Service Manuals, User Guides, Schematic Diagrams or docs for : TOSHIBA TV 29vh37g[1][1].part2

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                                                              BILL OF MATERIAL LIST
                                  10026509                                                        2919 TOSHIBA TOSHIBA 29VH37GP(AK53)SLV
NO        COMPONENT CODE MATERIAL                                       UNIT      QTY                        POSITION NUMBER
      1      V20048248   SNOW BOX ASSY.2980/81/85/86                    PC            1,000   .         .        .        .       .
      2      V20043519   SNOW BOX 2980-81 TOP                           PC            1,000   .         .        .        .       .
      3      V60000011   EPS                                            KG          0,584     .         .        .        .       .
      4      V20043520   SNOW BOX 2980-81 BOTTOM                        PC            1,000   .         .        .        .       .
      5      V60000011   EPS                                            KG          0,584     .         .        .        .       .
      6      V20085283   EXPEND KIT AK28 (2980/81) V.0                  PC            1,000   .         .        .        .       .
      7      V20004520   CABLE HOLDER DX15 (I)                          PC            1,000   .         .        .        .       .
      8      V60000018   COPOLYMER POLYPROPYLENE                        KG          0,003     .         .        .        .       .
      9      V20084045   STRAP TIE (L:118)                              PC            1,000   .         .        .        .       .
     10      V60000018   COPOLYMER POLYPROPYLENE                        KG          0,001     .         .        .        .       .
     11      V20085269   CABLE HOLDER CRT (I) UL94V-0                   PC            1,000   .         .        .        .       .
     12      V60000009   FR-HIPS NATR.V-0 SAFE                          KG          0,002     .         .        .        .       .
     13      V70000331   ADHESIVE TAPE 75MM/660M (4125)                 M             2,246   .         .        .        .       .
     14      V20097687   ON/OFF SW ASSY.FTZ(TOSHIBA)28"16:9-32-33       PC            1,000   .         .        .        .       .
     15      V30002174   SWITCH SAFE ON/OFF 4A/64A                      PC            1,000   .         .        .        .       .
     16      V30002368   CNAS 2P/650 AC MAINS W/C                       PC            1,000   .         .        .        .       .
     17      V30016513   POWER CORD SAFE 2.2MT JVC (W/FILTER)           PC            1,000   .         .        .        .       .
     18      V40000127   SWITCH INSULATION DOOR LK101                   PC            1,000   .         .        .        .       .
     19      V40001898   MACARON (12cm.Is

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