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                            GLASSES, WINDOW SYSTEM & MIRRORS
                                                                                        SECTION                      GW                                             B



PRECAUTIONS ......................................................... 3
                                                                      .           POWER WINDOW SERIAL LINK ...................... 19                       .        F
 Precautions for Supplemental Restraint System                                    POWER WINDOW LOCK .................................. 19                  .
 (SRS) "AIR BAG" and "SEAT BELT PRE-TEN-                                          RETAINED POWER OPERATION ..................... 19                        .
 SIONER" ................................................................. 3
                                                                      .           ANTI-PINCH SYSTEM ....................................... 19             .        G
 Precautions for Procedures without Cowl Top Cover 3                  .....       POWER WINDOW CONTROL BY THE KEY
 Handling for Adhesive and Primer .......................... 3        .           CYLINDER SWITCH .......................................... 19            .
PREPARATION .......................................................... 4
                                                                      .         CAN Communication System Description ............. 20                      .
 Special Service Tools .............................................. 4
                                                                      .         CAN Communication Unit ...................................... 20           .
 Commercial Service Tools ....................................... 4   .         Schematic .............................................................. 21.
SQUEAK AND RATTLE TROUBLE DIAGNOSES..... 5                                      Wiring Diagram -- WINDOW -- ............................ 22                .
 Work Flow ............................................................... 5
                                                                      .         Terminal and Reference Value for BCM ................ 26                   .        GW
   CUSTOMER INTERVIEW .................................... 5          .         Terminal and Reference Value for Power Window
   DUPLICATE THE NOISE AND TEST DRIVE ...... 6                        .         Main Switch ........................................................... 27 .
   CHECK RELATED SERVICE BULLETINS .......... 6                       .         Terminal and Reference Value for Front Power Win-                                   J
   LOCATE THE NOISE AND IDENTIFY THE                                            dow Switch (Passenger Side) ................................ 28            .
   ROOT CAUSE ..................................................... 6 .         CONSULT-II Function (BCM) ................................ 29              .
   REPAIR THE CAUSE .......................................... 6      .           CONSULT-II OPERATION .................................. 29               .
   CONFIRM THE REPAIR ...................................... 7        .           ACTIVE TEST .................................................... 29      .
 Generic Squeak and Rattle Troubleshooting .......... 7               .           WORK SUPPORT .............................................. 29           .
   INSTRUMENT PANEL ......................................... 7       .           DATE MONITOR ................................................ 29         .
   CENTER CONSOLE ............................................ 7      .         Work Flow .............................................................. 30.        L
   DOORS ................................................................ 7
                                                                      .         Trouble Diagnosis Symptom Chart ........................ 30                .
   TRUNK ................................................................. 8
                                                                      .         Check BCM Power Supply and Ground Circuit ..... 32                         .
   SUNROOF/HEADLINING .................................... 8          .         Check Power Window Main Switch Power Supply                                         M
   SEATS .................................................................. 8
                                                                      .         Circuit .................................................................... 33
   UNDERHOOD ...................................................... 8 .         Check Front Power Window Switch (Passenger
 Diagnostic Worksheet ............................................. 9 .         Side) Power Supply and Ground Circuit ................ 34                  .
WINDSHIELD GLASS ..............................................11     .         Check Front Power Window Motor (Driver Side) Cir-
 Removal and Installation ........................................11  .         cuit ......................................................................... 35
   REMOVAL ...........................................................11
                                                                      .         Check Front Power Window Motor (Passenger
   INSTALLATION .................................................. 12 .         Side) Circuit ........................................................... 36
BACK DOOR WINDOW GLASS ............................. 13               .         Check rear Power Window Motor (LH) Circuit ....... 36                      .
 Removal and Installation ....................................... 13  .         Check Rear Power Window Motor (RH) Circuit ..... 39                        .
   REMOVAL .......................................................... 13
                                                                      .         Check Limit Switch Circuit (Driver Side) ................ 41               .
   INSTALLATION .................................................. 14 .         Check Limit Switch Circuit (Passenger Side) ........ 43                    .
POWER WINDOW SYSTEM ................................... 15            .         Check Encoder Circuit (Driver Side) ...................... 44              .
 Component Parts and Harness Connector Location 15                    ...       Check Encoder Circuit (Passenger Side) .............. 46                   .
 System Description ............................................... 16.         Check Door Switch ................................................ 49      .
   MANUAL OPERATION ...................................... 16         .         Check Front Door Key Cylinder Switch ................. 51                  .
   AUTO OPERATION ........................................... 18      .

Revision: 2006 December                                                   GW-1                                                         2006 FX35/FX45
  Check Power Window Serial Link (Passenger Side) 53                 ...       Schematic ..............................................................69
  Check Power Window Lock Switch ....................... 55          .         Wiring Diagram -- DEF -- .....................................70     .
SIDE WINDOW GLASS ........................................... 56     .         Terminal and Reference Value for BCM .................74             .
  Removal and Installation ....................................... 56.         Terminal and Reference Value for IPDM E/R .........74                .
    REMOVAL .......................................................... 56
                                                                     .         CONSULT-II Function (BCM) .................................75        .
    INSTALLATION ................................................... 57
                                                                     .           CONSULT-II OPERATION ..................................75          .
FRONT DOOR GLASS AND REGULATOR ............ 58                       .           DATA MONITOR .................................................75   .
  Removal and Installation ....................................... 58.           ACTIVE TEST .....................................................75.
    DOOR GLASS .................................................... 58
                                                                     .         Work Flow ..............................................................76
    REGULATOR ASSEMBLY ................................. 59          .         Trouble Diagnoses Symptom Chart .......................76            .
  Disassembly and assembly ................................... 60    .         Check BCM Power Supply and Ground Circuit .....77                    .
    REGULATOR ASSEMBLY ................................. 60          .         Check Rear Window Defogger Switch Circuit ........78                 .
  Inspection after Installation .................................... 60
                                                                     .         Check rear Window Defogger Power Supply Circuit                      ...79
    SETTING OF LIMIT SWITCH ............................. 60         .         Check Rear Window Defogger Circuit ...................81             .
    FITTING INSPECTION ....................................... 60    .         Check Door Mirror Defogger Power Supply Circuit...82
REAR DOOR GLASS AND REGULATOR .............. 62                      .         Check Driver Side Door Mirror Defogger Circuit ....84                .
  Removal and Installation ....................................... 62.         Check Passenger Side Door Mirror Defogger Circuit
    DOOR GLASS .................................................... 62
                                                                     .                                                                              ...85
    REGULATOR ASSEMBLY ................................. 63          .         Check Rear Window Defogger Signal ...................85              .
  Disassembly and assembly ................................... 64    .         Check Filament ......................................................87
    REGULATOR ASSEMBLY ................................. 64          .         Filament Repair ......................................................87
  Fitting Inspection ................................................... 64
                                                                     .           REPAIR EQUIPMENT ........................................87        .
INSIDE MIRROR ...................................................... 65
                                                                     .           REPAIRING PROCEDURE ................................88             .
  Wiring Diagram -- I/MIRR -- ................................. 65   .        DOOR MIRROR ........................................................89.
  Removal and Installation ....................................... 66.         Wiring Diagram -- MIRROR -- .............................89          .
    REMOVAL .......................................................... 66
                                                                     .         Trouble Diagnosis ..................................................91
    INSTALLATION ................................................... 66
                                                                     .         Removal and Installation ........................................92  .
    COMPASS .......................................................... 66
                                                                     .           REMOVAL ...........................................................92
REAR WINDOW DEFOGGER ................................. 67            .           INSTALLATION ...................................................92 .
  Component Parts and Harness Connector Location 67                  ...       Disassembly and Assembly ...................................92       .
  System Description ................................................ 67
                                                                     .           DISASSEMBLY ...................................................92  .
  CAN Communication System Description ............. 68              .           ASSEMBLY .........................................................93
  CAN Communication Unit ...................................... 68   .

Revision: 2006 December                                                 GW-2                                                      2006 FX35/FX45

PRECAUTIONS                                                         PFP:00001
Precautions for Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) "AIR BAG" and "SEAT
BELT PRE-TENSIONER"                                                                                             NIS001QF

The Supplemental Restraint System such as "AIR BAG" and "SEAT BELT PRE-TENSIONER", used along                              B
with a front seat belt, helps to reduce the risk or severity of injury to the driver and front passenger for certain
types of collision. This system includes seat belt switch inputs and dual stage front air bag modules. The SRS
system uses the seat belt switches to determine the front air bag deployment, and may only deploy one front                C
air bag, depending on the severity of a collision and whether the front occupants are belted or unbelted.
Information necessary to service the system safely is included in the SRS and SB section of this Service Man-
WARNING:                                                                                                                   D
q    To avoid rendering the SRS inoperative, which could increase the risk of personal injury or death
     in the event of a collision which would result in air bag inflation, all maintenance must be per-
     formed by an authorized NISSAN/INFINITI dealer.                                                                       E
q    Improper maintenance, including incorrect removal and installation of the SRS, can lead to per-
     sonal injury caused by unintentional activation of the system. For removal of Spiral Cable and Air
     Bag Module, see the SRS section.                                                                                      F
q    Do not use electrical test equipment on any circuit related to the SRS unless instructed to in this
     Service Manual. SRS wiring harnesses can be identified by yellow and/or orange harnesses or
     harness connectors.
Precautions for Procedures without Cowl Top Cover                                                              NIS001QG

When performing the procedure after removing cowl top cover, cover
the lower end of windshield with urethane, etc.                                                                            H



Handling for Adhesive and Primer                                                                               NIS001QH

q   Do not use an adhesive which is past its usable date. Shelf life of this product is limited to six months after
    the date of manufacture. Carefully adhere to the expiration or manufacture date printed on the box.                    L
q   Keep primers and adhesive in a cool, dry place. Ideally, they should be stored in a refrigerator.
q   Open the seal of the primer and adhesive just before application. Discard the remainder.
q   Before application, be sure to shake the primer container to stir the contents. If any floating material is
    found, do not use it.
q   If any primer or adhesive contacts the skin, wipe it off with gasoline or equivalent and wash the skin with
q   When using primer and adhesive, always observe the precautions in the instruction manual.

Revision: 2006 December                              GW-3                                         2006 FX35/FX45

PREPARATION                                                                                              PFP:00002

Special Service Tools                                                                                        NIS001QI

The actual shapes of Kent-Moore tools may differ from those of special service tools illustrated here.
    Tool number
    (Kent-Moore No.)                                                   Description
    Tool name

                                                                       Locating the noise
    Chassis ear


    NISSAN Squeak and                                                  Repairing the cause of noise
    Rattle Kit


Commercial Service Tools                                                                                     NIS001QJ

    Tool name                                                          Description

    Engine ear                                                         Locating the noise


Revision: 2006 December                            GW-4                                           2006 FX35/FX45

SQUEAK AND RATTLE TROUBLE DIAGNOSES                                                                       PFP:00000
Work Flow                                                                                                        NIS001QK







Interview the customer if possible, to determine the conditions that exist when the noise occurs. Use the Diag- H
nostic Worksheet during the interview to document the facts and conditions when the noise occurs and any
customer's comments; refer to GW-9, "Diagnostic Worksheet" . This information is necessary to duplicate the
conditions that exist when the noise occurs.
q    The customer may not be able to provide a detailed description or the location of the noise. Attempt to
     obtain all the facts and conditions that exist when the noise occurs (or does not occur).
q    If there is more than one noise in the vehicle, be sure to diagnose and repair the noise that the customer
     is concerned about. This can be accomplished by test driving the vehicle with the customer.
q    After identifying the type of noise, isolate the noise in terms of its characteristics. The noise characteristics
     are provided so the customer, service adviser and technician are all speaking the same language when
     defining the noise.                                                                                                K
q    Squeak --(Like tennis shoes on a clean floor)
     Squeak characteristics include the light contact/fast movement/brought on by road conditions/hard sur-
     faces=higher pitch noise/softer surfaces=lower pitch noises/edge to surface=chirping                               L
q    Creak--(Like walking on an old wooden floor)
     Creak characteristics include firm contact/slow movement/twisting with a rotational movement/pitch
     dependent on materials/often brought on by activity.                                                               M
q    Rattle--(Like shaking a baby rattle)
     Rattle characteristics include the fast repeated contact/vibration or similar movement/loose parts/missing
     clip or fastener/incorrect clearance.
q    Knock --(Like a knock on a door)
     Knock characteristics include hollow sounding/sometimes repeating/often brought on by driver action.
q    Tick--(Like a clock second hand)
     Tick characteristics include gentle contacting of light materials/loose components/can be caused by driver
     action or road conditions.
q    Thump--(Heavy, muffled knock noise)
     Thump characteristics include softer knock/dead sound often brought on by activity.
q    Buzz--(Like a bumble bee)
     Buzz characteristics include high frequency rattle/firm contact.
q    Often the degree of acceptable noise level will vary depending upon the person. A noise that you may
     judge as acceptable may be very irritating to the customer.
q    Weather conditions, especially humidity and temperature, may have a great effect on noise level.

Revision: 2006 December                              GW-5                                        2006 FX35/FX45

If possible, drive the vehicle with the customer until the noise is duplicated. Note any additional information on
the Diagnostic Worksheet regarding the conditions or location of the noise. This information can be used to
duplicate the same conditions when you confirm the repair.
If the noise can be duplicated easily during the test drive, to help identify the source of the noise, try to dupli-
cate the noise with the vehicle stopped by doing one or all of the following:
1) Close a door.
2) Tap or push/pull around the area where the noise appears to be coming from.
3) Rev the engine.
4) Use a floor jack to recreate vehicle "twist".
5) At idle, apply engine load (electrical load, half-clutch on M/T models, drive position on A/T models).
6) Raise the vehicle on a hoist and hit a tire with a rubber hammer.
q    Drive the vehicle and attempt to duplicate the conditions the customer states exist when the noise occurs.
q    If it is difficult to duplicate the noise, drive the vehicle slowly on an undulating or rough road to stress the
     vehicle body.
After verifying the customer concern or symptom, check ASIST for Technical Service Bulletins (TSBs) related
to that concern or symptom.
If a TSB relates to the symptom, follow the procedure to repair the noise.
1.   Narrow down the noise to a general area. To help pinpoint the source of the noise, use a listening tool
     (Chassis Ear: J39570, Engine Ear and mechanics stethoscope).
2.   Narrow down the noise to a more specific area and identify the cause of the noise by:
q    removing the components in the area that you suspect the noise is coming from.
     Do not use too much force when removing clips and fasteners, otherwise clips and fastener can be broken
     or lost during the repair, resulting in the creation of new noise.
q    tapping or pushing/pulling the component that you suspect is causing the noise.
     Do not tap or push/pull the component with excessive force, otherwise the noise will be eliminated only
q    feeling for a vibration with your hand by touching the component(s) that you suspect is (are) causing the
q    placing a piece of paper between components that you suspect are causing the noise.
q    looking for loose components and contact marks.
     Refer to GW-7, "Generic Squeak and Rattle Troubleshooting" .
q   If the cause is a loose component, tighten the component securely.
q   If the cause is insufficient clearance between components:

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