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                                                                       AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION
                                                                                                       SECTION                   AT                               B



INDEX FOR DTC ....................................................... 5  .         A/T Electrical Parts Location ................................. 49    .         F
  Alphabetical Index ................................................... 5
                                                                         .         Circuit Diagram ...................................................... 50
  DTC No. Index ........................................................ 6
                                                                         .         Inspections Before Trouble Diagnosis ................... 51           .
PRECAUTIONS ......................................................... 7  .         Check Before Engine is Started ............................. 55       .        G
  Precautions for Supplemental Restraint System                                    Check at Idle .......................................................... 55
  (SRS) "AIR BAG" and "SEAT BELT PRE-TEN-                                          Cruise Test - Part 1 ................................................ 57
  SIONER" ................................................................. 7
                                                                         .         Cruise Test - Part 2 ................................................ 59
  Precautions for On Board Diagnostic (OBD) System                                 Cruise Test - Part 3 ................................................ 59
  of A/T and Engine ................................................... 7.         Vehicle Speed at Which Gear Shifting Occurs ...... 60                 .
  Precautions ............................................................. 8
                                                                         .         Vehicle Speed at Which Lock-up Occurs/Releases 60                     ...
  Service Notice or Precautions ................................. 9      .         Symptom Chart ...................................................... 61
                                                                                                                                                         .         I
PREPARATION ........................................................ 10  .         TCM Input/Output Signal Reference Values .......... 84                .
  Special Service Tools ............................................ 10  .         CONSULT-II Function (A/T) ................................... 85      .
  Commercial Service Tools ......................................11      .         Diagnostic Procedure without CONSULT-II ........... 97                .         J
A/T FLUID ................................................................ 12
                                                                         .        DTC U1000 CAN COMMUNICATION LINE ............. 99                      .
  Changing A/T Fluid ............................................... 12  .         Description ............................................................. 99
  Checking A/T Fluid ................................................ 13 .         On Board Diagnosis Logic ..................................... 99     .
  A/T Fluid Cooler Cleaning ..................................... 14     .         Possible Cause ...................................................... 99
A/T CONTROL SYSTEM ......................................... 17          .         DTC Confirmation Procedure ................................ 99        .
  Cross-Sectional View ............................................ 17   .         Wiring Diagram -- AT -- CAN ............................. 100         .
  Shift Mechanism .................................................... 18.         Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 101   .         L
  TCM Function ........................................................ 29
                                                                         .        DTC P0615 START SIGNAL CIRCUIT .................. 102                  .
  CAN Communication ............................................. 30     .         Description ........................................................... 102
  Input/Output Signal of TCM ................................... 30      .         CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 102          .        M
  Line Pressure Control ........................................... 31   .         On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 102      .
  Shift Control .......................................................... 32
                                                                         .         Possible Cause .................................................... 102
  Lock-up Control ..................................................... 34
                                                                         .         DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 102         .
  Engine Brake Control ............................................ 35   .         Wiring Diagram -- AT -- STSIG ......................... 103           .
  Control Valve ......................................................... 36
                                                                         .         Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 104   .
ON BOARD DIAGNOSTIC (OBD) SYSTEM ........... 38                          .        DTC P0700 TCM .................................................... 106 .
  Introduction ........................................................... 38
                                                                         .         Description ........................................................... 106
  OBD-II Function for A/T System ............................ 38         .         On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 106      .
  One or Two Trip Detection Logic of OBD-II ........... 38               .         Possible Cause .................................................... 106
  OBD-II Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) ................ 38               .         DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 106         .
  Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) .......................... 41         .         Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 106   .
TROUBLE DIAGNOSIS ........................................... 42         .        DTC P0705 PARK/NEUTRAL POSITION SWITCH. 107
  DTC Inspection Priority Chart ............................... 42       .         Description ........................................................... 107
  Fail-safe ................................................................ 42
                                                                         .         CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 107          .
  How to Perform Trouble Diagnosis for Quick and                                   On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 107      .
  Accurate Repair .................................................... 44.         Possible Cause .................................................... 107

Revision: 2005 November                                                      AT-1                                                                2006 Q45
 DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 107          .        On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 129      .
 Wiring Diagram -- AT -- PNP/SW ...................... 108              .        Possible Cause .................................................... 129
 Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 109    .        DTC Confirmation Procedure ............................... 129        .
DTC P0717 TURBINE REVOLUTION SENSOR ... 111                             .        Wiring Diagram -- AT -- FTS .............................. 130        .
 Description ............................................................111
                                                                        .        Diagnostic Procedure ........................................... 131  .
 CONSULT-II Reference Value ..............................111           .        Component Inspection ......................................... 133    .
 On Board Diagnosis Logic ....................................111       .       DTC P1721 VEHICLE SPEED SENSOR MTR ...... 134                          .
 Possible Cause .....................................................111.        Description ........................................................... 134
 DTC Confirmation Procedure ...............................111          .        CONSULT-II Reference Value .............................. 134         .
 Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 112    .        On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 134      .
DTC P0720 VEHICLE SPEED SENSOR A/T (REV-                                         Possible Cause .................................................... 134
OLUTION SENSOR) .............................................. 113      .        DTC Confirmation Procedure ............................... 134        .
 Description ........................................................... 113
                                                                        .        Diagnostic Procedure ........................................... 135  .
 CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 113           .       DTC P1730 A/T INTERLOCK ................................ 136           .
 On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 113       .        Description ........................................................... 136
 Possible Cause .................................................... 113.        On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 136      .
 DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 113          .        Possible Cause .................................................... 136
 Wiring Diagram -- AT -- VSSA/T ........................ 115            .        DTC Confirmation Procedure ............................... 136        .
 Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 116    .        Judgement of A/T Interlock .................................. 137     .
DTC P0725 ENGINE SPEED SIGNAL .................. 118                    .        Diagnostic Procedure ........................................... 137  .
 Description ........................................................... 118
                                                                        .       DTC P1731 A/T 1ST ENGINE BRAKING .............. 139                    .
 CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 118           .        Description ........................................................... 139
 On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 118       .        CONSULT-II Reference Value .............................. 139         .
 Possible Cause .................................................... 118.        On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 139      .
 DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 118          .        Possible Cause .................................................... 139
 Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 119    .        DTC Confirmation Procedure ............................... 139        .
DTC P0740 TORQUE CONVERTER CLUTCH                                                Diagnostic Procedure ........................................... 140  .
SOLENOID VALVE ................................................ 120     .       DTC P1752 INPUT CLUTCH SOLENOID VALVE . 141
 Description ........................................................... 120
                                                                        .        Description ........................................................... 141
 CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 120           .        CONSULT-II Reference Value .............................. 141         .
 On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 120       .        On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 141      .
 Possible Cause .................................................... 120.        Possible Cause .................................................... 141
 DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 120          .        DTC Confirmation Procedure ............................... 141        .
 Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 121    .        Diagnostic Procedure ........................................... 142  .
DTC P0744 A/T TCC S/V FUNCTION (LOCK-UP). 122                                   DTC P1754 INPUT CLUTCH SOLENOID VALVE
 Description ........................................................... 122
                                                                        .       FUNCTION ............................................................. 143
 CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 122           .        Description ........................................................... 143
 On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 122       .        CONSULT-II Reference Value .............................. 143         .
 Possible Cause .................................................... 122.        On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 143      .
 DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 122          .        Possible Cause .................................................... 143
 Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 123    .        DTC Confirmation Procedure ............................... 143        .
DTC P0745 LINE PRESSURE SOLENOID VALVE. 124                                      Diagnostic Procedure ........................................... 144  .
 Description ........................................................... 124
                                                                        .       DTC P1757 FRONT BRAKE SOLENOID VALVE .. 145                            .
 CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 124           .        Description ........................................................... 145
 On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 124       .        CONSULT-II Reference Value .............................. 145         .
 Possible Cause .................................................... 124.        On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 145      .
 DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 124          .        Possible Cause .................................................... 145
 Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 125    .        DTC Confirmation Procedure ............................... 145        .
DTC P1705 THROTTLE POSITION SENSOR ...... 126                           .        Diagnostic Procedure ........................................... 146  .
 Description ........................................................... 126
                                                                        .       DTC P1759 FRONT BRAKE SOLENOID VALVE
 CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 126           .       FUNCTION ............................................................. 147
 On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 126       .        Description ........................................................... 147
 Possible Cause .................................................... 126.        CONSULT-II Reference Value .............................. 147         .
 DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 126          .        On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 147      .
 Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 127    .        Possible Cause .................................................... 147
DTC P1710 A/T FLUID TEMPERATURE SENSOR                                           DTC Confirmation Procedure ............................... 147        .
CIRCUIT ................................................................. 129
                                                                        .        Diagnostic Procedure ........................................... 148  .
 Description ........................................................... 129
                                                                        .       DTC P1762 DIRECT CLUTCH SOLENOID VALVE.149
 CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 129           .        Description ........................................................... 149

Revision: 2005 November                                                    AT-2                                                                2006 Q45
 CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 149            .        DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 165         .
 On Board Diagnosis Logic .................................. 149         .        Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 166   .       A
 Possible Cause ................................................... 149  .       DTC P1843 ATF PRESSURE SWITCH 3 .............. 167                     .
 DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 149           .        Description ........................................................... 167
 Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 150     .        CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 167          .       B
DTC P1764 DIRECT CLUTCH SOLENOID VALVE                                            On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 167      .
FUNCTION ............................................................. 151
                                                                         .        Possible Cause .................................................... 167
 Description .......................................................... 151
                                                                         .        DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 167         .
 CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 151            .        Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 168   .       AT
 On Board Diagnosis Logic .................................. 151         .       DTC P1845 ATF PRESSURE SWITCH 5 .............. 169                     .
 Possible Cause ................................................... 151  .        Description ........................................................... 169
 DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 151           .        CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 169          .       D
 Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 152     .        On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 169      .
DTC P1767 HIGH AND LOW REVERSE CLUTCH                                             Possible Cause .................................................... 169
SOLENOID VALVE ................................................ 153      .        DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 169         .       E
 Description .......................................................... 153
                                                                         .        Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 170   .
 CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 153            .       DTC P1846 ATF PRESSURE SWITCH 6 .............. 171                     .
 On Board Diagnosis Logic .................................. 153         .        Description ........................................................... 171
 Possible Cause ................................................... 153  .        CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 171          .        F
 DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 153           .        On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 171      .
 Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 154     .        Possible Cause .................................................... 171
DTC P1769 HIGH AND LOW REVERSE CLUTCH                                             DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 171         .       G
SOLENOID VALVE FUNCTION ............................ 155                 .        Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 172   .
 Description .......................................................... 155
                                                                         .       MAIN POWER SUPPLY AND GROUND CIRCUIT. 173
 CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 155            .        Wiring Diagram -- AT -- MAIN ........................... 173          .       H
 On Board Diagnosis Logic .................................. 155         .        Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 174   .
 Possible Cause ................................................... 155  .       CLOSED THROTTLE POSITION AND WIDE OPEN
 DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 155           .       THROTTLE POSITION CIRCUIT ........................... 177              .
 Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 156     .        CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 177          .
DTC P1772 LOW COAST BRAKE SOLENOID                                                Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 177   .
VALVE .................................................................... 157
                                                                         .       BRAKE SIGNAL CIRCUIT ..................................... 178         .
 Description .......................................................... 157
                                                                         .        CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 178          .        J
 CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 157            .        Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 178   .
 On Board Diagnosis Logic .................................. 157         .       A/T INDICATOR CIRCUIT ...................................... 179       .
 Possible Cause ................................................... 157  .        Description ........................................................... 179
                                                                                                                                                        .       K
 DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 157           .        CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 179          .
 Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 158     .        Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 179   .
DTC P1774 LOW COAST BRAKE SOLENOID                                               TROUBLE DIAGNOSIS FOR SYMPTOMS ........... 180                         .        L
VALVE FUNCTION ................................................ 159      .        Wiring Diagram -- AT -- NONDTC ..................... 180              .
 Description .......................................................... 159
                                                                         .        A/T CHECK Indicator Lamp Does Not Come On . 183
 CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 159            .        Engine Cannot Be Started In "P" or "N" Position . 183
 On Board Diagnosis Logic .................................. 159         .        In "P" Position, Vehicle Moves When Pushed ..... 184                  .       M
 Possible Cause ................................................... 159  .        In "N" Position, Vehicle Moves ............................. 185      .
 DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 159           .        Large Shock ("N" to "D" Position) ........................ 186        .
 Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 160     .        Vehicle Does Not Creep Backward In "R" Position 188                   .
DTC P1815 MANUAL MODE SWITCH ................. 161                       .        Vehicle Does Not Creep Forward In "D" Position . 190
 Description .......................................................... 161
                                                                         .        Vehicle Cannot Be Started from D1 ..................... 192           .
 CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 161            .        A/T Does Not Shift: D1  D2 ............................... 194        .
 On Board Diagnosis Logic .................................. 161         .        A/T Does Not Shift: D2  D3 ............................... 196        .
 Possible Cause ................................................... 161  .        A/T Does Not Shift: D3  D4 ............................... 198        .
 DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 161           .        A/T Does Not Shift: D4  D5 ............................... 200        .
 Wiring Diagram -- AT -- MMSW ........................ 162               .        A/T Does Not Lock-up ......................................... 202    .
 Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 163     .        A/T Does Not Hold Lock-up Condition ................. 203             .
 Component Inspection ........................................ 164       .        Lock-up Is Not Released ..................................... 205     .
DTC P1841 ATF PRESSURE SWITCH 1 .............. 165                       .        Engine Speed Does Not Return to Idle ............... 205              .
 Description .......................................................... 165
                                                                         .        Cannot Be Changed to Manual Mode ................. 206                .
 CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 165            .        A/T Does Not Shift: 5th Gear  4th Gear ........... 207                .
 On Board Diagnosis Logic .................................. 165         .        A/T Does Not Shift: 4th Gear  3rd Gear ........... 208                .
 Possible Cause ................................................... 165  .        A/T Does Not Shift: 3rd Gear  2nd Gear .......... 210                 .

Revision: 2005 November                                                     AT-3                                                               2006 Q45
 A/T Does Not Shift: 2nd Gear  1st Gear ........... 211                .        Thrust Washers and Snap Rings ......................... 260           .
 Vehicle Does Not Decelerate By Engine Brake ... 212                   .       DISASSEMBLY ...................................................... 261 .
SHIFT CONTROL SYSTEM ................................... 215           .        Disassembly ......................................................... 261
 Control Device Removal and Installation ............. 215             .       REPAIR FOR COMPONENT PARTS ..................... 277                   .
 Control Rod Removal and Installation ................. 217            .        Oil Pump .............................................................. 277
 Adjustment of A/T Position .................................. 218     .        Front Sun Gear, 3rd One-way Clutch ................... 280            .
 Checking of A/T Position ..................................... 218    .        Front Carrier, Input Clutch, Rear Internal Gear .... 282              .
A/T SHIFT LOCK SYSTEM .................................... 219         .        Mid Sun Gear, Rear Sun Gear, High and Low
 Description ........................................................... 219
                                                                       .        Reverse Clutch Hub ............................................. 287  .
 Shift Lock System Electrical Parts Location ........ 219              .        High and Low Reverse Clutch ............................. 292         .
 Wiring Diagram -- AT -- SHIFT .......................... 220          .        Direct Clutch ........................................................ 294
 Shift Lock Control Unit Reference Values ............ 222             .       ASSEMBLY ............................................................ 296
 Component Inspection ......................................... 223    .        Assembly (1) ........................................................ 296
ON-VEHICLE SERVICE ......................................... 225       .        Adjustment ........................................................... 307
 Control Valve with TCM and A/T Fluid Temperature                               Assembly (2) ........................................................ 310
 Sensor 2 .............................................................. 225
                                                                       .       SERVICE DATA AND SPECIFICATIONS (SDS) ... 317                          .
 Parking Components ........................................... 237    .        General Specifications ......................................... 317  .
 Revolution Sensor ............................................... 242 .        Vehicle Speed at Which Gear Shifting Occurs ..... 317                 .
AIR BREATHER HOSE .......................................... 248       .        Vehicle Speed at Which Lock-up Occurs/Releases.317
 Removal and Installation ..................................... 248    .        Stall Speed ........................................................... 317
TRANSMISSION ASSEMBLY ............................... 249              .        Line Pressure ....................................................... 317
 Removal and Installation ..................................... 249    .        A/T Fluid Temperature Sensor ............................. 318        .
OVERHAUL ............................................................ 253
                                                                       .        Turbine Revolution Sensor ................................... 318     .
 Components ........................................................ 253
                                                                       .        Vehicle Speed Sensor A/T (Revolution Sensor) .. 318                   .
 Oil Channel .......................................................... 259
                                                                       .        Reverse Brake ..................................................... 318
 Locations of Adjusting Shims, Needle Bearings,                                 Total End Play ...................................................... 318

Revision: 2005 November                                                   AT-4                                                                2006 Q45
                                                 INDEX FOR DTC

INDEX FOR DTC                                                                                         PFP:00024
Alphabetical Index                                                                                           NCS000TF

If DTC "U1000 CAN COMM CIRCUIT" is displayed with other DTCs, first perform the trouble diagnosis                       B
for "DTC U1000 CAN COMMUNICATION LINE". Refer to AT-99 .
                    Items                             OBD-II               Except OBD-II                                AT
                                                                                                Reference page
            (CONSULT-II screen terms)
                                                                        CONSULT-II only "A/T"
                                                      GST (*1)
 A/T 1ST E/BRAKING                                      --                     P1731               AT-139               D
 ATF PRES SW 1/CIRC                                     --                     P1841               AT-165
 ATF PRES SW 3/CIRC                                     --                     P1843               AT-167
 ATF PRES SW 5/CIRC                                     --                     P1845               AT-169
 ATF PRES SW 6/CIRC                                     --                     P1846               AT-171
 A/T INTERLOCK                                         P1730                   P1730               AT-136                F
 A/T TCC S/V FNCTN                                     P0744                   P0744               AT-122
 ATF TEMP SEN/CIRC                                     P0710                   P1710               AT-129
 CAN COMM CIRCUIT                                      U1000                   U1000                AT-99
 D/C SOLENOID/CIRC                                     P1762                   P1762               AT-149
 D/C SOLENOID FNCTN                                    P1764                   P1764               AT-151               H
 ENGINE SPEED SIG                                       --                     P0725               AT-118
 FR/B SOLENOID/CIRC                                    P1757                   P1757               AT-145
 FR/B SOLENOID FNCT                                    P1759                   P1759               AT-147
 HLR/C SOL/CIRC                                        P1767                   P1767               AT-153
 HLR/C SOL FNCTN                                       P1769                   P1769               AT-155                J
 I/C SOLENOID/CIRC                                     P1752                   P1752               AT-141
 I/C SOLENOID FNCTN                                    P1754                   P1754               AT-143
 L/PRESS SOL/CIRC                                      P0745                   P0745               AT-124               K
 LC/B SOLENOID/CIRC                                    P1772                   P1772               AT-157
 LC/B SOLENOID FNCT                                    P1774                   P1774               AT-159
 MANU MODE SW/CIRC                                      --                     P1815               AT-161
 PNP SW/CIRC                                           P0705                   P0705               AT-107
 STARTER RELAY/CIRC                                     --                     P0615               AT-102               M
 TCC SOLENOID/CIRC                                     P0740                   P0740               AT-120
 TCM                                                   P0700                   P0700               AT-106
 TP SEN/CIRC A/T                                        --                     P1705               AT-126
 TURBINE REV S/CIRC                                    P0717                   P0717                AT-111
 VEH SPD SE/CIR-MTR                                     --                     P1721               AT-134
 VEH SPD SEN/CIR AT                                    P0720                   P0720               AT-113
*1: These numbers are prescribed by SAE J2012.

Revision: 2005 November                              AT-5                                            2006 Q45
                                                 INDEX FOR DTC

DTC No. Index                                                                                         NCS000TG

If DTC "U1000 CAN COMM CIRCUIT" is displayed with other DTCs, first perform the trouble diagnosis
for "DTC U1000 CAN COMMUNICATION LINE". Refer to AT-99 .
        OBD-II             Except OBD-II                             Items
                                                                                         Reference page
                                                             (CONSULT-II screen terms)
     CONSULT-II             CONSULT-II
      GST (*1)               only "A/T"
          --                  P0615          STARTER RELAY/CIRC                             AT-102
        P0700                 P0700          TCM                                            AT-106
        P0705                 P0705          PNP SW/CIRC                                    AT-107
        P0710                 P1710          ATF TEMP SEN/CIRC                              AT-129
        P0717                 P0717          TURBINE REV S/CIRC                              AT-111
        P0720                 P0720          VEH SPD SEN/CIR AT                             AT-113
          --                  P0725          ENGINE SPEED SIG                               AT-118
        P0740                 P0740          TCC SOLENOID/CIRC                              AT-120
        P0744                 P0744          A/T TCC S/V FNCTN                              AT-122
        P0745                 P0745          L/PRESS SOL/CIRC                               AT-124
          --                  P1705          TP SEN/CIRC A/T                                AT-126
          --                  P1721          VEH SPD SE/CIR-MTR                             AT-134
        P1730                 P1730          A/T INTERLOCK                                  AT-136
          --                  P1731          A/T 1ST E/BRAKING                              AT-139
        P1752                 P1752          I/C SOLENOID/CIRC                              AT-141
        P1754                 P1754          I/C SOLENOID FNCTN                             AT-143
        P1757                 P1757          FR/B SOLENOID/CIRC                             AT-145
        P1759                 P1759          FR/B SOLENOID FNCT                             AT-147
        P1762                 P1762          D/C SOLENOID/CIRC                              AT-149
        P1764                 P1764          D/C SOLENOID FNCTN                             AT-151
        P1767                 P1767          HLR/C SOL/CIRC                                 AT-153
        P1769                 P1769          HLR/C SOL FNCTN                                AT-155
        P1772                 P1772          LC/B SOLENOID/CIRC                             AT-157
        P1774                 P1774          LC/B SOLENOID FNCT                             AT-159
          --                  P1815          MANU MODE SW/CIRC                              AT-161
          --                  P1841          ATF PRES SW 1/CIRC                             AT-165
          --                  P1843          ATF PRES SW 3/CIRC                             AT-167
          --                  P1845          ATF PRES SW 5/CIRC                             AT-169
          --                  P1846          ATF PRES SW 6/CIRC                             AT-171
        U1000                 U1000          CAN COMM CIRCUIT                                AT-99
*1: These numbers are prescribed by SAE J2012.

Revision: 2005 November                                 AT-6                                  2006 Q45

PRECAUTIONS                                                         PFP:00001
Precautions for Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) "AIR BAG" and "SEAT
BELT PRE-TENSIONER"                                                                                        NCS000TH

The Supplemental Restraint System such as "AIR BAG" and "SEAT BELT PRE-TENSIONER", used along B
with a front seat belt, helps to reduce the risk or severity of injury to the driver and front passenger for certain
types of collision. This system includes seat belt switch inputs and dual stage front air bag modules. The SRS
system uses the seat belt switches to determine the front air bag deployment, and may only deploy one front AT
air bag, depending on the severity of a collision and whether the front occupants are belted or unbelted.
Information necessary to service the system safely is included in the SRS and SB section of this Service Man-
WARNING:                                                                                                             D
q    To avoid rendering the SRS inoperative, which could increase the risk of personal injury or death
     in the event of a collision which would result in air bag inflation, all maintenance must be per-
     formed by an authorized NISSAN/INFINITI dealer.                                                                 E
q    Improper maintenance, including incorrect removal and installation of the SRS, can lead to per-
     sonal injury caused by unintentional activation of the system. For removal of Spiral Cable and Air
     Bag Module, see the SRS section.                                                                                F
q    Do not use electrical test equipment on any circuit related to the SRS unless instructed to in this
     Service Manual. SRS wiring harnesses can be identified by yellow and/or orange harnesses or
     harness connectors.
Precautions for On Board Diagnostic (OBD) System of A/T and Engine                                         NCS000TI

The ECM has an on board diagnostic system. It will light up the malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) to warn the
driver of a malfunction causing emission deterioration.                                                               H
q    Be sure to turn the ignition switch OFF and disconnect the battery cable from the negative termi-
     nal before any repair or inspection work. The open/short circuit of related switches, sensors, sole-             I
     noid valves, etc. will cause the MIL to light up.
q    Be sure to connect and lock the connectors securely after work. A loose (unlocked) connector will
     cause the MIL to light up due to an open circuit. (Be sure the connector is free from water, grease,             J
     dirt, bent terminals, etc.)
q    Be sure to route and secure the harnesses properly after work. Interference of the harness with a
     bracket, etc. may cause the MIL to light up due to a short circuit.                                              K
q    Be sure to connect rubber tubes properly after work. A misconnected or disconnected rubber tube
     may cause the MIL to light up due to a malfunction of the EVAP system or fuel injection system,
     etc.                                                                                                             L
q    Be sure to erase the unnecessary malfunction information (repairs completed) from the TCM and
     ECM before returning the vehicle to the customer.

Revision: 2005 November                              AT-7                                              2006 Q45

Precautions                                                                                                    NCS000TJ

q   Before connecting or disconnecting the A/T assembly har-
    ness connector, turn ignition switch OFF and disconnect
    the battery cable from the negative terminal. Because bat-
    tery voltage is applied to TCM even if ignition switch is
    turned OFF.


q   After performing each TROUBLE DIAGNOSIS, perform
    "DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Code) Confirmation Procedure".
    If the repair is completed the DTC should not be displayed
    in the "DTC Confirmation Procedure".


q   When removing the A/T from a vehicle, do not use the compan-
    ion flange section at the rear end of the A/T as a support point.
q   Always use the specified brand of ATF. Refer to MA-10, "Fluids
    and Lubricants" .
q   Use lint-free paper not cloth rags during work.
q   After replacing the ATF, dispose of the waste oil using the meth-
    ods prescribed by law, ordinance, etc.
q   Before proceeding with disassembly, thoroughly clean the out-
    side of the A/T. It is important to prevent the internal parts from
    becoming contaminated by dirt or other foreign matter.
q   Disassembly should be done in a clean work area.
q   Use lint-free paper for wiping parts clean. Common shop rags
    can leave fibers that could interfere with the operation of the A/T.
q   Place disassembled parts in order for easier and proper assem-
q   All parts should be carefully cleaned with a general purpose,
    non-flammable solvent before inspection or reassembly.
q   Gaskets, seals and O-rings should be replaced any time the A/T
    is disassembled.
q   It is very important to perform functional tests whenever they are
    indicated.                                                                                             SCIA0490E

q   The valve body contains precision parts and requires extreme
    care when parts are removed and serviced. Place disassembled valve body parts in order for easier and
    proper assembly. Care will also prevent springs and small parts from becoming scattered or lost.
q   Properly installed valves, sleeves, plugs, etc. will slide along bores in valve body under their own weight.
q   Before assembly, apply a coat of recommended ATF to all parts. Apply petroleum jelly to protect O-rings
    and seals, or hold bearings and washers in place during assembly. Do not use grease.
q   Extreme care should be taken to avoid damage to O-rings, seals and gaskets when assembling.
q   Clean or replace A/T fluid cooler if excessive foreign material is found in oil pan or clogging strainer. Refer

Revision: 2005 November                               AT-8                                                2006 Q45

q   After overhaul, refill the A/T with new ATF.
q   When the drain plug is removed, only some of the ATF is drained. Old ATF will remain in torque converter        A
    and A/T fluid cooling system.
    Always follow the procedures under "Changing A/T Fluid" in the AT section when changing A/T fluid. Refer
    to AT-12, "Changing A/T Fluid" , AT-13, "Checking A/T Fluid" .                                                  B
Service Notice or Precautions                                                                            NCS000TK

If ATF contains frictional material (clutches, bands, etc.), or if an A/T is repaired, overhauled, or replaced, AT
inspect and clean the A/T fluid cooler mounted in the radiator or replace the radiator. Flush cooler lines using
cleaning solvent and compressed air after repair. For A/T fluid cooler cleaning procedure, refer to AT-14, "A/T
Fluid Cooler Cleaning" . For radiator replacement, refer to CO-11, "RADIATOR" .                                  D
q   A/T self-diagnosis is performed by the TCM in combination with the ECM. The results can be read through
    the blinking pattern of the A/T CHECK indicator or the malfunction indicator lamp (MIL). Refer to the table     E
    on AT-87, "SELF-DIAGNOSTIC RESULT MODE" for the indicator used to display each self-diagnostic
q   The self-diagnostic results indicated by the MIL are automatically stored in both the ECM and TCM mem-          F
    Always perform the procedure on AT-39, "HOW TO ERASE DTC" to complete the repair and avoid
    unnecessary blinking of the MIL.
 For details of OBD-II, refer to EC-47, "ON BOARD DIAGNOSTIC (OBD) SYSTEM" .
q   Certain systems and components, especially those related to OBD, may use the new style slide-
    locking type harness connector. For description and how to disconnect, refer to PG-60, "HAR-                    H






Revision: 2005 November                             AT-9                                             2006 Q45

PREPARATION                                                                                                                     PFP:00002

Special Service Tools                                                                                                              NCS000TM

The actual shapes of Kent-Moore tools may differ from those of special service tools illustrated here.
  Tool number
  (Kent-Moore No.)                                                                       Description
  Tool name

  ST2505S001                                                                             Measuring line pressure
  Oil pressure gauge set
  1. ST25051001
  (       --      )
  Oil pressure gauge
  2. ST25052000
  (       --      )
  3. ST25053000
  (       --      )
  Joint pipe
  4. ST25054000                                                          SCIA3695J

  (       --      )
  5. ST25055000
  (       --      )
  KV31103600                                                                             Measuring line pressure
  Joint pipe adapter
  (With ST25054000)


  ST33400001                                                                             Installing oil pump housing oil seal
  a: 60 mm (2.36 in) dia.
  b: 47 mm (1.85 in) dia.


  KV31102400                                                                             Installing reverse brake return spring retainer
  (J-34285 and J-34285-87)
  Clutch spring compressor
  a: 320 mm (12.60 in)
  b: 174 mm (6.85 in)


  ST25850000                                                                             Remove oil pump assembly
  Sliding hammer
  a: 179 mm (7.05 in)
  b: 70 mm (2.76 in)
  c: 40 mm (1.57 in)
  d: M12X1.75P

Revision: 2005 November                                        AT-10                                                            2006 Q45

Commercial Service Tools                                                              NCS000TN

  Tool name                                    Description

  Power tool                                   Loosening bolts and nuts



  Drift                                        Installing manual shaft oil seals                 D
  a: 22 mm (0.87 in) dia.











Revision: 2005 November        AT-11                                               2006 Q45
                                                   A/T FLUID

A/T FLUID                                                                                                   PFP:KLE40

Changing A/T Fluid                                                                                               NCS000TO

1.   Warm up ATF.
2.   Stop engine.
3.   Loosen the level gauge bolt.
4.   Drain ATF from drain plug and refill with new ATF. Always refill
     same volume with drained ATF.
     q To replace the ATF, pour in new ATF at the A/T fluid charging
       pipe with the engine idling and at the same time drain the old
       ATF from the radiator cooler hose return side.
     q When the color of the ATF coming out is about the same as
       the color of the new ATF, the replacement is complete. The
       amount of new ATF to use should be 30 to 50% increase of
       the stipulated amount.

        ATF: Genuine NISSAN Matic J ATF
        Fluid capacity: 10.3     (10-7/8 US qt, 9-1/8 lmp qt)
     q Use only Genuine NISSAN Matic J ATF. Do not mix with other ATF.

     q Using ATF other than Genuine NISSAN Matic J ATF will cause deterioration in driveability and A/
       T durability, and may damage the A/T, which is not covered by the warranty.
     q When filling ATF, take care not to scatter heat generating parts such as exhaust.

     q Do not reuse drain plug gasket.

        Drain plug:
           : 34 N

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