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>> Download av documenatation <<Text preview - extract from the documentAUDIO VISUAL, NAVIGATION & TELEPHONE SYSTEM
PRECAUTIONS ......................................................... 4 . FOR CASSETTE PLAYER ONLY ...................... 31 . F
Precautions for Supplemental Restraint System FOR CD ONLY ................................................... 32 .
(SRS) "AIR BAG" and "SEAT BELT PRE-TEN- Noise Inspection .................................................... 32 .
SIONER" ................................................................. 4. TYPE OF NOISE AND POSSIBLE CAUSE ....... 32 . G
Precautions for Battery Service ............................... 4 . Power Supply Circuit Inspection ............................ 33 .
Wiring Diagrams and Trouble Diagnosis ................. 4 . Audio System Does Not Turn On .......................... 34 .
PREPARATION .......................................................... 5 . Steering Wheel Audio Control Switch Does Not
Commercial Service Tools ....................................... 5 . Operate .................................................................. 34
AUDIO ........................................................................ 6
. Speed Sensitive Volume System Does Not Work... 36
System Description ................................................. 6 . Locking CD Auto-changer Mechanism (Audio Unit
BASE SYSTEM .................................................... 6 . of BOSE System) .................................................. 37 . I
BOSE SYSTEM ................................................... 6 . DAMPER LOCK PROCEDURE ......................... 37 .
SPEED SENSITIVE VOLUME SYSTEM ............. 7 . Removal and Installation for Audio Unit ................ 37 .
Component Parts Location ...................................... 8 . Removal and Installation for A/C and Audio Con- J
Schematic ............................................................... 9. troller ...................................................................... 38
BASE SYSTEM .................................................... 9 . REMOVAL .......................................................... 38 .
BOSE SYSTEM ................................................. 10 . INSTALLATION .................................................. 38 .
Wiring Diagram -AUDIO- ........................................11 . Disassembly and Assembly of A/C and Audio Con-
BASE SYSTEM ...................................................11 . troller ...................................................................... 39
BOSE SYSTEM ................................................. 15 . Removal and Installation of Door Speaker ............ 40 .
Terminals and Reference Value for Audio Unit for REMOVAL .......................................................... 40 . L
Base System ......................................................... 20 . INSTALLATION .................................................. 40 .
Terminals and Reference Value for Audio Unit for Removal and Installation of Tweeter Behind Door
BOSE System ....................................................... 21 . Mirror ..................................................................... 40
. M
Terminals and Reference Value for BOSE Speaker REMOVAL .......................................................... 40 .
Amp. ...................................................................... 23
. INSTALLATION .................................................. 40 .
Steering Wheel Audio Control Switch Resistance Removal and Installation of Rear Side Speaker .... 40 .
Check .................................................................... 25
. REMOVAL .......................................................... 40 .
Self-Diagnosis Function for A/C and Audio Control- INSTALLATION .................................................. 41 .
ler .......................................................................... 25
. Removal and Installation of Woofer ....................... 41 .
DIAGNOSIS ITEM .............................................. 25 . REMOVAL .......................................................... 41 .
OPERATION PROCEDURE .............................. 25 . INSTALLATION .................................................. 41 .
MODE 1 ............................................................. 27 . Removal and Installation of BOSE Speaker Amp.... 41
MODE 2 ............................................................. 27 . REMOVAL .......................................................... 41 .
MODE 3 ............................................................. 28 . INSTALLATION .................................................. 42 .
MODE 4 ............................................................. 29 . AUDIO ANTENNA ................................................... 43 .
Trouble Diagnosis ................................................. 30 . System Description ................................................ 43 .
PROBLEM WITH RADIO, TAPE AND CD ......... 30 . Wiring Diagram -W/ANT- ....................................... 44 .
FOR RADIO ONLY ............................................. 30 .
Location of Antenna ............................................... 45 . Vehicle Speed Signal Check ..................................88 .
Window Antenna Repair ........................................ 45 . Illumination Signal Check .......................................89 .
ELEMENT CHECK ............................................. 45 . Ignition Signal Check .............................................89 .
ELEMENT REPAIR ............................................ 46 . Reverse Signal Check (With A/T) ..........................90 .
NAVIGATION SYSTEM ............................................ 47 . Reverse Signal Check (With M/T) ..........................90 .
System Description ................................................ 47 . Navigation System Does Not Activate ...................91 .
TRAVEL DISTANCE ........................................... 47 . METHOD OF DIAGNOSIS FOR MALFUNC-
TRAVEL DIRECTION ......................................... 47 . TIONING SYSTEM .............................................91 .
MAP-MATCHING ................................................ 47 . Communication Line Check (Between Display Unit
GPS (GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM) ......... 48 . and NAVI Switch) ...................................................91 .
COMPONENT DESCRIPTION ........................... 49 . Communication Line Check (Between NAVI Switch
BIRD VIEWTM ..................................................... 50 . and NAVI Control Unit) ...........................................92 .
MAP DISPLAY .................................................... 51 . Communication Line Check (Between NAVI Control
FUNCTION OF NAVI SWITCH ........................... 51 . Unit and Display Unit) ............................................93 .
"VIEW" MODE .................................................... 56 . RGB Screen Is Not Shown ....................................94 .
"HEADING" MODE ............................................. 56 . Color of RGB Image Is Not Proper (Bluish) ...........95 .
"NEARBY DISPLAY ICONS" MODE .................. 57 . Color of RGB Image Is Not Proper (Reddish) ........96 .
"SAVE CURRENT LOCATION" MODE .............. 57 . Color of RGB Image Is Not Proper (Yellowish) ......97 .
"ADJUST CURRENT LOCATION" MODE .......... 57 . RGB Screen Is Rolling ...........................................98 .
"AUTO RE-ROUTE" MODE ................................ 58 . Guide Sound Is Not Heard .....................................99 .
"AVOID AREA SETTING" MODE ....................... 58 . No Fuel Information Is Displayed ......................... 100 .
"BUTTON TONE/BEEP RESPONSE" MODE .... 58 . Vehicle Condition Setting Is Not Possible ............ 100 .
"CLEAR MEMORY" MODE ................................ 58 . No Warning Message Is Displayed (Combination
"EDIT ADDRESS BOOK" MODE ....................... 59 . Meter Of Warning Lamp Illuminate) ..................... 101 .
"GPS INFORMATION" MODE ............................ 59 . The Position Of The Current-Location Mark Is Not
"QUICK STOP CUSTOMER SETTING" MODE... 59 Correct ................................................................. 102
"SET AVERAGE SPEED" MODE ....................... 59 . Radio Wave From The GPS Satellite Is Not
"TRACKING" MODE ........................................... 60 . Received .............................................................. 102
GUIDE VOLUME SETTING ............................... 60 . Driving Test .......................................................... 102
TRIP COMPUTER INFORMATION .................... 60 . Example of Symptoms Judged Not Malfunction .. 103 .
FUEL ECONOMY INFORMATION ..................... 60 . BASIC OPERATION ......................................... 103 .
MAINTENANCE INFORMATION ........................ 61 . VEHICLE MARK ............................................... 104 .
Precautions for NAVI Control Unit Replacement ... 63 ITEMS CANNOT BE SELECTED/SET ............. 104 .
Component Parts Location .................................... 64 . VOICE GUIDE .................................................. 105 .
Schematic .............................................................. 65
. ROUTE SEARCHING ....................................... 105 .
Wiring Diagram --NAVI-- ...................................... 66 . EXAMPLES OF CURRENT-LOCATION MARK
Wiring Diagram --COMM-- .................................. 70 . DISPLACEMENT .............................................. 106 .
Terminals and Reference Value for NAVI Control THE CURRENT POSITION MARK SHOWS A
Unit ........................................................................ 72
Terminals and Reference Value for Display Unit ... 74 THE CURRENT POSITION MARK JUMPS ..... 109 .
Terminals and Reference Value for NAVI Switch ... 76 THE CURRENT LOCATION MARK IS IN A
Self-Diagnosis Function ......................................... 77 . RIVER OR THE SEA ........................................ 110 .
DESCRIPTION ................................................... 77 . WHEN DRIVING ON THE SAME ROAD, SOME-
DIAGNOSIS ITEM .............................................. 77 . TIMES THE CURRENT-LOCATION MARK IS IN
Self-Diagnosis Mode ............................................. 78 . THE RIGHT PLACE AND SOMETIMES IT IS THE
OPERATION PROCEDURE ............................... 78 . WRONG PLACE ............................................... 110 .
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