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                 FILE NO. 050-200127



                   PRINTED IN U. K

1. Precautions
   Follow these safety, servicing and ESD precautions to prevent damage and protect against potential
   hazards such as electrical shock and X-rays.

1-1 Safety Precautions

1. Be sure that all of the built-in protective
   devices are replaced. Restore any missing                                                           (READING SHOULD
   protective shields.                                                                       LEAKAGE     NOT BE ABOVE
                                                                 DEVICE                      CURRENT        0.5mA)
                                                                 UNDER                        TESTER
2. When reinstalling the chassis and its                                         TEST ALL
   assemblies, be sure to restore all protective                             EXPOSED METAL
   devices, including: nonmetallic control knobs
                                                                      3-WIRE CORD
   and compartment covers.
                                                                      ALSO TEST WITH
                                                                       PLUG REVERSED
3. Make sure that there are no cabinet openings                     (USING AC ADAPTER                        EARTH
                                                                     PLUG AS REQUIRED)                      GROUND
   through which people--particularly
   children--might insert fingers and contact
   dangerous voltages. Such openings include
                                                                          Fig. 1-1 AC Leakage Test
   the spacing between the picture tube and the
   cabinet mask, excessively wide cabinet
                                                       6. Antenna Cold Check:
   ventilation slots, and improperly fitted back
                                                          With the unit's AC plug disconnected from the
                                                          AC source, connect an electrical jumper across
                                                          the two AC prongs. Connect one lead of the
   If the measured resistance is less than 1.0
                                                          ohmmeter to an AC prong. Connect the other
   megohm or greater than 5.2 megohms, an
                                                          lead to the coaxial connector.
   abnormality exists that must be corrected
   before the unit is returned to the customer.
                                                       7. X-ray Limits:
                                                          The picture tube is especially designed to
4. Leakage Current Hot Check (Figure 1-1):
                                                          prohibit X-ray emissions. To ensure continued
   Warning: Do not use an isolation
                                                          X-ray protection, replace the picture tube only
   transformer during this test. Use a leakage-
                                                          with one that is the same type as the original.
   current tester or a metering system that
                                                          Carefully reinstall the picture tube shields and
   complies with American National Standards
                                                          mounting hardware; these also provide X-ray
   Institute (ANIS C101.1, Leakage Current for
   Appliances), and Underwriters Laboratories
   (UL Publication UL1410, 59.7).
                                                       8. High Voltage Limits:
                                                          High voltage must be measured each time
5. With the unit completely reassembled, plug
                                                          servicing is done on the B+, horizontal
   the AC line cord directly into the power
                                                          deflection or high voltage circuits.
   outlet. With the unit's AC switch first in the
                                                          Correct operation of the X-ray protection
   ON position and then OFF, measure the
                                                          circuits must be reconfirmed whenever they
   current between a known earth ground (metal
                                                          are serviced.
   water pipe, conduit, etc.) and all exposed
                                                           (X-ray protection circuits also may be called
   metal parts, including: antennas, handle
                                                          "horizontal disable" or "hold-down".)
   brackets, metal cabinets, screwheads and
   control shafts. The current measured should
                                                           Heed the high voltage limits. These include
   not exceed 0.5 milliamp. Reverse the power-
                                                           the X

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