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                                                                                BRAKE CONTROL SYSTEM
                                                                                                                 BRC                                                      B



                           VDC/TCS/ABS                                                  Data Monitor ...........................................................28
                                                                                                                                                              .           BRC
                                                                                        Active Test ..............................................................30
SERVICE INFORMATION ........................... 3
                                           .                                            For Fast and Accurate Diagnosis ...........................31         .
                                                                                        Basic Inspection .....................................................32
                                                                                                                                                              .           G
DTC INDEX ......................................................... 3
  C1101-C1116 ........................................................... 3
                                                                         .             TROUBLE DIAGNOSIS FOR SYSTEM ............ 34
  C1120-C1136 ........................................................... 3
                                                                         .              DTC C1101 RR RH SENSOR-1 .............................34                 .
  C1140-C1170 ........................................................... 3
                                                                         .              DTC C1102 RR LH SENSOR-1 .............................35                 .        H
  U1000 ....................................................................... 4
                                                                         .              DTC C1103 FR RH SENSOR-1 .............................35                 .
                                                                                        DTC C1104 FR LH SENSOR-1 ..............................35                .
PRECAUTIONS .................................................. 5
                                                         .                              DTC C1105 RR RH SENSOR-2 .............................36                 .         I
  Precaution for Supplemental Restraint System                                          DTC C1106 RR LH SENSOR-2 .............................36                 .
  (SRS) "AIR BAG" and "SEAT BELT PRE-TEN-                                               DTC C1107 FR RH SENSOR-2 .............................36                 .
  SIONER" .................................................................. 5
                                                                      .                 DTC C1108 FR LH SENSOR-2 ..............................36                .
  Precaution for Brake System ................................... 5   .                                                                                                   J
                                                                                        DTC C1109 BATTERY VOLTAGE [ABNORMAL]....36
  Precaution for Brake Control .................................... 5 .                 DTC C1110 CONTROLLER FAILURE ...................37                       .
                                                                                        DTC C1111 PUMP MOTOR ...................................37               .
PREPARATION .................................................. 7
                                                         .                                                                                                                K
                                                                                        DTC C1113 G-SENSOR ........................................38            .
  Special Service Tool ................................................ 7
                                                                                        DTC C1115 ABS SENSOR [ABNORMAL SIG-
  Commercial Service Tool ......................................... 7
                                                                                        NAL] ........................................................................39
ON-VEHICLE SERVICE ..................................... 8
                                                   .                                    DTC C1116 STOP LAMP SW ................................39                .        L
  Adjustment of Steering Angle Sensor Neutral Po-                                       DTC C1120 FR LH IN ABS SOL ............................40                .
  sition ......................................................................... 8
                                                                            .           DTC C1121 FR LH OUT ABS SOL ........................41                   .
  Calibration of Decel G Sensor (AWD Models) ......... 8                    .           DTC C1122 FR RH IN ABS SOL ............................41                .        M
                                                                                        DTC C1123 FR RH OUT ABS SOL ........................42                   .
SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ...................................10
                                                  .                                     DTC C1124 RR LH IN ABS SOL ............................42                .
  Schematic .............................................................. 10
                                                                        .               DTC C1125 RR LH OUT ABS SOL ........................42                   .
  Functions ................................................................ 10
                                                                        .               DTC C1126 RR RH IN ABS SOL ...........................42                 .        N
  Fail-Safe Function .................................................. 11
                                                                        .               DTC C1127 RR RH OUT ABS SOL .......................42                    .
  Hydraulic Circuit Diagram ...................................... 12   .               DTC C1130 ENGINE SIGNAL 1 .............................42                .
  CAN Communication .............................................. 12   .               DTC C1131 ENGINE SIGNAL 2 .............................42                .        O
                                                                                        DTC C1132 ENGINE SIGNAL 3 .............................42                .
TROUBLE DIAGNOSIS ....................................13
                                                  .                                     DTC C1133 ENGINE SIGNAL 4 .............................42                .
  Fail-Safe Function .................................................. 13
                                                                      .                 DTC C1136 ENGINE SIGNAL 6 .............................42                .        P
  How to Proceed with Diagnosis ............................. 13      .                 DTC C1140 ACTUATOR RLY ................................43                .
  Component Part Location ...................................... 16   .                 DTC C1142 PRESS SEN CIRCUIT .......................43                    .
  Schematic .............................................................. 17
                                                                      .                 DTC C1143 ST ANG SEN CIRCUIT ......................44                    .
  Wiring Diagram - VDC - ......................................... 18 .                 DTC C1144 ST ANG SEN SIGNAL ........................45                   .
  Control Unit Input/Output Signal Standard ............. 23          .                 DTC C1145 YAW RATE SENSOR .........................46                    .
  CONSULT-III Functions (ABS) ............................... 26      .                 DTC C1146 SIDE G-SEN CIRCUIT .......................46                   .
  Self-Diagnosis ........................................................ 26
                                                                      .                 DTC C1155 BR FLUID LEVEL LOW ......................46                    .

Revision: 2007 April                                                           BRC-1                                                         2008 FX35/FX45
  DTC C1156 ST ANG SEN COM CIR .................... 47           .          Vehicle Jerks During VDC/TCS/ABS Control ........ 50
  DTC C1160 DECEL G SEN SET .......................... 47        .
  DTC C1164 CV 1 ................................................... 47
                                                                 .        WHEEL SENSORS ........................................... 52
  DTC C1165 CV 2 ................................................... 47
                                                                 .          Removal and Installation ........................................ 52
  DTC C1166 SV 1 ................................................... 47
                                                                          SENSOR ROTOR ............................................. 53
  DTC C1167 SV 2 ................................................... 47
                                                                            Removal and Installation ........................................ 53
  DTC C1170 VARIANT CODING ............................ 48       .
  DTC U1000 CAN COMM CIRCUIT ....................... 48          .        ACTUATOR AND ELECTRIC UNIT (ASSEM-
  Component Inspection ........................................... 48
                                                                 .        BLY) .................................................................. 54
                                  .                                         Removal and Installation ........................................ 54
  Excessive ABS Function Operation Frequency ..... 49      .              G SENSOR ....................................................... 55
  Unexpected Pedal Reaction .................................. 49
                                                           .                Removal and Installation ........................................ 55
  The Braking Distance Is Long ............................... 49
  The ABS Function Does Not Operate ................... 50 .              STEERING ANGLE SENSOR .......................... 56
  Pedal Vibration or ABS Operation Sound Occurs... 50                       Removal and Installation ........................................ 56

Revision: 2007 April                                               BRC-2                                                     2008 FX35/FX45
                                                   DTC INDEX
< SERVICE INFORMATION >                                                                        [VDC/TCS/ABS]

SERVICE INFORMATION                                                                                                           A
C1101-C1116                                                                                         INFOID:0000000001559825

        DTC              Items (CONSULT screen items)                          Reference
       C1101           RR RH SENSOR-1                             BRC-34, "DTC C1101 RR RH SENSOR-1"
       C1102           RR LH SENSOR-1                             BRC-35, "DTC C1102 RR LH SENSOR-1"
       C1103           FR RH SENSOR-1                             BRC-35, "DTC C1103 FR RH SENSOR-1"                          D
       C1104           FR LH SENSOR-1                             BRC-35, "DTC C1104 FR LH SENSOR-1"
       C1105           RR RH SENSOR-2                             BRC-36, "DTC C1105 RR RH SENSOR-2"
       C1106           RR LH SENSOR-2                             BRC-36, "DTC C1106 RR LH SENSOR-2"
       C1107           FR RH SENSOR-2                             BRC-36, "DTC C1107 FR RH SENSOR-2"
       C1108           FR LH SENSOR-2                             BRC-36, "DTC C1108 FR LH SENSOR-2"                          BRC
       C1109           BATTERY VOLTAGE [ABNORMAL]          BRC-36, "DTC C1109 BATTERY VOLTAGE [ABNORMAL]"
       C1110           CONTROLLER FAILURE                       BRC-37, "DTC C1110 CONTROLLER FAILURE"
       C1111           PUMP MOTOR                                   BRC-37, "DTC C1111 PUMP MOTOR"                            G
       C1113           G-SENSOR                                      BRC-38, "DTC C1113 G-SENSOR"
       C1116           STOP LAMP SW                                BRC-39, "DTC C1116 STOP LAMP SW"

C1120-C1136                                                                                         INFOID:0000000001559826

        DTC              Items (CONSULT screen items)                          Reference
       C1120           FR LH IN ABS SOL                           BRC-40, "DTC C1120 FR LH IN ABS SOL"
       C1121           FR LH OUT ABS SOL                         BRC-41, "DTC C1121 FR LH OUT ABS SOL"
       C1122           FR RH IN ABS SOL                           BRC-41, "DTC C1122 FR RH IN ABS SOL"                        K
       C1123           FR RH OUT ABS SOL                         BRC-42, "DTC C1123 FR RH OUT ABS SOL"
       C1124           RR LH IN ABS SOL                           BRC-42, "DTC C1124 RR LH IN ABS SOL"
       C1125           RR LH OUT ABS SOL                         BRC-42, "DTC C1125 RR LH OUT ABS SOL"                        L
       C1126           RR RH IN ABS SOL                          BRC-42, "DTC C1126 RR RH IN ABS SOL"
       C1127           RR RH OUT ABS SOL                        BRC-42, "DTC C1127 RR RH OUT ABS SOL"
       C1130           ENGINE SIGNAL 1                            BRC-42, "DTC C1130 ENGINE SIGNAL 1"
       C1131           ENGINE SIGNAL 2                            BRC-42, "DTC C1131 ENGINE SIGNAL 2"
       C1132           ENGINE SIGNAL 3                            BRC-42, "DTC C1132 ENGINE SIGNAL 3"                         N
       C1133           ENGINE SIGNAL 4                            BRC-42, "DTC C1133 ENGINE SIGNAL 4"
       C1136           ENGINE SIGNAL 6                            BRC-42, "DTC C1136 ENGINE SIGNAL 6"
C1140-C1170                                                                                         INFOID:0000000001559827

        DTC              Items (CONSULT screen items)                          Reference
       C1140           ACTUATOR RLY                                BRC-43, "DTC C1140 ACTUATOR RLY"
       C1142           PRESS SEN CIRCUIT                         BRC-43, "DTC C1142 PRESS SEN CIRCUIT"
       C1143           ST ANG SEN CIRCUIT                       BRC-44, "DTC C1143 ST ANG SEN CIRCUIT"
       C1144           ST ANG SEN SIGNAL                         BRC-45, "DTC C1144 ST ANG SEN SIGNAL"

Revision: 2007 April                                    BRC-3                                   2008 FX35/FX45
                                                   DTC INDEX
< SERVICE INFORMATION >                                                                       [VDC/TCS/ABS]
        DTC              Items (CONSULT screen items)                         Reference
       C1145           YAW RATE SENSOR                           BRC-46, "DTC C1145 YAW RATE SENSOR"
       C1146           SIDE G-SEN CIRCUIT                       BRC-46, "DTC C1146 SIDE G-SEN CIRCUIT"
       C1155           BR FLUID LEVEL LOW                       BRC-46, "DTC C1155 BR FLUID LEVEL LOW"
       C1156           ST ANG SEN COM CIR                       BRC-47, "DTC C1156 ST ANG SEN COM CIR"
       C1160           DECEL G SEN SET                           BRC-47, "DTC C1160 DECEL G SEN SET"
       C1164           CV1                                             BRC-47, "DTC C1164 CV 1"
       C1165           CV2                                             BRC-47, "DTC C1165 CV 2"
       C1166           SV1                                             BRC-47, "DTC C1166 SV 1"
       C1167           SV2                                             BRC-47, "DTC C1167 SV 2"
       C1170           VARIANT CODING                            BRC-48, "DTC C1170 VARIANT CODING"

U1000                                                                                               INFOID:0000000001559828

        DTC              Items (CONSULT screen items)                         Reference
       U1000           CAN COMM CIRCUIT                         BRC-48, "DTC U1000 CAN COMM CIRCUIT"

Revision: 2007 April                                    BRC-4                                     2008 FX35/FX45
< SERVICE INFORMATION >                                                                       [VDC/TCS/ABS]
Precaution for Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) "AIR BAG" and "SEAT BELT
PRE-TENSIONER"                                                                                     INFOID:0000000001612923

The Supplemental Restraint System such as "AIR BAG" and "SEAT BELT PRE-TENSIONER", used along
with a front seat belt, helps to reduce the risk or severity of injury to the driver and front passenger for certain
types of collision. This system includes seat belt switch inputs and dual stage front air bag modules. The SRS C
system uses the seat belt switches to determine the front air bag deployment, and may only deploy one front
air bag, depending on the severity of a collision and whether the front occupants are belted or unbelted.
Information necessary to service the system safely is included in the "SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT SYS-
TEM" and "SEAT BELTS" of this Service Manual.                                                                         D

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