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                                                                                            FRONT FINAL DRIVE
                                                                                                               FFD                                              B



PRECAUTIONS ......................................................... 2
                                                                      .          Side Shaft .............................................................. 18
                                                                                                                                                       .        F
  Precautions ............................................................. 2
                                                                      .            BEARING AND OIL SEAL REPLACEMENT ...... 18                          .
PREPARATION .......................................................... 3
                                                                      .            EXTENSION TUBE REPLACEMENT ................ 19                      .
  Special Service Tools .............................................. 3
                                                                      .            PRE-DISASSEMBLY INSPECTION ................... 19                   .        G
  Commercial Service Tools ....................................... 5  .            DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY ..................... 21                   .
NOISE, VIBRATION AND HARSHNESS (NVH)                                             Differential Case Assembly ................................... 24     .
TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................... 6     .          Installation Drive Pinion Assembly ........................ 27        .
  NVH Troubleshooting Chart .................................... 6    .            DIFFERENTIAL CASE INSTALLATION ............. 28                     .
FRONT OIL SEAL ..................................................... 7.            TOOTH CONTACT INSPECTION ...................... 30                  .
  Removal and Installation ......................................... 7.            TOOTH CONTACT PATTERN AND HEIGHT
    REMOVAL ............................................................ 7
                                                                      .            ADJUSTING WASHER SELECTION ................. 31                     .         I
    INSTALLATION .................................................... 8
                                                                      .            TOOTH CONTACT ADJUSTMENT .................... 31                    .
SIDE OIL SEAL ......................................................... 9
                                                                      .            TOTAL PRELOAD INSPECTION ....................... 33                 .
  Removal and Installation ......................................... 9.            DRIVE PINION PRELOAD ADJUSTMENT ........ 33                         .         J
    REMOVAL ............................................................ 9
                                                                      .          After Inspection ...................................................... 35
    INSTALLATION .................................................... 9
                                                                      .          Carrier Cover Installation ....................................... 36 .
FRONT FINAL DRIVE ASSEMBLY ......................... 10               .         SERVICE DATA AND SPECIFICATIONS (SDS) ..... 37                         .
  Removal and Installation (VQ35DE) ..................... 10          .          General Specifications ........................................... 37 .
    REMOVAL .......................................................... 10
                                                                      .          Drive Gear Runout ................................................. 37.
    INSTALLATION .................................................. 10.          Side Gear Adjustment ........................................... 37   .
  Removal and Installation (VK45DE) .......................11         .          Available Side Gear Thrust Washers ..................... 37           .         L
    REMOVAL ...........................................................11
                                                                      .            SIDE BEARING PRELOAD ADJUSTING SHIMS 37                             ...
    INSTALLATION ...................................................11.          Drive Pinion Height Adjustment ............................. 38       .
  Front Final Drive Breather Hose ........................... 12      .            AVAILABLE PINION HEIGHT ADJUSTING                                            M
    REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION (VQ35DE) ...... 12                       .            WASHERS ......................................................... 38.
    REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION (VK45DE) ...... 13                       .          Drive Pinion Preload Adjustment ........................... 38        .
  Components .......................................................... 14
                                                                      .            AVAILABLE PINION HEIGHT ADJUSTING
    COMPONENTS (VQ35DE) ................................ 14           .            WASHERS ......................................................... 38.
    COMPONENTS (VK45DE) ................................ 16           .          Total Preload Adjustment ....................................... 38   .

Revision: 2004 November                                                  FFD-1                                                       2004 FX35/FX45

PRECAUTIONS                                                                                    PFP:00001

Precautions                                                                                        ADS000N3

q  Before starting diagnosis of the vehicle, understand symptoms well. Perform correct and system-
   atic operations.
q  Check for the correct installation status prior removal or disassembly. When mating marks are
   required, be sure they do not interfere with the function of the parts they are applied to.
q  Carry out an overhaul in a clean work place, Using a dust proof room is recommended.
q  Before disassembly, using steam or white gasoline, completely remove sand and mud from the
   exterior the unit, preventing them from entering into the unit during disassembly or assembly.
q  Check appearance of the disassembled parts for damage, deformation, and abnormal wear. If a
   malfunction is detected, replace it with a new one.
q  Normally replace lock pins, oil seals, and bearings with new ones every times they are removed.
q  In principle, tighten bolts or nuts gradually in several steps working diagonally from inside to out-
   side. If tightening sequence is specified, observe it.
q  Clean and flush the parts sufficiently and blow them dry.
q  Be careful not to damage the sliding surfaces and mating surface.
q  When applying sealant, remove the old sealant from the mounting surface; then remove any mois-
   ture, oil, and foreign materials from the application and mounting surfaces.
q  Always use shop paper for cleaning the inside of components.
q  Avoid using cotton gloves or a shop cloth to prevent entering of lint.
q  During assembly, observe the specified tightening torque, and new differential oil, Vaseline, or
   multi-purpose grease, as specified for each vehicle, when necessary.

Revision: 2004 November                         FFD-2                                   2004 FX35/FX45

PREPARATION                                                                                                     PFP:00002
Special Service Tools                                                                                               ADS000N4

The actual shapes of Kent-Moore tools may differ from those of special service tools illustrated here.
   Tool number (Kent-Moore No.)
   Tool name

   ST33400001 (J26082)                                                  q   Installing front oil seal
   a: 60 mm (2.36 in) dia.
   b: 47 mm (1.85 in) dia.                                              q   Installing right side oil sea


   KV38100500 (J25273)
   ST3620000 ( 

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