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                                                                                                  LIGHTING SYSTEM
                                                                                                                                   LT                             B



PRECAUTIONS ......................................................... 5 .           PREPARATION BEFORE ADJUSTING ............. 27                       .         F
 Precautions for Supplemental Restraint System                                      LOW BEAM AND HIGH BEAM .......................... 27                .
 (SRS) "AIR BAG" and "SEAT BELT PRE-TEN-                                            ADJUSTMENT USING AN ADJUSTMENT
 SIONER" ................................................................. 5
                                                                        .           SCREEN (LIGHT/DARK BORDERLINE) ........... 28                       .        G
 Precautions for Battery Service ............................... 5      .         Bulb Replacement ................................................. 28 .
 General precautions for service operations ............ 5              .           HEADLAMP (UPPER) LOW BEAM .................... 28                   .
 Wiring Diagrams and Trouble Diagnosis ................. 6              .           HEADLAMP (LOWER) HIGH BEAM/FOG LAMP 29                              ...
HEADLAMP (FOR USA) ........................................... 7        .           PARKING LAMP (CLEARANCE LAMP) ............. 29                      .
 Component Parts and Harness Connector Location 7                       .....       FRONT TURN SIGNAL AND PARKING LAMP ... 29
 System Description ................................................. 7 .         Removal and Installation ....................................... 29   .
   OUTLINE .............................................................. 7
                                                                        .           REMOVAL .......................................................... 29
                                                                                                                                                        .         I
   COMBINATION SWITCH READING FUNCTION 8                                .....       INSTALLATION .................................................. 30  .
   EXTERIOR LAMP BATTERY SAVER CONTROL 9                                .....     Disassembly .......................................................... 30
   AUTO LIGHT OPERATION .................................. 9            .         Assembly ............................................................... 31
                                                                                                                                                        .         J
   VEHICLE SECURITY SYSTEM ........................... 9                .         Servicing to Replace Headlamps When Damaged 31                        ...
   XENON HEADLAMP ............................................ 9        .           REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION ....................... 31                 .
 CAN Communication System Description ............... 9                 .        HEADLAMP (FOR CANADA) - DAYTIME LIGHT
 CAN Communication Unit ....................................... 9       .        SYSTEM - ................................................................. 32
   TYPE 1 ............................................................... 10
                                                                        .         Component Parts and Harness Connector Location 32                     ...
   TYPE 2 ................................................................11
                                                                        .         System Description ................................................ 32.
 Schematic ............................................................. 13
                                                                        .           HEADLAMP OPERATION .................................. 33            .         L
 Wiring Diagram -- H/LAMP -- .............................. 14          .           COMBINATION SWITCH READING FUNCTION 34                              ...
 Terminals and Reference Value for BCM .............. 17                .           EXTERIOR LAMP BATTERY SAVER CONTROL 34                              ...
 Terminals and Reference Values for IPDM E/R .... 17                    .           AUTO LIGHT OPERATION ................................ 34            .        M
 How to Proceed With Trouble Diagnosis ............... 18               .           DAYTIME LIGHT OPERATION .......................... 34               .
 Preliminary Inspection ........................................... 18  .           OPERATION ....................................................... 35.
   CHECK POWER SUPPLY AND GROUND CIR-                                               XENON HEADLAMP .......................................... 35        .
   CUIT ................................................................... 18
                                                                        .         CAN Communication System Description ............. 36                 .
 CONSULT-II Function ........................................... 19     .         CAN Communication Unit ...................................... 36      .
   CONSULT-II BASIC OPERATION ...................... 19                 .           TYPE 1 ............................................................... 36
   WORK SUPPORT .............................................. 20       .           TYPE 2 ............................................................... 38
   DATA MONITOR ................................................ 20     .         Schematic .............................................................. 40
   ACTIVE TEST .................................................... 21  .         Wiring Diagram -- DTRL -- .................................. 41       .
 Headlamp HI Does Not Illuminate (Both Sides) .... 21                   .         Terminals and Reference Value for Daytime Light
 Headlamp HI Does Not Illuminate (One Side) ...... 23                   .         Control Unit ............................................................ 46
 High Beam Indicator Lamp Does Not Illuminate ... 24                              Terminals and Reference Values for BCM ............. 46               .
 Headlamp LO Does Not Illuminate (Both Sides) ... 24                              Terminals and Reference Values for IPDM E/R ..... 46                  .
 Headlamp LO Does Not Illuminate (One Side) ..... 26                    .         How to Proceed With Trouble Diagnosis ............... 47              .
 Headlamps Do Not Turn OFF ............................... 27           .         Preliminary Inspection ........................................... 47 .
 Aiming Adjustment ................................................ 27  .           CHECK POWER SUPPLY AND GROUND CIR-

Revision; 2004 April                                                        LT-1                                                      2003 G35 Coupe
   CUIT ................................................................... 47
                                                                        .          Terminals and Reference Values for IPDM E/R .....92                     .
 CONSULT-II Function ............................................ 49    .          How to Proceed With Trouble Diagnosis ...............92                 .
   CONSULT-II BASIC OPERATION ...................... 49                 .          Preliminary Inspection ............................................93   .
   WORK SUPPORT .............................................. 50       .            CHECK POWER SUPPLY AND GROUND CIR-
   DATA MONITOR ................................................. 50    .            CUIT ....................................................................93
   ACTIVE TEST .................................................... 51  .          CONSULT-II Function ............................................93      .
 Daytime Light Control Does Not Operate Properly 51                     ...        Front Fog Lamps Does Not Illuminate (Both Sides)
 Headlamp HI Does Not Illuminate (Both Sides) ..... 54                  .          (FOR USA) .............................................................94
 RH HI Does Not Illuminate But RH LO Illuminates... 55                             Front Fog Lamp Does Not Illuminate (One Side)
 LH HI Does Not Illuminate But LH LO Illuminates... 57                             (FOR USA) .............................................................95
 Headlamp LO Does Not Illuminate (Both Sides) ... 58                               Front Fog Lamp Does Not Illuminate (Both Sides)
 RH LO Does Not Illuminate But RH HI Illuminates... 60                             (FOR CANADA) .....................................................96    .
 LH LO Does Not Illuminate But LH HI Illuminates... 61                             LH Front Fog Lamp Does Not Illuminate (FOR CAN-
 Aiming Adjustment ................................................. 62 .          ADA) ......................................................................97
 Bulb Replacement ................................................. 62  .          RH Front Fog Lamp Does Not Illuminate (FOR CAN-
 Removal and Installation ....................................... 62    .          ADA) .................................................................... 100
 Disassembly and Assembly ................................... 62        .          Bulb Replacement ................................................ 101   .
AUTO LIGHT SYSTEM ............................................ 63       .        TURN SIGNAL AND HAZARD WARNING LAMPS.102
 Component Parts and Harness Connector Location 63                      ...        System Description .............................................. 102   .
 System Description ................................................ 63 .            TURN SIGNAL OPERATION ............................ 102                .
   OUTLINE ............................................................ 63
                                                                        .            HAZARD LAMP OPERATION .......................... 102                  .
   EXTERIOR LAMP BATTERY SAVER CONTROL 64                               ...          TION ................................................................. 103
   SHUT OFF DELAY ............................................. 64      .            COMBINATION SWITCH READING FUNCTION                                   .103
 CAN Communication System Description ............. 64                  .          CAN Communication System Description ........... 104                    .
 CAN Communication Unit ...................................... 64       .          CAN Communication Unit .................................... 104         .
   TYPE 1 ............................................................... 65
                                                                        .            TYPE 1 .............................................................. 104
   TYPE 2 ............................................................... 66
                                                                        .            TYPE 2 .............................................................. 106
 Major Components and Functions ......................... 68            .          Schematic ............................................................ 108
 Schematic .............................................................. 69
                                                                        .          Wiring Diagram -- TURN -- ................................ 109          .
 Wiring Diagram -- AUTO/L -- ............................... 70         .          Terminals and Reference Value for BCM ............. 112                 .
 Terminals and Reference Value for BCM ............... 73               .          How to Proceed With Trouble Diagnosis ............. 113                 .
 Terminals and Reference Values for IPDM E/R ..... 74                   .          Preliminary Inspection .......................................... 113   .
 How to Proceed With Trouble Diagnosis ............... 74               .            CHECK POWER SUPPLY AND GROUND CIR-
 Preliminary Inspection ........................................... 74  .            CUIT .................................................................. 113
   SETTING CHANGE FUNCTIONS ...................... 74                   .          CONSULT-II Function .......................................... 114      .
   CHECK POWER SUPPLY AND GROUND CIR-                                                CONSULT-II BASIC OPERATION .................... 114                   .
   CUIT ................................................................... 74
                                                                        .            DATA MONITOR ............................................... 115      .
 CONSULT-II Function ............................................ 75    .            ACTIVE TEST ................................................... 115   .
   CONSULT-II BASIC OPERATION ...................... 76                 .          Turn Signal Lamp Does Not Operate ................... 116               .
   WORK SUPPORT .............................................. 76       .          Hazard Warning Lamp Does Not Operate But Turn
   DATA MONITOR ................................................. 77    .          Signal Lamp Operate ........................................... 117     .
   ACTIVE TEST .................................................... 78  .          Turn Signal Indicator Lamp Does Not Operate .... 118                    .
 Trouble Diagnosis Chart by Symptom ................... 78              .          Bulb Replacement (Front Turn Signal Lamp) ....... 119                   .
 Lighting Switch Inspection ..................................... 79    .          Bulb Replacement (Rear Turn Signal Lamp) ....... 119                    .
 Optical sensor System Inspection ......................... 79          .          Removal and Installation of Front Turn Signal Lamp 119                  .
FRONT FOG LAMP ................................................. 82     .          Removal and Installation of Rear Turn Signal Lamp. 119
 System Description ................................................ 82 .        LIGHTING AND TURN SIGNAL SWITCH ............. 120                         .
   OUTLINE ............................................................ 82
                                                                        .          Removal and Installation ...................................... 120     .
   COMBINATION SWITCH READING FUNCTION 83                               ...      HAZARD SWITCH .................................................. 121      .
   EXTERIOR LAMP BATTERY SAVER CONTROL 83                               ...        Removal and Installation (M/T) ............................ 121         .
 CAN Communication System Description ............. 84                  .            REMOVAL ......................................................... 121 .
 CAN Communication Unit ...................................... 84       .            INSTALLATION ................................................. 121    .
   TYPE 1 ............................................................... 84
                                                                        .          Removal and Installation (A/T) ............................. 121        .
   TYPE 2 ............................................................... 86
                                                                        .            REMOVAL ......................................................... 121 .
 Wiring Diagram -- F/FOG -- ................................. 88        .            INSTALLATION ................................................. 121    .
   FOR USA ............................................................ 88
                                                                        .        COMBINATION SWITCH ....................................... 122            .
   FOR CANADA .................................................... 90   .          Combination Switch Reading Function ................ 122                .
 Terminals and Reference Value for BCM ............... 92               .          CONSULT-II Function .......................................... 124      .

Revision; 2004 April                                                        LT-2                                                        2003 G35 Coupe
   CONSULT-II BASIC OPERATION .................... 124                  .       REAR COMBINATION LAMP ................................ 161               .
   DATA MONITOR .............................................. 124      .         Bulb Replacement ............................................... 161   .        A
 Wiring Diagram--COMBSW-- ............................ 127              .           REAR FENDER SIDE (REAR TURN SIGNAL
 Combination Switch Inspection According to Self-                                   LAMP BULB) .................................................... 161  .
 Diagnostic Results .............................................. 128  .         Removal and Installation ..................................... 161     .        B
 Malfunctioning Operation of Lamps and Wipers . 132                                 REMOVAL ........................................................ 161 .
 Removal and Installation ..................................... 134     .           INSTALLATION ................................................ 161    .
STOP LAMP .......................................................... 135.       VANITY MIRROR LAMP ........................................ 162          .
 Wiring Diagram -- STOP/L -- ............................. 135          .         Bulb Replacement ............................................... 162   .        C
 Bulb Replacement of High-Mounted Stop Lamp . 137                               MAP LAMP ............................................................ 163.
   WITH REAR SPOILER .................................... 137           .         Bulb Replacement of Map Lamp ......................... 163             .
   WITHOUT REAR SPOILER ............................. 137               .         Removal and Installation of Map Lamp ............... 163               .        D
 Bulb Replacement of Rear Combination Lamp (Stop                                TRUNK ROOM LAMP ............................................ 164         .
 Lamp) .................................................................. 137
                                                                        .         Wiring Diagram -- INT/L -- ................................. 164       .
 Removal and Installation of High-Mounted Stop                                    Bulb Replacement, Removal and Installation of                                   E
 Lamp ................................................................... 137
                                                                        .         Trunk Room Lamp ............................................... 165    .
   WITH REAR SPOILER .................................... 137           .       IGNITION KEY HOLE ILLUMINATION .................. 166                    .
   WITHOUT REAR SPOILER ............................. 137               .         Removal and Installation ..................................... 166     .
 Removal and Installation of Rear Combination                                   GLOVE BOX LAMP ............................................... 167       .        F
 Lamp (Stop Lamp) ............................................... 137   .         Removal and Installation ..................................... 167     .
STEP LAMP ........................................................... 138
                                                                        .       ASHTRAY ILLUMINATION .................................... 168            .
 Bulb Replacement ............................................... 138   .         Bulb Replacement, Removal and Installation (M/T) 168                   .       G
 Removal and Installation ..................................... 138     .         Bulb Replacement, Removal and Installation (A/T) 168                   .
BACK-UP LAMP ................................................... 139    .       CIGARETTE LIGHTER ILLUMINATION ................ 169                      .
 Wiring Diagram -- BACK/L -- ............................ 139           .         Removal and Installation ..................................... 169     .        H
 Bulb Replacement ............................................... 141   .       INTERIOR ROOM LAMP ....................................... 170           .
 Removal and Installation ..................................... 141     .         System Description .............................................. 170  .
PARKING, LICENSE PLATE AND TAIL LAMPS .. 142                            .           POWER SUPPLY AND GROUND ................... 170                      .
 System Description ............................................. 142   .           SWITCH OPERATION ..................................... 171           .
   OPERATION BY LIGHTING SWITCH ............. 142                       .           MAP LAMP TIMER OPERATION ..................... 171                   .
   COMBINATION SWITCH READING FUNCTION 143                              .           INTERIOR LAMP BATTERY SAVER CONTROL 172                              .
   EXTERIOR LAMP BATTERY SAVER CONTROL 143                              .         Component Parts and Harness Connector Location 172                     .        J
 AN Communication System Description ............. 143                  .         Schematic ............................................................ 173
 CAN Communication Unit ................................... 143         .         Wiring Diagram -- ROOM/L -- ........................... 174            .
   TYPE 1 ............................................................. 144
                                                                        .         Terminals and Reference Value for BCM ............ 179                 .       LT
   TYPE 2 ............................................................. 145
                                                                        .         How to Proceed With Trouble Diagnosis ............. 179                .
 Schematic ........................................................... 147
                                                                        .         Preliminary Inspection ......................................... 180   .
 Wiring Diagram -- TAIL/L -- ............................... 148        .           CHECK POWER SUPPLY AND GROUND CIR-                                            L
 Terminals and Reference Value for BCM ............ 152                 .           CUIT ................................................................. 180
 Terminals and Reference Values for IPDM E/R .. 152                     .         CONSULT-II Function .......................................... 181     .
 How to Proceed With Trouble Diagnosis ............. 152                .           CONSULT-II BASIC OPERATION .................... 181                  .
 Preliminary Inspection ......................................... 153   .           WORK SUPPORT ............................................ 182        .       M
   CHECK POWER SUPPLY AND GROUND CIR-                                               DATA MONITOR .............................................. 182      .
   CUIT ................................................................. 153
                                                                        .           ACTIVE TEST .................................................. 183   .
 CONSULT-II Function ......................................... 153      .         Map Lamp Control Does Not Operate ................. 183                .
 Parking, License Plate and Tail Lamps Do Not Illu-                               Ignition Key Hole Illumination Control Does Not
 minate ................................................................. 154
                                                                        .         Operate ................................................................ 185
 Parking, License Plate and Tail Lamps Do Not Turn                                Step Lamp Does Not Operate ............................. 186           .
 OFF (After Approx. 10 Minutes) .......................... 158          .         All Interior Room Lamps Do Not Operate ............ 188                .
 Bulb Replacement ............................................... 159   .         Bulb Replacement ............................................... 188   .
   FRONT SIDE MARKER LAMP ........................ 159                  .           MAP LAMP ....................................................... 188 .
   LICENSE PLATE LAMP ................................... 159           .         Removal and Installation ..................................... 188     .
   FRONT TURN SIGNAL (PARKING) LAMP ..... 159                           .           MAP LAMP ....................................................... 188 .
   TAIL LAMP ....................................................... 159.           IGNITION KEY HOLE ILLUMINATION LAMP .. 188                           .
 Removal and Installation ..................................... 159     .       ILLUMINATION ...................................................... 189  .
   FRONT SIDE MARKER LAMP ........................ 159                  .         System Description .............................................. 189  .
   LICENSE PLATE LAMP ................................... 159           .           ILLUMINATION OPERATION BY LIGHTING
   FRONT TURN SIGNAL (PARKING) LAMP ..... 160                           .           SWITCH ........................................................... 189
   TAIL LAMP ....................................................... 160.           EXTERIOR LAMP BATTERY SAVER CONTROL 190                              .

Revision; 2004 April                                                       LT-3                                                       2003 G35 Coupe
 CAN Communication System Description ........... 190                 .        Wiring Diagram -- ILL -- ..................................... 196   .
 CAN Communication Unit .................................... 191      .        Removal and Installation ...................................... 204  .
  TYPE 1 ............................................................. 191
                                                                      .          GLOVE BOX LAMP .......................................... 204      .
  TYPE 2 ............................................................. 192
                                                                      .       BULB SPECIFICATIONS ....................................... 205       .
 Schematic ............................................................ 195
                                                                      .        Headlamp ............................................................. 205
                                                                               Exterior Lamp ....................................................... 205
                                                                               Interior Lamp/Illumination ..................................... 205 .

Revision; 2004 April                                                     LT-4                                                     2003 G35 Coupe

PRECAUTIONS                                                         PFP:00011
Precautions for Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) "AIR BAG" and "SEAT
BELT PRE-TENSIONER"                                                                                           AKS004DC

The Supplemental Restraint System such as "AIR BAG" and "SEAT BELT PRE-TENSIONER", used along                            B
with a front seat belt, helps to reduce the risk or severity of injury to the driver and front passenger for certain
types of collision. This system includes seat belt switch inputs and dual stage front air bag modules. The SRS
system uses the seat belt switches to determine the front air bag deployment, and may only deploy one front              C
air bag, depending on the severity of a collision and whether the front occupants are belted or unbelted.
Information necessary to service the system safely is included in the SRS and SB section of this Service Man-
WARNING:                                                                                                                 D
q    To avoid rendering the SRS inoperative, which could increase the risk of personal injury or death
     in the event of a collision which would result in air bag inflation, all maintenance must be per-
     formed by an authorized NISSAN/INFINITI dealer.                                                                     E
q    Improper maintenance, including incorrect removal and installation of the SRS, can lead to per-
     sonal injury caused by unintentional activation of the system. For removal of Spiral Cable and Air
     Bag Module, see the SRS section.                                                                                    F
q    Do not use electrical test equipment on any circuit related to the SRS unless instructed to in this
     Service Manual. SRS wiring harnesses can be identified by yellow and/or orange harnesses or
     harness connectors.
Precautions for Battery Service                                                                               AKS004DB

Before disconnecting the battery, lower both the driver and passenger windows. This will prevent any interfer-
ence between the window edge and the vehicle when the door is opened/closed. During normal operation, the                H
window slightly raises and lowers automatically to prevent any window to vehicle interference. The automatic
window function will not work with the battery disconnected.
General precautions for service operations                                                                    AKS0037Z

q   Never work with wet hands.
q   Xenon headlamp includes high voltage generating part. Be sure                                                   J
    to disconnect battery negative cable (negative terminal) or
    power fuse before removing, installing, or touching the xenon
    headlamp (including lamp bulb).
q   Turn the lighting switch OFF before disconnecting and connect-
    ing the connector.
q   When turning the xenon headlamp on and while it is illuminated,
    never touch the harness, bulb, and socket of the headlamp.
q   When checking the headlamp on/off operation, check it on vehi-                                       PKIA0183E
    cle and with the power connected to the vehicle-side connector.
q   Do not touch the headlamp bulb glass surface with bare hands or allow oil or grease to get on it. Do not
    touch the headlamp bulb just after the headlamp is turned off, because it is very hot.
q   Install the xenon headlamp bulb socket correctly. If it is installed
    improperly, high-voltage leak or corona discharge may occur
    that can melt the bulb, connector, and housing. Do not illuminate
    the xenon headlamp bulb out of the headlamp housing. Doing
    so can cause fire and harm your eyes.
q   When the bulb has burned out, wrap it in a thick vinyl bag and
    discard. Do not break the bulb.
q   Leaving the bulb removed from the headlamp housing for a long
    period of time can deteriorate the performance of the lens and
    reflector (dirt, clouding). Always prepare a new bulb and have it
    on hand when replacing the bulb.                                                                     EL-3422D

q   When adjusting the headlamp aiming, turn the aiming adjust-
    ment screw only in the tightening direction. (If it is necessary to loosen the screw, first fully loosen the
    screw, and then turn it in the tightening direction.)
q   Do not use organic solvent (paint thinner or gasoline) to clean lamps and to remove old sealant.

Revision; 2004 April                                  LT-5                                        2003 G35 Coupe

Wiring Diagrams and Trouble Diagnosis                                                               AKS00380

When you read wiring diagrams, refer to the following:
q  Refer to GI-15, "How to Read Wiring Diagrams" in GI section.
q  Refer to PG-4, "POWER SUPPLY ROUTING CIRCUIT" for power distribution in PG section.
When you perform trouble diagnosis, refer to the following:
q  Refer to GI-27, "How to Perform Efficient Diagnosis for an Electrical Incident" in GI section.

Revision; 2004 April                             LT-6                                     2003 G35 Coupe
                                      HEADLAMP (FOR USA)

HEADLAMP (FOR USA)                                                                                  PFP:26010
Component Parts and Harness Connector Location                                                            AKS00381










System Description                                                                                        AKS00382

Control of the headlamp system operation is dependent upon the position of the combination switch (lighting
switch). When the lighting switch is placed in the 2ND position, the BCM receives input signal requesting the         L
headlamps (and tail lamps) illuminate. This input signal is communicated to the IPDM E/R (intelligent power
distribution module engine room) across the CAN communication lines. The central processing unit of the
IPDM E/R controls the headlamp high and headlamp low relay coils. These relays, when energized, direct
power to the respective headlamps, which then illuminate.
Power is supplied at all times
q   to headlamp high relay, located in the IPDM E/R (intelligent power distribution module engine room), and
q   to headlamp low relay, located in the IPDM E/R (intelligent power distribution module engine room), and
q   to BCM (body control module) terminal 7
q   through 50A fusible link (letter F, located in the fuse and fusible link box)
q   to CPU (central processing unit) in the IPDM E/R (intelligent power distribution module engine room)
q   through 15A fuse [No. 73 located in the IPDM E/R (intelligent power distribution module engine room)].
With the ignition switch in the ON or START position, power is supplied
q   to BCM (body control module) terminal 35
q   through 10A fuse [No. 1, located in the fuse block (J/B)]
q   to CPU (central processing unit) in the IPDM E/R (intelligent power distribution module engine room)
q   through 10A fuse [No. 80 located in the IPDM E/R (intelligent power distribution module engine room)]

Revision; 2004 April                               LT-7                                     2003 G35 Coupe
                                      HEADLAMP (FOR USA)

With the ignition switch in the ACC or ON position, power is supplied
q   to BCM (body control module) terminal 36
q   through 10A fuse [No. 6, located in the fuse block (J/B)].
Ground is supplied
q   to BCM (body control module) terminal 8
q   through grounds E17 and E43.
q   to IPDM E/R (intelligent power distribution module engine room) terminals 14 and 45
q   through grounds E17 and E43.
Low Beam Operation
With the lighting switch in 2ND position, the BCM (body control module) receives input signal requesting the
headlamps to illuminate. This input signal is communicated to the IPDM E/R (intelligent power distribution
module engine room) across the CAN communication lines. The CPU (central processing unit) in the IPDM E/
R controls the headlamp low relay coil, which when energized, directs power
q   to 15A fuse [No. 83, located in the IPDM E/R]
q   through terminal 27 of the IPDM E/R
q   to terminal 3 of headlamp RH, and
q   to 15A fuse [No. 84, located in the IPDM E/R]
q   through terminal 21 of the IPDM E/R
q   to terminal 3 of headlamp LH.
Ground is supplied at all times
q   to terminal 8 of headlamp RH
q   through grounds E17 and E43, and
q   to terminal 8 of headlamp LH
q   through grounds E17 and E43.
With power and ground supplied, low beam headlamps illuminate.
High Beam Operation/Flash-to-Pass Operation
With the lighting switch in 2ND position and placed in HIGH or PASS position, the BCM (body control module)
receives input signal requesting the headlamp high beams to illuminate. This input signal is communicated to
the IPDM E/R (intelligent power distribution module engine room) across the CAN communication lines. The
CPU (central processing unit) in the IPDM E/R controls the headlamp high relay coil, which when energized,
directs power
q     to 10A fuse [No. 86, located in the IPDM E/R]
q     through terminal 24 of the IPDM E/R
q     to terminal 2 of headlamp RH, and
q     to 10A fuse [No. 85, located in the IPDM E/R]
q     through terminal 22 of the IPDM E/R
q     to terminal 2 of headlamp LH.
Ground is supplied
q     to terminal 4 of headlamp RH
q     through grounds E17 and E43, and
q     to terminal 4 of headlamp LH
q     through grounds E17 and E43.
With power and ground supplied, the high beam headlamps illuminate.
High beam indicator illuminates when combination meter receives input signal requesting high beam indicator
to illuminate. This is communicated to BCM across the CAN communication lines.
Refer to LT-122, "Combination Switch Reading Function" .

Revision; 2004 April                               LT-8                                    2003 G35 Coupe
                                        HEADLAMP (FOR USA)

When the combination switch (lighting switch) is in the 2ND position (ON), and the ignition switch is turned            A
from ON or ACC to OFF, the battery saver control function is activated.
Under this condition, the headlamps remain illuminated for 5 minutes, then the headlamps are turned off.
Exterior lamp battery saver control mode can be changed by the function setting of CONSULT-II.                          B
Refer to LT-63, "System Description" in "AUTO LIGHT SYSTEM".
The vehicle security system will flash the high beams if the system is triggered. Refer to BL-93, "VEHICLE
SECURITY (THEFT WARNING) SYSTEM" .                                                                                      D
Xenon type headlamp is adopted to the low beam headlamps. Xenon bulbs do not use a filament. Instead,
they produce light when a high voltage current is passed between two tungsten electrodes through a mixture              E
of xenon (an inert gas) and certain other metal halides. In addition to added lighting power, electronic control
of the power supply gives the headlamps stable quality and tone color.
Following are some of the many advantages of the xenon type headlamp.
q    The light produced by the headlamps is a white color comparable to sunlight that is easy on the eyes.
q    Light output is nearly double that of halogen headlamps, affording increased area of illumination.
q    The light features a high relative spectral distribution at wavelengths to which the human eye is most sen-       G
     sitive. This means that even in the rain, more light is reflected back from the road surface toward the vehi-
     cle, for added visibility.
q    Power consumption is approximately 25 percent less than halogen headlamps, reducing battery load.                  H
CAN Communication System Description                                                                        AKS005PQ

CAN (Controller Area Network) is a serial communication line for real time application. It is an on-vehicle mul-
tiplex communication line with high data communication speed and excellent error detection ability. Many elec-          I
tronic control units are equipped onto a vehicle, and each control unit shares information and links with other
control units during operation (not independent). In CAN communication, control units are connected with 2
communication lines (CAN H line, CAN L line) allowing a high rate of information transmission with less wiring.         J
Each control unit transmits/receives data but selectively reads required data only.
CAN Communication Unit                                                                                      AKS005PR
 Body type                                                                    Coupe
 Axle                                                                         2WD
 Engine                                                                      VQ35DE                                     L
 Transmission                                                 M/T                               A/T
 Brake control                                                                 VDC
                                              CAN communication unit

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