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                     PRINTED IN UK.   2002 C
                       SERVICING NOTICES ON CHECKING
1. KEEP THE NOTICES                                      6. AVOID AN X-RAY
  As for the places which need special attentions,        Safety is secured against an X-ray by consider-
  they are indicated with the labels or seals on the      ing about the cathode-ray tube and the high
  cabinet, chassis and parts. Make sure to keep the       voltage peripheral circuit, etc.
  indications and notices in the operation manual.        Therefore, when repairing the high voltage pe-
                                                          ripheral circuit, use the designated parts and
2. AVOID AN ELECTRIC SHOCK                                make sure not modify the circuit.
  There is a high voltage part inside. Avoid an           Repairing except indicates causes rising of high
  electric shock while the electric current is            voltage, and it emits an X-ray from the cathode-
  flowing.                                                ray tube.
  The parts in this equipment have the specific             SERVICING
  characters of incombustibility and withstand
                                                           Confirm that the screws, parts and wiring which
  voltage for safety. Therefore, the part which is
                                                           were removed in order to service are put in the
  replaced should be used the part which has
                                                           original positions, or whether there are the
  the same character.
                                                           portions which are deteriorated around the
  Especially as to the important parts for safety
                                                           serviced places serviced or not. Check the
  which is indicated in the circuit diagram or the
                                                           insulation between the antenna terminal or
  table of parts as a     mark, the designated
                                                           external metal and the AC cord plug blades.
  parts must be used.
                                                           And be sure the safety of that.
                                                           1. Unplug the plug from the AC outlet.
   ASSEMBLING OR WIRING                                    2. Remove the antenna terminal on TV and turn
  There are parts which use the insulation                    on the TV.
  material such as a tube or tape for safety, or           3. Insulation resistance between the cord plug
  which are assembled in the condition that                   terminals and the eternal exposure metal
  these do not contact with the printed board.                [Note 2] should be more than 1M ohm by
  The inside wiring is designed not to get closer             using the 500V insulation resistance meter
  to the pyrogenic parts and high voltage parts.              [Note1] .
  Therefore, put these parts in the original               4. If the insulation resistance is less than 1M
  positions.                                                  ohm, the inspection repair should be
                                                           [Note 1]
                                                             If you have not the 500V insulation
  In the condition that an explosion-proof cathode-
                                                             resistance meter, use a Tester.
  ray tube is set in this equipment, safety is
  secured against implosion. However, when                 [Note 2]
  removing it or serving from backward, it is                External exposure metal: Antenna terminal
  dangerous to give a shock. Take enough care to                                      Earphone jack
  deal with it.

                               HOW TO ORDER PARTS
Please include the following informations when you order parts. (Particularly the VERSION LETTER.)
   The MODEL NUMBER can be found on the back of each product and the VERSION LETTER can be
   found at the end of the SERIAL NUMBER.
   You can find it in your SERVICE MANUAL.

  Inferior silicon grease can damage IC's and transistors.
  When replacing an IC's or transistors, use only specified silicon grease (YG6260M).
  Remove all old silicon before applying new silicon.


SERVICING NOTICES ON CHECKING ......................................................................................................                              A1-1
HOW TO ORDER PARTS ...........................................................................................................................                    A1-1
IMPORTANT ................................................................................................................................................        A1-1
CONTENTS .................................................................................................................................................        A2-1
GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS ....................................................................................................................                       A3-1~A3-5
   1.REMOVAL OF ANODE CAP ..............................................................................................................                          B1-1
   2.REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF FLAT PACKAGE IC ...............................................................                                                  B2-1, B2-2
SERVICE MODE LIST .................................................................................................................................               C-1
CONFIRMATION OF HOURS USED ..........................................................................................................                             C-1
WHEN REPLACING EEPROM( MEMORY) IC ...........................................................................................                                     C-1
ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENTS ..................................................................................................................                         D-1~D-5
BLOCK DIAGRAM ......................................................................................................................................              E-1, E-2
   MAIN/CRT ...............................................................................................................................................       F-1~F-4
   STEREO .................................................................................................................................................       F-5
   MICON/TUNER .......................................................................................................................................            G-1, G-2
   IF/CHROMA ............................................................................................................................................         G-3, G-4
   21PIN ......................................................................................................................................................   G-5, G-6
   DEFLECTION/CRT .................................................................................................................................               G-7, G-8
   POWER ..................................................................................................................................................       G-9, G-10
   SOUND AMP ..........................................................................................................................................           G-11, G-12
   STEREO .................................................................................................................................................       G-13, G-14
WAVEFORMS .............................................................................................................................................           H-1~ H-4
MECHANICAL EXPLODED VIEW ..............................................................................................................                           I-1
MECHANICAL REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST ..........................................................................................                                      J1-1
ELECTRICAL REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST ............................................................................................                                    J2-1~ J2-9

                               GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS
G-1   TV                   CRT                    CRT Size / Visual Size           21 inch / 660.0mmV
      System                                      CRT Type                         FLAT
                                                  Deflection                       90            degree
                                                  Magnetic Field  BV/BH            +0.45G/0.18G
                           Color System                                            PAL/SECAM
                           Speaker                                                 2 Speaker
                                                  Position                         Front
                                                  Size                              2.0 x4.7 Inch
                                                  Impedance                         4             ohm
                           Sound Output           MAX                                    5.0+5.0 W
                                                  10%(Typical)                           4.0+4.0 W
                           DDR SECAM                                               Yes
                           NTSC3.58(AV)+NTSC4.43                                   Yes
                           PAL60Hz                                                 Yes
G-2   Tuning               Broadcasting System                                     CCIR System B/G D/K
      System               Tuner and             System                            1Tuner
                           Receive CH            Destination                       Ohers
                                                 Tuning System                     F-Synth
                                                 Input Impedance                   VHF/UHF 75 ohm
                                                                                   E2 - E4, X - Z+2, S1 - S10, E5 - E12,
                                                  CH Coverage                      S11 - S41, E21 - E69
                                                                                   B/G , D/K
                           Intermediate           Picture(FP)                      38.9 , 38.9 MHz
                           Frequency              Sound(FS)                        33.4 , 32.4 MHz
                                                  FP-FS                            5.5 , 6.5MHz
                           Preset CH                                               100
                           Stereo/Dual TV Sound                                    Yes
                           Tuner Sound Muting                                      Yes
G-3   Power                Power Source           AC                               230V-240V AC 50Hz
                           Power Consumption                               at AC
                                                                                     60 W at AC 230 V 50 Hz
                                                  Stand by (at AC)                    3 W at AC 230 V 50 Hz
                                                  Per Year                           --   kWh/Year
                           Protector              Power Fuse                       Yes
G-4   Regulation                                  Safety                           CE(EN60065:98)
                                                  Radiation                        CE
                                                  X-Radiation                      -
G-5   Temperature                                 Operation                        +5oC ~ +40oC
                                                  Storage                          -20oC ~ +60oC
G-6   Operating Humidity                                                           Less then 80% RH

                        GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS
G-7   On Screen      Menu                                                Yes
      Display                      Menu Type                             Character
                                   Picture                               Yes
                                               Contrast                  Yes
                                               Brightness                Yes
                                               Colour                    Yes
                                               Tint (NTSC Only)          Yes
                                               Sharpness                 Yes
                                   Audio                                 Yes
                                               Bass                      Yes
                                               Treble                    Yes
                                               Balance                   Yes
                                               BBE On/Off                            No
                                               Stable Sound On/Off                   No
                                   CH Tuning                             Yes
                                               Manual                    Yes
                                               Auto                      Yes
                                               CH Allocation             Yes
                                   Language                              Yes
                                   Clock Set                                         No
                                   On Timer Set                          Yes
                                   Off Timer Set                         Yes
                                   Pin Code Registration                             No
                                   Panel Lock                            Yes
                                   Nicam Auto Off                        Yes
                                   AV Colour System                      Yes
                                   Sound System                                      No
                                   Auto 4:3 Default                                  No
                                   AV2 Output                            Yes
                                               Output Source             Yes
                                               Source                    Yes
                                   Control Level                         Yes
                                               Volume                    Yes
                                               Brightness                Yes
                                               Contrast                  Yes
                                               Colour                    Yes
                                               Tint (NTSC Only)          Yes
                                               Sharpness                 Yes
                                               Tuning                    Yes
                                               Bass                      Yes
                                               Treble                    Yes
                                               Balance                   Yes
                                               Back Light                            No
                                   Nicam ST                              Yes
                                   G(A2)Stereo                           Yes
                                   Tone 1/2 (A/B)                        Yes
                                   Surround On/Off                                   No
                                   Pin Code                                          No
                                   AV                                    Yes
                                   Skip                                  Yes
                                   Channel                               Yes
                                   Hotel Lock                                        No
                                   Sleep Timer                                       No
                                   Selectable Picture                    Yes
                                   Wide Mode                                          No
                                   Sound Mute                            Yes
G-8   OSD Language                                                       English French    Dutch
                                                                         Spanish Italian
                                   OSD Language Setting                  English
G-9   Clock and      Sleep Timer             Max Time                    - Min
      Timer                                  Step                           - Min
                     Clock                                                            No
                     On Timer                 Program( On Tim)           Yes
                     Off Timer                Program( 0ff Tim)          Yes
                     Wake Up Timer                                                    No
                     Timer Back-up (at Power Off Mode)       more than      --    Min       Sec

                      GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS
G-10   Remote     Unit                                                 RC-EY
       Control    Glow in Dark Remocon                                                No
                  Format                                               NEC
                  Custom Code                                          40-BF h
                  Power Source                  Voltage(D.C)           3V
                                                UM size x pcs          UM-4 x 2 pcs
                  Total Keys                                             33    Keys
                  Keys                          Power                  Yes
                                                1                      Yes
                                                2                      Yes
                                                3                      Yes
                                                4                      Yes
                                                5                      Yes
                                                6                      Yes
                                                7                      Yes
                                                8                      Yes
                                                9                      Yes
                                                0                      Yes
                                                Volume Up / +          Yes
                                                Volume Down / -        Yes
                                                Previous               Yes
                                                Select Picture         Yes
                                                Menu                   Yes
                                                OK(Enter)              Yes
                                                EXIT                                  No
                                                Audio Select           Yes
                                                Sleep Timer                           No
                                                Mute                   Yes
                  T'TEXT Keys                   TEXT / MIX / TV        Yes
                                                CH Up / Page Up        Yes
                                                CH Down / Page Down    Yes
                                                Red                    Yes
                                                Green                  Yes
                                                Yellow                 Yes
                                                Cyan                   Yes
                                                TEXT F/T/B             Yes
                                                Reveal                 Yes
                                                TIMED PAGE(SUB PAGE)   Yes
                                                CALL / TEXT INDEX      Yes
                                                INPUT SELECT           Yes
                                                TEXT HOLD              Yes
                                                TIME / TXCL            Yes
G-11   Features   Auto Degauss                                         Yes
                  Auto Shut Off                                        Yes
                  Canal+                                                              No
                  CATV                                                                No
                  Anti-theft(Back Up 30 Min.)                                         No
                  Memory(Last CH)                                      Yes
                  Memory(Last Volume)                                  Yes
                  BBE                                                                 No
                  Auto Search                                          Yes
                  CH Allocation                                        Yes
                  Just Clock Function                                                 No
                  Game Position                                                       No
                  CH Label                                                            No
                  VM Circuit                                                          No
                  Full OSD                                                            No
                  Unitext                                                             No
                  Fastext                                              Yes
                  Top Text                                             Yes
                  Premiere                                                            No
                  Comb Filter                                                         No
                  Auto CH Memory                                       Yes
                  Stable Sound                                                        No
                  Auto Set Up                                                         No
                  FBT Leak Test Protect                                Yes
                  Previous (Quick View)                                Yes
                  Panel Lock                                           Yes
                  Power On Memory                                      Yes
                  Double Focus & Dynamic Focus                                        No
                  Wss Signal Wide Change                                              No
                  Virtual Dolby Surround                                              No
                  Hotel Lock                                                          No

                        GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS
G-12   Accessories   Owner's Manual          Language                        Germany Italian Dutch Greek Turkish
                                             w/Guarantee Card                             No
                     Remote Control Unit                                     Yes
                     Rod Antenna                                                          No
                                             Poles                            Pole
                                             Terminal                         type
                     Loop Antenna                                                         No
                                             Terminal                         -
                     U/V Mixer                                                            No
                     DC Car Cord (Center+)                                                No
                     Guarantee Card                                                       No
                     Warning Sheet                                                        No
                     Circuit Diagram                                                      No
                     Antenna Change Plug                                                  No
                     Service Facility List                                                No
                     Important Safeguard                                     Yes (Owner's Manual In)
                     Dew/AHC Caution Sheet                                                No
                     AC Plug Adapter                                                      No
                     Quick Set-up Sheet                                      Yes
                     Battery                                                 Yes
                                             UM size x pcs                   UM-4 x 2 pcs
                                             OEM Brand                                    No
                     AC Cord                                                              No
                     AV Cord (2Pin-1Pin)                                                  No
                     Registration Card                                                    No
                     PTB Sheet                                                            No
                     300 ohm to 75 ohm Antenna Adapter                                    No
G-13   Interface     Switch        Front     Power (Tact Sw)                              No
                                             System Select                                No
                                             Main Power SW                   Yes
                                             Sub Power                                    No
                                             Channel Up                      Yes
                                             Channel Down                    Yes
                                             Volume Up                       Yes
                                             Volume Down                     Yes
                                   Rear      AC/DC                                        No
                                             TV/CATV Selector                             No
                                             Degauss                                      No
                                             Main Power SW                                No
                     Indicator               Power                                        No
                                             Stand-by                                     No
                                             Stand-by/ON                     Yes(Red)
                                             On Timer                        Yes(Green)
                     Terminals     Front     Video Input                     RCA
                                             Audio Input                     RCA x2
                                             Other Terminal                  Head Phone (Stereo)
                                   Rear      Video Input(Rear1)                          No
                                             Video Input(Rear2)                          No
                                             Audio Input(Rear1)                          No
                                             Audio Input(Rear2)                          No
                                             Video Output                                No
                                             Audio Output                                No
                                             Euro Scart(21Pin)               Yes ( x1 )
                                                S-INPUT                      Yes ( x1 )
                                             Euro Scart(21Pin)               Yes ( x1 )
                                                RGB-INPUT                    Yes ( x1 )
                                             Component Input                                No
                                             Diversity                                      No
                                             Ext Speaker                                    No
                                             DC Jack 12V(Center +)                          No
                                             VHF/UHF Antenna Input           D Type
                                             AC Outlet                                     No
G-14   Set Size                                 Approx.     W x D x H (mm)      590 x 488 x 446.5
G-15   Weight                                Net (Approx.)                     23.0 kg     ( --- lbs)
                                             Gross (Approx.)                  26.5kg       ( ---lbs)

                          GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS
G-16   Carton                Master Carton                                             No
                                         Content                         ----          Sets
                                         Material                               --     /--
                                         Dimensions      W x D x H(mm)    --    x --   x --
                                         Description of Origin                         No
                             Gift Box                                    Yes
                                         Material                        Double/Brown
                                         Dimensions      W x D x H(mm)    675 x 575 x 549
                                         Design                          As per Buyer's
                                         Description of Origin           Yes
                             Drop Test                                   Natural Dropping At 1 Corner / 3 Edges /
                                                                                        6 Surfaces
                                         Height (cm)                     46
                             Container Stuffing                          276           Sets/40' container
G-17   Cabinet Material                  Cabinet Front                   PS 94HB
                                         Cabinet Rear                    PS 94HB
                                         Holder                          PS 94V0 NO

                                         DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS
1. REMOVAL OF ANODE CAP                                                 3. After one side is removed, pull in the opposite direction to
                                                                           remove the other.
Read the following NOTED items before starting work.
* After turning the power off there might still be a potential
  voltage that is very dangerous. When removing the                       Take care not to damage the Rubber Cap.
  Anode Cap, make sure to discharge the Anode Cap's                     INSTALLATION
  potential voltage.
                                                                        1. Clean the spot where the cap was located with a small
* Do not use pliers to loosen or tighten the Anode Cap
                                                                           amount of alcohol. (Refer to Fig. 1-3.)
  terminal, this may cause the spring to be damaged.
1. Follow the steps as follows to discharge the Anode Cap.                                        Location of Anode Cap
   (Refer to Fig. 1-1.)
   Connect one end of an Alligator Clip to the metal part of a
   flat-blade screwdriver and the other end to ground.
   While holding the plastic part of the insulated Screwdriver,
   touch the support of the Anode with the tip of the
   A cracking noise will be heard as the voltage is discharged.

                                  GND on the CRT
                                                                                                                             Fig. 1-3

                                                                          Confirm that there is no dirt, dust, etc. at the spot where
                                                                          the cap was located.
                                                                        2. Arrange the wire of the Anode Cap and make sure the
                                                                           wire is not twisted.
                                                                        3. Turn over the Rubber Cap. (Refer to Fig. 1-4.)

          Screwdriver                        CRT
                        Alligator Clip

            GND on the CRT
                                                      Fig. 1-1

2. Flip up the sides of the Rubber Cap in the direction of the                                                               Fig. 1-4
   arrow and remove one side of the support.
   (Refer to Fig. 1-2.)                                                 4. Insert one end of the Anode Support into the anode button,
                                                                           then the other as shown in Fig. 1-5.
         Rubber Cap

                            Support                                                              Support
                                                     Fig. 1-2
                                                                                                                             Fig. 1-5

                                                                        5. Confirm that the Support is securely connected.
                                                                        6. Put on the Rubber Cap without moving any parts.

                                      DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS
2. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF                                          3. When IC starts moving back and forth easily after
                                                                           desoldering completely, pickup the corner of the IC using
   FLAT PACKAGE IC                                                         a tweezers and remove the IC by moving with the IC
                                                                           desoldering machine. (Refer to Fig. 2-3.)
1. Put the Masking Tape (cotton tape) around the Flat
                                                                             Some ICs on the PCB are affixed with glue, so be
   Package IC to protect other parts from any damage.                        careful not to break or damage the foil of each IC
   (Refer to Fig. 2-1.)                                                      leads or solder lands under the IC when removing it.
     Masking is carried out on all the parts located within                                                                Blower type IC
     10 mm distance from IC leads.                                                                                         desoldering

       Masking Tape                          IC
       (Cotton Tape)


                                                      Fig. 2-1
                                                                                                                                      Fig. 2-3
2. Heat the IC leads using a blower type IC desoldering
   machine. (Refer to Fig. 2-2.)
                                                                        4. Peel off the Masking Tape.
     Do not add the rotating and the back and forth                     5. Absorb the solder left on the pattern using the Braided
     directions force on the IC, until IC can move back and                Shield Wire. (Refer to Fig. 2-4.)
     forth easily after desoldering the IC leads completely.              NOTE
                                                                             Do not move the Braided Shield Wire in the vertical
                                                                             direction towards the IC pattern.
                                          Blower type IC
                                          desoldering machine

                                                                              Braided Shield Wire

                                                                                                                     Soldering Iron

                                                                                                        IC pattern                    Fig. 2-4
                                                      Fig. 2-2

                                                     DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS
INSTALLATION                                                                              4. When bridge-soldering between terminals and/or the
                                                                                             soldering amount are not enough, resolder using a Thin-
1. Take care of the polarity of new IC and then install the                                  tip Soldering Iron. (Refer to Fig. 2-8.)
   new IC fitting on the printed circuit pattern. Then solder
   each lead on the diagonal positions of IC temporarily.
   (Refer to Fig. 2-5.)
                                                                                                 Thin-tip Soldering Iron                 IC

                              Soldering Iron

                                                                                                                                               Fig. 2-8

                                                                                          5. Finally, confirm the soldering status on four sides of the
              Solder temporarily                              Solder temporarily
                                                                                             IC using a magnifying glass.
                                                                                             Confirm that no abnormality is found on the soldering
                                                                        Fig. 2-5             position and installation position of the parts around the
                                                                                             IC. If some abnormality is found, correct by resoldering.
2. Supply the solder from the upper position of IC leads                                    NOTE
   sliding to the lower position of the IC leads.
                                                                                               When the IC leads are bent during soldering and/or
    (Refer to Fig. 2-6.)
                                                                                               repairing, do not repair the bending of leads. If the
                                                                                               bending of leads are repaired, the pattern may be
                                                                                               damaged. So, be always sure to replace the IC in this

     Solder                                          Soldering Iron

      IC                           Supply soldering
                                   from upper position
                                   to lower position

                                                                       Fig. 2-6

3. Absorb the solder left on the lead using the Braided
   Shield Wire. (Refer to Fig. 2-7.)
      Do not absorb the solder to excess.

                               Soldering Iron

        Braided Shield Wire

                                                                       Fig. 2-7

                                                SERVICE MODE LIST
This unit provided with the following SERVICE MODES so you can repair, examine and adjust easily.
To enter the Service Mode, press both set key and remote control key for more than 2 seconds.

    Set Key       Remocon Key                                                      Operations
                                       Reset the user setting items (PICTURE, VOLUME and LANGUAGE) to the initial state
 VOL. (-) MIN            0
                                       for delivery.
                                       Initialization of the factory.
                                       NOTE: Do not use this for the normal servicing.
 VOL. (-) MIN            1
                                                 If you set a factory initialization, the memories are reset such as the
                                                 channel setting, and the POWER ON total hours.
                                       POWER ON total hours is displayed on the screen.
                                       Refer to the "CONFIRMATION OF HOURS USED".
 VOL. (-) MIN            6
                                       Can be checked of the INITIAL DATA of MEMORY IC.
                                       Refer to the "WHEN REPLACING EEPROM (MEMORY) IC".
                                       Writing of EEPROM initial data.
 VOL. (-) MIN            8
                                       NOTE: Do not use this for the normal servicing.
                                       Display of the Adjustment MENU on the screen.
 VOL. (-) MIN            9
                                       Refer to the "ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENT" (On-Screen Display Adjustment).

                                   CONFIRMATION OF HOURS USED
POWER ON total hours can be checked on the screen. Total hours are displayed in 16 system of notation.
NOTE: If you set a factory initialization, the total hours is reset to "0".
1. Set the VOLUME to minimum.                                              ADDRESS      DATA

2. Press both VOL. DOWN button on the set and Channel
   button (6) on the remote control for more than 2 seconds.
3. After the confirmation of using hours, turn off the power.             INIT 01 00                 Initial setting content of MEMORY IC.
                                                                          CRT ON 0010                POWER ON total hours.
                                                                                                      = (16 x 16 x 16 x thousands digit value)
                                                                                                      + (16 x 16 x hundreds digit value)
                                                                                                      + (16 x tens digit value)
                                                                                FIG. 1                + (ones digit value)

                             WHEN REPLACING EEPROM (MEMORY) IC
If a service repair is undertaken where it has been required to change the MEMORY IC, the following steps should be taken to
ensure correct data settings while making reference to TABLE 1.
NOTE: No need setting for after INI 16 due to the adjustment value.

                 INI   +0    +1   +2     +3    +4    +5    +6     +7      +8     +9      +A    +B     +C     +D    +E    +F
                 00    ---   00   38     23     18   71    80     48      00     47      33    05      03    00    06    73

                 10    10    00   80     80     80   3C    00     ---     ---     ---    ---   ---     ---   ---   ---    ---

                                                                Table 1
1. Enter DATA SET mode by setting VOLUME to minimum.
2. Press both VOL. DOWN button on the set and Channel button (6) on the remote control for more than 2 seconds.
   ADDRESS and DATA should appear as FIG 1.
3. ADDRESS is now selected and should "blink". Using the VOL. +/- button on the remote, step through the ADDRESS until
   required ADDRESS to be changed is reached.
4. Press OK to select DATA. When DATA is selected, it will "blink".
5. Again, step through the DATA using VOL. +/- button until required DATA value has been selected.
6. Pressing OK will take you back to ADDRESS for further selection if necessary.
7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 until all data has been checked.
8. When satisfied correct DATA has been entered, turn POWER off (return to STANDBY MODE) to finish DATA input.
   After the data input, set to the initializing of shipping.
9. Turn POWER on.
10.Press both VOL. DOWN button on the set and Channel button (1) on the remote control for more than 2 seconds.
11.After the finishing of the initializing of shipping, the unit will turn off automatically.
The unit will now have the correct DATA for the new MEMORY IC.

                                       ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENTS
1. ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE                                              2. BASIC ADJUSTMENTS
Read and perform these adjustments when repairing the                2-1: CONSTANT VOLTAGE
circuits or replacing electrical parts or PCB assemblies.                 Place the set with Aging Test for more than 5 minutes.
CAUTION                                                              2.   Connect the digital voltmeter to TP501.
                                                                     3.   Set condition is AV MODE without signal.

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