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This repair manual covers Disassembly, Inspection and As-
sembly procedures for the following Automatic Transaxles:

   Automatic Transmission            Applicable Model
           A540E                        '91 Camry

For On-vehicle Servicing (Inspection, Adjustment, Trouble-
shooting, Removal and Installation) of Automatic Transaxle,
refer to the repair manual for the applicable vehicle model.

                   Pub. Name                      Pub. No.
  '91 Camry Repair Manual                         RM199U

All information contained in this manual is the most up-to-data
at the time of publication. However, specifications and proce-
dures are subject to change without notice.

                       TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION
                                               INTRODUCTION    -   How to Use This Manual

                                                       HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL
                                                       To assist you in finding your way through the manual, the
                                                       Section Title and major heading are given at the top of every

                                                       An INDEX is provided on the 1st page of each section to
                                                       guide you to the item to be repaired.
                                                       REPAIR PROCEDURES
                                                       Most repair operations begin with an overview illustration.
                                                       It identifies the components and shows how the parts fit


                                                                                              100 (7, 10)

                                                                       Stator Shaft
                                                    Driven Gear
                          Pump Body

                                                                                                            Oil Seal Ring

                                                                                            Thrust Washer

                                                                Drive Gear

          Oil Seal


   kg-cm (ft-lb, N-m)   : Specified torque
   Non-reusable part
                       INTRODUCTION   -   How to Use This Manual

                           The procedures are presented in a step-by-step format:
                            R   Illustration shows what to do and where to do it.
                            R   The task heading tells what to do.
                            R   The detailed text tells how to perform the task and
                                gives other information such as specifications and

                                                                       Task heading: what to do

                           7.   CHECK PISTON STROKE OF FORWARD CLUTCH
                                If replacing the disc, plate or flange, check the piston
                                                                   Detail text: how to do it
what to do and where            Using a dial indicator (long type pick or SST), measure
                                the forward clutch piston stroke applying and releasing
                                the compressed air (4 - 8 kg/cm2, 57 - 114 psi or 392
                                - 785 kPa) as shown.
                                SST 09350-32014 (09351-32190)

                                Set part No.                Component part No.
                                 Piston stroke: 1.41 - 1.82 mm (0.0555 - 0.0717 in.)
                            This format provides the experienced technician with a FAST
                            TRACK to the information needed. The upper case task head-
                            ing can be read at a glance and only when necessary, the text
                            below it provides detailed information. Important specifications
                            and warnings always stand out in bold type.

                            References have been kept to a minimum. However, when
                            they are required you are given the page to go to.

                            Specifications are presented in bold type throughout the text in
                            the applicable step. You never have to leave the procedure to
                            look up your specs. All specifications are also found in Appen-
                            dix A, specifications for quick reference.
                            CAUTIONS, NOTICES, HINTS:
                             R  CAUTIONS are presented in bold type, and indicate
                                there is a possibility of injury to you or other people.
                             R  NOTICES are also presented in bold type, and indicate
                                the possibility of damage to the components being re-
                             R  HINTS are separated from the text but do not appear in
                                bold. They provide additional information to help you effi-
                                ciently perform the repair.
                                INTRODUCTION    -   General Repair Instructions

                                     GENERAL REPAIR INSTRUCTIONS
                                     1.   Use fender, seat and floor covers to keep the vehicle
                                          clean and prevent damage.
                                     2.   During disassembly, keep parts in order to facilitate
                                     3.   Observe the following:
                                          (a)       Before performing electrical work, disconnect the
                                                    negative cable four the battery terminal.
                                          (b)       If it is necessary to disconnect the battery for in-
                                                    spection or repair, always disconnect the cable from
                                                    the negative (-) terminal which is grounded to the
                                                    vehicle body.
                                          (c)       To prevent damage to the battery terminal post,
                                                    loosen the terminal nut and raise the cable straight
                                                    up without twisting it or prying it.
                                          (d)       Clean the battery terminal posts and cable termi-
                                                    nals with a shop rag. Do not scrape them with a file
                                                    or other abrasive object.
                                          (e)   Install the cable terminal to the battery post with the
                                                nut loose, and tighten the nut after installation. Do
                                                not use a hammer or such to tap the terminal onto
                                                the post.
                                          (f)   Be sure the cover for the positive (+) terminals are
                                                properly in place.
                                     4.   Check hoses and wiring connectors to make sure
                                          that they are secure and correct.
                                     5.   Non-reusable parts
                                          (a)  Always replace cotter pins, gaskets, O-rings and oil
                                               seals etc. with new ones.
                                          (b) Non-reusable parts are indicated in the component
                                               illustrations by the "" symbol.
                                     6.   Precoated parts
       Seal Lock Adhesive                 Precoated parts are the bolts and nuts, which have
                                          been coated with a seal lock adhesive at the factory.
                                          (a)       If a precoated part is retightened, loosened or
                                                    caused to move in any way, it must be recoated
                                                    with the specified adhesive.
                                          (b)       Recoating of precoated parts
                                                    (1)    Clean off the old adhesive from the bolt, nut
                                                           or installation part threads.
                                                    (2)    Dry with compressed air.
                                                    (3)   Apply the specified seal lock adhesive to the
                                                          bolt or nut threads.
                                          (c)       Precoated parts are indicated in the component il-
                                                    lustrations by the "f" symbol.
INTRODUCTION   -   General Repair Instructions

     7.    When necessary, use a sealer on gaskets to prevent
     8.    Carefully observe all specifications for bolt tighten-
           ing torques. Always use a torque wrench.
     9.    Use of special service tools (SST) and special ser-
           vice materials (SSM) may be required, depending on
           the nature of the repair. Be sure to use SST and SSM
           where specified and follow the proper work proce-
           dure. A list of SST and SSM can be found at the back
           of this manual.
     10.   When replacing fuses, be sure the new fuse has the
           correct amperage rating. DO NOT exceed the fuse
           amp rating or use one of a lower rating.
     11.   Care must be taken when jacking up and supporting
           the vehicle. Be sure to lift and support the vehicle at
           the proper locations.
           (a) If the vehicle is to be jacked up only at the front or
                 rear end, be sure to block the wheels in order to
                 ensure safety.
           (b) After the vehicle is jacked up, be sure to support it
                 on stands. It is extremely dangerous to do any
                 work on the vehicle raised on jack alone, even for a
                 small job that can be finished quickly.
          INTRODUCTION   -   Abbreviations Used in This Manual

              A/T ATM             Automatic Transmission
              ATF                 Automatic Transmission Fluid
              B0                  Overdrive Brake
              B1                  Second Coast Brake
              B2                  Second Brake
              B3                  First and Reverse Brake
              C0                  Overdrive Clutch
              C1                  Forward Clutch
              C2                  Direct Clutch
              D                   Disc
              D/F                 Differential
              LH                  Left
              MP                  Multipurpose
              O/D                 Overdrive
              P                   Plate
              RH                  Right
              SSM                 Special Service Materials
              SST                 Special Service Tools
                          AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE           -   Preparation


    Illustration     Part No.              Part Name                        Note

                                     Crankshaft Front &
                   09226 - 10010     Rear Bearing Replacer

                   09240 - 00020     Wire Gauge Set

                   09308 - 00010     Oil Seal Puller

                                     Transfer Bearing
                   09316 - 12010     Replacer

                                     Transfer Bearing
                   09316 - 20011     Replacer

                                     Transmission &
                   09316 - 60010     Transfer Bearing

                   (09316 - 00010)   (Replacer Pipe)

                   (09316 - 00040)   (Replacer "C")

                   (09316 - 00060)   (Replacer "E")

                                     Transfer Bearing
                   09318 - 12010     Adjusting Nut Wrench

                                     Transmission Oil
                   09325 - 12010     Plug

                                     Transmission Oil
                    09325 - 20010    Plug

                                     Output Shaft Bearing
                   09326 - 20011     Lock Nut Wrench

                                     Companion Flange
                    09330 - 00021    Holding Tool

                                     TOYOTA Automatic
                    09350 - 32014    Transmission Tool
                               AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE             -   Preparation


        Illustration      Part No.             Part Name                         Note

                       (09308 - 10010)   (Oil Seal Puller)

                       (09351 - 32032)   Counter Driven Gear
                                         Holding Tool

                       (09351 - 32040)   No. 1 Piston Spring

                       (09351 - 32050)   (Snap Ring Expander)

                       (09351 - 32061)   (Oil Pump Puller)

                       (09351 - 32070)   No. 2 Piston Spring

                       (09351 - 32080)   (Lock Nut Wrench)

                                         Oil Seal Remover
                       (09351 - 32090)   & Replacer

                                         Drive Pinion Bearing
                       (09351 - 32100)   Replacer

                                         Side Bearing Race
                       (09351 - 32111)   Replacer

                                         Overdrive Bearing
                       (09351 - 32120)   Replacer

                       (09351 - 32140)   (Oil Seal Replacer)

                       (09351 - 32150)   (Oil Seal Replacer)

                       (09351 - 32190)   (Measure Terminal)

                                         No. 3 Piston Spring
                       (09351 - 32200)   Compressor
                                                                                                                AT-1 1
                          AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE               -   Preparation


    Illustration     Part No.              Part Name                                           Note

                                     Differential Bearing
                   09502 - 12010     Replacer

                                     Differential Drive
                   09506 - 35010     Pinion Rear Bearing

                                     Differential Side Gear
                   09520 - 32012     Shaft Puller

                                     Front Hub Bearing
                   09608 - 30022     Replacer Set

                   (09550 - 00050)   (Replacer)

                   (09608 - 05010)   (Handle)

                                     Steering Knuckle
                   09608 - 32010     Oil Seal Replacer

                                     Axle Hub & Drive                  A540H
                   09608 - 35014     Pinion Bearing
                                     Tool Set

                   (09608 - 06020)   (Handle)

                                     Front Hub Outer
                   (09608 - 06120)   Bearing Cup Replacer

                                                                       Remove pinion shaft Bearing outer race
                                     Steering Worm
                   09612 - 65014     Bearing Puller

                   09950 - 00020     Bearing Remover

                                     Bearing Remover
                   09950 - 00030     Attachment

                   09950 - 20017     Universal Puller
                                         AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE      -     Preparation


                  Part Name                        Part No.                                          Use etc.

                                                                      Transfer right case 

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