GROUP INDEX Service Manual General ............................................... Gl=lLRNT Fusible Link and Fuse Location ........... Inspection Terminal Location ............... Grounding Location ............................... 1989-1990-1991-1992-1993 Diode Location ....................................... Volume 2 Junction Block ........................................ Body & Electrical Centralized Junction .............................. FOREWORD This Service Manual has been prepared with the Inspection of Harness Connector.. ....... latest service information available at the time of publication. It is subdivided into various group categories and each section contains diagnostic, Configuration Diagrams ........................ disassembly, repair, atid installation prbcedures along with complete specifications and tightening Circuit Diagrams ..................................... references. Use of this manual will aid in properly performing any servicing necessary to maintain or restore the high levels of performance and reliability Steering ................................................... designed into these outstanding vehicles. 4Wheel Steering System ....................... VW Body ......................................................... Exterior WE SUPPORT VOLUNTARY TECHNICIAN CERTIFICATION THROUGH Heater, Air Conditioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ia and Ventilation Engine Electrical . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..*............... Chassis Electrical ............................. Alphabetic Index ............................... A MITSUBISHI I PlOlDRSALESOFAMERlCAIllC. NOTE: For information concerning all components other than the electrical system and on- Mltsubishl M o t o r s Corporation r e s e r v e s t h e right t o m a k e c h a n g e s in design or to make addltlons to or Improvements In Its p r o d u c t s wlthout vehicle service procedures for engines and lmposmg a n y obllgatlons u p o n Itself to mstall t h e m o n Its p r o d u c t s transmissions, refer to Volume 1 "Chassis previously m a n u f a c t u r e d & Body" of this paired Service Manual. For overhaul procedures of engines or transmissions, refer to the separately issued 0 1992 Mitsubishi Motors Corporation ReprinWdinUSA Engine Service Manual or Manual/Auto- matic Transmission Service Manual. 2 GENERAL - Fusible Link and Fuse Location FUSIBLE LINK AND FUSE LOCATION M16BA-Name Symbol cm a Dedicated fuse block B Fusible link box (main fusible links and sub NOTE (I) For details of fusible link and fuse, refer to P.12. (2) ;rhdee;`Name" column is arranged in alphabetical q \\ i B 13A0218 TSB Revision GENERAL - Inspection Terminal Location 3 I INSPECTION TERMINAL LOCATION Name Symbol Name Symbol Engine speed detection connector* C Oxgen sensor check connector D Fuel pump check connector A Data link connector E Ignition timing adjustment connector B I NOTE (1) *: (2) The "Name" column is arranged in alphabetical order. I - I 13A0218 Oxgen sensor connector check 4 GENERAL - Grounding Location GROUNDING LOCATION c # TSB Revision e - Grounding Location 5 Anterior> 1340218 MFI control unit WA0535 6 GENERAL - Grounding Location From 1990 models 1 TSB Revision GENERAL - Diqde Location 7: DIODE LOCATION I I 1 I Name 1 Symbol Name 1 Symbol 1 Diode (4WS fluid level warning light circuit) A Diode (auto-cruise control circuit) A Diode (ABS circuit) B IL Diode (theft-alarm system circuit) c Diode (sunroof circuit) C 1 Diode (ACTIVE-ESC circuit) AC Diode (AJT fluid temperature warning light circuit) A NOTE The "Name" column is arranged in alphabetical order. TSB Revision 8 GENERAL - Junction Block JUNCTION BLOCK MlWG. :Up t o 1990 models> I T I I t t- - Vote 1) The alphabetical symbols used for connectors correspond to the alphabetical symbols for connectors on next page. `2) The ( ) indicates the connection terminal at the harness side. TSB Revision I . . GENERAL - Junction Block To front harness -To roof harness To instrument panel harness To body harness No - Heater connection relay Fuse block (Multipurpose fuse) c !! - II - I \@)I \ I I , 16A6661 16A0002 TSB Revision 10 GENERAL - Junction Block r I I i - - - - - - - - - 0 f 5-U J Kx35-AC-w1701-I NOTE (1) The alphabetical symbols used for connectors correspond to the alphabetical symbols for connectors on next page. (2) The ( ) indicates the connection terminal at the harness side. TSB Revision GENERAL - Junction ~Block 71 1 Front side 1 1 Reverse side 1 -To roof harness To front harness To instrument panel harness To body * harness No connection Fuse block (Multipurpose fuse) WA1236 TSB Revision I 12 GENERAL - Centralized Junction CENTRALIZED JUNCTION M16BB- MAIN FUSIBLE LINK (direct connection to battery's positive 0 terminal) No. Circuit Housing color Rated capacity (A) 1 Generator circuit Black*`, BIue*2 80*`, 1 oo*2 2 ABS circuit (control unit power supply) Blue 20 3 ABS circuit (hydraulic unit power supply) Yellow 60 NOTE *I: *`: 1989 models 1990 models From 1990.5 models 16A1092 1989 models From 1990 models 16A1093 1 TSB Revision GENERAL - Centralized Junction SUB FUSIBLE LfNK (relay box inside engine compartment, fusible link box) No. Circuit Housing color Rated capacity (Al 1 Junction block (Multipurpose fuse @,@,@I, 0, @, 0.0) A/C circuit Yellow 60 2 Power window circuit Pink 30 3 ACTIVE-ECS circuit Green 40 4 Defogger circuit Pink 30 5 ignition switch and generator circuit Pink 30 6 Radiator fan motor and condenser fan motor circuit Pink 30 7 Headlight and tail light circuit Green 40 8 MFI circuit Blue 20 9 Automatic seatbelt circuit Pink 30 I -W/Y I -ii El El I 83 q a 1 J Sub fusible link 16AO567 1990 models From 1990.5 models 16A1092 16A1093 TSB Revision I 14 GENERAL - Centralized Junction MULTI-PURPOSE FUSE (inside junction block) Power supply circuit No. Rated capacity (A) Load circuit Ignition IG2 1 IO EPS control unit switch 2 10 Heater relay, blower switch, defogger timer, power window relay (Vehicles without ETACS), sunroof power relay (Vehicles without ETACS), ABS power relay, ACTIVE-ECS power relay ACC 3 10 Clock, motor antenna, radio, ETACS control unit*4 4 15 Remote-controlled mirror switch, cigarette lighter Sattery 5 15 Door lock relay `gnition IG2 6 10 Power/Economy change over switch , over drive switch switch , park/neutral position switch , ELC 4-speed automatic transaxle control module, auto-cruise con- trol unit ACC 7 15 Wiper and washer, ETACS control unit*3, wiper relay 8 10 Headlight relay, horn IG1 9 10 Combination meter, auto-cruise control switch, motor antenna, ETACS control unit, seat belt timer*`, clutch pedal position switch 10 10 Hazard switch 3attery 11 20 ACTIVE-ECS power relay 12 20 - 13 20 Sunroof relay 14 30 Heater relay 15 15 Stop light, auto-cruise control unit Jnition IGl 16 10 Back-up light , park/neutral position switch witch lattery 17 IO MFI control unit, clock, dome light, luggage compartment light, door light, map light (Vehicles without sunroof), radio, ETACS control unit, sunroof relay (Vehicles with ETACS), combination meter, ELC 4-speed automatic transaxle control module, key re- ,' minder switch, automatic seatbelt control unit*' 18 IO - NOTE *" *2' *3' *41 Multipurpose ' fuse 1 TSB Revision I GENERAL - Centralized Junction 15 DEDICATED FUSE (relay box inside engine compartment) Power supply circuit No. Rated capacity (A) Housing color Circuit Battery 1 10 Red Hazard light circuit Taillight relay (Battery) 2 10 Red Taillight circuit Headlight relay (Battery) 1 3 ( Battery 141 15 I Blue I ECS circuit I 5 10 Red A/C compressor circuit 6 25,30* transparent Condenser fan motor circuit Headlight relay (Battery) 7 15 Blue Fog light circuit NOTE * : DOHC I Deciiczd f u s e 03 m El El TSB Revision 16 GENERAL - Centralized Junction CENTRALIZED RELAY Classification Name Classification Name Relay box in- A-01X Headlight relay Passenger C-72X Power window relay side engine compartment compartment A-02X Taillight relay relay box c-73x Door lock relay A-03X Radiator fan motor relay (HI) A-04X Radiator fan motor relay (LO) c-75x Defogger timer I A-05X Generator relay A-06X ACTIVE-ECS solenoid valve power relay A-07X A/C compressor clutch relay A-07-1X Fog light relay NOTE *I: <1989 models> *2: compartment relay box> ^-74X El :-73x I Y :-72X El 16AO667 16A0566 IOD or STORAGE CONNECTOR Classification Name Relay box inside engine compartment A-07-2X IOD or Storage Connector NOTE IOD: Ignition Off Draw TSB Revision GENERAL - Inspection of Harness Connector 17 INSPECTION OF HARNESS CONNEC- TOR mwcAAA CONTINUITY AND VOLTAGE TEST FOR CONNEC- TOR Following procedures shall be followed for testing continuity and voltage at connector in order to prevent improper contact and deterioration of waterproof in connector. CONVENTIONAL (NON-WATERPROOF) CONNECTOR Check shall be done by inserting a probing needle from harness side. WATER PROOF CONNECTOR Caution Do not insert probing needle from harness side as it will de- teriorates waterproof and cause for rusting. To inspect the energized circuit, use the ECI checker. fi:CK FOR IMPROPER ENGAGEMENT OF TERMI- When terminal stopper of connector is out of order, engagement of male and female terminals becomes improper even when con- nector itself is engaged perfectly and terminal sometimes slips out to rear side of connector. Ascertain, therefore, that each terminal does not come off connector by pulling each harness wire. ENGAGING AND DISENGAGING OF CONNECTOR TERMINAL Connector which gives loose engagement shall be rectified by removing female terminal from connector housing and raise its lance to establish securer engagement. Removal of connector housing and raise its lance to establish securer engagement. Re moval of connector terminal used for ECI and ELC 4 AK control circuit shall be done in the following manner. COMPUTER CONNECTOR (1) Insert screwdriver il.4 mm (06 in.) width] as shown in the figure, disengage front holder and remove it. 18 GENERAL - Inspection of Harness Connector (2) Insert harness of terminal to be rectified deep into connector from harness side and hold it there. (3) Insert tip of screwdriver [1.4 mm (06 in.) width] into connector in a manner as shown in the figure, raise housing lance slightly with it and pull out harness. Housing lance Caution Tool No. 753787-l supplied by AMP can be used instead of screwdriver. 16R1321 (4) Insert needle through a hole provided on terminal and raise contact point of male terminal. tr Needle 16R1322 ROUND WATERPROOF CONNECTOR (1) Remove waterproof cap by using a screwdriver. (2) Insert tip of screwdriver (1.4 mm (06 in.) or 2.0 mm (.08 in.) width] into connector in a manner as shown in the figure, raise housing lance slightly with it and pull out harness. Housing lance 16R1323 (3) Inset-t screwdriver through a hole provided on terminal and raise contact point of male terminal. B 16R1324 J TSB Revision GENERAL - Inspection of Harness Connector 19 RECTANGULAR WATERPROOF CONNECTOR (1) Disengage front holder by using a screwdriver and remove it. I \\ 16R1326 I (2) Insert tip of screwdriver ("0.8 mm (.03 in.) width] into connec- tor in a manner as shown in the figure, push it lightly to raise housing lancer and pull out harness. *If right size screwdriver is not available, convert a conven- tional driver to suit the size. tiousing lance 16R1326 I (3) Press contact point of male terminal down by holding a screw- driver [1.4 mm (.06 in.) width] in a manner as shown in the figure. INJECTOR CONNECTOR (1) Remove waterproof cap. (2) Insert tip of screwdriver (1.4 mm (06 in.) width] into connector in a manner as shown in the figure, press in terminal lance and pull out harness. (3) Press contact point of male terminal down by holding a screw- driver [1.4 mm (06 in.) width] in a manner as shown in the figure. Caution Correct lancer to be in proper condition before terminal is inserted into connector. Terminal lance ,wmSO \ I \ TSB Revision I 20 GENERAL - `How to Diagnose HOW TO DIAGNOSE M16DMC The most important point in troubleshooting is to determine "Probable Causes". Once the probable causes are determined, parts to be checked can be limited to those associated with such probable causes. Therefore, unnec- essary checks can be eliminated. The determination of the probable causes must be based on a theory and be supported by facts and must not be based on intuition only. TROUBLESHOOTING STEPS If an attempt is made to solve a problem without going through correct steps for troubleshooting, the problem symptoms could become more complicated, resulting in failure to determine the causes correctly and making incorrect repairs. The four steps below should be followed in troubleshooting. Observe the symptom carefully. Check if there are also other 1 Observation of Problem Symptoms problems. In determining the probable causes, it is necessary to check the 2 Determination of Probable Causes wiring diagram to understand the circuit as a system. Knowledge of switches, relays and other parts is necessary for accurate de- termination. The causes of similar problems in the past must be taken into account. II Checking of Parts Associated with Troubleshooting is carried out by making step by step checks until 3 Probable Causes and Determination the true cause is found. Always go through the procedures con- of Faultv Parts I sidering what check is to be made where for the best results. II 4 Repair and Confirmation After the problems are corrected, be sure to check that the sys- tem operates correctly. Also check that new problems have not been caused by the repair. INFORMATION FOR DIAGNOSTIC This manual contains the cable diagrams as well as the individual circuit drawings, operational explanations, and troubleshooting hints for each component required to facilitate the task of troubleshooting. The information is compiled in the following manner: (1) Cable diagrams show the connector positions, etc., on the actual vehicle as well as the harness path. (2) Circuit drawings show the configuration of the circuit with all switches in their normal positions. (3) Operational explanations include circuit drawings of voltage flow when the switch is operated and how the component operates in reaction. (4) Troubleshooting hints include numerous examples of problems which might occur, traced backward in a common-sense manner to the origin of the trouble. Problems whose origins may not be found in this manner are pursued through the various system circuits. NOTE Components of ECI, ETACS, ECS, etc. with ECU do not include 3 and 4 above. For this information, refer to a manual which includes details of these components. TSB Revision GENERAL - How to Diagnose 21 INSPECTION 1. Visual and aural checks Check relay operation, blower motor rotation, light illumina- tion, etc. visually or aurally. The flow of current is invisible but can be checked by the operation of the parts. 2. Simple checks For example, if a headlight does not come on and a faulty fuse or poor grounding is suspected, replace the fuse with a new one or ground the light to the body by a jumper wire to deter- mine which part is responsible for the problem. 1680222 I 3. Checking with instruments $!?I Pointer Use an appropriate instrument in an adequate range and read the indication correctly. You must have sufficient knowledge D and experience to handle instruments correctly. C so - V - \ OCV \ 50 `1 #z Changeover knob 1 1680224 INSPECTION INSTRUMENTS In inspection, make use of the following instruments. 1. Test lights A test light consists of a 12V bulb and lead wires. It is used to check voltages or shortcircuits. 1660225 2. Self-power test light A self-power test light consists of a bulb, batten/ and lead. wires connected in series. It is used to check continuity or grounding. 1660226 r - 1 TSB Revision 22 GENERAL - How to Diagnose 3. Jumper wire A jumper wire is used to close an open circuit. Never use one to connect a power supply directly to a load. 1660227 \ b Power line 4. Voltmeter A voltmeter is used to measure the circuit voltage. Normally, the positive (red lead) probe is applied to the point of voltage measurement and the negative (black lead) probe to the body ground. Ground - 1680228 5. Ohmmeter An ohmmeter is used to check continuity or measure resis- tance of a switch or coil. If the measuring range has been changed. the zero point must be adjusted before measure- ment. Normal open (NO) type' CHECKING SWITCHES OFF ON In a circuit diagram, a switch is represented by a symbol and in the idle state. 1. Normal open or normal close switch in -1 x Switches are classified into those which make the circuit open and those which make the circuit closed when off. Current does not flow Curren; flows Normal cllOI;e (NC) type OFF ON ai a in 1 x Current flows Current does not flow 16A0255 I 1 TSB Revision I GENERAL - How to Diagnose 23 2. SWITCH CONNECTION This figure illustrates a complex switch. The continuity between terminals at each position is as indicated in the table below. OFF 1 st stage 0 I n 0 I 4 2nd stage 3rd staae 4th stage 16A0253 NOTE W denotes continuity between terminals. 10W698 CHECKING RELAYS Cover 1. When current flows through the coil of a relay, its core is Coil + Spring magnetized to attract the iron piece, closing (ON) the contact Iron at the tip of the iron piece. When the coil current is turned off, core the iron piece is made to return to its original position by a Iron spring, opening the contact (OFF). piece, Contact 1680231 I 2. By using a relay, a heavy current can be turned on and off Power supply by a switch of small capacity. For example, in the circuit I I shown here, when the switch is turned on (closed), current flows to the coil of the relay. Then, its contact is turned on Relay (closed) and the light comes on. The current flowing at this time to the switch is the relay coil current only and is very small. 1 r 16A0254 Normal open (NO) type 3. The relays may be classified into the normal open type and the Deenergized state 1 Energized state normal close type by their contact construction. NOTE The deenergized state means that no current is flowing through the coil and the energized state means that current is flowing through the coil. Current does not flow Current flows 16A0256 I - 1 TSB Revision 24 GENERAL - How to Diagnose 00 -a Normal close (NC) type Deenergized state Energized state When a normal close type relay as illustrated here is checked, there should be continuity between terminals (1) and (2) and between terminals 3 and 4 when the relay is deenergized, 00 and the continuity should be lost between terminals 3 and 4 when the batten/ voltage is applied to the terminals 1 and 2. A u x relay can be checked in this manner and it cannot be deter- mine if a relay is okay or faulty by checking its state only when it is deenergized (or energized). Current flows Current does not flow 16AO257 CHECKING FUSES A blade type fuse has test taps provided to allow checking of the fuse itself without removing it from the fuse block. The fuse is okay if the test light comes on when its one lead is connected to the test taps (one at a time) and the other lead is grounded. (Change the ignition switch position adequately so that the fuse circuit becomes live.) 16BO235 State of fuse blown due to overcurrent CAUTIONS IN EVENT OF BLOWN FUSE When a fuse is blown, there are two probable causes as follows : One is that it is blown due to flow of current exceeding its rating. The other is that it is blown due to repeated on/off current flowing through it. Which of the two causes is responsible can be easily determined by visual check as described below. (1) Fuse blown due to current exceeding rating The illustration shows the state of a fuse blown due to this cause. In this case, do not replace the fuse with a new one 1660237 hastily since a current heavy enough to blow the fuse has flowed through it. First, check the circuit for shorting and check for abnormal electric parts. Only after the correction of such shorting or parts, fuse of the same capacity should be used as a replacement. Never use a fuse of lager capacity than the one that has blown. If such a fuse is used, electric parts or wirings could be damaged before the fuse blows in the event an overcurrent occurs again. (2) Fuse blown due to repeated current on/off The illustration shows the state of a fuse blown due to re peated current on/off. Normally, this type of problem occurs after fairly long period of use and hence is less frequent than the above type. In this case, you may simply replace with a new fuse of the same capacity. TSB Revision GENERAL - How to Diagnose 25 CHECKING CABLES AND WIRES 1. Check connections for looseness, rust and stains. 2. Check terminals and wires for corrosion by battery electrolyte, etc. 3. Check terminals and wires for open circuit or impending open circuit. 4. Check wire insulation and coating for damage, cracks and de- grading. 5. Check conductive parts of terminals for contact with other metallic parts (vehicle body and other parts). 6. Check grounding parts to verify that there is complete conti- nuity between attaching bolt(s) and vehicle body. 7. Check for incorrect wiring. 8. Check that wirings are so clamped as to prevent contact with sharp corners of the vehicle body, etc. or hot parts (exhaust manifold, pipe, etc.). 9. Check that wirings are clamped firmly to secure enough clear- ance from the fan pulley, fan belt and other rotating or moving parts. 10. Check that the wirings between the fixed parts such as the vehicle body and the vibrating parts such as the engine are made with adequate allowance for vibrations. HANDLING ON-VEHICLE BATTERY When checking or servicing does not require power from the on- vehicle battery, be sure to disconnect the cable from the battery (-) terminal. This is to prevent problems that could be caused by shorting of the circuit. Disconnect the (-1 terminal first and recon- nect it last. Caution 1. Before connecting or disconnecting the negative cable, be sure to turn off the ignition switch and the lighting switch. (If this is not done, there is the possibility of semicon- ductor parts being damaged.) 2. For MFI-equipped models, after completion of the work steps [when the battery's negative (-) terminal is connected], warm up the engine and allow it to idle for approximately five minutes under the conditions des- cribed below, in order to stabilize engine control conditions, and then check to be sure that the idling is satisfactory. Engine coolant temperature: 85-95X (185-203