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                                                                                          ENGINE MECHANICAL                                                            C


PRECAUTIONS ......................................................... 3  .         INTAKE MANIFOLD COLLECTOR ......................... 18                     .        F
 Precautions for Draining Engine Coolant ................ 3              .           Removal and Installation ....................................... 18      .
 Precautions for Disconnecting Fuel Piping ............. 3               .            REMOVAL .......................................................... 18   .
 Precautions for Removal and Disassembly ............ 3                  .            INSPECTION AFTER REMOVAL ...................... 20                      .        G
 Precautions for Inspection, Repair and Replace-                                      INSTALLATION .................................................. 21      .
 ment ........................................................................ 3
                                                                         .         INTAKE MANIFOLD ................................................ 23        .
 Precautions for Assembly and Installation .............. 3              .           Removal and Installation ....................................... 23      .
 Parts Requiring Angle Tightening ............................ 4         .            REMOVAL .......................................................... 23   .
 Precautions for Liquid Gasket ................................. 4       .            INSPECTION AFTER REMOVAL ...................... 23                      .
   REMOVAL OF LIQUID GASKET SEALING ......... 4                          .            INSTALLATION .................................................. 24      .
   LIQUID GASKET APPLICATION PROCEDURE 4                                 .....     EXHAUST MANIFOLD AND THREE WAY CATA-                                                 I
PREPARATION .......................................................... 6 .         LYST ......................................................................... 25
 Special Service Tools (SST) .................................... 6      .           Removal and Installation ....................................... 25      .
 Commercial Service Tools ....................................... 8      .            REMOVAL .......................................................... 25   .        J
NOISE, VIBRATION AND HARSHNESS (NVH)                                                  INSPECTION AFTER REMOVAL ...................... 27                      .
TROUBLESHOOTING ..............................................11         .            INSTALLATION .................................................. 27      .
 NVH Troubleshooting --Engine Noise ...................11                .         OIL PAN AND OIL STRAINER ................................ 29               .
 Use the Chart Below to Help You Find the Cause                                      Removal and Installation ....................................... 29      .
 of the Symptom. .................................................... 12 .            REMOVAL .......................................................... 29   .
DRIVE BELTS .......................................................... 13.            INSPECTION AFTER REMOVAL ...................... 31                      .
 Checking Drive Belts ............................................. 13   .            INSTALLATION .................................................. 31      .        L
 Tension Adjustment ............................................... 13   .            INSPECTION AFTER INSTALLATION ............... 34                        .
   ALTERNATOR, POWER STEERING OIL PUMP                                             IGNITION COIL ........................................................ 35  .
   AND FAN BELT .................................................. 14    .           Removal and Installation ....................................... 35      .        M
   A/C COMPRESSOR BELT ................................ 14               .            REMOVAL .......................................................... 35   .
 Removal and Installation ....................................... 15     .            INSTALLATION .................................................. 35      .
   REMOVAL .......................................................... 15 .         SPARK PLUG (PLATINUM-TIPPED TYPE) ............ 36                          .
   INSTALLATION .................................................. 15    .           Removal and Installation ....................................... 36      .
AIR CLEANER AND AIR DUCT .............................. 16               .            REMOVAL .......................................................... 36   .
 Removal and Installation ....................................... 16     .            INSPECTION AFTER REMOVAL ...................... 36                      .
   REMOVAL .......................................................... 16 .            INSTALLATION .................................................. 37      .
   INSTALLATION .................................................. 16    .         FUEL INJECTOR AND FUEL TUBE ....................... 38                     .
 Changing Air Cleaner Filter ................................... 17      .           Removal and Installation ....................................... 38      .
   INSPECTION ..................................................... 17   .            REMOVAL .......................................................... 39   .
   REMOVAL .......................................................... 17 .            INSTALLATION .................................................. 40      .
   INSTALLATION .................................................. 17    .            INSPECTION AFTER INSTALLATION ............... 43                        .
                                                                                   ROCKER COVER .................................................... 44       .
                                                                                     Removal and Installation ....................................... 44      .
                                                                                      REMOVAL .......................................................... 44   .
                                                                                      INSTALLATION .................................................. 45      .

FRONT TIMING CHAIN CASE ................................ 47            .           DISASSEMBLY ................................................. 111      .
  Removal and Installation ....................................... 47  .           ASSEMBLY ....................................................... 116   .
    REMOVAL .......................................................... 47
                                                                       .         How to Select Piston and Bearing ....................... 123             .
    INSTALLATION ................................................... 50.           DESCRIPTION ................................................. 123      .
    INSPECTION AFTER INSTALLATION ............... 55                   .           HOW TO SELECT PISTON .............................. 123                .
TIMING CHAIN ......................................................... 56
                                                                       .           HOW TO SELECT CONNECTING ROD BEAR-
  Removal and Installation ....................................... 56  .           ING .................................................................... 124
    REMOVAL .......................................................... 57
                                                                       .           HOW TO SELECT MAIN BEARING ................. 125                       .
    INSPECTION AFTER REMOVAL ....................... 64                .         Inspection After Disassembly ............................... 128         .
    INSTALLATION ................................................... 65.           CRANKSHAFT END PLAY ............................... 128                .
    INSPECTION AFTER INSTALLATION ............... 74                   .           CONNECTING ROD SIDE CLEARANCE ........ 128                             .
CAMSHAFT .............................................................. 76
                                                                       .           PISTON TO PISTON PIN OIL CLEARANCE .... 128                            .
  Removal and Installation ....................................... 76  .           PISTON RING SIDE CLEARANCE .................. 129                      .
    REMOVAL .......................................................... 77
                                                                       .           PISTON RING END GAP ................................. 129              .
    INSPECTION AFTER REMOVAL ....................... 78                .           CONNECTING ROD BEND AND TORSION .... 130                               .
    INSTALLATION ................................................... 81.           CONNECTING ROD BIG END DIAMETER ..... 130                              .
  Valve Clearance ..................................................... 83
                                                                       .           CONNECTING ROD BUSHING OIL CLEAR-
    INSPECTION ...................................................... 83
                                                                       .           ANCE ................................................................ 130
    ADJUSTMENT ................................................... 86  .           CYLINDER BLOCK DISTORTION ................... 131                      .
OIL SEAL ................................................................. 88
                                                                       .           MAIN BEARING HOUSING INNER DIAMETER.132
  Removal and Installation of Valve Oil Seal ............ 88           .           PISTON TO CYLINDER BORE CLEARANCE . 132
    REMOVAL .......................................................... 88
                                                                       .           CRANKSHAFT MAIN JOURNAL DIAMETER .. 133                                .
    INSTALLATION ................................................... 88.           CRANKSHAFT PIN JOURNAL DIAMETER ..... 134                              .
  Removal and Installation of Front Oil Seal ............ 89           .           CRANKSHAFT OUT-OF-ROUND AND TAPER.134
    REMOVAL .......................................................... 89
                                                                       .           CRANKSHAFT RUNOUT ................................. 134                .
    INSTALLATION ................................................... 90.           CONNECTING ROD BEARING OIL CLEAR-
  Removal and Installation of Rear Oil Seal ............. 90           .           ANCE ................................................................ 134
    REMOVAL .......................................................... 90
                                                                       .           MAIN BEARING OIL CLEARANCE .................. 135                      .
    INSTALLATION ................................................... 90.           CRUSH HEIGHT OF MAIN BEARING ............. 136                         .
CYLINDER HEAD .................................................... 92  .           CRUSH HEIGHT OF CONNECTING ROD
  On-Vehicle Service ................................................ 92
                                                                       .           BEARING .......................................................... 136 .
    CHECKING COMPRESSION PRESSURE ........ 92                          .           MAIN BEARING CAP BOLT OUTER DIAMETER                                   .136
  Removal and Installation ....................................... 93  .           CONNECTING ROD BOLT OUTER DIAMETER.137
    REMOVAL .......................................................... 93
                                                                       .           FLYWHEEL DEFLECTION ............................... 137                .
    INSPECTION AFTER REMOVAL ....................... 94                .           MOVEMENT AMOUNT OF FLYWHEEL .......... 137                             .
    INSTALLATION ................................................... 95.           DRIVE PLATE (A/T MODELS) .......................... 138                .
  Disassembly and Assembly ................................... 96      .           OIL JET ............................................................. 138
    DISASSEMBLY .................................................. 97  .           OIL JET RELIEF VALVE ................................... 138           .
    ASSEMBLY ........................................................ 98
                                                                       .        SERVICE DATA AND SPECIFICATIONS (SDS) ... 139                             .
  Inspection After Disassembly ................................ 99     .         Standard and Limit ............................................... 139   .
    VALVE DIMENSIONS ......................................... 99      .           GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS .......................... 139                  .
    VALVE GUIDE CLEARANCE ............................. 99             .           DRIVE BELT ..................................................... 140   .
    VALVE GUIDE REPLACEMENT ...................... 100                 .           INTAKE MANIFOLD COLLECTOR, INTAKE
    VALVE SEAT CONTACT .................................. 101          .           MANIFOLD AND EXHAUST MANIFOLD ......... 140                            .
    VALVE SEAT REPLACEMENT ........................ 101                .           SPARK PLUG ................................................... 140     .
    VALVE SPRING SQUARENESS ...................... 102                 .           CAMSHAFT AND CAMSHAFT BEARING ........ 141                             .
    VALVE SPRING DIMENSIONS AND VALVE                                              CYLINDER HEAD ............................................. 143        .
    SPRING PRESSURE LOAD ............................ 103              .           CYLINDER BLOCK ........................................... 146         .
ENGINE ASSEMBLY ............................................. 104      .           PISTON, PISTON RING AND PISTON PIN ..... 147                           .
  Removal and Installation ..................................... 104   .           CONNECTING ROD ......................................... 148           .
    REMOVAL ........................................................ 105
                                                                       .           CRANKSHAFT .................................................. 149      .
    INSTALLATION ................................................. 108 .           MAIN BEARING ................................................ 150      .
    INSPECTION AFTER INSTALLATION ............. 109                    .           CONNECTING ROD BEARING ........................ 151                    .
CYLINDER BLOCK ................................................ 110    .         Tightening Torque ................................................ 151   .
  Disassembly and Assembly ................................. 110       .


PRECAUTIONS                                                                                             PFP:00001
Precautions for Draining Engine Coolant                                                                     ABS0046W

Drain engine coolant when engine is cooled.
Precautions for Disconnecting Fuel Piping                                                                   ABS0046X

q   Before starting work, make sure no fire or spark producing items are in the work area.
q   Release fuel pressure before disassembly.                                                                          C
q   After disconnecting pipes, plug openings to stop fuel leakage.
Precautions for Removal and Disassembly                                                                     ABS0046Y
q   When instructed to use special service tools, use the specified tools. Always be careful to work safely,
    avoid forceful or uninstructed operations.
q   Exercise maximum care to avoid damage to mating or sliding surfaces.                                               E
q   Cover openings of engine system with tape or the equivalent, if necessary, to seal out foreign materials.
q   Mark and arrange disassembly parts in an organized way for easy troubleshooting and assembly.
q   When loosening bolts and nuts, as a basic rule, start with the one furthest outside, then the one diagonally       F
    opposite, and so on. If the order of loosening is specified, do exactly as specified. Power tools may be
    used where noted in the step.
Precautions for Inspection, Repair and Replacement                                                          ABS0046Z   G
Before repairing or replacing, thoroughly inspect parts. Inspect new replacement parts in the same way, and
replace if necessary.
Precautions for Assembly and Installation                                                                   ABS00470

q   Use torque wrench to tighten bolts or nuts to specification.
q   When tightening bolts and nuts, as a basic rule, equally tighten in several different steps starting with the       I
    ones in center, then ones on inside and outside diagonally in this order. If the order of tightening is speci-
    fied, do exactly as specified.
q   Replace with new gasket, packing, oil seal or O-ring.                                                              J
q   Thoroughly wash, clean, and air-blow each part. Carefully check engine oil or engine coolant passages for
    any restriction and blockage.
q   Avoid damaging sliding or mating surfaces. Completely remove foreign materials such as cloth lint or dust.         K
    Before assembly, oil sliding surfaces well.
q   Release air within route when refilling after draining engine coolant.
q   After repairing, start engine and increase engine speed to check engine coolant, fuel, engine oil, and             L
    exhaust systems for leakage.



Parts Requiring Angle Tightening                                                                           ABS00471

q    Use angle wrench [SST: KV10112100 (BT8653-A)] for the final tightening of the following engine parts:

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