Copyright (C) by TOSHIBA Co.

                               My BD_ADDR = 00037A003196 [h]

                               FFFFFF                A                 III        L
                               F                    A A                 I         L
                               F                A         A             I         L
                               FFFFFF       A                 A         I         L
                               F            AAAAAAA                     I         L
                               F            A                 A         I         L
                               F            A                 A        III        LLLLLLL

                                        Figure 3-3                          Test fail

3-38                                                                                  Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)
3.16 Bluetooth Test                                                            3 Tests and Diagnostics

    2. Messages when BD_ADDR is invalid are as follows:

                       Message                                             Meaning
     Invalid BD_ADDR (all 00)                         0x000000000000
     Invalid BD_ADDR (all FF)                         0xFFFFFFFFFFFF
     Invalid BD_ADDR (bit0=1)                         bit40=1b
     Invalid BD_ADDR (bit1=1)                         bit41=1b
     Invalid BD_ADDR (define in the file)             BD_ADDR is the one already defined in the file.

If the machine detects a malfunction, it indicates the error code as shown below.
The error code begins with the least significant digit.

Error code

                           Table 3-2 Error code for NICSPC73.EXE (1/2)

         Error code    Meaning
            0x01       Unknown HCI Command.
            0x02       No Connection.
            0x03       Hardware Failure.
            0x04       Page Timeout.
            0x05       Authentication Failure.
            0x06       Key Missing.
            0x07       Memory Full.
            0x08       Connection Timeout.
            0x09       Max Number Of Connections.
            0x0a       Max Number Of SCO Connections To A Device.
            0x0b       ACL Connection already exists.
            0x0c       Command Disallowed.
            0x0d       Host Rejected due to limited resources.
            0x0e       Host Rejected due to security reasons.
            0x0f       Host Rejected due to remote device is only a personal device.
            0x10       Host Timeout.
            0x11       Unsupported Feature or Parameter Value.
            0x12       Invalid HCI Command Parameters.
            0x13       Other End Terminated Connection: Used Ended Connection.
            0x14       Other End Terminated Connection: Low Resources.
            0x15       Other End Terminated Connection: About to Power Off.
            0x16       Connection Terminated by Local Host.
            0x17       Repeated Attempts.
            0x18       Paring Not Allowed.
            0x19       Unknown LMP PDU.
            0x1a       Unsupported Remote Feature.
            0x1b       SCO Offset Rejected.
            0x1c       SCO Interval Rejected.
            0x1d       SCO Air Mode Rejected.
            0x1e       Invalid LMP Parameters.
            0x1f       Unspecified Error.

** See the Specification of the Bluetooth System for details.

Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)                                                               3-39
3 Tests and Diagnostics                                                          3.16 Bluetooth Test

                           Table 3-2 Error code for NICSPC73.EXE (2/2)

         Error code    Meaning
            0x20       Unsupported LMP Parameter Value.
            0x21       Role Change Not Allowed.
            0x22       LMP Response Timeout.
            0x23       LMP Error Transaction Collosion.
            0x24       LMP PDU Not Allowed.
            0x25       Not Exist
            0x26       Not Exist
            0x27       Not Exist
            0x28       Not Exist
            0x29       Not Exist
            0x2a       Not Exist
            0x2b       Not Exist
            0x2c       Not Exist
            0x2d       Not Exist
            0x2e       Not Exist
            0x2f       Not Exist

** See the Specification of the Bluetooth System in detail.

3-40                                                          Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)
3.16 Bluetooth Test                                                      3 Tests and Diagnostics


Follow the steps below to perform the test program, NICSPC53.EXE. This Program checks
the function. Refer to Section 2.17, Bluetooth Troubleshooting, for a detailed description of
the troubleshooting procedures for the Bluetooth.

1. Preparing the target machine for NICSPC53.EXE.

             (b) Insert a floppy disk containing the test program into the target machine and
                 turn the target machine.

             (c) Prompts are displayed as shown in figure 3-4, if it is the first time the program
                 has run.

             The Program NICSPC53.EXE runs.

             (d) When the machine is initializing, the following message is shown.
     Bluetooth Subsystem T&D for PCSE(CS-Air) VerX.XX     Copyright (C) by TOSHIBA Co.
     |              DUT        |

         Initializing ...

                            Figure 3-4 Initializing for NICSPC53.EXE

Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)                                                     3-41
3 Tests and Diagnostics                                                                                              3.16 Bluetooth Test

                     (e) When the test begins, the machine displays BD_ADDR of the DUT. The
                         progress bar stops when the test is completed. The following message is
       Bluetooth Subsystem T&D for PCSE(CS-Air) VerX.XX                                         Copyright (C) by TOSHIBA Co.
       |                        DUT                          |      BD_ADDR of the DUT = XXXXXXXXXXXXX [h]

                     Ready>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                                   <- Progress Bar

                                                                               [ESC] : Stop

                                                  Figure 3-5            BD_ADDR of the DUT is displayed

                     (f) When the machine has passed the test, it displays BD_ADDR of the DUT. If
                         the connection with the tester is completed, the progress bar stops. The
                         following message is shown.
       Bluetooth Subsystem T&D for PCSE(CS-Air) VerX.XX                                         Copyright (C) by TOSHIBA Co.
       |                        DUT                          |      BD_ADDR of the DUT = XXXXXXXXXXXXX [h]

                     CCCC               OOO         M             M PPPPPP     L       EEEEEE TTTTTTT EEEEEEE DDDDD
                 C          C       O         O     MM           MM P        P L       E             T   E       D       D
             C                  O                 O M M M M P                P L       E             T   E       D           D
             C                  O                 O M    M        M PPPPPP     L       EEEEEE        T   EEEEEEE D           D
             C                  O                 O M             M P          L       E             T   E       D           D
                 C          C       O         O     M             M P          L       E             T   E       D       D
                     CCCC               OOO         M             M P          LLLLLLL EEEEEE        T   EEEEEEE DDDDD

                                                                        Testing is finished


                                                                    Figure 3-6 Test completed

3-42                                                                                            Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)
3.16 Bluetooth Test                                                                                             3 Tests and Diagnostics

             (g) If the target machine has any problem, the following message shown in the
                 following figure "INCOMPLETE" is displayed with the Error CODE.

     Bluetooth Subsystem T&D for PCSE(CS-Air) VerX.XX                                          Copyright (C) by TOSHIBA Co.

     |                   DUT                          |         BD_ADDR of the DUT = XXXXXXXXXXXXX [h]

     III     N           N         CCCC               OOO         M          M PPPPPP     L       EEEEEE TTTTTTT EEEEEEE
         I   NN          N     C          C       O         O     MM        MM P        P L       E         T      E
         I   N N         N C                  O                 O M M M M P             P L       E         T      E
         I   N     N     N C                  O                 O M     M    M PPPPPP     L       EEEEEE    T      EEEEEEE
         I   N         N N C                  O                 O M          M P          L       E         T      E
         I   N          NN     C          C       O         O     M          M P          L       E         T      E
     III     N           N         CCCC               OOO         M          M P          LLLLLLL EEEEEE    T      EEEEEEE

                                                                       Testing is finished


                                                  Figure 3-7 Test incomplete (failure)

Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)                                                                                          3-43
3 Tests and Diagnostics                                                            3.16 Bluetooth Test

If the machine detects a malfunction, it indicates the error code as shown below.
The error code begins with the least significant digit.

Error code

                           Table 3-3 Error code for NICSPC53.EXE (1/2)

         Error code                                Meaning
            0x01       Unknown HCI Command.
            0x02       No Connection.
            0x03       Hardware Failure.
            0x04       Page Timeout.
            0x05       Authentication Failure.
            0x06       Key Missing.
            0x07       Memory Full.
            0x08       Connection Timeout.
            0x09       Max Number Of Connections.
            0x0a       Max Number Of SCO Connections To A Device.
            0x0b       ACL Connection already exists.
            0x0c       Command Disallowed.
            0x0d       Host Rejected due to limited resources.
            0x0e       Host Rejected due to security reasons.
            0x0f       Host Rejected due to remote device is only a personal
             0x10      Host Timeout.
             0x11      Unsupported Feature or Parameter Value.
             0x12      Invalid HCI Command Parameters.
             0x13      Other End Terminated Connection: Uset Ended
             0x14      Other End Terminated Connection:Low Resources.
             0x15      Other End Terminated Connection: About to Power
             0x16      Connection Terminated by Local Host.
             0x17      Repeated Attempts.
             0x18      Paring Not Allowed.
             0x19      Unknown LMP PDU.
             0x1a      Unsupported Remote Feature.
             0x1b      SCO Offset Rejected.
             0x1c      SCO Interval Rejected.
             0x1d      SCO Air Mode Rejected.
             0x1e      Invalid LMP Parameters.
             0x1f      Unspecified Error.

** See the Specification of the Bluetooth System for details.

3-44                                                            Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)
3.16 Bluetooth Test                                                 3 Tests and Diagnostics

                           Table 3-3 Error code for NICSPC53.EXE (2/2)

         Error code                               Meaning
            0x20       Unsupported LMP Parameter Value.
            0x21       Role Change Not Allowed.
            0x22       LMP Response Timeout.
            0x23       LMP Error Transaction Collosion.
            0x24       LMP PDU Not Allowed.
            0x25       Not Exist
            0x26       Not Exist
            0x27       Not Exist
            0x28       Not Exist
            0x29       Not Exist
            0x2a       Not Exist
            0x2b       Not Exist
            0x2c       Not Exist
            0x2d       Not Exist
            0x2e       Not Exist
            0x2f       Not Exist

** See the Specification of the Bluetooth System in detail.

Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)                                              3-45
3 Tests and Diagnostics                                      3.17 Sound/LAN/Modem Test

3.17 Sound/LAN/Modem Test

To execute the Sound/LAN/Modem Test, use the Test Diagnostics disk
(Sound/LAN/Modem). Finish the tests of the Diagnostics disk (T&D) by selecting 99 - EXIT

 NOTE: To execute the Tablet Dock CD Test, attach the computer to the Tablet Multi
 Dock before turning on the computer.

Insert the Test program disk (Sound/LAN/Modem) in the floppy disk drive and turn on the
power. The following message will appear:
*                                                                  *
*   1 ............ (Microphoned recording&play Mic 2&4)            *
*   2 ............ (Microphoned recording&play Mic 3&4)            *
*   3 ............ (Sin Wave)                                      *
*   4 ............ (LAN)                                           *
*   5 ............ (MODEM)                                         *
*   6 ............ (Tablet Dock CD TEST)                           *
.... Press test number[1-6] ?

Press the number you want to test and press Enter.

NOTE: To record the sound from the specified microphone in Subtest 01, scratch each hole
     of the microphones lightly with a sharp-pointed thing to make sure the specified
     microphone catches the sound. The system is capable of producing high volume
     sound, so when you use the headphones be careful to set the volume low and adjust it
     as necessary. Using the headphones at full volume could damage your ears.

There are one microphone on the upper side of the LCD and two microphones on the lower
side. Microphone numbers are assigned as following.

                      Right upper side of the LCD              -Mic 2
                      Left lower side of the LCD               -Mic 3
                      Right lower side of the LCD              -Mic 4

Subtest 01    Microphoned recording & play Mic 2&4

              Executed by the load format of Playwave/recwave.

3-46                                                 Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)
3.17 Sound/LAN/Modem Test                                             3 Tests and Diagnostics

               The sound is recorded automatically from microphone when the following
               message appears.
               Press any key to continue ...

               After a while, the recorded sound is replayed automatically.
Subtest 02     Microphoned recording & play Mic 3&4
               This subtest is executed in the same way as Microphoned recording & play
               Mic 2&4.
Subtest 03     Sin wave

               This subtest is executed by loading the COM file (ADSIN.COM.) The
               program expands sin wave data table from 16KB to 64KB, and creates the
               play data. Then it transfers the data between the DMA and the CODEC to
               play the sin wave. (It sounds like a continuous beep.) By using wave
               measuring devices such as an oscilloscope, the data can be measured as a sin

               When the subtest is executed, the following message appears.
               Press any key to continue....

               When you press any key, the sin wave is expanded from 16KB to 64KB data
               and is played.

               The sound is heard and the test returns to the menu.

Subtest 04     LAN

               This subtest checks the operation of mini-PCI I/F by the loopback in the chip.

               The large "OK" is displayed if no error occurred.

Subtest 05     MODEM

               For this subtest, connect the modem PCB and RJ11 connector with a harness.
               This subtest contains the following tests. They are tested with the dedicated
               "FAT-MODE inspection device(Product Code QE2000P01 made by Nittou
               Denki Seisakusyo)


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