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                                                                               BRAKE CONTROL SYSTEM                                                                  C


                           VDC/TCS/ABS                                                  REFERENCE VALUE FROM CONSULT-II ........ 22                         .        BRC
                                                                                      CONSULT-II Functions (ABS) ............................... 24         .
PRECAUTIONS ......................................................... 3    .            CONSULT-II MAIN FUNCTION .......................... 24              .
 Precautions for Supplemental Restraint System                                          CONSULT-II SETTING PROCEDURE ............... 24                     .        G
 (SRS) "AIR BAG" and "SEAT BELT PRE-TEN-                                              Self-Diagnosis ....................................................... 25
 SIONER" ................................................................. 3
                                                                           .            DESCRIPTION ................................................... 25  .
 Precautions for Brake System ................................. 3          .            OPERATION PROCEDURE ............................... 25              .
 Precautions for Brake Control ................................. 3         .                                                                                         H
                                                                                        ERASE MEMORY .............................................. 25      .
PREPARATION .......................................................... 5   .            DISPLAY ITEM LIST .......................................... 26     .
 Special Service Tools .............................................. 5    .          Data Monitor .......................................................... 29
 Commercial Service Tools ....................................... 5        .            OPERATION PROCEDURE ............................... 29              .         I
ON-VEHICLE SERVICE ............................................ 6          .            DISPLAY ITEM LIST .......................................... 29     .
 Adjustment of Steering Angle Sensor Neutral Posi-                                    Active Test ............................................................. 31
 tion .......................................................................... 6
                                                                           .            OPERATION PROCEDURE ............................... 31              .        J
 Calibration of Decel G Sensor (AWD Models) ........ 7                     .            TEST ITEM ......................................................... 32
SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ........................................... 8           .          For Fast and Accurate Diagnosis .......................... 33         .
 System Diagram ...................................................... 8   .            PRECAUTIONS FOR DIAGNOSIS .................... 33                   .
 Functions ................................................................. 8
                                                                           .                                                                                         K
                                                                                      Basic Inspection .................................................... 34
    VDC ...................................................................... 8
                                                                           .            BRAKE FLUID AMOUNT, LEAKS, AND BRAKE
    TCS ...................................................................... 8
                                                                           .            PADS INSPECTION ........................................... 34      .
    ABS ...................................................................... 9
                                                                           .            POWER SYSTEM TERMINAL LOOSENESS                                              L
    EBD ...................................................................... 9
                                                                           .            AND BATTERY INSPECTION ............................ 34              .
 Fail-Safe Function ................................................... 9  .            ABS WARNING LAMP, VDC OFF INDICATOR
    VDC / TCS SYSTEM ............................................ 9        .            LAMP, SLIP INDICATOR LAMP AND BRAKE                                          M
    ABS, EBD SYSTEM ............................................. 9        .            WARNING LAMP INSPECTION ........................ 34                 .
 Hydraulic Circuit Diagram ..................................... 10        .         TROUBLE DIAGNOSIS FOR SYSTEM ................... 36                    .
 CAN Communication ............................................. 10        .          Wheel Sensor Circuit ............................................. 36 .
    SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ................................... 10              .            INSPECTION PROCEDURE ............................. 36               .
TROUBLE DIAGNOSIS ............................................11           .          Engine System ...................................................... 38
 Fail-Safe Function ..................................................11   .            INSPECTION PROCEDURE ............................. 38               .
    VDC/TCS SYSTEM .............................................11         .          VDC/TCS/ABS Control Unit Circuit ....................... 38           .
    ABS, EBD SYSTEM ............................................11         .            INSPECTION PROCEDURE ............................. 38               .
 How to Proceed with Diagnosis .............................11             .          Pressure Sensor Circuit ......................................... 39  .
    BASIC CONCEPT ...............................................11        .            INSPECTION PROCEDURE ............................. 39               .
    DIAGNOSIS FLOWCHART ............................... 12                 .          Steering Angle Sensor Circuit ................................ 41     .
    ASKING COMPLAINTS ..................................... 13             .            INSPECTION PROCEDURE ............................. 41               .
    EXAMPLE OF DIAGNOSIS SHEET .................. 13                       .          Yaw Rate/Side G Sensor (2WD Models), Yaw Rate/
 Component Installation Location ........................... 14            .          Side/Decel G Sensor (AWD Models) Circuit .......... 42                .
 Schematic ............................................................. 15.            INSPECTION PROCEDURE ............................. 42               .
 Wiring Diagram -- VDC -- .................................... 16          .          Solenoid and VDC Change-Over Valve Circuit ..... 44                   .
 Control Unit Input/Output Signal Standard ............ 22                 .

Revision: 2006 July                                                           BRC-1                                                       2007 FX35/FX45
   INSPECTION PROCEDURE .............................. 44        .         The ABS Function Does Not Operate ....................54            .
 Actuator Motor Circuit ............................................ 45
                                                                 .         Pedal Vibration or ABS Operation Sound Occurs ...54
   INSPECTION PROCEDURE .............................. 45        .         Vehicle Jerks During VDC/TCS/ABS Control .........55                .
 ABS Actuator and Electric Unit (Control Unit) Power                      WHEEL SENSORS ..................................................57   .
 Supply and Ground Circuit .................................... 46
                                                                 .         Removal and Installation ........................................57 .
   INSPECTION PROCEDURE .............................. 46        .           REMOVAL ...........................................................57
 Stop Lamp Switch Circuit ....................................... 48
                                                                 .           INSTALLATION ...................................................57.
   INSPECTION PROCEDURE .............................. 48        .        SENSOR ROTOR .....................................................59 .
 Brake Fluid Level Switch Circuit ............................ 50.         Removal and Installation ........................................59 .
   INSPECTION PROCEDURE .............................. 50        .           REMOVAL ...........................................................59
 When "ST ANG SEN SIGNAL" Appears on Self-                                   INSTALLATION ...................................................59.
 diagnosis Results Display ...................................... 51
                                                                 .        ACTUATOR AND ELECTRIC UNIT (ASSEMBLY) ...60
   INSPECTION PROCEDURE .............................. 51        .         Removal and Installation ........................................60 .
 When "DECEL G SEN SET" Appears on Self-diag-                                REMOVAL ...........................................................60
 nostic Results Display (AWD Models) ................... 51      .           INSTALLATION ...................................................61.
   INSPECTION PROCEDURE .............................. 51        .        G SENSOR ...............................................................62
 CAN Communication Circuit .................................. 52 .         Removal and Installation ........................................62 .
   INSPECTION PROCEDURE .............................. 52        .           REMOVAL ...........................................................62
 Component Inspection ........................................... 52
                                                                 .           INSTALLATION ...................................................62.
   VDC OFF SWITCH ............................................. 52
                                                                 .        STEERING ANGLE SENSOR ..................................63           .
TROUBLE DIAGNOSIS FOR SYMPTOMS ............. 53                  .         Removal and Installation ........................................63 .
 Excessive ABS Function Operation Frequency ..... 53             .           REMOVAL ...........................................................63
 Unexpected Pedal Reaction .................................. 53 .           INSTALLATION ...................................................63.
 The Braking Distance is Long ................................ 54.

Revision: 2006 July                                                BRC-2                                                     2007 FX35/FX45
[VDC/TCS/ABS]                                                       PFP:00001
Precautions for Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) "AIR BAG" and "SEAT
BELT PRE-TENSIONER"                                                                                        NFS000MW

The Supplemental Restraint System such as "AIR BAG" and "SEAT BELT PRE-TENSIONER", used along B
with a front seat belt, helps to reduce the risk or severity of injury to the driver and front passenger for certain
types of collision. This system includes seat belt switch inputs and dual stage front air bag modules. The SRS
system uses the seat belt switches to determine the front air bag deployment, and may only deploy one front C
air bag, depending on the severity of a collision and whether the front occupants are belted or unbelted.
Information necessary to service the system safely is included in the SRS and SB section of this Service Man-
WARNING:                                                                                                              D
q    To avoid rendering the SRS inoperative, which could increase the risk of personal injury or death
     in the event of a collision which would result in air bag inflation, all maintenance must be per-
     formed by an authorized NISSAN/INFINITI dealer.                                                                  E
q    Improper maintenance, including incorrect removal and installation of the SRS, can lead to per-
     sonal injury caused by unintentional activation of the system. For removal of Spiral Cable and Air
     Bag Module, see the SRS section.                                                                                BRC
q    Do not use electrical test equipment on any circuit related to the SRS unless instructed to in this
     Service Manual. SRS wiring harnesses can be identified by yellow and/or orange harnesses or
     harness connectors.
Precautions for Brake System                                                                               NFS000MX

q   Recommended fluid is brake fluid "DOT 3". Refer to MA-12, "RECOMMENDED FLUIDS AND LUBRI-
    CANTS" .                                                                                                          H
q   Do not reuse drained brake fluid.
q   Be careful not to splash brake fluid on painted areas such as body. If brake fluid is splashed, wipe it off
    and flush area with water immediately.                                                                            I
q   Do not use mineral oils such as gasoline or kerosene to clean. They will ruin rubber parts and cause
    improper operation.
q   Using a flare nut crowfoot and torque wrench, securely tighten
    brake tube flare nuts.
q   Brake system is an important safety part. If a brake fluid leak is
    detected, always disassemble the affected part. If a malfunction                                                  K
    is detected, replace part with a new one.
q   Before working, turn ignition switch OFF and disconnect electri-
    cal connectors of ABS actuator and electric unit (control unit) or                                                L
    battery negative terminal.
q   When installing brake piping, be sure to check torque.
WARNING:                                                                                                              M
Clean brake pads and shoes with a waste cloth, then wipe with
a dust collector.
Precautions for Brake Control                                                                              NFS000MY

q   During VDC/TCS/ABS operation, brake pedal lightly vibrates and a mechanical noise may be heard. This
    is normal.
q   Just after starting vehicle after turning ignition switch ON, brake pedal may vibrate or motor operating
    noise may be heard from engine room. This is a normal status of operation check.
q   Stopping distance may be longer than that of vehicles without ABS when vehicle drives on rough, gravel,
    or snow-covered (fresh, deep snow) roads.
q   When an error is indicated by ABS or another warning lamp, collect all necessary information from cus-
    tomer (what symptoms are present under what conditions) and check for simple causes before starting
    diagnostic servicing. Besides electrical system inspection, check booster operation, brake fluid level, and
    fluid leaks.
q   If tire size and type are used in an improper combination, or brake pads are not Genuine NISSAN parts,
    stopping distance or steering stability may deteriorate.

Revision: 2006 July                                BRC-3                                        2007 FX35/FX45
q   If there is a radio, antenna, or antenna lead-in wire (including wiring) near control module, VDC/TCS/ABS
    function may have a malfunction or error.
q   If aftermarket parts (car stereo, CD player, etc.) have been installed, check for incidents such as harness
    pinches, open circuits, and improper wiring.
q   If the following components are replaced with non-genuine components or converted, VDC OFF indicator
    lamp and SLIP indicator lamp may turn on or the VDC system may not operate properly. Components
    related to suspension (shock absorber, strut, spring, bushing, etc.), Tires, wheels (exclude specified size),
    components related to brake (pad, rotor, caliper, etc.), components related to engine (muffler, ECM, etc.),
    components related to body reinforcement (roll bar, tower bar, etc.).
q   Driving in the condition of breakage or excessive wear of suspension, tires or components related to the
    brakes may cause VDC OFF indicator lamp and SLIP indicator lamp turn on, and the VDC system may
    not operate properly.
q   When the TCS or VDC is activated by sudden acceleration or sudden turn, some noise may occur. The
    noise is a result of the normal operation of the TCS and VDC.
q   When driving on roads which have extreme slopes (such as mountainous roads) or high banks (such as
    sharp carves on a freeway), the VDC may not operate normally, or VDC OFF indicator lamp and SLIP
    indicator lamp may turn on. However, this is not a malfunction, if normal operation can be resumed after
    restarting engine.
q   Sudden turns (such as spin turns, acceleration turns), drifting, etc. When VDC function is OFF (VDC OFF
    SW ON) may cause the G sensor system indicate a malfunction. However, this is not a malfunction, if nor-
    mal operation can be resumed after restarting engine.
q   Change 4 tires at a time. Be sure to use specified-size tires that have the same brand name and pattern.
    Wheel sensor errors can be detected be self-diagnosis when tires have wide abrasion variations or the
    size is different from the genuine tires.

Revision: 2006 July                                BRC-4                                        2007 FX35/FX45
PREPARATION                                                                                                 PFP:00002
Special Service Tools                                                                                          NFS000MZ

The actual shapes of Kent-Moore tools may differ from those of special service tools illustrated here.
 Tool number                                                                                                              B
 (Kent-Moore No.)                                                      Description
 Tool name
 Drift                                                                                                                    D
 a: 77 mm (3.03 in) dia.
 b: 55.5 mm (2.185 in) dia.

 (     --   )
 Drift                                                                 Installing rear sensor rotor
 a: 74.5 mm (2.933 in) dia.
 b: 62.5 mm (2.461 in) dia.
                                                            ZZA0832D                                                      G

 (     --   )                                                                                                             H
 a: 76.3 mm (3.004 in) dia.
 b: 67.9 mm (2.673 in) dia.

Commercial Service Tools                                                                                       NFS000N0
 Tool name                                                             Description

 1: Flare nut crowfoot
  a: 10 mm (0.39 in)/ 12 mm (0.47 in)                                  Installing brake tube
 2: Torque wrench



Revision: 2006 July                                BRC-5                                              2007 FX35/FX45
                                                ON-VEHICLE SERVICE
ON-VEHICLE SERVICE                                                                                                    PFP:00000

Adjustment of Steering Angle Sensor Neutral Position                                                                          NFS000N1

In case of doing work that applies to the list below, make sure to adjust neutral position of steering angle sen-
sor before running vehicle.
                              Situation                                Adjustment of Steering Angle Sensor Neutral Position
 Removing/Installing ABS actuator and electric unit (control unit)                             --
 Replacing ABS actuator and electric unit (control unit)                                        

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