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PL                                                                                                  SUSPENSION           2-1


                                                      page                                                               page

FRONT SUSPENSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9   WHEEL ALIGNMENT             ..................... 1
REAR SUSPENSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

                                           WHEEL ALIGNMENT

                                                      page                                                               page

DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION                                      SERVICE PROCEDURES
 ....................................... 1                        ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
DIAGNOSIS AND TESTING                                          SPECIFICATIONS
  SUSPENSION AND STEERING DIAGNOSIS . . . 3                       CURB HEIGHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION                                      cations recommended by              Chrysler     Corporation
                                                               MUST ALWAYS be used.
   Proper vehicle wheel alignment is the proper                CAUTION: Do not attempt to modify any suspen-
adjustment of all interrelated front and rear suspen-          sion or steering components by heating or bending
sion angles (Fig. 1). These angles are what affects            of the component.
the handling and steering of the vehicle when it is in
                                                                  Wheel alignment adjustments should be made in
                                                               the following sequence, to ensure that an accurate
   The method of checking a vehicle's front and rear
                                                               alignment is performed.
wheel alignment will vary depending on the type and
                                                                  (1) Rear Wheel Toe Adjustment within specifica-
manufacturer of the equipment being used. Instruc-
                                                               tions for both total toe and thrust angle.
tions furnished by the manufacturer of the equip-
                                                                  (2) Front Wheel Toe Adjustment within specifica-
ment being used should always be followed to ensure
                                                               tions for total toe.
accuracy of the alignment, except alignment specifi-
2-2     SUSPENSION                                                                                        PL
  (3) Toe is measured in degrees or inches and is           (4) Thrust Angle is defined as the average of the
the distance that the front edges of the tires are        Toe settings on each rear wheel. If this measurement
closer (or farther apart) than the rear edges (Fig. 1).   is out of specification, re-adjust rear wheel Toe so
See Front Wheel Drive Specifications for correct front    that each wheel has 1/2 of the total Toe measure-
and rear wheel Toe specifications.                        ment. When re-adjusting, do not exceed the total Toe

                                         Fig. 1 Alignment Camber/Toe
PL                                                                                   SUSPENSION         2-3


           CONDITION                      POSSIBLE CAUSES                 POTENTIAL CORRECTIONS
Front End Whine On Turns           1. Defective Wheel Bearing          1. Replace Wheel Bearing
                                   2. Incorrect Wheel Alignment        2. Check And Reset Wheel
                                   3. Worn Tires                       3. Replace Tires
Front End Growl Or Grinding On     1. Defective Wheel Bearing          1. Replace Wheel Bearing
                                   2. Engine Mount Grounding           2. Check For Motor Mount Hitting
                                   Against Frame Or Body Of Vehicle.   Frame Rail And Reposition Engine
                                                                       As Required
                                   3. Worn Or Broken C/V Joint         3. Replace C/V Joint
                                   4. Loose Wheel Lug Nuts             4. Verify Wheel Lug Nut Torque
                                   5. Incorrect Wheel Alignment        5. Check And Reset Wheel
                                   6. Worn Tires                       6. Replace Tires
Front End Clunk Or Snap On         1. Loose Wheel Lug Nuts             1. Verify Wheel Lug Nut Torque
                                   2. Worn Or Broken C/V Joint         2. Replace C/V Joint
                                   3. Worn Or Loose Tie Rod Or Ball    3. Tighten Or Replace Tie Rod End
                                   Joint                               Or Ball Joint
                                   4. Worn Control Arm Bushing         4. Replace Control Arm Bushing
                                   5. Loose Sway Bar Or Upper Strut    5. Tighten Sway Bar Or Upper Strut
                                   Attachment                          Attachment To Specified Torque
Front End Whine With Vehicle       1. Defective Wheel Bearing          1. Replace Wheel Bearing
Going Straight At A Constant
                                   2. Incorrect Wheel Alignment        2. Check And Reset Wheel
                                   3. Worn Tires                       3. Replace Tires
Front End Growl Or Grinding With   1. Engine Mount Grounding           1. Reposition Engine As Required
Vehicle Going Straight At A
Constant Speed
                                   2. Worn Or Broken C/V Joint         2. Replace C/V Joint
Front End Whine When               1. Worn Or Defective Transaxle      1. Replace Transaxle Gears Or
Accelerating Or Decelerating       Gears Or Bearings                   Bearings
Front End Clunk When               1. Worn Or Broken Engine Mount      1. Replace Engine Mount
Accelerating Or Decelerating
                                   2. Worn Or Defective Transaxle      2. Replace Transaxle Gears Or
                                   Gears Or Bearings                   Bearings
                                   3. Loose Wheel Lug Nuts             3. Verify Wheel Lug Nut Torque
                                   4. Worn Or Broken C/V Joint         4. Replace C/V Joint
                                   5. Worn Or Loose Ball Joint         5. Tighten Or Replace Ball Joint
                                   6. Worn Or Loose Control Arm        6. Tighten To Specified Torque Or
                                   Bushing                             Replace Control Arm Bushing
                                   7. Loose Crossmember Bolts          7. Tighten Crossmember Bolts To
                                                                       Specified Torque
2-4     SUSPENSION                                                                                               PL

               CONDITION                   POSSIBLE CAUSES                      POTENTIAL CORRECTIONS
Road Wander                         1. Incorrect Tire Pressure              1. Inflate Tires To Rcommended
                                    2. Incorrect Front Or Rear Wheel        2. Check And Reset Front Wheel
                                    Toe                                     Toe
                                    3. Worn Wheel Bearings                  3. Replace Wheel Bearing
                                    4. Worn Control Arm Bushings            4. Replace Control Arm Bushing
                                    5. Excessive Friction In Steering       5. Replace Steering Gear
                                    6. Excessive Friction In Steering       6. Replace Steering Coupler
                                    Shaft Coupling
                                    7. Excessive Friction In Strut Upper    7. Replace Strut Bearing
Lateral Pull                        1. Unequal Tire Pressure                1. Inflate All Tires To Recommended
                                    2. Radial Tire Lead                     2. Perform Lead Correction
                                    3. Incorrect Front Wheel Camber         3. Check And Reset Front Wheel
                                    4. Power Steering Gear Imbalance        4. Replace Power Steering Gear
                                    5. Wheel Braking                        5. Correct Braking Condition
                                                                            Causing Lateral Pull
Excessive Steering Free Play        1. Incorrect Steering Gear              1. Adjust Or Replace Steering Gear
                                    2. Worn Or Loose Tie Rod Ends           2. Replace Or Tighten Tie Rod Ends
                                    3. Loose Steering Gear Mounting         3. Tighten Steering Gear Bolts To
                                    Bolts                                   The Specified Torque
                                    4. Loose Or Worn Steering Shaft         5. Replace Steering Shaft Coupler
Excessive Steering Effort           1. Low Tire Pressure                    1. Inflate All Tires To Recommended
                                    2. Lack Of Lubricant In Steering        2. Replace Steering Gear
                                    3. Low Power Steering Fluid Level       3. Fill Power Steering Fluid
                                                                            Reservoir To Correct Level
                                    4. Loose Power Steering Pump Belt       4. Correctly Adjust Power Steering
                                                                            Pump Drive Belt
                                    5. Lack Of Lubricant In Steering Ball   5. Lubricate Or Replace Steering
                                    Joints                                  Ball Joints
                                    6. Steering Gear Malfunction            6. Replace Steering Gear
                                    7. Lack Of Lubricant In Steering        7. Replace Steering Coupler

PRE-ALIGNMENT VEHICLE INSPECTION                           and necessary corrections must be made on those
                                                           parts which influence the steering of the vehicle.
CAUTION: If the front suspension crossmember                  (1) Be sure the fuel tank is full when the wheel
shows any sign of impact damage, the steering col-         alignment specifications are checked and or adjusted.
umn to steering gear coupling must be inspected.           A full tank of fuel weighs approximately 75 pounds,
Refer to Group 19 Steering in this service manual          if the fuel tank is not full this reduction in weight
for the inspection procedure.                              will affect the curb height of the vehicle and the
                                                           alignment specifications.
  Before any attempt is made to change or correct             (2) Alignment specifications of a vehicle can be the
the wheel alignment factors, the following inspection      most accurately checked and set when the passenger
PL                                                                                         SUSPENSION       2-5
compartment and trunk of the vehicle are vacant              If a vehicles caster is not within manufacturers
with the exception of the spare tire. People, luggage,     alignment specifications, check for damaged suspen-
and any other appreciable weight will adversely            sion components or body parts. This type of damage
affect the checking and setting of the camber specifi-     can cause component locations to move affecting
cation.                                                    vehicle alignment. No adjustment can be made
  (3) Check and if required, inflate all of the tires to   for the Caster setting on this vehicle.
the recommended air pressure. All tires must be of
the same size and in good condition and have approx-       CAUTION: Do not attempt to adjust the vehicles
imately the same tread wear. Note the type of              Caster or Camber by heating, bending or any other
tread wear on the tire, this will aid in diagnos-          modification of the suspension components.
ing problems. Refer to Group 22 Tires And
Wheels in this service manual for the tire wear              (1) Correctly position vehicle on alignment rack
diagnosis.                                                 and install all required equipment on vehicle, per the
  (4) Check the front tire and wheel assemblies for        alignment equipment manufacturers specifications.
radial runout.                                               (2) Center the steering wheel and lock in place
  (5) Before beginning the alignment process,              using a steering wheel clamp.
inspect all suspension component fasteners for loose-
                                                           NOTE: Prior to reading each alignment specifica-
ness and/or loss of specified torque.
                                                           tion, jounce the front and rear of the vehicle an
  (6) Inspect the lower front ball joints and all steer-
                                                           equal number of times. Induce jounce (rear first
ing linkage for looseness and any signs of wear and
                                                           then front) by grasping center of bumper and jounc-
or damage.
                                                           ing each end of vehicle an equal number of times.
  (7) Inspect the tie rod ends for looseness and any
                                                           Bumper should always be released when vehicle is
signs of wear and or damage.
                                                           at the bottom of the jounce cycle.
  (8) Inspect the rubber bushings on all suspension
components for signs of wear or deterioration. If any         (3) Correctly jounce vehicle and read front and
bushings show signs of wear or deterioration they          rear alignment settings and compare to vehicle spec-
should be replaced prior to aligning the vehicle.          ifications for Camber, Caster and Toe. See Alignment
                                                           Specifications in this group of the service manual for
SERVICE PROCEDURES                                         required specifications. If front and rear camber
                                                           readings are within required specifications pro-
WHEEL ALIGNMENT CHECK AND ADJUSTMENT                       ceed to step Step 3 in the Front And Rear Toe
                                                           Setting procedure. If Camber readings are not
                                                           within specifications refer to step Step 1 in the
CASTER CAMBER                                              following camber adjustment bolt package
  Front and rear Caster and Camber settings on this        installation procedure, for the front and rear
vehicle are determined at the time the vehicle is          Camber adjustment procedure.
designed, by the location of the vehicle's suspension
                                                           CAMBER ADJUSTMENT BOLT PACKAGE INSTALLATION
components. This is called a Net Build vehicle and         PROCEDURE
results in no required adjustment of Caster and
                                                             (1) If front and or rear camber readings obtained
Camber after vehicle is built or when servicing the
                                                           are not within the required specification range, a
suspension components. Thus Caster and Camber are
                                                           Mopar Service Kit is available to provide the
not normally considered an adjustable specification
                                                           required adjustment. The kit contains new bolts and
when performing an alignment on this vehicle.
                                                           nuts for the strut clevis bracket to steering knuckle
Though Caster and Camber are not adjustable they
                                                           attachment. The bolts contained in the service kit,
must be checked to ensure they meet vehicle specifi-
                                                           are slightly undersize allowing for movement
                                                           between the strut clevis bracket and steering
  If front and or rear camber is found not to meet
                                                           knuckle. The movement allowed by the undersize
the vehicle alignment specifications, it can be
                                                           bolts will provide approximately 2 degrees of camber
adjusted using a Mopar Service Kit developed to
                                                           adjustment per side of vehicle. To install new bolts in
allow for camber adjustment. If a vehicle's front or
                                                           service kit follow the procedure below.
rear camber is found to be outside the specifications,
the vehicles suspension components should be
inspected for any signs of damage on bending. This
must be done before using the Mopar Service
Kit for setting camber to meet required specifi-
             REMOVE BRACKET
                                THIS   STEERING          ATTACHING
                                       STRUT CLEVIS BRACKET TO TO
                                              CLEVIS KNUCKLE
                                               ATTACHING BOLTS
                                                    STEERING BOLTS

2-6       SUSPENSION                                                                                                    PL
CAUTION: The Mopar Service Kit for allowing                            (4) Loosen lower bolt attaching strut clevis bracket
adjustment of front and rear camber are different                    to steering knuckle or rear knuckle ONLY enough to
for the front and rear of the vehicle. When using the                allow knuckle to move in clevis bracket.
service kits be sure that the front and rear strut                     (5) Install bolt from service kit into the upper
attaching bolts are always used in the right location                strut clevis bracket to steering knuckle or rear
on the vehicle.                                                      knuckle mounting hole.

  (2) Raise front and or rear of vehicle until tires are             CAUTION: Only the nuts supplied in the service
not supporting the weight of the vehicle.                            kits MUST be used with the service kit replacement
                                                                     bolts. The original nuts will not properly secure the
CAUTION: The steering knuckle and rear knuckle                       strut clevis bracket to steering knuckle or rear
to strut assembly attaching bolts are serrated and                   knuckle.
must not be turned during removal. Remove nuts
while holding bolts stationary in the steering knuck-                   (6) Install nut provided in service kit on the
les.                                                                 replacement bolt.
                                                                        (7) Tighten upper bolt and nut from service kit
  (3) Remove original upper bolt attaching the front                 until snug, but still allowing movement between
or rear strut clevis bracket to the steering knuckle or              strut clevis bracket and knuckle.
rear knuckle (Fig. 2) or (Fig. 3).                                      (8) Remove original lower bolt. Install bolt from
                                                                     service kit into the bottom hole of the strut clevis
                                                                     bracket. Install nut and snug.
                                                                        (9) Lower vehicle until full weight of vehicle is
                                                                     supported by the suspension and then jounce front
                                                                     and rear of vehicle an equal amount of times.
                                                                        (10) Adjust front and or rear camber to the pre-
                                                                     ferred setting by pushing or pulling on the top of the
                                                                     front or rear tire. When camber is correctly set
                                                                     tighten upper and lower strut clevis bracket bolts.
                                                                     Again jounce front and rear of vehicle an equal
                                                                     amount of times and verify front and rear camber
                                                                     setting. See Alignment Specifications in this group of
                                                                     the service manual for required specifications.
                                                                        (11) When vehicle is at correct camber setting
                                                                     torque both front strut clevis bracket to steering
                                                                     knuckle attaching bolts to 53 N

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