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                                                                         ENGINE COOLING SYSTEM
                                                                                               SECTION                    CO                                    CO



                               VQ35DE                                              INSTALLATION .................................................. 21  .        F
                                                                                 Disassembly and Assembly ................................... 21       .
PRECAUTIONS ......................................................... 3.           DISASSEMBLY .................................................. 21   .
 Precautions for Supplemental Restraint System                                     ASSEMBLY ........................................................ 21.        G
 (SRS) "AIR BAG" and "SEAT BELT PRE-TEN-                                        WATER PUMP ......................................................... 22.
 SIONER" ................................................................. 3
                                                                       .         Removal and Installation ....................................... 22   .
 Precautions for Liquid Gasket ................................. 3     .           REMOVAL .......................................................... 22
   REMOVAL OF LIQUID GASKET SEALING ......... 3                        .                                                                                        H
                                                                                   INSPECTION AFTER REMOVAL ...................... 24                  .
   LIQUID GASKET APPLICATION PROCEDURE 3                               .....       INSTALLATION .................................................. 24  .
PREPARATION .......................................................... 5
                                                                       .           INSPECTION AFTER INSTALLATION ............... 25                    .
 Special Service Tools .............................................. 5.        WATER INLET AND THERMOSTAT ASSEMBLY ... 26                                       I
 Commercial Service Tools ....................................... 6    .         Removal and Installation ....................................... 26   .
OVERHEATING CAUSE ANALYSIS ......................... 7                 .           REMOVAL .......................................................... 26
 Troubleshooting Chart ............................................. 7 .           INSPECTION AFTER REMOVAL ...................... 27                  .        J
COOLING SYSTEM ................................................... 9   .           INSTALLATION .................................................. 27  .
 Cooling Circuit ......................................................... 9
                                                                       .           INSPECTION AFTER INSTALLATION ............... 27                    .
 System Drawing .................................................... 10.        WATER OUTLET AND WATER PIPING .................. 28                    .
ENGINE COOLANT ..................................................11    .                                                                                        K
                                                                                 Removal and Installation ....................................... 28   .
 Inspection ...............................................................11
                                                                       .           REMOVAL .......................................................... 28
   LEVEL CHECK ...................................................11   .           INSTALLATION .................................................. 28  .
   CHECKING COOLING SYSTEM FOR LEAKS....11                                         INSPECTION AFTER INSTALLATION ............... 28                    .        L
 Changing Engine Coolant ......................................11      .        SERVICE DATA AND SPECIFICATIONS (SDS) ..... 29                         .
   DRAINING ENGINE COOLANT .........................11                 .         Standard and Limit ................................................. 29
   REFILLING ENGINE COOLANT ....................... 12                 .           ENGINE COOLANT CAPACITY (APPROXI-                                            M
   FLUSHING COOLING SYSTEM ........................ 13                 .           MATE) ................................................................. 29
RADIATOR ............................................................... 14
                                                                       .           THERMOSTAT ................................................... 29   .
 Removal and Installation ....................................... 14   .           RADIATOR ......................................................... 29
   REMOVAL .......................................................... 14
   INSTALLATION .................................................. 15  .
   INSPECTION AFTER INSTALLATION .............. 15                     .
 Checking Radiator Cap ......................................... 15    .        PRECAUTIONS ....................................................... 30.
 Checking Radiator ................................................. 16.         Precautions for Supplemental Restraint System
RADIATOR (ALUMINUM TYPE) ............................. 17              .         (SRS) "AIR BAG" and "SEAT BELT PRE-TEN-
 Disassembly and Assembly .................................. 17        .         SIONER" ................................................................ 30
   PREPARATION .................................................. 17   .        PREPARATION ........................................................ 31
   DISASSEMBLY .................................................. 17   .         Special Service Tools ............................................ 31.
   ASSEMBLY ........................................................ 18.         Commercial Service Tools ..................................... 31    .
   INSPECTION ..................................................... 20 .        OVERHEATING CAUSE ANALYSIS ....................... 32                 .
COOLING FAN ........................................................ 21.         Troubleshooting Chart ........................................... 32 .
 Removal and Installation ....................................... 21   .
   REMOVAL .......................................................... 21

Revision: 2004 November                                                   CO-1                                                       2004 FX35/FX45
COOLING SYSTEM ................................................. 34    .           INSTALLATION ...................................................47  .
 Cooling Circuit ....................................................... 34
                                                                       .         Removal and Installation (Motor Driven Type) .......48                .
 System Drawing .................................................... 35.           REMOVAL ...........................................................48
ENGINE COOLANT ................................................. 36    .           INSTALLATION ...................................................48  .
 Inspection .............................................................. 36
                                                                       .         Disassembly and Assembly (Motor Driven Type) ...48
   LEVEL CHECK ................................................... 36  .           DISASSEMBLY ...................................................48   .
   LEAK CHECK ..................................................... 36 .           INSPECTION AFTER DISASSEMBLY ...............48                      .
 Changing Engine Coolant ...................................... 36     .           ASSEMBLY .........................................................48.
   DRAINING ENGINE COOLANT ......................... 36                .        WATER PUMP ..........................................................49.
   REFILLING ENGINE COOLANT ........................ 37                .         Removal and Installation ........................................49   .
   FLUSHING COOLING SYSTEM ........................ 38                 .           REMOVAL ...........................................................49
RADIATOR ............................................................... 39
                                                                       .           INSPECTION AFTER REMOVAL .......................49                  .
 Removal and Installation ....................................... 39   .           INSTALLATION ...................................................50  .
   REMOVAL .......................................................... 39
                                                                       .           INSPECTION AFTER INSTALLATION ...............50                     .
   INSTALLATION ................................................... 41 .        THERMOSTAT AND WATER CONTROL VALVE ....51                              .
   INSPECTION AFTER INSTALLATION ............... 41                    .         Removal and Installation ........................................51   .
 Checking Radiator Cap ......................................... 41    .           REMOVAL ...........................................................51
 Checking Radiator ................................................. 41.           INSPECTION AFTER REMOVAL .......................52                  .
RADIATOR (ALUMINUM TYPE) .............................. 43             .           INSTALLATION ...................................................52  .
 Disassembly and Assembly ................................... 43       .           INSPECTION AFTER INSTALLATION ...............53                     .
   PREPARATION .................................................. 43   .        SERVICE DATA AND SPECIFICATIONS (SDS) .....54                          .
   DISASSEMBLY .................................................. 43   .         Standard and Limit .................................................54.
   ASSEMBLY ........................................................ 44.           ENGINE COOLANT CAPACITY (APPROXI-
   INSPECTION ...................................................... 46.           MATE) .................................................................54
COOLING FAN ......................................................... 47
                                                                       .           RADIATOR ..........................................................54
 Removal and Installation (Crankshaft Driven Type) 47                  ...         THERMOSTAT ....................................................54   .
   REMOVAL .......................................................... 47
                                                                       .           WATER CONTROL VALVE .................................54             .
   INSPECTION AFTER REMOVAL ....................... 47                 .

Revision: 2004 November                                                   CO-2                                                       2004 FX35/FX45
[VQ35DE]                                                            PFP:00001
Precautions for Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) "AIR BAG" and "SEAT
BELT PRE-TENSIONER"                                                                                         ABS009A8

The Supplemental Restraint System such as "AIR BAG" and "SEAT BELT PRE-TENSIONER", used along CO
with a front seat belt, helps to reduce the risk or severity of injury to the driver and front passenger for certain
types of collision. This system includes seat belt switch inputs and dual stage front air bag modules. The SRS
system uses the seat belt switches to determine the front air bag deployment, and may only deploy one front C
air bag, depending on the severity of a collision and whether the front occupants are belted or unbelted.
Information necessary to service the system safely is included in the SRS and SB section of this Service Man-
WARNING:                                                                                                             D
q    To avoid rendering the SRS inoperative, which could increase the risk of personal injury or death
     in the event of a collision which would result in air bag inflation, all maintenance must be per-
     formed by an authorized NISSAN/INFINITI dealer.                                                                 E
q    Improper maintenance, including incorrect removal and installation of the SRS, can lead to per-
     sonal injury caused by unintentional activation of the system. For removal of Spiral Cable and Air
     Bag Module, see the SRS section.                                                                                F
q    Do not use electrical test equipment on any circuit related to the SRS unless instructed to in this
     Service Manual. SRS wiring harnesses can be identified by yellow and/or orange harnesses or
     harness connectors.
Precautions for Liquid Gasket                                                                               ABS005ZR

q    After removing mounting bolts and nuts, separate the mating                                                       H
     surface using a seal cutter (SST) and remove old liquid gasket
     CAUTION:                                                                                                          I
     Be careful not to damage the mating surfaces.
q    Tap seal cutter to insert it, and then slide it by tapping on the
     side as shown in the figure.                                                                                      J
q    In areas where seal cutter is difficult to use, use plastic hammer
     to lightly tap the areas where the liquid gasket is applied.
     CAUTION:                                                                                            PBIC0002E     K
     If for some unavoidable reason tool such as screwdriver is
     used, be careful not to damage the mating surfaces.
LIQUID GASKET APPLICATION PROCEDURE                                                                                    L
1.   Using a scraper, remove old liquid gasket adhering to the liquid
     gasket application surface and the mating surface.
     q Remove liquid gasket completely from the groove of the liquid                                                   M
       gasket application surface, mounting bolts, and bolt holes.
2.   Wipe the liquid gasket application surface and the mating sur-
     face with white gasoline (lighting and heating use) to remove
     adhering moisture, grease and foreign materials.


Revision: 2004 November                              CO-3                                      2004 FX35/FX45
3.   Attach liquid gasket tube to tube presser [SST: WS39930000 ( 

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