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                   Inter-Office Memorandum

        To         Mesa Implementors                                     Date               October 13, 1978

        From       Barbara Koalkin                                       Location           Palo Alto

        Subject    Specifics for Debugger Interface                      Organization       SDD/SD


        Filed on: [IRIS]   05 >DUI2.BRAVO                                                         DRAFT

        This memo is the specification for a new user interface for the Mesa 5.0 debugger; it has been
        drawn together from suggestions from the Mesa task list, Greg Shaw's suggestion list (based on the
        experience of ETM), the change requests classified as debugger wishes, experiments with the Tools
        Environment and the SmallTalk Browser, and discussion with experienced Mesa users.
        The design is based on the following observations and goals:

             *    We are aiming for the experienced systems programmer, not a clerical person with minimal
                  training who will quit in 6 months.

             *    We must build on the capabilities (and code) of the current Mesa debugger as well as
                  maintaining the present Mesa style of debugging.

             *    Speeding up the performance and increasing reliability is as important as improving the

             *    We should try to cut down on the edit-compile-debug loop as much as possible.

             *    Keep it simple.
        The basic facilities of the debugger can be divided into the following categories:          setting
        breakpoints and tracing program execution, examining (and changing) the runtime state, setting the
        context in which user symbols are looked up, directing program control, and a collection of less
        frequently used low-level utility commands. By supplementing the present teletype command
        processor interface to these facilities with more window/selection/menu based capabilities, we can
        both speed up and ease the debugging process.
        The new debugger interface looks as follows:

             *    The debugger is initialized with 3 windows: DEBUG.TYPESCRIPT window, a sourcefile
                  window, and a window for manipulating the stack (DEBUG.STACK).

             *    Each of these windows has a menu containing the standard set of window operations: MOVE
                  (change the position of the window), GROW (ch~lIge the size of tile window), BIG (make the window as large
                  as the entire screen/restore), and SMALL (make the window as mlo 11 small window at the side of the scrccn).
                  The menu also contains the basic selection operations that arc common to all windows:
                  STUFF IT (sluffs the selection of the window into the keyboard stream of the DEBUG.TYPESCRIPT
                  window). FIND (finds the next occurencc of the selection in the window).

             *    Each window has its associated filename in the header of the window.
Specifics for Debugger Interface                                                                                  2

   *   Each window may have a selection, but only one sclection is "the current selection" at any
       time. This simplifie~ input to commands that involve using the current selection.

   *   The mouse buttons remain as before: RED selects and extends the selection by characters,
       YELLOW selects and extends the selection by words, and BLUE displays thc menu.

   *   The scrolling functions remain as before: RED for scrolling up, YELLOW for thumbing,
       BLUE for scrolling down, and YELLOW IBLUE for nOlmalizing the selection.      Possible
       enhancements to the present capabilities are to have continuous scrolling and split windows.

   *   Look into what is involved in adopting the Tools window/menu/selection/editor package.

Debug.Typescript window:

   *   Retains the present debugger interface capabilities with respect to typing in key letters for
       invoking commands.

   *   Is the only debugger-created window that accepts type-in. This means that the STUFF-IT key can
       continue put characters into the input stream of this window; thus typing a character (when a non-scratchfile
       window is current) makes this typescript window the current window.

   *   Used to interpret expressions.

   *   The place of all debugger to user communcation. This window is used for reporting uncaught
       signals, error messages from the interpreter, and saving lists of information (such as List Breaks or Display
       GlobaIFrameTable).                      .

   *   In addition to the standard window operations, the menu for this window has a command
       to allow you to CREATE a new scratch window.

   *   The Debug.Typescript file can still be viewed as a log of the debugging session. If a user
       wishes to save some of the information that is lost by using selections instead of typing in all of the
       commands, you can record information in this window (in the form of comments) or use the old type-in
       command processor.

Sourcefile window:

   *   Used to set breakpoints and for displaying the source position when looking at the stack.

   *   This window is the only window in which you may set breakpoints. These breakpoint
       commands enable the user to perform all of the present breakpoint operations simply by
       selecting the location and choosing the appropriate menu command.

   *   111e semantics of the breakpoint commands are as follows:
       Keyword             Selection                    Action {old   command~
       BREAK               PROCEDURE                    Break Entry
                           RETURN                       Break Xit
                           source                       Break Procedure, Break Module
       CBREAK              PROCEDURE                    same as above commands but must
                           RETURN                       specify condition as post-operator
       CLEAR               PROCEDURE                    Clear    Entry Break
                           RETURN                       Clear    Xit Break
                           source                       Clear    Break, Clear Module Break
       BR ALL              PROCEDURE                    Break    All Entries
                           RETURN                       Break    All Xits
       CLALL               PROCEDURE                    Clear    All Entries
                           RETURN                       Clear    All Xits
                           PROGRAM                      Clear    All Breaks
Specifics for Debugger Interface                                                                                              3

   *   This scheme allows us to set conditional breakpoints by selecting the location, invoking the
       CBREAK command, and then typing in the condition. Where: either a window pops up (it is nice
       for this infonnation and its window to go away after being input) or into the typescript window (which is
       already there but possibly not visible)?    See figure 1.

   *   The type of menu to be used is as yet undetennined: either a menu with the breakpoint commands in addition
       to the window commands (as in the present scheme) or perhaps a fixed menu consisting of the keywords
       BREAK, CLEAR, CONDITION. and ALL, located either in the header of the window along with the file
       name or on the bottom of the window, that allows combinations of keywords to be selected, with BREAK and
       CLEAR actually activating the action. More experimenting and discussion is still neccesary to resolve this.

   *   All breakpoints are shown by a graphic indication in the source file window. What to use:
       secondary selection highlighting, or a carat beneath the location? This means the window needs to be refreshed
       (somehow) each time any breakpoint is set or cleared.

   *   Selections in the breakpoint window resolve only to places where breakpoints are allowed
       to be set (according to the compiler-generated fine grain table).

   *   The stack window is used for displaying current context information as well as the
       procedure call stack. Whichever level of the stack is selected becomes the current context
       for symbol lookup. It possible to change the current context by moving the selection in
       either direction along the stack.

   *   A subwindow of the stack window is reserved for showing context information about the
       current configuration, psb, module, global frame, and local frame. 'I1lC rest of this
       subwindow is used to show the procedure call stack, one level at a time. If you wish to
       advance along the stack, select the NEXT menu command or hit the next key. How about
       using the LF key for the next key? You may go back up the stack by selecting the name at the
       level you wish to look at. How to do jump (as in skip the next n levels)?

   *   'Jbe rest of the stack window is used to show the variables local to the current context.
       Should this be two separate windows? Should the variable window be cleared for each SHOW or just
       scrolled? 111is sub window has its own scrolling capabilities; stack commands are activated by
       means of a menu. See figures 2 and 3 for examples. The semantics of the commands are as
       Keyword                Selection                      Action       ~ old   command)
       snow                  config                              Display     Configuration
                             psb                                 Display     Process - p, r,           W
                             module                              Display     Module - v
                             procedure                           Display     Stack - v
       SOURCE                module                              Display     Module - s
                             procedure                           Display     Stack - s
                             psb                                 Display     Process - s
       NEXT                  procedure                           Display     Stack - n
                             psb                                 Display     Process - n

   *   This window may also be used for changing the context. Selecting one of the context
       keywords (Configuration, Process, Module) means "change this context". When Ule
       current context gets modified in some way, all of the conlext infonnation gets updated. See
       the section below for details.

   *   C[be stack window does not 'allow user type-in. Updating gets done by the debugger when
       the context gets modified in some way. Only word selection is allowed in this window,
       since selections are only used for context setting purposes. Note that all messages likc "No
       symbols    for   ll\lnnnB... "   and   "Sourcefile.mesa     \lol   availablc"   continue   to   be   displayed   in   the
       DImLJG.TYPES('R (PT window.
Specifics for Debugger Interface                                                                                    4

Changing the context:

   *   If you wish to change the context, select one of the context keywords. A (temporary)
       window (or call it a "view") appears with a list of the choices. Selecting the name changes the
       context as well as updating all of the corresponding information in the context status

   *   If you select the keyword "Configuration", a window appears, called "List.configs",
       consisting of a list of all the configurations that have been loaded. Note that this is the same
       output as the present List Configurations command.

   *   If you select the keyword "Module", a window appears, called "List.modules", consisting
       of a list of the names of all of the modules in the current configuration. Note that this is
       similar to the output of the present Display Configuration command.           See figure 4 for an example.

   *   If you select the keyword "Process", a window appears, called "List. processes" ,
       consisting of a list of all processes by ProcessHandle. What other information is neccesary in
       order for this to be interesting:    frame, root, source, priority?

Directing program control:

   *   Explore the idea of using the header of the DEBUG.TYPESCRIPT window to contain a menu of the
       PROCEED, QUIT, and KILL commands in order to have a menu way of directing program control.

Scratch window:

   *   The menu for this type of window has the standard window operations in addition to
       commands to CREATE a new scratch window, DESTROY a scratch window, and LOAD a file
       into a scratch window.

   *   This type of window can also accept keyboard type-in.
Mode changes:

   *   The debugger keeps a "property sheet" of state information that is not likely to change
       often. When you wish to examine or change any of these modes, you invoke the Mode
       Change command. This causes a window to appear (like the specification of a Tool or a property
       sheet in Desktop) in which you can reverse a mode by selecting ON/OFF. This command is
       used to set global state information that is currently maintained by the commands CAse
       on/off, Worry on/off, Keys on/off. What to call this command and how to invoke and display it?
       We should look into the possibility of extellding this sheet to include other options (for example, whether you
       would like to have records displayed with spaces or carriage returns between the fields).

Consistent rules for invoking commands:

   *   In general, the commands that require no parameters (Userscreen), print many lines of
       information (Coremap), take morc time to complete (List Processes), change the state
       (Reset Context), and direct program control (Proceed) are the types of commands that
       require confirmation (CR) before they are executed.

   *   Menu commands with just one operand use the current selection as the object of the aclion,
       and activate when the menu button is let up.

   *   Menu commands that require two arguments (such as conditional breakpoints), lise the
       current selection as the first argument and prompt (how'!) for the second one when the menu
       button is let up.

   *   All octal commands (Octal Read, Write, Set break, Clear break, Set Octal Context) may
       be invoked only through the command processor. The same applies for other low-level
Specifics for Debugger Interface                                                                              5

       utility commands.
Changes to the way things are now:

   *   As a result of implementing more selection based schemes for invoking debugger
       commands, WindEx has to become a standard part of the Mesa debugger.

   *   The need for the     MESATYPESCRIPT       window has gone away, so this feature is no longer
   *   Different types of windows have their own menu commands in addition to the basic set of
       window operations.

   *   The distinction between the old form of tracepoints and breakpoints has almost disappeared
       with the new display stack mode. Therefore only breakpoints are now being supported,
       with tracepoints being reserved for future design in combination with a macro facility. You
       would like to be able to specify a set of actions to be perfonned (including the ability to proceed) when
       reaching a traccpoint. without the user having to be there to type in the commands.

   *   'Ibe functions of the Display Variable and Interpret commands in Mesa 4.0 debugger have
       been superceded by the interpreter and therefore are no longer supported.
                            s. ptr = EVEH[BASEfbbt
     mapaddr: BMptr 

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