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PRECAUTIONS ......................................................... 2. SUSPENSION ARM ................................................. 11 . F
Cautions .................................................................. 2
. Removal and Installation ....................................... 11 .
PREPARATION .......................................................... 3
. REMOVAL .......................................................... 11 .
Special Service Tools .............................................. 3. INSPECTION AFTER REMOVAL ...................... 11 . G
Commercial Service Tools ....................................... 3 . INSTALLATION .................................................. 12 .
NOISE, VIBRATION AND HARSHNESS (NVH) RADIUS ROD ........................................................... 13.
TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................... 4 . Removal and Installation ....................................... 13 .
NVH Troubleshooting Chart .................................... 4 . REMOVAL .......................................................... 13 .
REAR SUSPENSION ASSEMBLY ............................ 5 . INSPECTION AFTER REMOVAL ...................... 13 .
On-Vehicle Inspection ............................................. 5 . INSTALLATION .................................................. 13 .
INSPECTION SUSPENSION ARM BALL JOINT FRONT LOWER LINK ............................................. 14 . I
AXIAL END PLAY ................................................ 5 . Removal and Installation ....................................... 14 .
SHOCK ABSORBER INSPECTION .................... 5 . REMOVAL .......................................................... 14 .
Wheel Alignment Inspection .................................... 5 . INSPECTION AFTER REMOVAL ...................... 14 . J
DESCRIPTION ..................................................... 5 . INSTALLATION .................................................. 14 .
PRELIMINARY INSPECTION .............................. 5 . REAR LOWER LINK & COIL SPRING .................... 15 .
GENERAL INFORMATION AND RECOMMEN- Removal and Installation ....................................... 15 .
DATIONS ............................................................. 5
. REMOVAL .......................................................... 15 .
THE ALIGNMENT PROCESS ............................. 6 . INSPECTION AFTER REMOVAL ...................... 15 .
CAMBER INSPECTION ....................................... 6 . INSTALLATION .................................................. 15 .
TOE-IN ................................................................. 6
. STABILIZER BAR .................................................... 16 . L
Components ............................................................ 7
. Removal and Installation ....................................... 16 .
Removal and Installation ......................................... 8 . REMOVAL .......................................................... 16 .
REMOVAL ............................................................ 8
. INSPECTION AFTER REMOVAL ...................... 16 . M
INSTALLATION .................................................... 8 . INSTALLATION .................................................. 16 .
SHOCK ABSORBER ................................................. 9 . REAR SUSPENSION MEMBER .............................. 17 .
Removal and Installation ......................................... 9 . Removal and Installation ....................................... 17 .
REMOVAL ............................................................ 9
. REMOVAL .......................................................... 17 .
INSPECTION AFTER REMOVAL ........................ 9 . INSPECTION AFTER REMOVAL ...................... 17 .
INSTALLATION .................................................... 9 . INSTALLATION .................................................. 17 .
Disassembly and Assembly .................................... 9 . SERVICE DATA AND SPECIFICATIONS (SDS) ..... 18 .
DISASSEMBLY .................................................... 9 . Wheel Alignment (Unladen*) ................................. 18 .
INSPECTION AFTER DISASSEMBLY .............. 10 . Ball Joint ................................................................ 18
ASSEMBLY ........................................................ 10. Wheelarch Height (Unladen*) ................................ 18 .
Revision: 2006 August RSU-1 2007 G35 Coupe
Cautions NES0002H
q When installing rubber bushings, final tightening must be carried out under unladen conditions with tires
on level ground. Oil will shorten the life of rubber bushings. Be sure to wipe off any spilled oil.
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