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                                                                                     WIPER, WASHER & HORN
                                                                                                                     WW                                                B



PRECAUTION ........................................................... 3   .          Front Wiper Does Not Return to Stop Position ...... 39                  .        F
 Precautions for Supplemental Restraint System                                        Only Front Wiper LO Does Not Operate ................ 39                .
 (SRS) "AIR BAG" and "SEAT BELT PRE-TEN-                                              Only Front Wiper HI Does Not Operate ................. 40               .
 SIONER" ................................................................. 3
                                                                           .          Only Front Wiper INT Does Not Operate ............... 40                .        G
 Wiring Diagrams and Trouble Diagnosis ................. 3                 .          Front Wiper Interval Time Is Not Controlled by Vehi-
FRONT WIPER AND WASHER SYSTEM ................. 4                          .          cle Speed ............................................................... 41
 Components Parts and Harness Connector Loca-                                         Front Wiper Intermittent Operation Switch Position
 tion .......................................................................... 4
                                                                           .          Cannot Be Adjusted ............................................... 41   .
 System Description ................................................. 4    .          Wipers Do Not Wipe When Front Washer Operates 41                        ...
    LOW SPEED WIPER OPERATION ..................... 5                      .          After Front Wipers Operate for 10 Seconds, They
    HI SPEED WIPER OPERATION .......................... 5                  .          Stop for 20 Seconds, and after repeating the oper-                               I
    INTERMITTENT OPERATION ............................. 5                 .          ations five times, they become inoperative ............ 42              .
    AUTO STOP OPERATION ................................... 6              .          Front Wipers Do Not Stop ...................................... 43      .
    WASHER OPERATION ........................................ 6            .          Removal and Installation of Front Wiper Arms,                                    J
    MIST OPERATION ............................................... 6       .          Adjustment of Wiper Arms Stop Location .............. 44                .
    FAIL-SAFE FUNCTION ........................................ 7          .            REMOVAL .......................................................... 44 .
    COMBINATION SWITCH READING FUNCTION 7                                  .....        INSTALLATION .................................................. 44    .
 CAN Communication System Description ............... 9                    .            ADJUSTMENT ................................................... 44     .
 CAN Communication Unit ..................................... 10           .          Removal and Installation of Front Wiper Motor and
    TYPE 1/TYPE2 ...................................................11     .          Linkage .................................................................. 44
    TYPE 3 ............................................................... 14
                                                                           .            REMOVAL .......................................................... 44 .        L
    TYPE 4/TYPE5 .................................................. 18     .            INSTALLATION .................................................. 45    .
    TYPE 6 ............................................................... 21
                                                                           .          Disassembly and Assembly of Front Wiper Motor
 Schematic ............................................................. 25.          and Linkage ........................................................... 45
                                                                                                                                                              .        M
 Wiring Diagram -- WIPER -- ............................... 26             .            DISASSEMBLY .................................................. 45     .
 Terminals and Reference Values for BCM ............ 29                    .            ASSEMBLY ........................................................ 45  .
 Terminals and Reference Values for IPDM E/R .... 30                       .          Washer Nozzle Adjustment ................................... 46         .
 How to Proceed With Trouble Diagnosis ............... 30                  .          Washer Tube Layout ............................................. 47     .
 Preliminary Check ................................................. 31    .          Removal and Installation of Front Washer Nozzle... 47
    INSPECTION POWER SUPPLY AND GROUND                                                Removal and Installation of Front Washer tube Joint 47                  ...
    CIRCUIT ............................................................. 31
                                                                           .            REMOVAL .......................................................... 47 .
 CONSULT-II Functions (BCM) .............................. 32              .            INSTALLATION .................................................. 47    .
    CONSULT-II OPERATION ................................. 32              .          Check Valve Inspection ......................................... 48     .
    DATA MONITOR ................................................ 33       .          Removal and Installation of Front Wiper and Washer
    ACTIVE TEST .................................................... 34    .          Switch .................................................................... 48
 CONSULT-II Functions (IPDM E/R) ...................... 34                 .            REMOVAL .......................................................... 48 .
    CONSULT-II OPERATION ................................. 34              .            INSTALLATION .................................................. 48    .
    DATA MONITOR ................................................ 35       .          Removal and Installation of Washer Tank ............. 48                .
    ACTIVE TEST .................................................... 36    .            REMOVAL .......................................................... 48 .
 Front Wiper Does Not Operate ............................. 36             .

Revision; 2004 April                                                          WW-1                                                                      2003 FX
   INSTALLATION ................................................... 49
                                                                     .           REMOVAL ...........................................................65 .
 Removal and Installation of Washer Motor ............ 49            .           INSTALLATION ...................................................65    .
   REMOVAL .......................................................... 49
                                                                     .         Washer Nozzle Adjustment ....................................65         .
   INSTALLATION ................................................... 49
                                                                     .         Removal and Installation of Washer Nozzle ..........65                  .
REAR WIPER AND WASHER SYSTEM ................. 50                    .           REMOVAL ...........................................................65 .
 Component Parts and Harness Connector Location 50                   ...         INSTALLATION ...................................................65    .
 System Description ................................................ 50
                                                                     .         Washer Tube Layout ..............................................66     .
   REAR WIPER OPERATION ............................... 50           .         Check Valve Inspection ..........................................66     .
   INTERMITTENT OPERATION ........................... 51             .         Removal and Installation of Rear Wiper and Washer
   AUTO STOP OPERATION ................................. 51          .         Switch ....................................................................66
   WASHER OPERATION ...................................... 51        .         Removal and Installation of Washer Tank ..............66                .
   BCM WIPER SWITCH READING FUNCTION ... 51                                    Removal and Installation of Washer Motor ............66                 .
 Wiring Diagram -- WIP/ R -- ................................ 52     .        CIGARETTE LIGHTER ............................................67         .
 Terminals and Reference Values for BCM ............. 54             .         Wiring Diagram -- CIGAR -- .................................67          .
 How to Proceed With Trouble Diagnosis ............... 55            .         Removal and Installation of Cigarette Lighter ........68                .
 Preliminary Check ................................................. 56
                                                                     .           REMOVAL ...........................................................68 .
   INSPECTION POWER SUPPLY AND GROUND                                            INSTALLATION ...................................................68    .
   CIRCUIT ............................................................. 56
                                                                     .        POWER SOCKET ....................................................69      .
 CONSULT-II Functions .......................................... 57  .         Wiring Diagram -- P/SCKT -- ...............................69           .
   CONSULT-II OPERATION .................................. 57        .         Removal and Installation of Center Console Box
   DATA MONITOR ................................................. 58 .         Rear Side Power Socket ........................................70       .
   ACTIVE TEST .................................................... 59
                                                                     .           REMOVAL ...........................................................70 .
 Rear Wiper Does Not Operate .............................. 59       .           INSTALLATION ...................................................70    .
 Rear Wiper Does Not Return to Stop Position ....... 60              .         Removal and Installation of Center Console Box
 Only Rear Wiper ON Does Not Operate ................ 61             .         Power Socket .........................................................70.
 Only Rear Wiper INT Does Not Operate ............... 61             .           REMOVAL ...........................................................70 .
 Wiper Does Not Wipe When Rear Washer Operates 61                    ...         INSTALLATION ...................................................70    .
 Rear Wipers Do Not Stop ...................................... 62   .         Removal and Installation of Luggage Room Power
 Removal and Installation of Rear Wiper Arm, Adjust-                           Socket ....................................................................70
 ment of Wiper Arms Stop Location ........................ 63        .           REMOVAL ...........................................................70 .
   REMOVAL .......................................................... 63
                                                                     .           INSTALLATION ...................................................70    .
   INSTALLATION ................................................... 63
                                                                     .        HORN .......................................................................71
 Removal and Installation of Rear Wiper Motor ...... 64              .         Wiring Diagram -- HORN -- .................................71           .
   REMOVAL .......................................................... 64
                                                                     .         Removal and Installation ........................................72     .
   INSTALLATION ................................................... 64
                                                                     .           REMOVAL ...........................................................72 .
 Removal and Installation of Rear Wiper Blade ...... 65              .           INSTALLATION ...................................................72    .

Revision; 2004 April                                                    WW-2                                                                    2003 FX

PRECAUTION                                                          PFP:00011
Precautions for Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) "AIR BAG" and "SEAT
BELT PRE-TENSIONER"                                                                                           AKS007KQ

The Supplemental Restraint System such as "AIR BAG" and "SEAT BELT PRE-TENSIONER", used along                            B
with a front seat belt, helps to reduce the risk or severity of injury to the driver and front passenger for certain
types of collision. This system includes seat belt switch inputs and dual stage front air bag modules. The SRS
system uses the seat belt switches to determine the front air bag deployment, and may only deploy one front              C
air bag, depending on the severity of a collision and whether the front occupants are belted or unbelted.
Information necessary to service the system safely is included in the SRS and SB section of this Service Man-
WARNING:                                                                                                                 D
q    To avoid rendering the SRS inoperative, which could increase the risk of personal injury or death
     in the event of a collision which would result in air bag inflation, all maintenance must be per-
     formed by an authorized NISSAN/INFINITI dealer.                                                                     E
q    Improper maintenance, including incorrect removal and installation of the SRS, can lead to per-
     sonal injury caused by unintentional activation of the system. For removal of Spiral Cable and Air
     Bag Module, see the SRS section.                                                                                    F
q    Do not use electrical test equipment on any circuit related to the SRS unless instructed to in this
     Service Manual. SRS wiring harnesses can be identified by yellow and/or orange harnesses or
     harness connectors.
Wiring Diagrams and Trouble Diagnosis                                                                         AKS0056N

When you read Wiring diagrams, refer to the following:
q  Refer to GI-15, "How to Read Wiring Diagrams" .
q  Refer to PG-3, "POWER SUPPLY ROUTING CIRCUIT" for power distribution circuit.
When you perform trouble diagnosis, refer to the following:                                                              I
q  Refer to GI-11, "How to Follow Trouble Diagnoses" .
q  Refer to GI-27, "How to Perform Efficient Diagnosis for an Electrical Incident" .




Revision; 2004 April                                 WW-3                                                  2003 FX
                          FRONT WIPER AND WASHER SYSTEM

FRONT WIPER AND WASHER SYSTEM                                                                    PFP:28810

Components Parts and Harness Connector Location                                                        AKS0056O


System Description                                                                                     AKS0056P

q  All front wiper relays (HI, LO) are included in IPDM E/R.
q  Wiper switch (combination switch) is composed of a combination of 5 output terminals and 5 input termi-
   nals. Terminal combination status is read by BCM when switch is turned ON.
q  BCM controls front wiper LO, HI, and INT (intermittent) operation.
q  IPDM E/R operates wiper motor according to CAN communication signals from BCM.
Power is supplied at all times
q  through 50 A fusible link (letter M, located in fusible link block)
q  to BCM terminal 55,
q  through 15 A fuse [No. 22, located in fuse block (J/B)]
q  to BCM terminal 42,
q  through 30 A fuse [No. 73, located in IPDM E/R (intelligent power distribution module engine room)]
q  to front wiper relay [located in IPDM E/R (intelligent power distribution module engine room)]
q  through 15 A fuse [No. 78, located in IPDM E/R (intelligent power distribution module engine room)]
q  through 10 A fuse [No. 71, located in IPDM E/R (intelligent power distribution module engine room)]
q  to CPU (central processing unit) [located in IPDM E/R (intelligent power distribution module engine
When the ignition switch ON or START position, power is supplied
q  through 15 A fuse [No. 1, located in fuse block (J/B)]
q  to BCM terminal 38 and
q  through ignition relay [located in IPDM E/R (intelligent power distribution module engine room)]
q  to front wiper relay [located in IPDM E/R (intelligent power distribution module engine room)] and
q  to front wiper high relay [located in IPDM E/R (intelligent power distribution module engine room)]

Revision; 2004 April                             WW-4                                             2003 FX
                             FRONT WIPER AND WASHER SYSTEM

q  through 10 A fuse [No. 84, located in IPDM E/R (intelligent power distribution module engine room)]
q  through IPDM E/R (intelligent power distribution module engine room) terminal 44                                     A
q  to front washer motor terminal 1.
Ground is supplied
q  to BCM terminals 49 and 52
q  through grounds M35, M45 and M85,
q  to IPDM E/R terminals 38 and 60                                                                                      C
q  through grounds E21, E50 and E51,
q  to combination switch (wiper switch) terminal 12
q  through grounds M35, M45 and M85.                                                                                    D
When wiper switch is in LO position, BCM detects low speed wiper ON signal by BCM wiper switch reading
function.                                                                                                               E
BCM sends front wiper request signal (LO) with CAN communication line
q   from BCM terminals 39 and 40
q   to IPDM E/R terminals 48 and 49.                                                                                    F
When IPDM E/R receives front wiper request signal (LO), it turns ON front wiper relay (built in IPDM E/R),
power is supplied
q   to front wiper motor terminal 1                                                                                     G
q   through IPDM E/R terminal 21 and front wiper relay and front wiper HI relay.
Ground is supplied
q   to front wiper motor terminal 2
q   through grounds E21, E50 and E51.
With power and ground supplied, the front wiper motor operates at low speed.                                            I
When wiper switch is in HI position, BCM detects high speed wiper ON signal by BCM wiper switch reading
function.                                                                                                   J
BCM sends front wiper request signal (HI) with CAN communication line
q   from BCM terminals 39 and 40
q   to IPDM E/R terminals 48 and 49.                                                                       WW
When IPDM E/R receives front wiper request signal (HI), it turns ON front wiper relay (built in IPDM E/R),
power is supplied
q   to front wiper motor terminal 4                                                                         L
q   through IPDM E/R terminal 31 and front wiper relay and front wiper HI relay.
Ground is supplied
q   to front wiper motor terminal 2
q   through grounds E21, E50 and E51.
With power and ground supplied, the front wiper motor operates at high speed.
Wiper intermittent operation delay interval is determined from a combination of 3 switches (intermittent opera-
tion dial position 1, intermittent operation dial position 2, and intermittent operation dial position 3) and vehicle
speed signal.
During each intermittent operation delay interval, BCM sends front wiper request signal to IPDM E/R.

Revision; 2004 April                                  WW-5                                                  2003 FX
                               FRONT WIPER AND WASHER SYSTEM

Wiper Dial Position Setting
                                                                                   Combination switch
                                 Intermittent operation
        Wiper dial position                               Intermittent operation   Intermittent operation   Intermittent operation
                                                              dial position 1          dial position 2          dial position 3
       Wiper dial position 1                                       ON                       ON                       ON
       Wiper dial position 2                                       ON                       ON                      OFF
       Wiper dial position 3                                       ON                      OFF                      OFF
       Wiper dial position 4                                      OFF                      OFF                      OFF
       Wiper dial position 5                                      OFF                      OFF                       ON
       Wiper dial position 6                                      OFF                       ON                       ON
       Wiper dial position 7                                      OFF                       ON                      OFF

Example: For wiper dial position 1...
Using combination switch reading function, BCM detects ON/OFF status of intermittent operation dial posi-
tions 1, 2, and 3.
When combination switch status is as listed below, BCM determines that it is wiper dial position 1.
q    Intermittent operation dial position 1: ON (Combination switch output 3 and input 1 are performing.)
q    Intermittent operation dial position 2: ON (Combination switch output 5 and input 1 are performing.)
q    Intermittent operation dial position 3: ON (Combination switch output 4 and output 2 are performing.)
BCM determines front wiper intermittent operation delay interval from wiper dial position 1 and vehicle speed,
and sends wiper request signal (INT) to IPDM E/R.
With wiper switch turned OFF, wiper motor will continue to operate until wiper arms reach windshield base.
When wiper arms are not located at base of windshield with wiper switch OFF, ground is provided
q   from IPDM E/R terminal 21
q   to front wiper motor terminal 1, in order to continue wiper motor operation at low speed.
When wiper arms reach base of windshield, front wiper motor terminals 5 and 2 are connected,
and Ground is supplied
q   to IPDM E/R terminal 32
q   through front wiper motor terminals 5 and 2
q   through grounds E21, E50 and E51.
Then the IPDM E/R sends auto stop operation signal to BCM with CAN communication line.
When BCM receives auto-stop operation signal, BCM sends wiper stop signal to IPDM E/R with CAN commu-
nication line.
IPDM E/R stops wiper motor. Wiper motor will then stop wiper arms at the STOP position.
When wiper switch is in front wiper washer position with ignition switch on, BCM detects front wiper switch is
on the washer position by BCM wiper switch reading function (Refer to BCS-3, "COMBINATION SWITCH
READING FUNCTION" ), combination switch (wiper switch) ground is supplied
q   to front washer motor terminal 2
q   through combination switch (wiper switch) terminal 11
q   to combination switch (wiper switch) terminal 12
q   through grounds M35, M45 and M85
With ground supplied, front washer motor is operated.
When BCM detects that front washer motor has operated for 0.4 seconds or linger, BCM operates front wiper
motor for low speed.
When BCM detects washer switch is OFF, low speed operation cycles approximately 3 times and stops.
When the wiper switch is turned to the MIST position, wiper low speed operation cycles once and then stops.
For additional information about wiper operation under this condition, refer to WW-5, "LOW SPEED WIPER
If the switch is held in the MIST position, low speed operation continues.
Revision; 2004 April                                      WW-6                                                          2003 FX
                            FRONT WIPER AND WASHER SYSTEM

IPDM E/R includes a fail-safe function to prevent malfunction of electrical components controlled by CAN com-       A
munications in CAN communications occurs.
When fail-safe status is initiated, IPDM E/R remains in steady unit signals are received.
COMBINATION SWITCH READING FUNCTION                                                                                 B
q   BCM reads combination switch (wiper) status, and controls related systems such as head lamps and wip-
    ers, according to the results.                                                                                  C
q   BCM reads information of a maximum of 20 switches by combining five output terminals (OUTPUT 1-5)
    and five input terminals (INPUT 1-5).
Operation Description
q   BCM activates transistors of output terminals (OUTPUT 1-5) periodically and, and allows current to flow in
    turn.                                                                                                           E
q   If any (1 or more) switches are turned ON, circuit of output terminals (OUTPUT 1-5) and input terminals
    (INPUT 1-5) becomes active.
q   At this time, transistors of output terminals (OUTPUT 1-5) are activated to allow current to flow. When volt-   F
    age of input terminals (INPUT 1-5) corresponding to that switch changes, interface in BCM detects volt-
    age change, and BCM determines that switch is ON.








Revision; 2004 April                               WW-7                                                 2003 FX
                          FRONT WIPER AND WASHER SYSTEM

BCM - Operation Table of Combination Switches
q   BCM reads operation status of combination switch using combinations shown in table below.


Sample Operation: (When Wiper Switch Turned ON)
q   When wiper switch is turned ON, contact in combination switch turns ON. At this time if OUTPUT 1 tran-
    sistor is activated, BCM detects that voltage changes in INPUT 3.
q   When OUTPUT 1 transistor is ON, BCM detects that voltage changes in INPUT 3, and judges that front
    wiper low is ON. Then BCM sends front wiper request signal (LO) to IPDM E/R using CAN communica-
q   When OUTPUT 1 transistor is activated again, BCM detects that voltage changes in INPUT 3, and recog-
    nizes that wiper switch is continuously ON.


Revision; 2004 April                             WW-8                                             2003 FX
                            FRONT WIPER AND WASHER SYSTEM

Each OUTPUT terminal transistor is activated at 10 ms intervals. Therefore after switch is turned ON, electri-          A
cal loads are activated with time delay. But this time delay is so short that it cannot be detected by human
Operation Mode                                                                                                          B
Combination switch reading function has operation modes shown below.
1. Normal status

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