Service Manuals, User Guides, Schematic Diagrams or docs for : . Electronic Components Datasheets Passive components capacitors CDD T Tocon 2009 NP1
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Good luck. Repair on Your own risk. Make sure You know what You are doing.
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NP Series
1 0 51 0 0 0 h o u rs a ssu re d ,sta n d a rd
n o n -p o la rize d se rie s
S u ita b le fo r u se in circu its w h ich
h a s a re ve rse d o r u n kn o w n p o la rity
R o H S co m p lia n ce .
Ite m s C h a ra cte ristics
C ategory T em perature R ange -40~+105
C apacitance T olerance +20% (20 , 120H z)
R ated voltage 100V >100V
Tim e after 2m inutes after 5m inutes
Leak age C urrent(M A X ) I=0.03C V or 4(
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