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>> Download 94XJ_8N documenatation <<Text preview - extract from the documentJ REAR WINDOW DEFOGGER 8N - 1
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GENERAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 YJ .................................... 4
XJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
page page
Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Rear Window Defogger Grid Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Rear Window Defogger Grid Repair . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Switch Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Using heating elements bonded to the rear window To stop defogger operation, momentarily push the
glass, the rear defogger will clear condensation, frost switch a second time.
and light snow coverings from the rear window.
The horizontal grid lines and vertical bus bar lines, CAUTION: Use care when washing the inside of the
printed and baked on inside surface of the rear win- rear window to prevent damage to the defogger
dow glass, comprise an electrical circuit. The electri- heating elements. Use a soft cloth and a mild wash-
cally conductive lines are composed of a silver- ing solution. Wiping motions should be parallel to
ceramic material which when baked on glass the heating elements. Also, keep all objects a safe
becomes bonded to the glass and is highly resistant distance from the window to prevent damaging the
to abrasion. heating elements.
The electrical current required to produce the heat
in the grid is supplied through a relay and driver op-
erated switch. When the switch is momentarily de- It is possible, that a break may exist or occur in an
pressed, the relay senses a voltage change. This individual grid line resulting in no current flow
voltage change causes the relay to change state and through the line. When a grid has an open circuit,
complete a circuit to energize the relay. Once the re- the area of glass normally cleared by that grid re-
lay energizes, the contacts close connecting the grid mains fogged or iced unless, and until it is cleared by
to battery power. the adjacent grids.
On the XJ, the power circuit to the grid is pro- With the engine running at idle, push the rear
tected by the 25 amp, #18 fuse in the fuse box. window defogger switch to the ON position and re-
Power for fuse #18 comes from the power distribu- lease. The pilot lamp in the rocker switch should
tion center, fuse #F10. Power for the relay is pro- light, indicating defogger operation.
tected by the 20 amp, #8 fuse located in the fuse box. Using a 12-volt DC voltmeter, contact the positive
On the YJ, the grid is protected by a 25 amp #6 lead to the feed side vertical bus element on the in-
fuse, located in the fuse box. Power for the relay is side surface of the glass. Contact the negative lead to
protected by 15 amp #9 fuse, located in the fuse box. the ground side bus element. Meter should read be-
To defog the rear window, momentarily depress the
tween 11 and 13 volts. Connect the negative lead of
rocker switch. A light on the rocker switch will illu-
the voltmeter to a good ground; the meter reading
minate indicating that the defogger is operating.
should be constant.
If the ignition switch is ON the first activation of
Keep the negative lead connected to ground. Use
the defog/defrost feature will last for 10 minutes.
Succeeding activations will last for 5 minutes unless the positive lead and carefully contact each grid at
the ignition switch is turned OFF; then it will recy- the approximate centerline of the window.
cle back to 10 minutes for the first activation.
A voltage drop of one-half the full amount, approx- ture or use heat gun with a 260
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