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A ASC/BS - Wiring diagram ............... EC-542, EC-1201
ASC/SW - Wiring diagram .............. EC-525, EC-1183
A/C air flow ...................................................... ATC-36 ASCBOF - Wiring diagram .............. EC-632, EC-1304
A/C component layout ..................................... ATC-26 ASCD .............................................. EC-657, EC-1329
A/C compressor clutch removal and installation ........... ASCD (automatic speed control device) ........... ACS-3
ATC-155 ASCIND - Wiring diagram ............... EC-639, EC-1311
A/C compressor mounting ........... ATC-152, ATC-155, Ashtray illumination .......................................... LT-237
ATC-159, ATC-160, ATC-161, ATC-162, ATC-163, AT indicator lamp ................................................ DI-68
ATC-165, ATC-166, ATC-167, ATC-169 Auto air conditioner - Wiring diagram ............. ATC-59
A/C compressor precaution ............................. ATC-13 Auto amp ...................................................... ATC-128
A/C compressor special service tool ................ ATC-17 Auto anti-dazzling inside mirror ....................... GW-96
A/C control operation (auto A/C) ...................... ATC-33 Automatic amplifier ........... ATC-64, ATC-77, ATC-128
A/C diagnostic work flow (auto A/C) .............. ATC-114 Automatic transmission fluid replacement ........ MA-32
A/C evaporator ............................................... ATC-167 AV and NAVI control unit ................................. AV-102
A/C HFC134a (R134a) system precaution ........ ATC-5 AV communication line ........................ AV-81, AV-142
A/C HFC134a (R134a) system service procedure ....... AWD - Wiring diagram ....................................... TF-36
ATC-149 Axle ................................................................... MA-37
A/C HFC134a (R134a) system service tools ... ATC-18 Axle housing (rear) ........................................... RAX-7
A/C HFC134a system service equipment precaution ...
ATC-13 B
A/C lubricant (R134a) ...................................... ATC-27
A/C lubrication oil ........................................... ATC-174 Back Door ........................................................ BL-196
A/C operational check ...................................... ATC-75 Back door ......................................................... BL-196
A/C self-diagnoses (auto A/C) ........ ATC-66, ATC-114 Back door opener - See Back door .................. BL-200
A/C service data specification ........................ ATC-174 BACK/L - Wiring diagram ................................. LT-194
A/C system description (auto A/C) ................... ATC-30 Back-up lamp ................................................... LT-194
A/C trouble diagnoses (auto A/C) .................... ATC-52 Battery ................................................................. SC-4
A/C, A - Wiring diagram ................................... ATC-59 Battery/Starting/Charging System Tester SC-6, SC-13,
A/T - Wiring diagram .......................................... AT-62 SC-26
A/T fluid checking ...................... AT-12, AT-71, MA-29 BCM (Body control module) .............................. BCS-3
A/T fluid replacement ............................. AT-12, MA-31 Block heater .................................................... EM-231
A/T fluid temperature sensor ........................... AT-147 Block heater(VQ35DE) ................................... EM-118
A/T IND - Wiring diagram .................................... DI-68 Blower motor ................................... ATC-92, ATC-136
A/T self-diagnoses ............................. AT-109, AT-120 Blower unit .................................................... ATC-134
A/T shift lock system ........................................ AT-235 Board computer ................................................. AV-54
A/T shift lock system - Wiring diagram ............ AT-236 Bose speaker amp. .............................................. AV-7
A/T trouble diagnoses ........................................ AT-53 Brake booster .................................................... BR-15
Accelerator control system ............................... ACC-2 Brake fluid level ................................................ MA-35
Accelerator pedal position (APP) sensor ........ EC-562, Brake hydraulic line ........................................... BR-11
EC-569, EC-583, EC-1226, EC-1233, EC-1247 Brake inspection ............................................... MA-35
Accelerator pedal released position learning .... EC-63, Brake lines and cables inspection .................... MA-35
EC-703 Brake master cylinder ........................................ BR-13
Air bag .............................................................. SRS-3 Brake switch ................................... EC-557, EC-1221
Air bag disposal .............................................. SRS-50 BRK/SW - Wiring diagram .............. EC-558, EC-1222
Air bag precautions ........................................... SRS-3 Bulb specifications ........................................... LT-294
Air cleaner and air duct ................................... EM-170 Bumper, front ...................................................... EI-14
Air cleaner and air duct(VQ35DE) .................... EM-17 Bumper, rear ....................................................... EI-18
Air cleaner filter replacement ................ MA-17, MA-25
Air cleaner filter(VQ35DE) ................................ EM-18 C
Air conditioner cut control .................... EC-35, EC-683
Air flow meter - See Mass air flow sensor ...... EC-177, Camshaft ........................................................ EM-202
EC-185, EC-826, EC-834, EC-1063 Camshaft inspection ....................................... EM-205
Air mix. door motor ......................... ATC-86, ATC-143 Camshaft inspection(VQ35DE) ......................... EM-82
Ambient sensor ............................. ATC-116, ATC-129 Camshaft position sensor (PHASE) .. EC-315, EC-965
Angular tightening application ......................... EM-157 Camshaft(VQ35DE) .......................................... EM-80
Angular tightening application(VQ35DE) ............ EM-6 CAN .................................................................... DI-33
APPS1 - Wiring diagram .................. EC-564, EC-1228 CAN - Wiring diagram ........ EC-155, EC-797, LAN-21,
APPS2 - Wiring diagram .................. EC-571, EC-1235 LAN-52, LAN-88, LAN-134, LAN-168, LAN-207
APPS3 - Wiring diagram .................. EC-585, EC-1249 CAN (Controller Area Network) BL-23, BL-70, BL-119,
BL-220, GW-22, GW-100, RF-13, SE-17, LAN-6, Crash zone sensor .......................................... SRS-46
LAN-20, LAN-51, LAN-86, LAN-132, LAN-166, LAN-205 Cylinder block ................................................. EM-231 A
CAN communication EC-37, EC-154, EC-684, EC-796, Cylinder block boring ...................................... EM-251
AT-122, TF-28, TF-52, WT-10, BRC-11, BL-23, BL-70, Cylinder block(VQ35DE) ................................. EM-118
BL-119, BL-220, GW-22, GW-100, RF-13, SE-17, Cylinder head bolt tightening(VQ35DE) ............ EM-99 B
WW-9, LAN-6, LAN-20, LAN-51, LAN-86, LAN-132, Cylinder head(VQ35DE) ................................... EM-96
LAN-166, LAN-205
Canister-See EVAP canister ........... EC-646, EC-1318 D
CHARGE - Wiring diagram ................................ SC-24 C
Charging system ................................................ SC-23 D/LOCK - Wiring diagram ....................... BL-38, BL-44
Chassis and body maintenance ........................ MA-29 Daytime light system ........................................... LT-51
CHIME - Wiring diagram ..................................... DI-90 Daytime running light - See Daytime light system LT-51 D
CIGAR - Wiring diagram .................................. WW-67 Diagnosis sensor unit ..................................... SRS-49
Cigarette lighter ............................................... WW-67 Diagnostic trouble code (DTC) for OBD system EC-15,
Cigarette lighter illumination ............................. LT-238 EC-662 E
Circuit breaker ................................................... PG-17 Direct clutch solenoid valve ............... AT-166, AT-168
Clock ................................................................. DI-110 Display and amp.assembly ............... ATC-64, ATC-77
CLOCK - Wiring diagram .................................. DI-110 Door glass ........................................... GW-90, GW-93
Door glass Fitting Adjustment(Front) ................ GW-92 F
Closed loop control .............................. EC-33, EC-680
Collision diagnosis ........................................... SRS-57 Door glass Fitting Adjustment(Rear) ................. GW-95
Combination lamp, rear, removal and installation ........ Door lock .......................................................... BL-189
LT-229 Door mirror ...................................................... GW-138 G
Combination meter ............................................... DI-4 Door trim ............................................................. EI-35
Combination meter removal and installation - See Door, front ........................................... BL-185, GW-90
Instrument panel .................................................. IP-11 Door, rear ............................................ BL-185, GW-93 H
COMM - Wiring diagram ...................... AV-81, AV-142 Drive belt ......................................................... EM-167
COMPAS - Wiring diagram ................................. DI-54 Drive belt inspection ......................................... MA-22
Compass ............................................................ DI-52 Drive belt(VQ35DE) .......................................... EM-15
Component Location (auto A/C) ...................... ATC-56 Drive pinion diff. inspection ............................. RFD-13
Compression pressure(VQ35DE) ...................... EM-96 Drive shaft ......................................................... MA-37
Compressor clutch removal and installation .. ATC-155 Drive shaft (rear) ............................................... RAX-9
Compressor special service tool ...................... ATC-17 Driver air bag .................................................. SRS-37 J
Condenser ..................................................... ATC-166 DTRL - Wiring diagram ....................................... LT-68
Connecting rod ................................................ EM-248 Duct and grilles .............................................. ATC-145
Connecting rod bearing clearance ................... EM-248 K
Connecting rod bearing clearance(VQ35DE) .. EM-136 E
Connecting rod bushing clearance .................. EM-248
Connecting rod bushing clearance(VQ35DE) . EM-136 ECM power supply EC-149, EC-412, EC-791, EC-1059
Connecting rod(VQ35DE) ................................ EM-134 ECM/PW - Wiring diagram ............... EC-413, EC-1060
Console box - See Instrument panel ................... IP-10 ECTS - Wiring diagram ...................... EC-199, EC-847
CONSULT for VDC ......................................... BRC-38 Electric sunroof .................................................. RF-10
Control units (terminal arrangement) ................. PG-92 Electric throttle control actuator ........ EC-423, EC-425, IDX
Control valve (A/T) ............................................. AT-47 EC-1077, EC-1079
Controller Area Network (CAN) BL-23, BL-70, BL-119, Electrical load signal circuit .............. EC-621, EC-1293
BL-220, GW-22, GW-100, RF-13, SE-17, LAN-6, Electrical unit ..................................................... PG-92
LAN-20, LAN-51, LAN-86, LAN-132, LAN-166, LAN-205 Electrical units location ...................................... PG-85
Converter housing installation ............ AT-271, AT-275 Electronic ignition (EI) system ............. EC-34, EC-681
COOL/F - Wiring diagram ................ EC-484, EC-1145 Engine control module (ECM) .......... EC-409, EC-1056
Cooling circuit (engine) ...................................... CO-33 Engine control system diagram and chart ........ EC-29,
Cooling circuit (engine)(VQ35DE) ....................... CO-9 EC-676
Cooling fan ........................................................ CO-45 Engine coolant .................................................. CO-35
Cooling fan motor ............................ EC-492, EC-1151 Engine coolant temperature sensor (ECTS) ... EC-197,
Cowl top ............................................................... EI-24 EC-209, EC-845, EC-857
Cowl top cover ..................................................... EI-24 Engine coolant(VQ35DE) ................................. CO-11
Crankcase ventilation system - See Positive crankcase Engine oil ........................................................... LU-25
ventilation ........................................ EC-655, EC-1327 Engine oil filter replacement ............................. MA-26
Crankshaft ....................................................... EM-232 Engine oil precautions .......................................... GI-8
Crankshaft position sensor (POS) ..... EC-309, EC-959 Engine oil(VQ35DE) ............................................ LU-7
Crankshaft(VQ35DE) ....................................... EM-134 Engine removal ............................................... EM-227
Engine removal(VQ35DE) .............................. EM-108 Fuel precautions .......................................... GI-6, GI-7
Engine room cover .......................................... EM-166 Fuel pressure check ........................... EC-65, EC-705
ETC1 - Wiring diagram .................... EC-426, EC-1080 Fuel pressure release ......................... EC-65, EC-705
ETC2 - Wiring diagram .................... EC-433, EC-1087 Fuel pump ....................................... EC-609, EC-1281
ETC3 - Wiring diagram .................... EC-437, EC-1091 Fuel pump and gauge .......................................... FL-5
EVAP canister .................................. EC-646, EC-1318 Fuel system ......................................................... FL-3
EVAP canister purge volume control solenoid valve .... Fuel tank ............................................................ FL-11
EC-343, EC-502, EC-990, EC-1160 Fuel tank temperature sensor .......... EC-283, EC-288,
EVAP canister vent control valve ...... EC-350, EC-510, EC-933, EC-938
EC-997, EC-1168 Fuel tank vacuum relief valve ......... EC-646, EC-1318
EVAP control system (small leak) diagnosis .. EC-333, FUELB1 - Wiring diagram .. EC-269, EC-277, EC-918,
EC-374, EC-981, EC-1021 EC-927
EVAP control system pressure sensor ........... EC-357, FUELB2 - Wiring diagram .. EC-270, EC-278, EC-919,
EC-360, EC-366, EC-1004, EC-1007, EC-1013 EC-928
EVAP control system purge flow monitoring diagnosis Fuse .................................................................. PG-17
EC-328, EC-976 Fuse and fusible link box .................................. PG-99
EVAP vapor lines inspection ................. MA-21, MA-28 Fusible link ........................................................ PG-17
Evaporative emission (EVAP) system ............ EC-643,
EC-1315 G
Evaporator ..................................................... ATC-167
Exhaust manifold ............................................ EM-177 Gauges ................................................................. DI-4
Exhaust manifold(VQ35DE) .............................. EM-25 Glass ...................................... GW-11, GW-90, GW-93
Exhaust system ................................................... EX-3 Glove box lamp ................................... LT-236, LT-293
Exhaust system inspection ..................... EX-3, MA-29 GPS antenna ................................................... AV-101
Expansion valve ............................................. ATC-169 Grille - See Exterior ............................................ EI-23
Ground distribution ........................................... PG-46
F/FOG - Wiring diagram ................................... LT-135
F/PUMP - Wiring diagram ................ EC-610, EC-1282 H/AIM - Wiring diagram ................................... LT-115
Final drive removal and installation .. FFD-10, RFD-11 H/LAMP - Wiring diagram .................................. LT-25
Floor trim ............................................................. EI-40 Harness connector ............................................ PG-89
Flow charts ......................................................... GI-27 Harness layout .................................................. PG-61
Fluid temperature sensor (A/T) ........................ AT-147 Hazard warning lamp ....................................... LT-145
Fluorescent leak detector .............................. ATC-170 Headlamp aiming control ................................. LT-115
Fog lamp, front .................................................. LT-119 Headlamp leveler - See Headlamp aiming control ........
Front axle ............................................. FAX-4, FAX-10 LT-115
Front brake solenoid valve ................. AT-162, AT-164 Headlining - See Roof trim .................................. EI-42
Front bumper ...................................................... EI-14 Heated oxygen sensor 1 (bank 1) .... EC-216, EC-225,
Front door ............................. BL-185, BL-189, GW-90 EC-237, EC-441, EC-447, EC-864, EC-873, EC-886,
Front fog lamp ................................................... LT-119 EC-1103, EC-1109
Front passenger air bag .................................. SRS-41 Heated oxygen sensor 1 (bank 2) .... EC-216, EC-225,
Front seat belt ...................................................... SB-4 EC-237, EC-441, EC-447, EC-864, EC-873, EC-886,
Front seat belt pre-tensioner ..... SB-2, SRS-3, SRS-48 EC-1103, EC-1109
Front side air bag ............................................ SRS-42 Heated oxygen sensor 1 heater (bank 1) ....... EC-161,
Front suspension ............................................... FSU-6 EC-810
Front washer ...................................................... WW-4 Heated oxygen sensor 1 heater (bank 2) ....... EC-161,
Front wiper ......................................................... WW-4 EC-810
FTTS - Wiring diagram ...... EC-285, EC-289, EC-935, Heated oxygen sensor 2 (bank 1) .... EC-247, EC-256,
EC-939 EC-454, EC-465, EC-896, EC-905, EC-1116, EC-1127
Fuel cut control (at no load high engine speed) EC-35, Heated oxygen sensor 2 (bank 2) .... EC-247, EC-256,
EC-683 EC-454, EC-465, EC-896, EC-905, EC-1116, EC-1127
Fuel filter replacement .......................................... FL-5 Heated oxygen sensor 2 heater (bank 1) ....... EC-169,
Fuel gauge ............................................................ DI-4 EC-818
Fuel injector and fuel tube .............................. EM-186 Heated oxygen sensor 2 heater (bank 2) ....... EC-169,
Fuel injector and fuel tube(VQ35DE) ................ EM-43 EC-818
Fuel level sensor EC-392, EC-394, EC-396, EC-1039, Heated seat ..................................................... SE-114
EC-1041, EC-1043 Heater and cooling unit (Heater core) ........... ATC-138
Fuel line inspection ..................... FL-3, MA-17, MA-25 HFC134a (R134a) system precaution .............. ATC-5
HFC134a (R134a) system service procedure ATC-149 room) ................................................................. PG-18
HFC134a (R134a) system service tools .......... ATC-18 IVCB1 - Wiring diagram .... EC-417, EC-802, EC-1071 A
HFC134a system service equipment precaution .......... IVCB2 - Wiring diagram .... EC-419, EC-804, EC-1073
ATC-13 IVCSB1 - Wiring diagram ............................... EC-1096
High & low reverse clutch solenoid valve ....... AT-170, IVCSB2 - Wiring diagram ............................... EC-1098 B
AT-172 IVIS (Infiniti vehicle immobilizer system) precautions ...
Hood ................................................................... BL-14 GI-3
Horn ................................................................. WW-71
HORN - Wiring diagram ................................... WW-71 J C
HSEAT - Wiring diagram ................................. SE-115
Joint connector (J/C) .......................................... PG-91
IATS - Wiring diagram ....................... EC-194, EC-842
ICC - Wiring diagram ....................................... ACS-28 Knock sensor (KS) ............................. EC-305, EC-955 E
ICC/BS - Wiring diagram ................. EC-532, EC-1191 KS - Wiring diagram ........................... EC-306, EC-956
ICC/SW - Wiring diagram ................ EC-518, EC-1176
ICCBOF - Wiring diagram ................ EC-623, EC-1295 L
Idle air volume learning ....................... EC-63, EC-703 F
Idle mixture ratio .................................. EC-51, EC-692 LAN system circuit ........................................... ATC-80
Idle speed ............................................ EC-51, EC-692 Laser beam aiming adjustment ....................... ACS-20
Idle speed control (ISC) .... EC-400, EC-402, EC-1047, Latch (lower anchors and tether for children) system ... G
EC-1049 SB-11
Ignition coil ........................ EM-183, EC-591, EC-1263 Line pressure solenoid valve ........................... AT-137
Ignition coil(VQ35DE) ........................................ EM-40 Line pressure test (A/T) ..................................... AT-72 H
Ignition control system ..................... EC-591, EC-1263 Liquid gasket application ................................... LU-21
Ignition key hole illumination ............................. LT-235 Liquid gasket application(VQ35DE) EM-6, LU-3, CO-3
Ignition timing ...................................... EC-51, EC-692 Location of electrical units ................................. PG-85
Low coast brake solenoid valve ......... AT-174, AT-176 I
IGNSYS - Wiring diagram ................ EC-592, EC-1264
Illumination control ............................................ LT-293 Low tire pressure warning system ...................... WT-8
In vehicle sensor ........................... ATC-119, ATC-130 Lubricant (R134a) A/C ........................ ATC-7, ATC-27
INF/D - Wring diagram ....................................... AV-75 Lubrication circuit (engine) ................................. LU-23 J
INJECT - Wiring diagram ................. EC-604, EC-1276 Lubrication circuit (engine)(VQ35DE) .................. LU-5
Injector ............................................. EC-603, EC-1275 Lubrication oil A/C .......................................... ATC-174
Input clutch solenoid valve ................. AT-158, AT-160 K
Instrument panel .................................................. IP-10 M
Intake air temperature sensor ........... EC-192, EC-212,
EC-841, EC-860 M/ANT - Wiring diagram .................................... AV-48
Intake door control linkage adjustment ............ ATC-91 MAFS - Wiring diagram ..... EC-180, EC-187, EC-829,
Intake door motor ........................... ATC-89, ATC-137 EC-836, EC-1065
Intake manifold ................................................ EM-172 Magnet clutch ................................. ATC-98, ATC-155
Intake manifold collector(VQ35DE) ................... EM-19 MAIN - Wiring diagram ...................... EC-149, EC-791 IDX
Intake manifold(VQ35DE) .................................. EM-23 Major overhaul (Final drive) ............................ RFD-14
Intake sensor ................................ ATC-125, ATC-132 Major overhaul (Transfer) .................................. TF-15
Intake valve timing control (Bank 1) .. EC-157, EC-799 Mass air flow sensor (MAFS) ............ EC-177, EC-185,
Intake valve timing control (Bank 2) .. EC-157, EC-799 EC-826, EC-834, EC-1063
Intake valve timing control position sensor (Bank 1) .... Meter ..................................................................... DI-4
EC-1095 METER - Wiring diagram ...................................... DI-9
Intake valve timing control position sensor (Bank 2) .... MIL data link connectors circuit ....... EC-641, EC-1313
EC-1095 MIL/DL - Wiring diagram .................. EC-641, EC-1313
Intake valve timing control solenoid valve (Bank 1) ...... Mirror, door ..................................................... GW-138
EC-416, EC-1070 Mirror, out side ................................................ GW-138
Intake valve timing control solenoid valve (Bank 2) ...... Misfire ................................................ EC-299, EC-949
EC-416, EC-1070 Mode door control linkage adjustment ............. ATC-85
Integrated homelink transmitter ........................ BL-275 Mode door motor ............................ ATC-83, ATC-142
Intelligent cruise control (ICC) system ............... ACS-6 Molding - See Exterior ................... EI-26, EI-30, EI-33
Interior ................................................................. EI-37 Multiport fuel injection (MFI) system .... EC-32, EC-679
Interior lamp ...................................................... LT-239 Multiport fuel injection precautions ....................... GI-7
IPDM (Intelligent power distribution module engine
N Piston pin inspection ....................................... EM-246
Piston pin inspection(VQ35DE) ...................... EM-134
NATS - Wiring diagram .................................... BL-257 Piston ring inspection ...................................... EM-247
NAVI - Wiring diagram ..................................... AV-133 Piston ring inspection(VQ35DE) ..................... EM-135
Navigation system ........................................... AV-100 Piston to bore clearance ................................. EM-251
Nissan torque demand (NTD) control system .. EC-682 Piston to bore clearance(VQ35DE) ................ EM-138
NVH troubleshooting (Transfer) ........................... TF-7 PNP/SW - Wiring diagram .............. EC-554, EC-1214
NVIS (Nissan vehicle immobilizer system) precautions POS - Wiring diagram ....................... EC-310, EC-960
GI-3 POWER - Wiring diagram ................................... PG-4
Power door mirror .............................................. BL-20
O Power seat ....................................................... SE-109
Power socket ................................................... WW-69
O2H1B1 - Wiring diagram .................. EC-163, EC-812 Power steering fluid level ........................ PS-8, MA-36
O2H1B2 - Wiring diagram .................. EC-165, EC-814 Power steering gear ........................................... PS-19
O2H2B1 - Wiring diagram .................. EC-171, EC-820 Power steering hydraulic pressure .................... PS-31
O2H2B2 - Wiring diagram .................. EC-173, EC-822 Power steering oil pump .................................... PS-31
O2S1B1 - Wiring diagram .. EC-218, EC-228, EC-240, Power steering system bleeding .......................... PS-8
EC-866, EC-876, EC-889 Power supply routing .......................................... PG-3
O2S1B2 - Wiring diagram .. EC-220, EC-230, EC-242, Power window .................................................. GW-15
EC-868, EC-878, EC-891 PRE/SE - Wiring diagram EC-362, EC-368, EC-1009,
O2S2B1 - Wiring diagram .. EC-249, EC-259, EC-457, EC-1015
EC-468, EC-898, EC-908, EC-1119, EC-1130 Precations for Leak detection dye .................. ATC-16
O2S2B2 - Wiring diagram .. EC-251, EC-261, EC-459, Precautions (General) ........................................... GI-4
EC-470, EC-900, EC-910, EC-1121, EC-1132 Pressure switch 1 .............................. AT-164, AT-181
Oil cooler (engine)(VQ35DE) ............................. LU-14 Pressure switch 2 ............................................ AT-176
Oil filter ............................................................... LU-27 Pressure switch 3 .............................. AT-160, AT-183
Oil filter(VQ35DE) .............................................. LU-10 Pressure switch 5 .............................. AT-168, AT-185
Oil pan (engine) .............................................. EM-180 Pressure switch 6 .............................. AT-172, AT-187
Oil pan (engine)(VQ35DE) ................................ EM-28 Pressure test (A/T) ............................................. AT-72
Oil pressure (engine) ......................................... LU-25 Propeller shaft ...................................................... PR-7
Oil pressure (engine)(VQ35DE) ........................... LU-8 Propeller shaft on vehicle service ........................ PR-7
Oil pump (A/T) ................................................. AT-308 Propeller shaft vibration ....................................... PR-7
Oil pump (engine) .............................................. LU-30 PS/SEN - Wiring diagram ............... EC-405, EC-1052
Oil pump (engine)(VQ35DE) .............................. LU-17
Oil pump regulator valve (engine)(VQ35DE) ..... LU-17 R
Oil seal replacement (engine) ......................... EM-213
Oil seal replacement (engine)(VQ35DE) .......... EM-92 R/VIEW - Wiring diagram .................................. DI-115
Oil seal replacement (front of final drive) FFD-7, RFD-7 Radiator ............................................................ CO-38
Oil seal replacement (side of final drive) FFD-9, RFD-9 Radiator(VQ35DE) ............................................ CO-14
ORVR (On-board Refueling Vapor Recovery) EC-650, Rear axle .......................................................... RAX-5
EC-1322 Rear bumper ....................................................... EI-18
Out side mirror ................................................ GW-138 Rear combination lamp removal and installation ..........
Overheat ........................................................ EC-1142 LT-229
Rear door ............................................ BL-185, GW-93
P Rear seat ......................................................... SE-123
Rear seat belt ...................................................... SB-6
P/SCKT - Wiring diagram ................................ WW-69 Rear suspension ............................................... RSU-5
Park/Neutral position switch ............ EC-552, EC-1212 Rear view monitor ............................................. DI-112
Park/neutral position switch (A/T) .................... AT-127 Rear washer .................................................... WW-50
Parking brake control ........................................... PB-3 Rear window defogger ..................................... GW-98
PCV (positive crankcase ventilation) EC-655, EC-1327 Rear wiper ....................................................... WW-50
Personal lamp ..................................... LT-233, LT-266 Refrigerant connection precaution .................... ATC-8
PGC/V - Wiring diagram .... EC-345, EC-504, EC-992, Refrigerant discharging evacuating charging ATC-149
EC-1162 Refrigerant general precaution ......................... ATC-7
PHSB1 - Wiring diagram .................................. EC-316 Refrigerant lines ............................................ ATC-149
PHSB2 - Wiring diagram .................................. EC-318 Refrigerant pressure sensor .......... EC-616, EC-1288,
Pilot bushing replacement - See Pilot ATC-103, ATC-167
converter(VQ35DE) ........................................ EM-119 Refrigeration cycle .......................................... ATC-21
Piston assembly(VQ35DE) ............................. EM-129 Removal and installation (A/T) ........... AT-269, AT-272
Removal and installation (Transfer) .................... TF-13 Suspension ....................................................... MA-37
Revolution sensor (A/T) ...................... AT-129, AT-262 Symbols and abbreviations ...................... GI-10, GI-23 A
Ring gear diff. inspection ................................. RFD-13
Rocker cover ................................................... EM-189 T
Rocker cover(VQ35DE) ..................................... EM-49 B
Room lamp - See Interior lamp ......................... LT-239 Tachometer ........................................................... DI-4
ROOM/L - Wiring diagram ................................ LT-246 TCM circuit diagram ........................................... AT-61
RP/SEN - Wiring diagram ................ EC-617, EC-1289 TCM inspection table ....................................... AT-107
Thermostat ........................................................ CO-49 C
S Thermostat(VQ35DE) ....................................... CO-25
Three way catalyst .......................................... EM-177
Seal - See Exterior .............................................. EI-28 Three way catalyst function (Bank 1) . EC-323, EC-971 D
SEAT - Wiring diagram .................................... SE-111 Three way catalyst function (Bank 2) . EC-323, EC-971
Seat belt inspection ............................................. SB-8 Three way catalyst precautions ............................ GI-6
Seat belt pre-tensioner disposal ...................... SRS-50 Three way catalyst(VQ35DE) ........................... EM-25 E
Seat belt, front ..................................................... SB-4 Throttle body(VQ35DE) .................................... EM-22
Seat belt, rear ...................................................... SB-6 Throttle control motor ....................... EC-436, EC-1090
Seat, rear ......................................................... SE-123 Throttle control motor relay .............. EC-431, EC-1085
Self-diagnosis (Transfer) .................................... TF-43 Throttle position sensor (TPS) .......... EC-202, EC-292, F
SEN/PW - Wiring diagram ............... EC-498, EC-1157 EC-493, EC-495, EC-576, EC-850, EC-942, EC-1152,
SHIFT - Wiring diagram ................................... AT-236 EC-1154, EC-1240
Shift change signal ........................................ EC-1219 Tie-rod ............................................................... PS-19 G
Shift lock system .............................................. AT-235 Timing chain ................................................... EM-192
Shift schedule .................................................. AT-351 Timing chain(VQ35DE) ..................................... EM-61
Shock absorber (rear) ....................................... RSU-9 Tire rotation ............................................. WT-7, MA-34 H
Side air bag (satellite) sensor .......................... SRS-47 Tooth contact diff. ........................................... RFD-25
Side bearing preload diff. ................................. RFD-20 Top tether strap child restraint ........................... SB-12
Side curtain air bag .......................................... SRS-44 Torque converter installation AT-270, AT-271, AT-275
Side flange installation diff. .............................. RFD-10 Torque convertor clutch solenoid valve AT-133, AT-135
Side trim .............................................................. EI-37 TPS1 - Wiring diagram ...................... EC-294, EC-944
SMJ (super multiple junction) ............................ PG-94 TPS2 - Wiring diagram ...................... EC-204, EC-852
Spark plug ....................................................... EM-184 TPS3 - Wiring diagram .................... EC-578, EC-1242 J
Spark plug replacement ........................ MA-20, MA-27 Transfer control unit inspection table ................. TF-41
Spark plug(VQ35DE) ......................................... EM-41 Transverse link (front) ...................................... FSU-14
Specification value ............................. EC-144, EC-786 TRNSCV - Wiring diagram ............................... BL-275 K
Speedometer ........................................................ DI-4 Trouble diagnoses .............................................. GI-11
Spiral cable ...................................................... SRS-39 Turbine revolution sensor ................................ AT-149
Spot lamp ......................................................... LT-266 TURN - Wiring diagram .................................... LT-163 L
SROOF - Wiring diagram ..................... BL-204, RF-27 Turn signal lamp ............................................... LT-145
SRS - See Supplemental Restraint System ...... SRS-5 Tyre pressure monitoring system - trouble diagnoses ..
SRS Trouble diagnoses ..................................... SRS-7 WT-24
Stabilizer bar (rear) ......................................... RSU-16 Tyre pressure monitoring system - wiring diagram ....... IDX
Stall test (A/T) .................................................... AT-71 WT-25
Standardized relay ............................................. PG-96
START - Wiring diagram ................................... SC-11 U
Starter ................................................................ SC-10
Starting system .................................................. SC-10 Unified meter and A/C amp. ............................... DI-31
Steering gear and linkage inspection ................ MA-36
Steering linkage ................................................. PS-19 V
Steering wheel and column ................... PS-10, PS-12
Steering wheel turning force .............................. PS-10 Vacuum hose (brake system) ............................ BR-18
Step lamp ......................................................... LT-193 Vacuum hose drawing (Engine control) EC-30, EC-677
Stop lamp ......................................................... LT-185 Valve clearance .............................................. EM-208
Stop lamp switch ............................. EC-557, EC-1221 Valve clearance(VQ35DE) ................................ EM-87
STOP/L - Wiring diagram ................................. LT-187 Valve guide ..................................................... EM-103
Sun roof, electric ................................................ RF-10 Valve lifter(VQ35DE) ........................................ EM-84
Sunload sensor ............................. ATC-122, ATC-131 Valve seat(VQ35DE) ...................................... EM-104
Sunroof .................................................. RF-10, RF-38 Valve spring(VQ35DE) ................................... EM-106
Supplemental Restraint System ........................ SRS-5 Vanity mirror lamp ............................................. LT-231
Variable induction air control system (VIAS) . EC-1255
VDC -Wiring diagram ...................................... BRC-30
Vehicle security (theft warning) system ........... BL-216
Vehicle speed sensor (VSS) ........... EC-398, EC-1045,
VEHSEC - Wiring diagram ............................... BL-235
VENT/V - Wiring diagram .. EC-352, EC-512, EC-999,
VIAS - Wiring diagram ................................... EC-1257
WARN - Wiring diagram ..................................... DI-57
Warning chime .................................................... DI-72
Warning lamps .................................................... DI-56
Washer, front ..................................................... WW-4
Washer, rear .................................................... WW-50
Water control valve ........................................... CO-49
Water pump ...................................................... CO-47
Water pump(VQ35DE) ...................................... CO-21
Water temperature gauge ..................................... DI-4
Wheel alignment (front) ..................................... FSU-6
Wheel alignment (rear) ..................................... RSU-5
Wheel balance ........................................ WT-6, MA-33
Wheel bearing (front) ........................... FAX-4, FAX-10
Wheel bearing (rear) ......................................... RAX-5
Wheel hub (front) ................................. FAX-4, FAX-10
Wheel hub (rear) ............................................... RAX-5
Wheel sensor (VDC) ....................................... BRC-70
WINDOW - Wiring diagram ............................... GW-37
Window, door ...................................... GW-90, GW-93
Windshield ........................................................ GW-11
WIP/R - Wiring diagram ................................... WW-52
WIPER - Wiring diagram .................................. WW-26
Wiper, front ........................................................ WW-4
Wiper, rear ....................................................... WW-50
Wiring Diagram (Cell code) list .......................... PG-82
Wiring diagrams .................................................. GI-15
WT-T/WARN - Wiring diagram ......................... WT-25
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