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                                                                       AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION
                                                                                                      SECTION                    AT                              B



INDEX FOR DTC ....................................................... 5  .         Accurate Repair ..................................................... 43
                                                                                                                                                         .        F
  Alphabetical Index ................................................... 5
                                                                         .         A/T Electrical Parts Location ................................. 48    .
  DTC No. Index ........................................................ 6
                                                                         .         Circuit Diagram ...................................................... 49
PRECAUTIONS ......................................................... 7  .         Inspections Before Trouble Diagnosis ................... 50           .       G
  Precautions for Supplemental Restraint System                                    Check Before Engine is Started ............................. 54       .
  (SRS) "AIR BAG" and "SEAT BELT PRE-TEN-                                          Check at Idle .......................................................... 54
  SIONER" ................................................................. 7
                                                                         .         Cruise Test - Part 1 ................................................ 55
  Precautions for On Board Diagnostic (OBD) System                                 Cruise Test - Part 2 ................................................ 57
  of A/T and Engine ................................................... 7.         Cruise Test - Part 3 ................................................ 58
  Precautions ............................................................. 8
                                                                         .         Vehicle Speed at Which Gear Shifting Occurs ...... 60                 .
  Service Notice or Precautions ................................. 9      .         Vehicle Speed at Which Lock-up Occurs/Releases 60                     ...      I
  Wiring Diagrams and Trouble Diagnosis ................. 9              .         Symptom Chart ...................................................... 61
PREPARATION ........................................................ 10  .         TCM Input/Output Signal Reference Values .......... 83                .
  Special Service Tools ............................................ 10  .         CONSULT-II Function (A/T) ................................... 84      .        J
  Commercial Service Tools ..................................... 12      .         Diagnostic Procedure Without CONSULT-II .......... 98                 .
A/T FLUID ................................................................ 13
                                                                         .        DTC U1000 CAN COMMUNICATION LINE ........... 100                       .
  Changing A/T Fluid ............................................... 13  .         Description ........................................................... 100
  Checking A/T Fluid ................................................ 13 .         On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 100      .
  A/T Fluid Cooler Cleaning ..................................... 13     .         Possible Cause .................................................... 100
A/T CONTROL SYSTEM ......................................... 16          .         DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 100         .
  Cross-Sectional View ............................................ 16   .         Wiring Diagram -- AT -- CAN ............................. 101         .        L
  Shift Mechanism .................................................... 18.         Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 102   .
  TCM Function ........................................................ 29
                                                                         .        DTC P0615 START SIGNAL CIRCUIT .................. 103                  .
  CAN Communication ............................................. 30     .         Description ........................................................... 103
                                                                                                                                                         .       M
  Input/Output Signal of TCM ................................... 30      .         CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 103          .
  Line Pressure Control ........................................... 31   .         On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 103      .
  Shift Control .......................................................... 32
                                                                         .         Possible Cause .................................................... 103
  Lock-up Control ..................................................... 33
                                                                         .         DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 103         .
  Engine Brake Control ............................................ 34   .         Wiring Diagram -- AT -- STSIG ......................... 104           .
  Control Valve ......................................................... 35
                                                                         .         Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 105   .
ON BOARD DIAGNOSTIC (OBD) SYSTEM ........... 37                          .        DTC P0700 TCM .................................................... 107 .
  Introduction ........................................................... 37
                                                                         .         Description ........................................................... 107
  OBD-II Function for A/T System ............................ 37         .         On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 107      .
  One or Two Trip Detection Logic of OBD-II ........... 37               .         Possible Cause .................................................... 107
  OBD-II Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) ................ 37               .         DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 107         .
  Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) .......................... 40         .         Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 107   .
TROUBLE DIAGNOSIS ........................................... 41         .        DTC P0705 PARK/NEUTRAL POSITION SWITCH. 108
  DTC Inspection Priority Chart ............................... 41       .         Description ........................................................... 108
  Fail-Safe ................................................................ 41
                                                                         .         CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 108          .
  How To Perform Trouble Diagnosis For Quick and                                   On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 108      .

Revision: November 2005                                                      AT-1                                                       2005 Pathfinder
  Possible Cause .................................................... 108 .        On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 127       .
  DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 108           .        Possible Cause .................................................... 127.
  Wiring Diagram -- AT -- PNP/SW ...................... 109               .        DTC Confirmation Procedure ............................... 127         .
  Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 110     .        Diagnostic Procedure ........................................... 128   .
DTC P0720 VEHICLE SPEED SENSOR A/T (REV-                                          DTC P1710 A/T FLUID TEMPERATURE SENSOR
OLUTION SENSOR) .............................................. 112        .       CIRCUIT ................................................................. 130
  Description ........................................................... 112
                                                                          .        Description ........................................................... 130
  CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 112            .        CONSULT-II Reference Value .............................. 130          .
  On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 112        .        On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 130       .
  Possible Cause .................................................... 112 .        Possible Cause .................................................... 130.
  DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 112           .        DTC Confirmation Procedure ............................... 130         .
  Wiring Diagram -- AT -- VSSA/T ........................ 114             .        Wiring Diagram -- AT -- FTS .............................. 131         .
  Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 115     .        Diagnostic Procedure ........................................... 132   .
DTC P0725 ENGINE SPEED SIGNAL .................. 117                      .        Component Inspection ......................................... 134     .
  Description ........................................................... 117
                                                                          .       DTC P1716 TURBINE REVOLUTION SENSOR ... 135                             .
  CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 117            .        Description ........................................................... 135
  On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 117        .        CONSULT-II Reference Value .............................. 135          .
  Possible Cause .................................................... 117 .        On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 135       .
  DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 117           .        Possible Cause .................................................... 135.
  Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 118     .        DTC Confirmation Procedure ............................... 135         .
DTC P0740 TORQUE CONVERTER CLUTCH                                                  Diagnostic Procedure ........................................... 136   .
SOLENOID VALVE ................................................ 119       .       DTC P1721 VEHICLE SPEED SENSOR MTR ...... 137                           .
  Description ........................................................... 119
                                                                          .        Description ........................................................... 137
  CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 119            .        CONSULT-II Reference Value .............................. 137          .
  On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 119        .        On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 137       .
  Possible Cause .................................................... 119 .        Possible Cause .................................................... 137.
  DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 119           .        DTC Confirmation Procedure ............................... 137         .
  Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 120     .        Diagnostic Procedure ........................................... 138   .
DTC P0744 A/T TCC S/V FUNCTION (LOCK-UP). 121                                     DTC P1730 A/T INTERLOCK ................................ 139            .
  Description ........................................................... 121
                                                                          .        Description ........................................................... 139
  CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 121            .        On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 139       .
  On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 121        .        Possible Cause .................................................... 139.
  Possible Cause .................................................... 121 .        DTC Confirmation Procedure ............................... 139         .
  DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 121           .        Judgement of A/T Interlock .................................. 140      .
  Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 122     .        Diagnostic Procedure ........................................... 140   .
DTC P0745 LINE PRESSURE SOLENOID VALVE. 123                                       DTC P1731 A/T 1ST ENGINE BRAKING .............. 142                     .
  Description ........................................................... 123
                                                                          .        Description ........................................................... 142
  CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 123            .        CONSULT-II Reference Value .............................. 142          .
  On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 123        .        On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 142       .
  Possible Cause .................................................... 123 .        Possible Cause .................................................... 142.
  DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 123           .        DTC Confirmation Procedure ............................... 142         .
  Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 124     .        Diagnostic Procedure ........................................... 143   .
DTC P1702 TRANSMISSION CONTROL MODULE                                             DTC P1752 INPUT CLUTCH SOLENOID VALVE . 144
(RAM) ..................................................................... 125
                                                                          .        Description ........................................................... 144
  Description ........................................................... 125
                                                                          .        CONSULT-II Reference Value .............................. 144          .
  On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 125        .        On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 144       .
  Possible Cause .................................................... 125 .        Possible Cause .................................................... 144.
  DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 125           .        DTC Confirmation Procedure ............................... 144         .
  Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 125     .        Diagnostic Procedure ........................................... 145   .
DTC P1703 TRANSMISSION CONTROL MODULE                                             DTC P1754 INPUT CLUTCH SOLENOID VALVE
(ROM) ..................................................................... 126
                                                                          .       FUNCTION ............................................................. 146
  Description ........................................................... 126
                                                                          .        Description ........................................................... 146
  On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 126        .        CONSULT-II Reference Value .............................. 146          .
  Possible Cause .................................................... 126 .        On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 146       .
  DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 126           .        Possible Cause .................................................... 146.
  Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 126     .        DTC Confirmation Procedure ............................... 146         .
DTC P1705 THROTTLE POSITION SENSOR ...... 127                             .        Diagnostic Procedure ........................................... 147   .
  Description ........................................................... 127
                                                                          .       DTC P1757 FRONT BRAKE SOLENOID VALVE .. 148                             .
  CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 127            .        Description ........................................................... 148

Revision: November 2005                                                      AT-2                                                        2005 Pathfinder
 CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 148            .        DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 162         .
 On Board Diagnosis Logic .................................. 148         .        Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 163   .       A
 Possible Cause ................................................... 148  .       DTC P1841 ATF PRESSURE SWITCH 1 .............. 164                     .
 DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 148           .        Description ........................................................... 164
 Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 149     .        CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 164          .       B
DTC P1759 FRONT BRAKE SOLENOID VALVE                                              On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 164      .
FUNCTION ............................................................. 150
                                                                         .        Possible Cause .................................................... 164
 Description .......................................................... 150
                                                                         .        DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 164         .
 CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 150            .        Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 165   .       AT
 On Board Diagnosis Logic .................................. 150         .       DTC P1843 ATF PRESSURE SWITCH 3 .............. 166                     .
 Possible Cause ................................................... 150  .        Description ........................................................... 166
 DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 150           .        CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 166          .       D
 Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 151     .        On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 166      .
DTC P1762 DIRECT CLUTCH SOLENOID VALVE 152                               .        Possible Cause .................................................... 166
 Description .......................................................... 152
                                                                         .        DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 166         .       E
 CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 152            .        Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 167   .
 On Board Diagnosis Logic .................................. 152         .       DTC P1845 ATF PRESSURE SWITCH 5 .............. 168                     .
 Possible Cause ................................................... 152  .        Description ........................................................... 168
 DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 152           .        CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 168          .        F
 Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 153     .        On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 168      .
DTC P1764 DIRECT CLUTCH SOLENOID VALVE                                            Possible Cause .................................................... 168
FUNCTION ............................................................. 154
                                                                         .        DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 168         .       G
 Description .......................................................... 154
                                                                         .        Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 169   .
 CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 154            .       DTC P1846 ATF PRESSURE SWITCH 6 .............. 170                     .
 On Board Diagnosis Logic .................................. 154         .        Description ........................................................... 170
                                                                                                                                                        .       H
 Possible Cause ................................................... 154  .        CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 170          .
 DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 154           .        On Board Diagnosis Logic ................................... 170      .
 Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 155     .        Possible Cause .................................................... 170
DTC P1767 HIGH AND LOW REVERSE CLUTCH                                             DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 170         .
SOLENOID VALVE ................................................ 156      .        Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 171   .
 Description .......................................................... 156
                                                                         .       MAIN POWER SUPPLY AND GROUND CIRCUIT. 172
 CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 156            .        Wiring Diagram -- AT -- MAIN ........................... 172          .        J
 On Board Diagnosis Logic .................................. 156         .        Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 173   .
 Possible Cause ................................................... 156  .       CLOSED THROTTLE POSITION AND WIDE OPEN
 DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 156           .       THROTTLE POSITION CIRCUIT ........................... 176              .       K
 Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 157     .        CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 176          .
DTC P1769 HIGH AND LOW REVERSE CLUTCH                                             Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 176   .
SOLENOID VALVE FUNCTION ............................ 158                 .       BRAKE SIGNAL CIRCUIT ..................................... 177         .
 Description .......................................................... 158
                                                                         .        CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 177          .
 CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 158            .        Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 177   .
 On Board Diagnosis Logic .................................. 158         .       OVERDRIVE CONTROL SWITCH ........................ 178                  .
 Possible Cause ................................................... 158  .        CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 178          .       M
 DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 158           .        Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 178   .
 Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 159     .       TROUBLE DIAGNOSIS FOR SYMPTOMS ........... 180                         .
DTC P1772 LOW COAST BRAKE SOLENOID                                                Wiring Diagram -- AT -- NONDTC ..................... 180              .
VALVE .................................................................... 160
                                                                         .        O/D OFF Indicator Lamp Does Not Come On ..... 183                     .
 Description .......................................................... 160
                                                                         .        Engine Cannot Be Started In "P" or "N" Position . 184
 CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 160            .        In "P" Position, Vehicle Moves When Pushed ..... 185                  .
 On Board Diagnosis Logic .................................. 160         .        In "N" Position, Vehicle Moves ............................. 186      .
 Possible Cause ................................................... 160  .        Large Shock ("N" to "D" Position) ........................ 187        .
 DTC Confirmation Procedure .............................. 160           .        Vehicle Does Not Creep Backward In "R" Position 189                   .
 Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 161     .        Vehicle Does Not Creep Forward In "D" Position . 192
DTC P1774 LOW COAST BRAKE SOLENOID                                                Vehicle Cannot Be Started From D1 .................... 194            .
VALVE FUNCTION ................................................ 162      .        A/T Does Not Shift: D1  D 2 ............................... 196       .
 Description .......................................................... 162
                                                                         .        A/T Does Not Shift: D2  D 3 ............................... 198       .
 CONSULT-II Reference Value ............................. 162            .        A/T Does Not Shift: D3  D 4 ............................... 200       .
 On Board Diagnosis Logic .................................. 162         .        A/T Does Not Shift: D4  D 5 ............................... 202       .
 Possible Cause ................................................... 162  .        A/T Does Not Perform Lock-up ........................... 204          .
                                                                                  A/T Does Not Hold Lock-up Condition ................. 206             .

Revision: November 2005                                                     AT-3                                                       2005 Pathfinder
 Lock-up Is Not Released ..................................... 208       .        Components ......................................................... 251
 Engine Speed Does Not Return to Idle ............... 209                .        Oil Channel .......................................................... 259
 A/T Does Not Shift: 5th gear  4th gear ............. 211                .        Locations of Adjusting Shims, Needle Bearings,
 A/T Does Not Shift: 4th gear  3rd gear ............. 213                .        Thrust Washers and Snap Rings ......................... 261           .
 A/T Does Not Shift: 3rd gear  2nd gear ............ 215                 .       DISASSEMBLY ...................................................... 263 .
 A/T Does Not Shift: 2nd gear  1st gear ............ 217                 .        Disassembly ......................................................... 263
 Vehicle Does Not Decelerate By Engine Brake ... 219                     .       REPAIR FOR COMPONENT PARTS ..................... 280                   .
SHIFT CONTROL SYSTEM ................................... 221             .        Oil Pump .............................................................. 280
 Control Device Removal and Installation ............. 221               .        Front Sun Gear, 3rd One-Way Clutch .................. 283             .
 Adjustment of A/T Position .................................. 222       .        Front Carrier, Input Clutch, Rear Internal Gear .... 285              .
 Checking of A/T Position ..................................... 222      .        Mid Sun Gear, Rear Sun Gear, High and Low
A/T SHIFT LOCK SYSTEM .................................... 223           .        Reverse Clutch Hub ............................................. 290  .
 Description ........................................................... 223
                                                                         .        High and Low Reverse Clutch ............................. 295         .
 Shift Lock System Electrical Parts Location ........ 223                .        Direct Clutch ........................................................ 297
 Wiring Diagram -- A/T -- SHIFT ......................... 224            .       ASSEMBLY ............................................................ 299
 Diagnostic Procedure .......................................... 225     .        Assembly (1) ........................................................ 299
KEY INTERLOCK CABLE ..................................... 228            .        Adjustment ........................................................... 312
 Components ........................................................ 228 .        Assembly (2) ........................................................ 314
 Removal and Installation ..................................... 229      .       SERVICE DATA AND SPECIFICATIONS (SDS) ... 321                          .
ON-VEHICLE SERVICE ......................................... 231         .        General Specifications ......................................... 321  .
 Oil Pan ................................................................. 231
                                                                         .        Vehicle Speed at Which Gear Shifting Occurs ..... 321                 .
 Control Valve With TCM and A/T Fluid Temperature                                 Vehicle Speed at Which Lock-up Occurs/Releases.322
 Sensor 2 .............................................................. 233
                                                                         .        Stall Speed ........................................................... 322
 Rear Oil Seal ....................................................... 242
                                                                         .        Line Pressure ....................................................... 322
AIR BREATHER HOSE .......................................... 243         .        A/T Fluid Temperature Sensor ............................. 322        .
 Removal and Installation ..................................... 243      .        Turbine Revolution Sensor ................................... 322     .
TRANSMISSION ASSEMBLY ............................... 245                .        Vehicle Speed Sensor A/T (Revolution Sensor) .. 323                   .
 Removal and Installation (4x2) ............................ 245         .        Reverse brake ...................................................... 323
 Removal and Installation (4x4) ............................ 248         .        Total End Play ...................................................... 323
OVERHAUL ............................................................ 251.

Revision: November 2005                                                     AT-4                                                       2005 Pathfinder
                                                    INDEX FOR DTC

INDEX FOR DTC                                                                                                        PFP:00024
Alphabetical Index                                                                                                          UCS0030Z

If DTC U1000 is displayed with other DTC, first perform the trouble diagnosis for DTC U1000. Refer to                                  B
                     Items                                                                                                             AT
                                                                OBD- II                     Except OBD- II     Reference page
             (CONSULT- II screen terms)
                                                         CONSULT- II GST (*1)         CONSULT- II only "A/T"
 A/T 1ST E/BRAKING                                                 --                          P1731               AT-142
 ATF PRES SW 1/CIRC                                                --                          P1841               AT-164
 ATF PRES SW 3/CIRC                                                --                          P1843               AT-166
 ATF PRES SW 5/CIRC                                                --                          P1845               AT-168              E
 ATF PRES SW 6/CIRC                                                --                          P1846               AT-170
 A/T INTERLOCK                                                   P1730                         P1730               AT-139
 A/T TCC S/V FNCTN                                               P0744                         P0744               AT-121
 ATF TEMP SEN/CIRC                                               P0710                         P1710               AT-130
 CAN COMM CIRCUIT                                                U1000                         U1000               AT-100              G
 D/C SOLENOID/CIRC                                               P1762                         P1762               AT-152
 D/C SOLENOID FNCTN                                           P1764 (*2 )                      P1764               AT-154
 ENGINE SPEED SIG                                                  --                          P0725               AT-117
 FR/B SOLENOID/CIRC                                              P1757                         P1757               AT-148
 FR/B SOLENOID FNCT                                              P1759                         P1759               AT-150
 HLR/C SOL/CIRC                                                  P1767                         P1767               AT-156
 HLR/C SOL FNCTN                                               P1769 (*2)                      P1769               AT-158
 I/C SOLENOID/CIRC                                               P1752                         P1752               AT-144               J
 I/C SOLENOID FNCTN                                            P1754 (*2)                      P1754               AT-146
 L/PRESS SOL/CIRC                                                P0745                         P0745               AT-123
 LC/B SOLENOID/CIRC                                              P1772                         P1772               AT-160
 LC/B SOLENOID FNCT                                              P1774                         P1774               AT-162
 PNP SW/CIRC                                                     P0705                         P0705               AT-108               L
 STARTER RELAY/CIRC                                                --                          P0615               AT-103
 TCC SOLENOID/CIRC                                               P0740                         P0740               AT-119
 TCM                                                             P0700                         P0700               AT-107

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