Service Manuals, User Guides, Schematic Diagrams or docs for : TOSHIBA Monitor Toshiba_42HP83_Protect_Shutdown_Diagnosis_[TM]

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                                        TECHNICAL TRAINING

                            2003 Plasma TV Power Supply and Shutdown

        Course:        2003 Plasma TV Servicing
        Model Year: 2003
        Chassis:       PDP03
        Models:        42HP83
        Provide an overview of the 2003 Plasma TV power supply and shutdown circuits
        and identify the electrical adjustments necessary to properly match power supply
        and plasma panel.

        Objectives: Upon completion of this training module, the technician will:

            1.      Be able to troubleshoot the power supply to PC board level with 80%
            2.      Understand how to properly remove and replace the power supply PC
                    boards with 100% accuracy.
            3.      Perform the electrical adjustments needed to match the power supply
                    to the plasma panel with 100% accuracy.
            4.      Be able to troubleshoot shutdown conditions to PC board level with
                    80% accuracy.

Product Specific Service Manuals:
This training is designed as an aid to the technician in servicing Toshiba products. It is not a replacement for the
appropriate service manual(s). Toshiba service manuals contain product and model specific information and must
be consulted prior to servicing any product.

Product Safety Precautions:
Product Safety Precautions are described in the Toshiba service manual(s) for products and models covered in this
training. All safety precautions and checks must be complied with before returning any product to the customer.
Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to perform safety checks may be liable for any resulting damages and
may expose themselves and others to possible injury.

               National Service Division 

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