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                       SERVICING NOTICES ON CHECKING
1. KEEP THE NOTICES                                         6. AVOID AN X-RAY
  As for the places which need special attentions,           Safety is secured against an X-ray by consider-
  they are indicated with the labels or seals on the         ing about the cathode-ray tube and the high
  cabinet, chassis and parts. Make sure to keep the          voltage peripheral circuit, etc.
  indications and notices in the operation manual.           Therefore, when repairing the high voltage pe-
                                                             ripheral circuit, use the designated parts and
                                                             make sure not modify the circuit.
  There is a high voltage part inside. Avoid an              Repairing except indicates causes rising of high
  electric shock while the electric current is               voltage, and it emits an X-ray from the cathode-
  flowing.                                                   ray tube.
3. USE THE DESIGNATED PARTS                                 7. PERFORM A SAFETY CHECK AFTER
  The parts in this equipment have the specific                SERVICING
  characters of incombustibility and withstand
                                                              Confirm that the screws, parts and wiring which
  voltage for safety. Therefore, the part which is
                                                              were removed in order to service are put in the
  replaced should be used the part which has
                                                              original positions, or whether there are the
  the same character.
                                                              portions which are deteriorated around the
  Especially as to the important parts for safety
                                                              serviced places serviced or not. Check the
  which is indicated in the circuit diagram or the
                                                              insulation between the antenna terminal or
  table of parts as a     mark, the designated
                                                              external metal and the AC cord plug blades.
  parts must be used.
                                                              And be sure the safety of that.
4. PUT PARTS AND WIRES IN THE                                 (INSULATION CHECK PROCEDURE)
                                                              1. Unplug the plug from the AC outlet.
   ASSEMBLING OR WIRING                                       2. Remove the antenna terminal on TV and turn
  There are parts which use the insulation                       on the TV.
  material such as a tube or tape for safety, or              3. Insulation resistance between the cord plug
  which are assembled in the condition that                      terminals and the eternal exposure metal
  these do not contact with the printed board.                   [Note 2] should be more than 1M ohm by
  The inside wiring is designed not to get closer                using the 500V insulation resistance meter
  to the pyrogenic parts and high voltage parts.                 [Note 1].
  Therefore, put these parts in the original                  4. If the insulation resistance is less than 1M
  positions.                                                     ohm, the inspection repair should be
                                                              [Note 1]
                                                                If you have not the 500V insulation
  In the condition that an explosion-proof cathode-             resistance meter, use a Tester.
  ray tube is set in this equipment, safety is
  secured against implosion. However, when                    [Note 2]
  removing it or serving from backward, it is                   External exposure metal: Antenna terminal
  dangerous to give a shock. Take enough care to                                         Headphone jack
  deal with it.

                                  HOW TO ORDER PARTS
Please include the following informations when you order parts. (Particularly the VERSION LETTER.)
   The MODEL NUMBER can be found on the back of each product and the VERSION LETTER can be
   found at the end of the SERIAL NUMBER.
   You can find it in your SERVICE MANUAL.

1. Remove the VCR block from the main unit.
   (Refer to item 1 of the DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS.)
2. Remove the screw 1 of the Deck Chassis and remove the Loading Motor.
3. Rotate the Pinch Roller Cam in the direction of the arrow by hand to slacken the Video Tape.
4. Rotate the Clutch Ass'y either of the derections to wind the Video Tape in the Cassette Case.
5. Repeat the above step 3~4. Then take out the Video Cassette from the Deck Chassis. Be careful not to
   scratch on the tape.

                                 Loading Motor

                                Screw 1

                                                                        Capstan DD Unit
                          Pinch Roller Cam

                                   Main Cam
                                                                             Clutch Ass'y

                                                 Main Chassis (Front Side)

                                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

SERVICING NOTICES ON CHECKING .....................................................................................                                 A1-1
HOW TO ORDER PARTS ..........................................................................................................                       A1-1
TAPE REMOVAL METHOD AT NO POWER SUPPLY ............................................................                                                 A1-2
TABLE OF CONTENTS ..............................................................................................................                    A2-1
GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS ...................................................................................................                          A3-1~A3-5
  1. REMOVAL OF MECHANICAL PARTS AND P. C. BOARDS ............................................                                                      B1-1, B1-2
  2. REMOVAL OF VCR DECK PARTS ...................................................................................                                  B2-1~B2-6
  3. REMOVAL OF ANODE CAP ..............................................................................................                            B3-1
  4. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF FLAT PACKAGE IC ...............................................                                                    B4-1, B4-2
KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................................                       C1-1, C1-2
SERVICE MODE LIST ................................................................................................................                  C2-1
PREVENTIVE CHECKS AND SERVICE INTERVALS ..............................................................                                              C3-1, C3-2
WHEN REPLACING EEPROM (MEMORY) IC ..........................................................................                                        C4-1
SERVICING FIXTURES AND TOOLS .......................................................................................                                D1-1
PREPARATION FOR SERVICING .............................................................................................                             D1-1
MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENTS ................................................................................................                             D2-1~D2-4
ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENTS ..................................................................................................                           D3-1~D3-5
  TV ............................................................................................................................................   E-1, E-2
  Y/C/AUDIO/HEAD AMP/21PIN/IN/OUT ..................................................................................                                E-3, E-4
  MICON ....................................................................................................................................        E-5, E-6
  SYSCON/CRT/POWER SW ....................................................................................................                          F-1~F-4
  POWER ...................................................................................................................................         F-5
  Y/C/AUDIO/HEAD AMP ..........................................................................................................                     G-1, G-2
  MICON .....................................................................................................................................       G-3, G-4
  POWER ...................................................................................................................................         G-5, G-6
  21PIN/IN/OUT ..........................................................................................................................           G-7, G-8
  CHROMA/IF .............................................................................................................................           G-9, G-10
  SOUND AMP ...........................................................................................................................             G-11, G-12
  T'TEXT/RGB SW .....................................................................................................................               G-13, G-14
  DEFLECTION ..........................................................................................................................             G-15, G-16
  CRT ..........................................................................................................................................    G-17, G-18
  TV POWER ..............................................................................................................................           G-19, G-20
INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAM ...............................................................................................                             G-21, G-22
WAVEFORMS .............................................................................................................................             H-1, H-2
MECHANICAL EXPLODED VIEWS ...........................................................................................                               I1-1~I1-3
CHASSIS EXPLODED VIEWS ...................................................................................................                          I2-1, I2-2
MECHANICAL REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST .........................................................................                                         J1-1
CHASSIS REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST ..................................................................................                                   J2-1
ELECTRICAL REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST ...........................................................................                                       J3-1~J3-4

                                       GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS
G-1   TV                   CRT                            CRT Size / Visual Size                     14 inch / 335.4mmV
      System                                              CRT Type                                   Normal
                                                          Deflection                                 90                degree
                                                          Magnetic Field  BV/BH                      +0.45G / +0.18G
                           Color System                                                              PAL
                           Speaker                                                                   1Speaker
                                                          Position                                   Front
                                                          Size                                       1.5 x 2.5 Inch
                                                          Impedance                                  8 ohm
                           Sound Output                   MAX                                        1.5 W
                                                          10%(Typical)                               1.0 W
G-2   VCR                  System                                                                    VHS
      System                                                                                         Player / Recorder
                           Video System                                                              PAL
                           Hi-Fi STEREO                                                                                No
                           NTSC PB(PAL 60Hz)                                                         Yes
                           Deck                           DECK                                       OVD-7
                                                          Loading System                             Front
                                                          Motor                                      3
                           Heads          Video Head                                                 2 Head

                                          FM Audio Head                                                               No

                                          Audio /Control                                             Mono / Yes
                                          Erase(Full Track Erase)                                    Yes
                           Tape           Rec             PAL                                        SP/LP
                           Speed                          NTSC                                       -
                                          Play            PAL                                        SP/LP
                                                          NTSC                                       SP
                           Fast Forward / Rewind Time (Approx.) at 25oC                              FF:1'48"/REW:1'48"
                                                          Cassette                                   at E-180
                           Forward/Reverse                NTSC or PAL-M                              SP=3x,5x
                           Picture Search                 PAL or SECAM                               SP/LP=5x,7x/7x,13x
                           Frame Advance                                                                               No
                           Slow Speed                                                                -
G-3   Tuning               Broadcasting System                                                       U.K. System I
      System               Tuner and                      System                                     1Tuner
                            Receive CH                    Destination                                U.K.
                                                          Tuning System                              F-Synth
                                                          Input Impedance                            VHF/UHF 75 ohm
                                                          CH Coverage                                21~69
                           Intermediate                   Picture(FP)                                39.5MHz
                           Frequency                      Sound(FS)                                  33.5MHz
                                                          FP-FS                                      6.0MHZ
                           Preset CH                                                                 80CH
                           Stereo/Dual TV Sound                                                                        No
G-4   Signal               Video Signal                   Input Level                                1 V p-p/75 ohm
                                                          Output Level                               1 V p-p/75 ohm
                                                          S/N Ratio (Weighted)                       53                dB
                                                          Horizontal Resolution at SP Mode           240 Lines
                           Audio Signal                   Input Level                                -3.8dBm/50Kohm
                                                          Output Level                               -3.8dBm/1Kohm
                                                          S/N Ratio at SP                            42                dB
                                                          Harmonic Distortion at SP(1kHz) Typical    1.5               %
                                                                   Frequency Response        at SP   100Hz ~10kHz
                                                                                             at LP   100Hz ~ 5kHz
                                                                                            at SLP   -
                           Hi-Fi Audio Signal             Dynamic Range : More than                  -
                                                          Frequency Response                         -
                                                          Wow And Flutter : Less than                -
                                                          Channel Separation : More than             -
                                                          Harmonic Distortion : Less than            -
G-5   Power                Power Source                   AC                                         230~240V 50Hz
                                                          DC                                         -
                           Power Consumption                                                 at AC   50 W at 230 V 50 Hz
                                                                                             at DC   -
                                                          Stand by (at AC)                             8 W at 230 V 50 Hz
                                                          Per Year                                   -
                           Protector                      Power Fuse                                 Yes
                                                          Dew Sensor                                                   No
G-6   Regulation                                          Safety                                     CE , BEAB
                                                          Radiation                                  CE
                                                          X-Radiation                                NONE
G-7   Temperature                                         Operation                                  +5oC ~ +40oC
                                                          Storage                                    -20oC ~ +60oC
G-8   Operating Humidity                                                                             Less than 80% RH

                               GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS
G-9    On Screen      Menu                                                         Yes
       Display                       Menu             Type                         Character
                                     ATS                                                                No
                                     Timer Rec Set                                 Yes
                                     Channel Setup                                                      No
                                                      Auto Tuning                                       No
                                                      Ch Mapping                                        No
                                                      Ch Tuning                    Yes
                                                      Ch Allocation                                     No
                                     TV Setup                                      Yes
                                                      On/Off Timer Set             Yes
                                                      Picture                      Yes
                                                      Audio                                             No
                                     VCR Setup                                                          No
                                                      Auto Repeat On/Off           Yes
                                                      System Select                                     No
                                                      Scene Repeat                                      No
                                     System Setup                                                       No
                                                      Clock Set                    Yes (Calendar 24h)
                                                      Language                                          No
                      G-CODE(or SHOWVIEW or PLUSCODE)No. Entry                                          No
                      Stereo/Audio Output                                                               No
                                                      Bilingual                                         No
                                                      NICAM                                             No
                      Clock/Date                                                   Yes
                      CH/AV                                                        Yes
                      Tape Counter(Linear Counter)                                 Yes
                      Tape Speed                                                   Yes
                      Sleep Time                                                   Yes
                      Control        Volume                                        Yes
                      Level          Bright/Contrast/Sharpness/Color               Yes
                                     Tint                                                               No
                                     Bass/Treble/Balance                                                No
                                     Manual Tracking                               Yes
                              Play/Stop/FF/Rew/Rec/OTR/T-Rec/Pause/Eject/Tape In   Yes
                                                  (Symbol Mark)
                      Auto Tracking/Manual Tracking                                Yes
                      S-Repeat/SR-R/SR-PLAY                                                             No
                      Index                                                        Yes
                      Mute                                                         Yes
                      Hi-Fi                                                                             No
                      Repeat                                                       Yes
                      PDC                                                          Yes
                      Zero Return                                                                       No
                      Dew                                                                               No
G-10   OSD Language                                                                English
G-11   Clock,Timer    Calendar                                                     1990/1/1 ~ 2081/12/31
       and Timer      Timer Events                                                  8 prog/ 1 month
       Back-up        One Touch Recording Max Time                                 SP 5 Hours     LP 10Hours
                      OTPB Valid Time                                              -
                      Sleep Timer                  Max Time                        120               min.
                                                   Step                            10                min.
                      On/Off Timer                 Program(On Timer / Off Timer)   1                 prog.
                      Auto Shut Off                No Signal                       15                min.
                                                   No Operation                    -                 min.
                      Timer Back-up (at Power Off Mode)                            30                min.

                          GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS
G-12   Remote    Unit                                                           RC-DM
       Control   Glow in Dark Remocon                                 Yes
                 Power Source           Voltage(D.C)                  3V
                                        UM size x pcs                 UM-4 x 2 pcs
                 Total Keys                                           38              Keys
                 Keys                   Power                         Yes
                                        1                             Yes
                                        2                             Yes
                                        3                             Yes
                                        4                             Yes
                                        5                             Yes
                                        6                             Yes
                                        7                             Yes
                                        8                             Yes
                                        9                             Yes
                                        0/AV                          Yes
                                        CH/Tr Up                      Yes
                                        CH/Tr Up/Page Up                              No
                                        CH/Tr Down                    Yes
                                        CH/Tr Down /Page Down                         No
                                        Volume Up                     Yes
                                        Volume Down                   Yes
                                        Play/Up                       Yes
                                        Play/Up/Slow                                  No
                                        F.Fwd/Right                   Yes
                                        Rew/Left                      Yes
                                        Pause/Still                   Yes
                                        Pause                                         No
                                        Stop/Down                     Yes
                                        Rec/OTR                       Yes (2Keys)
                                        Eject                         Yes
                                        Counter Reset                 Yes
                                        Speed                         Yes
                                        Timer Rec                     Yes (2Keys)
                                        TV Monitor                    Yes
                                        TV Monitor /Rec Monitor                       No
                                        Program                       Yes
                                        Program /V+                                   No
                                        Auto Tracking                 Yes
                                        Auto Tracking /Reveal                         No
                                        Menu                          Yes
                                        Enter                         Yes
                                        Enter/Hold                                    No
                                        Cancel/Ch Skip                Yes
                                        Cancel/Ch Skip/F-T-B                          No
                                        Index                         Yes
                                        Index /Sub Page (Time Text)                   No
                                        Call                          Yes
                                        Text/Mix/TV                                   No
                                        Sleep Timer                   Yes
                                        Mute                          Yes
                                        Zero Return                   Yes
                                        Red                                           No
                                        Cyan                                          No
                                        Green                                         No
                                        Yellow                                        No
                                        Audio Select                                  No

                              GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS
G-13   Features      Auto Head Cleaning                                                                    No
                     Auto Tracking                                                          Yes
                     HQ (VHS Standard High Quality)                                         Yes
                     Auto Power On, Auto Play, Auto Rewind, Auto Eject                      Yes
                     Auto Shut Off                                                          Yes
                     Auto Repeat                                                            Yes
                     VIDEO PLUS+(SHOWVIEW,G-CODE)                                                          No
                     CH Auto Set-Up/Auto Clock                                              Yes
                     PDC                                                                    Yes
                     Forward / Reverse Picture Search                                       Yes
                     One Touch Playback                                                                    No
                     Auto Tuning                                                                           No
                     Anti-Theft                                                                            No
                     End Call                                                                              No
                     Index Search                                                           Yes
                     SQPB                                                                                  No
                     CATV                                                                                  No
                     CM Skip(30sec x 6 Times)                                                              No
                     Comb Filter                                                                           No
                     T'Text                                                                                No
                                                                                Text type   -
                     Scene Repeat                                                                          No
                     Hotel Lock                                                                            No
                     TV Monitor                                                             Yes
                     Power On Memory                                                                       No
                     Protect of FBT Leak Circuit                                            Yes
                     Choke Coil                                                                            No
G-14   Accessories   Owner's Manual                Language                                 English
                                                   w/Guarantee Card                                        No
                     Remote Control Unit                                                    Yes
                     Rod Antenna                                                                           No
                                                   Poles                                    -
                                                   Terminal                                 -
                                                   w/300 ohm to 75 ohm Antenna Adapter      -
                     Loop Antenna                                                           Yes
                                                   Terminal                                 DIN Type
                     U/V Mixer                                                                             No
                     DC Car Cord (Center+)                                                                 No
                     Guarantee Card                                                                        No
                     Warning Sheet                                                                         No
                     Circuit Diagram                                                                       No
                     Antenna Change Plug                                                                   No
                     Service Facility List                                                                 No
                     Important Safeguard                                                                   No
                     Dew/AHC Caution Sheet                                                                 No
                     AC Plug Adapter                                                                       No
                     Quick Set-up Sheet                                                     Yes
                     Battery                                                                Yes
                                                   UM size x pcs                            UM-4 x 2 pcs
                                                   OEM Brand                                               No
                     AC Cord                                                                               No
                     AV Cord (2Pin-1Pin)                                                                   No
                     21pin-RCA Cable                                                                       No
                     RF Cable                                                               Yes (0.9m)
                     Registration Card                                                      Yes
                     PTB Sheet                                                                             No
                     Anti-Theft Sheet                                                                      No
                     Euro Warranty Information Sheet                                                       No
                     Helpline Sheet                                                         Yes

                               GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS
G-15   Interface   Switch         Front           Power                                       Yes
                                                  Play                                        Yes
                                                  Pause/Still                                                   No
                                                  System Select                                                 No
                                                  One Touch Playback                                            No
                                                  Input Select                                                  No
                                                  Channel Up                                  Yes
                                                  Channel Down                                Yes
                                                  F.FWD/Cue                                   Yes
                                                  Eject/Stop                                  Yes
                                                  Main Power SW                               Yes
                                                  Volume Up                                   Yes
                                                  Volume Down                                 Yes
                                                  Rew/Rev                                     Yes
                                                  Rec/OTR                                     Yes
                                  Rear            Main Power SW                                                 No
                   Indicator                      Standby                                     Yes(Red)
                                                  Rec/OTR                                     Yes(Red)
                                                  T-Rec                                       Yes(Red)
                                                  On Timer                                                      No
                                                  CS                                                            No
                   Key Light up                   Rec/OTR                                                       No
                                                  One Touch Playback                                            No
                                                  Play                                                          No
                   Terminals      Front           Video Input                                 Yes
                                                  Audio Input                                 Yes
                                                  Other Terminal                              Head Phone(Stereo & Mono, 3.5mm)
                                  Rear            Video Input                                                    No
                                                  Audio Input                                                    No
                                                  Video Output                                                   No
                                                  Audio Output                                                   No
                                                  Euro Scart                                  1-SCART
                                                  Diversity                                                      No
                                                  Ext Speaker                                                    No
                                                  DC Jack 12V(Center +)                                          No
                                                  VHF/UHF Antenna Input                       DIN type
                                                  AC Inlet                                                       No
G-16   Set Size                                               Approx.   W x D x H (mm)        362 x 365 x 382
G-17   Weight                                     Net (Approx.)                                11.0 kg           ( - lbs)
                                                  Gross (Approx.)                              12.5 kg           ( - lbs)
G-18   Carton                     Master Carton                                                                  No
                                                  Content                                     -
                                                  Material                                    -
                                                  Dimensions      W x D x H(mm)               -
                                                  Description of Origin                       -
                                  Gift Box                                                    Yes
                                                   Material                                   Double/White
                                                   Dimensions      W x D x H(mm)              423 x 447 x 443
                                                   Design                                     As per Buyer's
                                                   Description of Origin                      Yes
                                  Drop Test                             Natural Dropping At       1 Corner / 3 Edges / 6 Surfaces
                                                   Height (cm)                                62
                                  Container Stuffing(40' container)                           700                Sets
G-19   Material                   Cabinet          Front                                      PS 94HB
                                                   Rear                                       PS 94V0/Non-Decabrom
                                                   Jack Panel                                 PS 94V2 or More /Non-Harogen
                                  PCB              Non-Halogen Demand                         Yes
                                                   Eyelet Demand                              Yes

                                              DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS
1. REMOVAL OF MECHANICAL PARTS                                                 1-3: TV/VCR BLOCK (Refer to Fig. 1-3)
   AND P.C. BOARDS                                                             1. Remove the 2 screws 1.
                                                                               2. Disconnect the following connectors:
1-1: BACK CABINET (Refer to Fig. 1-1)
                                                                                  (CP302, CP402, CP501 and CP502).
1. Remove the 5 screws 1.                                                      3. Unlock the support 2.
2. Remove the AC cord from the AC cord hook 2.                                 4. Remove the TV/VCR Block in the direction of arrow.
3. Remove the Back Cabinet in the direction of arrow.
                          Front Cabinet
                                                                                       Front Cabinet                                   1


                                   1                                                                                              UP TO

                                                                                                                   TV/VCR Block

             1                                                                                                                              Fig. 1-3

              1                           2                                    1-4: POWER PCB (Refer to Fig. 1-4)
                                              Back Cabinet

                                 1                                             1. Remove the 3 screws 1.
                                                             Fig. 1-1          2. Disconnect the following connectors:
                                                                                  (CP401A and CP851A).
1-2: CRT PCB (Refer to Fig. 1-2)                                               3. Remove the Power PCB in the direction of arrow.

CAUTION: BEFORE REMOVING THE ANODE CAP,                                                                                 1
         DISCHARGE ELECTRICITY BECAUSE IT                                                                   1
         BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO REMOVE OR                                                                            1
                                                                                                       Power PCB
1. Remove the Anode Cap.
2. Disconnect the following connector:
3. Remove the CRT PCB in the direction of arrow.

                 Front Cabinet                        CRT PCB

                                                                                                                       TV/VCR Block

                                                                                                                                            Fig. 1-4

                                                             Fig. 1-2

                                                        DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS
1-5: DECK SHIELD PLATE (Refer to Fig. 1-5)                                               1-7: JACK PLATE AND SYSCON PCB (Refer to Fig. 1-7)
1. Remove the 2 screws 1.                                                                1. Remove the screw 1.
2. Remove the Deck Shield Plate in the direction of arrow (A).                           2. Remove the 2 screws 2.
3. Remove the screw 2.                                                                   3. Remove the Syscon PCB in the direction of arrow.
4. Remove the Bottom Shield Plate in the direction of arrow (B).

                                                                                                         Syscon PCB
                                         Deck Shield Plate




                                                        TV/VCR Block

                                                                                                                      Deck Holder
                                                                                                                                            Fig. 1-7

            Bottom Shield Plate               2
                                                                       Fig. 1-5

1-6: DECK CHASSIS (Refer to Fig. 1-6)
Do not remove the cable at the FE Head section. The FE
Head may be damaged if you remove the cable by force.
1. Remove the screw 1.
2. Remove the FE Head.
3. Remove the 3 screws 2.
4. Disconnect the following connectors:
   (CP1001, CP4001, and CP4005).
5. Remove the Deck Chassis in the direction of arrow.

                  FE Head                         2

   Deck Chassis

                  Syscon PCB

                                                                       Fig. 1-6
                                                    DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS
2. REMOVAL OF VCR DECK PARTS                                                             NOTE
2-1: TOP BRACKET (Refer to Fig. 2-1)                                                     1. In case of the Locker R installation, check if the one
                                                                                            position of Fig.2-3-B are correctly locked.
1. Extend the 2 supports 1.
                                                                                         2. When you install the Cassette Side R, be sure to move
2. Slide the 2 supports 2 and remove the Top Bracket.
                                                                                            the Locker R after installing.
1. After the installation of the Top Bracket, bend the
   support 1 so that the Top Bracket is fixed.
                                                                                                                Locker R
                                                    Top Bracket
                                                                                                                                                          Check if this position
                                                                                                                                                          is locked.
            1                                                  1
                                                                                               Cassette Side R

          Top Bracket


                   Main Chassis
                                                                                                                                                                     Fig. 2-3-B
                                                Main Chassis
                                                                                         2-4: LINK UNIT (Refer to Fig. 2-4)
                                                                       Fig. 2-1
                                                                                         1. Set the Link Unit to the Eject position.
                                                                                         2. Unlock the support 1.
2-2: CASSETTE HOLDER ASS'Y (Refer to Fig. 2-2)
                                                                                         3. Remove the (A) side of the Link Unit first, then remove
1. Move the Cassette Holder Ass'y to the front side.                                        the (B) side.
2. Push the Locker R to remove the Cassette Side R.
3. Remove the Cassette Side L.
                                                                                                   Main Chassis

                                           Cassette Side R
                                                                                              Link Unit
          Main Chassis                                   Locker R

                                                                                                          (A)                                       (B)
                                                                                                                                        Link Unit

                                                                                                                                                                    Main Chassis

           Link Unit                                         Main Chassis

                 Cassette Side L                                                                                                                                          Fig. 2-4
                                                                      Fig. 2-2

                                                                                         2-5: LINK LEVER/FLAP LEVER/BOT COVER
2-3: CASSETTE SIDE L/R (Refer to Fig. 2-3-A)
                                                                                              (Refer to Fig. 2-5)
1. Remove the Locker Spring.
2. Unlock the 4 supports 1 and then remove the Cassette                                  1.   Unlock the support 1.
   Side L/R.                                                                             2.   Remove the BOT Cover.
3. Unlock the support 2 and then remove the Locker R.                                    3.   Extend the support 2.
                                                                                         4.   Remove the Link Lever.
                           Locker Spring
                                                                                         5.   Remove the Flap Lever.

                             Cassette Holder


                                                                                                                                        1                 BOT Cover
                          Locker R
                                                    1                                                           2

        Cassette Side R                                                                                                                                      Link Lever
                                                         Cassette Side L
                                                                                                                           Flap Lever

                                                                    Fig. 2-3-A                                                                                            Fig. 2-5

                                                    DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS
2-6: LOADING MOTOR/WORM (Refer to Fig. 2-6-A)                                         2-7: TENSION ASS'Y (Refer to Fig. 2-7-B)
1. Remove the screw 1.                                                                1. Turn the Pinch Roller Cam clockwise so that the Tension
2. Remove the Loading Motor.                                                             Holder hook is set to the position of Fig. 2-7-A to move
3. Remove the Worm.                                                                      the Tension Arm Ass'y.
                                                                                      2. Remove the Tension Spring.
                                                                                      3. Unlock the 2 supports 1 and remove the Tension Band.
                                                                                      4. Unlock the support 2 and remove the Tension Arm Ass'y.
                                                        Loading Motor
                                                                                      5. Unlock the support 3 and remove the Tension Connect.
                                                                                      6. Float the hook 4 and turn it clockwise then remove the
                                                                                         Tension Holder.
                                                                                                              Tension Arm Ass'y
               Main Chassis


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