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                                                  BODY, LOCK & SECURITY SYSTEM
                                                                                                     SECTION                    BL                                  B



PRECAUTIONS ......................................................... 5 .        POWER DOOR LOCK SYSTEM ............................. 19                   .         F
 Precautions for Supplemental Restraint System                                    Component Parts and Harness Connector Location 19                        ...
 (SRS) "AIR BAG" and "SEAT BELT PRE-TEN-                                          System Description ................................................ 20   .
 SIONER" ................................................................. 5
                                                                        .           POWER SUPPLY AND GROUND ..................... 20                       .        G
 Precautions for work ............................................... 5 .           OPERATION ....................................................... 20   .
 Wiring Diagnosis and Trouble Diagnosis ................ 5              .         Schematic .............................................................. 22
PREPARATION .......................................................... 6.         Wiring Diagram -- D/LOCK -- .............................. 23            .
 Special Service Tools .............................................. 6 .         Terminals and Reference Value for BCM .............. 30                  .
 Commercial Service Tools ....................................... 6     .         Terminals and Reference Value for Driver Door Con-
SQUEAK AND RATTLE TROUBLE DIAGNOSIS ..... 7                                       trol Unit (LCU01) .................................................... 31.
 Work Flow ............................................................... 7
                                                                        .         Terminals and Reference Value for Passenger and                                   BL
   CUSTOMER INTERVIEW .................................... 7            .         Rear LH, RH Door Control Units ........................... 31            .
   DUPLICATE THE NOISE AND TEST DRIVE ...... 8                          .         Work Flow .............................................................. 32
   CHECK RELATED SERVICE BULLETINS .......... 8                         .         Preliminary Check ................................................. 32   .         J
   LOCATE THE NOISE AND IDENTIFY THE                                                POWER SUPPLY AND GROUND CIRCUIT
   ROOT CAUSE ..................................................... 8   .           INSPECTION ..................................................... 32    .
   REPAIR THE CAUSE .......................................... 8        .         CONSULT-II Function ............................................ 34      .
   CONFIRM THE REPAIR ...................................... 9          .           DIAGNOSTIC ITEMS DESCRIPTION ................ 34                       .
 Generic Squeak and Rattle Troubleshooting .......... 9                 .           CONSULT-II BASIC OPERATION PROCEDURE
   INSTRUMENT PANEL ......................................... 9         .                                                                                  ... 35
   CENTER CONSOLE ............................................ 9        .           IVMS COMMUNICATION INSPECTION ............ 36                          .         L
   DOORS ................................................................ 9
                                                                        .           SELF-DIAGNOSIS RESULTS ............................ 38                 .
   TRUNK ............................................................... 10
                                                                        .           DATA MONITOR ................................................ 38       .
   SUNROOF/HEADLINING .................................. 10             .           ACTIVE TEST .................................................... 38    .        M
   SEATS ................................................................ 10
                                                                        .         On Board Diagnosis .............................................. 39     .
   UNDERHOOD .................................................... 10    .           DIAGNOSIS ITEM .............................................. 39       .
 Diagnostic Worksheet ............................................11    .           COMMUNICATION DIAGNOSIS ........................ 39                    .
HOOD ...................................................................... 13
                                                                        .           COMMUNICATION SYSTEM A ......................... 41                    .
 Fitting Adjustment ................................................. 13.           COMMUNICATION SYSTEM B ......................... 41                    .
   LONGITUDINAL AND LATERAL CLEARANCE                                               COMMUNICATION SYSTEM C ......................... 41                    .
   ADJUSTMENT ................................................... 13    .           SWITCH MONITOR ........................................... 42          .
   FRONT END HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT .............. 14                        .           POWER DOOR LOCK SYSTEM SELF-DIAG-
   SURFACE HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT .................. 14                      .           NOSIS ................................................................ 43
 Removal and Installation of Hood Assembly ......... 15                 .         Symptom Chart ...................................................... 44  .
   REMOVAL .......................................................... 16.         Check Communication Line ................................... 44          .
   INSTALLETION .................................................. 16   .         Check Door Lock and Unlock Switch .................... 45                .
 Removal and Installation of Hood Lock Control .... 17                  .         Check Door Lock Actuator (Driver Side) ............... 46                .
   REMOVAL .......................................................... 17.         Check Door Lock Actuator (Passenger, Rear LH,
   INSTALLATION .................................................. 17   .         RH) ........................................................................ 46
 Hood Lock Control Inspection ............................... 18        .         Check Front Door Key Cylinder Switch ................. 47                .

 Check Key Switch .................................................. 48 .         Check Remote Keyless Entry Receiver .................95                 .
 Check Front Door Switch ....................................... 49     .         Check Door Lock and Unlock Switch .....................97               .
 Check Door Unlock Sensor ................................... 51        .         Check Hazard Function .........................................97       .
REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY SYSTEM .................... 53                     .         Check Horn Function .............................................97     .
 Component Parts and Harness Connector Location 53                      ...       Check Headlamp Function .....................................97         .
 Component Parts and Harness Connector Location 54                      ...       Check Map Lamp Function ....................................98          .
 System Description ................................................ 54 .         Electronic Key Battery Replacement .....................98              .
   POWER SUPPLY AND GROUND ...................... 54                    .           CHECK ELECTRONIC KEY BATTERY ..............99                         .
   OPERATING PROCEDURE ............................... 55               .         ID Code Entry Procedure ..................................... 100       .
   POWER DOOR LOCK OPERATION .................. 55                      .           PROCEDURE 1 (WITHOUT CONSULT-II) ....... 100                          .
   HAZARD AND HORN REMINDER .................... 55                     .           PROCEDURE 2 (WITH CONSULT-II) .............. 101                      .
   OPERATING FUNCTION OF HAZARD AND                                               Removal and Installation of Remote Keyless Entry
   HORN REMINDER ............................................. 55       .         Receiver ............................................................... 102
   TRUNK LID OPENER OPERATION ................... 56                    .           REMOVE .......................................................... 102 .
   PANIC ALARM OPERATION .............................. 56              .           INSTALLATION ................................................. 102    .
   KEYLESS POWER WINDOW DOWN (OPEN)                                              DOOR ..................................................................... 103
   OPERATION ....................................................... 56 .         Fitting Adjustment ................................................ 103 .
   AUTO DOOR LOCK OPERATION ..................... 56                    .           FRONT DOOR .................................................. 103     .
   INTERIOR LAMP AND STEP LAMP OPERA-                                               REAR DOOR .................................................... 103    .
   TION ................................................................... 56
                                                                        .           STRIKER ADJUSTMENT ................................. 103              .
 Schematic .............................................................. 57
                                                                        .         Removal and Installation of Front Door ............... 104              .
 Wiring Diagram -- KEYLES -- .............................. 58          .           REMOVAL ......................................................... 104 .
 Terminal and Reference Value for BCM ................ 68               .           INSTALLATION ................................................. 105    .
 Terminal and Reference Value for Driver Door Con-                                Removal and Installation of Rear Door ................ 105              .
 trol Unit (LCU01) .................................................... 69
                                                                        .           REMOVAL ......................................................... 105 .
 Terminal and Reference Value for Passenger And                                     INSTALLATION ................................................. 106    .
 Rear LH, RH Door Control Unit ............................. 69         .         Door Weatherstrip ................................................ 106  .
 Work Flow .............................................................. 70
                                                                        .           REMOVAL ......................................................... 106 .
 Preliminary Check ................................................. 71 .           INSTALLATION ................................................. 106    .
   POWER SUPPLY AND GROUND CIRCUIT                                               FRONT DOOR LOCK ............................................. 107        .
   INSPECTION ...................................................... 71 .         Component Structure ........................................... 107     .
   SYSTEM INSPECTION ...................................... 72          .         Inspection and Adjustment ................................... 107       .

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